- Install Bundler gem:
gem install bundler
- Install dependencies:
bundle install
- Write tests and production code!
- Bump version: edit version file
- Run tests:
bundle exec rspec
- Build the gem:
gem build newrelic-fluentd-output.gemspec
NOTE: Be mindful that if you are using 'match **', that using log.info
in the plugin can cause an unintended
Sorcerer's Apprentice Syndrome issue where exponentially larger copies of log messages are sent until the
td-agent is unloaded. To prevent this, use match tags specific to your source (so use <match tag_from_your_source>
instead of <match **>
), so that your output plugin does not also pick up things that Fluentd logs.
brew cask install td-agent
sudo vi /etc/td-agent/td-agent.conf
- Add the following:
@type tail
format none
path /usr/local/var/log/test.log
tag test
<match test>
@type newrelic
api_key (your-api-key)
- Stop Fluentd:
sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/td-agent.plist
- Remove previous version:
sudo /opt/td-agent/usr/sbin/td-agent-gem uninstall fluent-plugin-newrelic
- Add new version:
sudo /opt/td-agent/usr/sbin/td-agent-gem install fluent-plugin-newrelic-<version>.gem
- Start Fluentd:
sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/td-agent.plist
- Make sure things start up OK:
tail -f /var/log/td-agent/td-agent.log
- Cause a change that you've configured Fluentd to pick up: (
echo "FluentdTest" >> /usr/local/var/log/test.log
- Look in
for your log message ("FluentdTest")