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Image / Video classification and description using tensorflow

This is a python3 / tensorflow implementation of the architectures described in Donahue et al. 2015 for image & video classification and description.


  • Use the script to begin the execution of a workflow.
  • Use the config.ini files to provide execution or serialization parameters to the associated scripts. Parameter values should be python3 code.
  • You can see non-primitive supported parameters and options in utils_.defs

Data preprocessing :

Tensorflow recommended serialization format is the TFRecord . You can serialize a list of images or videos by using the script.

To serialize a list of items (images or videos), provide a file to the input_files ini variable, containing file paths followed by their label index(es). You can find examples in examples/test_run folder per data and workflow type. Use the path_prepend_folder variable to complete relative paths in the input files, if necessary. Each file path should contain an image name or a folder containing video frames. The former's encoding should be specified at the frame_format ini variable. If the entries in the input files do not match the given frame_format, it is assumed they represent video folders. Frames in each video folder should be named as N.fmt, N={1,2,...} and fmt the image encoding. Miscellaneous variables are:

Resources and workflow control:

  • num_threads: number of threads to use for serialization
  • num_items_per_thread : max number of videos or images assigned per thread
  • do_shuffle, do_serialze: Shuffle the paths within each file, do the serialization.

You can control how and which frames are selected from all available frames within a video folder. Clips refer to an ordered collection of sequential frames.

The major clip and / or frame generation modes for each video (defs.clipframe_mode) are:

  • rand_frames: Select (unique) frames randomly
  • rand_clips: Select (non-unique) clips randomly
  • iterative: Select clips starting from the first frame, leaving a fixed frame offset between clips

Variables for video generation are :

  • clip_offset_or_num: Either the number of clips for rand_clips generation, or the frame offset between clips, for iterative
  • num_frames_per_clip: Either the number of frames within each clip.
  • raw_image_shape: Image resize dimensions
  • clipframe_mode: The clip / frame generation mode
  • frame_format: The image format

The generated files for an input of data.train include

  • data.train.shuffled: the output shuffled paths, if do_shuffle is enabled
  • data.train.tfrecord: the tfrecord serialization, if do_serialize is enabled
  • data.train.tfrecord.size: metadata containing the number of items, the number of frames per video and the number of clips of video, for a .tfrecord file.

Workflows :

Available workflows are defined in defs.workflows and explained below.

Activity recognition

The activity recognition workflows classify videos to a predifined number of classes. It can be instantiated by the following two workflows.

Activity recognition/Single-frame

The single-frame workflow uses an Alexnet DCNN to classify each video frame individually. Video-level predictions are produced by pooling the predicted label of each video frame using an aggregation method defined in defs.pooling.

Activity recognition/LSTM

The lstm workflow uses an LSTM to classify a video taking into account the temporal dynamics across the video frames. Per-frame predictions are pooled similarly to the single-frame case.

Image description

The image description workflow produces captions for a given input image. During training, an (image,caption) tuple is suppled to the workflow. The image is encoded into a feature vector using an DCNN and each word in the caption is encoded to a vector using an embedding matrix and a vocabulary pre-computed on the training data.

Image description/Step

In the the Step workflow, the image vector is then duplicated to the number of words in the caption and concatenated to the embedding of each word. The merged vectors are fed into an LSTM, the outputs of which are passed through a linear prediction layer. The latter produces logits vector on the vocabulary, from which we sample the most probable predicted caption, according to strategies defined in defs.caption_search.

Image description/State

The state workflow feeds the visual input as a bias to the initial state of the LSTM, instead of supplying a duplicate at each step in the input. The rest of the workflow is identical to the previous one.

During validation, the input image is encoded and merged to a special Beginning-Of-Sequence (BOS) character. The output of each step is fed as input to the next, until an End-Of-Sequence character is generated, or we reach a maximum caption length.

Image caption annotations, vocabulary generation and caption-vocabulary mapping processing is performed by Association with word embeddings is done by

Video description

The video description workflow produces captions for given input video frames.

Video description/Pooling

This approach pools video the dcnn-encoded frames into a single vector in an early fusion manner and then proceeds as the image description workflow.

Video description/Encoder-decoder

The encoder-decoder workflow proceeds to produce a fixed vector representation from the dcnn-encoded video frames using an LSTM encoder scheme. The encoder final state contains spatiotemporal information from the video input, and is passed as the input state to the decoder LSTM. The decoder is fed the encoded caption words, as per the image description workflow but excluding the visual information from the input.