Fiction Dock aims to be a welcoming place for everybody. In order to accomplish that, we have a very simple code of conduct. (Note: This code of conduct applies only to contributors on the Fiction Dock project. It does not apply to users of the site, who are governed by the site's rules.)
The people who work on this project are entitled to a certain level of respect. This means that you should never mock somebody based on their:
- Race
- Gender
- Sexuality
- Ethnicity
- Mental Status
Fiction Dock is a place to write code, not start flame wars. As a result, we don't allow personal attacks. We define a "personal attack" as "any attack on any aspect of a person's personal life." Note that this does not extend to matters related to the project---calling out a contributor who continually tries to integrate unwanted features, lower security standards, or do other nefarious things is not a personal attack.
Fiction Dock aims to be a productive environment. As a result, we want to keep things mildly professional. Please maintain a level of civility in discussions and gravity in code comments.
Fiction Dock may have contributors who are not extremely experienced with programming. As long as such people are not being actively hostile to the project (repeatedly opening pull requests that have been rejected, starting flamewars, etc.) you should try to be kind to them.
This means that "Lol your code sucks n00b" is not a good way to respond to bad code from a newcommer. Instead, be constructive and point out ways they can improve.