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A Neo4j database copy tool over bolt


A development tool useful to copy the data from a Neo4j database to another Neo4j database. Databases can be local or remote. As the copy is done through the Neo4j driver, no admin access to Neo4j is required.

This is useful to copy things around, for example test/reference data from an environment to another.

It has been tested on small to average database sizes.

Note: data deletion, users, indexes, constraints are not handled.


Building / running requires Java 17+.

mvn clean package -DskipTests

The resulting app can be found in the target directory.


Usage: neo4j-db-copy [-hV] [-lock] -sp -tp -sa=<sourceAddress>
                     -sd=<sourceDatabase> [-su=<sourceUserName>]
                     -ta=<targetAddress> -td=<targetDatabase>
                     [-tu=<targetUserName>] [-enp=<excludeNodeProperties>[,
Copy the content of a Neo4j database to another Neo4j database, via the
network, through the bolt protocol.
      -enp, --exclude-node-properties=<excludeNodeProperties>[,
                  Comma-separated list of node properties to exclude from the
      -erp, --exclude-relationship-properties=<excludeRelationshipProperties>[,
                  Comma-separated list of relationship properties to exclude
                    from the copy
  -h, --help      Show this help message and exit.
      -lock, --lock-source-database
                  Set the source database to read-only mode before copying
      -sa, --source-address=<sourceAddress>
                  The source database address (ex: neo4j+s://my-server:7687)
      -sd, --source-database=<sourceDatabase>
                  The source database to connect to.
      -sp, --source-password
                  The source database password to connect with
      -su, --source-username=<sourceUserName>
                  The source database username to connect as (default: neo4j)
      -ta, --target-address=<targetAddress>
                  The target database address (ex: neo4j+s://my-server:7687)
      -td, --target-database=<targetDatabase>
                  The target database to connect to.
      -tp, --target-password
                  The target database password to connect with
      -tu, --target-username=<targetUserName>
                  The target database username to connect as (default: neo4j)
  -V, --version   Print version information and exit.