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authkey = "auto" # If "auto" it will try to get your's authkey automatically but if you would like to set it your self you need to run this script in powershell (ther is no other option after 3.0): Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex "&{$((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://gist.githubusercontent.com/MadeBaruna/1d75c1d37d19eca71591ec8a31178235/raw/702e34117b07294e6959928963b76cfdafdd94f3/getlink.ps1'))} global"
gameloc = "None" # If you use "auto" in authkey and here "None" it will automaticly try to get your's game location but if you want to set it your self. Do something like this "C:/Games/Genshin Impact" remember to don't set the game folder as something like this "C:/Games/Genshin Impact/Genshin Impact game" becouse it will throw an error!
cache = True # If True it will store your last 5* and 4* and it's pity for every banner. If False it will just throw error if it cannot find last 5* or 4*
lan = "eng" # (lan instead of lang because it makes code messy for some reason) If you want to change it look for file names in lang folder DON'T ADD .json JUST FILES NAME
sleep = 30 # How long it would take to refresh your pity in seconds (Don't make this number too small probably can get you rate limited)
repeat = "ask" # Automatically answers to the repeat question. Accepted values: "ask" - Asks would you want to reperat, "no" - Automatically cheks yours pity and returns to the question for banner, "yes" - Automatically cheks yours pity and repeat this every 30 seconds (default)