Still work in progress
Run MSYS2 after installation completes.
You can simply install gcc
by typing:
pacman -S gcc
You could update the package repository as instructed in the documentaion; you can do it but you don't have to.
;; Packages
(require 'package)
(add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "") t)
(setq package-check-signature nil)
It is important to set this:
(setq package-check-signature nil)
Otherwise, you will get an error message after running package-list-packges
error in process filter: package--check-signature-content: Failed to verify signature: "archive-contents.sig"
Wait for a while (possibly 30 seconds or so) until you see "Package refresh done" message in minibuffer.
Type "org-roam", press Enter, and you will get this list:
Click on org-roam
and click on the "Install" button in the bottom half of the screen that opens.
During the installation, you will see "Comiling EmacSQL SQLite binary ..." message. This will take a while.
After the installation process.
needs to be commented out after the inital creation.