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Bing Wallpaper Archive
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"url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/BR/pt/2024-01-01.jpg"
- "title": "Caminho da Costa da Cornualha coberto de neve, Land's End, Cornualha, Inglaterra",
+ "title": "Mercado de Natal de Sibiu, Romênia",
"caption": null,
- "subtitle": "Land's End, Cornualha, Inglaterra",
- "copyright": "© Josef FitzGerald-Patrick/Getty Images",
- "description": "Land's End, o cenário da imagem de hoje, é o ponto mais sudoeste da Grã-Bretanha e o destino ideal para quem busca uma história rica e vistas estonteantes. Com seu clima ameno e natureza preservada, esse pedaço da Cornualha era conhecido pelos gregos antigos e está presente nos contos lendários do rei Artur. Enquanto isso, o Brasil tem seu próprio \"fim da terra\" no Monte Caburaí, em Roraima, o ponto mais setentrional do país.\nAo contrário das falésias moldadas pelo vento e pelas ondas na Cornualha, o Caburaí esconde seus 1.456 metros de altura na densa selva tropical. E, se Land's End é conhecido pelas corridas beneficentes que começam ali e cruzam o país, o morro roraimense ganhou fama por \"corrigir\" uma das expressões mais famosas do Brasil: sua descoberta em 1998 transformou a conhecida \"do Oiapoque ao Chuí\" em \"do Caburaí ao Chuí\". Quem diria que um monte no meio da Amazônia poderia causar tanta confusão geográfica?",
+ "subtitle": "Que cidade europeia é esta?",
+ "copyright": "© Calin Stan/Alamy",
+ "description": "Entre no clima natalino! Sibiu, na Romênia, ganha um encanto todo especial no inverno com o seu famoso Mercado de Natal. De novembro a janeiro, a praça central se transforma em um espetáculo de luzes, com cabanas de madeira cheias de produtos artesanais e aromas irresistíveis no ar. Entre as delícias, o cozonac, pão doce tradicional, o vin fiert, vinho quente aromático, e os covrigi, pretzels fresquinhos, são os grandes protagonistas. A imponente árvore de Natal adiciona o toque final a essa experiência mágica.\nNo Brasil, as tradições romenas continuam a ser celebradas com entusiasmo, especialmente nas comunidades de São Paulo, Paraná e Rio Grande do Sul. O Natal é marcado por danças folclóricas, corais e, claro, o famoso cozonac nas mesas das famílias. Embora distantes geograficamente, essas celebrações mantêm viva a conexão com a cultura mãe, trazendo um pedacinho da Romênia para o clima quente do Brasil. Elas mostram como as tradições podem se reinventar e se espalhar, sem perder sua essência, em lugares distantes.",
"date": "2024-01-02",
- "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.CornwallSnow_PT-BR2427033237_UHD.jpg",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SibiuRomania_PT-BR7281120144_UHD.jpg",
"url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/BR/pt/2024-01-02.jpg"
@@ -2628,5 +2628,95 @@
"date": "2024-12-17",
"bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.ReinefjordenNorway_PT-BR6626525854_UHD.jpg",
"url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/BR/pt/2024-12-17.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "English National Ballet apresentando \"O Quebra-Nozes\"",
+ "caption": "Você vai amar este balé de Natal",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Caroline Holden/Alamy Stock Photo",
+ "description": "Quando dezembro chega, O Quebra-Nozes invade os palcos e corações, espalhando a magia natalina pelo mundo. Com sua música composta por Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky em 1892, o balé tem uma história curiosa: o compositor relutou em criar a obra, julgando o tema infantil demais. Mal sabia ele que Clara e o Príncipe Quebra-Nozes encantariam gerações com sua aventura para derrotar o Rei dos Ratos.",
+ "date": "2024-12-18",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.NutcrackerBallet_PT-BR8706469865_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/BR/pt/2024-12-18.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Mercado de Natal de Sibiu, Romênia",
+ "caption": "Cidade das luzes",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Calin Stan/Alamy",
+ "description": "Entre no clima natalino! Sibiu, na Romênia, ganha um encanto todo especial no inverno com o seu famoso Mercado de Natal. De novembro a janeiro, a praça central se transforma em um espetáculo de luzes, com cabanas de madeira cheias de produtos artesanais e aromas irresistíveis no ar. Entre as delícias, o cozonac, pão doce tradicional, o vin fiert, vinho quente aromático, e os covrigi, pretzels fresquinhos, são os grandes protagonistas. A imponente árvore de Natal adiciona o toque final a essa experiência mágica.",
+ "date": "2024-12-19",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SibiuRomania_PT-BR7281120144_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/BR/pt/2024-12-19.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Vila do Papai Noel em Rovaniemi, Lapônia, Finlândia",
+ "caption": "Luzes do Norte, sonhos do Sul",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Smelov/Shutterstock",
+ "description": "Na gelada Rovaniemi, na Finlândia, é sempre Natal. No coração do Círculo Polar Ártico, encontramos a Vila do Papai Noel, que encanta na imagem de hoje. Logo ao cruzar a linha do Ártico, somos transportados para um cenário fascinante, emoldurado pelo espetáculo da Aurora Boreal, visível em até 150 noites ao ano.",
+ "date": "2024-12-20",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SantaClausVillage_PT-BR7713817885_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/BR/pt/2024-12-20.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Vista aérea da Ilha Cataguás em Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro",
+ "caption": "Refresco para os olhos",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© R.M. Nunes/Alamy Stock Photo",
+ "description": "O verão está oficialmente entre nós e a Ilha Cataguás, no Rio de Janeiro, é o lugar perfeito para inaugurar a estação mais quente do ano! Com águas cristalinas e uma natureza de tirar o fôlego, a ilha é um verdadeiro deleite para os amantes de paisagens naturais. A Ilha Cataguás está a apenas 5 minutos de barco do centro de Angra dos Reis, e é uma das ilhas mais acessíveis da região. As águas turquesa ao redor da ilha são ideais para snorkel e mergulho livre, permitindo aos seus visitantes explorar tranquilamente a rica vida marinha, cheia de peixes tropicais, estrelas-do-mar e outros organismos marinhos.",
+ "date": "2024-12-21",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.InicioVerao2024_PT-BR9499376932_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/BR/pt/2024-12-21.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Árvore de Natal no Crystal Pier, Pacific Beach, San Diego, Califórnia, EUA",
+ "caption": "Areia, surfe e Papai Noel",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© SamAntonioPhotography/Getty Images",
+ "description": "Papai Noel vai precisar de um plano B para aterrissar em Pacific Beach, nos Estados Unidos. Sem neve e sem chaminés, ele encontra a magia do Natal em outros detalhes, como na imponente árvore de 6 metros no Crystal Pier, admirada na imagem de hoje. Desde 1927, esse longo píer encanta visitantes e, além de ser cenário de bailes e parques de diversões, hoje oferece acomodações perfeitas para quem quer adormecer embalado pelo som das ondas.",
+ "date": "2024-12-22",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.CrystalPier_PT-BR2585040756_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/BR/pt/2024-12-22.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Dois grous-da-manchúria em Kushiro, Hokkaido, Japão",
+ "caption": "Quando a natureza se veste de gala",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Wirestock, Inc./Alamy",
+ "description": "Uma ave tão elegante que parece ter saído de um baile formal: esse é o grou-da-manchúria, o risonho da imagem do dia nesta fria paisagem em Kushiro, no Japão. Com seu traje branco imaculado e uma coroa vermelha que brilha como um broche de rubi, esse pássaro asiático impressiona com seus 1,5 metros de altura. Entre os japoneses, ele é mais famoso que muitos astros do cinema, sendo símbolo de sorte e longevidade. Além de sua aparência, o grou se destaca por seus rituais de acasalamento, com passos graciosos e movimentos que misturam leveza e sofisticação – uma verdadeira dança de gala da natureza.",
+ "date": "2024-12-23",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.FestivusCranes_PT-BR2027410391_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/BR/pt/2024-12-23.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Cena de um mercado de Natal na Alemanha",
+ "caption": "Tenha uma noite feliz",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Cyril Gosselin/Getty Images",
+ "description": "Nos mercados de Natal da Alemanha, cada barraca é uma janela para a Idade Média. Com quase 600 anos de história, esses mercados surgiram como feiras para comércio e celebração do advento. Passear por eles é um deleite: o aroma dos tradicionais Glühwein (vinho quente) e Lebkuchen (pão de mel) mistura-se à beleza dos enfeites de madeira e brinquedos artesanais, feitos com um cuidado que parece perdido no tempo.",
+ "date": "2024-12-24",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SantaSnowglobe_PT-BR1618485340_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/BR/pt/2024-12-24.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Renas no Parque Nacional Van Mijenfjorden, Noruega",
+ "caption": "Uma manhã tranquila",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Martin Zwick/REDA&CO/Universal Images Group via Getty Images",
+ "description": "Falamos muito de Papai Noel, mas já pararam para pensar que as verdadeiras estrelas do Natal são as renas? Afinal, percorrer o mundo em uma noite, carregando o bom velhinho e bilhões de presentes, não é tarefa fácil. E, embora não voem, as renas do Ártico, vistas na imagem de hoje, não são menos impressionantes.",
+ "date": "2024-12-25",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.ReindeerTrio_PT-BR1240066422_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/BR/pt/2024-12-25.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Luzes de Natal no porto de Mousehole, Cornualha, Inglaterra",
+ "caption": "Luzes coloridas para o anoitecer",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© ianwool/Getty Images",
+ "description": "Vamos visitar o porto de Mousehole, uma vila de pescadores na Cornualha, Inglaterra, conhecida por suas iluminações natalinas. As luzes de Mousehole foram acesas pela primeira vez no início dos anos 1960, graças à artista local Joan Gillchrest. O que começou com alguns fios de luzes humildes se transformou em um espetáculo completo, incluindo cenas icônicas, motivos náuticos e temas da Cornualha.",
+ "date": "2024-12-26",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.MouseholeXmas_PT-BR0836930103_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/BR/pt/2024-12-26.jpg"
\ No newline at end of file
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index 13238e68..c8ba3e3a 100644
--- a/api/CA/en.json
+++ b/api/CA/en.json
@@ -10,13 +10,13 @@
"url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/CA/en/2024-01-01.jpg"
- "title": "The Cornish Coast Path covered in snow, Land's End, Cornwall, England",
+ "title": "Sibiu Christmas Market, Romania",
"caption": null,
- "subtitle": "Land's End, Cornwall, England",
- "copyright": "© Josef FitzGerald-Patrick/Getty Images",
- "description": "Windswept cliffs, rugged beauty and dramatic ocean views—welcome to Land's End in Cornwall, England. Since ancient Greek times, when it was known as 'Belerion' or 'Place of the Sun' or in Arthurian legends about the lost land of Lyonesse, Land's End has always been a place of fascination. Land's End is the most south-westerly point on mainland Britain. It is famous for being the starting point or end of charity races which run the length of the island of Great Britain from Land's End to John O'Groats at Britain's north-easterly tip.\nThe first thing you'll notice about Land's End is the cliffs towering above the crashing waves. The sea carved these granite walls over millennia, creating a striking coastline in the United Kingdom. These cliffs are part of the South West Coast Path, a 1,010-kilometre trail popular among hikers that runs from Minehead in Somerset to Poole in Dorset. The Cornish Coastal Path, featured in today's image, is a section of this trail, and snow here is a rare occurrence because of Cornwall's mild coastal climate and proximity to the Atlantic Ocean. So, whether you're here to hike, relax or just stand at the frozen edge, Land's End is a memorable cliffhanger.",
+ "subtitle": "Sibiu Christmas Market, Romania",
+ "copyright": "© Calin Stan/Alamy Stock Photo",
+ "description": "As the winter chill sets in, the city of Sibiu transforms into a dazzling holiday wonderland as it hosts one of Romania's most popular Christmas markets. The Sibiu Christmas Market, known in Romanian as Târgul de Crăciun din Sibiu, is held in the central square from the end of November until early January. Sparkling strings of lights drape across the square, seen in today's image, creating a canopy that bathes the cobblestone streets in a warm, festive glow. There also stands a beautifully lit Christmas tree, surrounded by charming wooden huts selling everything from handcrafted ornaments to locally made treats like cozonac, a traditional Romanian sweet bread; vin fiert, an aromatic mulled wine; and covrigi, a type of pretzel served warm and sprinkled with salt.\nSibiu itself is a place steeped in history, known for its well-preserved medieval architecture, colourful facades and vibrant cultural scene. Once the wealthiest city founded by German settlers in the 12th century, it was designated the European Capital of Culture in 2007. During the Christmas season, Sibiu shines even brighter, with carousels, ice skating rinks and performances that bring the city to life.",
"date": "2024-01-02",
- "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.CornwallSnow_EN-CA5975265704_UHD.jpg",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SibiuRomania_EN-CA3979703489_UHD.jpg",
"url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/CA/en/2024-01-02.jpg"
@@ -2628,5 +2628,95 @@
"date": "2024-12-17",
"bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.ReinefjordenNorway_EN-CA2665608310_UHD.jpg",
"url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/CA/en/2024-12-17.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "English National Ballet performing 'The Nutcracker'",
+ "caption": "Yule really love this ballet",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Caroline Holden/Alamy Stock Photo",
+ "description": "Every holiday season, as snow begins to fall and Christmas lights twinkle in the night, the story of 'The Nutcracker' comes to life on stages around the world. Written by Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky in 1892, this beloved ballet is based on E.T.A. Hoffmann's fairy tale 'The Nutcracker and the Mouse King.' Set on Christmas Eve, it follows a young girl named Clara, who goes on an adventure with the Nutcracker Prince as they battle the evil Mouse King. Many renowned ballet companies present their rendition of this classic every year, including the New York City Ballet, the Boston Ballet and the English National Ballet, pictured here.",
+ "date": "2024-12-18",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.NutcrackerBallet_EN-CA9033194667_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/CA/en/2024-12-18.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Sibiu Christmas Market, Romania",
+ "caption": "Twinkle town",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Calin Stan/Alamy Stock Photo",
+ "description": "As the winter chill sets in, the city of Sibiu transforms into a dazzling holiday wonderland as it hosts one of Romania's most popular Christmas markets. The Sibiu Christmas Market, known in Romanian as Târgul de Crăciun din Sibiu, is held in the central square from the end of November until early January. Sparkling strings of lights drape across the square, seen in today's image, creating a canopy that bathes the cobblestone streets in a warm, festive glow. There also stands a beautifully lit Christmas tree, surrounded by charming wooden huts selling everything from handcrafted ornaments to locally made treats like cozonac, a traditional Romanian sweet bread; vin fiert, an aromatic mulled wine; and covrigi, a type of pretzel served warm and sprinkled with salt.",
+ "date": "2024-12-19",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SibiuRomania_EN-CA3979703489_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/CA/en/2024-12-19.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Santa Claus Village in Rovaniemi, Lapland, Finland",
+ "caption": "He's coming to town...",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Smelov/Shutterstock",
+ "description": "Nestled in Rovaniemi, Finland, and pictured in today's image, Santa Claus Village is a magical year-round destination where visitors can step into the enchanting world of Christmas. Situated right on the Arctic Circle, this village offers unique experiences, like meeting Santa Claus himself or crossing the Arctic Circle line. Children and adults alike can meet Santa's loyal reindeer and explore a vibrant collection of Christmas-themed attractions designed to delight visitors of all ages.",
+ "date": "2024-12-20",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SantaClausVillage_EN-CA0049104166_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/CA/en/2024-12-20.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Halo around the sun, Ore Mountains, Saxony, Germany",
+ "caption": "Midwinter wonderland",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Martin Ruegner/Getty Images",
+ "description": "The winter solstice is here. Today marks the shortest day in the Northern Hemisphere, while last night was the longest night of the year. This has been an important event for millennia, with evidence of celebrations going back as far as 10,000 BCE. Some of the world's most famous Stone Age monuments, including Stonehenge, are aligned with the point that the sun rises or sets on the winter solstice. Traditionally, it was a time for feasting and lighting of fires to symbolise the darkest day of the year. Ancient Germanic tribes celebrated the winter solstice by bringing evergreens into their homes as a symbol of the returning light and the coming spring.",
+ "date": "2024-12-21",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SolsticeHalo_EN-CA3461734834_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/CA/en/2024-12-21.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Christmas tree at Crystal Pier, Pacific Beach, San Diego, California, USA",
+ "caption": "Surf, sand and Santa",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© SamAntonioPhotography/Getty Images",
+ "description": "Santa has plenty of runway to land, but good luck trying to find a chimney. Today, we're getting ready for Christmas at Pacific Beach in San Diego, California, United States. While it might not snow here, there's still plenty of yuletide spirit leading up to Christmas in sunny Southern California. Among many beautiful examples on San Diego's Christmas Tree Trail is the 6-metre tree at the end of a festively decorated Crystal Pier.",
+ "date": "2024-12-22",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.CrystalPier_EN-CA9816076133_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/CA/en/2024-12-22.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Two red-crowned cranes in Kushiro, Hokkaido, Japan",
+ "caption": "Ready to let off some steam?",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Wirestock, Inc./Alamy Stock Photo",
+ "description": "'A Festivus for the rest of us!' This is the unofficial motto of this non-commercial alternative to Christmas. Celebrated on December 23, Festivus was popularised by the TV show 'Seinfeld,' although it was actually invented by the family of one of the series' writers. This celebration centres around the unadorned aluminium Festivus pole. After dinner, the traditional Festivus 'airing of grievances' gets underway. This consists of telling friends and family the ways they've disappointed you over the year. According to some mental health professionals, this tradition could be good for people's mental well-being, providing some much-needed catharsis at what can be a difficult time of year for many people.",
+ "date": "2024-12-23",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.FestivusCranes_EN-CA3928943615_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/CA/en/2024-12-23.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Christmas market scene in Germany",
+ "caption": "Have yourself a very merry Christmas!",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Cyril Gosselin/Getty Images",
+ "description": "Christmas markets in Germany are a cherished holiday tradition that welcome visitors into a magical world of twinkling lights, festive music and delicious seasonal treats. These markets date back to the Middle Ages and are held in town squares throughout Germany, with iconic examples in cities such as Nuremberg, Munich and Dresden. Each market displays unique regional crafts and festive customs. Here, guests can discover handcrafted ornaments, wooden toys and cosy winter accessories, along with specialties like mulled wine (Glühwein), gingerbread (Lebkuchen) and roasted nuts—ideal for enjoying while immersing themselves in the enchanting atmosphere.",
+ "date": "2024-12-24",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SantaSnowglobe_EN-CA4151337834_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/CA/en/2024-12-24.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Christmas trees with the Three Sisters mountain in the background, Canmore, Alberta",
+ "caption": "Merry Christmas!",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Nick Fitzhardinge/Moment/Getty Images",
+ "description": "Deck the halls—it's Christmas time! Christmas Day is a holiday filled with joy, warmth and cherished traditions. For many, it's a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, bringing family and friends together to exchange gifts, share meals and enjoy festive decor. Beyond its spiritual roots, Christmas also illuminates the season with beloved customs—decorating trees, carolling and eagerly awaiting Santa's arrival. These traditions, blending both old and new, make the holiday a magical experience filled with connection and cheer.",
+ "date": "2024-12-25",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.Christmas24_EN-CA4696082080_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/CA/en/2024-12-25.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Gastown steam clock in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada",
+ "caption": "The holidays continue",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© J Duquette/iStock/Getty Images",
+ "description": "As the last notes of Christmas carols linger in the air, Boxing Day arrives. This day is celebrated in Canada, the United Kingdom and several Commonwealth countries. In the past, it was customary for the wealthy to give boxes filled with gifts to their servants on the day after Christmas. The tradition evolved into a day for charitable giving to the less fortunate. Today, while the spirit of giving remains, it has transformed into a holiday centred around enjoying bustling sales and a lineup of football matches.",
+ "date": "2024-12-26",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.BoxingDay24_EN-CA4323476281_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/CA/en/2024-12-26.jpg"
\ No newline at end of file
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index 87957e88..49f5bca2 100644
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+++ b/api/CA/fr.json
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"url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/CA/fr/2024-01-01.jpg"
- "title": "Le sentier côtier de Cornouailles recouvert de neige, Land's End, Cornouailles, Angleterre",
+ "title": "Marché de Noël de Sibiu, Roumanie",
"caption": null,
- "subtitle": "Land's End, Cornouailles, Angleterre",
- "copyright": "© Josef FitzGerald-Patrick/Getty Images",
- "description": "Envie d’une escapade sauvage et inspirante? Land’s End, le point le plus à l’ouest de l’Angleterre, est l’endroit rêvé pour une immersion totale dans la nature. Ici, les falaises abruptes, bordées de bruyères et caressées par l’Atlantique, révèlent des panoramas grandioses. Avec ses sentiers de randonnée mythiques comme le South West Coast Path, Land’s End est un paradis pour les amoureux du plein air. Laissez-vous porter par la beauté des lieux, où chaque recoin raconte des histoires légendaires ! Un voyage aux confins de la Cornouailles, c'est un souffle d’air pur et une vraie bouffée d’évasion.\nPour les explorateurs au Canada, Land’s End rappelle les vastes falaises de la péninsule de Gaspé, au Québec, où le littoral accidenté, bordé de forêts boréales, plonge dans les eaux de l’Atlantique. Ce cadre naturel, riche en légendes et en panoramas uniques, invite également à la découverte et au ressourcement, comme un écho aux paysages sauvages de Cornouailles.",
+ "subtitle": "Marché de Noël de Sibiu, Roumanie",
+ "copyright": "© Calin Stan/Alamy",
+ "description": "Imaginez un décor féerique où la magie de Noël rencontre l’histoire d’un lieu millénaire : bienvenue au marché de Noël de Sibiu en Roumanie! Chaque hiver, la place Grande s’illumine d’une myriade de lumières, transformant cette ville médiévale en un conte de fées.\nDans les chalets en bois, artisans locaux et producteurs partagent leurs merveilles : des décorations délicates, des jouets faits main et des spécialités gourmandes comme le savoureux vin fiert, vin chaud épicé typique de Roumanie. Une patinoire au centre attire petits et grands, entourée par des concerts qui rythment les soirées.\nCe marché évoque aussi la féérie du Village de Noël de Montréal, où artisans québécois et producteurs locaux célèbrent l’hiver avec des créations uniques et des saveurs authentiques, telles que le cidre chaud épicé. À Sibiu comme au Canada, l’esprit de Noël allie patrimoine et festivités.",
"date": "2024-01-02",
- "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.CornwallSnow_FR-CA1404648884_UHD.jpg",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SibiuRomania_FR-CA5341145448_UHD.jpg",
"url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/CA/fr/2024-01-02.jpg"
@@ -2628,5 +2628,95 @@
"date": "2024-12-17",
"bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.ReinefjordenNorway_FR-CA4918243263_UHD.jpg",
"url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/CA/fr/2024-12-17.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Représentation de Casse-Noisette par l’English National Ballet",
+ "caption": "Le ballet incontournable de ces fêtes",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Caroline Holden/Alamy",
+ "description": "Le ballet Casse-Noisette est une tradition de Noël qui traverse les générations. Composé par Tchaïkovski, il a été présenté pour la première fois en 1892 à Saint-Pétersbourg. L'histoire raconte les aventures de Clara, une jeune fille qui reçoit un casse-noisette en cadeau et découvre un monde enchanté où jouets et bonbons prennent vie. Ce qui rend ce ballet si captivant, c'est son mélange de rêve et de réalité, de magie et de mystère, rendu par l’utilisation du célesta, un instrument dont la sonorité évoque celle d'une cloche et capture parfaitement l'atmosphère de conte de fées.",
+ "date": "2024-12-18",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.NutcrackerBallet_FR-CA2554047378_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/CA/fr/2024-12-18.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Marché de Noël de Sibiu, Roumanie",
+ "caption": "Noël au Cœur de la Transylvanie",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Calin Stan/Alamy",
+ "description": "Imaginez un décor féerique où la magie de Noël rencontre l’histoire d’un lieu millénaire : bienvenue au marché de Noël de Sibiu en Roumanie! Chaque hiver, la place Grande s’illumine d’une myriade de lumières, transformant cette ville médiévale en un conte de fées.",
+ "date": "2024-12-19",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SibiuRomania_FR-CA5341145448_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/CA/fr/2024-12-19.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Village du Père Noël à Rovaniemi, Laponie, Finlande",
+ "caption": "Là où vit le Père Noël",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Smelov/Shutterstock",
+ "description": "Le village du Père Noël à Rovaniemi, en Finlande, est un endroit magique à découvrir, surtout pendant les fêtes de fin d’année. Situé sur le cercle polaire arctique, ce lieu accueille chaque année des visiteurs curieux de rencontrer le célèbre Père Noël. Le point fort? La ligne symbolique du cercle polaire que vous pouvez traverser, immortalisant votre aventure dans l’Arctique. Ne manquez pas le bureau de poste du Père Noël, où vous pouvez envoyer des lettres marquées du timbre officiel.",
+ "date": "2024-12-20",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SantaClausVillage_FR-CA3164872000_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/CA/fr/2024-12-20.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Halo autour du soleil, Monts Métallifères, Saxe, Allemagne",
+ "caption": "Merveille hivernale",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Martin Ruegner/Getty Images",
+ "description": "Le solstice d’hiver dans les Monts Métallifères, en Allemagne, est une expérience unique, mêlant nature et traditions. C’est à cette date, la plus courte de l’année, que vous pourriez apercevoir un halo solaire, ce cercle lumineux formé par la lumière réfractée à travers les cristaux de glace en altitude. Un spectacle rare et impressionnant ! Ce phénomène s’inscrit dans une région riche d’histoire. Les Monts Métallifères, connus pour leur patrimoine minier classé par l’UNESCO, célèbrent depuis des siècles le solstice comme un moment clé du cycle annuel. Les anciens mineurs voyaient dans ce jour un présage de lumière et de renouveau, une tradition encore vivante dans les villages locaux.",
+ "date": "2024-12-21",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SolsticeHalo_FR-CA5700741639_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/CA/fr/2024-12-21.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Arbre de Noël à Crystal Pier, Pacific Beach, San Diego, Californie, États-Unis",
+ "caption": "Le surf, le sable et le Père Noël!",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© SamAntonioPhotography/Getty Images",
+ "description": "Chaque année, l’arbre de Noël de Crystal Pier, à San Diego, en Californie, illumine la côte Pacifique avec une touche de magie unique. Situé au bout d’un emblématique ponton en bois, cet arbre scintillant semble flotter au-dessus de l’océan, offrant un spectacle captivant à ses visiteurs.",
+ "date": "2024-12-22",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.CrystalPier_FR-CA7850031267_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/CA/fr/2024-12-22.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Grues du Japon, Kushiro, Hokkaido, Japon",
+ "caption": "L'art du vol",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Wirestock, Inc./Alamy",
+ "description": "Dans les paysages enneigés de Kushiro, au nord du Japon, se joue un spectacle d’une rare élégance : la danse des grues japonaises. Symbole de longévité et de fidélité, ces majestueux oiseaux au plumage immaculé et à la couronne rouge sont étroitement liés aux légendes locales. On raconte qu’ils apporteraient prospérité et bonheur.",
+ "date": "2024-12-23",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.FestivusCranes_FR-CA6325415770_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/CA/fr/2024-12-23.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Marché de Noël en Allemagne",
+ "caption": "N'oubliez pas vos petits souliers!",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Cyril Gosselin/Getty Images",
+ "description": "Les marchés de Noël en Allemagne sont de véritables joyaux culturels. Le Christkindlesmarkt de Nuremberg, vieux de plus de 400 ans, et celui de Cologne, situé près de sa majestueuse cathédrale, incarnent la féérie hivernale. Vous y découvrirez des cadeaux faits main, des mets traditionnels comme le Stollen, et une ambiance unique. Ces marchés sont parfaits pour trouver un petit cadeau de dernière minute et s'associent à la tradition du réveillon de Noël. Après une journée à parcourir les allées décorées, la soirée se poursuit autour d’un repas typique.",
+ "date": "2024-12-24",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SantaSnowglobe_FR-CA6593059116_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/CA/fr/2024-12-24.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Arbres de Noël avec la montagne Three Sisters en arrière-plan, Canmore, Alberta",
+ "caption": "Joyeux Noël!",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Nick Fitzhardinge/Moment/Getty Images",
+ "description": "Noël est une période où les traditions prennent tout leur sens : décorer le sapin, chanter des cantiques, et bien sûr, attendre avec impatience l’arrivée du Père Noël. Au-delà de la magie, Noël est un moment de rassemblement familial et de transmission de valeurs. C’est aussi l'occasion de créer des souvenirs durables avec ceux que l’on aime.",
+ "date": "2024-12-25",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.Christmas24_FR-CA6807039694_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/CA/fr/2024-12-25.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Horloge à vapeur de Gastown à Vancouver, Colombie-Britannique",
+ "caption": "La magie se poursuit",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© J Duquette/iStock/Getty Images",
+ "description": "Alors que les dernières notes des chants de Noël s’éteignent, le Jour des Boîtes fait son apparition. Célébré au Canada, au Royaume-Uni et dans plusieurs pays du Commonwealth, ce jour marque une tradition où les riches donnaient des boîtes remplies de cadeaux à leurs domestiques. Aujourd'hui, bien que l’esprit de générosité demeure, il est devenu surtout associé aux grandes soldes et aux matchs de football.",
+ "date": "2024-12-26",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.BoxingDay24_FR-CA1518470041_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/CA/fr/2024-12-26.jpg"
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@@ -10,13 +10,13 @@
"url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/CN/zh/2024-01-01.jpg"
- "title": "被雪覆盖的康沃尔天涯海角小径,康沃尔郡兰德恩德,英格兰",
+ "title": "锡比乌圣诞市场,罗马尼亚",
"caption": null,
- "subtitle": "兰兹角,康沃尔,英格兰",
- "copyright": "© Josef FitzGerald-Patrick/Getty Images",
- "description": "欢迎来到英格兰康沃尔的兰兹角,这里有狂风呼啸的悬崖、崎岖不平的美景和蔚为壮观的海景!从古希腊时代起,它就被称为“Belerion”(闪闪发光的土地)或是“太阳之地”,或出现在亚瑟王传奇中提到的失落之地“里昂内斯”中,兰兹角一直是一个令人神往的地方。它是英国大陆最西南的地点,最出名的是被设为慈善跑步比赛的起点或终点,路线从最西南端的兰兹角到英国北海的约翰奥格罗茨,贯穿了整个大不列颠岛。\n来到兰兹角,首先映入眼帘的是耸立在汹涌海浪上的悬崖峭壁。数千年来,大海侵蚀着这些花岗岩壁,形成了英国最引人注目的海岸线之一。这些悬崖是西南海岸步道的一部分,该步道长630英里,从萨默塞特郡的迈恩黑德一直延伸到多塞特郡的普尔,深受徒步旅行者的喜爱。今天的图片中的康沃尔天涯海角小径就是这条步道的一部分,由于康沃尔温和的沿海气候和靠近大西洋,这里很少下雪。因此,无论您来这里徒步旅行、放松身心,或者只是如履薄冰地在悬崖上站一站,兰兹角都是一个令人难忘的地方。",
+ "subtitle": "罗马尼亚的锡比乌圣诞市场",
+ "copyright": "© Calin Stan/Alamy Stock Photo",
+ "description": "随着冬季寒潮来临,锡比乌市变成了一个令人眼花缭乱的假日仙境,这里有罗马尼亚最受欢迎的圣诞市场之一。锡比乌圣诞市场从11月底到1月初在中央广场举行。在今天的图片中,一串串闪闪发光的灯悬挂在广场上,形成了一个雨棚,使鹅卵石街道沐浴在温暖的节日光芒中。那里还有一棵灯火辉煌的圣诞树,周围是迷人的木屋,售卖各种各样的东西,不仅有手工制作的装饰品,还有当地制作的点心,比如罗马尼亚传统甜面包,芳香的热葡萄酒,还有撒上盐的热脆饼。\n锡比乌本身就是一个历史悠久的地方,以其保存完好的中世纪建筑、色彩缤纷的外墙和充满活力的文化景观而闻名。它曾是德国移民在12世纪建立的最富有城市,2007年被指定为欧洲文化之都。在圣诞节期间,锡比乌的光芒更加明亮,旋转木马,溜冰场和各种表演使这座城市充满活力。",
"date": "2024-01-02",
- "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.CornwallSnow_ZH-CN8407245245_UHD.jpg",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SibiuRomania_ZH-CN1631942857_UHD.jpg",
"url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/CN/zh/2024-01-02.jpg"
@@ -2581,12 +2581,12 @@
"title": "猛鸮,加拿大",
- "caption": "\"谁\"这么说?",
+ "caption": "炯炯有神的凝视",
"subtitle": null,
"copyright": "© pchoui/Getty Images",
"description": "125年来,北美各地的鸟类爱好者通过圣诞节鸟类统计活动将圣诞节变成了一个充满节日气氛的“羽毛盛会”。这项一年一度的活动由鸟类学家弗兰克·查普曼创立,该活动用望远镜取代猎枪,将传统的节日狩猎聚会变成了一种环保的活动。从那时起,它就成了世界上持续时间最长的公民科学项目之一。每年12月14日至1月5日,不同年龄、不同观鸟水平的志愿者都会聚集在一起,在指定的“圆圈”区域进行调查。每个圆圈的直径为15英里,参与者会统计他们在圆圈内看到或听到的每一只鸟。这个统计结果是鸟类多样性的巨大缩影,每年会从2,500多个地点收集数据。这是一项追踪鸟类种群变化的严肃工作,为致力于保护脆弱物种的科学家提供了宝贵的数据。",
"date": "2024-12-14",
- "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.NorthernHawkOwl_ZH-CN8408027305_UHD.jpg",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.NorthernHawkOwl_ZH-CN0348993719_UHD.jpg",
"url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/CN/zh/2024-12-14.jpg"
@@ -2596,7 +2596,7 @@
"copyright": "© Marco Bottigelli/Getty Images",
"description": "你可能听说过“泪池”,但你听说过“泪湖”吗?传说中,位于意大利多洛米蒂山区的米苏里纳湖(如图所示)是由巨人索拉皮斯悲伤的眼泪汇聚而成。该湖海拔超过5700英尺,是卡多雷地区最大的天然湖泊,其周长超过1.5英里。米苏里纳湖的周边地区以其有益的气候而闻名,此处清澈的湖水和周边的酒店为多达500名游客提供了一个完美的度假胜地,尤其适合呼吸道疾病患者。1956年冬奥会期间,还在米苏里纳湖的天然冰面上举办了速度滑冰比赛,歌手克劳迪奥·巴格里奥尼甚至将其写入了一首流行歌曲。凭借令人惊叹的景色、神秘的起源和四季皆宜的活动,这个湖可能是多洛米蒂山脉最迷人的景点。",
"date": "2024-12-15",
- "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.MisurinaLake_ZH-CN0744434715_UHD.jpg",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.MisurinaLake_ZH-CN0755993943_UHD.jpg",
"url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/CN/zh/2024-12-15.jpg"
@@ -2618,5 +2618,95 @@
"date": "2024-12-17",
"bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.ReinefjordenNorway_ZH-CN1198843758_UHD.jpg",
"url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/CN/zh/2024-12-17.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "印度吉姆科比特国家公园的大象,印度",
+ "caption": "壮观的象群队伍",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© ABHILASH VISWA PICASSO/Shutterstock",
+ "description": "戴好你的帽子和望远镜,因为在吉姆科比特国家公园,河流不是普通的水道,而是大象的高速公路!印度最古老的国家公园建于1936年,以博物学家和自然保护主义者吉姆·科比特的名字命名。吉姆·科比特国家公园位于喜马拉雅山山麓,毗邻著名的奈尼塔尔山庄,以拥有大量老虎而闻名。在夏季,公园成为野生动物们的活动中心,经常可以看到印度象成群结队地游荡,数量多达数百头。作为特莱弧形景观计划的一部分,该公园是13个被纳入保护和修复目标的保护区之一。该计划的总体目标宏大且重要:保护三个最具代表性的陆地物种,即老虎、亚洲象和大独角犀牛。",
+ "date": "2024-12-18",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.MorningElephants_ZH-CN1418579765_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/CN/zh/2024-12-18.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "锡比乌圣诞市场,罗马尼亚",
+ "caption": "闪烁的小镇",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Calin Stan/Alamy Stock Photo",
+ "description": "随着冬季寒潮来临,锡比乌市变成了一个令人眼花缭乱的假日仙境,这里有罗马尼亚最受欢迎的圣诞市场之一。锡比乌圣诞市场从11月底到1月初在中央广场举行。在今天的图片中,一串串闪闪发光的灯悬挂在广场上,形成了一个雨棚,使鹅卵石街道沐浴在温暖的节日光芒中。那里还有一棵灯火辉煌的圣诞树,周围是迷人的木屋,售卖各种各样的东西,不仅有手工制作的装饰品,还有当地制作的点心,比如罗马尼亚传统甜面包,芳香的热葡萄酒,还有撒上盐的热脆饼。",
+ "date": "2024-12-19",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SibiuRomania_ZH-CN1631942857_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/CN/zh/2024-12-19.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "罗瓦涅米圣诞老人村,拉普兰,芬兰",
+ "caption": "圣诞老人要来镇上了",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Smelov/Shutterstock",
+ "description": "圣诞老人村坐落在芬兰的罗瓦涅米,这是一个神奇的四季皆宜的旅游胜地,游客从这里可以进入到迷人的圣诞世界。这个村庄位于北极圈内,可为游客提供独一份的节日体验,比如见到圣诞老人本人或穿越北极圈线。儿童和成人都可以见到圣诞老人忠诚的驯鹿,探索一系列以圣诞节为主题的充满活力的景点,让所有年龄段的游客都能不虚此行。",
+ "date": "2024-12-20",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SantaClausVillage_ZH-CN1839275027_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/CN/zh/2024-12-20.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "满拉水库的雪景,日喀则,中国西藏自治区",
+ "caption": "极致的冬日景色",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Zhang Zhenqi/VCG via Getty Images",
+ "description": "冬至既有自然的内涵,也有人文的内涵。从自然角度看,冬至是二十四节气中的一个重要节气,冬至过后,我国各地气候进入最寒冷的阶段。从文化角度看,这一天也是中华民族的传统节日,全国各地都会举行不同的文化习俗来庆祝这个节气的到来。",
+ "date": "2024-12-21",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.WinterSolstice2024_ZH-CN2045153949_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/CN/zh/2024-12-21.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "水晶码头的圣诞树,太平洋海滩,加利福尼亚州,美国",
+ "caption": "冲浪、沙滩和圣诞老人",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© SamAntonioPhotography/Getty Images",
+ "description": "圣诞老人有足够的跑道可以降落,但要想光临你家的烟囱,那就只能祝你好运了。今天,我们在加利福尼亚州圣地亚哥的太平洋海滩为圣诞节做准备。虽然这里可能不会下雪,但在阳光明媚的南加州,圣诞节前仍然充满了节日气氛。在圣地亚哥的圣诞小径上,有许多美丽的圣诞树,其中一棵20英尺高的圣诞树位于装饰一新的水晶码头尽头。",
+ "date": "2024-12-22",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.CrystalPier_ZH-CN2256372880_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/CN/zh/2024-12-22.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "钏路的两只丹顶鹤,北海道,日本",
+ "caption": "准备好发泄一些压力了吗?",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Wirestock, Inc./Alamy Stock Photo",
+ "description": "“不过圣诞节”节是属于我们其他人的节日!这是这个节日的非正式口号。“不过圣诞节”节是一个替代圣诞节的非商业性质的节日,于12月23日举行,它因电视剧《宋飞正传》而流行,实际上是由该系列剧的一位编剧的家人发明的。庆祝活动围绕着一根朴素的铝制节日杆展开。晚餐后,传统的节庆活动“发牢骚”开始了,它包括向亲朋好友诉说一年来他们让你失望的地方。一些心理健康专家认为,这一传统活动可能对人们的心理健康有益,因为它在许多人一年中最困难的时候提供了一些宣泄压力的渠道。传统上,这个节日以“力量的壮举”结束,这是一种摔跤比赛,由一家之主在活动中选出一个人,并向他发起挑战,一旦一家之主被对手压制住,节日就结束了。对于那些喜欢这个搞笑的节日的人来说,有机会在圣诞节的混乱中发泄一些压力,何乐而不为呢?就像今天主页上这些正在吐气的丹顶鹤一样(照片拍摄于日本北海道)。",
+ "date": "2024-12-23",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.FestivusCranes_ZH-CN2464862059_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/CN/zh/2024-12-23.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "德国圣诞市场",
+ "caption": "祝你圣诞快乐!",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Cyril Gosselin/Getty Images",
+ "description": "德国的圣诞集市是一个值得珍视的节日传统,它带领游客进入一个神奇的世界,这里有闪烁的灯光、欢快的音乐和美味可口的季节性美食。这些集市的历史可以追溯至中世纪,它们在德国各地的城镇广场举办,其中最具代表性的是纽伦堡、慕尼黑和德累斯顿等城市。每个集市都会展示独特的地方手工艺品以及节日习俗。在这里,游客可以看到手工制作的装饰品,木制玩具以及舒适的冬日配饰,还有热红酒、姜饼和烤坚果等特色食品。在浓厚的圣诞气氛中,这里是边吃边逛的理想之地。",
+ "date": "2024-12-24",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SantaSnowglobe_ZH-CN2671421527_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/CN/zh/2024-12-24.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "科瓦东加湖,阿斯图里亚斯,西班牙",
+ "caption": "传说中的风景",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Carlos Fernandez/Getty Images",
+ "description": "迷人的科瓦东加湖位于阿斯图里亚斯雄伟的欧罗巴山的中心地带,这是一个标志性的旅游胜地,在冬季尤为迷人。这些湖泊被皑皑白雪覆盖,四周环绕着雄伟的山脉,这幅自然奇观吸引着来自世界各地的游客。",
+ "date": "2024-12-25",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.CovadongaWinter_ZH-CN2873340163_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/CN/zh/2024-12-25.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "莫斯霍尔港的圣诞灯饰,康沃尔,英格兰",
+ "caption": "节日还在继续",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© ianwool/Getty Images",
+ "description": "当圣诞颂歌的余音仍在空中回荡时,节礼日又到了。英国、加拿大及多个英联邦国家都会庆祝这个节日。过去,富人们会在圣诞节后的这一天给仆人赠送装满礼物的礼盒,这一传统后来演变为向不幸者进行慈善捐赠的日子。如今,尽管赠予的精神仍在,但这一天已转变为购物促销和观看足球比赛的节日。",
+ "date": "2024-12-26",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.MouseholeXmas_ZH-CN3079184443_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/CN/zh/2024-12-26.jpg"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/api/DE/de.json b/api/DE/de.json
index b8521ddb..f7ad9a4e 100644
--- a/api/DE/de.json
+++ b/api/DE/de.json
@@ -10,13 +10,13 @@
"url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/DE/de/2024-01-01.jpg"
- "title": "Verschneiter Cornish Coast Path, Land's End, Cornwall, England",
+ "title": "Weihnachtsmarkt in Hermannstadt (Sibiu), Rumänien",
"caption": null,
- "subtitle": "Land's End, Cornwall, England",
- "copyright": "© Josef FitzGerald-Patrick/Getty Images",
- "description": "Willkommen am atemberaubenden Land's End in Cornwall, England! Haben Sie von diesem magischen Ort schon gehört? Wir befinden uns am südwestlichsten Punkt des britischen Festlandes. Als erstes fallen die majestätischen Klippen ins Auge, die sich dramatisch über den tosenden Wellen erheben. Seit Jahrtausenden meißeln die unermüdlichen Kräfte des Meeres diese beeindruckenden Granitfelsen und formen dabei eine der markantesten Küstenlinien des Vereinigten Königreichs. Wussten Sie, dass 2012 die olympische Fackel auf ihrem Weg zu den Olympischen Spielen in London hier Halt machte und so der Küste eine wichtige symbolische Bedeutung gab?\nEtwas weiter südlich können wir ähnliche Spektakel an den Küsten der Nordsee bewundern. Die Nordseeküste, insbesondere die Ostfriesischen Inseln, bietet eine ebenso beeindruckende Landschaft mit ihren weiten Stränden, Dünen und dem Wattenmeer. Das Wattenmeer, ein UNESCO-Weltnaturerbe, ist ein einzigartiges Ökosystem, das bei Ebbe freigelegt wird und eine Vielzahl von Vogelarten und Meereslebewesen beherbergt. Egal, wo Sie sich befinden, die Magie der Meeresküsten vermag es, jeden Besucher in ihren Bann zu ziehen und unvergessliche Momente der Ruhe und des Nachdenkens zu schenken.",
+ "subtitle": "Weihnachtsmarkt in Hermannstadt (Sibiu), Rumänien",
+ "copyright": "© Calin Stan/Alamy Stock Photo",
+ "description": "Mit dem Einzug des Winters verwandelt sich Hermannstadt, auf Rumänisch Sibiu, in ein funkelndes Weihnachtswunderland. Der Weihnachtsmarkt der Stadt, die 2007 zur Europäischen Kulturhauptstadt ernannt wurde, taucht den zentralen „Großen Platz“ mit seinem Kopfsteinpflaster, den glitzernden Lichterketten und dem prächtig beleuchteten Weihnachtsbaum in ein warmes, festliches Licht. Die charmanten Holzhütten bieten handgefertigten Schmuck und lokale Köstlichkeiten wie Cozonac, ein traditionelles rumänisches Süßbrot, Vin Fiert, einen aromatischen Glühwein, und Covrigi, eine Art Brezel, die warm mit Salz bestreut wird.\nHermannstadt, bekannt für seine gut erhaltene mittelalterliche Architektur, bunten Fassaden und lebendige Kulturszene, liegt in Siebenbürgen und hat eine reiche deutschsprachige Geschichte, die bis ins 12. Jahrhundert zurückreicht, als die Stadt von deutschen Siedlern gegründet wurde. Noch heute gibt es in Hermannstadt eine bedeutende deutschsprachige Gemeinde, und die Stadt pflegt ihr deutsches Erbe aktiv durch kulturelle Initiativen und zweisprachige Beschilderung. Besuchen Sie Hermannstadt zur Weihnachtszeit und erleben Sie die Magie der Feiertage in einer historischen und kulturell reichen Umgebung.",
"date": "2024-01-02",
- "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.CornwallSnow_DE-DE2370440399_UHD.jpg",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SibiuRomania_DE-DE6226513054_UHD.jpg",
"url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/DE/de/2024-01-02.jpg"
@@ -2618,5 +2618,95 @@
"date": "2024-12-17",
"bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.ReinefjordenNorway_DE-DE5744534611_UHD.jpg",
"url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/DE/de/2024-12-17.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "English National Ballet bei der Aufführung von „Der Nussknacker“",
+ "caption": "Die Magie des Tanzes",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Caroline Holden/Alamy Stock Photo",
+ "description": "Erleben Sie den Zauber des Weihnachtsklassikers „Der Nussknacker“! Das 1892 von Pjotr Iljitsch Tschaikowski komponierte Ballett basiert auf dem Märchen „Der Nussknacker und der Mäusekönig“ von E.T.A. Hoffmann. Es erzählt die Geschichte von Clara, die am Weihnachtsabend ein magisches Abenteuer mit dem Nussknackerprinzen erlebt und gegen den bösen Mausekönig kämpft. Die Choreografie enthält berühmte Szenen wie den „Tanz der Zuckerfee“ und den „Blumenwalzer“.",
+ "date": "2024-12-18",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.NutcrackerBallet_DE-DE4788718607_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/DE/de/2024-12-18.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Weihnachtsmarkt in Hermannstadt (Sibiu), Rumänien",
+ "caption": "Winterlicher Lichterzauber",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Calin Stan/Alamy Stock Photo",
+ "description": "Mit dem Einzug des Winters verwandelt sich Hermannstadt, auf Rumänisch Sibiu, in ein funkelndes Weihnachtswunderland. Der Weihnachtsmarkt der Stadt, die 2007 zur Europäischen Kulturhauptstadt ernannt wurde, taucht den zentralen „Großen Platz“ mit seinem Kopfsteinpflaster, den glitzernden Lichterketten und dem prächtig beleuchteten Weihnachtsbaum in ein warmes, festliches Licht. Die charmanten Holzhütten bieten handgefertigten Schmuck und lokale Köstlichkeiten wie Cozonac, ein traditionelles rumänisches Süßbrot, Vin Fiert, einen aromatischen Glühwein, und Covrigi, eine Art Brezel, die warm mit Salz bestreut wird.",
+ "date": "2024-12-19",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SibiuRomania_DE-DE6226513054_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/DE/de/2024-12-19.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Weihnachtsmanndorf in Rovaniemi, Lappland, Finnland",
+ "caption": "Ist es schon soweit?",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Smelov/Shutterstock",
+ "description": "Willkommen im Weihnachtsmanndorf in Rovaniemi im hohen Norden Finnlands! Dieses zauberhafte Reiseziel ist das ganze Jahr über geöffnet und lässt die Besucher in die magische Welt der Weihnacht eintauchen. Direkt am Polarkreis gelegen, kann man hier den Weihnachtsmann persönlich treffen und zahlreiche weihnachtliche Attraktionen entdecken. Wer sich eher von Naturphänomenen angezogen fühlt, kann den Polarkreis überqueren und mit etwas Glück das Nordlicht sehen. Kinder und Erwachsene sind herzlich willkommen!",
+ "date": "2024-12-20",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SantaClausVillage_DE-DE6517743209_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/DE/de/2024-12-20.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Halo um die Sonne, Erzgebirge, Sachsen, Deutschland",
+ "caption": "Ode an die Sonne",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Martin Ruegner/Getty Images",
+ "description": "Willkommen im Paradies, willkommen im Erzgebirge. Wie im Märchen erscheinen die schneebedeckten Hügel und dichten Wälder. Über den Gipfeln tanzt das Sonnenlicht - und an klaren Tagen wie heute zeigt sich ein seltenes Naturschauspiel: ein Halo, der die Sonne wie ein leuchtender Ring umgibt. Ein Geschenk des Universums an diesem Tag? Ja, denn heute ist die Wintersonnenwende, der kürzeste Tag des Jahres, der für die Völker der Erde seit Jahrtausenden einen Wendepunkt markiert. Fast alle Kulturen feiern die Rückkehr des Lichts mit Ritualen.",
+ "date": "2024-12-21",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SolsticeHalo_DE-DE6991258679_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/DE/de/2024-12-21.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Adventskranz, 4. Advent",
+ "caption": "Steht es schon vor der Tür?",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Asvolas/Getty Images",
+ "description": "Vier Wochen vor Weihnachten beginnt die Adventszeit, die Zeit der Besinnung und der Vorfreude. Das lateinische Wort „adventus“ bedeutet „Ankunft“ und bezieht sich auf die Erwartung der Geburt Christi. Der 4. Advent, der letzte Sonntag vor Weihnachten, ist eine Zeit des Innehaltens. Die vier Kerzen des Adventskranzes, von denen jede Woche eine mehr angezündet wird, symbolisieren das Licht, das in die Welt kommt. Diese Tradition, die im 19. Jahrhundert in Deutschland entstand, verbreitete sich schnell und wurde zu einem festen Bestandteil der Weihnachtsvorbereitungen.",
+ "date": "2024-12-22",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.GermanyAdventWreath_DE-DE0507962655_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/DE/de/2024-12-22.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Mandschurenkraniche in Kushiro, Hokkaido, Japan",
+ "caption": "Yin und Yang?",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Wirestock, Inc./Alamy",
+ "description": "Haben Sie diese eleganten Vögel schon einmal gesehen? Die majestätischen Mandschurenkraniche, im Volksmund „Tancho“ genannt, sind in Japan und Teilen Koreas und Chinas beheimatet. Charakteristisch ist die rote Lederkrone auf dem Kopf. Sie gehören zu den größten und schwersten Kranicharten und erreichen eine Höhe von 150 bis 158 cm und eine Flügelspannweite von 220 bis 250 cm. Sie nisten in den Feuchtgebieten und Sümpfen von Hokkaido, wo man sie in ihrem natürlichen Lebensraum beobachten kann. Im Winter leben sie in Reisfeldern und Überschwemmungsgebieten und ernähren sich von wirbellosen Wassertieren und Reisresten.",
+ "date": "2024-12-23",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.FestivusCranes_DE-DE1009786321_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/DE/de/2024-12-23.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Schneekugel mit dem Weihnachtsmann",
+ "caption": "Fröhliche Weihnachten allen heut', Licht und Liebe für alle Leut'",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Cyril Gosselin/Getty Images",
+ "description": "Frohe Weihnachten! Endlich ist es soweit: Heiligabend, der Höhepunkt der Adventszeit, das Fest der Freude und des Beisammenseins. Traditionell verbringen wir diesen Abend im Kreise der Familie, um die Geburt Christi zu feiern. Wussten Sie, dass die Ursprünge dieses Festes bis ins Mittelalter zurückreichen, als die Menschen begannen, die Nacht vor Weihnachten mit Gebeten und Liedern zu verbringen? Wie sieht es bei Ihnen zu Hause aus? Sitzen Sie alle um den festlich geschmückten Weihnachtsbaum, während die funkelnden Lichter und der Duft von frisch gebackenen Plätzchen und heißem Tee eine zauberhafte Atmosphäre schaffen?",
+ "date": "2024-12-24",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SantaSnowglobe_DE-DE7632109173_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/DE/de/2024-12-24.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Spitzbergen-Rentiere im Van Mijenfjord NP, Norwegen",
+ "caption": "Fröhliches Weihnachtsfest!",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Martin Zwick/REDA&CO/Universal Images Group via Getty Images",
+ "description": "Die Spitzbergen-Rentiere, die man im atemberaubenden Nationalpark Van Mijenfjord in Norwegen beobachten kann, sind bemerkenswerte arktische Kreaturen, die sich an das Leben in extremer Kälte angepasst haben. Die kurzbeinigen und gedrungenen Tiere haben ein dickes Winterfell, das sie vor der Kälte schützt. Hier im hohen Norden Europas, fast am Polarkreis, trotzen diese zähen Tiere den extremen Bedingungen. Ihre Anpassungsfähigkeit und Widerstandskraft sind beeindruckend und erinnern uns daran, wie wichtig es ist, die Natur zu schützen und zu bewahren.",
+ "date": "2024-12-25",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.ReindeerTrio_DE-DE1704555391_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/DE/de/2024-12-25.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Weihnachtsbeleuchtung im Hafen von Mousehole, Cornwall, England",
+ "caption": "Die Ferien gehen weiter",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© ianwool/Getty Images",
+ "description": "Der zweite Weihnachtsfeiertag ist in Deutschland auch als „Stephanstag“ bekannt, zu Ehren des Heiligen Stephanus, der als Märtyrer des Christentums gilt. An diesem Tag, der ein gesetzlicher Feiertag ist, hält die feierliche Stimmung an, die oft im Kreise der Familie verbracht wird. Traditionell besuchen viele Menschen Gottesdienste oder genießen ein festliches Essen mit ihren Lieben. Es ist eine Zeit der Ruhe und Besinnung, die die Weihnachtszeit abrundet und den Geist der Gemeinschaft und des Friedens fördert.",
+ "date": "2024-12-26",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.MouseholeXmas_DE-DE8175245850_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/DE/de/2024-12-26.jpg"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/api/ES/es.json b/api/ES/es.json
index 16b2aa1e..db56dc17 100644
--- a/api/ES/es.json
+++ b/api/ES/es.json
@@ -10,13 +10,13 @@
"url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/ES/es/2024-01-01.jpg"
- "title": "Lagos de Covadonga, Asturias, España",
+ "title": "Mercado navideño de Sibiu, Rumanía",
"caption": null,
- "subtitle": "Lagos de Covadonga, Asturias",
- "copyright": "© Carlos Fernandez/Moment/Getty Images",
- "description": "Los deslumbrantes Lagos de Covadonga, situados en el corazón de los imponentes Picos de Europa, en Asturias, son un destino turístico icónico, especialmente cautivador en invierno. La imagen de estos lagos cubiertos de un manto de nieve y rodeados de majestuosas montañas ofrece un espectáculo natural que fascina y atrae a visitantes de todas partes.\nAdemás de su impresionante belleza, los lagos tienen un profundo valor histórico, ya que cerca se encuentra la emblemática Cueva de Covadonga, escenario de la célebre batalla del año 722, un hito en la Reconquista. Este rincón asturiano es ideal para sumergirse en la naturaleza y en la historia.\nUn detalle pintoresco es la presencia de robustas vacas asturianas que, en los meses cálidos, pastan serenamente en los verdes prados de los alrededores. Estas vacas, adaptadas al clima montañoso, simbolizan la esencia de la vida rural asturiana. Sin duda, un lugar donde la naturaleza y la historia se entrelazan en perfecta armonía. ¡Ven a descubrir este rincón de Asturias, donde cada paisaje te susurrará una historia inolvidable!",
+ "subtitle": "Mercado navideño de Sibiu, Rumanía",
+ "copyright": "© Calin Stan/Alamy",
+ "description": "Con la imagen del día, viajamos al encantador Mercado de Navidad de Sibiu, Târgul de Crăciun din Sibiu, en Rumanía, celebrado en la plaza central desde finales de noviembre hasta principios de enero. Las luces brillantes llenan las calles adoquinadas de una calidez festiva. En el centro, un imponente árbol de Navidad iluminado está rodeado de casetas de madera que ofrecen adornos artesanales y delicias locales: cozonac, un pan dulce rumano; vin fiert, un vino caliente especiado; y covrigi, pretzels salados recién horneados.\nSibiu, con su rica historia medieval, fachadas coloridas y vibrante escena cultural, se llena de magia en Navidad. Fundada en el siglo XII por colonos alemanes, fue Capital Europea de la Cultura en 2007. Durante estas fechas, la ciudad brilla con carruseles, pistas de patinaje y espectáculos que animan sus calles.\nEste ambiente recuerda a mercados como la Plaza Mayor de Madrid, la Fira de Santa Llúcia en Barcelona o el de Valencia, donde belenes, música en vivo y comida tradicional crean una atmósfera festiva que atrae a visitantes de todo el mundo.",
"date": "2024-01-02",
- "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.CovadongaWinter_ES-ES7227856759_UHD.jpg",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SibiuRomania_ES-ES0903750194_UHD.jpg",
"url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/ES/es/2024-01-02.jpg"
@@ -2618,5 +2618,95 @@
"date": "2024-12-17",
"bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.ReinefjordenNorway_ES-ES2052368531_UHD.jpg",
"url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/ES/es/2024-12-17.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "El Ballet Nacional de Inglaterra interpretando “El Cascanueces”",
+ "caption": "El Cascanueces",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Caroline Holden/Alamy",
+ "description": "Cada Navidad, cuando la nieve tiñe el paisaje y las luces brillan con cálida intensidad en la noche, la magia de “El Cascanueces” revive en escenarios de todo el mundo. Este ballet, venerado por su exquisita coreografía, deslumbra con momentos icónicos como la \"Danza del Hada de Azúcar\" y el \"Vals de las Flores\". La inolvidable música de Chaikovski, con el delicado sonido de la celesta, un instrumento de timbre cristalino y encantador, evoca a la perfección el espíritu de un cuento de hadas. Aunque su estreno en el Teatro Mariinski de San Petersburgo no logró cautivar al público, con el tiempo se convirtió en un clásico mundial, alcanzando su apogeo a mediados del siglo XX.",
+ "date": "2024-12-18",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.NutcrackerBallet_ES-ES9535020384_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/ES/es/2024-12-18.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Mercado navideño de Sibiu, Rumanía",
+ "caption": "Mercado navideño",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Calin Stan/Alamy",
+ "description": "Con la imagen del día, viajamos al encantador Mercado de Navidad de Sibiu, Târgul de Crăciun din Sibiu, en Rumanía, celebrado en la plaza central desde finales de noviembre hasta principios de enero. Las luces brillantes llenan las calles adoquinadas de una calidez festiva. En el centro, un imponente árbol de Navidad iluminado está rodeado de casetas de madera que ofrecen adornos artesanales y delicias locales: cozonac, un pan dulce rumano; vin fiert, un vino caliente especiado; y covrigi, pretzels salados recién horneados.",
+ "date": "2024-12-19",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SibiuRomania_ES-ES0903750194_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/ES/es/2024-12-19.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Pueblo de Papá Noel en Rovaniemi, Laponia, Finlandia",
+ "caption": "Vuelve a casa por Navidad",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Smelov/Shutterstock",
+ "description": "Descubre la magia de la Navidad en el corazón de Rovaniemi, Finlandia. En el encantador Pueblo de Papá Noel, situado en pleno Círculo Polar Ártico, los visitantes se adentran en un mundo navideño fascinante y lleno de sorpresas. Este lugar de ensueño permite a niños y adultos conocer al mismísimo Papá Noel y sus leales renos, además de vivir la experiencia única de cruzar la emblemática línea del Círculo Polar Ártico.",
+ "date": "2024-12-20",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SantaClausVillage_ES-ES1153785422_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/ES/es/2024-12-20.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Halo alrededor del sol, Montes Metálicos, Sajonia, Alemania",
+ "caption": "El paraíso invernal",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Martin Ruegner/Getty Images",
+ "description": "El solsticio de invierno marca el día más corto y la noche más larga en el hemisferio norte, un evento que ha fascinado a la humanidad durante milenios. Monumentos como Stonehenge se alinean con el punto donde el sol sale o se pone en esta fecha, reflejando la conexión ancestral con los ciclos de la naturaleza.",
+ "date": "2024-12-21",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SolsticeHalo_ES-ES1500540396_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/ES/es/2024-12-21.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Árbol de Navidad en Crystal Pier, Pacific Beach, San Diego, California, EE.UU.",
+ "caption": "Navidad reflejada en las olas",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© SamAntonioPhotography/Getty Images",
+ "description": "¡Vive una Navidad mágica y diferente! Hoy viajamos a Pacific Beach, en San Diego, California, en Estados Unidos, donde el espíritu navideño ilumina cada rincón. Un lugar emblemático es Crystal Pier, un histórico muelle inaugurado en 1927 que se extiende 266 metros sobre el Pacífico. Este muelle, decorado festivamente con un árbol de Navidad de seis metros al final, fue en su origen un salón de baile y feria, pero hoy es un tranquilo refugio vacacional. Los visitantes disfrutan de atardeceres, surfistas y la migración de ballenas.",
+ "date": "2024-12-22",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.CrystalPier_ES-ES1740304198_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/ES/es/2024-12-22.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Dos grullas de Manchuria en Kushiro, Hokkaido, Japón",
+ "caption": "¿Listo para unas risas?",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Wirestock, Inc./Alamy",
+ "description": "Festivus es una curiosa alternativa a la Navidad que se celebra el 23 de diciembre y ganó popularidad gracias a la serie Seinfeld. Creada por la familia de uno de sus guionistas, gira en torno a un sencillo poste de aluminio como símbolo central. La festividad comienza con una cena simple, seguida de la peculiar \"exposición de agravios\", donde los participantes comparten, con humor, las frustraciones acumuladas durante el año. El día culmina con las \"pruebas de fuerza\", un reto donde los asistentes intentan derribar al cabeza de familia. Cuando lo logran, se da por terminada esta divertida y única celebración. ¡Ideal para cerrar el año con humor!",
+ "date": "2024-12-23",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.FestivusCranes_ES-ES2012612015_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/ES/es/2024-12-23.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Mercadillo navideño en Alemania",
+ "caption": "Llegó la Nochebuena",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Cyril Gosselin/Getty Images",
+ "description": "¿Sabías que los mercados navideños en Alemania son una tradición que data de la Edad Media? Estos encantadores mercados, ubicados en las pintorescas plazas de ciudades como Núremberg, Múnich y Dresde, ofrecen un mundo mágico de luces brillantes, melodiosas canciones y delicias de temporada. Cada mercado tiene su propio carácter especial, con artesanías regionales y costumbres festivas. Aquí puedes encontrar adornos hechos a mano, juguetes de madera y accesorios de invierno, además de disfrutar de un reconfortante vino caliente (Glühwein), el delicioso pan de jengibre (Lebkuchen) y crujientes nueces tostadas.",
+ "date": "2024-12-24",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SantaSnowglobe_ES-ES2272443187_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/ES/es/2024-12-24.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Renos de Svalbard en el Van Mijenfjorden NP, Noruega",
+ "caption": "¡Feliz Navidad!",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Martin Zwick/REDA&CO/Universal Images Group via Getty Images",
+ "description": "La Navidad es un tiempo de alegría y tradición, donde la calidez y las celebraciones llenan el aire. Para muchos, es una ocasión para recordar el nacimiento de Jesucristo y disfrutar de la compañía de amigos y familiares. Durante estos días, el hogar se adorna con luces y adornos, el árbol se llena de colores y las canciones navideñas resuenan en cada rincón.",
+ "date": "2024-12-25",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.ReindeerTrio_ES-ES2505457663_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/ES/es/2024-12-25.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Cala Comte al atardecer, Ibiza, Islas Baleares, España",
+ "caption": "Arcoíris abrazando la cala desde el horizonte",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Vicente Soler Marmaneu Vicenfoto/Alamy Stock Photo",
+ "description": "Hoy celebramos San Esteban, una festividad que evoca la serenidad de los momentos compartidos en familia, rodeados de profundas tradiciones y costumbres llenas de amor. La jornada comienza con solemnes misas y continúa con festines que combinan lo mejor de la gastronomía local, como el tradicional \"canelón\". Es un día en el que el bullicio navideño se suaviza, dando paso a una atmósfera más tranquila, donde los hogares se llenan de risas y alegría.",
+ "date": "2024-12-26",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SaintStephensDay_ES-ES9179048163_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/ES/es/2024-12-26.jpg"
\ No newline at end of file
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index 077f235e..69d56c94 100644
--- a/api/FR/fr.json
+++ b/api/FR/fr.json
@@ -10,13 +10,13 @@
"url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/FR/fr/2024-01-01.jpg"
- "title": "Le sentier côtier de Cornouailles recouvert de neige, Land's End, Cornouailles, Angleterre",
+ "title": "Marché de Noël de Sibiu, Roumanie",
"caption": null,
- "subtitle": "Land's End, Cornouailles, Angleterre",
- "copyright": "© Josef FitzGerald-Patrick/Getty Images",
- "description": "Envie d’une escapade sauvage et inspirante ? Land’s End, le point le plus à l’ouest de l’Angleterre, est l’endroit rêvé pour une immersion totale dans la nature. Ici, les falaises abruptes, bordées de bruyères et caressées par l’Atlantique, révèlent des panoramas grandioses. Avec ses sentiers de randonnée mythiques comme le South West Coast Path, Land’s End est un paradis pour les amoureux du plein air. Laissez-vous porter par la beauté des lieux, où chaque recoin raconte des histoires légendaires ! Un voyage aux confins de la Cornouailles, c'est un souffle d’air pur et une vraie bouffée d’évasion.\nPour les amateurs de nature en France, ce décor évoque les falaises sauvages du Cap Fréhel en Bretagne, avec ses panoramas saisissants et ses sentiers côtiers parfumés de bruyères. Entre la terre et l’océan, chaque pas est une immersion dans un environnement préservé qui, tout comme Land’s End, invite à explorer et se ressourcer.",
+ "subtitle": "Marché de Noël de Sibiu, Roumanie",
+ "copyright": "© Calin Stan/Alamy",
+ "description": "Imaginez un décor féerique où la magie de Noël rencontre l’histoire d’un lieu millénaire : bienvenue au marché de Noël de Sibiu en Roumanie ! Chaque hiver, la Grande place s’illumine d’une myriade de lumières, transformant cette ville médiévale en un conte de fées.\nDans les chalets en bois, artisans locaux et producteurs partagent leurs merveilles : des décorations délicates, des jouets faits main et des spécialités gourmandes comme le savoureux vin fiert, vin chaud épicé typique de Roumanie. Une patinoire au centre attire petits et grands, entourée par des concerts qui rythment les soirées.\nCe marché rappelle la magie de Strasbourg, où le plus ancien marché de Noël de France illumine chaque année la place Kléber avec son célèbre sapin. Les traditions alsaciennes, tout comme celles de Sibiu, incarnent l’esprit chaleureux et authentique de Noël.",
"date": "2024-01-02",
- "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.CornwallSnow_FR-FR1834119825_UHD.jpg",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SibiuRomania_FR-FR5904755818_UHD.jpg",
"url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/FR/fr/2024-01-02.jpg"
@@ -2618,5 +2618,95 @@
"date": "2024-12-17",
"bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.ReinefjordenNorway_FR-FR9231276610_UHD.jpg",
"url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/FR/fr/2024-12-17.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Représentation de Casse-Noisette par l’English National Ballet",
+ "caption": "Le ballet incontournable de ces fêtes",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Caroline Holden/Alamy Stock Photo",
+ "description": "Le ballet Casse-Noisette est une tradition de Noël qui traverse les générations. Composé par Tchaïkovski, il a été présenté pour la première fois en 1892 à Saint-Pétersbourg. L'histoire raconte les aventures de Clara, une jeune fille qui reçoit un casse-noisette en cadeau et découvre un monde enchanté où jouets et bonbons prennent vie. Ce qui rend ce ballet si captivant, c'est son mélange de rêve et de réalité, de magie et de mystère, rendu par l’utilisation du célesta, un instrument dont la sonorité évoque celle d'une cloche et capture parfaitement l'atmosphère de conte de fées.",
+ "date": "2024-12-18",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.NutcrackerBallet_FR-FR0747265079_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/FR/fr/2024-12-18.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Marché de Noël de Sibiu, Roumanie",
+ "caption": "Noël au Cœur de la Transylvanie",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Calin Stan/Alamy",
+ "description": "Imaginez un décor féerique où la magie de Noël rencontre l’histoire d’un lieu millénaire : bienvenue au marché de Noël de Sibiu en Roumanie ! Chaque hiver, la Grande place s’illumine d’une myriade de lumières, transformant cette ville médiévale en un conte de fées.",
+ "date": "2024-12-19",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SibiuRomania_FR-FR5904755818_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/FR/fr/2024-12-19.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Village du Père Noël à Rovaniemi, Laponie, Finlande",
+ "caption": "Là où vit le Père Noël",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Smelov/Shutterstock",
+ "description": "Le village du Père Noël à Rovaniemi, en Finlande, est un endroit magique à découvrir, surtout pendant les fêtes de fin d’année. Situé sur le cercle polaire arctique, ce lieu accueille chaque année des visiteurs curieux de rencontrer le célèbre Père Noël. Le point fort ? La ligne symbolique du cercle polaire que vous pouvez traverser, immortalisant votre aventure dans l’Arctique. Ne manquez pas le bureau de poste du Père Noël, où vous pouvez envoyer des lettres marquées du timbre officiel.",
+ "date": "2024-12-20",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SantaClausVillage_FR-FR1605218480_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/FR/fr/2024-12-20.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Halo autour du soleil, Monts Métallifères, Saxe, Allemagne",
+ "caption": "Merveille hivernale",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Martin Ruegner/Getty Images",
+ "description": "Le solstice d’hiver dans les Monts Métallifères, en Allemagne, est une expérience unique, mêlant nature et traditions. C’est à cette date, la plus courte de l’année, que vous pourriez apercevoir un halo solaire, ce cercle lumineux formé par la lumière réfractée à travers les cristaux de glace en altitude. Un spectacle rare et impressionnant ! Ce phénomène s’inscrit dans une région riche d’histoire. Les Monts Métallifères, connus pour leur patrimoine minier classé par l’UNESCO, célèbrent depuis des siècles le solstice comme un moment clé du cycle annuel. Les anciens mineurs voyaient dans ce jour un présage de lumière et de renouveau, une tradition encore vivante dans les villages locaux.",
+ "date": "2024-12-21",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SolsticeHalo_FR-FR4955312327_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/FR/fr/2024-12-21.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Arbre de Noël à Crystal Pier, Pacific Beach, San Diego, Californie",
+ "caption": "Le surf, le sable et le Père Noël !",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© SamAntonioPhotography/Getty Images",
+ "description": "Chaque année, l’arbre de Noël de Crystal Pier, à San Diego, en Californie, illumine la côte Pacifique avec une touche de magie unique. Situé au bout d’un emblématique ponton en bois, cet arbre scintillant semble flotter au-dessus de l’océan, offrant un spectacle captivant à ses visiteurs.",
+ "date": "2024-12-22",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.CrystalPier_FR-FR4694395729_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/FR/fr/2024-12-22.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Grues du Japon, Kushiro, Hokkaido, Japon",
+ "caption": "L'art du vol",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Wirestock, Inc./Alamy",
+ "description": "Dans les paysages enneigés de Kushiro, au nord du Japon, se joue un spectacle d’une rare élégance : la danse des grues japonaises. Symbole de longévité et de fidélité, ces majestueux oiseaux au plumage immaculé et à la couronne rouge sont étroitement liés aux légendes locales. On raconte qu’ils apporteraient prospérité et bonheur.",
+ "date": "2024-12-23",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.FestivusCranes_FR-FR4485267796_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/FR/fr/2024-12-23.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Marché de Noël en Allemagne",
+ "caption": "N'oubliez pas vos petits souliers !",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Cyril Gosselin/Getty Images",
+ "description": "Les marchés de Noël en Allemagne sont de véritables joyaux culturels. Le Christkindlesmarkt de Nuremberg, vieux de plus de 400 ans, et celui de Cologne, situé près de sa majestueuse cathédrale, incarnent la féérie hivernale. Vous y découvrirez des cadeaux faits main, des mets traditionnels comme le Stollen, et une ambiance unique. Ces marchés sont parfaits pour trouver un petit cadeau de dernière minute et s'associent à la tradition du réveillon de Noël. Après une journée à parcourir les allées décorées, la soirée se poursuit autour d’un repas typique.",
+ "date": "2024-12-24",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SantaSnowglobe_FR-FR4108706539_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/FR/fr/2024-12-24.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Rennes du Svalbard, parc national de Van Mijenfjorden, Norvège",
+ "caption": "Joyeux Noël !",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Martin Zwick/REDA&CO/Universal Images Group via Getty Images",
+ "description": "Le jour de Noël, célébré à travers le monde, marie traditions religieuses et contes légendaires. Parmi les figures emblématiques, les rennes du Père Noël captivent l’imaginaire collectif. Mais saviez-vous que les véritables rennes, comme ceux du Svalbard en Norvège, sont aussi des symboles de résilience ?",
+ "date": "2024-12-25",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.ReindeerTrio_FR-FR3852495223_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/FR/fr/2024-12-25.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Pointe du Diable, Saint Pierre, Parc national de la Réunion",
+ "caption": "Le souffle du diable et de la nature",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© MONTICO Lionel/Hemis/Alamy Stock Photo",
+ "description": "La Pointe du Diable, située sur l’île de La Réunion, est le théâtre d'une rencontre fascinante entre la puissance de la nature et le mystère. Formée il y a 200 000 ans par les coulées de lave du Piton des Neiges, cette péninsule basaltique s'avance majestueusement dans l’océan Indien.",
+ "date": "2024-12-26",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.PointeDiable_FR-FR3649413809_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/FR/fr/2024-12-26.jpg"
\ No newline at end of file
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index 8b84ba2d..3c4655dd 100644
--- a/api/GB/en.json
+++ b/api/GB/en.json
@@ -10,13 +10,13 @@
"url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/GB/en/2024-01-01.jpg"
- "title": "The Cornish Coast Path covered in snow, Land's End, Cornwall, England",
+ "title": "Sibiu Christmas Market, Romania",
"caption": null,
- "subtitle": "Land's End, Cornwall, England",
- "copyright": "© Josef FitzGerald-Patrick/Getty Images",
- "description": "Windswept cliffs, rugged beauty and dramatic ocean views—welcome to Land's End in Cornwall, England. Since ancient Greek times, when it was known as 'Belerion' or 'Place of the Sun,' or in Arthurian legends about the lost land of Lyonesse, Land's End has always been a place of fascination. Land's End is the most south-westerly point on mainland Britain. It is most famous for being the starting point or end of charity races which run the length of the island of Great Britain from Land's End to John O'Groats - at Britain's north-easterly tip.\nThe first thing you'll notice about Land's End is the cliffs towering above the crashing waves. The sea carved these granite walls over millennia, creating one of the most striking coastlines in the United Kingdom. These cliffs are part of the South West Coast Path, a 630-mile trail popular among hikers that runs from Minehead in Somerset to Poole in Dorset. The Cornish Coastal Path, featured in today's image, is a section of this trail, and snow here is a rare occurrence because of Cornwall's mild coastal climate and proximity to the Atlantic Ocean. So, whether you're here to hike, relax or just stand at the frozen edge, Land's End is a memorable cliffhanger.",
+ "subtitle": "Sibiu Christmas Market, Romania",
+ "copyright": "© Calin Stan/Alamy Stock Photo",
+ "description": "As the winter chill sets in, the city of Sibiu transforms into a dazzling holiday wonderland as it hosts one of Romania's most popular Christmas markets. The Sibiu Christmas Market, known in Romanian as Târgul de Crăciun din Sibiu, is held in the central square from the end of November until early January. Sparkling strings of lights drape across the square, seen in today's image, creating a canopy that bathes the cobblestone streets in a warm, festive glow. There also stands a beautifully lit Christmas tree, surrounded by charming wooden huts selling everything from handcrafted ornaments to locally made treats like cozonac, a traditional Romanian sweet bread; vin fiert, an aromatic mulled wine; and covrigi, a type of pretzel served warm and sprinkled with salt.\nSibiu itself is a place steeped in history, known for its well-preserved medieval architecture, colourful facades and vibrant cultural scene. Once the wealthiest city founded by German settlers in the 12th century, it was designated the European Capital of Culture for 2007. During the Christmas season, Sibiu shines even brighter, with carousels, ice skating rinks and performances that bring the city to life.",
"date": "2024-01-02",
- "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.CornwallSnow_EN-GB4665693943_UHD.jpg",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SibiuRomania_EN-GB6095129735_UHD.jpg",
"url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/GB/en/2024-01-02.jpg"
@@ -2628,5 +2628,95 @@
"date": "2024-12-17",
"bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.ReinefjordenNorway_EN-GB7665717824_UHD.jpg",
"url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/GB/en/2024-12-17.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "English National Ballet performing 'The Nutcracker'",
+ "caption": "Yule really love this ballet",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Caroline Holden/Alamy Stock Photo",
+ "description": "Every holiday season, as snow begins to fall and Christmas lights twinkle in the night, the story of 'The Nutcracker' comes to life on stages around the world. Written by Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky in 1892, this beloved ballet is based on E.T.A. Hoffmann's fairy tale 'The Nutcracker and the Mouse King.' Set on Christmas Eve, it follows a young girl named Clara, who goes on an adventure with the Nutcracker Prince as they battle the evil Mouse King. Many renowned ballet companies present their rendition of this classic every year, including the New York City Ballet, the Boston Ballet and the English National Ballet, pictured here.",
+ "date": "2024-12-18",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.NutcrackerBallet_EN-GB4363189142_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/GB/en/2024-12-18.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Sibiu Christmas Market, Romania",
+ "caption": "Twinkle town",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Calin Stan/Alamy Stock Photo",
+ "description": "As the winter chill sets in, the city of Sibiu transforms into a dazzling holiday wonderland as it hosts one of Romania's most popular Christmas markets. The Sibiu Christmas Market, known in Romanian as Târgul de Crăciun din Sibiu, is held in the central square from the end of November until early January. Sparkling strings of lights drape across the square, seen in today's image, creating a canopy that bathes the cobblestone streets in a warm, festive glow. There also stands a beautifully lit Christmas tree, surrounded by charming wooden huts selling everything from handcrafted ornaments to locally made treats like cozonac, a traditional Romanian sweet bread; vin fiert, an aromatic mulled wine; and covrigi, a type of pretzel served warm and sprinkled with salt.",
+ "date": "2024-12-19",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SibiuRomania_EN-GB6095129735_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/GB/en/2024-12-19.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Santa Claus Village in Rovaniemi, Lapland, Finland",
+ "caption": "He's coming to town...",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Smelov/Shutterstock",
+ "description": "Nestled in Rovaniemi, Finland, and pictured in today's image, Santa Claus Village is a magical year-round destination where visitors can step into the enchanting world of Christmas. Situated right on the Arctic Circle, this village offers unique experiences, like meeting Santa Claus himself or crossing the Arctic Circle line. Children and adults alike can meet Santa's loyal reindeer and explore a vibrant collection of Christmas-themed attractions designed to delight visitors of all ages.",
+ "date": "2024-12-20",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SantaClausVillage_EN-GB5411562669_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/GB/en/2024-12-20.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Royal Pavilion, Brighton, England",
+ "caption": "When time burns bright",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Michaelasbest/Shutterstock",
+ "description": "As the year winds down and the longest night of winter settles over Brighton in England, the city doesn't hibernate—it ignites. Burning the Clocks, a winter solstice festival, is Brighton's luminous way of letting go of the past year, lighting up the darkest hours with paper lanterns, a blazing bonfire and an explosion of creativity. This tradition was born in 1994 as a response to the commercialised chaos of the holiday season. This annual fest invites locals and visitors alike to create intricate paper lanterns symbolising their hopes, dreams and reflections from the year gone by. These lanterns are paraded through the streets in a procession that winds its way to Brighton Beach, accompanied by music. At the end of the parade, the lanterns are ceremoniously burned on a massive bonfire.",
+ "date": "2024-12-21",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.BurningOfTheClocks2024_EN-GB6475088295_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/GB/en/2024-12-21.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Christmas tree at Crystal Pier, Pacific Beach, San Diego, California, USA",
+ "caption": "Surf, sand and Santa",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© SamAntonioPhotography/Getty Images",
+ "description": "Santa has plenty of runway to land, but good luck trying to find a chimney. Today, we're getting ready for Christmas at Pacific Beach in San Diego, California, United States. While it might not snow here, there's still plenty of yuletide spirit leading up to Christmas in sunny Southern California. Among many beautiful examples on San Diego's Christmas Tree Trail is the 6-metre tree at the end of a festively decorated Crystal Pier.",
+ "date": "2024-12-22",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.CrystalPier_EN-GB6658264823_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/GB/en/2024-12-22.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Two red-crowned cranes in Kushiro, Hokkaido, Japan",
+ "caption": "Ready to let off some steam?",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Wirestock, Inc./Alamy Stock Photo",
+ "description": "'A Festivus for the rest of us!' This is the unofficial motto of this non-commercial alternative to Christmas. Celebrated on December 23, Festivus was popularised by the TV show 'Seinfeld,' although it was actually invented by the family of one of the series' writers. This celebration centres around the unadorned aluminium Festivus pole. After dinner, the traditional Festivus 'airing of grievances' gets underway. This consists of telling friends and family the ways they've disappointed you over the year. According to some mental health professionals, this tradition could be good for people's mental well-being, providing some much-needed catharsis at what can be a difficult time of year for many people.",
+ "date": "2024-12-23",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.FestivusCranes_EN-GB8631404413_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/GB/en/2024-12-23.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Christmas market scene in Germany",
+ "caption": "Have yourself a very merry Christmas!",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Cyril Gosselin/Getty Images",
+ "description": "Christmas markets in Germany are a cherished holiday tradition that welcome visitors into a magical world of twinkling lights, festive music and delicious seasonal treats. These markets date back to the Middle Ages and are held in town squares throughout Germany, with iconic examples in cities such as Nuremberg, Munich and Dresden. Each market displays unique regional crafts and festive customs. Here, guests can discover handcrafted ornaments, wooden toys and cosy winter accessories, along with specialties like mulled wine (Glühwein), gingerbread (Lebkuchen) and roasted nuts—ideal for enjoying while immersing themselves in the enchanting atmosphere.",
+ "date": "2024-12-24",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SantaSnowglobe_EN-GB8850390897_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/GB/en/2024-12-24.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Svalbard reindeer in Van Mijenfjorden NP, Norway",
+ "caption": "Merry Christmas!",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Martin Zwick/REDA&CO/Universal Images Group via Getty Images",
+ "description": "Deck the halls, it's Christmas time! Christmas Day is a holiday packed with joy, warmth and cherished traditions. For many, it's a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, bringing family and friends together to exchange gifts, share meals and enjoy festive décor. Beyond its spiritual roots, Christmas also lights up the season with beloved customs—decorating trees, carolling and eagerly awaiting Santa's arrival. These traditions, blending both old and new, make the holiday a magical experience filled with connection and cheer.",
+ "date": "2024-12-25",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.ReindeerTrio_EN-GB9048626587_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/GB/en/2024-12-25.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Christmas lights at Mousehole harbour, Cornwall, England",
+ "caption": "The holidays continue",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© ianwool/Getty Images",
+ "description": "As the last notes of Christmas carols linger in the air, Boxing Day arrives. This day is celebrated in the United Kingdom, Canada and several Commonwealth countries. In the past, it was customary for the wealthy to give boxes filled with gifts to their servants on the day after Christmas. The tradition evolved into a day for charitable giving to the less fortunate. Today, while the spirit of giving remains, it has transformed into a holiday about enjoying bustling sales and a lineup of soccer matches.",
+ "date": "2024-12-26",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.MouseholeXmas_EN-GB9459656621_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/GB/en/2024-12-26.jpg"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/api/IN/en.json b/api/IN/en.json
index bd530d82..2516de98 100644
--- a/api/IN/en.json
+++ b/api/IN/en.json
@@ -10,13 +10,13 @@
"url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/IN/en/2024-01-01.jpg"
- "title": "The Cornish Coast Path covered in snow, Land's End, Cornwall, England",
+ "title": "Sibiu Christmas Market, Romania",
"caption": null,
- "subtitle": "Land's End, Cornwall, England",
- "copyright": "© Josef FitzGerald-Patrick/Getty Images",
- "description": "Windswept cliffs, rugged beauty and dramatic ocean views—welcome to Land's End in Cornwall, England. Since ancient Greek times, when it was known as 'Belerion' or 'Place of the Sun' or in Arthurian legends about the lost land of Lyonesse, Land's End has always been a place of fascination. Land's End is the most south-westerly point on mainland Britain. It is most famous for being the starting point or end of charity races which run the length of the island of Great Britain from Land's End to John O'Groats - at Britain's north-easterly tip.\nThe first thing you'll notice about Land's End is the cliffs towering above the crashing waves. The sea carved these granite walls over millennia, creating one of the most striking coastlines in the United Kingdom. These cliffs are part of the South West Coast Path, an over 1000-kilometre trail popular among hikers that runs from Minehead in Somerset to Poole in Dorset. The Cornish Coastal Path, featured in today's image, is a section of this trail, and snow here is a rare occurrence because of Cornwall's mild coastal climate and proximity to the Atlantic Ocean. So, whether you're here to hike, relax or just stand at the frozen edge, Land's End is a memorable cliffhanger.",
+ "subtitle": "Sibiu Christmas Market, Romania",
+ "copyright": "© Calin Stan/Alamy Stock Photo",
+ "description": "As the winter chill sets in, the city of Sibiu transforms into a dazzling holiday wonderland as it hosts one of Romania's most popular Christmas markets. The Sibiu Christmas Market, known in Romanian as Târgul de Crăciun din Sibiu, is held in the central square from the end of November until early January. Sparkling strings of lights drape across the square, seen in today's image, creating a canopy that bathes the cobblestone streets in a warm, festive glow. There also stands a beautifully lit Christmas tree, surrounded by charming wooden huts selling everything from handcrafted ornaments to locally made treats like cozonac, a traditional Romanian sweet bread; vin fiert, an aromatic mulled wine; and covrigi, a type of pretzel served warm and sprinkled with salt.\nSibiu itself is a place steeped in history, known for its well-preserved medieval architecture, colourful facades and vibrant cultural scene. Once the wealthiest city founded by German settlers in the 12th century, it was designated the European Capital of Culture for 2007. During the Christmas season, Sibiu shines even brighter, with carousels, ice skating rinks and performances that bring the city to life.",
"date": "2024-01-02",
- "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.CornwallSnow_EN-IN2928995199_UHD.jpg",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SibiuRomania_EN-IN1994356758_UHD.jpg",
"url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/IN/en/2024-01-02.jpg"
@@ -2618,5 +2618,95 @@
"date": "2024-12-17",
"bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.ReinefjordenNorway_EN-IN1479907327_UHD.jpg",
"url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/IN/en/2024-12-17.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "English National Ballet performing 'The Nutcracker'",
+ "caption": "Yule really loves this ballet",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Caroline Holden/Alamy Stock Photo",
+ "description": "Every holiday season, as snow begins to fall and Christmas lights twinkle in the night, the story of 'The Nutcracker' comes to life on stages around the world. Written by Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky in 1892, this beloved ballet is based on E.T.A. Hoffmann's fairy tale 'The Nutcracker and the Mouse King.' Set on Christmas Eve, it follows a young girl named Clara, who goes on an adventure with the Nutcracker Prince as they battle the evil Mouse King. Many renowned ballet companies present their rendition of this classic every year, including the New York City Ballet, the Boston Ballet and the English National Ballet, pictured here. Tchaikovsky's score is noted for its use of the celesta, an instrument with a bell-like tone, which perfectly captures the fairy-tale atmosphere.",
+ "date": "2024-12-18",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.NutcrackerBallet_EN-IN5416156608_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/IN/en/2024-12-18.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Sibiu Christmas Market, Romania",
+ "caption": "Twinkle town",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Calin Stan/Alamy Stock Photo",
+ "description": "As the winter chill sets in, the city of Sibiu transforms into a dazzling holiday wonderland as it hosts one of Romania's most popular Christmas markets. The Sibiu Christmas Market, known in Romanian as Târgul de Crăciun din Sibiu, is held in the central square from the end of November until early January. Sparkling strings of lights drape across the square, seen in today's image, creating a canopy that bathes the cobblestone streets in a warm, festive glow. There also stands a beautifully lit Christmas tree, surrounded by charming wooden huts selling everything from handcrafted ornaments to locally made treats like cozonac, a traditional Romanian sweet bread; vin fiert, an aromatic mulled wine; and covrigi, a type of pretzel served warm and sprinkled with salt.",
+ "date": "2024-12-19",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SibiuRomania_EN-IN1994356758_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/IN/en/2024-12-19.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Santa Claus Village in Rovaniemi, Lapland, Finland",
+ "caption": "He's coming to town...",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Smelov/Shutterstock",
+ "description": "Nestled in Rovaniemi, Finland, and pictured in today's image, Santa Claus Village is a magical year-round destination where visitors can step into the enchanting world of Christmas. Situated right on the Arctic Circle, this village offers unique experiences, like meeting Santa Claus himself or crossing the Arctic Circle line. Children and adults alike can meet Santa's loyal reindeer and explore a vibrant collection of Christmas-themed attractions designed to delight visitors of all ages.",
+ "date": "2024-12-20",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SantaClausVillage_EN-IN8131344842_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/IN/en/2024-12-20.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Halo around the sun, Ore Mountains, Saxony, Germany",
+ "caption": "Midwinter wonderland",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Martin Ruegner/Getty Images",
+ "description": "The winter solstice is here. Today marks the shortest day in the Northern Hemisphere, while last night was the longest night of the year. This has been an important event for millennia, with evidence of celebrations going back as far as 10,000 BCE. Some of the world's most famous Stone Age monuments, including Stonehenge, are aligned with the point that the sun rises or sets on the winter solstice. Traditionally, it was a time for feasting and lighting of fires to symbolise the darkest day of the year. Ancient Germanic tribes celebrated the winter solstice by bringing evergreens into their homes as a symbol of the returning light and the coming spring.",
+ "date": "2024-12-21",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SolsticeHalo_EN-IN0859597164_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/IN/en/2024-12-21.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Christmas tree at Crystal Pier, Pacific Beach, San Diego, California",
+ "caption": "Surf, sand and Santa",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© SamAntonioPhotography/Getty Images",
+ "description": "Today, we're getting ready for Christmas at Pacific Beach in San Diego, California, United States. While it might not snow here, there's still plenty of yuletide spirit leading up to Christmas in sunny Southern California. Among many beautiful examples on San Diego's Christmas Tree Trail is an over 6-metres tree at the end of a festively decorated Crystal Pier.",
+ "date": "2024-12-22",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.CrystalPier_EN-IN1061631248_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/IN/en/2024-12-22.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Dhamek Stupa, Sarnath, Uttar Pradesh",
+ "caption": "Enlightened foundations",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Dinodia Photo/Getty Images",
+ "description": "Welcome to Sarnath, home of the celebrated marvel of Buddhism—Dhamek Stupa, featured in today's image. This structure was built on the very spot where Buddha shared his first-ever sermon with his first five disciples. Originally built in 500 CE to replace an earlier monument commissioned by Emperor Ashoka in 249 BCE, it holds a legacy as rich as its carvings. With a solid base of 28 metres in diameter and a towering height of 43.6 metres, it merges stone and brick in a design that's both massive and intricate. The lower stonework boasts delicate floral carvings from the Gupta era, while its walls feature finely detailed depictions of humans, birds and inscriptions in the ancient Brahmi script. Although the stupa has been expanded six times over the centuries, the upper section remains unfinished. Standing before it, one can't help but marvel at the stories it holds.",
+ "date": "2024-12-23",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.DhamekStupa_EN-IN0403888448_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/IN/en/2024-12-23.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Christmas market scene in Germany",
+ "caption": "Have yourself a very merry Christmas!",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Cyril Gosselin/Getty Images",
+ "description": "Christmas markets in Germany are a cherished holiday tradition that welcomes visitors into a magical world of twinkling lights, festive music and delicious seasonal treats. These markets date back to the Middle Ages and are held in town squares throughout Germany, with iconic examples in cities such as Nuremberg, Munich and Dresden. Each market displays unique regional crafts and festive customs. Here, guests can discover handcrafted ornaments, wooden toys and cosy winter accessories, along with specialities like mulled wine (Glühwein), gingerbread (Lebkuchen) and roasted nuts—ideal for enjoying while immersing themselves in the enchanting atmosphere.",
+ "date": "2024-12-24",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SantaSnowglobe_EN-IN0656724477_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/IN/en/2024-12-24.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Svalbard reindeer in Van Mijenfjorden NP, Norway",
+ "caption": "Merry Christmas!",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Martin Zwick/REDA&CO/Universal Images Group via Getty Images",
+ "description": "Deck the halls, it's Christmas time! Christmas Day is a holiday packed with joy, warmth and cherished traditions. For many, it's a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, bringing family and friends together to exchange gifts, share meals and enjoy festive décor. Beyond its spiritual roots, Christmas also lights up the season with beloved customs—decorating trees, carolling and eagerly awaiting Santa's arrival. Recognised as a state holiday in India, Christmas is celebrated as a secular occasion. For Christians, particularly Catholics, attending Midnight Mass is a key tradition. Many Christian households adorn their homes with cribs, trees and brightly lit stars symbolising the Bethlehem star. They also share sweets and cakes with neighbours. In northern and north-western regions, it's known as Bada Din (Big Day), and some communities mark the occasion by planting trees.",
+ "date": "2024-12-25",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.ReindeerTrio_EN-IN0167081195_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/IN/en/2024-12-25.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Christmas lights at Mousehole harbour, Cornwall, England",
+ "caption": "The holidays continue",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© ianwool/Getty Images",
+ "description": "As the last notes of Christmas carols linger in the air, Boxing Day arrives. This day is celebrated in the United Kingdom, Canada and several Commonwealth countries. In the past, it was customary for the wealthy to give boxes filled with gifts to their servants on the day after Christmas. The tradition evolved into a day for charitable giving to the less fortunate. Today, while the spirit of giving remains, it has transformed into a holiday enjoying bustling sales and a lineup of soccer matches. However, December 26th in India is marked by a more somber remembrance—the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami, which is why the disaster is often referred to as the 'Boxing Day Tsunami.'",
+ "date": "2024-12-26",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.MouseholeXmas_EN-IN6968521248_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/IN/en/2024-12-26.jpg"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/api/IT/it.json b/api/IT/it.json
index 1c32aa80..7a8ed269 100644
--- a/api/IT/it.json
+++ b/api/IT/it.json
@@ -10,13 +10,13 @@
"url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/IT/it/2024-01-01.jpg"
- "title": "Sentiero costiero della Cornovaglia coperto di neve, Land's End, Cornovaglia, Inghilterra",
+ "title": "Mercatino di Natale di Sibiu, Romania",
"caption": null,
- "subtitle": "Land's End, Cornovaglia, Inghilterra",
- "copyright": "© Josef FitzGerald-Patrick/Getty Images",
- "description": "Solo a guardare la foto viene la pelle d'oca, altro che paradisi mediterranei del Bel paese. Ma d’altronde siamo in inverno e questo luogo ci sembra ancora più suggestivo. Ci troviamo a Land's End, in Cornovaglia, in Inghilterra, dove le maestose scogliere si ergono sopra le onde impetuose del mare. Questo luogo, conosciuto fin dai tempi antichi come “Belerion”, si trova nell'estremo ovest dell’isola britannica e si affaccia sull’Oceano Atlantico. Ammirate queste scogliere innevate. Una combinazione rara per noi, ma dal fascino incredibile, non credete?\nNell'entroterra della Cornovaglia si trova l'Eden Project, un famoso complesso turistico. Talmente rinomato che nel 2002 è stato scelto come set per alcune scene del film “007 - La morte può attendere” con Pierce Brosnan, in cui la famosa hit di Madonna usata come colonna sonora del film è intitolata anch'essa \"Die Another Day\". Che desideriate esplorare l'affascinante storia della Cornovaglia, passeggiare lungo la sua incantevole costa o seguire le tracce dell'agente segreto al servizio di Sua Maestà, la Cornovaglia è la destinazione perfetta per voi.",
+ "subtitle": "Mercatino di Natale di Sibiu, Romania",
+ "copyright": "© Calin Stan/Alamy Stock Photo",
+ "description": "Venite ad ammirare questo mercatino di Natale. Non si trova né nei paesi germanofoni né nel Nord d’Italia. Benvenuti a Sibiu, nota in rumeno come Târgul de Crăciun din Sibiu. Il mercatino si tiene nella piazza centrale dalla fine di novembre fino ai primi di gennaio. Luci scintillanti avvolgono la piazza e le piccole casette di legno offrono una vasta gamma di prodotti. Si va dagli ornamenti fatti a mano alle prelibatezze locali come il cozonac, un dolce tradizionale rumeno, il vin fiert, un aromatico vin brulé, e i covrigi, un tipo di pretzel serviti caldi e cosparsi di sale.\nSibiu è una città ricca di storia, famosa per la sua architettura medievale ben conservata, le facciate colorate e la vivace scena culturale. Fondata dai coloni tedeschi nel XII secolo, nel 2007 è stata designata 'Capitale Europea della Cultura'. Se non avete in programma di viaggiare fino in Romania per Natale, sappiate che l’Italia offre una moltitudine di mercatini, i più famosi dei quali si trovano al nord della penisola. Se invece cercate un'esperienza natalizia nel cuore del Sud Italia, non perdetevi i presepi di Napoli a San Gregorio Armeno, un vero gioiello della tradizione italiana.",
"date": "2024-01-02",
- "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.CornwallSnow_IT-IT1356760467_UHD.jpg",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SibiuRomania_IT-IT8074363725_UHD.jpg",
"url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/IT/it/2024-01-02.jpg"
@@ -2618,5 +2618,95 @@
"date": "2024-12-17",
"bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.ReinefjordenNorway_IT-IT7180371144_UHD.jpg",
"url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/IT/it/2024-12-17.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Il Balletto Nazionale Inglese esegue “Lo Schiaccianoci”",
+ "caption": "Balletto natalizio?",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Caroline Holden/Alamy Stock Photo",
+ "description": "Ogni anno, con l'arrivo del Natale e la caduta della neve, e con le luci di Natale che illuminano le notti di tutto il mondo, la storia de “Lo Schiaccianoci” prende vita sui palcoscenici di tutto il pianeta. Scritto dal compositore russo Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky nel 1892, questo amato balletto è basato sulla fiaba di E.T.A. Hoffmann \"Lo schiaccianoci e il re dei topi\". Ambientata nella notte della Vigilia di Natale, narra di una giovane di nome Clara che vive un'avventura con il Principe Schiaccianoci mentre combatte il malvagio Re dei Topi.",
+ "date": "2024-12-18",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.NutcrackerBallet_IT-IT7796108656_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/IT/it/2024-12-18.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Mercatino di Natale di Sibiu, Romania",
+ "caption": "Sapori d'inverno e luci di festa",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Calin Stan/Alamy Stock Photo",
+ "description": "Venite ad ammirare questo mercatino di Natale. Non si trova né nei paesi germanofoni né nel Nord d’Italia. Benvenuti a Sibiu, nota in rumeno come Târgul de Crăciun din Sibiu. Il mercatino si tiene nella piazza centrale dalla fine di novembre fino ai primi di gennaio. Luci scintillanti avvolgono la piazza e le piccole casette di legno offrono una vasta gamma di prodotti. Si va dagli ornamenti fatti a mano alle prelibatezze locali come il cozonac, un dolce tradizionale rumeno, il vin fiert, un aromatico vin brulé, e i covrigi, un tipo di pretzel serviti caldi e cosparsi di sale.",
+ "date": "2024-12-19",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SibiuRomania_IT-IT8074363725_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/IT/it/2024-12-19.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Villaggio di Babbo Natale a Rovaniemi, Lapponia, Finlandia",
+ "caption": "Santuario Natalizio",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Smelov/Shutterstock",
+ "description": "Sapevate che a Rovaniemi, in Finlandia, esiste un luogo magico chiamato Villaggio di Babbo Natale? Questo incantevole villaggio, situato sul Circolo Polare Artico, è aperto tutto l'anno e permette ai visitatori di immergersi nell'atmosfera natalizia. Avrete l'opportunità di incontrare Babbo Natale in persona, attraversare il Circolo Polare Artico e conoscere le sue fedeli renne. Le attrazioni a tema natalizio sono pensate per far felici grandi e piccini. Se siete fortunati, potreste addirittura vedere l'aurora boreale: sarà il regalo di Natale più bello.",
+ "date": "2024-12-20",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SantaClausVillage_IT-IT8309910661_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/IT/it/2024-12-20.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Un alone intorno al Sole, Monti Metalliferi, Sassonia, Germania",
+ "caption": "Magia di mezz'inverno",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Martin Ruegner/Getty Images",
+ "description": "Il solstizio d’inverno, il giorno più breve dell’anno, è un momento carico di significati. Sin dalla notte dei tempi, tutte le culture del pianeta celebrano questa data così significativa. Dall’antica Babilonia, passando per il culto del Sol Invictus a Roma, il sole è un elemento e un simbolo centrale per le popolazioni di tutto il mondo. Le tribù germaniche, per esempio, portavano sempreverdi nelle loro case come simbolo della luce che ritorna e della primavera che arriva. Per questo motivo oggi vi portiamo sui Monti Metalliferi, nella regione della Sassonia, nel cuore della Germania.",
+ "date": "2024-12-21",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SolsticeHalo_IT-IT8535598523_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/IT/it/2024-12-21.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Albero di Natale al Crystal Pier, Pacific Beach, San Diego, California, USA",
+ "caption": "Surf, Sabbia e Santa Claus",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© SamAntonioPhotography/Getty Images",
+ "description": "Che ne dite? Avrà spazio qui a Pacific Beach, a San Diego, in California, Babbo Natale per atterrare con le sue renne? Anche se qui non nevica, lo spirito natalizio è sempre vivo. Tra i tanti esempi splendidi lungo il Christmas Tree Trail di San Diego, c'è un albero di Natale di circa 6 metri alla fine del festosamente decorato Crystal Pier. Vi alletta l'idea di trascorrere un Natale in costume, tra mare, sabbia, granchi e crema abbronzante? Il molo che potete ammirare potrebbe essere il luogo ideale per voi, dove, dopo qualche tuffo, potrete godere di viste panoramiche uniche al mondo sulla costa dell'Oceano Pacifico.",
+ "date": "2024-12-22",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.CrystalPier_IT-IT3144209474_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/IT/it/2024-12-22.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Grus japonesis a Kushiro, Hokkaido, Giappone",
+ "caption": "Due cuori e una risata",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Wirestock, Inc./Alamy Stock Photo",
+ "description": "Le maestose Grus japonesis, o Gru della Manciuria, note localmente come “Tancho”, sono un piacere per il senso della vista, incarnando bellezza e grazia del Giappone. Questi eleganti uccelli, caratterizzati dalla loro tipica corona di pelle rossa sulla testa, sono tra le specie di gru più grandi e pesanti, raggiungendo un'altezza di 150-158 cm e un'apertura alare di 220-250 cm. Nidificano nelle zone umide e nelle paludi di Hokkaido, dove è possibile ammirarle nel loro habitat naturale. Durante l'inverno, popolano le risaie e le piane allagate, nutrendosi di invertebrati acquatici e residui di riso.",
+ "date": "2024-12-23",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.FestivusCranes_IT-IT8994526236_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/IT/it/2024-12-23.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, Milano, Lombardia",
+ "caption": "Vigilia di Natale",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Stefan Huwiler/imageBROKER.com GmbH & Co. KG/Alamy Stock Photo",
+ "description": "Benvenuti alla Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, uno dei simboli di Milano. Sotto l’iconica cupola di vetro e ferro, ogni dicembre si accendono migliaia di luci che trasformano questo gioiello architettonico ottocentesco in un vero spettacolo natalizio. Un tempo ritrovo preferito dei futuristi, che qui discutevano di arte e progresso, oggi la Galleria continua ad essere un crocevia di cultura e bellezza. Tra boutique eleganti e caffè storici, i visitatori entrano in un’atmosfera calda e raffinata. L’albero di Natale, spesso sponsorizzato da grandi marchi è una delle attrazioni più fotografate, con decorazioni scintillanti che riflettono sulle pareti.",
+ "date": "2024-12-24",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.GalleriaVittiorioEmanuele_IT-IT9220244159_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/IT/it/2024-12-24.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Renne delle Svalbard nel Van Mijenfjorden NP, Norvegia",
+ "caption": "Auguri di buon Natale!",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Martin Zwick/REDA&CO/Universal Images Group via Getty Images",
+ "description": "Auguri di buon Natale a tutti e che questo periodo sia pieno di gioia, calore e tradizioni centenarie. Per molti, è una celebrazione della nascita di Gesù Cristo, un momento per riunirsi con familiari e amici, scambiarsi regali, condividere pasti e godere delle decorazioni festive. Oltre al suo significato spirituale, il Natale porta con sé usanze amate come addobbare alberi, cantare canti natalizi e aspettare con ansia l'arrivo di Babbo Natale. Queste tradizioni, che uniscono antico e moderno, rendono la festività un'esperienza magica, piena di armonia e allegria.",
+ "date": "2024-12-25",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.ReindeerTrio_IT-IT1609765217_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/IT/it/2024-12-25.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Albero di Natale, Portofino, Liguria",
+ "caption": "La vacanza continua",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Alberto Ialongo/Adobe Stock",
+ "description": "Il 26 dicembre in Italia, come in molti altri paesi di tradizione cattolica, si celebra Santo Stefano, il primo martire cristiano. La sua figura incarna il valore della fede e del sacrificio, ma in Italia questa giornata è anche un'opportunità per festeggiare con la famiglia e gli amici, magari facendo una gita fuori porta. Se state pensando a un luogo da sogno, Portofino è la scelta perfetta. Questo gioiello della Riviera Ligure è incantevole in ogni stagione, ma a Natale si trasforma in un quadro magico.",
+ "date": "2024-12-26",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.ChristmasSeason_IT-IT9715464696_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/IT/it/2024-12-26.jpg"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/api/JP/ja.json b/api/JP/ja.json
index 3e6ab221..97d07b27 100644
--- a/api/JP/ja.json
+++ b/api/JP/ja.json
@@ -10,13 +10,13 @@
"url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/JP/ja/2024-01-01.jpg"
- "title": "ランズ・エンド, イギリス コーンウォール州",
+ "title": "歴史的な都市シビウ, ルーマニア",
"caption": null,
- "subtitle": "イギリス本土最西端の地",
- "copyright": "© Josef FitzGerald-Patrick/Getty Images",
- "description": "ここはランズ・エンド。イギリスのコーンウォール州に位置する絶景スポットです。「地の果て」を意味するこの名前の通り、イギリス本土最西端の地として知られ、美しい海の景色と断崖絶壁が広がっています。また、アーサー王伝説に登場する失われた土地「リヨネス」と関連があるとされることもあります…\nランズ・エンドは、約 1014km にも及ぶサウスウェスト・コースト・パスというイングランドで最も長い長距離歩道の一部であり、ハイキングをしながらリラックスした時間を過ごすのにぴったりの場所です。また、スコットランド最北端のジョン・オ・グローツと結ぶサイクリングルートも人気で、多くの人々がこのルートに挑戦しています。",
+ "subtitle": "大広場で開かれるクリスマスマーケット",
+ "copyright": "© Calin Stan/Alamy",
+ "description": "冬の寒さが深まる中、ルーマニアで最も人気のあるクリスマスマーケットが、シビウの大広場で開催されます。美しいイルミネーションで飾られた広場では、ルーマニアの伝統的な甘いパン「コゾナック」や、香り豊かなホットワインなどを楽しむことができます…\nシビウは 12 世紀にドイツ人移民によって築かれ、その後、商業都市として栄えました。カラフルな家々や歴史的な建物が多く立ち並び、特に広場の北に建つ時計塔や福音教会が見どころです。2007 年には、ヨーロッパ文化首都にも選ばれました。",
"date": "2024-01-02",
- "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.CornwallSnow_JA-JP8878820207_UHD.jpg",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SibiuRomania_JA-JP9171991249_UHD.jpg",
"url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/JP/ja/2024-01-02.jpg"
@@ -2618,5 +2618,95 @@
"date": "2024-12-17",
"bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.ReinefjordenNorway_JA-JP8145740016_UHD.jpg",
"url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/JP/ja/2024-12-17.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "くるみ割り人形",
+ "caption": "クリスマスシーズン恒例のバレエ公演",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Caroline Holden/Alamy",
+ "description": "冬の風物詩、クリスマスシーズン恒例のバレエ公演といえば「くるみ割り人形」です。1892 年に初演されたこのバレエ作品は、ニューヨーク・シティ・バレエ団や、写真のイングリッシュ・ナショナル・バレエ団、そして日本の新国立劇場バレエ団など、多くの有名なバレエ団によって上演されています…",
+ "date": "2024-12-18",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.NutcrackerBallet_JA-JP8484350110_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/JP/ja/2024-12-18.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "歴史的な都市シビウ, ルーマニア",
+ "caption": "大広場で開かれるクリスマスマーケット",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Calin Stan/Alamy",
+ "description": "冬の寒さが深まる中、ルーマニアで最も人気のあるクリスマスマーケットが、シビウの大広場で開催されます。美しいイルミネーションで飾られた広場では、ルーマニアの伝統的な甘いパン「コゾナック」や、香り豊かなホットワインなどを楽しむことができます…",
+ "date": "2024-12-19",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SibiuRomania_JA-JP9171991249_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/JP/ja/2024-12-19.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "ロヴァニエミ近郊のサンタクロース村, フィンランド",
+ "caption": "雪に覆われたきらびやかな村",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Smelov/Shutterstock",
+ "description": "ロヴァニエミは、フィンランド北部、ラップランド地方の中心都市です。北極圏のすぐ近くに位置しており、雪に覆われた魅惑的な森や神秘的なオーロラなど、北極圏の冬の魅力を満喫できる場所です。また、サンタクロースの故郷として世界中で知られています…",
+ "date": "2024-12-20",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SantaClausVillage_JA-JP9442890850_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/JP/ja/2024-12-20.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "ライトアップされた青い池, 北海道 美瑛町",
+ "caption": "今日は冬至",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Sean Pavone/Alamy Stock Photo",
+ "description": "今日 12 月 21 日は一年で最も日が短い「冬至」です。季節の変わり目であり、寒さが一層厳しくなる時期でもあります。ここ、北海道美瑛町の「青い池」では、ライトアップにより、雪に埋もれた池と立ち枯れたカラマツが静かに浮かび上がります…",
+ "date": "2024-12-21",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.BluePond2024_JA-JP2198755551_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/JP/ja/2024-12-21.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "釧路湿原のタンチョウ, 北海道",
+ "caption": "今日は夫婦の日",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Wirestock, Inc./Alamy",
+ "description": "毎月 22 日は夫婦の日。数字の「 2 」と「 2 」を組み合わせた語呂合わせで「ふうふ」と読めるため選ばれており、特に 11 月 22 日は、「いい夫婦の日」としてよく知られています。今日は、この日をお祝いして、夫婦円満の象徴とされるタンチョウの画像をお届けします…",
+ "date": "2024-12-22",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.FestivusCranes_JA-JP9750730538_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/JP/ja/2024-12-22.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "けやき坂のイルミネーション, 東京",
+ "caption": "今日は東京タワー完工の日",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Kinsei-TGS/Getty Images",
+ "description": "今日 12 月 23 日は東京タワー完工の日。 建設当時、パリのエッフェル塔の 312m よりも 21m 高く、世界一の高さの建造物として、その名を世界に知らしめました。建設から 66年 が過ぎた今も、日本ではスカイツリーに次いで 2 番目に高い建築物です…",
+ "date": "2024-12-23",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.TokyoTower2024_JA-JP2762394000_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/JP/ja/2024-12-23.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "クリスマスマーケットの工芸品, ドイツ",
+ "caption": "今日はクリスマス・イブ",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Cyril Gosselin/Getty Images",
+ "description": "今日 12 月 24 日はクリスマス・イブ。 家族や友人と集まり、プレゼントの交換などを楽しみ、互いの絆を深める日です。世界各地では、クリスマスマーケットが開催され、軽快なクリスマスソングが流れる中、きらめくイルミネーションや、ソーセージ、ホットワインなどの美味しい料理を楽しみ、特別なひとときを過ごします…",
+ "date": "2024-12-24",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SantaSnowglobe_JA-JP0084831582_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/JP/ja/2024-12-24.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "スヴァールバル諸島のトナカイ, ノルウェー",
+ "caption": "今日はクリスマス",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Martin Zwick/REDA&CO/Universal Images Group via Getty Images",
+ "description": "今日 12 月 25 日はクリスマス。昨夜、サンタクロースとトナカイは、世界中の子供たちへプレゼントを配るために大忙しでした。そして画像は、ノルウェーのスヴァールバル諸島で撮影されたトナカイです。白く広がる大地の上を、彼らがゆっくりと進んでいきます…",
+ "date": "2024-12-25",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.ReindeerTrio_JA-JP0425560339_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/JP/ja/2024-12-25.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "マウゼル, イングランド",
+ "caption": "今日はボクシング・デー",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© ianwool/Getty Images",
+ "description": "今日 12 月 26 日はボクシング・デー。クリスマスの翌日にあたり、主にイギリスやカナダなどの英連邦諸国で祝われます。上流階級の人々が使用人たちに、箱(ボックス)に入れたプレゼントを渡す習慣から生まれましたが、今では慈善活動の日、またはショッピングの日として知られています…",
+ "date": "2024-12-26",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.MouseholeXmas_JA-JP0779815955_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/JP/ja/2024-12-26.jpg"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/api/ROW/en.json b/api/ROW/en.json
index f539543f..2646824a 100644
--- a/api/ROW/en.json
+++ b/api/ROW/en.json
@@ -10,13 +10,13 @@
"url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/ROW/en/2024-01-01.jpg"
- "title": "The Cornish Coast Path covered in snow, Land's End, Cornwall, England",
+ "title": "Sibiu Christmas Market, Romania",
"caption": null,
- "subtitle": "Land's End, Cornwall, England",
- "copyright": "© Josef FitzGerald-Patrick/Getty Images",
- "description": "Windswept cliffs, rugged beauty and dramatic ocean views—welcome to Land's End in Cornwall, England. Since ancient Greek times, when it was known as 'Belerion' or 'Place of the Sun' or in Arthurian legends about the lost land of Lyonesse, Land's End has always been a place of fascination. Land's End is the most south-westerly point on mainland Britain. It is famous for being the starting point or end of charity races which run the length of the island of Great Britain from Land's End to John O'Groats at Britain's north-easterly tip.\nThe first thing you'll notice about Land's End is the cliffs towering above the crashing waves. The sea carved these granite walls over millennia, creating a striking coastline in the United Kingdom. These cliffs are part of the South West Coast Path, a 163,169-hectare trail popular among hikers that runs from Minehead in Somerset to Poole in Dorset. The Cornish Coastal Path, featured in today's image, is a section of this trail, and snow here is a rare occurrence because of Cornwall's mild coastal climate and proximity to the Atlantic Ocean. So, whether you're here to hike, relax or just stand at the frozen edge, Land's End is a memorable cliffhanger.",
+ "subtitle": "Sibiu Christmas Market, Romania",
+ "copyright": "© Calin Stan/Alamy Stock Photo",
+ "description": "As the winter chill sets in, the city of Sibiu transforms into a dazzling holiday wonderland as it hosts one of Romania's most popular Christmas markets. The Sibiu Christmas Market, known in Romanian as Târgul de Crăciun din Sibiu. Sparkling strings of lights drape across the square, seen in today's image, creating a canopy that bathes the cobblestone streets in a warm, festive glow. There also stands a beautifully lit Christmas tree, surrounded by charming wooden huts selling everything from handcrafted ornaments to locally made treats like cozonac, a traditional Romanian sweet bread; vin fiert, an aromatic mulled wine and covrigi, a type of pretzel served warm and sprinkled with salt.\nSibiu is a city in the heart of Transylvania, a historical and cultural region in Romania. A place known for its well-preserved medieval architecture, colourful facades and vibrant cultural scene. Once the wealthiest city founded by German settlers in the 12th century, it was designated the European Capital of Culture in 2007. One of the city's many attractions is the Bridge of Lies. Legend has it that this 19th-century bridge creaks if someone tells a lie while standing on it. So, if you ever find yourself here, choose your words wisely!",
"date": "2024-01-02",
- "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.CornwallSnow_ROW6471465863_UHD.jpg",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SibiuRomania_ROW4858980912_UHD.jpg",
"url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/ROW/en/2024-01-02.jpg"
@@ -2628,5 +2628,95 @@
"date": "2024-12-17",
"bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.ReinefjordenNorway_ROW3919642551_UHD.jpg",
"url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/ROW/en/2024-12-17.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Elephants in Jim Corbett National Park, India",
+ "caption": "Info",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© ABHILASH VISWA PICASSO/Shutterstock",
+ "description": "Hold onto your hats and binoculars, because in Jim Corbett National Park, the river is no ordinary waterway—it's an elephant expressway! India's oldest national park was established in 1936 and named after the naturalist and conservationist Jim Corbett. Housed in the foothills of the Himalayas near the popular hill-station of Nainital, the Jim Corbett National Park is known for its significant tiger population. During the summer months, the park becomes a bustling hub of wildlife activity, with Indian elephants frequently spotted roaming in herds numbering several hundred. As part of the Terai Arc Landscape Programme, the park is among the thirteen protected areas targeted for preservation and restoration. The overarching goal of this programme is ambitious yet crucial: to safeguard three of the most iconic terrestrial species, namely the tiger, the Asian elephant and the great one-horned rhinoceros.",
+ "date": "2024-12-18",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.MorningElephants_ROW5412442915_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/ROW/en/2024-12-18.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Sibiu Christmas Market, Romania",
+ "caption": "Info",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Calin Stan/Alamy Stock Photo",
+ "description": "As the winter chill sets in, the city of Sibiu transforms into a dazzling holiday wonderland as it hosts one of Romania's most popular Christmas markets. The Sibiu Christmas Market, known in Romanian as Târgul de Crăciun din Sibiu. Sparkling strings of lights drape across the square, seen in today's image, creating a canopy that bathes the cobblestone streets in a warm, festive glow. There also stands a beautifully lit Christmas tree, surrounded by charming wooden huts selling everything from handcrafted ornaments to locally made treats like cozonac, a traditional Romanian sweet bread; vin fiert, an aromatic mulled wine and covrigi, a type of pretzel served warm and sprinkled with salt.",
+ "date": "2024-12-19",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SibiuRomania_ROW4858980912_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/ROW/en/2024-12-19.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Santa Claus Village in Rovaniemi, Lapland, Finland",
+ "caption": "Info",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Smelov/Shutterstock",
+ "description": "Nestled in Rovaniemi, Finland, and pictured in today's image, Santa Claus Village is a magical year-round destination. Situated right on the Arctic Circle, this village offers unique experiences, like crossing the Arctic Circle line. Right at the heart of Finnish Lapland, Rovaniemi is the capital of the region. Known for its winter-wonderland landscapes of snowy forests and the magical northern lights, Rovaniemi offers a unique blend of natural beauty and festive spirit. From snowy forests to festive encounters, Rovaniemi invites visitors to experience its enchantment year-round. Whether you're on Team Christmas or Team Grinch, there's no way you won't be amazed by Rovaniemi's charm.",
+ "date": "2024-12-20",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SantaClausVillage_ROW4294530215_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/ROW/en/2024-12-20.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Halo around the sun, Ore Mountains, Saxony, Germany",
+ "caption": "Info",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Martin Ruegner/Getty Images",
+ "description": "Today's image takes us to Saxony in Germany. Here we can see a halo—an optical phenomenon caused by ice crystals in the atmosphere—around the sun, photographed in the Ore Mountains. These mountains stretch along the Czech–German border, dividing the historic regions of Bohemia in the Czech Republic and Saxony in Germany. Towering over the landscape are two peaks: Klínovec in the Czech Republic, standing at 1,244 metres and Germany's Fichtelberg at 1,215 metres. Centuries of human activity have left their mark here, creating a rich cultural landscape. Mining has shaped the terrain with its tips, dams, ditches and sinkholes, altering habitats for plants and animals. Remarkably, this region was also the birthplace of the transformation of mining and metallurgy from small-scale craftsmanship to large-scale industry—a crucial prelude to the Industrial Revolution.",
+ "date": "2024-12-21",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SolsticeHalo_ROW3351945339_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/ROW/en/2024-12-21.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Crystal Pier, Pacific Beach, San Diego, California, USA",
+ "caption": "Info",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© SamAntonioPhotography/Getty Images",
+ "description": "Welcome to a timeless spot that has long captivated visitors to San Diego's Pacific Beach: Crystal Pier. Stretching out over 260 metres into the water, the family-owned pier has been a Pacific Beach icon since 1927. Once home to a ballroom and carnival-like midway, Crystal Pier has since become a mellower vacation destination and one of the few places on the West Coast with rental accommodations over the ocean. Open to the public during the day and 24/7 for hotel guests, the pier is an ideal place to take in panoramic coastal views, watch whales and surfers playing, do some fishing or bathe in glorious coastal sunsets. Pacific Beach also has a lively restaurant, bar and club scene if eggnog isn't your thing. There are certainly colder places to spend Christmas, but perhaps no place cooler than Crystal Pier.",
+ "date": "2024-12-22",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.CrystalPier_ROW3716949371_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/ROW/en/2024-12-22.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Two red-crowned cranes in Kushiro, Hokkaido, Japan",
+ "caption": "Info",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Wirestock, Inc./Alamy Stock Photo",
+ "description": "Presenting one of the rarest cranes in the world: the red-crowned crane. Featured in today's image, this bird enchants with its beauty and cultural significance. Also known as the Manchurian crane, it is celebrated as a symbol of luck, longevity and loyalty. These cranes are true foodies with a taste for variety! While their diet hasn't been fully explored, we know they munch on everything from rice, carrots and acorns to water plants like reeds. They also enjoy a meaty menu of fish (carp and goldfish are favourites), amphibians, insects and even small reptiles, birds and rodents.",
+ "date": "2024-12-23",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.FestivusCranes_ROW3135678102_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/ROW/en/2024-12-23.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Half-timbered Houses of Freudenberg, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany",
+ "caption": "Info",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Thorsten Frisch/Shutterstock",
+ "description": "Freudenberg is a charming little town nestled in the Siegen-Wittgenstein district of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. The town lies in the beautiful hilly uplands, ranging from 243 to 505 metres above sea level. The town is made up of 17 communities spread across about 55 square kilometres, two-thirds of which is lush forest, mainly broadleaf and spruce trees. The heart of Freudenberg is the 'Alter Flecken,' the historic old town centre, entirely made up of half-timbered houses that give it the feel of a 17th-century town.",
+ "date": "2024-12-24",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.FreudenbergHistoricHouses_ROW2814247948_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/ROW/en/2024-12-24.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Lakes of Covadonga, Asturias, Spain",
+ "caption": "Info",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Carlos Fernandez/Getty Images",
+ "description": "The dazzling Lakes of Covadonga, nestled in the heart of the towering Picos de Europa mountain range in Asturias, northern Spain, is an iconic tourist destination, particularly captivating in winter. The sight of these lakes draped in a blanket of snow and surrounded by majestic mountains creates a breathtaking natural spectacle that fascinates and attracts visitors from all over. In addition to their stunning beauty, the lakes hold deep historical significance. Nearby lies the emblematic Cave of Covadonga, the site of the renowned Battle of 722, a milestone in the Reconquista. This corner of Asturias is the perfect place to immerse yourself in both nature and history.",
+ "date": "2024-12-25",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.CovadongaWinter_ROW6306600418_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/ROW/en/2024-12-25.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Christmas lights at Mousehole harbour, Cornwall, England",
+ "caption": "Info",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© ianwool/Getty Images",
+ "description": "As the last notes of Christmas carols still linger in the air, let's visit the harbour of Mousehole, a fishing village in Cornwall, England, to keep the merriment going. Featured in today's image, Mousehole harbour is known for its Christmas illuminations. The Mousehole lights were first lit in the early 1960s, thanks to local artist Joan Gillchrest. A few humble strings of lights soon turned into a full-blown spectacle, growing over the years to include iconic scenes, nautical motifs and Cornish themes. Today, the lights, switched on from December until early January, span the entire harbour, wrapping buildings, boats and even the water's edge in a soft glow.",
+ "date": "2024-12-26",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.MouseholeXmas_ROW5799394609_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/ROW/en/2024-12-26.jpg"
\ No newline at end of file
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index c595b51b..44bdf689 100644
--- a/api/US/en.json
+++ b/api/US/en.json
@@ -51100,13 +51100,13 @@
"url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/US/en/2024-01-01.jpg"
- "title": "The Cornish Coast Path covered in snow, Land's End, Cornwall, England",
+ "title": "Christmas market in Sibiu, Romania",
"caption": null,
- "subtitle": "Land's End, Cornwall, England",
- "copyright": "© Josef FitzGerald-Patrick/Getty Images",
- "description": "Windswept cliffs, rugged beauty, and dramatic ocean views—welcome to Land's End in Cornwall, England. Since ancient Greek times, when it was known as 'Belerion' or 'Place of the Sun,' or in Arthurian legends about the lost land of Lyonesse, Land's End has always been a place of fascination. Land's End is the most southwestern point on mainland Britain. It's often the starting point or end of charity races that run the length of the island of Great Britain from Land's End to John o'Groats at Britain's northeastern tip.\nThe first thing you'll notice about Land's End is the cliffs towering above the crashing waves. The sea carved these granite walls over millennia, creating one of the most striking coastlines in the United Kingdom. These cliffs are part of the South West Coast Path, a 630-mile trail popular among hikers that runs from Minehead in Somerset to Poole in Dorset. The Cornish Coastal Path, featured in today's image, is a section of this trail, and snow here is a rare occurrence because of Cornwall's mild coastal climate and proximity to the Atlantic Ocean. So, whether you're here to hike, relax, or just stand at the frozen edge, Land's End is a memorable cliffhanger.",
+ "subtitle": "Sibiu Christmas market, Romania",
+ "copyright": "© Calin Stan/Alamy",
+ "description": "As the winter chill sets in, the city of Sibiu transforms into a dazzling holiday wonderland as it hosts one of Romania's most popular Christmas markets. The Sibiu Christmas Market, known in Romanian as Târgul de Crăciun din Sibiu, is held in the central square from the end of November until early January. Sparkling strings of lights drape across the square, seen in today's image, creating a canopy that bathes the cobblestone streets in a warm, festive glow. There also stands a beautifully lit Christmas tree, surrounded by charming wooden huts selling everything from handcrafted ornaments to locally made treats like cozonac, a traditional Romanian sweet bread; vin fiert, an aromatic mulled wine; and covrigi, a type of pretzel served warm and sprinkled with salt.\nSibiu itself is a place steeped in history, known for its well-preserved medieval architecture, colorful facades, and vibrant cultural scene. Once the wealthiest city founded by German settlers in the 12th century, it was designated the European Capital of Culture for 2007. During the Christmas season, Sibiu shines even brighter, with carousels, ice skating rinks, and performances that bring the city to life.",
"date": "2024-01-02",
- "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.CornwallSnow_EN-US8476437458_UHD.jpg",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SibiuRomania_EN-US9223739756_UHD.jpg",
"url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/US/en/2024-01-02.jpg"
@@ -54608,5 +54608,95 @@
"date": "2024-12-17",
"bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.ReinefjordenNorway_EN-US8636083241_UHD.jpg",
"url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/US/en/2024-12-17.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "English National Ballet performing 'The Nutcracker'",
+ "caption": "Yule really love this ballet",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Caroline Holden/Alamy",
+ "description": "Every holiday season, as snow begins to fall and Christmas lights twinkle in the night, the story of 'The Nutcracker' comes to life on stages around the world. Written by Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky in 1892, this beloved ballet is based on E.T.A. Hoffmann's fairy tale 'The Nutcracker and the Mouse King.' Set on Christmas Eve, it follows a young girl named Clara, who goes on an adventure with the Nutcracker Prince as they battle the evil Mouse King. Many renowned ballet companies present their rendition of this classic every year, including the New York City Ballet, the Boston Ballet, and the English National Ballet, pictured here.",
+ "date": "2024-12-18",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.NutcrackerBallet_EN-US8927830113_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/US/en/2024-12-18.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Christmas market in Sibiu, Romania",
+ "caption": "Twinkle town",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Calin Stan/Alamy",
+ "description": "As the winter chill sets in, the city of Sibiu transforms into a dazzling holiday wonderland as it hosts one of Romania's most popular Christmas markets. The Sibiu Christmas Market, known in Romanian as Târgul de Crăciun din Sibiu, is held in the central square from the end of November until early January. Sparkling strings of lights drape across the square, seen in today's image, creating a canopy that bathes the cobblestone streets in a warm, festive glow. There also stands a beautifully lit Christmas tree, surrounded by charming wooden huts selling everything from handcrafted ornaments to locally made treats like cozonac, a traditional Romanian sweet bread; vin fiert, an aromatic mulled wine; and covrigi, a type of pretzel served warm and sprinkled with salt.",
+ "date": "2024-12-19",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SibiuRomania_EN-US9223739756_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/US/en/2024-12-19.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Santa Claus Village in Rovaniemi, Lapland, Finland",
+ "caption": "He's coming to town...",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Smelov/Shutterstock",
+ "description": "Nestled in Rovaniemi, Finland, and pictured in today's image, Santa Claus Village is a magical year-round destination where visitors can step into the enchanting world of Christmas. Situated right on the Arctic Circle, this village offers unique experiences, like meeting Santa Claus himself or crossing the Arctic Circle line. Children and adults alike can meet Santa's loyal reindeer and explore a vibrant collection of Christmas-themed attractions designed to delight visitors of all ages.",
+ "date": "2024-12-20",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SantaClausVillage_EN-US9527661842_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/US/en/2024-12-20.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Loisach River at Lake Kochelsee, Bavaria, Germany",
+ "caption": "Midwinter wonderland",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Christian Back/eStock Photo",
+ "description": "The winter solstice is here. Today marks the shortest day in the Northern Hemisphere, while last night was the longest night of the year. This has been an important event for millennia, with evidence of celebrations going back as far as 10,000 BCE. Some of the world's most famous Stone Age monuments, including Stonehenge, are aligned with the point that the sun rises or sets on the winter solstice. Traditionally, it was a time for feasting and lighting of fires to symbolize the darkest day of the year. Ancient Germanic tribes celebrated the winter solstice by bringing evergreens into their homes as a symbol of the returning light and the coming spring.",
+ "date": "2024-12-21",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.BavarianWinter_EN-US9813996975_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/US/en/2024-12-21.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Christmas tree at Crystal Pier, Pacific Beach, San Diego, California",
+ "caption": "Surf, sand, and Santa",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© SamAntonioPhotography/Getty Images",
+ "description": "Santa has plenty of runway to land, but good luck trying to find a chimney. Today, we're getting ready for Christmas at Pacific Beach in San Diego, California. While it might not snow here, there's still plenty of yuletide spirit leading up to Christmas in sunny Southern California. Among many beautiful examples on San Diego's Christmas Tree Trail is the 20-foot tree at the end of a festively decorated Crystal Pier.",
+ "date": "2024-12-22",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.CrystalPier_EN-US0086755810_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/US/en/2024-12-22.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Red-crowned cranes in Kushiro, Hokkaido, Japan",
+ "caption": "Ready to let off some steam?",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Wirestock, Inc./Alamy",
+ "description": "'A Festivus for the rest of us!' This is the unofficial motto of a non-commercial alternative to Christmas. Celebrated on December 23, Festivus was popularized by the TV show 'Seinfeld,' although it was actually invented by the family of one of the series' writers. The celebration centers around the unadorned aluminum Festivus pole. After dinner, the traditional Festivus 'airing of grievances' gets underway. This consists of telling friends and family the ways they've disappointed you over the year. This can provide some much-needed catharsis at what can be a stressful time of year. The day traditionally concludes with feats of strength. Once the head of the household has been pinned, Festivus is officially over. Those who embrace this farcical holiday welcome the opportunity to let off some steam amid the Christmas build-up chaos—much like these red-crowned cranes in Hokkaido, Japan.",
+ "date": "2024-12-23",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.FestivusCranes_EN-US0396321898_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/US/en/2024-12-23.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Christmas market scene in Germany",
+ "caption": "Have yourself a very merry Christmas!",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Cyril Gosselin/Getty Images",
+ "description": "Christmas markets in Germany are a cherished holiday tradition that welcome visitors into a magical world of twinkling lights, festive music, and delicious seasonal treats. These markets date back to the Middle Ages and are held in town squares throughout Germany, with iconic examples in cities such as Nuremberg, Munich, and Dresden. Each market displays unique regional crafts and festive customs. Here, guests can discover handcrafted ornaments, wooden toys, and cozy winter accessories, along with specialties like Glühwein (mulled wine), Lebkuchen (gingerbread), and roasted nuts—ideal for enjoying while immersing themselves in the enchanting atmosphere.",
+ "date": "2024-12-24",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.SantaSnowglobe_EN-US0704281966_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/US/en/2024-12-24.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Svalbard reindeer in Van Mijenfjorden NP, Norway",
+ "caption": "Merry Christmas!",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© Martin Zwick/REDA&CO/Universal Images Group via Getty Images",
+ "description": "Deck the halls, it's Christmas time! Christmas Day is a holiday packed with joy, warmth, and cherished traditions. For many, it's a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, bringing family and friends together to exchange gifts, share meals, and enjoy festive décor. Beyond its spiritual roots, Christmas also lights up the season with beloved customs—decorating trees, caroling, and eagerly awaiting Santa's arrival. These traditions, blending both old and new, make the holiday a magical experience filled with connection and cheer.",
+ "date": "2024-12-25",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.ReindeerTrio_EN-US1000272747_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/US/en/2024-12-25.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Christmas lights at Mousehole Harbour, Cornwall, England",
+ "caption": "The holidays continue",
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "copyright": "© ianwool/Getty Images",
+ "description": "As the last notes of Christmas carols linger in the air, Boxing Day arrives. This day is celebrated in the United Kingdom, Canada, and several Commonwealth countries. In the past, it was customary for the wealthy to give boxes filled with gifts to their servants on the day after Christmas. The tradition evolved into a day for charitable giving to the less fortunate. Today, while the spirit of giving remains, it has transformed into a holiday about enjoying bustling sales and a lineup of soccer matches.",
+ "date": "2024-12-26",
+ "bing_url": "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.MouseholeXmas_EN-US1272999190_UHD.jpg",
+ "url": "https://bing.npanuhin.me/US/en/2024-12-26.jpg"
\ No newline at end of file