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Local Tokens

Get a working oauth mock server for testing, with pre-configured clients to generate tokens


  • Start a local oauth mock server
  • Can utilize JWKS URIs for token validation
  • Can generate tokens via Client Credentials and Password Grants
  • Works with token-verify


Example Test

We love vitest, but should work in any test-runner you like:

import LocalTokens from 'local-tokens'
import { JwtClient } from 'token-verify'

describe('My Program', () => {
  it('can create token with pre-built password grant client', async () => {
    const audience = 'apiAudience'
    const server = new LocalTokenServer({ audience, secret: 'not-really-a-secret' })
    // start the server, to resolve URLs
    const { openidUri, tokenHost, jwksUri } = await server.start(3000, 'localhost')
    // openidUri - tokenHost/.well-known/openid-configuration
    // jwksUri - tokenHost/jwks
    // tokenHost - http://localhost:3000

    // ok now get a client and try it out
    // - ClientCredentials client also available
    const { ResourceOwnerPassword } = server.buildClients()


    const res = await ResourceOwnerPassword.getToken({
      // any username and password are accepted
      username: 'foo',
      password: 'bar',
      // scopes are respected unless hooks have modified
      scope: 'openid offline_access profile email address phone',

    const token = res.token.access_token

    // verify token and get payload
    const verify = new JwtClient({ audience, jwksUri, issuer: [tokenHost] })
    const payload = await verify.verifyAndDecode(token)
    console.log('payload', payload)
    // success
    await server.stop()

Using Hooks

Hooks are how to modify the server behaviour when creating tokens, validating requests and more!


Local Tokens server utilizes the well-known debug package, so debugging scopes is similar to expressjs

DEBUG=local-tokens:* npm run test

Contributor Commands

Command Purpoose
make install or brew bundle install system dependencies
npm run test execute vitest
npm run build or make build build for any nodejs platform
