Coordinators: Martin & Anders
- Martin (MTM)
- Anders (SPSM)
- Lisa (Nota)
- Sami (Celia)
- Alfreð, Gunnar (HBS)
- Bart (Dedicon)
- Gaute, Elise (NLB)
- Ina, Toril (Statped)
- Christian (SBS)
Open guidelines issues:
- [@0] Time plan
- Ask Jostein to give Martin, Oscar, Jonas and Anders full access to the repository
- Set up cloned repositories with push and pull connections
- Archive old version of
- Select prioritised issues after tagging, leave others for second version
- Discuss, analyse and decide on issues/content
- Edit document and finish first draft
- Send draft to full group and to EPUB 3 producers
- Revise after feedback
- Complete final document
- Start working on second version