diff --git a/compendium/pf2e.equipment-srd.json b/compendium/pf2e.equipment-srd.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c4350d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/compendium/pf2e.equipment-srd.json @@ -0,0 +1,118 @@ +{ + "label": "장비품", + "entries": { + "Shortbow": { + "name": "숏보우", + "description": "

이 작은 활은 나무 파편으로 만들어졌으며 척후병과 기병이 선호한다.

" + + }, + "Shortsword": { + "name": "숏소드", + "description": "

이 검은 여러가지 모양과 스타일들로 나오지만, 대부분 일반적으로 2피트 길이 정도 된다.

" + + }, + "Longbow": { + "name": "롱보우", + "description": "

이 5피트 정도 되는 활은, 보통 느릅나무, 히코리, 주목나무로 만들어지며 강하게 화살을 당길 수 있으며, 이에 따라 강한 힘으로 먼 거리에 목표를 노리는데 탁월하다. 롱보우는 두 손으로 발사해야 하며, 탑승 중에는 사용할 수 없다.

" + + }, + + "Arrows": { + "name": "화살", + "description": "

이 발사체는 활의 탄약이다. 화살의 축은 나무로 만들어졌다. 화살 깃은 비행에 안정화되어있으며 다른 쪽 끝은 금속 머리로 되어있다.

" + }, + + "Leather Armor": { + "name": "레더 아머", + "description": "

유연하고 틀에 넣어 삶은 가죽을 섞었으며, 이런 종류의 갑옷은 약간의 보호성과 최대 유연성을 보장한다.

" + }, + + "Torch": { + "name": "횃불", + "description": "

횃불의 등불은 반경 20피트를 밝힌다(그리고 다음 20피트를 희미하게 밝힌다).
이 횃불은 즉석 무기로서 사용할 수 있으며 1d4 강타 데미지와 추가로 1 불 데미지를 준다.

" + }, + + "Lantern (Bull's Eye)": { + "name": "랜턴 (투광)", + "description": "

등불이 밝게 빛나며 6시간동안 제기능을 하기 위해 1파인트의 오일이 필요하다.
투광 랜턴의 60피트 부채꼴 형태로 밝힌다(그리고 다음 60피트를 희미한 빛으로 밝힌다). 덮개 랜턴의 등불은 반경 30피트를 밝히며(그리고 다음 30피트를 희미한 빛으로 밝힌다) 이름 그대로 덮개가 장착되어있어 덮개를 이용해 당신은 빛을 차단할 수 있다. 덮개를 열고 닫기 위해서는 하나의 상호작용 액션을 소비한다.

" + + }, + + "Backpack": { + "name": "배낭", + "description": "

배낭은 무게 제한을 피하기 위해 이 아이템에 대한 2의 무게와 가지고 있는 아이템 4개의 무게를 카운트 하지 않는다. 만약 당신이 배낭을 들고 다니던가 혹은 짐으로서 보관하는 경우 당신이 등에 매고 있을때처럼, 무게 제한에 대한 혜택을 받을 수 없다.

" + }, + + "Rope": { + "name": "로프", + "description": "

길이가 50피트가 되는 로프.

" + }, + + "Healer's Tools": { + "name": "치료사의 도구", + "description": "

이 세트는 의학 판정으로 응급처치, 질병 치료, 상처 치료를 할때 반드시 필요한 붕대, 허브 그리고 봉합 도구를 담고 있다.

" + }, + + "Thieves' Tools": { + "name": "도둑질 도구", + "description": "

당신은 잠금 장치를 풀던가 혹은 장치 비활성화(일부 종류)를 도둑질 기술로 사용할 경우 도둑질 도구가 필요하다.
만약 당신이 도둑질 도구가 부서졌다면, 당신은 @Compendium[pf2e.equipment-srd.Sw7MBLASN3xK4Y44]{재충전 픽}으로 당신의 픽을 다시 채워 사용할 수 있다.
이 사항에 대해서는 수리 액션이 필요하지 않는다.

" + }, + + "Thieves' Tools (Replacement Picks)": { + "name": "도둑질 도구(재충전 픽)", + "description": "

이 도구로 @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.equipment-srd.zvLyCVD8g2PdHJAc]{도둑질 도구}를 재충전 할 수 있다.

" + }, + + "Waterskin": { + "name": "물 주머니", + "description": "

이 물 주머니가 가득 찻을 때, 소형 혹은 중형 생물이 대략 하루동안 버틸 수 있는 물을 포함하고 있다.

" + }, + + "Chalk": { + "name": "분필", + "description": "

대부분 하얀색이며 이 것을 이용하여 그릴 수 있다.

" + }, + + "Flint and Steel": { + "name": "부싯돌과 강철", + "description": "

만약 당신이 불을 피우는데 시간이 있다면 부싯돌과 강철은 쓸모있지만, 일반적으로 실질적으로 사용하기에는 많은 시간이 걸린다. 심지어 평범한 상태임에도, 부싯돌과 강철로 불을 피우기 위해서는 3개의 액션들이 필요하며, 그럼에도 불구하고 상당히 오래 걸릴 수 있다.

" + }, + + "Rations": { + "name": "식량(일주일)", + "description": "

일주일을 버틸 수 있는 식량이다.

" + }, + + "Bedroll": { + "name": "침구", + "description": "

돌돌 말아진 침구.

" + }, + + "Soap": { + "name": "비누", + "description": "

몸을 씻기 위한 도구 중 하나.

" + }, + + "Platinum Pieces": { + "name": "백금화", + "description": "

금화 10개와 동등한 가치이다.

" + }, + + "Gold Pieces": { + "name": "금화", + "description": "

은화 10개와 동등한 가치이다.

" + }, + + "Silver Pieces": { + "name": "은화", + "description": "

동화 10개와 동등한 가치이다.

" + }, + + "Copper Pieces": { + "name": "동화", + "description": "

패스파인더에서 가장 낮은 화폐 단위이다.

" + } + + } +} + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lang/ko.json b/lang/ko.json index ff78797..0dc5d19 100644 --- a/lang/ko.json +++ b/lang/ko.json @@ -1 +1 @@ -{"ACTOR":{"TypeAnimalCompanion":"반려 동물","TypeCharacter":"플레이어 캐릭터","TypeEidolon":"Eidolon","TypeFamiliar":"Familiar","TypeHazard":"위험","TypeLoot":"Loot","TypeNpc":"NPC","TypeVehicle":"탈 것"},"ITEM":{"TypeAction":"액션","TypeAncestry":"혈통","TypeArmor":"장갑","TypeBackground":"배경","TypeBackpack":"Container","TypeBook":"책","TypeClass":"직업","TypeCondition":"Condition","TypeConsumable":"Consumable","TypeDeity":"믿는 신","TypeEffect":"영향","TypeEquipment":"장비","TypeFeat":"재주/특징","TypeHeritage":"유산","TypeKit":"세트","TypeLore":"지식 기술","TypeMelee":"NPC Attack","TypeSpell":"주문","TypeSpellcastingentry":"주문 시전 입력","TypeTreasure":"보물","TypeWeapon":"무기"},"COMBAT":{"Begin":"조우 시작","CombatantNotInScene":"The participant {name} is not present in your currently viewed scene.","CombatantRemove":"Remove Participant","CombatantStatus":"Participant Status","CombatantUpdate":"Update Participant","End":"조우 끝","EndConfirmation":"End this encounter and empty the turn tracker?","EndTitle":"조우를 끝냅니까?","NoneActive":"There is no active Encounter in your currently viewed Scene.","NoneRemaining":"There are no participants remaining in this Encounter that are not defeated.","ResourceHint":"Choose an attribute to track for each participant.","Settings":"Encounter Tracker Settings","SidebarTitle":"Encounter Tracker","SkipDefeatedHint":"Automatically bypass participants marked as defeated?","UnknownCombatant":"Unknown Participant"},"COMPENDIUM":{"Search":"Search Compendiums"},"CONTROLS":{"AdjustSceneDarkness":"Adjust Scene Darkness","EffectPanel":"Effects Panel","WorldClock":"세계 시계"},"DOCUMENT":{"Combat":"Encounter","Combats":"Encounters"},"SIDEBAR":{"TabCombat":"Encounter Tracker"},"PF2E":{"AbilityBoost":"능력 증진","AbilityBoostLevels":"능력 증진 레벨","AbilityCha":"매력","AbilityCon":"체질","AbilityDex":"민첩","AbilityFlaw":"결함","AbilityInt":"지능","AbilityModifierLabel":"능력 수정치","AbilityScoresHeader":"능력점","AbilityFree":"자유","AbilityId":{"cha":"매","con":"체","dex":"민","int":"지","str":"힘","wis":"지"},"AbilityStr":"힘","AbilityCheck":{"str":"힘 판정","dex":"민첩 판정","con":"체질 판정","int":"지능 판정","wis":"지혜 판정","cha":"매력 판정"},"AbilityTitle":"능력","AbilityWis":"지혜","AccessoryPropertyRuneCalled":"Called","AccessoryPropertyRuneDragonsBreath":"Dragon's Breath","AccessoryPropertyRuneGreaterPaired":"Greater Paired","AccessoryPropertyRuneGreaterWindCatcher":"Greater Wind-Catcher","AccessoryPropertyRuneMajorPaired":"Major Paired","AccessoryPropertyRunePaired":"Paired","AccessoryPropertyRunePresentable":"Presentable","AccessoryPropertyRuneSnagging":"Snagging","AccessoryPropertyRuneSoftLanding":"Soft-Landing","AccessoryPropertyRuneSpellBastion":"Spell-Bastion","AccessoryPropertyRuneWindCatcher":"Wind-Catcher","Action":{"RestForTheNight":{"Label":"밤 동안 휴식","Prompt":"밤 동안 휴식을 취합니까?","Message":{"Awakens":"{actor} awakens well-rested.","ConditionReduced":"{condition} reduced by 1.","ConditionRemoved":"No longer {condition}.","FocusPoints":"Focus points restored.","Frequencies":"Action frequencies refreshed.","HitPoints":"{hitPoints} 히트 포인트 복원됨.","InfusedReagents":"Infused reagents restored.","Resolve":"Resolve restored.","SpellSlots":"모든 주문 슬롯 복원됨.","StaminaPoints":"Stamina points restored.","TemporaryItems":"Temporary items removed.","WandsCharges":"Wands recharged."}},"Strike":{"MeleeLabel":"근접 공격: {weapon}","RangedLabel":"원거리 공격: {weapon}","OutOfRange":"사정 거리 밖 입니다."}},"ActionActionTypeLabel":"액션 종류","ActionActionsLabel":"액션","ActionBrowserSearchHint":"You can search for name or custom attributes. Possible searchable attributes are:
source, spellType, level, school, components, materials, target, range, time, duration, damage, damageType, save, concentration, ritual, ability and classes.
Example: 'fire, damage:d6' to show all spells that have fire in their name and a d6 in the damage","ActionCategoryDefensive":"Defensive","ActionCategoryInteraction":"Interaction","ActionCategoryLabel":"Action Category","ActionCategoryOffensive":"Offensive","ActionDeathNoteLabel":"Death Note","ActionNumber1":"One","ActionNumber2":"Two","ActionNumber3":"Three","ActionSkillRequirementLabel":"Requirement","ActionTypeAction":"Action","ActionTypeSingle":"Single Action","ActionTypeFree":"Free Action","ActionTypePassive":"Passive","ActionTypeReaction":"Reaction","ActionWeaponLabel":"Associated Weapon","Actions":{"ArcaneSlam":{"Modifier":{"SizeDifference":"크기 차이"},"Notes":{"NoTarget":"Size Difference You take a -2 circumstance penalty to your check if the target is one size larger than you and a -4 circumstance penalty if it's larger than that. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to your check if the target is one size smaller than you and a +4 circumstance bonus if it's smaller than that.","criticalSuccess":"Critical Success You slam the foe down and the magical energy overwhelms it. The creature is knocked @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.j91X7x0XSomq8d60]{prone}, becomes @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.TkIyaNPgTZFBCCuh]{dazzled} for 1 round, and takes damage equal to [[/r 2d6 + @abilities.str.mod # Damage: Arcane Slam]]{2d6 plus your Strength modifier}. The foe is no longer @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.kWc1fhmv9LBiTuei]{grabbed} or @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.VcDeM8A5oI6VqhbM]{restrained} by you.","success":"Success You slam the foe down. The creature is knocked @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.j91X7x0XSomq8d60]{prone} and takes damage equal to your [[/r @abilities.str.mod # Damage: Arcane Slam]]{Strength modifier}. The foe is no longer @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.kWc1fhmv9LBiTuei]{grabbed} or @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.VcDeM8A5oI6VqhbM]{restrained} by you.","failure":"Failure You are unable to slam the creature, but your hold on the creature remains.","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure The creature breaks free and is no longer @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.kWc1fhmv9LBiTuei]{grabbed} or @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.VcDeM8A5oI6VqhbM]{restrained} by you."},"Title":"Arcane Slam"},"AvoidNotice":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success You're @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.VRSef5y1LmL2Hkjf]{undetected} by the creature during your movement and remain undetected by the creature at the end of it.

See the @Compendium[pf2e.actionspf2e.VMozDqMMuK5kpoX4]{Sneak} action for details.","success":"Success You're @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.VRSef5y1LmL2Hkjf]{undetected} by the creature during your movement and remain undetected by the creature at the end of it.

See the @Compendium[pf2e.actionspf2e.VMozDqMMuK5kpoX4]{Sneak} action for details."},"Title":"Avoid Notice"},"Balance":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success You move up to your Speed.","success":"Success You move up to your Speed, treating it as difficult terrain (every 5 feet costs 10 feet of movement).","failure":"Failure You must remain stationary to keep your balance (wasting the action) or you fall. If you fall, your turn ends.","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure You fall and your turn ends."},"Title":"Balance"},"BonMot":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success The target is distracted and takes a -3 status penalty to Perception and Will saves for 1 minute. The target can end the effect early with a retort to your Bon Mot. This can either be a single action that has the concentrate trait or an appropriate skill action to frame their retort. The GM determines which skill actions qualify, though they must take at least 1 action. Typically, the retort needs to use a linguistic Charisma-based skill action. @Compendium[pf2e.feat-effects.CtrZFI3RV0yPNzTv]{Effect: Bon Mot (Critical Success)}","success":"Success The target is distracted and takes a -2 status penalty to Perception and Will saves for 1 minute. The target can end the effect early with a retort to your Bon Mot. This can either be a single action that has the concentrate trait or an appropriate skill action to frame their retort. The GM determines which skill actions qualify, though they must take at least 1 action. Typically, the retort needs to use a linguistic Charisma-based skill action. @Compendium[pf2e.feat-effects.GoSls6SKCFmSoDxT]{Effect: Bon Mot}","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure Your quip is atrocious. You take the same penalty an enemy would take had you succeeded. This ends after 1 minute or if you issue another Bon Mot and succeed. @Compendium[pf2e.feat-effects.GoSls6SKCFmSoDxT]{Effect: Bon Mot}"},"Title":"Bon Mot"},"Climb":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success You move up, across, or safely down the incline for 5 feet plus 5 feet per 20 feet of your land Speed (a total of 10 feet for most PCs).","success":"Success You move up, across, or safely down the incline for 5 feet per 20 feet of your land Speed (a total of 5 feet for most PCs, minimum 5 feet if your Speed is below 20 feet).","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure You fall. If you began the climb on stable ground, you fall and land @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.j91X7x0XSomq8d60]{Prone}."},"Title":"Climb"},"Coerce":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success The target gives you the information you seek or agrees to follow your directives so long as they aren't likely to harm the target in any way. The target continues to comply for an amount of time determined by the GM but not exceeding 1 day, at which point the target becomes unfriendly (if they weren't already unfriendly or hostile). However, the target is too scared of you to retaliate—at least in the short term.","success":"Success As critical success, but once the target becomes unfriendly, they might decide to act against you—for example, by reporting you to the authorities or assisting your enemies.","failure":"Failure The target doesn't do what you say, and if they were not already unfriendly or hostile, they become unfriendly.","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure The target refuses to comply, becomes hostile if they weren't already, and can't be Coerced by you for at least 1 week."},"Title":"Coerce"},"Craft":{"SelectItemDialog":{"CancelButtonLabel":"Cancel","CraftButtonLabel":"Craft","DropItemZoneLabel":"Drag item here...","Title":"Select item to Craft"},"SelectSpellDialog":{"CraftButtonLabel":"Craft","Title":"Select Spell"},"Error":{"ItemReferenceMismatch":"Only accepts physical items for Craft from a compendium or the world's Item Directory."},"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success Your attempt is successful. Each additional day spent Crafting reduces the materials needed to complete the item by an amount based on your level + 1 and your proficiency rank in Crafting.","success":"Success Your attempt is successful. Each additional day spent Crafting reduces the materials needed to complete the item by an amount based on your level and your proficiency rank.","failure":"Failure You fail to complete the item. You can salvage the raw materials you supplied for their full value. If you want to try again, you must start over.","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure You fail to complete the item. You ruin 10% of the raw materials you supplied, but you can salvage the rest. If you want to try again, you must start over."},"Title":"Craft","Warning":{"NotPhysicalItem":"Specified item {item} is not a physical item.","MissingItem":"Unable to Craft unknown item with ID {uuid}.","CantAddItem":"Could not add items","InsufficientCoins":"Insufficient coins"},"Details":{"Discount":"Discount Per Day:","DaysForNoCost":"Days until no Additional Cost:","PayMaterials":"Pay {cost} Material Costs and Craft","PayFull":"Pay {cost} Full Costs and Craft","LostMaterials":"Lose {cost} of Materials","ReceiveItem":"Receive Item"},"Information":{"PayAndReceive":"{actorName} pays {cost} crafting costs and receives {quantity}x {itemName}.","ReceiveItem":"{actorName} receives {quantity}x {itemName}.","LoseMaterials":"{actorName} loses {cost} of materials."}},"CommandAnAnimal":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success The animal does as you command on its next turn.","success":"Success The animal does as you command on its next turn.","failure":"Failure The animal is hesitant or resistant, and it does nothing.","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure The animal misbehaves or misunderstands, and it takes some other action determined by the GM."},"Title":"Command an Animal"},"CreateADiversion":{"DistractingWords":"Create a Diversion - Distracting Words","Gesture":"Create a Diversion - Gesture","Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success You become @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.iU0fEDdBp3rXpTMC]{Hidden} to each creature whose Perception DC is less than or equal to your result. (The hidden condition allows you to @Compendium[pf2e.actionspf2e.VMozDqMMuK5kpoX4]{Sneak} away.) This lasts until the end of your turn or until you do anything except Step or use the @Compendium[pf2e.actionspf2e.XMcnh4cSI32tljXa]{Hide} or the @Compendium[pf2e.actionspf2e.VMozDqMMuK5kpoX4]{Sneak} action of the Stealth skill. If you Strike a creature, the creature remains @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Flat-Footed} against that attack, and you then become @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.1wQY3JYyhMYeeV2G]{Observed}. If you do anything else, you become @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.1wQY3JYyhMYeeV2G]{Observed} just before you act unless the GM determines otherwise.","success":"Success You become @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.iU0fEDdBp3rXpTMC]{Hidden} to each creature whose Perception DC is less than or equal to your result. (The hidden condition allows you to @Compendium[pf2e.actionspf2e.VMozDqMMuK5kpoX4]{Sneak} away.) This lasts until the end of your turn or until you do anything except Step or use the @Compendium[pf2e.actionspf2e.XMcnh4cSI32tljXa]{Hide} or the @Compendium[pf2e.actionspf2e.VMozDqMMuK5kpoX4]{Sneak} action of the Stealth skill. If you Strike a creature, the creature remains @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Flat-Footed} against that attack, and you then become @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.1wQY3JYyhMYeeV2G]{Observed}. If you do anything else, you become @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.1wQY3JYyhMYeeV2G]{Observed} just before you act unless the GM determines otherwise.","failure":"Failure You don't divert the attention of any creatures whose Perception DC exceeds your result, and those creatures are aware you were trying to trick them.","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure You don't divert the attention of any creatures whose Perception DC exceeds your result, and those creatures are aware you were trying to trick them."},"Trick":"Create a Diversion - Trick"},"Demoralize":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success The target becomes @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{Frightened 2}.","success":"Success The target becomes @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{Frightened 1}."},"Title":"Demoralize"},"Disarm":{"EffectLabel":"Using weapon with loose grip","Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success You knock the item out of the opponent's grasp. It falls to the ground in the opponent's space.","success":"Success You weaken your opponent's grasp on the item. Until the start of that creature's turn, attempts to Disarm the opponent of that item gain a +2 circumstance bonus, and the target takes a -2 circumstance penalty to attacks with the item or other checks requiring a firm grasp on the item. @Compendium[pf2e.equipment-effects.z3ATL8DcRVrT0Uzt]{Effect: Disarm (Success)}","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure You lose your balance and become @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Flat-Footed} until the start of your next turn."},"Title":"Disarm"},"EncouragingWords":{"Title":"Encouraging Words","ContentMain":"Select a target DC. Remember that you can't attempt a heal above your proficiency. Attempting to do so will downgrade the DC and amount healed to the highest you're capable of.","ContentLabel1":"Diplomacy DC:","ContentLabel2":"DC 수정치:","ContentOption1":"Trained DC 15","ContentOption2":"Expert DC 20, +5 Stamina","ContentOption3":"Master DC 30, +15 Stamina","ContentOption4":"Legendary DC 40, +25 Stamina","BadArgs":"This action must be performed with exactly one character or NPC.","NotTrained":"{name} is not trained in Diplomacy and doesn't know how to use Encouraging Words.","StaminaNotEnabled":"The Stamina variant is not enabled.","CritSuccess":"크리티컬 성공","Success":"성공","Failure":"실패","CritFailure":"크리티컬 실패","Recovery":"스테미너 회복","Damage":"데미지","Cancel":"취소"},"Feint":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success You throw your enemy's defenses against you entirely off. The target is @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Flat-Footed} against melee attacks that you attempt against it until the end of your next turn.","success":"Success Your foe is fooled, but only momentarily. The target is @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Flat-Footed} against the next melee attack that you attempt against it before the end of your current turn.","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure Your feint backfires. You are @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Flat-Footed} against melee attacks the target attempts against you until the end of your next turn."},"Title":"Feint"},"ForceOpen":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success You open the door, window, container, or gate and can avoid damaging it in the process.","success":"Success You break the door, window, container, or gate open, and the door, window, container, or gate gains the @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.6dNUvdb1dhToNDj3]{Broken} condition. If it's especially sturdy, the GM might have it take damage but not be broken.","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure Your attempt jams the door, window, container, or gate shut, imposing a -2 circumstance penalty on future attempts to Force it Open."},"Title":"Force Open","NoCrowbarPenalty":"No Crowbar"},"GatherInformation":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success You collect information about the individual or topic. The GM determines the specifics.","success":"Success You collect information about the individual or topic. The GM determines the specifics.","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure You collect incorrect information about the individual or topic."},"Title":"Gather Information"},"Grapple":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success Your opponent is @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.VcDeM8A5oI6VqhbM]{Restrained} until the end of your next turn unless you move or your opponent @Compendium[pf2e.actionspf2e.SkZAQRkLLkmBQNB9]{Escapes}.","success":"Success Your opponent is @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.kWc1fhmv9LBiTuei]{Grabbed} until the end of your next turn unless you move or your opponent @Compendium[pf2e.actionspf2e.SkZAQRkLLkmBQNB9]{Escapes}.","failure":"Failure You fail to grab your opponent. If you already had the opponent @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.kWc1fhmv9LBiTuei]{Grabbed} or @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.VcDeM8A5oI6VqhbM]{Restrained} using a Grapple, those conditions on that creature end.","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure If you already had the opponent @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.kWc1fhmv9LBiTuei]{Grabbed} or @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.VcDeM8A5oI6VqhbM]{Restrained}, it breaks free. Your target can either grab you, as if it succeeded at using the @Compendium[pf2e.actionspf2e.PMbdMWc2QroouFGD]{Grapple} action against you, or force you to fall and land @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.j91X7x0XSomq8d60]{Prone}."},"Title":"Grapple"},"Hide":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success If the creature could see you, you're now @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.iU0fEDdBp3rXpTMC]{Hidden} from it instead of observed. If you were @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.iU0fEDdBp3rXpTMC]{Hidden} from or @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.VRSef5y1LmL2Hkjf]{Undetected} by the creature, you retain that condition.","success":"Success If the creature could see you, you're now @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.iU0fEDdBp3rXpTMC]{Hidden} from it instead of observed. If you were @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.iU0fEDdBp3rXpTMC]{Hidden} from or @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.VRSef5y1LmL2Hkjf]{Undetected} by the creature, you retain that condition."},"Title":"Hide"},"HighJump":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success Increase the maximum vertical distance to 8 feet, or increase the maximum vertical distance to 5 feet and maximum horizontal distance to 10 feet.","success":"Success Increase the maximum vertical distance to 5 feet.","failure":"Failure You @Compendium[pf2e.actionspf2e.d5I6018Mci2SWokk]{Leap} normally.","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure You don't @Compendium[pf2e.actionspf2e.d5I6018Mci2SWokk]{Leap} at all, and instead you fall @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.j91X7x0XSomq8d60]{Prone} in your space."},"Title":"High Jump"},"Interact":{"Title":"Interact","Parenthetical":"Interact {purpose}","Draw1H":{"Title":"Draw (1H)","Description":"{actor} draws their {weapon}."},"Draw2H":{"Title":"Draw (2H)","Description":"{actor} draws their {weapon}."},"PickUp1H":{"Title":"Pick Up (1H)","Description":"{actor} picks up {weapon} from the ground."},"PickUp2H":{"Title":"Pick Up (2H)","Description":"{actor} picks up {weapon} from the ground."},"Grip":{"Title":"Change Grip (2H)","Description":"{actor} grips their {weapon} with two hands."},"Retrieve1H":{"Title":"Retrieve (1H)","Description":"{actor} retrieves their {weapon}."},"Retrieve2H":{"Title":"Retrieve (1H)","Description":"{actor} retrieves their {weapon}."},"Sheathe":{"Title":"Sheathe","Description":"{actor} sheathes their {weapon}."}},"Impersonate":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success You trick the creature into thinking you're the person you're disguised as. You might have to attempt a new check if your behavior changes.","success":"Success You trick the creature into thinking you're the person you're disguised as. You might have to attempt a new check if your behavior changes.","failure":"Failure The creature can tell you're not who you claim to be.","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure The creature can tell you're not who you claim to be, and it recognizes you if it would know you without a disguise."},"Title":"Impersonate"},"Lie":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success The target believes your lie.","success":"Success The target believes your lie.","failure":"Failure The target doesn't believe your lie and gains a +4 circumstance bonus against your attempts to Lie for the duration of your conversation. The target is also more likely to be suspicious of you in the future.","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure The target doesn't believe your lie and gains a +4 circumstance bonus against your attempts to Lie for the duration of your conversation. The target is also more likely to be suspicious of you in the future."},"Title":"Lie"},"LongJump":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success Increase the maximum horizontal distance you @Compendium[pf2e.actionspf2e.d5I6018Mci2SWokk]{Leap} to the desired distance.","success":"Success Increase the maximum horizontal distance you @Compendium[pf2e.actionspf2e.d5I6018Mci2SWokk]{Leap} to the desired distance.","failure":"Failure You @Compendium[pf2e.actionspf2e.d5I6018Mci2SWokk]{Leap} normally.","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure You @Compendium[pf2e.actionspf2e.d5I6018Mci2SWokk]{Leap} normally, but then fall and land @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.j91X7x0XSomq8d60]{Prone}."},"Title":"Long Jump"},"MakeAnImpression":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success The target's attitude toward you improves by two steps.","success":"Success The target's attitude toward you improves by one step.","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure The target's attitude toward you decreases by one step."},"Title":"Make an Impression"},"ManeuverInFlight":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success You succeed at the maneuver.","success":"Success You succeed at the maneuver.","failure":"Failure Your maneuver fails. The GM chooses if you simply can't move or if some other detrimental effect happens. The outcome should be appropriate for the maneuver you attempted (for instance, being blown off course if you were trying to fly against a strong wind).","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure As failure, but the consequence is more dire."},"Title":"Maneuver in Flight"},"PickALock":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success You unlock the lock, or you achieve two successes toward opening a complex lock. You leave no trace of your tampering.","success":"Success You open the lock, or you achieve one success toward opening a complex lock.","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure You break your tools. Fixing them requires using Crafting to @Compendium[pf2e.actionspf2e.bT3skovyLUtP22ME]{Repair} them or else swapping in replacement picks (costing 3 sp, or 3 gp for infiltrator thieves' tools)."},"Title":"Pick a Lock"},"RaiseAShield":{"SingleActionTitle":"Raise a Shield","ReactionTitle":"Reactive Shield","Content":"{actor} raises their shield.","BadArgs":"This action must be performed with exactly one character or NPC.","NoShieldEquipped":"{actor} must have a shield equipped.","ShieldIsBroken":"{actor}'s {shield} is broken.","ShieldIsDestroyed":"{actor}'s {shield} is destroyed."},"Release":{"Title":"Release","Drop":{"Title":"Drop","Description":"{actor} drops their {weapon} onto the ground."},"Grip":{"Title":"Change Grip (1H)","Description":"{actor} releases a hand from their {weapon}."}},"Repair":{"Chat":{"ItemRepaired":"{itemName} was repaired for {repairedDamage} points of damage for a total of {afterRepairHitPoints} out of {maximumHitPoints} Hit Points.","ItemDamaged":"{itemName} was dealt {damageDealt} points of damage for a total of {afterDamageHitPoints} out of {maximumHitPoints} Hit Points."},"Error":{"ItemReferenceMismatch":"Only accepts physical items for Repair from an actor."},"Labels":{"DamageMitigatedByHardness":"The critically failed Repair attempt caused no damage to the item due to hardness.","DealItemDamage":"Deal {value} damage to item","Hardness":"Hardness","ItemLevelRepairDC":"Item level {level} repair DC","RestoreItemHitPoints":"Restore {value} Hit Points to item","RollItemDamage":"Roll {value} damage"},"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success You restore 10 Hit Points to the item, plus an additional 10 Hit Points per proficiency rank you have in Crafting (a total of 20 HP if you're trained, 30 HP if you're an expert, 40 HP if you're a master, or 50 HP if you're legendary).","success":"Success You restore 5 Hit Points to the item, plus an additional 5 per proficiency rank you have in Crafting (for a total of 10 HP if you are trained, 15 HP if you're an expert, 20 HP if you're a master, or 25 HP if you're legendary).","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure You deal 2d6 damage to the item. Apply the item's Hardness to this damage."},"SelectItemDialog":{"CancelButtonLabel":"Cancel","RepairButtonLabel":"Repair","DropItemZoneLabel":"Drag item here...","Title":"Select item to Repair"},"Title":"Repair","Warning":{"NotPhysicalItem":"Specified item {item} is not a physical item."}},"Request":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success The target agrees to your request without qualifications.","success":"Success The target agrees to your request, but they might demand added provisions or alterations to the request.","failure":"Failure The target refuses the request, though they might propose an alternative that is less extreme.","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure Not only does the target refuse the request, but their attitude toward you decreases by one step due to the temerity of the request."},"Title":"Request"},"Seek":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success If you were searching for creatures, any @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.VRSef5y1LmL2Hkjf]{Undetected} or @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.iU0fEDdBp3rXpTMC]{Hidden} creature you critically succeeded against becomes @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.1wQY3JYyhMYeeV2G]{Observed} by you. If you were searching for an object, you learn its location.","success":"Success If you were searching for creatures, any @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.VRSef5y1LmL2Hkjf]{Undetected} creature you succeeded against becomes @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.iU0fEDdBp3rXpTMC]{Hidden} from you instead of @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.VRSef5y1LmL2Hkjf]{Undetected}, and any @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.iU0fEDdBp3rXpTMC]{Hidden} creature you succeeded against becomes @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.1wQY3JYyhMYeeV2G]{Observed} by you. If you were searching for an object, you learn its location or get a clue to its whereabouts, as determined by the GM."},"Title":"Seek"},"SenseDirection":{"Modifier":{"NoCompass":"No Compass"},"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success You get an excellent sense of where you are. If you are in an environment with cardinal directions, you know them exactly.","success":"Success You gain enough orientation to avoid becoming hopelessly lost. If you are in an environment with cardinal directions, you have a sense of those directions."},"Title":"Sense Direction"},"SenseMotive":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success You determine the creature's true intentions and get a solid idea of any mental magic affecting it.","success":"Success You can tell whether the creature is behaving normally, but you don't know its exact intentions or what magic might be affecting it.","failure":"Failure You detect what a deceptive creature wants you to believe. If they're not being deceptive, you believe they're behaving normally.","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure You get a false sense of the creature's intentions."},"Title":"Sense Motive"},"ShieldBlock":{"SelectAShield":"Select a shield"},"Shove":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success You push your opponent up to 10 feet away from you. You can Stride after it, but you must move the same distance and in the same direction.","success":"Success You push your opponent back 5 feet. You can Stride after it, but you must move the same distance and in the same direction.","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure You lose your balance, fall, and land @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.j91X7x0XSomq8d60]{Prone}."},"Title":"Shove"},"Sneak":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success You're undetected by the creature during your movement and remain undetected by the creature at the end of it.","success":"Success You're undetected by the creature during your movement and remain undetected by the creature at the end of it.","failure":"Failure A telltale sound or other sign gives your position away, though you still remain unseen. You're hidden from the creature throughout your movement and remain so","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure You're spotted! You're observed by the creature throughout your movement and remain so. If you're invisible and were hidden from the creature, instead of being observed you're hidden throughout your movement and remain so."},"Title":"Sneak"},"Squeeze":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success You squeeze through the tight space in 1 minute per 10 feet of squeezing.","success":"Success You squeeze through in 1 minute per 5 feet.","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure You become stuck in the tight space. While you're stuck, you can spend 1 minute attempting another Acrobatics check at the same DC. Any result on that check other than a critical failure causes you to become unstuck."},"Title":"Squeeze"},"SteelYourResolve":{"Title":"Steel Your Resolve","Content":"Spend a resolve point and regain stamina?","BadArgs":"This action must be performed with exactly one character or NPC.","StaminaNotEnabled":"The Stamina variant is not enabled.","NoStamina":"{name} is tired and needs to go to bed! No resolve points remaining.","RecoverStamina":"{name} has {ratio} SP and spends a resolve point, recovering half their maximum Stamina."},"Swim":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success You move through the water 10 feet, plus 5 feet per 20 feet of your land Speed (a total of 15 feet for most PCs).","success":"Success You move through the water 5 feet, plus 5 feet per 20 feet of your land Speed (a total of 10 feet for most PCs).","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure You make no progress, and if you're holding your breath, you lose 1 round of air."},"Title":"Swim"},"Tamper":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success Your tampering is incredibly effective. If you tampered with a weapon, the enemy takes a -2 circumstance penalty to attack rolls and damage rolls with that weapon. If you tampered with armor, the armor hampers the enemy's movement, making the enemy flat-footed and inflicting a -10-foot penalty to its Speeds. The effect lasts until the enemy Interacts to remove it, regardless of which one you used. @Compendium[pf2e.feat-effects.rzcpTJU9MvW1x1gz]{Effect: Armor Tampered With (Critical Success)} @Compendium[pf2e.feat-effects.o7qm13OmaYOMwgib]{Effect: Weapon Tampered With (Critical Success)}","success":"Success Your tampering is temporarily effective. As critical success, but the effect ends at the start of your next turn, even if the enemy doesn't Interact to end it. @Compendium[pf2e.feat-effects.IfRkgjyh0JzGalIy]{Effect: Armor Tampered With (Success)} @Compendium[pf2e.feat-effects.4QWayYR3JSL9bk2T]{Effect: Weapon Tampered With (Success)}","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure Your tampering backfires dramatically, creating a small explosion from your own tools or gear. You take [[/r {@details.level.value}[fire] # Tamper Backfire]]{fire damage equal to your level}."},"Title":"Tamper"},"Track":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success You find the trail or continue to follow the one you're already following.","success":"Success You find the trail or continue to follow the one you're already following.","failure":"Failure You lose the trail but can try again after a 1-hour delay.","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure You lose the trail and can't try again for 24 hours."},"Title":"Track"},"TreatDisease":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success You grant the creature a +4 circumstance bonus to its next saving throw against the disease.
@Compendium[pf2e.equipment-effects.id20P4pj7zDKeLmy]{Effect: Treat Disease (Critical Success)}","success":"Success You grant the creature a +2 circumstance bonus to its next saving throw against the disease.
@Compendium[pf2e.equipment-effects.Ee2xfKX1yyqGIDZj]{Effect: Treat Disease (Success)}","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure Your efforts cause the creature to take a -2 circumstance penalty to its next save against the disease.
@Compendium[pf2e.equipment-effects.5oYKYXAexr0vhx84]{Effect: Treat Disease (Critical Failure)}"},"Title":"Treat Disease"},"TreatPoison":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success You grant the creature a +4 circumstance bonus to its next saving throw against the poison.
@Compendium[pf2e.equipment-effects.XwCBalKJf3CiEiFa]{Effect: Treat Poison (Critical Success)}","success":"Success You grant the creature a +2 circumstance bonus to its next saving throw against the poison.
@Compendium[pf2e.equipment-effects.XWenziR7J3mwKV4W]{Effect: Treat Poison (Success)}","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure Your efforts cause the creature to take a -2 circumstance penalty to its next save against the poison.
@Compendium[pf2e.equipment-effects.ESuBosh3t1pXEcBj]{Effect: Treat Poison (Critical Failure)}"},"Title":"Treat Poison"},"Trip":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success The target falls and lands @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.j91X7x0XSomq8d60]{Prone} and takes [[/r 1d6[bludgeoning] # Bludgeoning damage]]{1d6} bludgeoning damage.","success":"Success The target falls and lands @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.j91X7x0XSomq8d60]{Prone}.","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure You lose your balance and fall and land @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.j91X7x0XSomq8d60]{Prone}."},"Title":"Trip"},"TumbleThrough":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success You move through the enemy's space, treating the squares in its space as difficult terrain (every 5 feet costs 10 feet of movement). If you don't have enough Speed to move all the way through its space, you get the same effect as a failure.","success":"Success You move through the enemy's space, treating the squares in its space as difficult terrain (every 5 feet costs 10 feet of movement). If you don't have enough Speed to move all the way through its space, you get the same effect as a failure.","failure":"Failure Your movement ends, and you trigger reactions as if you had moved out of the square you started in.","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure Your movement ends, and you trigger reactions as if you had moved out of the square you started in."},"Title":"Tumble Through"},"WhirlingThrow":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success You throw the creature the desired distance and it lands @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.j91X7x0XSomq8d60]{Prone}.","success":"Success You throw the creature the desired distance.","failure":"Failure You don't throw the creature.","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure You don't throw the creature, and it's no longer @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.kWc1fhmv9LBiTuei]{Grabbed} or @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.VcDeM8A5oI6VqhbM]{Restrained} by you."},"Title":"Whirling Throw"}},"ActionsCheck":{"acrobatics":"도약 판정","arcana":"신비 판정","athletics":"운동 판정","crafting":"제작 판정","deception":"속임수 판정","diplomacy":"외교 판정","intimidation":"협박 판정","medicine":"의학 판정","nature":"자연 판정","occultism":"오컬티즘 판정","perception":"통찰력 판정","performance":"공연 판정","religion":"종교 판정","society":"사회 판정","stealth":"잠행 판정","survival":"생존 판정","thievery":"도둑질 판정"},"ActionsWarning":{"DeceptionUnknownVariant":"Unknown variant '{variant}' used for Deception, use either distracting words, gesture, or trick.","NoActor":"Select at least one token before rolling, or assign a default character."},"ActionsActionsHeader":"액션","ActionsFreeActionsHeader":"자유 액션","ActionsReactionsHeader":"리액션","Actor":{"ApplyDamage":{"AtFullHealth":"{actor} is already at full health.","DamagedForN":"{actor} takes {hpDamage} damage.","ShieldAbsorbsAll":"{actor} is unscathed, their shield completely absorbing {absorbedDamage} damage.","DamagedForNShield":"{actor}'s shield absorbs {absorbedDamage} damage, with an additional {hpDamage} making it through.","HealedForN":"{actor} is healed for {hpDamage} damage.","ShieldDamagedForN":"Their shield is also damaged for {shieldDamage}.","ShieldDamagedForNBroken":"Their shield also takes {shieldDamage} damage, breaking it.","ShieldDamagedForNDestroyed":"Their shield also takes {shieldDamage} damage, destroying it.","ShieldNotRaised":"{actor} has not raised their shield.","TakesNoDamage":"{actor} takes no damage."},"Character":{"AbilityBuilder":{"Title":"능력치 배분","Boost":"증진","Boosts":"증진","Flaw":"결함","Flaws":"결함","KeyIcon":"주요","VoluntaryFlaw":{"Title":"자발적 결함","Description":"하나의 능력치 증진을 선택하고 두 개의 능력치 결함을 선택합니다."},"BackgroundBoostDescription":"Two boosts: one must be {a} or {b}.","AbilityScoreMethod":{"Title":"능력치 분배법","Description":"분배법을 바꾸면 당신의 능력점 분배 사항을 되돌립니다.","UseCustomLabel":"사용자 지정 사용"},"AncestryMissingHelp":"혈통에서 주어진 능력치를 분배하세요.","BackgroundMissingHelp":"배경에서 주어진 능력치를 분배하세요.","ClassMissingHelp":"직업에서 주어진 능력치를 분배하세요.","NotSelected":"선택되지 않음","Complete":"완료"},"AncestryClass":"{ancestry} {class}","ClassDC":{"Label":"직업 DC","Plural":"직업 DC들"},"Configure":{"Title":"Configure Character","ShowBasicUnarmed":{"Label":"Show Basic Unarmed Attack","Hint":"A PC always has available an unspecific unarmed attack using any part of their body. The attack may be hidden from view if the player never intends to use it."}},"Rest":{"Label":"밤 동안 휴식"}},"Creature":{"Alliance":{"Default":"Ownership Default ({alliance})","Opposition":"Opposition","Party":"Party","Neutral":"Neutral"},"Configure":{"Alliance":{"Label":"Alliance","Hint":"A creature can be in opposition to the party, allied with it, or neutral. This impacts some mechanics during an encounter, such as flanking."}},"CriticalSpecialization":"Critical Specialization","Spellcasting":{"Cantrips":"Cantrips","InvalidProficiency":"Invalid","MagicItemTypesLabel":"Magic Item Types","ValidItemTypes":{"All":"All Magic Items","Scroll":"Scrolls Only"}},"SpellPreparation":{"Title":"{actor}: Spell Preparation","Hint":"To prepare a spell, drag one from this list to a slot on the actor sheet.","HintFlexible":"To prepare a spell, enable it here. To prepare a cantrip, drag one from this list to a slot on the actor sheet. "},"Sense":{"Acuity":{"Label":"Acuity","Precise":"Precise","Imprecise":"Imprecise","Vague":"Vague"},"Label":"Senses","RangeLabel":"Range","NoRangeLimit":"No Limit","Type":{"Darkvision":"Darkvision","Echolocation":"Echolocation","GreaterDarkvision":"Greater Darkvision","Hearing":"Hearing","Lifesense":"Lifesense","LowLightVision":"Low-Light Vision","Motionsense":"Motionsense","Scent":"Scent","SeeInvisibility":"See Invisibility","Spiritsense":"Spiritsense","Tremorsense":"Tremorsense","Wavesense":"Wavesense"},"WithAcuity":"{sense} ({acuity})","WithAcuityAndRange":"{sense} ({acuity} {range} Ft)"}},"Dead":"Dead","Hazard":{"TitleEdit":"{name} (Edit Mode)","Level":"Hazard {level}","EmitsSound":{"Title":"Emits Sound?","Hint":"Whether this hazard emits sound and can be sensed via hearing","True":"Always","False":"Never","Encounter":"During Encounters"}},"NPC":{"Configure":{"Title":"Configure NPC","Lootable":{"Label":"Lootable?","Hint":"Set whether this NPC becomes lootable by players upon its demise. The global default can be configured in Automation Settings.","DefaultLootable":"Global Default (Lootable)","DefaultNotLootable":"Global Default (Not Lootable)","Lootable":"Lootable","NotLootable":"Not Lootable"}},"GenerateAttack":{"Label":"Generate Attack","Confirm":{"Title":"Regenerate attack","Content":"An attack has already been generated for this weapon. Would you like to replace it?"},"Notification":"Generated NPC attack: {attack}"}},"Plural":"Actors"},"ActorSizeGargantuan":"Gargantuan","ActorSizeHuge":"Huge","ActorSizeLarge":"Large","ActorSizeMedium":"Medium","ActorSizeSmall":"Small","ActorSizeTiny":"Tiny","AddCoinsCombineStacksLabel":"같은 주화 종류 합치기","AddCoinsTitle":"주화 추가","AddCombatProficiency":{"Title":"Add Combat Proficiency","Message":"Select a weapon group or base weapon"},"AddModifierTitle":"추가","RemoveModifierTitle":"수정치 제거","AddShortLabel":"추가","AddSpellTitle":"주문 추가","AddSpellcastingEntryTitle":"주문 시전 기입 추가","AdditionalSkills":"Additional Skills","AdditionalLanguagePlusInt":"(plus Intelligence)","Age":"나이","AgeTitle":"당신 캐릭터의 나이","Alignment":"성향","AlignmentCE":"혼돈 악","AlignmentCG":"혼돈 선","AlignmentCN":"혼돈 중립","AlignmentLE":"질서 악","AlignmentLG":"질서 선","AlignmentLN":"질서 중립","AlignmentN":"진정한 중립","AlignmentNE":"중립 악","AlignmentNG":"중립 선","AlignmentTitle":"당신의 성향","AllSavesLabel":"모든 내성","AncestryFeatures":"혈통 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Possible searchable attributes are:
source, spellType, level, school, components, materials, target, range, time, duration, damage, damageType, save, concentration, ritual, ability and classes.
Example: 'fire, damage:d6' to show all spells that have fire in their name and a d6 in the damage","Biography":"전기","BiographyAllies":"Allies","BiographyAlliesTitle":"Your character's allies","BiographyAppearance":"모습","BiographyAppearanceTitle":"당신의 캐릭터는 생김새는 어떤지 기술","BiographyAttitude":"행실","BiographyAttitudeTitle":"당신의 캐릭터의 행실은 어떤지 기술","BiographyBackStory":"배경 이야기","BiographyBackStoryTitle":"당신의 캐릭터의 이야기 기술","BiographyBeliefs":"믿음","BiographyBeliefsTitle":"당신의 캐릭터가 믿고 있는 것 기술","BiographyBirthPlace":"태어난 곳","BiographyBirthPlaceTitle":"당신이 캐릭터가 어디서 태어났는지 기술","BiographyCampaignNotesHeader":"캠페인 메모","BiographyCampaignNotes":"메모","BiographyCampaignNotesTitle":"당신이 원하는 어떠한 것이라도 기술","BiographyCatchphrases":"명언","BiographyCatchphrasesTitle":"당신의 캐릭터의 명언을 기술","BiographyDislikes":"좋아하지 않는 것","BiographyDislikesTitle":"당신의 캐릭터가 무엇을 싫어하는지 기술","BiographyEnemies":"적","BiographyEnemiesTitle":"당신의 캐릭터의 적은 누구인지 기술","BiographyLikes":"좋아하는 것","BiographyLikesTitle":"당신의 캐릭터가 좋아하는 것이 무엇인지 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By","BulkShortLabel":"Bulk","BulkTypeLight":"Light","CapacityBarLabel":"Capacity","CarryType":{"held1":"Held 1H","held2":"Held 2H","worn":"Worn","worn-in-slot":"Worn (In Slot)","stowed":"Stowed","dropped":"Dropped"},"CastLabel":"시전","CharacterDetails":"캐릭터 디테일","CharacterLevelLabel":"레벨","CharacterNamePlaceholder":"캐릭터 이름","CharacterTraits":"캐릭터 특성","CharacterTraitsHeader":"Traits & Other Details","ChatRollDetails":{"Select":"Inspect Roll","Title":"Roll Inspector","RollOptions":"Roll Options","ModifiersEmpty":"No Modifiers"},"Check":{"DC":{"Label":{"AdjustedTarget":"Target: {target} ({dcType} {preadjusted} {adjusted})","NoChangeTarget":"Target: {target} ({dcType} {adjusted})","NoTarget":"{dcType} {dc}","WithTarget":"Target: {target} ({dcType} {dc})"},"Specific":{"ac":"AC","athletics":"도약 DC","deception":"Deception DC","fortitude":"불굴 DC","perception":"통찰력 DC","reflex":"반사 DC","stealth":"잠행 DC","will":"의지 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{character}.","FailedToBuyItemWithCharacter":"Could not purchase {item} with {character}.","BoughtItemWithAllCharacters":"Purchased {item} with all selected actor(s).","FailedToBuyItemWithSomeCharacters":"Could not purchase {item} with some of the selected actor(s).","BestiaryBrowser":"Bestiary Browser","Hint":"Use the tabs above to select a compendium","ProgressBar":{"LoadingPack":"로딩 {pack}","LoadingComplete":"로딩 완료"},"TabAction":"액션","TabBestiary":"Bestiaries","TabEquipment":"장비","TabFeat":"재주","TabHazard":"Hazards","TabSpell":"Spells","TabSettings":"Load Packs","TakeLabel":"아이템 가져가기","BuyLabel":"아이템 구매","Title":"Compendium Browser"},"Condition":{"ActiveLabel":"Active","RemovableLabel":"Removable","PerpetualLabel":"Perpetual Condition","DurationTextLabel":"Duration","DurationNumberLabel":"Rounds","HasValueLabel":"Has Value","ValueLabel":"Value","ImmutableLabel":"Immutable","ImmutableTitle":"Value cannot be reduced."},"ConditionsLabel":"상태","ConditionTypeBlinded":"눈 멈","ConditionTypeBroken":"부서짐","ConditionTypeClumsy":"서툼","ConditionTypeConcealed":"Concealed","ConditionTypeConfused":"Confused","ConditionTypeControlled":"Controlled","ConditionTypeDazzled":"Dazzled","ConditionTypeDeafened":"Deafened","ConditionTypeDoomed":"Doomed","ConditionTypeDrained":"Drained","ConditionTypeDying":"죽어감","ConditionTypeEncumbered":"Encumbered","ConditionTypeEnfeebled":"Enfeebled","ConditionTypeFascinated":"Fascinated","ConditionTypeFatigued":"Fatigued","ConditionTypeFlatFooted":"Flat-Footed","ConditionTypeFleeing":"Fleeing","ConditionTypeFriendly":"Friendly","ConditionTypeFrightened":"Frightened","ConditionTypeGrabbed":"Grabbed","ConditionTypeHelpful":"Helpful","ConditionTypeHidden":"Hidden","ConditionTypeHostile":"Hostile","ConditionTypeImmobilized":"Immobilized","ConditionTypeIndifferent":"Indifferent","ConditionTypeInvisible":"Invisible","ConditionTypeObserved":"Observed","ConditionTypeParalyzed":"Paralyzed","ConditionTypePersistent":"Persistent 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Type","ConsumableTypeMutagen":"Mutagen","ConsumableTypeOil":"기름","ConsumableTypeOther":"Other","ConsumableTypePoison":"독","ConsumableTypePotion":"포션","ConsumableTypeScroll":"스크롤","ConsumableTypeSnare":"Snare","ConsumableTypeTalisman":"Talisman","ConsumableTypeTool":"도구","ConsumableTypeWand":"Wand","ConsumableUseLabel":"Use","ConsumableMessage":{"UseSingle":"Uses {name}","UseMulti":"Uses {name}, {current} remain","UseExhausted":"Exhausted {name}"},"ConsumableCompatibleLabel":"Compatible","ConsumableIncompatibleLabel":"Incompatible","CoreSkillsHeader":"핵심 기술","Counteract":"Counteract","Counteractable":"Counteractable","CounteractDescription":{"Hint":"If you're counteracting an affliction, the DC is in the affliction's stat block. If it's a spell, use the caster's DC. The GM can also calculate a DC based on the target effect's level.","CritSuccess":"Counteract the target if its counteract level is {level} or less.","Success":"Counteract the target if its counteract level is {level} or less.","Failure":"Counteract the target if its counteract level is less than {level}.","CritFailure":"You fail to counteract the target."},"CraftingTab":{"Alchemical":{"AdvancedAlchemy":"Advanced Alchemy","AdvancedAlchemyLevel":"Advanced Alchemy Level","InfusedReagents":"Infused Reagents","ReagentCost":"Reagent Cost","ToggleSignatureItem":"Toggle Signature Item","TotalCost":"Total Cost"},"Alerts":{"CharacterLevel":"Item level exceeds character level.","ItemMissingTraits":"Item is not compatible with crafting entry item requirements.","MaxItemLevel":"Item level exceeds maximum item level for entry.","MaxSlots":"Crafting entry's allowed slots are full.","MissingReagents":"Insufficient infused reagents to complete crafting.","FormulaExpended":"Prepared formula has already been crafted."},"CraftQuantityTitle":"Quantity","ExpendFormula":"Expend Formula","ToggleFreeCrafting":"자유 제작으로 변환","ToggleQuickAlchemy":"Quick Alchemy","UndeletableTooltip":"This crafting formula is part of another item and cannot be individually deleted.","QuickAddTitle":"Add this formula to one or more crafting entries","NoEligibleEntry":"No eligible crafting entry was found."},"CraftDCTitle":"DC","CraftItemTitle":"제작","CreateActionTitle":"액션 작성","CreateAttackTitle":"공격 작성","CreateFeatTitle":"재주 작성","CreateFormulaTitle":"제작법 작성","CreateItemTitle":"아이템 작성","CreateLabelUniversal":"작성","CreateSkillTitle":"기술 작성","CreateSpellTitle":"주문 작성","CritFailure":"크리티컬 실패","CritSuccess":"크리티컬 성공","CriticalDamageLabel":"크리티컬","CriticalHitCardButtonTitle":"Draw a Critical Hit Card","CriticalFumbleCardButtonTitle":"Draw a Critical Fumble Card","CurrencyAbbreviations":{"cp":"cp","gp":"gp","pp":"pp","sp":"sp"},"CurrencyCP":"동화","CurrencyGP":"금화","CurrencyPP":"백금화","CurrencySP":"은화","CurrentHPTitle":"당신의 현재 히트 포인트","CurrentHitPointsShortLabel":"현재 HP","CurrentStaminaPointsShortLabel":"Current SP","CurrentStaminaTitle":"당신의 남은 스테미너 포인트","Damage":{"Base":"기본","NoDamageFormulaLabel":"데미지 없음"},"DamageCategoriesLabel":"데미지 카테고리","DamageDieD10":"d10","DamageDieD12":"d12","DamageDieD4":"d4","DamageDieD6":"d6","DamageDieD8":"d8","DamageLabel":"데미지","DamageRoll":"데미지 굴림","DCAdjustmentIncrediblyEasy":"너무나도 쉬움","DCAdjustmentVeryEasy":"아주 쉬움","DCAdjustmentEasy":"쉬움","DCAdjustmentNormal":"보통","DCAdjustmentHard":"어려움","DCAdjustmentVeryHard":"아주 어려움","DCAdjustmentIncrediblyHard":"극도로 어려움","DCBase":"기본 DC 10","DCWithValue":"DC {dc} {text}","DCWithValueAndVisibility":"DC {dc} {text}","DecrementEffectTitle":"Decrease Effect Level","DefensesLabel":"Defenses","Deity":"Deity","DeityTitle":"당신이 믿는 신","DeleteConditionQuestion":"정말로 {condition}을 지우고 싶으신가요?","DeleteConditionTitle":"상태 지우기","DeleteItemQuestion":"정말로 지우고 싶으신가요:","DeleteItemTitle":"아이템 제거","DeleteShortLabel":"제거","DeleteSpellcastEntryQuestion":"정말로 이 주문 시전 기입을 제거하고 싶으신가요?","DeleteSpellcastEntryWarning":"주의: 주문 시전 기입란에 들어있는 모든 주문이 삭제됩니다.","DenominationLabel":"Denomination","DetailsHeading":"상세","DragDropFeats":"드래그 앤 드롭으로 재주를 추가","Duration":{"PT1M":"minute","PT10M":"10 minutes","PT1H":"1시간","PT24H":"24 시간","day":"하루","P1W":"일주일"},"Encounter":{"Broadcast":{"TempHP":{"PluralNew":"{actor} now has {newQuantity} temporary hit points{wasAt} from {item}.","SingleNew":"{actor} now has {newQuantity} temporary hit point{wasAt} from {item}.","WasAt":" (was at {oldQuantity})"},"FastHealing":{"FastHealingLabel":"Received Fast Healing","RegenerationLabel":"Received Regeneration","DeactivatedBy":"Deactivated by {types}"}},"Budget":{"EncounterBudget":"Encounter Budget","PartySize":"Party Size","PartyLevel":"Party Level","Threat":"Threat","Reward":"Reward","XPBudget":"XP 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ends"},"EmptySlot":"빈 칸","EquipmentEquippedLabel":"Equipped","EquippedBulkLabel":"Worn Bulk","EquippedSameBulkValue":"Same as Carried","ErrorMessage":{"CantCreateEffectMacro":"An effect for a toggle macro must come from a compendium or world item.","CantImportTooHighVersion":"Unable to import {sourceName}: its schema version ({sourceSchemaVersion}) is higher than this world's ({worldSchemaVersion}).","CantMoveItemDestination":"You are not allowed to move items to this character.","CantMoveItemSource":"You are not allowed to move items from this character.","MinimumProfLevelSetByFeatures":"The selected proficiency is below proficiency set by features.","NoTokenSelected":"Select at least one token.","NoPCTokenSelected":"Select at least one token associated with a PC.","NoCreatureTokenSelected":"Select at least one token associated with a creature.","NoUpdatePermission":"You lack permission to update this actor.","NotEnoughAmmo":"You don't have enough ammo to make this strike.","NotEnoughCoins":"Insufficient Coins","SubV9Module":"{module} is unmaintained and may introduce stability issues to your game.","WeaponNoDamage":"This weapon deals no damage.","WeaponQuantityZero":"You have no more of these weapons equipped.","RuleElementSyntax":"Syntax error in rule element definition: {message}"},"Ethnicity":"민족성","ExpendSpellTitle":"Expend Spell","Failure":"Failure","FeatActionTypeLabel":"Action Type","FeatActionsLabel":"Number of Actions","FeatAncestryHeader":"혈통 재주","FeatArchetypeHeader":"Archetype Feats","FeatBackgroundShort":"배경","FeatBonusHeader":"보너스 재주","FeatBrowserSearchHint":"You can search for name or custom attributes. Possible searchable attributes are:
source, spellType, level, school, components, materials, target, range, time, duration, damage, damageType, save, concentration, ritual, ability and classes.
Example: 'fire, damage:d6' to show all spells that have fire in their name and a d6 in the damage","FeatCampaignHeader":"캠페인 재주","FeatClassHeader":"직업 재주","FeatDualClassHeader":"이중 직업 재주","FeatGeneralHeader":"일반 재주","FeatPFSBoonHeader":"사회 혜택","FeatDeityBoonHeader":"신의 은총","FeatDeityBoonCursesHeader":"신의 은총/저주","FeatCurseHeader":"저주","FeatLevelLabel":"레벨","FeatPrereqLabel":"Prerequisites","FeatSkillHeader":"기술 재주","FeatTypeAncestry":"혈통 재주","FeatTypeAncestryfeature":"Ancestry Feature","FeatTypeArchetype":"Archetype Feat","FeatTypeBonus":"Bonus Feat","FeatTypeClass":"Class Feat","FeatTypeClassfeature":"Class Feature","FeatTypeCurse":"Curse","FeatTypeDeityboon":"Deity Boon","FeatTypeGeneral":"General Feat","FeatTypeLabel":"Feat Type","FeatTypePfsboon":"Society Boon","FeatTypeSkill":"Skill Feat","FeaturesAncestryHeader":"혈통 특징","FeaturesClassHeader":"직업 특징","Feet":"feet","FlatBonusHP":"Flat Bonus HP","FlatBonusHPTitle":"Adds a static number to your HP","FlatBonusHPperLevel":"Bonus HP / Lvl","FlatBonusSP":"Flat Bonus SP","FlatBonusSPTitle":"Adds a static number to your SP","FlatBonusSPperLevel":"Bonus SP / Lvl","FlatCheck":"Flat Check","Focus":{"label":"Focus Points","NotEnoughFocusPointsError":"You do not have enough focus points to cast this spell.","pointLabel":"Points","pointTitle":"Your remaining Focus Points","Pool":"Focus Pool","poolTitle":"The size of your Focus Pool","Outdated":"Old value of the focus pool as a reminder. Click to delete.","Previous":"Previous","Spells":"Focus Spells"},"Foot":"Foot","FormulaKnownTitle":"알고 있는 제작법","FormulaListEmpty":"Empty (drag formula/item here)","FormulaPlaceholder":"Formula","FormulaSheet":{"DescriptionUnknown":"This formula is completely filled with drawings of small stick men, stains from some unknown liquid, non-sensical rhymes written in children's letters, and other seemingly random markings. It must have been made by goblins, and makes no sense to you.
Note This formula is referencing a missing or invalid item.","NameEmpty":"Empty Formula","NamePrefix":"Formula of {name}","NameUnknown":"Unknown Formula"},"Frequency":{"Label":"Frequency","AtWill":"At-Will","per":"per"},"GenderPronoun":"성별/대명사","GenderPronounTitle":"당신의 성별과 대명사","GeneralFeatLevels":"일발 재주 레벨","GreaterWeaponSpecialization":" Greater Weapon Specialization","HardnessLabel":"경도","HazardDescriptionLabel":"서술","HazardDescriptionTitle":"This explains what the hazard looks like and might include special rules","HazardDisableLabel":"Disable","HazardHardnessLabel":"경도","HazardHardnessTitle":"Hazard damage is reduced by this hardness value","HazardResetLabel":"Reset","HazardResetTitle":"If the hazard can be reset, that information is here","HazardRoutineLabel":"Routine","HazardRoutineTitle":"This section describes what a complex hazard does on each of its turns during an encounter; the number in parentheses after the word \"Routine\" indicates how many actions the hazard can use each turn. Simple hazards don't have this entry","HealingTypeTemporaryHealing":"Healing (Temporary)","Height":"키","HeightTitle":"당신의 키","Heritage":"유산","HeritageTitle":"당신의 캐릭터의 유산","HeroPointsLabel":"영웅 포인트","HeroPointRatio":{"One":"1/{max} Hero Point","Many":"{value}/{max} Hero Points"},"HitPointsHeader":"히트 포인트","HitPointsShortLabel":"HP","HitPointsDetailsLabel":"HP Details","HitPointsDetailsTitle":"Additional information related to Hit Points such as Fast Healing or Regeneration","ImageLabel":"이미지","ImmunitiesLabel":"면역","IncrementEffectTitle":"영향 레벨 증가","InitiativeHeader":"선제 보너스","InitativeIsNow":"{name}'s Initiative is now {value}!","InitiativeLabel":"선제","InitiativeWithSkill":"선제: {skillName}","InlineCheck":{"BasicWithSave":"Basic {save}","DCWithName":"{name} DC","Errors":{"TypeMissing":"Error in @Check: type parameter is mandatory"}},"InlineTemplateErrors":{"TypeMissing":"Error in @Template: type parameter is mandatory","DistanceMissing":"Error in @Template: distance parameter is mandatory","TypeUnsupported":"Error in @Template: type {type} is not supported","DistanceNoNumber":"Error in @Template: dimension {distance} is not a number","WidthNoNumber":"Error in @Template: width {width} is not a number"},"InventoryArmorHeader":"장갑","InventoryBackpackHeader":"보관용품","InventoryConsumablesHeader":"소모품","InventoryEquipmentHeader":"장비품","InventoryTreasureHeader":"보물","InventoryWeaponsHeader":"무기","InventroyBrowserSearchHint":"You can search for name or custom attributes. Possible searchable attributes are:
source, spellType, level, school, components, materials, target, range, time, duration, damage, damageType, save, concentration, ritual, ability and classes.
Example: 'fire, damage:d6' to show all spells that have fire in their name and a d6 in the damage","InvestedLabel":"Invested","Item":{"Activation":{"Label":"Activation","Add":"Add Activation","Command":"command","CommandSheetLabel":"Command","Envision":"envision","EnvisionSheetLabel":"Envision","Interact":"Interact","Cast":"Cast a Spell"},"ABC":{"InvalidDrop":"{badType} cannot be dropped here (must be {goodType})"},"Ancestry":{"Vision":{"Label":"Vision","Normal":"Normal Vision"}},"Armor":{"Base":{"armored-coat":"Armored Coat","breastplate":"Breastplate","chain-mail":"Chain Mail","chain-shirt":"Chain Shirt","explorers-clothing":"Explorer's Clothing","full-plate":"Full Plate","half-plate":"Half Plate","hellknight-plate":"Hellknight Plate","hide-armor":"Hide Armor","leather-armor":"Leather Armor","padded-armor":"Padded Armor","scale-mail":"Scale Mail","splint-mail":"Splint Mail","studded-leather-armor":"Studded Leather Armor"}},"Backpack":{"StowingLabel":"Is Stowing Container?"},"CannotAddType":"{type} items cannot be added to this actor.","Condition":{"Flanked":"Flat-Footed (Flanked)"},"CreationDialog":{"Categories":{"Character":"Character Building","Physical":"Physical Items","Other":"Other"}},"Deity":{"Alignment":"Alignment","Category":{"Label":"Category","Hint":"Pantheons of deities and philosophies & spiritualities not associated with any deity can be followed instead of a particular deity. Clerics and Champions must follow a deity or pantheon.","Pantheon":"Pantheon","Philosophy":"Philosophy"},"ClericSpells":{"Label":"Cleric Spells","Hint":"To add a spell, drag and drop one onto this sheet.","DropError":"A deity's cleric spells may not include cantrips, focus spells, or rituals."},"DivineAbility":{"Label":"Divine Ability","Hint":"If choosing the Raised by Belief background, its ability boost options come from a deity."},"DivineSkill":"Divine Skill","DivineFont":{"Label":"Divine Font","Harm":"Harm","Heal":"Heal"},"FavoredWeapons":{"Label":"Favored Weapon(s)","Hint":"Almost all deities have a single favored weapon, but a few have both a favored weapon and unarmed attack."},"FollowerAlignments":"Follower Alignments","Domains":{"Primary":"Primary Domains","Alternate":{"Label":"Alternate Domains","Hint":"A cleric can take the Expanded Domain Initiate feat to gain access to one of their deity's alternate domains."}},"Domain":{"Abomination":{"Label":"Abomination","Description":"You seek to instill abhorrence and horror in those around you."},"Air":{"Label":"Air","Description":"You can control winds and the weather. "},"AirApocryphal":{"Label":"Air (apocryphal)","Description":"You can control winds and the weather. Not all clerical traditions are taught among the orthodoxy. Some are whispered in secret, passed down from a priest to trusted acolytes or scribed in tomes left behind by splinter factions."},"Ambition":{"Label":"Ambition","Description":"You strive to keep up with and outpace the competition."},"AmbitionApocryphal":{"Label":"Ambition (apocryphal)","Description":"You strive to keep up with and outpace the competition. Not all clerical traditions are taught among the orthodoxy. Some are whispered in secret, passed down from a priest to trusted acolytes or scribed in tomes left behind by splinter factions."},"Change":{"Label":"Change","Description":"You can restructure the physical and metaphysical."},"Cities":{"Label":"Cities","Description":"You have powers over urban environments and denizens."},"Cold":{"Label":"Cold","Description":"You control ice, snow, and freezing temperatures."},"Confidence":{"Label":"Confidence","Description":"You overcome your fear and project pride."},"ConfidenceApocryphal":{"Label":"Confidence (apocryphal)","Description":"You overcome your fear and project pride. Not all clerical traditions are taught among the orthodoxy. Some are whispered in secret, passed down from a priest to trusted acolytes or scribed in tomes left behind by splinter factions."},"Creation":{"Label":"Creation","Description":"You have divine abilities related to crafting and art."},"Darkness":{"Label":"Darkness","Description":"You operate in the darkness and take away the light."},"DarknessApocryphal":{"Label":"Darkness (apocryphal)","Description":"You operate in the darkness and take away the light. Not all clerical traditions are taught among the orthodoxy. Some are whispered in secret, passed down from a priest to trusted acolytes or scribed in tomes left behind by splinter factions."},"Death":{"Label":"Death","Description":"You have the power to end lives and destroy undead."},"DeathApocryphal":{"Label":"Death (apocryphal)","Description":"You have the power to end lives and destroy undead. Not all clerical traditions are taught among the orthodoxy. Some are whispered in secret, passed down from a priest to trusted acolytes or scribed in tomes left behind by splinter factions."},"Decay":{"Label":"Decay","Description":"You have the power to spoil and deteriorate matter."},"Delirium":{"Label":"Delirium","Description":"You can bring about hallucinations and restlessness."},"Destruction":{"Label":"Destruction","Description":"You are a conduit for divine devastation."},"Dreams":{"Label":"Dreams","Description":"You have the power to enter and manipulate dreams."},"Dust":{"Label":"Dust","Description":"You have the power to dry and crumble what opposes you."},"Duty":{"Label":"Duty","Description":"You defend oaths and carry out your divine missions with great dedication."},"Earth":{"Label":"Earth","Description":"You control soil and stone."},"Family":{"Label":"Family","Description":"You aid and protect your family and community more effectively."},"Fate":{"Label":"Fate","Description":"You see and understand hidden inevitabilities."},"FateApocryphal":{"Label":"Fate (apocryphal)","Description":"You see and understand hidden inevitabilities. Not all clerical traditions are taught among the orthodoxy. Some are whispered in secret, passed down from a priest to trusted acolytes or scribed in tomes left behind by splinter factions."},"Fire":{"Label":"Fire","Description":"You control flame."},"FireApocryphal":{"Label":"Fire (apocryphal)","Description":"You control flame. Not all clerical traditions are taught among the orthodoxy. Some are whispered in secret, passed down from a priest to trusted acolytes or scribed in tomes left behind by splinter factions."},"Freedom":{"Label":"Freedom","Description":"You liberate yourself and others from shackles and constraints."},"Glyph":{"Label":"Glyph","Description":"You wield power over written words and symbols."},"Healing":{"Label":"Healing","Description":"Your healing magic is particularly potent."},"Indulgence":{"Label":"Indulgence","Description":"You feast mightily and can shake off the effects of overindulging."},"IndulgenceApocryphal":{"Label":"Indulgence (apocryphal)","Description":"You feast mightily and can shake off the effects of overindulging. Not all clerical traditions are taught among the orthodoxy. Some are whispered in secret, passed down from a priest to trusted acolytes or scribed in tomes left behind by splinter factions."},"Knowledge":{"Label":"Knowledge","Description":"You receive divine insights."},"KnowledgeApocryphal":{"Label":"Knowledge (apocryphal)","Description":"You receive divine insights. Not all clerical traditions are taught among the orthodoxy. Some are whispered in secret, passed down from a priest to trusted acolytes or scribed in tomes left behind by splinter factions."},"Lightning":{"Label":"Lightning","Description":"You control electricity, thunder, and storms."},"Luck":{"Label":"Luck","Description":"You're unnaturally lucky and keep out of harm's way."},"Magic":{"Label":"Magic","Description":"You perform the unexpected and inexplicable."},"Might":{"Label":"Might","Description":"Your physical power is bolstered by divine strength."},"MightApocryphal":{"Label":"Might (apocryphal)","Description":"Your physical power is bolstered by divine strength. Not all clerical traditions are taught among the orthodoxy. Some are whispered in secret, passed down from a priest to trusted acolytes or scribed in tomes left behind by splinter factions."},"Moon":{"Label":"Moon","Description":"You command powers associated with the moon."},"Naga":{"Label":"Naga","Description":"Like the serpentine nagas, you're in tune with cosmic forces that Ravithra once controlled."},"Nature":{"Label":"Nature","Description":"You hold power over animals and plants."},"Nightmares":{"Label":"Nightmares","Description":"You fill minds with horror and dread."},"Pain":{"Label":"Pain","Description":"You punish those who displease you with the sharp sting of pain."},"Passion":{"Label":"Passion","Description":"You evoke passion, whether as love or lust."},"Perfection":{"Label":"Perfection","Description":"You strive to perfect your mind, body, and spirit."},"Plague":{"Label":"Plague","Description":"You wield disease and pestilence like a weapon."},"Protection":{"Label":"Protection","Description":"You ward yourself and others."},"Repose":{"Label":"Repose","Description":"You ease mental burdens."},"Secrecy":{"Label":"Secrecy","Description":"You protect secrets and keep them hidden."},"SecrecyApocryphal":{"Label":"Secrecy (apocryphal)","Description":"You protect secrets and keep them hidden. Not all clerical traditions are taught among the orthodoxy. Some are whispered in secret, passed down from a priest to trusted acolytes or scribed in tomes left behind by splinter factions."},"Sorrow":{"Label":"Sorrow","Description":"You have a painful connection to melancholy and sadness."},"Soul":{"Label":"Soul","Description":"You wield power over the spiritual."},"Star":{"Label":"Star","Description":"You command the power of the stars."},"Sun":{"Label":"Sun","Description":"You harness the power of the sun and other light sources, and punish undead."},"Swarm":{"Label":"Swarm","Description":"You exert control over masses of creatures."},"Time":{"Label":"Time","Description":"You reign over the flow of time."},"Toil":{"Label":"Toil","Description":"You work constantly and refuse to let anything stand in your way."},"Travel":{"Label":"Travel","Description":"You have power over movement and journeys."},"TravelApocryphal":{"Label":"Travel (apocryphal)","Description":"You have power over movement and journeys. Not all clerical traditions are taught among the orthodoxy. Some are whispered in secret, passed down from a priest to trusted acolytes or scribed in tomes left behind by splinter factions."},"Trickery":{"Label":"Trickery","Description":"You deceive others and cause mischief."},"Truth":{"Label":"Truth","Description":"You pierce lies and discover the truth."},"Tyranny":{"Label":"Tyranny","Description":"You wield power to rule and enslave others."},"Undeath":{"Label":"Undeath","Description":"Your magic carries close ties to the undead."},"Vigil":{"Label":"Vigil","Description":"You watch over those long passed and guard their secrets."},"Void":{"Label":"Void","Description":"You draw power from emptiness."},"Water":{"Label":"Water","Description":"You control water and bodies of water."},"WaterApocryphal":{"Label":"Water (apocryphal)","Description":"You control water and bodies of water. Not all clerical traditions are taught among the orthodoxy. Some are whispered in secret, passed down from a priest to trusted acolytes or scribed in tomes left behind by splinter factions."},"Wealth":{"Label":"Wealth","Description":"You hold power over wealth, trade, and treasure."},"Wyrmkin":{"Label":"Wyrmkin","Description":"You draw on the power of dragons, linnorms, and other powerful reptilian creatures."},"Zeal":{"Label":"Zeal","Description":"Your inner fire increases your combat prowess."}}},"Effect":{"Sustained":"Sustained","Expiry":{"ExpiresOn":"Expires On","StartOfTurn":"Start of Turn","EndOfTurn":"End of Turn"},"ShowTokenIcon":"Show token icon?","AddBadge":"Add Counter","BadgeType":{"Counter":"Counter"}},"Feat":{"OnlyLevel1":"Must be taken at level 1","TakeMultiple":{"Label":"Can be taken multiple times","Two":"Up to 2×","Three":"Up to 3×","Four":"Up to 4×","Five":"Up to 5x","NoLimit":"No limit"},"Warning":{"TakenAfterLevel1":"{item} must be taken at level 1, but {actor} is at level {actorLevel}.","TakenMoreThanOnce":"{item} may only be taken once, but {actor} has selected it an additional time.","TakenMoreThanMax":"{item} may only be {maxTaken} times, but {actor} has selected it {timesTaken} times.","InvalidCategory":"Cannot add feat \"{item}\" to {category}: feat type is invalid."},"Info":{"Added":"{item} was added to {category}."},"LevelLabel":"Feat"},"Heritage":{"AncestryNotFound":"The referenced ancestry item was not found.","DragAncestryHere":"Drag an ancestry item here to set this heritage's required ancestry.","NoneVersatile":"None (Versatile)","RemoveAncestry":"Remove required ancestry"},"IconLabel":"Icon","NameLabel":"이름","Physical":{"LevelLabel":"아이템 {level}","PriceLabel":"가격: {price}","OtherTag":{"Implement":"Implement","Innovation":"Innovation"},"OtherTags":{"Label":"Other Tags","Hint":"These are tags indicating classifications in 2nd Edition rules that lack explicit status/definition but are still yet heavily relied upon. Some may be automatically added when other properties are present."},"Broken":"Broken","Destroyed":"Destroyed","Usage":{"WornParenthetical":"Worn ({where})","WornSlot":{"amulet":"Amulet","anklets":"Anklets","armbands":"Armbands","armor":"Armor","backpack":"Backpack","barding":"Barding","belt":"Belt","beltpouch":"Belt Pouch","bracelet":"Bracelet","bracers":"Bracers","circlet":"Circlet","cloak":"Cloak","clothing":"Clothing","collar":"Collar","crown":"Crown","epaulet":"Epaulet","eyepiece":"Eyepiece","garment":"Garment","gloves":"Gloves","headwear":"Headwear","horseshoes":"Horseshoes","mask":"Mask","necklace":"Necklace","onbelt":"OnBelt","ring":"Ring","saddle":"Saddle","shoes":"Shoes","wrist":"On Wrists"}}},"Plural":"Items","RemovalPrevented":"Removal of {item} is prevented by {preventer}.","SidebarSummary":"{type} Summary","Spell":{"PlaceMeasuredTemplate":"Place {size}-{unit} {shape}","Variants":{"DeleteDialogTitle":"Delete Spell Variant","DeleteDialogText":"Are you sure you want to delete '{variantName}'?","LabelPlural":"Spell Variants","SelectVariantLabel":"Select Variant","SelectOtherVariantLabel":"Select Other Variant","SheetTitle":"{originalName} (Variant)"},"Warning":{"InvalidLevel":"Attempted to add spell {name} at {targetLevel}, but spell is {baseLevel}."}},"Weapon":{"CriticalSpecialization":{"axe":"Choose one creature adjacent to the initial target and within reach. If its AC is lower than your attack roll result for the critical hit, you deal damage to that creature equal to the result of the weapon damage die you rolled (including extra dice for its potency rune, if any). This amount isn't doubled, and no bonuses or other additional dice apply to this damage.","bomb":"Increase the radius of the bomb's splash damage (if any) to 10 feet.","bow":"If the target of the critical hit is adjacent to a surface, it gets stuck to that surface by the missile. The target is @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.eIcWbB5o3pP6OIMe]{Immobilized} and must spend an Interact action to attempt a @Check[type:athletics|dc:10|name:Pull the Missile Free|showDC:all] check to pull the missile free; it can't move from its space until it succeeds. The creature doesn't become stuck if it is incorporeal, is liquid (like a water elemental or some oozes), or could otherwise escape without effort","brawling":"The target must succeed at a @Check[type:fortitude|dc:resolve(@actor.attributes.classDC.value)|basic:true|name:Brawling Critical Specialization|showDC:all] save or be @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.xYTAsEpcJE1Ccni3]{Slowed 1} until the end of your next turn.","club":"You knock the target away from you up to 10 feet (you choose the distance). This is forced movement.","dart":"The target takes @Localize[PF2E.PersistentDamage.Bleed1d6.success]. You gain an item bonus to this bleed damage equal to the weapon's item bonus to attack rolls.","firearm":"The target must succeed at a @Check[type:fortitude|dc:resolve(@actor.attributes.classDC.value)|basic:true|name:Firearm Critical Specialization|showDC:all] save or be @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.dfCMdR4wnpbYNTix]{Stunned 1}.","flail":"The target is knocked @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.j91X7x0XSomq8d60]{Prone}.","hammer":"The target is knocked @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.j91X7x0XSomq8d60]{Prone}.","knife":"The target takes @Localize[PF2E.PersistentDamage.Bleed1d6.success]. You gain an item bonus to this bleed damage equal to the weapon's item bonus to attack rolls.","pick":"The weapon viciously pierces the target, who takes 2 additional damage per weapon damage die.","polearm":"The target is moved 5 feet in a direction of your choice. This is forced movement.","shield":"You knock the target back from you 5 feet. This is forced movement.","sling":"The target must succeed at a @Check[type:fortitude|dc:resolve(@actor.attributes.classDC.value)|basic:true|name:Sling Critical Specialization|showDC:all] save or be @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.dfCMdR4wnpbYNTix]{Stunned 1}.","spear":"The weapon pierces the target, weakening its attacks. The target is @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.i3OJZU2nk64Df3xm]{Clumsy 1} until the start of your next turn.","sword":"The target is made off-balance by your attack, becoming @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Flat-Footed} until the start of your next turn."},"FromMaterialAndRunes":"Precious materials and runes on this item have adjusted its {property} to {value}.","GeneratedName":{"Hint":"This is the name of the base weapon. For most weapons, the base is used to generate a fuller name, taking into account the material composition and/or runes. Giving this weapon a custom name or marking it as \"specific\" will prevent the generated name from appearing.","Potency":"+{potency} {base}","PotencyOneProperty":"+{potency} {property1} {base}","PotencyTwoProperties":"+{potency} {property1} {property2} {base}","PotencyThreeProperties":"+{potency} {property1} {property2} {property3} {base}","PotencyFourProperties":"+{potency} {property1} {property2} {property3} {property4} {base}","Material":"{material} {base}","PotencyMaterial":"+{potency} {material} {base}","PotencyOnePropertyMaterial":"+{potency} {property1} {material} {base}","PotencyTwoPropertiesMaterial":"+{potency} {property1} {property2} {material} {base}","PotencyThreePropertiesMaterial":"+{potency} {property1} {property2} {property3} {material} {base}","PotencyFourPropertiesMaterial":"+{potency} {property1} {property2} {property3} {property4} {material} {base}","PotencyStriking":"+{potency} {striking} {base}","PotencyStrikingMaterial":"+{potency} {striking} {material} {base}","PotencyStrikingOneProperty":"+{potency} {striking} {property1} {base}","PotencyStrikingOnePropertyMaterial":"+{potency} {striking} {property1} {material} {base}","PotencyStrikingTwoProperties":"+{potency} {striking} {property1} {property2} {base}","PotencyStrikingTwoPropertiesMaterial":"+{potency} {striking} {property1} {property2} {material} {base}","PotencyStrikingThreeProperties":"+{potency} {striking} {property1} {property2} {property3} {base}","PotencyStrikingThreePropertiesMaterial":"+{potency} {striking} {property1} {property2} {property3} {material} {base}","PotencyStrikingFourProperties":"+{potency} {striking} {property1} {property2} {property3} {property4} {base}","PotencyStrikingFourPropertiesMaterial":"+{potency} {striking} {property1} {property2} {property3} {property4} {material} {base}","OneProperty":"{property1} {base}","OnePropertyMaterial":"{property1} {material} {base}","TwoProperties":"{property1} {property2} {base}","TwoPropertiesMaterial":"{property1} {property2} {material} {base}","ThreeProperties":"{property1} {property2} {property3} {base}","ThreePropertiesMaterial":"{property1} {property2} {property3} {material} {base}","FourProperties":"{property1} {property2} {property3} {property4} {base}","FourPropertiesMaterial":"{property1} {property2} {property3} {property4} {material} {base}","Striking":"{striking} {base}","StrikingMaterial":"{striking} {material} {base}"},"HandsLabel":"Hands","Improvised":"Improvised","MandatoryMelee":"This weapon has a trait that can only be used with melee weapons.","MaterialAndRunes":{"MaterialOption":"{type} ({grade})","Title":"Material Composition and Runes","Hint":"Precious material and runes allow for in-depth customization of a weapon. Besides improving its ability to harm enemies, they also affect the weapon's level, rarity, price, and name. To suppress a weapon's renaming, give it any custom name or mark it as a specific magic weapon."},"MeleeUsage":{"Label":"Melee Usage","Hint":"A combination weapon has a firearm form or usage and a melee weapon form or usage. Switching between the melee weapon usage and the firearm usage requires an Interact action. However, if your last action was a successful melee Strike against a foe using a combination weapon, you can make a firearm Strike with the combination weapon against that foe without fully switching to the firearm usage, firing the firearm just as you hit with the melee attack. In this case, the combination weapon returns to its melee usage after the firearm Strike."},"NoRangeMelee":"None (Melee)","RangeIncrementN":{"Label":"Range Increment {range} ft.","Hint":"Ranged and thrown weapons have a range increment. Attacks with these weapons work normally up to that distance. Attack rolls beyond a weapon's range increment take a -2 penalty for each additional multiple of that increment between you and the target. Attacks beyond the sixth range increment are impossible."},"ReloadOneMinute":"1 min","SpecificMagicWeapon":{"Label":"Specific Magic Weapon","Hint":"Marking this weapon as a specific magic weapon indicates that it does more than what its material composition and runes allow. The name, level, rarity, and price will no longer be overridden from a precious material or runes at the time of marking. Those material and runes will, however, serve as a baseline for level, rarity, and price adjustments from later upgrades."},"ThrownUsage":{"Label":"Thrown Usage"}},"Rules":{"Apply":"Apply","Close":"Close"}},"ItemBonus0":"0","ItemBonus1":"+1 Weapon Potency","ItemBonus2":"+2 Weapon Potency","ItemBonus3":"+3 Weapon Potency","ItemBonusLabel":"Item Bonus","ItemBonusMinus2":"Shoddy (-2)","ItemBonusShortLabel":"Item","ItemDescription":"Description","ItemDetails":"Details","ItemLevel":"{type} {level}","ItemMystified":"Mystified","ItemMystification":"Mystification","ItemNamePlaceholder":"Name","ItemNotSupportedOnActor":"Item not supported on actor","ItemRules":"Rules","ItemNewRuleElement":"New Rule Element","ItemNewSkillVariant":"New Skill Variant","ItemRemoveRuleElement":"Remove Rule Element","ItemSourceIDLabel":"Source ID:","ItemTitle":"Item","ItemUUIDLabel":"UUID:","ItemsLabel":"Items","KeyAbility":"Key Ability Score","KeyAbilityLabel":"Key Ability","Keybinding":{"CycleTokenStack":{"Label":"Cycle Token Stack","Hint":"Cycle the Z indices of a mouse-hovered stack of tokens, pushing the top to the bottom."}},"KitItems":"Items","KitWorldItem":"This item is not found in a Compendium and will not work in other worlds","LackCastConsumableCapability":"{actor} lacks the proficiency to use {spell} and does not have the Trick Magic Item feat.","LanguageAbyssal":"Abyssal","LanguageAdlet":"Adlet","LanguageAkitonian":"Akitonian","LanguageAklo":"Aklo","LanguageAlghollthu":"Alghollthu","LanguageAmurrun":"Amurrun","LanguageAnadi":"Anadi","LanguageAndroffan":"Androffan","LanguageAnugobu":"Anugobu","LanguageAquan":"Aquan","LanguageArboreal":"Arboreal","LanguageArcadian":"Arcadian","LanguageAuran":"Auran","LanguageAzlanti":"Azlanti","LanguageBoggard":"Boggard","LanguageCalda":"Calda","LanguageCaligni":"Caligni","LanguageCelestial":"Celestial","LanguageDestrachan":"Destrachan","LanguageCommon":"공통어","LanguageCyclops":"Cyclops","LanguageDaemonic":"Daemonic","LanguageDraconic":"Draconic","LanguageDruidic":"Druidic","LanguageDrooni":"Drooni","LanguageDwarven":"Dwarven","LanguageDziriak":"D'ziriak","LanguageFormian":"Formian","LanguageEkujae":"Ekujae shape-script","LanguageElven":"Elven","LanguageErutaki":"Erutaki","LanguageGarundi":"Garundi","LanguageGirtablilu":"Girtablilu","LanguageGnoll":"Gnoll","LanguageGnomish":"Gnomish","LanguageGoblin":"Goblin","LanguageGoloma":"Goloma","LanguageGrioth":"Grioth","LanguageGrippli":"Grippli","LanguageHalfling":"Halfling","LanguageHallit":"Hallit","LanguageHwan":"Hwan","LanguageIblydan":"Iblydan","LanguageIgnan":"Ignan","LanguageIkeshti":"Ikeshti","LanguageInfernal":"Infernal","LanguageIruxi":"Iruxi","LanguageJistkan":"Jistkan","LanguageJotun":"Jotun","LanguageJyoti":"Jyoti","LanguageKaava":"Kaava","LanguageKelish":"Kelish","LanguageKibwani":"Kibwani","LanguageKitsune":"Kitsune","LanguageKovintal":"Kovintal","LanguageLirgeni":"Lirgeni","LanguageMahwek":"Mahwek","LanguageMiGo":"Mi-Go","LanguageMinaten":"Minatan","LanguageMinkaian":"Minkaian","LanguageMunavri":"Munavri","LanguageMwangi":"Mwangi","LanguageMzunu":"Mzunu","LanguageNagaji":"Nagaji","LanguageNecril":"Necril","LanguageOcotan":"Ocotan","LanguageOkaiyan":"Okaiyan","LanguageOrcish":"Orcish","LanguageOsiriani":"Osiriani","LanguageProtean":"Protean","LanguageRasu":"Rasu","LanguageRazatlani":"Razatlani","LanguageRequian":"Requian","LanguageRussian":"Russian","LanguageSamsaran":"Samsaran","LanguageSasquatch":"Sasquatch","LanguageSenzar":"Senzar","LanguageShadowtongue":"Shadowtongue","LanguageShae":"Shae","LanguageShisk":"Shisk","LanguageShoanti":"Shoanti","LanguageShobhad":"Shobhad","LanguageShoony":"Shoony","LanguageSkald":"Skald","LanguageSphinx":"Sphinx","LanguageStrix":"Strix","LanguageSylvan":"Sylvan","LanguageTaldane":"Taldane","LanguageTekritanin":"Tekritanin","LanguageTengu":"Tengu","LanguageTerran":"Terran","LanguageThassilonian":"Thassilonian","LanguageTien":"Tien","LanguageUndercommon":"Undercommon","LanguageUtopian":"Utopian","LanguageVanara":"Vanara","LanguageVarisian":"Varisian","LanguageVarki":"Varki","LanguageVishkanyan":"Vishkanyan","LanguageVudrani":"Vudrani","LanguageWyrwood":"Wyrwood","LanguageXanmba":"Xanmba","LanguageYithian":"Yithian","LanguageYsoki":"Ysoki","Languages":"언어","LanguagesAdditional":"추가 언어","LevelLabel":"레벨","LevelN":"레벨 {level}","Level1":"레벨 1","Level2":"레벨 2","Level3":"레벨 3","Level4":"레벨 4","Level5":"레벨 5","Level6":"레벨 6","Level7":"레벨 7","Level8":"레벨 8","Level9":"레벨 9","Level10":"레벨 10","Level11":"레벨 11","Level12":"레벨 12","Level13":"레벨 13","Level14":"레벨 14","Level15":"레벨 15","Level16":"레벨 16","Level17":"레벨 17","Level18":"레벨 18","Level19":"레벨 19","Level20":"레벨 20","LevelRange":"Levels {minLevel} - {level}","LicenseViewer":{"Label":"Legal Notice","LandingPageText":"Use the tabs above to read the legal information"},"ListPartsOr":{"two":"{first} or {second}","start":"{first}, {second}","middle":"{first}, {second}","end":"{first}, or {second}"},"Lore":"지식","LoreProficiencyDisclaimer":"Informational only. Will not change the skill modifier.","LoreSkillsHeader":"지식 기술","LoreSkillFormat":"{name} Lore","AddLoreSkill":"지식 기술 추가","NewLoreSkill":"새로운 기술","Macro":{"Plural":"Macros"},"MacroActionNoActorError":"This actor no longer exists!","MacroActionNoActionError":"This action no longer exists!","MagicTraditionLabel":"마법 계통","MagicTraditionUseSpellLabel":"Use Spell Tradition","MAPAbbreviationLabel":"다중 공격 패널티{penalty}","MartialAdvanced":"고급 무기","MartialHeavy":"무거운 장갑","MartialLight":"가벼운 장갑","MartialMartial":"무술 무기","MartialMedium":"중형 장갑","MartialSimple":"간단한 무기","MartialSkillsHeader":"무기와 장갑 숙련도","MartialUnarmed":"비무장 무기","MartialUnarmored":"비무장 장갑","MasterAbility":{"cha":"Master Charisma","con":"Master Constitution","dex":"Master Dexterity","int":"Master Intelligence","str":"Master Strength","wis":"Master Wisdom"},"MasterArmorClass":"Master Armor Class {base}","MasterLevel":"Master Level","MasterLevelHP":"Master Level","MasterSavingThrow":{"fortitude":"Master Fortitude","reflex":"Master Reflex","will":"Master Will"},"MaxHPTitle":"Your maximum hit points. This field is automatically calculated.","MaxHPTitleNPC":"Maximum hit points.","MaxHitPointsBaseLabel":"Base Max HP {base}","MaxHitPointsShortLabel":"최대 HP","MaxStaminaPointsShortLabel":"Max SP","MaxStaminaTitle":"Your maximum stamina points","MaxHitPointsHeader":"Maximum Hit Points","MetalStrikes":"Metal Strikes","Migrations":{"Finished":"PF2E System Migration to version {version} completed!","Starting":"Applying PF2E System Migration to version {version}. Please be patient and do not close your game or shut down your server.","OnlyGMCanUse":"Only a gamemaster can use this tool.","WorldNotReady":"Game world not ready: try again in a few seconds.","OutsideSchemaRange":"The specified range is outside the system's schema version range (between {minimum} and {maximum}).","Summary":{"Documents":"Documents","HelpResources":"An unexpected error was encountered while migrating some actors or items. If you would like further assistance, feel free to report an issue at the system repository or visit us on Discord for community support.","Migrated":"Migrated","Remigrate":"Remigrate","Title":"Migration Summary","Total":"Total","Troubleshoot":{"Title":"System Troubleshooting","Hint":"Here you can run a remigration, which will attempt to automatically fix issues with actors and items."}},"Troubleshooting":"Troubleshooting"},"ModifierTitle":"수정","ModifiersTitle":"수정","ModifierNamePlaceholder":"Name","ModifierTypeTitle":"[종류]","ModifierType":{"ability":"능력","proficiency":"숙련도","circumstance":"환경","item":"아이템","potency":"혜택","status":"스탯","untyped":"분류 안됨"},"MultipleAttackPenalty":"Multiple Attack Penalty","MysticStrikes":"Mystical Strikes","Nationality":"국적","NPCAttackMelee":"Melee","NPCAttackRanged":"Ranged","NPCNotesLabel":"Notes/Conditions","NPCNotesTitle":"Write any notes for this NPC here.","NPCWeaponAddDamage":"Add Damage Part","NPCWeaponAttackEffect":"Additional Attack Effects","NPCWeaponAttackLabel":"공격 수정치","NPCWeaponDamageLabel":"데미지 수식","NPCWeaponDamageTypeLabel":"데미지 종류","NegligibleOption":"Negligible","NewLabel":"새로운","NewPlaceholders":{"Action":"새로운 액션","Ancestry":"새로운 혈통","Armor":"새로운 장갑","Background":"새배경","Backpack":"새로운 보관용품","Condition":"새로운 상태","Consumable":"새로운 소모품","Equipment":"New Equipment","Feat":"새로운 재주","Kit":"New Kit","Lore":"새로운 지식","Melee":"새로운 공격","Spell":"새로운 주문","SpellcastingEntry":"새로운 주문 시전 기입","Skill":"새로운 기술","Treasure":"새로운 보물","Weapon":"새로운 무기"},"NoAmmoLabel":"탄약 없음","NoStackGroup":"Does not stack","NoneOption":"없음","OneDegreeBetter":"one degree better","OneDegreeWorse":"one degree worse","TwoDegreesBetter":"two degrees better","TwoDegreesWorse":"two degrees worse","OpenActionBrowserTitle":"Open Action Browser","OpenInventoryBrowser":"Open Inventory Browser","OpenItemTitle":"Toggle Container Contents","OpenSpellBrowserTitle":"Open Spell Browser","OK":"OK","OrdinalNumber":"{value}{suffix}","OrdinalSuffixes":{"zero":"th","one":"st","two":"nd","few":"rd","other":"th","many":"th"},"OrphanedSpellsHeader":"Orphaned Spells (move to spellcasting entry above)","OverridesTitle":"Overrides","PenaltyLabel":{"ability":"Ability Penalty","proficiency":"Proficiency Penalty","circumstance":"Circumstance Penalty","item":"Item Penalty","status":"Status Penalty","untyped":"Untyped Penalty"},"PerceptionCheck":"통찰력 판정","PerceptionHeader":"통찰력","PerceptionLabel":"통찰력","PFS":{"CharacterNumber":"캐릭터 #","CurrentFaction":"현재 파벌","LevelBump":"레벨 범프","OrganizedPlayNumber":"준비된 플레이 #","Reputation":"명성","Factions":{"EA":"엔보이스 얼라이언스","GA":"그랜드 아카이브","HH":"호라이즌 헌터스","VS":"비절런트 씰","RO":"레디언트 오스","VW":"버덴트 휠"},"School":{"None":"Field-Commissioned Agent","Scrolls":"스크롤","Spells":"주문","Swords":"검"}},"Playlist":{"Plural":"Playlists"},"PotencyRuneLabel":"Potency Rune","PreciousMaterialAbysium":"Abysium","PreciousMaterialAbysiumDescription":"A blue-green metal with an eerie green luminescence, abysium radiates power that's inimical to life. Careless exposure to the material can lead to long‑term damage to the immune system; as such, mining abysium is hazardous, as large quantities of the metal in an area cause all nearby creatures to become sick. A creature carrying an abysium object is sickened 1 for a standard‑grade object of light Bulk, sickened 2 for a standard‑grade object of 1 Bulk or more or a high-grade object of light Bulk, or sickened 3 for a high‑grade object of 1 Bulk or more. This and all other sickening effects of abysium are poison effects. Crafters can use 1 abysium chunk to create up to 6 doses of poisonous abysium powder. Unscrupulous smiths have harnessed abysium's toxic properties to create noxious weapons and deadly substances. All objects crafted from abysium shed dim light in a 10‑foot radius.","PreciousMaterialAdamantine":"Adamantine","PreciousMaterialAdamantineDescription":"Mined from rocks that fell from the heavens, adamantine is one of the hardest metals known. It has a shiny, black appearance, and it is prized for its amazing resiliency and ability to hold an incredibly sharp edge.","PreciousMaterialColdIron":"Cold Iron","PreciousMaterialColdIronDescription":"Weapons made from cold iron are deadly to demons and fey alike. Cold iron looks like normal iron but is mined from particularly pure sources and shaped with little or no heat. This process is extremely difficult, especially for high-grade cold iron items.","PreciousMaterialDarkwood":"Darkwood","PreciousMaterialDarkwoodDescription":"Darkwood is a very lightweight wood found primarily in old- growth forests in south-central Avistan; it is dark as ebony but has a slight purple tint. A darkwood item's Bulk is reduced by 1 (or to light Bulk if its normal Bulk is 1, with no effect on an item that normally has light Bulk). The Price of an item made of darkwood is based on the item's normal Bulk, not its reduced Bulk for being made of darkwood, but reduce the Bulk before making any further Bulk adjustments for the size of the item.","PreciousMaterialDjezet":"Djezet","PreciousMaterialDjezetDescription":"This rust red metal is liquid at room temperature, making it challenging for all but the most skilled metallurgists to craft with and earning it the name \"quickiron\" in some places. Djezet is also extremely reactive to magic, even in its solid, workable alloyed form. It glows when targeted by magic, and objects crafted with djezet alloys glow with scarlet striations, which lead some smiths to nickname it \"tiger iron.\" When targeted by spells, objects crafted from djezet alloys exhibit these glowing red markings that last for 1 round or the duration of the spell, whichever is longer. A djezet mass contains enough djezet to refine into up to two djezet doses.","PreciousMaterialDragonhide":"Dragonhide","PreciousMaterialDragonhideDescription":"The hide and scales of a dragon can be used to Craft any item normally made of ordinary leather or hide. Dragonhide varies in color from blue to glittering gold, depending on the dragon it came from. Due to the scales' resiliency, it can also be used to Craft armor usually made out of metal plates (such as a breastplate, half plate, and full plate), allowing such armor to be made without metal. Dragonhide objects are immune to one damage type, depending on the type of dragon.","PreciousMaterialGradeLabel":"Precious Material Grade","PreciousMaterialGrisantianPelt":"Grisantian Pelt","PreciousMaterialGrisantianPeltDescription":"This supernaturally tough animal skin is gold and shines in sunlight. It can be used to make any item usually made of cloth, leather, or hide. This material is immune to fire, and its Hardness is doubled against piercing or slashing damage. Up to 4 Bulk of grisantian pelt can be harvested from a single creature (this is usually more than enough for 4 suits of standard grade armor or 2 suit of high-grade armor).","PreciousMaterialHighGrade":"High-Grade","PreciousMaterialInubrix":"Inubrix","PreciousMaterialInubrixDescription":"This pale, malleable metal's unusual molecular structure allows it to partially pass through iron and steel without touching them. While this property is useful for making weapons that bypass metal armor, inubrix is barely sturdier than lead. Even in an alloyed state, this skymetal is so fragile that it's difficult to use in crafting reliable shields and less than ideal for crafting armor.","PreciousMaterialLabel":"Precious Material","PreciousMaterialLowGrade":"Low-Grade","PreciousMaterialMithral":"Mithral","PreciousMaterialMithralDescription":"Mithral is renowned for its lightness, durability, and effectiveness against a range of creatures including devils and lycanthropes. It has the same sheen as silver but a slightly lighter hue. Mithral weapons and armor are treated as if they were silver for the purpose of damaging creatures with weakness to silver. A metal item made of mithral is lighter than one made of iron or steel: the item's Bulk is reduced by 1 (reduced to light Bulk if its normal Bulk is 1, with no effect on an item that normally has light Bulk). The Price of an item made of this material is based on the item's normal Bulk, not its reduced Bulk for being made of mithral, but reduce the Bulk before making any further Bulk adjustments for the size of the item.","PreciousMaterialNoqual":"Noqual","PreciousMaterialNoqualDescription":"Light and strong, noqual also demonstrates a powerful resistance to magic. A side effect of this resistance is that making magical weapons out of noqual requires complex and expensive alchemical treatments. Kevoth‑Kul, the Black Sovereign of Numeria, has developed an alloy of noqual and cold iron known as sovereign steel to help mitigate this property. The metal's crystalline appearance might suggest that it's fragile, but the pale‑green material can be worked similarly to iron. Objects made of noqual have a +4 circumstance bonus on saves against magic that the item attempts and grant their bonus to saves the owner makes specifically to protect the item from magic (such as against the rusting grasp spell).","PreciousMaterialOrichalcum":"Orichalcum","PreciousMaterialOrichalcumDescription":"The most rare and valuable skymetal, orichalcum is coveted for its incredible time-related magical properties. This dull, coppery metal isn't as physically sturdy as adamantine, but orichalcum's time-bending properties protect it, granting it greater Hardness and Hit Points. If an orichalcum item takes damage but isn't destroyed, it repairs itself completely 24 hours later.","PreciousMaterialPeachwood":"Peachwood","PreciousMaterialPeachwoodDescription":"Peachwood weapons have a particularly auburn tinge to them when under direct sunlight. Peachwood is treated as darkwood for any undead creatures' resistances or weaknesses related to darkwood (allowing a peachwood weapon to bypass a jiang-shi's resistance, for example). In addition, peachwood weapons bypass a small portion of the resistances of any undead creature. Strikes with a peachwood weapon treat an undead's resistances against physical damage as 2 lower for standard-grade peachwood, and 4 lower for high-grade.","PreciousMaterialSiccatite":"Siccatite","PreciousMaterialSiccatiteDescription":"In its raw state, this silvery ore is either scalding hot or freezing cold. Metallurgists disagree over whether siccatite is two related substances or one substance that determines its temperature output via some unknown process. Whatever the reason, the extreme temperature of the material means it must be handled carefully. Hot siccatite can easily ignite flammables such as paper and dry brush, and cold siccatite left in moist areas quickly surrounds itself with a thick layer of ice. A creature that comes into physical contact with a significant amount of siccatite takes 1 energy Damage for each round of continued contact (either fire or cold damage, for hot and cold siccatite respectively).","PreciousMaterialSilver":"Silver","PreciousMaterialSilverDescription":"Silver weapons are a bane to creatures ranging from devils to werewolves. Silver items are less durable than steel items, and low-grade silver items are usually merely silver-plated.","PreciousMaterialSisterstoneDescription":"Sisterstone is a term used for two closely related ores infused by the spiritual runoff in the Field of Maidens, dusk sisterstone and scarlet sisterstone. They have the same physical properties except for color-dusk sisterstone is a pale orange while scarlet sisterstone is orange-red. When near an object made of the other type of sisterstone, they both begin exuding spiritual energy that repels undead.","PreciousMaterialSisterstoneDusk":"Sisterstone (Dusk)","PreciousMaterialSisterstoneScarlet":"Sisterstone (Scarlet)","PreciousMaterialSovereignSteel":"Sovereign Steel","PreciousMaterialSovereignSteelDescription":"Created by Black Sovereign Kevoth-Kul, this unique alloy of cold iron and the skymetal noqual can provide protection from magical assault. The process of cold-forging the two materials together is quite complicated and precise. Characters in search of sovereign steel weapons and armor will almost assuredly have to travel to Starfall to procure gear made from this rare alloy. While some believe it possible to craft shields of sovereign steel as well, in one of his fits, Kevoth-Kul yelled that he had no use for them and banned anyone from making such a thing. So far, his smiths have been too afraid to confirm whether or not it was a joke. All sovereign steel items (including weapon and armor below) have a +4 circumstance bonus on saves against magic that the item makes, and grant their bonus to saves the owner makes specifically to protect the item from magic (such as against the rusting grasp spell).","PreciousMaterialStandardGrade":"Standard-Grade","PreciousMaterialWarpglass":"Warpglass","PreciousMaterialWarpglassDescription":"This bizarre substance is fashioned from the raw, chaotic quintessence of the Maelstrom. It can be fashioned into weapons and items, but is too unstable to make into useful armor or shields. Raw warpglass is an opalescent glassy material with surprising strength. When worked, it changes its appearance-though not its properties-to appear as random striations of other metals and types of stone.","PreparationTypeInnate":"Innate","PreparationTypePrepared":"Prepared","PreparationTypeSpontaneous":"Spontaneous","PreparationTypeItems":"Items Only","Prerequisite1":"Prerequisite 1","Prerequisite2":"Prerequisite 2","Prerequisite3":"Prerequisite 3","Prerequisite4":"Prerequisite 4","Prerequisite5":"Prerequisite 5","PriceLabel":"가격","ProficiencyLabel":"숙련도","ProficiencyLevel0":"안배움","ProficiencyLevel1":"배움","ProficiencyLevel2":"전문","ProficiencyLevel3":"달인","ProficiencyLevel4":"전설","ProficiencyRankLabel":"Prof","PropertyRuneLabel1":"Property Rune (1st)","PropertyRuneLabel2":"Property Rune (2nd)","PropertyRuneLabel3":"Property Rune (3rd)","PropertyRuneLabel4":"Property Rune (4th)","QuantityLabel":"물량","QuantityShortLabel":"양.","RangePenalty":"Range Penalty","Rarity":"Rarity","Usage":"Usage","Reach":"Reach (feet)","RecallKnowledge":{"Label":"Recall Knowledge","Help":"You can attempt repeated Recall Knowledge actions to recall more information about a creature. These checks increase in difficulty as shown in the chart below. However, if you fail, or if no DC is listed, you can not attempt further Recall Knowledge checks against this creature.","Breakdown":"Attempts","BreakdownTitle":"Identify Creature Attempts","FirstAttempt":"1st DC","SecondAttempt":"2nd DC","ThirdAttempt":"3rd DC","FourthAttempt":"4th DC","FifthAttempt":"5th DC","SixthAttempt":"6th DC","SpecificLore":"Specific Lore","UnspecificLore":"Unspecific Lore","Skill":"Skill"},"Recovery":{"critFailure":"Increase your dying value by 2.","critSuccess":"죽어감 값을 2 줄인다.","failure":"죽어감 값을 1 증가시킨다.","rollingDescription":"Recovery Check versus a DC {dc} (dying {dying})","success":"죽어감 값을 1 줄인다."},"RemoveCoinsByValueLabel":"동급 가치 주화 연결","RemoveCoinsTitle":"주화 제거","RemoveCombatProficiency":{"Title":"전투 숙련도 제거","Message":"{proficiency} 숙련도를 제거합니까?"},"RemoveSpellcastingEntryTitle":"Remove Spellcasting Entry","RepairItemTitle":"Attempt to Repair Item","Repost":"Post prompt to chat","RerollMenu":{"ErrorNoActor":"No actor is associated to the roll","ErrorCantDelete":"You are unable to delete the original roll.","HeroPoint":"Reroll using a Hero Point","KeepBest":"Reroll and keep the better result","KeepNew":"Reroll and keep the new result","KeepWorst":"Reroll and keep the worse result","MessageKeep":{"new":"Rerolled and kept the new result","best":"Rerolled and kept the better result","worst":"Rerolled and kept the worse result"},"MessageHeroPoint":"Rerolled using a Hero Point","WarnNoHeroPoint":"{name} has no Hero Points"},"ResiliencyRuneLabel":"Resilient Rune","ResistancesLabel":"저항","ResistancesExceptionLabel":"전문:","ResistancesExceptionPlaceholder":"e.g. except silver","ResolvePointsShortLabel":"Resolve","ResolveTitle":"The amount of resolve points you have","RestoreSpellTitle":"Restore Spell","Roll":{"Modifier":"Modifier","Type":"Type","Fortune":"Fortune","KeepHigher":"Keep Higher","KeepLower":"Keep Lower","FortuneTitle":"{title} Fortune","Misfortune":"Misfortune","MisfortuneTitle":"{title} Misfortune","None":"None","Roll":"Roll","Normal":"Normal","CriticalHit":"Critical Hit","Add":"Add","UntypedPenalty":"Untyped (penalty)"},"RollTable":{"Plural":"Rollable Tables"},"RollBonusPlaceholder":"e.g. +3 or +1d4","RollModeLabel":"Roll Mode","Scene":{"Plural":"Scenes"},"SETTINGS":{"Settings":"Settings","Sidebar":{"Wiki":"Wiki","Changelog":"Changelog","Discord":"Discord"},"critFumbleCards":{"hint":"Automatically draw a critical hit or fumble card on appropriate rolls.","name":"Critical Hit and Fumble Cards"},"critFumbleCardButtons":{"hint":"Show critical hit and fumble card draw buttons on attack rolls.","name":"Critical Hit and Fumble Card Buttons"},"DeathIcon":{"Name":"Death Icon","Hint":"Set the overlay icon used to mark dead actors."},"NathMode":{"Name":"Nath Mode","Hint":"Use better default token icons"},"statusEffectKeepFoundry":{"hint":"Determines if you want to show the Foundry Icon set below the Pathfinder 2E icon set. This will trigger a reload.","name":"Status Icon Foundry Set"},"statusEffectShowCombatMessage":{"hint":"Show the status effects of the current combatant in chat each turn. If your game has more than one GM this setting should only be enabled for one of them.","name":"Show Status Effects in Combat"},"statusEffectType":{"blackWhite":"Black & white","default":"Full color","hint":"Determines which icon set is used for condition token effects.","legacy":"Legacy","name":"Condition Icon Set"},"Player":{"QuickRolls":{"DialogHint":"Always show this window before attempting checks."}},"User":{"EffectPanel":{"Name":"Show Effects Panel","Hint":"Show the Effects Panel when a token is selected."},"MonochromeDarkvision":{"Name":"Monochrome Darkvision","Hint":"If rules-based vision is enabled, depict areas of darkness in monochrome for tokens with darkvision. Note that some creatures, such as fetchlings, possess full-color darkvision and will not be affected."}},"WorldSchemaVersion":{"Name":"World Schema Version","Hint":"Records the schema version for documents in the PF2e system (don't modify this unless you know what you are doing)."},"IgnoreCoinBulk":{"Name":"Coins are weightless","Hint":"Toggle on to ignore currency weight."},"IdentifyMagicNotMatchingTraditionModifier":{"Name":"Identify Magic Skill Modifier","Hint":"Modifier to add to Identify Magic Skill DCs if the skill does not match the item's magic tradition","Choices":{"0":"0","2":"+2","5":"+5","10":"+10"}},"CritRule":{"Name":"Critical Damage Rule","Hint":"Use a different rule for doubling damage on a critical hit","Choices":{"Doubledamage":"Double the damage","Doubledice":"Double the number of dice"}},"CompendiumBrowserPacks":{"Name":"Compendium Browser Packs","Hint":"Settings to exclude packs from loading"},"EnabledRulesUI":{"Name":"Advanced Rule Element UI","Hint":"When enabled, show the advanced rule element UI on items. Be very careful with this, as it can break the actors and items if you are not sure what you are doing or make a mistake."},"ResetChanges":"Reset Changes","Automation":{"Name":"Automation","Label":"Manage Automation","Hint":"Decide how much and what kinds of automation should apply to your game world.","RulesBasedVision":{"Name":"Rules-based vision","Hint":"Apply vision mechanics consistent with Pathfinder 2e rules. Enabling this setting will remove the ability to configure Unrestricted Global Vision as well as Token Sight radii.","ManagedBy":"Managed by rules-based vision."},"EffectExpiration":{"Name":"Effects auto-expire","Hint":"Effects automatically disable attached rule elements when the duration expires."},"RemoveExpiredEffects":{"Name":"Remove expired effects","Hint":"Expired effects are automatically removed from actors (requires a GM to be logged in)."},"FlankingDetection":{"Name":"Flanking detection","Hint":"Flanking arrangements and abilities that predicate on it are managed by the system."},"ActorsDeadAtZero":{"Name":"NPCs dead at 0 HP","Hint":"Upon reaching zero hit points, NPCs are marked as dead.","Neither":"No","NPCsOnly":"Yes","PCsOnly":"PCs only","Both":"PCs and NPCs"},"LootableNPCs":{"Name":"NPCs are lootable","Hint":"Upon their demise, NPCs become lootable by players."}},"Homebrew":{"Name":"Homebrew Elements","Label":"Manage Homebrew Elements","Hint":"Add custom traits, languages, and other elements of a homebrew world.","Instructions":"These settings allow GMs to add traits, languages, and other elements to a homebrew world. To add such elements, simply type the desired terms in the appropriate fields, separated by commas or tab keystrokes. They will then appear in the appropriate places on actor and item sheets. To update a term, click it to make the desired changes.","ConfirmDelete":{"Title":"Delete Homebrew Element?","Message":"Delete Homebrew element {element}?"},"CreatureTraits":{"Name":"Creature Traits","Hint":"Traits that can be applied to any creature and some item types (e.g., Dragon, Gnome)"},"FeatTraits":{"Name":"Feat Traits","Hint":"Traits that can be applied to feats (e.g., Lineage, Monk) and actions"},"Languages":{"Name":"Languages","Hint":"Languages for characters to know or learn (e.g., Draconic, Gnomish)"},"MagicSchools":{"Name":"Magic Schools","Hint":"The magical schools to which all spells belong (e.g., Conjuration, Evocation)"},"SpellTraits":{"Name":"Spell Traits","Hint":" Traits that can be applied to any spell (e.g., Cursebound, Healing)"},"WeaponCategories":{"Name":"Weapon Categories","Hint":"The top level of Pathfinder 2e weapon taxonomy (e.g., Simple, Martial)"},"WeaponGroups":{"Name":"Weapon Groups","Hint":"The mid level of Pathfinder 2e weapon taxonomy (e.g, Crossbow, Sword)"},"BaseWeapons":{"Name":"Base Weapons","Hint":"The bottom level of Pathfinder 2e weapon taxonomy (e.g, Heavy Crossbow, Longsword)"},"WeaponTraits":{"Name":"Weapon Traits","Hint":"Traits applicable to weapons and NPC attacks"},"EquipmentTraits":{"Name":"Equipment Traits","Hint":"Traits applicable to equipment other than weapons"}},"Metagame":{"Name":"Metagame Information","Label":"Limit Metagame Information","Hint":"Limit what kinds of metagame information your players have access to.","TokenSetsNameVisibility":{"Name":"Tokens determine NPC name visibility","Hint":"If enabled, then for any NPC token whose nameplate isn't visible to players, its name will also be hidden from them in the encounter tracker and chat messages."},"PartyVision":{"Name":"Shared party vision","Hint":"If enabled, all players will mutually share token vision, regardless of permissions or token selection."},"SecretDamage":{"Name":"Hide damage taken message","Hint":"If enabled, only the GM will see the damage/healing taken messages that are generated by the damage chat cards for tokens not owned by a player."},"SecretCondition":{"Name":"Hide condition update message","Hint":"If enabled, only the GM will see the condition update and reminder messages that are generated for tokens not owned by a player."},"ShowDC":{"Name":"Show DCs on attacks and saves","Hint":"Decide who can see the DC of a check.","None":"None","Gm":"GM","Owner":"Owner","All":"All"},"ShowResults":{"Name":"Show results on attacks and saves","Hint":"Decide who can see the result of a check rolled from a chat card.","None":"None","Gm":"GM","Owner":"Owner","All":"All"}},"Tokens":{"Autoscale":{"Name":"Scale tokens according to size","Hint":"If enabled, tokens will be scaled to 1.0 or (if belonging to a small creature) 0.8"}},"WorldClock":{"Name":"World Clock","Label":"Configure World Clock","Hint":"Configure the appearance of the World Clock application.","DateTheme":{"Name":"Date Theme","Hint":"Set the theme of the World Clock application.","AR":"Golarion (Absalom Reckoning)","IC":"Golarion (Imperial Calendar)","AD":"Earth (Gregorian Calendar)","CE":"Unthemed (Gregorian Calendar)"},"TimeConvention":{"Name":"Time Convention","Hint":"Display either a 24-hour or 12-hour clock.","TwentyFour":"24-Hour","Twelve":"12-Hour"},"ShowClockButton":{"Name":"Show clock button","Hint":"Set whether to show the clock button at all (requires refresh)."},"PlayersCanView":{"Name":"Player Access","Hint":"Set whether players can view the World Clock."},"SyncDarkness":{"Name":"Synchronize Darkness (World Default)","Hint":"Set whether any scene's Darkness Level will reflect the time of day."},"SyncDarknessScene":{"Name":"Synchronize Darkness (Current Scene)","Hint":"Set whether this scene's Darkness Level will reflect the time of day.","Enabled":"Enabled","Disabled":"Disabled","Default":"World Default ({worldDefault})","ManagedBy":"Synchronized with world time."},"ResetWorldTime":{"Name":"Reset World Date/Time","Button":"Reset","Hint":"Reset this world's time elapsed time to zero.","Confirm":{"Question":"Are you sure you want to reset this world's elapsed time?","Warning1":"Time-dependent game effects may be impacted.","Warning2":"This action cannot be undone."}}},"CampaignFeats":{"Name":"Campaign Feats","Hint":"Adds a section to all player sheets for campaign specific feats."},"Variant":{"Name":"Variant Rules","Label":"Toggle Variant Rules","Hint":"Enable and configure variant rules like Proficiency Without Level or the Stamina system.","AbilityScore":{"Title":"Ability Score Variants","GradualBoosts":{"Name":"Gradual Ability Boosts","Hint":"Spread out ability score boosts across multiple levels. Players gain a boost every level except 6, 11, and 16."}},"Stamina":{"Title":"Stamina","Name":"Stamina Variant Rules","Hint":"Play with the stamina variant from Gamemastery Guide pg 200","Choices":{"0":"Do not use Stamina","1":"Use Stamina"}},"AncestryParagon":{"Title":"Ancestry Paragon","Name":"Ancestry Paragon Variant Rules","Hint":"Grant additional feat slots for the ancestry paragon variant from Gamemastery Guide pg 194"},"FreeArchetype":{"Title":"Free Archetype","Name":"Free Archetype Variant Rules","Hint":"Grant additional feat slots for the free archetype variant from Gamemastery Guide pg 194"},"DualClass":{"Title":"Dual Class","Name":"Dual Class Variant Rules","Hint":"Grant additional feat slots for the dual class variant from Gamemastery Guide pg 192. This variant only adds feat slots, and always adds a level 1 feat slot."},"AutomaticBonus":{"Title":"Automatic Bonus Progression","Name":"Automatic Bonus Variant Rules","Hint":"Reload Required: Support for Automatic Bonus Progression variant rules, except skills/apex ability.","Choices":{"noABP":"Do not use ABP","ABPFundamentalPotency":"ABP: Allow Property Runes","ABPRulesAsWritten":"ABP: Disallow Property Runes "}},"Proficiency":{"Title":"Proficiency without Level","Name":"Proficiency without Level Variant Rules","Hint":"Play with the proficiency without level variant from Gamemastery Guide pg 198.","Choices":{"ProficiencyWithLevel":"Use Default rules","ProficiencyWithoutLevel":"Use Variant rules"}},"UntrainedModifier":{"Name":"Untrained proficiency modifier","Hint":"Adjust to your liking to compliment the proficiency without level variant rules, recommended with variant rules is -2. Requires recalculation by reload or modifying a value per actor."},"TrainedModifier":{"Name":"Trained proficiency modifier","Hint":"Adjust to your liking to compliment the proficiency without level variant rules. Requires recalculation by reload or modifying a value per actor."},"ExpertModifier":{"Name":"Expert proficiency modifier","Hint":"Adjust to your liking to compliment the proficiency without level variant rules. Requires recalculation by reload or modifying a value per actor."},"MasterModifier":{"Name":"Master proficiency modifier","Hint":"Adjust to your liking to compliment the proficiency without level variant rules. Requires recalculation by reload or modifying a value per actor."},"LegendaryModifier":{"Name":"Legendary proficiency modifier","Hint":"Adjust to your liking to compliment the proficiency without level variant rules. Requires recalculation by reload or modifying a value per actor."},"Title":"Variant Rules Settings"}},"SaveDCLabel":"Save DC {dc} {type}","SaveDCLabelBasic":"Save DC {dc} basic {type}","SavesFortitude":"불굴","SavesFortitudeShort":"불","SavesHeader":"내성","SavesReflex":"반사","SavesReflexShort":"반","SavesWill":"의지","SavesWillShort":"의","SavingThrowWithName":"{saveName} 내성 Throw","ScoreTitle":"Score","ScrollFromSpell":"Scroll of {name} (Level {level})","ScrollWandPopup":{"10thLevelWand":"10th level wands don't exist","itemTypeLabel":"Consumable type: ","label":"Create a scroll or wand from the dropped spell","scroll":"Scroll","spellLevelLabel":"Heightened Level: ","submit":"Create item","title":"Create a scroll or wand","wand":"Wand"},"SelectLabel":"Select","SellAllTreasureTitle":"Sell All Treasure","SellAllTreasureQuestion":"Convert all treasure items into coins","Senses":"감각","SettingsColorBlue":"Bluegray","SettingsColorLabel":"UI Theme","SettingsColorNotes":"UI themes are most visible on the sidebar and chat cards.","SettingsColorOriginal":"Original","SettingsColorRed":"Darkred","SettingsColorFoundry-UI":"Work in Progress","SettingsQuickRollsLabel":"Preview D20 Rolls","SettingsQuickRollsNotes":"If disabled, dialogs to preview D20 rolls will appear only when a roll button is shift-clicked.","SettingsDataUriHighlightLabel":"Highlight images that use data: URI","SettingsDataUriHighlightNotes":"Images that use a data: URI are embedded in the character sheet. This has a negative performance impact on the character. If enabled, such images will be highlighted with a red border to make it easy to find and remove them.
This setting is only active for the current session.","SheetLabel":"{type} Sheet","SheetLabelDataEntry":"{type} Sheet (data entry)","SheetLabelNew":"{type} Sheet (preview)","SheetLabelOld":"{type} Sheet (legacy)","ShieldACBonusTitle":"The AC bonus of your shield (when you use the raise shield action)","ShieldBrokenThresholdLabel":"Broken Threshold","ShieldBTShortLabel":"BT","ShieldBTTitle":"Your shield's Broken Threshold","ShieldCurrentLabel":"방패 HP","ShieldCurrentTitle":"당신의 방패의 현재 히트 포인트","ShieldHardnessLabel":"Hardness","ShieldHardnessShortLabel":"H","ShieldHardnessTitle":"Shield damage is reduced by this hardness value","ShieldLabel":"방패","ShieldMaxLabel":"최대","ShieldMaxTitle":"Your shield's max Hit Points","SidebarAppearanceLabel":"모습","Size":"크기","SizeLabel":"크기","SkillAcr":"곡예","SkillAcrobatics":"곡예","SkillArc":"신비","SkillArcana":"Arcana","SkillAth":"운동","SkillAthletics":"운동","SkillCheckWithName":"기술 판정: {skillName}","SkillCra":"제작","SkillCrafting":"제작","SkillDec":"속임수","SkillDeception":"속임수","SkillDip":"외교","SkillDiplomacy":"외교","SkillIntimidation":"협박","SkillItm":"협박","SkillLabel":"기술","SkillLore":"지식","SkillMed":"의학","SkillMedicine":"의학","SkillNat":"자연","SkillNature":"자연","SkillOcc":"오컬티즘","SkillOccultism":"오컬티즘","SkillPerformance":"공연","SkillPrf":"공연","SkillRel":"종교","SkillReligion":"종교","SkillSoc":"사회","SkillSociety":"사회","SkillSte":"잠행","SkillStealth":"잠행","SkillSur":"생존","SkillSurvival":"생존","SkillThi":"도둑질","SkillThievery":"도둑질","SkillsLabel":"기술","SkillPotencyHeader":"Skill Potencies","기술 효능":"기술 재주 레벨","SkillIncreaseLevels":"기술 증가 레벨","Source":{"AuthorLabel":"Author","AuthorPlaceholder":"Author","Label":"원서","SourcePlaceholder":"Book"},"SpecialLabel":"특별","SpecialSensesLabel":"특별한 감각","Speed":"속도","SpeedFeet":"속도 (feet)","SpeedBaseLabel":"기본 {type} 속도","SpeedLabel":"{type} 속도","SpeedTitle":"당신 캐릭터의 속도 ","SpeedTypes":"속도 종류","SpeedTypesBurrow":"굴파기","SpeedTypesClimb":"등반","SpeedTypesFly":"날기","SpeedTypesLand":"지면","SpeedTypesSwim":"Swim","SpeedTypesTitle":"Alternative movement types","SpellAbilityLabel":"주문 능력치","SpellAbilityModLabel":"+ Mod","SpellArea":"Area: {areaSize} {areaUnit} {areaType}","SpellAttackWithTradition":"{tradition} Spell Attack","SpellAttackLabel":"Spell Attack","SpellBasicSaveOption":"Basic","SpellBrowserSearchHint":"You can search for name or custom attributes. Possible searchable attributes are:
source, spellType, level, school, components, materials, target, range, time, duration, damage, damageType, save, concentration, ritual, ability and classes.
Example: 'fire, damage:d6' to show all spells that have fire in their name and a d6 in the damage","SpellCantripLabel":"Cantrip","SpellCastingFormat":"{traditionSpells} {preparationType} Spells","SpellcastingSettings":{"Title":"Spellcasting Settings","AutoHeightenLabel":"Auto Heighten Level","AutoHeightenDefault":"Default (Use Actor Level)"},"SpellComponentF":"Focus","SpellComponentM":"Material","SpellComponentS":"Somatic","SpellComponentV":"Verbal","SpellComponentShortF":"F","SpellComponentShortM":"M","SpellComponentShortS":"S","SpellComponentShortV":"V","SpellComponentsLabel":"Components","SpellSlotEmpty":"Empty Slot (drag spell here)","SpellSlotNotEnoughError":"Cannot cast {name} at the {level}, not enough spell slots","SpellSlotExpendedError":"Cannot cast {name}, spell is already expended","SpellPrimaryCheckLabel":"Primary Check","SpellSecondaryChecksLabel":"Secondary Checks","SpellSecondaryCasters":"Secondary Casters","SpellConcentrationLabel":"Concentration","SpellCostLabel":"코스트","SpellDamageLabel":"주문 데미지","SpellDCBase":"기본 주문 DC 10","SpellDurationLabel":"Duration","SpellFocusLabel":"Focus","SpellFlexibleLabel":"Flexible","SpellFlexibleAvailable":"Flexible: {value} / {max}","SpellCollectionAdd":"Add to Spell Collection","SpellCollectionRemove":"Remove from Spell Collection","SpellLabel":"Spell","SpellLabelPlural":"주문","SpellLevel":"{level} 레벨","SpellLevel1":"1 레벨","SpellLevel10":"10 레벨","SpellLevel2":"2 레벨","SpellLevel3":"3 레벨","SpellLevel4":"4 레벨","SpellLevel5":"5 레벨","SpellLevel6":"6 레벨","SpellLevel7":"7 레벨","SpellLevel8":"8 레벨","SpellLevel9":"9 레벨","SpellLevelLabel":"주문 레벨","SpellLevelBase":"기본: {level}","SpellLevelHeightened":"Heightened: +{heightened}","SpellPreparedLabel":"준비됨","SpellRangeLabel":"사정 거리","SpellRequirementsLabel":"필요 사항","SpellRitualLabel":"Ritual","SpellSaveLabel":"주문 DC","SpellScalingInterval":{"Header":"Scaling (Interval)","Label":"Interval","Selection":"Heightened (+{interval})","Add":"Add Heightening (Interval)"},"SpellScalingOverlay":{"Label":"Heightened Level","Selection":"Heightened ({level})","Add":"Add Heightening (Fixed)"},"SpellScalingLabel":"Scaling","SpellSchoolLabel":"School","SpellTargetLabel":"Targets","SpellTimeLabel":"Cast Time","SpellTraditionsLabel":"Traditions","SpellTypeAttack":"Spell Attack","SpellTypeFocus":"Focus","SpellTypeHeal":"Healing","SpellTypeRitual":"Ritual","SpellTypeLabel":"Spell Type","SpellTypeSave":"Saving Throw","SpellTypeUtility":"Utility","SpellCategorySpell":"Spell","SpellUsesLabel":"Uses","SpellUnlimitedLabel":"Unlimited","SpellCategoryFocus":"Focus","SpellCategoryRitual":"Ritual","SpellCategoryFocusCantrip":"Focus Cantrip","SpellCategoryLabel":"Spell Category","SpellcastingTypeLabel":"Spellcasting Type","SpellsActionHeader":"Action","SpellsSchoolHeader":"School","StackGroupArrows":"Arrows","StackGroupRounds5":"Rounds (5)","StackGroupRounds10":"Rounds (10)","StackGroupBlowgunDarts":"Blowgun Darts","StackGroupBolts":"볼트","StackGroupCoins":"주화","StackGroupGems":"보석","StackGroupLabel":"Stacks With","StackGroupRations":"Rations","StackGroupSacks":"Sacks","StackGroupSlingBullets":"Sling Bullets","StackGroupWoodenTaws":"Wooden Taws","StaminaPointsHeader":"스테미너 포인트","StaminaPointsShortLabel":"스테미너","StatusBonusShortLabel":"스탯","StatusBonusTitle":"스탯 보너스","StatusEffects":"{name}의 스탯 영향:","StealthLabel":"잠행","StrikesLabel":"공격","Strike":{"Default":{"Description":"You attack with a weapon you're wielding or with an unarmed attack, targeting one creature within your reach (for a melee attack) or within range (for a ranged attack). Roll the attack roll for the weapon or unarmed attack you are using, and compare the result to the target creature's AC to determine the effect.","CriticalSuccess":"성공과 동일하게 처리하지만, 당신이 주는 데미지는 2배가 된다.","Success":"당신이 무기 혹은 비무장 공격으로 데미지를 주었다면, 당신의 데미지에 모든 수정치와, 보너스 그리고 패널티를 포함시킨다. "},"Fist":{"Label":"주먹"},"Unarmed":{"Description":"당신은 무장하지 않은 상태로 공격하며, 대상으로 지정된 하나의 생물은 근접해있어야한다. 비무장 공격을 행하기 위해선 공격 굴림을 굴리며, 대상으로 지정된 생물의 AC와 굴림 결과를 비교하며 영향을 결정한다.","Success":"비무장 공격으로 데미지를 주었다면, 당신의 데미지에 모든 수정치와, 보너스 그리고 패널티를 포함시킨다."},"Melee":{"Description":"You attack with a weapon you're wielding, targeting one creature within your reach. Roll the attack roll for the weapon you are using, and compare the result to the target creature's AC to determine the effect.","Success":"You deal damage according to the weapon, including any modifiers, bonuses, and penalties you have to damage."},"Ranged":{"Description":"You attack with a weapon you're wielding, targeting one creature within range. Roll the attack roll for the weapon you are using, and compare the result to the target creature's AC to determine the effect.","Success":"You deal damage according to the weapon, including any modifiers, bonuses, and penalties you have to damage.","NoAmmo":"No ammunition is assigned to {weapon}. Check the Actions tab of {actor}'s sheet."},"Combined":{"Description":"You attack with a weapon you're wielding, targeting one creature within your reach (for a melee attack) or within range (for a ranged attack). Roll the attack roll for the weapon or unarmed attack you are using, and compare the result to the target creature's AC to determine the effect.","Success":"You deal damage according to the weapon, including any modifiers, bonuses, and penalties you have to damage."}},"StrikingRuneLabel":"Striking Rune","Success":"성공","TabActionsLabel":"액션","TabActionsDowntimeLabel":"막간","TabActionsEncounterLabel":"조우","TabActionsExplorationLabel":"탐험","TabCharacterLabel":"캐릭터","TabCraftingLabel":"제작","TabDescriptionLabel":"설명","TabDetailsLabel":"상세 사항","TabEffectsLabel":"영향","TabFeatsLabel":"재주","TabInventoryLabel":"인벤토리","TabManageTabsLabel":"탭 관리","TabPathfinderSociety":"소사이어티","TabSkillsLabel":"숙련도","TabSpellbookLabel":"주문 시전","TargetFlatFootedLabel":"Enable abilities that require a flat-footed target","TempHPTitle":"The amount of temporary hit points you have","TempHitPointsShortLabel":"임시 HP","TemplateLabel":"{size}-{unit} {shape}","TemporaryItemToolTip":"This item is temporary and will expire after a duration or during daily preparations. It has no value and cannot be sold.","Time":{"Duration":"Duration","Unit":{"Seconds":"Seconds","Rounds":"Rounds","Minutes":"Minutes","Hours":"Hours","Days":"Days","Weeks":"Weeks","Unlimited":"Unlimited","UntilEncounterEnds":"Until encounter ends"}},"TogglesLabel":"Toggles","ToggleSignatureSpellTitle":"Toggle Signature Spell","ToggleSpellVisibilityTitle":"Spell Preparation","ToggleSlotlessSpellLevelsTitle":"Toggle visibility of spell levels without slots","ToggleUnreadyStrikes":"Toggle unequipped weapons","ToggleWithName":"Toggle: {property}","Token":{"Appearance":"모습","Size":{"Label":"크기","Dimensions":"Dimensions","LinkToActorSize":{"Label":"액터 크기로 연결","Hint":"Keep this token's dimensions consistent with its actor's size category"}}},"TotalTreasure":"모든 보물","TotalCoinage":"모든 코인","TotalWealth":"모든 재산","TrainedSkillsLabel":"기술 배움","Traits":"특성","TraitAasimar":"Aasimar","TraitAberration":"Aberration","TraitAbjuration":"Abjuration","TraitAcid":"Acid","TraitAdditive1":"Additive 1","TraitAdditive2":"Additive 2","TraitAdditive3":"Additive 3","TraitAdjustment":"Adjustment","TraitAeon":"Aeon","TraitAesir":"Aesir","TraitAffixedToArmor":"Affixed to Armor","TraitAffixedToArmorOrAWeapon":"Affixed to Armor or a Weapon","TraitAffixedToMediumHeavyArmor":"Affixed to Medium or Heavy Armor","TraitAffixedToArmorOrTravelersClothing":"Affixed to Armor or Travelers Clothing","TraitAffixededToCrossbowOrFirearm":"Affixed to Crossbow or Firearm","TraitAffixededToFirearm":"Affixed to Firearm","TraitAffixededToFirearmWithAReloadOf1":"Affixed to a Firearm With a Reload of 1","TraitAffixededToFirearmWithTheKickbackTrait":"Affixed to a Firearm With the Kickback Trait","TraitAffixedToHeadgear":"Affixed to Headgear","TraitAffixedToWeapon":"Affixed to a Weapon","TraitAffixedToARangedWeapon":"Affixed to a Ranged Weapon","TraitAffixedToAShield":"Affixed to a Shield","TraitAffixededToATwoHandedFirearmOrCrossbow":"Affixed to a Two-Handed Firearm or Crossbow","TraitAftermath":"Aftermath","TraitAgathion":"Agathion","TraitAgile":"민첩","TraitAir":"Air","TraitAlchemical":"Alchemical","TraitAlchemist":"Alchemist","TraitAll":"모든","TraitAmphibious":"Amphibious","TraitAmp":"Amp","TraitAnadi":"Anadi","TraitAndroid":"Android","TraitAngel":"Angel","TraitAnimal":"동물","TraitAnugobu":"Anugobu","TraitApex":"Apex","TraitAphorite":"Aphorite","TraitAppliedToAWindPoweredVehicle":"Applied to a wind-powered vehicle","TraitAppliedToAnyItemOfLightOrNegligibleBulk":"Applied to any item of light or negligible Bulk","TraitAppliedToAnyVisibleArticleOfClothing":"Applied to any visible article of clothing","TraitAppliedToBeltCapeCloakOrScarf":"Applied to belt, cape, cloak, or scarf","TraitAppliedToBootsCapeCloakOrUmbrella":"Applied to boots, cape, cloak, or umbrella","TraitAppliedToDuelingCapeOrShield":"Applied to dueling cape or shield","TraitAppliedToBucklerShield":"Applied to a buckler or a shield","TraitAppliedToShield":"Applied to shield","TraitAquatic":"Aquatic","TraitArcane":"신비","TraitArchetype":"Archetype","TraitArchon":"Archon","TraitAreaDamage":"Area Damage","TraitArtifact":"Artifact","TraitAstral":"Astral","TraitAsura":"Asura","TraitAttached":"Attached","TraitAttachedToAThrownWeapon":"Attached to a Thrown Weapon","TraitAttachedToShield":"Attached to Shield","TraitAttachedToCrossbowOrFirearm":"Attached to Crossbow or Firearm","TraitAttachedToCrossbowOrFirearmFiringMechanism":"Attached to Crossbow or Firearm (Firing Mechanism)","TraitAttachedToCrossbowOrFirearmScope":"Attached to Crossbow or Firearm (Scope)","TraitAttachedToFirearm":"Attached To Firearm","TraitAttachedToFirearmFiringMechanism":"Attached To Firearm (Firing Mechanism)","TraitAttachedToFirearmScope":"Attached To Firearm (Scope)","TraitAttack":"Attack","TraitAuditory":"Auditory","TraitAutomaton":"Automaton","TraitAura":"Aura","TraitAxeVulnerability":"Axe Vulnerability","TraitAzarketi":"Azarketi","TraitAzata":"Azata","TraitBackstabber":"Backstabber","TraitBackswing":"Backswing","TraitBarbarian":"Barbarian","TraitBard":"Bard","TraitBeast":"Beast","TraitBeastkin":"Beastkin","TraitBleed":"출혈","TraitBludgeoning":"강타","TraitBoggard":"Boggard","TraitBomb":"폭탄","TraitBrutal":"Brutal","TraitBulwark":"Bulwark","TraitCaligni":"Caligni","TraitCantrip":"Cantrip","TraitCapacity3":"Capacity 3","TraitCapacity4":"Capacity 4","TraitCapacity5":"Capacity 5","TraitCatalyst":"Catalyst","TraitCatfolk":"Catfolk","TraitCelestial":"Celestial","TraitChampion":"Champion","TraitChangeling":"Changeling","TraitChaotic":"Chaotic","TraitCharauKa":"Charau-ka","TraitCharm":"Charm","TraitCircus":"Circus","TraitCleric":"Cleric","TraitClimbing":"Climbing","TraitClockwork":"Clockwork","TraitCobbled":"Cobbled","TraitCold":"Cold","TraitColdiron":"Cold Iron","TraitCombination":"Combination","TraitComfort":"Comfort","TraitCommon":"Common","TraitComplex":"Complex","TraitCompanion":"Companion","TraitComposition":"Composition","TraitConcealable":"Concealable","TraitConcentrate":"Concentrate","TraitConcussive":"Concussive","TraitConfusion":"Confusion","TraitConjuration":"Conjuration","TraitConrasu":"Conrasu","TraitConstruct":"Construct","TraitConsecration":"Consecration","TraitConsumable":"Consumable","TraitContact":"Contact","TraitContingency":"Contingency","TraitContract":"Contract","TraitCouatl":"Couatl","TraitCriticalFusion":"Critical Fusion","TraitCriticalHits":"크리티컬 명중","TraitCurse":"저주","TraitCursed":"Cursed","TraitCursebound":"Cursebound","TraitDaemon":"Daemon","TraitDarkness":"어둠","TraitDarvakka":"Darvakka","TraitDeadlyD10":"치명 d10","TraitDeadlyD12":"치명 d12","TraitDeadlyD6":"치명 d6","TraitDeadlyD8":"치명 d8","TraitDeadly2D8":"치명 2d8","TraitDeadly2D10":"치명 2d10","TraitDeadly2D12":"치명 2d12","TraitDeadly3D8":"치명 3d8","TraitDeadly3D10":"치명 3d10","TraitDeadly3D12":"치명 3d12","TraitDeadly4D8":"치명 4d8","TraitDeadly4D10":"치명 4d10","TraitDeadly4D12":"치명 4d12","TraitDeath":"죽음","TraitDeathEffects":"죽음 영향","TraitDedication":"Dedication","TraitDemon":"데몬","TraitDero":"Dero","TraitDescriptionAasimar":"A creature with this trait is a member of the aasimar ancestry.","TraitDescriptionAbjuration":"Effects and magic items with this trait are associated with the abjuration school of magic, typically involving protection or wards.","TraitDescriptionAcid":"Effects with this trait deal acid damage. Creatures with this trait have a magical connection to acid.","TraitDescriptionAdditive":"Feats with the additive trait allow you to spend actions to add special substances to bombs or elixirs. You can add only one additive to a single alchemical item, and attempting to add another spoils the item. You can typically use actions with the additive trait only when you're creating an infused alchemical item, and some can be used only with the Quick Alchemy action. The additive trait is always followed by a level, such as additive 2. An additive adds its level to the level of the alchemical item you're modifying; the result is the new level of the mixture. The mixture's item level must be no higher than your advanced alchemy level","TraitDescriptionAeon":"These monitors are the self-styled defenders of reality. Traditional aeons have dualistic natures and forms, and they hold a dichotomy of interests, though axiomites and inevitables do not. Aeons other than axiomites and inevitables communicate via a strange telepathic hodgepodge of sensory sending called envisioning.","TraitDescriptionAesir":"Aesir are often-bellicose monitors of the chaotic planes, honing their skill in battle and preparing for a final confrontation at the end of the multiverse.","TraitDescriptionAftermath":"This trait describes feats that represent special abilities gained after exposure to the weird and deadly.","TraitDescriptionAgathion":"This family of animal-featured celestials is native to the plane of Nirvana. Most agathions are neutral good, have darkvision, and have a weakness to evil damage.","TraitDescriptionAgile":"The multiple attack penalty you take with this weapon on the second attack on your turn is -4 instead of -5, and -8 instead of -10 on the third and subsequent attacks in the turn.","TraitDescriptionAir":"Effects with the air trait either manipulate or conjure air. Those that manipulate air have no effect in a vacuum or an area without air. Creatures with this trait consist primarily of air or have a magical connection to that element.","TraitDescriptionAlchemical":"Alchemical items are powered by reactions of alchemical reagents. Alchemical items aren't magical and don't radiate a magical aura.","TraitDescriptionAlchemist":"This indicates abilities from the alchemist class.","TraitDescriptionAmphibious":"An amphibious creature can breathe in water and in air, even outside of its preferred environment, usually indefinitely but at least for hours. These creatures often have a swim Speed. Their bludgeoning and slashing unarmed Strikes don't take the usual -2 penalty for being underwater.","TraitDescriptionAmp":"An amp is a special thoughtform that modifies the properties of your psi cantrips. Psi cantrips each have their own amp, and feats with the amp trait provide different amps you can apply to psi cantrips in place of their normal amps.","TraitDescriptionAnadi":"A reclusive people from Garund who resemble spiders and can assume human forms.","TraitDescriptionAnroid":"A synthetic humanoid ancestry created by artificial means. Most common in Numeria.","TraitDescriptionAphorite":"A type of planar scion descended from a being from Axis, the Plane of Law.","TraitDescriptionArcane":"This magic comes from the arcane tradition, which is built on logic and rationality. Anything with this trait is magical.","TraitDescriptionArchetype":"This feat belongs to an archetype.","TraitDescriptionAttached":"An attached weapon must be combined with another piece of gear to be used. The trait lists what type of item the weapon must be attached to. You must be wielding or wearing the item the weapon is attached to in order to attack with it. For example, shield spikes are attached to a shield, allowing you to attack with the spikes instead of a shield bash, but only if you're wielding the shield. An attached weapon is usually bolted onto or built into the item it's attached to, and typically an item can have only one weapon attached to it. An attached weapon can be affixed to an item with 10 minutes of work and a successful @Check[type:crafting|dc:10] check; this includes the time needed to remove the weapon from a previous item, if necessary. If an item is destroyed, its attached weapon can usually be salvaged.","TraitDescriptionAttack":"An ability with this trait involves an attack. For each attack you make beyond the first on your turn, you take a multiple attack penalty.","TraitDescriptionAuditory":"Auditory actions and effects rely on sound. An action with the auditory trait can be successfully performed only if the creature using the action can speak or otherwise produce the required sounds. A spell or effect with the auditory trait has its effect only if the target can hear it. This applies only to sound-based parts of the effect, as determined by the GM. This is different from a sonic effect, which still affects targets who can't hear it (such as deaf targets) as long as the effect itself makes sound.","TraitDescriptionAura":"An aura is an emanation that continually ebbs out from you, af ecting creatures within a certain radius. Aura can also refer to the magical signature of an item or a creature with a strong alignment.","TraitDescriptionAutomaton":"A creature with this trait is a member of the automaton ancestry.","TraitDescriptionAzarketi":"Amphibious humanoids who live among the seas of the Inner Sea region, said to have descended from the people of Azlant. Sometimes known as gillmen or Low Azlanti.","TraitDescriptionBackstabber":"When you hit a flat-footed creature, this weapon deals 1 precision damage in addition to its normal damage. The precision damage increases to 2 if the weapon is a +3 weapon.","TraitDescriptionBackswing":"You can use the momentum from a missed attack with this weapon to lead into your next attack. After missing with this weapon on your turn, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your next attack with this weapon before the end of your turn.","TraitDescriptionBarbarian":"This indicates abilities from the barbarian class.","TraitDescriptionBard":"This indicates abilities from the bard class.","TraitDescriptionBeastkin":"Humanoids that can partially or fully transform into animal forms.","TraitDescriptionBomb":"An alchemical bomb combines volatile alchemical components that explode when the bomb hits a creature or object. Most alchemical bombs deal damage, though some produce other effects.","TraitDescriptionBulwark":"The armor covers you so completely that it provides benefits against some damaging effects. On Reflex saves to avoid a damaging effect, such as a fireball, you add a +3 modifier instead of your Dexterity modifier.","TraitDescriptionBrutal":"A ranged attack with this trait uses its Strength modifier instead of Dexterity on the attack roll.","TraitDescriptionCantrip":"A spell you can cast at will that is automatically heightened to half your level rounded up.","TraitDescriptionCapacity":"Weapons that have the capacity trait typically have multiple barrels or chambers capable of containing a round of ammunition. Capacity is always accompanied by a number indicating the number of barrels or chambers. After a capacity weapon is fired, you can select the next loaded barrel or chamber as an Interact action that doesn't require a free hand. Each barrel or chamber can be reloaded after it's fired as a separate Interact action.","TraitDescriptionCatfolk":"A creature with this trait is a member of the catfolk ancestry.","TraitDescriptionChampion":"This indicates abilities from the champion class.","TraitDescriptionChangeling":"A creature with this trait is a member of the changeling ancestry.","TraitDescriptionChaotic":"Chaotic effects often manipulate energy from chaos-aligned Outer Planes and are anathema to lawful divine servants or divine servants of lawful deities. A creature with this trait is chaotic in alignment. An ability with this trait can be selected or used only by chaotic creatures.","TraitDescriptionCharm":"Abilities that magically influence attitudes.","TraitDescriptionClass":"Archetypes with the class trait fundamentally diverge from your class's specialties but still fit within the theme of your class. You can select a class archetype only if your class meets the criteria listed in the archetype's prerequisites. Class archetypes always alter or replace some of a class's static class features in addition to any new feats they offer. It might be possible to take a class archetype at 1st level if it alters or replaces some of the class's initial class features. The 1st-level ability is presented much like a class feature and includes the class archetype's prerequisites and rules on how it changes your class. If you select this ability, you must take that archetype's dedication feat at 2nd level, and you proceed normally afterward. You can never have more than one class archetype.","TraitDescriptionCleric":"This indicates abilities from the cleric class.","TraitDescriptionClockwork":"Clockworks are intricate, complex constructs that can be programmed to perform specific functions.","TraitDescriptionClimbing":"The hand wielding the weapon is available to Climb.","TraitDescriptionCobbled":"This firearm is cobbled together and likely to misfire. No matter how well you upkeep it, on a failed attack roll, the attack misses and you must roll a @Check[type:flat|dc:5]. If you fail this check, the weapon misfires.","TraitDescriptionCold":"Effects with this trait deal cold damage. Creatures with this trait have a connection to magical cold.","TraitDescriptionCombination":"This is a trait for weapons that combine the functionality of melee weapons and firearms in unique or unusual ways. A combination weapon has both a firearm form or usage and a melee weapon form or usage.","TraitDescriptionComfort":"The armor is so comfortable that you can rest normally while wearing it.","TraitDescriptionCommon":"Anything that doesn't list another rarity trait (uncommon, rare, or unique) automatically has the common trait. This rarity indicates that an ability, item, or spell is available to all players who meet the prerequisites for it. A creature of this rarity is generally known and can be summoned with the appropriate summon spell.","TraitDescriptionCompanion":"An item with this trait can be worn by an animal companion or similar creature. A companion can have up to two items invested.","TraitDescriptionComplex":"A hazard with this trait takes turns in an encounter.","TraitDescriptionComposition":"To cast a composition cantrip or focus spell, you usually use a type of Performance. If the spell includes a verbal component, you must use an auditory performance, and if it includes a somatic component, you must use a visual one. The spell gains all the traits of the performance you used. You can cast only one composition spell each turn, and you can have only one active at a time. If you cast a new composition spell, any ongoing effects from your previous composition spell end immediately.","TraitDescriptionConcealable":"This weapon is designed to be inconspicuous or easily concealed. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Stealth checks and DCs to hide or conceal a weapon with this trait.","TraitDescriptionConcentrate":"An action with this trait requires a degree of mental concentration and discipline.","TraitDescriptionConcussive":"These weapons smash as much as puncture. When determining a creature's resistance or immunity to damage from this weapon, use the weaker of the target's resistance or immunity to piercing or to bludgeoning. For instance, if the creature were immune to piercing and had no resistance or immunity to bludgeoning damage, it would take full damage from a concussive weapon. Resistance or immunity to all physical damage, or all damage, applies as normal.","TraitDescriptionConjuration":"Effects and magic items with this trait are associated with the conjuration school of magic, typically involving summoning, creation, teleportation, or moving things from place to place.","TraitDescriptionConrasu":"A people that are made of cosmic force given consciousness and housed within unique exoskeletons.","TraitDescriptionConsecration":"A consecration spell enhances an area for an extended period of time. A given area can have only a single consecration effect at a time. The new effect attempts to counteract any existing one in areas of overlap.ation","TraitDescriptionConsumable":"An item with this trait can be used only once. Unless stated otherwise, it's destroyed after activation. Consumable items include alchemical items and magical consumables such as scrolls and talismans. When a character creates consumable items, they can make them in batches of four.","TraitDescriptionContingency":"Spells with this trait grant you an action during the spell's effects, typically a reaction with a special trigger. They typically have a long duration, such as 24 hours. You can have only one spell with the contingency trait, or one contingency spell, active at a time. If you cast another spell with the contingency trait or contingency, the newer casting supersedes the older.","TraitDescriptionConstruct":"A construct is an artificial creature empowered by a force other than necromancy. Constructs are often mindless; they are immune to bleed damage, death effects, disease, healing, necromancy, nonlethal attacks, poison, and the doomed, drained, fatigued, paralyzed, sickened, and unconscious conditions; and they may have Hardness based on the materials used to construct their bodies. Constructs are not living creatures, nor are they undead. When reduced to 0 Hit Points, a construct creature is destroyed.","TraitDescriptionContact":"This poison is delivered by contact with the skin.","TraitDescriptionContract":"A contract is a type of item that magically establishes an agreement between multiple parties and typically grants magical benefits.","TraitDescriptionCriticalFusion":"Critical fusion is a new trait for combination weapons that grants you two additional options for the critical specialization effect when using the combination weapon's melee version to make a melee attack while the firearm is loaded. If you choose to use one of them, they replace the melee usage's normal critical specialization effect. First, you can discharge the firearm to create a loud bang and concussion, using the critical specialization effect for firearms instead of the melee weapon group's critical specialization effect. Second, you can choose to discharge the firearm to increase the critical hit's momentum or shoot the foe as you attack them in melee, dealing 2 additional damage per weapon damage die. Both of these options discharge the firearm, which typically means you have to reload it before firing it again.","TraitDescriptionCurse":"A curse is an effect that places some long-term affliction on a creature. Curses are always magical and are typically the result of a spell or trap. Effects with this trait can be removed only by effects that specifically target curses.","TraitDescriptionCursed":"An item with this trait is cursed to cause trouble for its owner. A curse isn't detected when the item is identified, though a critical success reveals both the presence and exact nature of the curse. Cursed items can't be discarded once they've been triggered or invested the first time. The item can be removed only if the curse is removed.","TraitDescriptionCursebound":"Spells with this trait increase the severity of your oracular curse when cast. Usually, only revelation spells have this trait. You can't cast a cursebound spell if you don't have an oracular curse.","TraitDescriptionDarkness":"Darkness effects extinguish non-magical light in the area, and can counteract less powerful magical light. You must usually target light magic with your darkness magic directly to counteract the light, but some darkness spells automatically attempt to counteract light.","TraitDescriptionDarvakka":"Entropic undead creatures twisted by the Shadow Plane and Negative Energy Plane.","TraitDescriptionDeadly":"On a critical hit, the weapon adds a weapon damage die of the listed size. Roll this after doubling the weapon's damage. This increases to two dice if the weapon has a greater striking rune and three dice if the weapon has a major striking rune. For instance, a rapier with a greater striking rune deals 2d8 extra piercing damage on a critical hit. An ability that changes the size of the weapon's normal damage dice doesn't change the size of its deadly die.","TraitDescriptionDeath":"An effect with the death trait kills you immediately if it reduces you to 0 HP. Some death effects can bring you closer to death or slay you outright without reducing you to 0 HP.","TraitDescriptionDedication":"You must select a feat with this trait to apply an archetype to your character.","TraitDescriptionDetection":"Effects with this trait attempt to determine the presence or location of a person, object, or aura.","TraitDescriptionDeviant":"This trait describes strange supernatural or paranormal abilities.","TraitDescriptionDhampir":"A creature with this trait is a member of the dhampir ancestry. These humanoids are the mortal offspring of vampires and members of other ancestries.","TraitDescriptionDisarm":"You can use this weapon to Disarm with the Athletics skill even if you don't have a free hand. This uses the weapon's reach (if different from your own) and adds the weapon's item bonus to attack rolls (if any) as an item bonus to the Athletics check. If you critically fail a check to Disarm using the weapon, you can drop the weapon to take the effects of a failure instead of a critical failure. On a critical success, you still need a free hand if you want to take the item.","TraitDescriptionDisease":"An effect with this trait applies one or more diseases. A disease is typically an affliction.","TraitDescriptionDivination":"The divination school of magic typically involves obtaining or transferring information, or predicting events.","TraitDescriptionDivine":"This magic comes from the divine tradition, drawing power from deities or similar sources. Anything with this trait is magical.","TraitDescriptionDoubleBarrel":"This weapon has two barrels that are each loaded separately. You can fire both barrels of a double barrel weapon in a single Strike to increase the weapon damage die by one step. If the weapon has the fatal trait, this increases the fatal die by one step.","TraitDescriptionDowntime":"An activity with this trait takes a day or more, and can be used only during downtime.","TraitDescriptionDrug":"An item with this trait is a drug, a poison that conveys short-term benefits in addition to harmful side effects and long-term consequences. Each time a creature uses a given drug it must also attempt a saving throw against addiction to that drug.","TraitDescriptionDruid":"This indicates abilities from the druid class.","TraitDescriptionDuskwalker":"A creature with this trait has the duskwalker versatile heritage. Duskwalkers are planar scions infused with the supernatural energy of psychopomps. An ability with this trait can be used or selected only by duskwalkers.","TraitDescriptionDwarf":"A creature with this trait is a member of the dwarf ancestry. Dwarves are stout folk who often live underground and typically have darkvision. An ability with this trait can be used or selected only by dwarves. An item with this trait is created and used by dwarves.","TraitDescriptionEarth":"Effects with the earth trait either manipulate or conjure earth. Those that manipulate earth have no effect in an area without earth. Creatures with this trait consist primarily of earth or have a magical connection to that element.","TraitDescriptionElectricity":"Effects with this trait deal electricity damage. A creature with this trait has a magical connection to electricity.","TraitDescriptionElf":"A creature with this trait is a member of the elf ancestry. Elves are mysterious people with rich traditions of magic and scholarship who typically have low-light vision. An ability with this trait can be used or selected only by elves. A weapon with this trait is created and used by elves.","TraitDescriptionEmotion":"This effect alters a creature's emotions. Effects with this trait always have the mental trait as well. Creatures with special training or that have mechanical or artificial intelligence are immune to emotion effects.","TraitDescriptionEnchantment":"Effects and magic items with this trait are associated with the enchantment school of magic, typically involving mind control, emotion alteration, and other mental effects.","TraitDescriptionEnvironment":"A hazard with this trait is something dangerous that's part of the natural world, such as quicksand or harmful mold.","TraitDescriptionEsoterica":"The esoterica trait is present in many thaumaturge feats and class features that incorporate the various talismans, supernatural trinkets, and other objects you carry with you. Abilities that have the esoterica trait require you to be in possession of your esoterica to use them. Normally, you're assumed to always have your esoterica with you, but in some rare circumstances, you might either not have them on hand or have your gear stripped from you.","TraitDescriptionEvil":"Evil effects often manipulate energy from evil-aligned Outer Planes and are antithetical to good divine servants or divine servants of good deities. A creature with this trait is evil in alignment. An ability with this trait can be selected or used only by evil creatures.","TraitDescriptionEvocation":"Effects and magic items with this trait are associated with the evocation school of magic, typically involving energy and elemental forces.","TraitDescriptionExploration":"An activity with this trait takes more than a turn to use, and can usually be used only during exploration mode.","TraitDescriptionExtradimensional":"This effect or item creates an extradimensional space. An extradimensional effect placed inside another extradimensional space ceases to function until it is removed.","TraitDescriptionFatalAim":"It's possible to hold the stock of this weapon under one arm so you can fire it with a single hand as long as the other hand isn't holding a weapon, shield, or anything else you would need to move and position, to ensure the weapon doesn't slip out from under your arm. However, if you use both hands, the weapon can make fatal attacks. When you wield the weapon in two hands, it gains the fatal trait with the listed damage die. Holding the weapon underarm stably enough to fire is significantly more complicated than just releasing one hand from the weapon, so to switch between the two grips, you must do so with an Interact action rather than Releasing or as part of reloading.","TraitDescriptionFatal":"The fatal trait includes a die size. On a critical hit, the weapon's damage die increases to that die size instead of the normal die size, and the weapon adds one additional damage die of the listed size.","TraitDescriptionFear":"Fear effects evoke the emotion of fear. Effects with this trait always have the mental and emotion traits as well.","TraitDescriptionFetchling":"A creature with this trait is a member of the fetchling ancestry. Fetchlings were once human, but generations of life on the Shadow Plane have transformed them.","TraitDescriptionFighter":"This indicates abilities from the fighter class.","TraitDescriptionFinesse":"You can use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on attack rolls using this melee weapon. You still use your Strength modifier when calculating damage.","TraitDescriptionFinisher":" Finishers are spectacular finishing moves. You can use a finisher only if you have panache, and you lose your panache immediately after performing a finisher. Once you use a finisher, you can't use actions that have the attack trait for the rest of your turn. Some finisher actions also grant an effect on a failure. If your finisher succeeds, you can choose to apply the failure effect instead.","TraitDescriptionFinite":"Planes with this trait consist of a limited amount of space.","TraitDescriptionFire":"Effects with the fire trait deal fire damage or either conjure or manipulate fire. Those that manipulate fire have no effect in an area without fire. Creatures with this trait consist primarily of fire or have a magical connection to that element.","TraitDescriptionFleshwarp":"A humanoid transformed so completely by outside forces that they are now a unique ancestry.","TraitDescriptionFlexible":"The armor is flexible enough that it doesn't hinder most actions. You don't apply its check penalty to Acrobatics or Athletics checks.","TraitDescriptionFlourish":"Flourish actions are actions that require too much exertion to perform a large number in a row. You can use only 1 action with the flourish trait per turn.","TraitDescriptionFocused":"An item with this trait can give you an additional Focus Point. This focus point is separate from your focus pool and doesn't count toward the cap on your focus pool. You can gain this benefit only if you have a focus pool, and there might be restrictions on how the point can be used. You can't gain more than 1 Focus Point per day from focused items.","TraitDescriptionForce":"Effects with this trait deal force damage or create objects made of pure magical force.","TraitDescriptionForceful":"This weapon becomes more dangerous as you build momentum. When you attack with it more than once on your turn, the second attack gains a circumstance bonus to damage equal to the number of weapon damage dice, and each subsequent attack gains a circumstance bonus to damage equal to double the number of weapon damage dice.","TraitDescriptionFortune":"A fortune effect beneficially alters how you roll your dice. You can never have more than one fortune effect alter a single roll. If multiple fortune effects would apply, you have to pick which to use. If a fortune effect and a misfortune effect would apply to the same roll, the two cancel each other out, and you roll normally.","TraitDescriptionFreeHand":"This weapon doesn't take up your hand, usually because it is built into your armor. A free-hand weapon can't be Disarmed. You can use the hand covered by your free-hand weapon to wield other items, perform manipulate actions, and so on. You can't attack with a free-hand weapon if you're wielding anything in that hand or otherwise using that hand. When you're not wielding anything and not otherwise using the hand, you can use abilities that require you to have a hand free as well as those that require you to be wielding a weapon in that hand. Each of your hands can have only one free-hand weapon on it.","TraitDescriptionGanzi":"A planar scion descended from a chaotic being of the Maelstrom, such as a protean.","TraitDescriptionGadget":"Gadgets are consumable technological inventions with innovative uses.","TraitDescriptionGenie":"The diverse families of genies hold positions of prominence on the Elemental Planes. They have powerful magical abilities.","TraitDescriptionGeniekin":"An umbrella term for planar scions descended from beings from the Elemental Planes.","TraitDescriptionGeneral":"A type of feat that any character can select, regardless of ancestry and class, as long as they meet the prerequisites. You can select a feat with this trait when your class grants a general feat.","TraitDescriptionGhul":"Greedy and gluttonous undead originally formed from genie.","TraitDescriptionGnoll":"Gnolls are humanoids that resemble hyenas.","TraitDescriptionGnome":"A creature with this trait is a member of the gnome ancestry. Gnomes are small people skilled at magic who seek out new experiences and usually have low-light vision. An ability with this trait can be used or selected only by gnomes. A weapon with this trait is created and used by gnomes.","TraitDescriptionGoblin":"A creature with this trait can come from multiple tribes of creatures, including goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears. Goblins tend to have darkvision. An ability with this trait can be used or chosen only by goblins. A weapon with this trait is created and used by goblins.","TraitDescriptionGoloma":"Insular humanoids that bear countless eyes.","TraitDescriptionGood":"Good effects often manipulate energy from good-aligned Outer Planes and are antithetical to evil divine servants or divine servants of evil deities. A creature with this trait is good in alignment. An ability with this trait can be selected or used only by good creatures.","TraitDescriptionGrapple":"You can use this weapon to Grapple with the Athletics skill even if you don't have a free hand. This uses the weapon's reach (if different from your own) and adds the weapon's item bonus to attack rolls as an item bonus to the Athletics check. If you critically fail a check to Grapple using the weapon, you can drop the weapon to take the effects of a failure instead of a critical failure.","TraitDescriptionGrimoire":"Spellbooks are useful tools for any magic user to write down incantations and runes of power, but where most spellbooks are nothing more than ink on parchment, grimoires have absorbed the magic of the spells within—magic that knowledgeable spellcasters can use to augment their spells.","TraitDescriptionGrippli":"Gripplis are a family of frog-like humanoids","TraitDescriptionGunslinger":"This indicates abilities from the gunslinger class.","TraitDescriptionHalfElf":"A creature with this trait is part human and part elf. An ability with this trait can be used or selected only by half-elves.","TraitDescriptionHalfOrc":"A creature with this trait is part human and part orc. An ability with this trait can be used or selected only by half-orcs.","TraitDescriptionHalfling":"A creature with this trait is a member of the halfling ancestry. These small people are friendly wanderers considered to be lucky. An ability with this trait can be used or selected only by halflings. A weapon with this trait is created and used by halflings.","TraitDescriptionHampering":"A weapon with the hampering trait includes a disruptive limb or flange. You can use an Interact action to thrash the weapon in a square within the weapon's reach. That square becomes difficult terrain until you attack with the weapon, move, would otherwise stop thrashing it, or at the beginning of your next turn.","TraitDescriptionHaunt":"A hazard with this trait is a spiritual echo, often of someone with a tragic death. Putting a haunt to rest often involves resolving the haunt's unfinished business. A haunt that hasn't been properly put to rest always returns after a time.","TraitDescriptionHealing":"A healing effect restores a creature's body, typically by restoring Hit Points, but sometimes by removing diseases or other debilitating effects.","TraitDescriptionHex":"A hex is a type of focus spell a witch can cast.","TraitDescriptionHobgolin":"Hobgoblins are a sturdy, clever people with a propensity for militaristic order.","TraitDescriptionHuman":"A creature with this trait is a member of the human ancestry. Humans are a diverse array of people known for their adaptability. An ability with this trait can be used or selected only by humans.","TraitDescriptionHumanoid":"Humanoid creatures reason and act much like humans. They typically stand upright and have two arms and two legs.","TraitDescriptionIllusion":"Effects and magic items with this trait are associated with the illusion school of magic, typically involving false sensory stimuli.","TraitDescriptionIfrit":"A type of geniekin descended from a being from the Plane of Fire.","TraitDescriptionIncarnate":"A spell with the incarnate trait is similar in theme to spells that summon creatures, but it doesn't conjure a minion with the summoned trait. Instead, when summoned, the incarnate creature takes its Arrive action when you finish Casting the Spell. At the end of your next turn, the incarnate creature can either Step, Stride, or take the action for another movement type it has (such as Climb or Burrow), and then takes its Depart action. The spell then ends. The names of specific Arrive and Depart actions are listed in italics after the word “Arrive” or “Depart” respectively, along with any traits. A creature summoned by an incarnate spell acts in your interests, directs its effects away from you and your allies as much as possible, and might listen to your requests, but ultimately makes its own decisions. If the spell indicates that the incarnate makes a decision, the GM determines what the incarnate would do. It might even become more inclined to do precisely as you wish over multiple summonings. The incarnate is not fully a creature. It can't take any other actions, nor can it be targeted or harmed by Strikes, spells, or other effects unless they would be able to target or end a spell effect (such as dispel magic). It has a size for the purposes of determining its placement for effects, but it doesn't block movement. If applicable, its effects use your spell DCs and spell attack roll modifier.","TraitDescriptionIncapacitation":"An ability with this trait can take a character completely out of the fight or even kill them, and it's harder to use on a more powerful character. If a spell has the incapacitation trait, any creature of more than twice the spell's level treats the result of their check to prevent being incapacitated by the spell as one degree of success better, or the result of any check the spellcaster made to incapacitate them as one degree of success worse. If any other effect has the incapacitation trait, a creature of higher level than the item, creature, or hazard generating the effect gains the same benefits.","TraitDescriptionIncapacitationShort":"If the target level is higher than the ability level (or 2x spell level) treat the result as one degree better.","TraitDescriptionIncorporeal":"An incorporeal creature or object has no physical form. It can pass through solid objects, including walls. When inside an object, an incorporeal creature can't perceive, attack, or interact with anything outside the object, and if it starts its turn in an object, it is slowed 1. Corporeal creatures can pass through an incorporeal creature, but they can't end their movement in its space. An incorporeal creature can't attempt Strength-based checks against physical creatures or objects-only against incorporeal ones-unless those objects have the ghost touch property rune. Likewise, a corporeal creature can't attempt Strength-based checks against incorporeal creatures or objects. Incorporeal creatures usually have immunity to effects or conditions that require a physical body, like disease, poison, and precision damage. They usually have resistance against all damage (except force damage and damage from Strikes with the ghost touch property rune), with double the resistance against non-magical damage.","TraitDescriptionInfused":"You created an alchemical item with the infused trait using your infused reagents, and it has a limited time before it becomes inert. Any nonpermanent effects from your infused alchemical items, with the exception of afflictions such as slow-acting poisons, end when you make your daily preparations again.","TraitDescriptionIngested":"This poison is delivered when drunk or eaten.","TraitDescriptionInhaled":"This poison is delivered when breathed in.","TraitDescriptionInjection":"This weapon can be filled with an injury poison. Immediately after a successful attack with the weapon, you can inject the target with the loaded poison with a single Interact action. Refilling the weapon with a new substance requires three Interact actions, and uses both hands.","TraitDescriptionInjury":"This poison is delivered by damaging the recipient.","TraitDescriptionIntelligent":"An item with this trait is intelligent and has its own will and personality, as well as several statistics that most items don't have. Intelligent items can't be crafted by normal means, and they are always rare or unique.","TraitDescriptionInventor":"This indicates abilities from the inventor class.","TraitDescriptionInvested":"A character can wear only 10 magical items that have the invested trait. None of the magical effects of the item apply if the character hasn't invested it, nor can it be activated, though the character still gains any normal benefits from wearing the physical item (like a hat keeping rain off their head).","TraitDescriptionInvestigator":"This indicates abilities from the investigator class.","TraitDescriptionJoustingD6":"The weapon is suited for mounted combat with a harness or similar means. When mounted, if you moved at least 10 feet on the action before your attack, add a circumstance bonus to damage for that attack equal to the number of damage dice for the weapon. In addition, while mounted, you can wield the weapon in one hand, changing the damage die to the listed value.","TraitDescriptionKobold":"A creature with this trait is a member of the kobold ancestry.","TraitDescriptionKickback":"A kickback weapon is extra powerful and difficult to use due to its high recoil. A kickback weapon deals 1 additional damage with all attacks. Firing a kickback weapon gives a -2 circumstance penalty to the attack roll, but characters with 14 or more Strength ignore the penalty. Attaching a kickback weapon to a deployed bipod, tripod, or other stabilizer can lower or negate this penalty.","TraitDescriptionKitsune":"Shapeshifting humanoids whose true forms resemble foxes.","TraitDescriptionLawful":"Lawful effects often manipulate energy from law-aligned Outer Planes and are antithetical to chaotic divine servants or divine servants of chaotic deities. A creature with this trait is lawful in alignment. An ability with this trait can be selected or used by lawful creatures only.","TraitDescriptionLeshy":"A creature with this trait is a member of the leshy ancestry.","TraitDescriptionLight":"Light effects overcome non-magical darkness in the area, and can counteract magical darkness. You must usually target darkness magic with your light magic directly to counteract the darkness, but some light spells automatically attempt to counteract darkness.","TraitDescriptionLinguistic":"An effect with this trait depends on language comprehension. A linguistic effect that targets a creature works only if the target understands the language you are using.","TraitDescriptionLitany":"Litanies are special devotion spells, typically used by champions and requiring a single action, that usually give temporary immunity to further litanies.","TraitDescriptionLizardfolk":"These reptilian humanoids, also known as iruxi, are extremely adaptable and patient.","TraitDescriptionMagical":"Something with the magical trait is imbued with magical energies not tied to a specific tradition of magic. A magical item radiates a magic aura infused with its dominant school of magic. Some items or effects are closely tied to a particular tradition of magic. In these cases, the item has the arcane, divine, occult, or primal trait instead of the magical trait. Any of these traits indicate that the item is magical.","TraitDescriptionMagus":"This indicates abilities from the magus class.","TraitDescriptionManipulate":"You must physically manipulate an item or make gestures to use an action with this trait. Creatures without a suitable appendage can't perform actions with this trait. Manipulate actions often trigger reactions.","TraitDescriptionMechanical":"A hazard with this trait is a constructed physical object.","TraitDescriptionMental":"A mental effect can alter the target's mind. It has no effect on an object or a mindless creature.","TraitDescriptionMetamagic":"Actions with the metamagic trait, usually from metamagic feats, tweak the properties of your spells. You must use a metamagic action directly before Casting the Spell you want to alter. If you use any action (including free actions and reactions) other than Cast a Spell directly after, you waste the benefits of the metamagic action. Any additional effects added by a metamagic action are part of the spell's effect, not of the metamagic action itself.","TraitDescriptionMindless":"A mindless creature has either programmed or rudimentary mental attributes. Most, if not all, of their mental ability modifiers are -5. They are immune to all mental effects.","TraitDescriptionMindshift":"An action with this trait can always be altered to use the raw power of your mind. When you take this action, you can choose to replace any damage it deals with mental damage, give it the mental trait, and replace any save it requires with a Will save. The action loses any traits matching damage types it no longer deals.","TraitDescriptionMinion":"Minions are creatures that directly serve another creature. A creature with this trait can use only 2 actions per turn, doesn't have reactions, and can't act when it's not your turn. Your minion acts on your turn in combat, once per turn, when you spend an action to issue it commands. For an animal companion, you Command an Animal; for a minion that's a spell or magic item effect, like a summoned minion, you Sustain a Spell or Sustain an Activation; if not otherwise specified, you issue a verbal command as a single action with the auditory and concentrate traits. If given no commands, minions use no actions except to defend themselves or to escape obvious harm. If left unattended for long enough, typically 1 minute, mindless minions usually don't act, animals follow their instincts, and sapient minions act how they please. A minion can't control other creatures.","TraitDescriptionMisfortune":"A misfortune effect detrimentally alters how you roll your dice. You can never have more than one misfortune effect alter a single roll. If multiple misfortune effects would apply, the GM decides which is worse and applies it. If a fortune effect and a misfortune effect would apply to the same roll, the two cancel each other out, and you roll normally.","TraitDescriptionModification":"A feat with this trait alters the construction of your innovation. If you have the reconfigure class feature, you can retrain such a feat more easily.","TraitDescriptionModular":"The weapon has multiple configurations that you can switch between using an Interact action. Typically, switching between configurations of a modular weapon allows it to deal different types of damage (listed in the trait, such as “modular B, P, or S”), though it's possible for a modular weapon's description to list more complicated configurations.","TraitDescriptionMonk":"Abilities with this trait are from the monk class. A weapon with this trait is primarily used by monks.","TraitDescriptionMonkWeapon":"Many monks learn to use these weapons.","TraitDescriptionMorph":"Effects that slightly alter a creature's form have the morph trait. Any Strikes specifically granted by a morph effect are magical. You can be affected by multiple morph spells at once, but if you morph the same body part more than once, the second morph effect attempts to counteract the first (in the same manner as two polymorph effects, described in that trait). Your morph effects might also end if you are polymorphed and the polymorph effect invalidates or overrides your morph effect. The GM determines which morph effects can be used together and which can't.","TraitDescriptionMounted":"Mounted siege weapons take up a certain size and space, and typically have statistics to allow them to be attacked. They're used for large-scale warfare.","TraitDescriptionMove":"An action with this trait involves moving from one space to another.","TraitDescriptionMulticlass":"Archetypes with the multiclass trait represent diversifying your training into another class's specialties. You can't select a multiclass archetype's dedication feat if you are a member of the class of the same name.","TraitDescriptionNecromancy":"Effects and magic items with this trait are associated with the necromancy school of magic, typically involving forces of life and death.","TraitDescriptionNegative":"Effects with this trait heal undead creatures with negative energy, deal negative damage to living creatures, or manipulate negative energy.","TraitDescriptionNoisy":"This armor is loud and likely to alert others to your presence when you're using the Avoid Notice exploration activity.","TraitDescriptionNone":"This trait has no description.","TraitDescriptionNonlethal":"Attacks with this weapon are nonlethal, and are used to knock creatures unconscious instead of kill them. You can use a nonlethal weapon to make a lethal attack with a -2 circumstance penalty.","TraitDescriptionOath":"Oaths add an additional tenet to your code. You can usually have only one feat with this trait.","TraitDescriptionOccult":"This magic comes from the occult tradition, calling upon bizarre and ephemeral mysteries. Anything with this trait is magical.","TraitDescriptionOlfactory":"An olfactory effect can affect only creatures that can smell it. This applies only to olfactory parts of the effect, as determined by the GM.","TraitDescriptionOpen":"These maneuvers work only as the first salvo on your turn. You can use an open only if you haven't used an action with the attack or open trait yet this turn.","TraitDescriptionOracle":"This indicates abilities from the oracle class.","TraitDescriptionOread":"A type of geniekin descended from a being from the Plane of Earth.","TraitDescriptionOrc":"A creature with this trait is a member of the orc ancestry. A weapon with this trait is a weapon which orcs craft and use.","TraitDescriptionParry":"This weapon can be used defensively to block attacks. While wielding this weapon, if your proficiency with it is trained or better, you can spend an Interact action to position your weapon defensively, gaining a +1 circumstance bonus to AC until the start of your next turn.","TraitDescriptionPeachwood":"Peachwood weapons have a particularly auburn tinge to them when under direct sunlight. Peachwood is treated as darkwood for any undead creatures' resistances or weaknesses related to darkwood (allowing a peachwood weapon to bypass a jiang-shi's resistance, for example). In addition, peachwood weapons bypass a small portion of the resistances of any undead creature. Strikes with a peachwood weapon treat an undead's resistances against physical damage as 2 lower for standard-grade peachwood, and 4 lower for high-grade.","TraitDescriptionPlant":"Vegetable creatures have the plant trait. They are distinct from normal plants. Magical effects with this trait manipulate or conjure plants or plant matter in some way. Those that manipulate plants have no effect in an area with no plants.","TraitDescriptionPoison":"An effect with this trait delivers a poison or deals poison damage. An item with this trait is poisonous and might cause an affliction.","TraitDescriptionPolymorph":"These effects transform the target into a new form. A target can't be under the effect of more than one polymorph effect at a time. If it comes under the effect of a second polymorph effect, the second polymorph effect attempts to counteract the first. If it succeeds, it takes effect, and if it fails, the spell has no effect on that target. Any Strikes specifically granted by a polymorph effect are magical. Unless otherwise stated, polymorph spells don't allow the target to take on the appearance of a specific individual creature, but rather just a generic creature of a general type or ancestry. If you take on a battle form with a polymorph spell, the special statistics can be adjusted only by circumstance bonuses, status bonuses, and penalties. Unless otherwise noted, the battle form prevents you from casting spells, speaking, and using most manipulate actions that require hands. (If there's doubt about whether you can use an action, the GM decides.) Your gear is absorbed into you; the constant abilities of your gear still function, but you can't activate any items.","TraitDescriptionPortable":"Portable siege weapons, such as battering rams, can be more easily carried and have a role in both warfare and smaller conflicts or exploration.","TraitDescriptionPoppet":"A creature with this trait is a member of the poppet ancestry.","TraitDescriptionPositive":"Effects with this trait heal living creatures with positive energy, deal positive energy damage to undead, or manipulate positive energy.","TraitDescriptionPossession":"Effects with this trait allow a creature to project its mind and spirit into a target. A creature immune to mental effects can't use a possession effect. While possessing a target, a possessor's true body is unconscious (and can't wake up normally), unless the possession effect allows the creature to physically enter the target. Whenever the target takes damage, the possessor takes half that amount of damage as mental damage. A possessor loses the benefits of any of its active spells or abilities that affect its physical body, though it gains the benefits of the target's active spells and abilities that affect their body. A possessor can use any of the target's abilities that are purely physical, and it can't use any of its own abilities except spells and purely mental abilities. The GM decides whether an ability is purely physical or purely mental. A possessor uses the target's attack modifier, AC, Fortitude save, Reflex save, Perception, and physical skills, and its own Will save, mental skills, spell attack roll, and spell DC; benefits of invested items apply where relevant (the possessor's invested items apply when using its own values, and the target's invested items apply when using the target's values). A possessor gains no benefit from casting spells that normally affect only the caster, since it isn't in its own body. The possessor must use its own actions to make the possessed creature act. If a possessor reaches 0 Hit Points through any combination of damage to its true body and mental damage from the possession, it is knocked out as normal and the possession immediately ends. If the target reaches 0 Hit Points first, the possessor can either fall unconscious with the body and continue the possession or end the effect as a free action and return to its body. If the target dies, the possession ends immediately and the possessor is stunned for 1 minute.","TraitDescriptionPrecious":"Valuable materials with special properties have the precious trait. They can be substituted for base materials when you Craft items.","TraitDescriptionPrediction":"Effects with this trait determine what is likely to happen in the near future. Most predictions are divinations.","TraitDescriptionPress":"Actions with this trait allow you to follow up earlier attacks. An action with the press trait can be used only if you are currently affected by a multiple attack penalty. You can't use a press action when it's not your turn, even if you use the Ready activity. Some actions with the press trait also grant an effect on a failure. The effects that are added on a failure don't apply on a critical failure. If your press action succeeds, you can choose to apply the failure effect instead. (For example, you may wish to do this when an attack deals no damage due to resistance.)","TraitDescriptionPrimal":"This magic comes from the primal tradition, connecting to the natural world and instinct. Anything with this trait is magical.","TraitDescriptionPropulsive":"You add half your Strength modifier (if positive) to damage rolls with a propulsive ranged weapon. If you have a negative Strength modifier, you add your full Strength modifier instead.","TraitDescriptionPsyche":"Your psyche must be unleashed to use abilities that have the psyche trait, and they end automatically when your unleashed psyche subsides.","TraitDescriptionPsychic":"This indicates abilities from the psychic class.","TraitDescriptionRage":"You must be raging to use abilities with the rage trait, and they end automatically when you stop raging.","TraitDescriptionRange":"These attacks will either list a finite range or a range increment, which follows the normal rules for range increments.","TraitDescriptionRangedTrip":"This weapon can be used to Trip with the Athletics skill at a distance up to the weapon's first range increment. The skill check takes a -2 circumstance penalty. You can add the weapon's item bonus to attack rolls as a bonus to the check. As with using a melee weapon to trip, a ranged trip doesn't deal any damage when used to Trip.","TraitDescriptionRanger":"This indicates abilities from the ranger class.","TraitDescriptionRare":"This rarity indicates that a rules element is very difficult to find in the game world. A rare feat, spell, item or the like is available to players only if the GM decides to include it in the game, typically through discovery during play. Creatures with this trait are rare. They typically can't be summoned. The DC of Recall Knowledge checks related to these creatures is increased by 5.","TraitDescriptionRatfolk":"A creature with this trait is a member of the ratfolk ancestry.","TraitDescriptionReach":"Natural attacks with this trait can be used to attack creatures up to the listed distance away instead of only adjacent creatures. Weapons with this trait are long and can be used to attack creatures up to 10 feet away instead of only adjacent creatures. For creatures that already have reach with the limb or limbs that wield the weapon, the weapon increases their reach by 5 feet.","TraitDescriptionReckless":"Actions with the reckless trait run the risk of the pilot losing control of a vehicle. When performing a reckless action, the pilot must first attempt an appropriate piloting check to keep control of the vehicle.","TraitDescriptionReflection":"A creature with this trait has the reflection versatile heritage. Reflections are beings who are copies of living people, whether through cloning, planar duplication, or another mechanism. An ability with this trait can be used or selected only by reflections.","TraitDescriptionReload":"While all weapons need some amount of time to get into position, many ranged weapons also need to be loaded and reloaded. This entry indicates how many Interact actions it takes to reload such weapons. This can be 0 if drawing ammunition and firing the weapon are part of the same action. If an item takes 2 or more actions to reload, the GM determines whether they must be performed together as an activity, or you can spend some of those actions during one turn and the rest during your next turn.","TraitDescriptionRepeating":"A repeating weapon is typically a type of crossbow that has a shorter reload time. These weapons can't be loaded with individual bolts like other crossbows; instead, they require a magazine of specialized ammunition to be loaded into a special slot. Once that magazine is in place, the ammunition is automatically loaded each time the weapon is cocked to fire, reducing its reload to the value in its reload entry (typically 0). When the ammunition runs out, a new magazine must be loaded, which requires a free hand and 3 Interact actions (to remove the old magazine, retrieve the new magazine, and slot the new magazine in place). These actions don't need to be consecutive.","TraitDescriptionResonant":"This weapon can channel energy damage. You gain the Conduct Energy free action while wielding a resonant weapon.","TraitDescriptionRevelation":"Effects with this trait see things as they truly are.","TraitDescriptionRogue":"This indicates abilities from the rogue class.","TraitDescriptionSaggorak":"Ancient dwarven blacksmiths in Saggorak designed a series of spectacularly powerful runes. Only someone with legendary proficiency in Crafting, or a well-versed dwarven crafter from the city of Kovlar, can apply, transfer, or remove a rune with the Saggorak trait. Because of their considerable power, all Saggorak runes take up two property rune slots, and consequently they can be applied only to armor and weapons with at least a +2 potency rune.","TraitDescriptionScatter":"This weapon fires a cluster of pellets in a wide spray. Scatter always has an area listed with it, indicating the radius of the spray. On a hit, the primary target of attacks with a scatter weapon take the listed damage, and the target and all other creatures within the listed radius around it take 1 point of splash damage per weapon damage die.","TraitDescriptionScrying":"A scrying effect lets you see, hear, or otherwise get sensory information from a distance using a sensor or apparatus, rather than your own eyes and ears.","TraitDescriptionSecret":"The GM rolls the check for this ability in secret.","TraitDescriptionShadow":"This magic involves shadows or the energy of the Shadow Plane.","TraitDescriptionShisk":"Secretive humanoids covered in bony plumage that reside underground.","TraitDescriptionShoony":"A creature with this trait is a member of the shoony ancestry.","TraitDescriptionShove":"You can use this weapon to Shove with the Athletics skill even if you don't have a free hand. This uses the weapon's reach (if different from your own) and adds the weapon's item bonus to attack rolls as an item bonus to the Athletics check. If you critically fail a check to Shove using the weapon, you can drop the weapon to take the effects of a failure instead of a critical failure.","TraitDescriptionSkeleton":"This undead is made by animating a dead creature's skeleton with negative energy. An ability with this trait can be used or selected only by skeletons.","TraitDescriptionSkill":"A general feat with the skill trait improves your skills and their actions or gives you new actions for a skill. A feat with this trait can be selected when a class grants a skill feat or general feat. Archetype feats with the skill trait can be selected in place of a skill feat if you have that archetype's dedication feat.","TraitDescriptionSleep":"This effect can cause a creature to fall asleep or get drowsy.","TraitDescriptionSocial":"Actions and abilities with the social trait can be used only while a vigilante is in their social identity.","TraitDescriptionSonic":"An effect with the sonic trait functions only if it makes sound, meaning it has no effect in an area of silence or in a vacuum. This is different from an auditory spell, which is effective only if the target can hear it. A sonic effect might deal sonic damage.","TraitDescriptionSorcerer":"This indicates abilities from the sorcerer class.","TraitDescriptionSplash":"When you use a thrown weapon with the splash trait, you don't add your Strength modifier to the damage roll. If an attack with a splash weapon fails, succeeds, or critically succeeds, all creatures within 5 feet of the target (including the target) take the listed splash damage. On a failure (but not a critical failure), the target of the attack still takes the splash damage. Add splash damage together with the initial damage against the target before applying the target's weaknesses or resistances. You don't multiply splash damage on a critical hit.","TraitDescriptionSplash10":"When you use a thrown weapon with the splash trait, you don't add your Strength modifier to the damage roll. If an attack with a splash weapon fails, succeeds, or critically succeeds, all creatures within 10 feet of the target (including the target) take the listed splash damage. On a failure (but not a critical failure), the target of the attack still takes the splash damage. Add splash damage together with the initial damage against the target before applying the target's weaknesses or resistances. You don't multiply splash damage on a critical hit.","TraitDescriptionSprite":"A family of diminutive winged fey with a strong connection to primal magic.","TraitDescriptionStance":"A stance is a general combat strategy that you enter by using an action with the stance trait, and that you remain in for some time. A stance lasts until you get knocked out, until its requirements (if any) are violated, until the encounter ends, or until you enter a new stance, whichever comes first. After you use an action with the stance trait, you can't use another one for 1 round. You can enter or be in a stance only in encounter mode.","TraitDescriptionStaff":"This magic item holds spells of a particular theme and allows a spellcaster to cast additional spells by preparing the staff.","TraitDescriptionSteam":"Items with this trait are powered by engines that boil water to produce steam and move their components.","TraitDescriptionStrix":"Winged humanoids, most of whom live in and around Cheliax.","TraitDescriptionStructure":"An item with the structure trait creates a magical building or other structure when activated. The item must be activated on a plot of land free of other structures. The structure adapts to the natural terrain, adopting the structural requirements for being built there. The structure adjusts around small features such as ponds or spires of rock, but it can't be created on water or other nonsolid surfaces. If activated on snow, sand dunes, or other soft surfaces with a solid surface underneath, the structure's foundation (if any) reaches the solid ground. If an item with this trait is activated on a solid but unstable surface, such as a swamp or an area plagued by tremors, roll a @Check[type:flat|dc:3] each day; on a failure, the structure begins to sink or collapse. The structure doesn't harm creatures within the area when it appears, and it can't be created within a crowd or in a densely populated area. Any creature inadvertently caught inside the structure when the item is activated ends up unharmed inside the complete structure and always has a clear path of escape. A creature inside the structure when the activation ends isn't harmed, and it lands harmlessly on the ground if it was on an upper level of the structure.","TraitDescriptionSubjectiveGravity":"On planes with this trait, all bodies of mass can be centers of gravity with the same amount of force, but only if a non-mindless creature wills it.","TraitDescriptionSummoned":"A creature called by a spell or effect gains the summoned trait. A summoned creature can't summon other creatures, create things of value, or cast spells that require a cost. It has the minion trait. If it tries to Cast a Spell of equal or higher level than the spell that summoned it, it overpowers the summoning magic, causing its own spell to fail and the summon spell to end. Otherwise, the summoned creature uses the standard abilities for a creature of its kind. It generally attacks your enemies to the best of its ability. If you can communicate with it, you can attempt to command it, but the GM determines the degree to which it follows your commands. Immediately when you finish Casting the Spell, the summoned creature uses its 2 actions for that turn. A spawn or other creature generated from a summoned creature returns to its unaltered state (usually a corpse in the case of spawn) once the summoned creature is gone. If it's unclear what this state would be, the GM decides. Summoned creatures can be banished by various spells and effects. They are automatically banished if reduced to 0 Hit Points or if the spell that called them ends.","TraitDescriptionSummoner":"This indicates abilities from the Summoner class.","TraitDescriptionSuli":"Sulis are planar scions descended from jann.","TraitDescriptionSwashbuckler":"This indicates abilities from the Swashbuckler class.","TraitDescriptionSweep":"This weapon makes wide sweeping or spinning attacks, making it easier to attack multiple enemies. When you attack with this weapon, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your attack roll if you already attempted to attack a different target this turn using this weapon.","TraitDescriptionSylph":"A type of geniekin descended from a being from the Plane of Air.","TraitDescriptionTattoo":"A tattoo is a type of item that is drawn or cut into a creature's skin and usually takes the form of images or symbols.","TraitDescriptionTech":"Items with this trait are associated with technology.","TraitDescriptionTelepathy":"A creature with telepathy can communicate mentally with creatures. This doesn't give any special access to their thoughts, and communicates no more information than normal speech would.","TraitDescriptionTeleportation":"Teleportation effects allow you to instantaneously move from one point in space to another. Teleportation does not usually trigger reactions based on movement.","TraitDescriptionTengu":"A creature with this trait is a member of the tengu ancestry. Tengus are humanoids who resemble birds. An ability with this trait can be used or selected only by tengus. An item with this trait is created and used by tengus.","TraitDescriptionTethered":"This weapon is attached to a length of rope or chain that allows you to retrieve it after it has left your hand. If you have a free hand while wielding this weapon, you can use an Interact action to pull the weapon back into your grasp after you have thrown it as a ranged attack or after it has been disarmed (unless it is being held by another creature).","TraitDescriptionThaumaturge":"This indicates abilities from the thaumaturge class.","TraitDescriptionThrown":"You can throw this weapon as a ranged attack. A thrown weapon adds your Strength modifier to damage just like a melee weapon does. When this trait appears on a melee weapon, it also includes the range increment.","TraitDescriptionTiefling":"A creature with this trait is a member of the tiefling ancestry.","TraitDescriptionTransmutation":"Effects and magic items with this trait are associated with the transmutation school of magic, typically changing something's form.","TraitDescriptionTrap":"A hazard or item with this trait is constructed to hinder interlopers.","TraitDescriptionTrip":"You can use this weapon to Trip with the Athletics skill even if you don't have a free hand. This uses the weapon's reach (if different from your own) and adds the weapon's item bonus to attack rolls as an item bonus to the Athletics check. If you critically fail a check to Trip using the weapon, you can drop the weapon to take the effects of a failure instead of a critical failure.","TraitDescriptionTrueName":"Certain spells, feats, and items have the true name trait. This trait means they require you to know a creature's true name to use them.","TraitDescriptionTwin":"These weapons are used as a pair, complementing each other. When you attack with a twin weapon, you add a circumstance bonus to the damage roll equal to the weapon's number of damage dice if you have previously attacked with a different weapon of the same type this turn. The weapons must be of the same type to benefit from this trait, but they don't need to have the same runes.","TraitDescriptionTwoHand":"This weapon can be wielded with two hands. Doing so changes its weapon damage die to the indicated value. This change applies to all the weapon's damage dice, such as those from striking runes.","TraitDescriptionUnarmed":"An unarmed attack uses your body rather than a manufactured weapon. An unarmed attack isn't a weapon, though it's categorized with weapons for weapon groups, and it might have weapon traits. Since it's part of your body, an unarmed attack can't be Disarmed. It also doesn't take up a hand, though a fist or other grasping appendage follows the same rules as a free-hand weapon.","TraitDescriptionUncommon":"Something of uncommon rarity requires special training or comes from a particular culture or part of the world. Some character choices give access to uncommon options, and the GM can choose to allow access for anyone. Less is known about uncommon creatures than common creatures. They typically can't be summoned. The DC of Recall Knowledge checks related to these creature is increased by 2.","TraitDescriptionUndine":"A type of geniekin descended from a being from the Plane of Water.","TraitDescriptionUnique":"A rules element with this trait is one-of-a-kind. The DC of Recall Knowledge checks related to creatures with this trait is increased by 10.","TraitDescriptionUnstable":"Unstable actions rely on experimental functions of your innovation that even you can't fully predict. After an unstable action is used on an innovation, using another one is dangerous.","TraitDescriptionVersatile":"A versatile weapon can be used to deal a different type of damage than that listed in the Damage entry. This trait indicates the alternate damage type. For instance, a piercing weapon that is versatile S can be used to deal piercing or slashing damage. You choose the damage type each time you make an attack.","TraitDescriptionVirulent":"Afflictions with the virulent trait are harder to remove. You must succeed at two consecutive saves to reduce a virulent affliction's stage by 1. A critical success reduces a virulent affliction's stage by only 1 instead of by 2.","TraitDescriptionVisual":"A visual effect can affect only creatures that can see it. This applies only to visible parts of the effect, as determined by the GM.","TraitDescriptionVolley":"This ranged weapon is less effective at close distances. Your attacks against targets that are at a distance within the range listed take a -2 penalty.","TraitDescriptionWater":"Effects with the water trait either manipulate or conjure water. Those that manipulate water have no effect in an area without water. Creatures with this trait consist primarily of water or have a magical connection to the element.","TraitDescriptionWitch":"This indicates abilities from the witch class.","TraitDescriptionWizard":"This indicates abilities from the wizard class.","TraitDescriptionEidolon":"A creature with this trait is a summoner's eidolon. An item with this trait can be worn by an eidolon. An eidolon can have up to two items invested.","TraitDescriptionAdjustment":"Items with this trait are intended to alter existing pieces of equipment, typically armors, shields, and weapons. The given item will note which type of equipment it modifies. A piece of equipment can only be affected by a single adjustment at a time. Unless otherwise noted, adding or removing an adjustment requires using a 10-minute activity and a repair kit.","TraitDescriptionApex":"When you Invest an Item that has the apex trait, it improves one of your ability scores, either increasing it by 2 or to a total of 18, whichever grants the higher score. This gives you all the benefits of the new ability score until the investiture ends. An apex item grants this benefit only the first time it's invested within a 24-hour period, and you can benefit from only one apex item at a time. If you attempt to invest an apex item when you already have one invested, you don't gain the ability score increase, though you do gain any other effects of Investing the Item.","TraitDescriptionCatalyst":"Items with the catalyst trait are consumable material spell components that alter or magnify specific spells. Activating a catalyst is part of Casting the Spell. The catalyst might increase the number of actions required to Cast the Spell, as indicated in the catalyst's Activate entry. Additionally, the spell gains material components if it didn't have them already or adds the catalyst to its existing components. Because the catalyst becomes part of the material components, you can draw the catalyst as part of Casting the Spell.","TraitDescriptionElixir":"Elixirs are alchemical liquids that are used by drinking them.","TraitDescriptionFey":"Creatures of the First World are called the fey.","TraitDescriptionFulu":"Fulus are small paper charms that can be affixed to a suit of armor, a shield, a weapon, a creature, or even a structure. Some fulus are composed of multiple such charms, taking effect only once all have been affixed. Normal fulus have effects immediately once affixed, while fulu talismans have an effect only once activated. Once a fulu has been activated, it lasts for the given duration and then burns out. Unless otherwise noted, fulus expire one year after being created, reverting to mundane paper. All fulus have the fulu and consumable traits. Fulus also have a tradition trait—either arcane, divine, occult or primal—determined by the magical tradition of its creator. For example, a fulu created by a priest would have the divine trait, whereas a witch who dabbles in fate might create a fulu with the occult trait. Some fulus also have the talisman trait, if they work similarly to talismans (such as being affixed to a suit of armor, a shield, or a weapon. Each fulu's stat block indicates the type of item or creature it can be affixed to. Affixing or removing a fulu requires using the Affix a Fulu activity, or the Affix a Talisman action instead if the fulu is also a talisman.","TraitDescriptionMutagen":"An elixir with the mutagen trait temporarily transmogrifies the subject's body and alters its mind. A mutagen always conveys one or more beneficial effects paired with one or more detrimental effects. Mutagens are polymorph effects, meaning you can benefit from only one at a time.","TraitDescriptionOil":"Oils are magical gels, ointments, pastes, or salves that are typically applied to an object and are used up in the process.","TraitDescriptionPotion":"A potion is a magical liquid activated when you drink it.","TraitDescriptionScroll":"A scroll contains a single spell you can cast without a spell slot.","TraitDescriptionSnare":"Traps typically made by rangers, snares follow special rules that allow them to be constructed quickly and used on the battlefield.","TraitDescriptionSpellheart":"Spellhearts are permanent items that work similarly to talismans. You affix a spellheart using the Affix a Spellheart activity, which is otherwise identical to Affix a Talisman. The limit of one talisman per item remains—an item can have one spellheart or one talisman, not both. When casting a cantrip from a spellheart, you can use your own spell attack roll or spell DC if it's higher. Crafting a spellheart requires the spells the spellheart can cast. For example, a major five-feather wreath requires air walk, gale blast, and wall of wind.","TraitDescriptionTalisman":"A talisman is a small object affixed to armor, a shield, or a weapon (called the affixed item). You must be wielding or wearing an item to activate a talisman attached to it. Once activated, a talisman burns out permanently.","TraitDescriptionWand":"A wand contains a single spell which you can cast once per day.","TraitDetection":"탐지","TraitDevil":"악마","TraitDeviant":"Deviant","TraitDhampir":"Dhampir","TraitDinosaur":"Dinosaur","TraitDisarm":"Disarm","TraitDisease":"Disease","TraitDiv":"Div","TraitDivination":"Divination","TraitDivine":"신성","TraitDoubleBarrel":"더블 배럴","TraitDowntime":"막간","TraitDragon":"드래곤","TraitDream":"꿈","TraitDrow":"Drow","TraitDrug":"약","TraitDruid":"드루이드","TraitDuergar":"Duergar","TraitDuskwalker":"Duskwalker","TraitDwarf":"드워프","TraitEachRuneAppliedToASeparateItemThatHasPockets":"Each rune applied to a separate item that has pockets","TraitEarth":"땅","TraitEidolon":"Eidolon","TraitElectricity":"전기","TraitElemental":"원소","TraitElf":"엘프","TraitElixir":"Elixir","TraitEmotion":"감정","TraitEnchantment":"Enchantment","TraitEnergy":"Energy","TraitEnvironmental":"Environmental","TraitEsoterica":"Esoterica","TraitEthereal":"Ethereal","TraitEvil":"악","TraitEvocation":"초혼","TraitEvolution":"Evolution","TraitExploration":"Exploration","TraitExtradimensional":"Extradimensional","TraitFatalAimD10":"Fatal Aim d10","TraitFatalAimD12":"Fatal Aim d12","TraitFatalD10":"Fatal d10","TraitFatalD12":"Fatal d12","TraitFatalD8":"Fatal d8","TraitFear":"두려움","TraitFearEffects":"두려움 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To toggle the two-handed strike, click the two-handed trait in the strikes tab.","TraitUnarmed":"Unarmed","TraitUncommon":"Uncommon","TraitUndead":"Undead","TraitUndine":"Undine","TraitUnique":"Unique","TraitUnstable":"Unstable","TraitUntyped":"Untyped","TraitUrdefhan":"Urdefhan","TraitVampire":"Vampire","TraitVampireWeaknesses":"Vampire Weaknesses","TraitVanara":"Vanara","TraitVelstrac":"Velstrac","TraitVersatileAcid":"Versatile Acid","TraitVersatileB":"Versatile B","TraitVersatileChaotic":"Versatile Chaotic","TraitVersatileCold":"Versatile Cold","TraitVersatileElectricity":"Versatile Electricity","TraitVersatileEvil":"Versatile Evil","TraitVersatileFire":"Versatile Fire","TraitVersatileForce":"Versatile Force","TraitVersatileGood":"Versatile Good","TraitVersatileHeritage":"Versatile Heritage","TraitVersatileLawful":"Versatile Lawful","TraitVersatileNegative":"Versatile Negative","TraitVersatileP":"Versatile P","TraitVersatilePositive":"Versatile Positive","TraitVersatileS":"Versatile 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주먹","morningstar":"Morningstar","naginata":"Naginata","nightstick":"Nightstick","nine-ring-sword":"Nine-Ring Sword","nunchaku":"Nunchaku","ogre-hook":"Ogre Hook","orc-knuckle-dagger":"Orc Knuckle Dagger","orc-necksplitter":"Orc Necksplitter","pepperbox":"Pepperbox","piercing-wind":"Piercing Wind","pick":"Pick","piranha-kiss":"Piranha Kiss","poi":"Poi","polytool":"Polytool","probing-cane":"Probing Cane","ranseur":"Ranseur","rapier":"레이피어","rapier-pistol":"레이피어 피스톨","reinforced-wheels":"Reinforced Wheels","repeating-crossbow":"Repeating Crossbow","repeating-hand-crossbow":"Repeating Hand Crossbow","repeating-heavy-crossbow":"Repeating Heavy Crossbow","rhoka-sword":"Rhoka Sword","rungu":"Rungu","sai":"Sai","sap":"샙","sawtooth-saber":"Sawtooth Saber","scimitar":"시미터","scorpion-whip":"Scorpion Whip","scourge":"Scourge","scythe":"Scythe","shauth-lash":"Shauth Lash","shears":"Shears","shield-bash":"Shield Bash","shield-boss":"Shield Boss","shield-spikes":"Shield Spikes","shobhad-longrifle":"Shobhad Longrifle","shortbow":"숏보우","shortsword":"숏소드","shuriken":"수리검","sickle":"Sickle","sickle-saber":"Sickle-saber","slide-pistol":"슬라이드 피스톨","sling-bullets":"Sling Bullets","sling":"슬링","spear":"스피어","spiked-chain":"Spiked Chain","spiked-gauntlet":"Spiked Gauntlet","spiral-rapier":"Spiral Rapier","spoon-gun":"Spoon Gun","staff":"Staff","starknife":"Starknife","stiletto-pen":"Stiletto Pen","sun-sling":"Sun Sling","switchscythe":"Switchscythe","sword-cane":"Sword Cane","tamchal-chakram":"Tamchal Chakram","taw-launcher":"Taw Launcher","tekko-kagi":"Tekko-kagi","temple-sword":"Temple Sword","tengu-gale-blade":"Tengu Gale Blade","three-peaked-tree":"Three Peaked Tree","throwing-knife":"Throwing Knife","thunder-sling":"Thunder Sling","thundermace":"Thundermace","tonfa":"Tonfa","tri-bladed-katar":"Tri-bladed Katar","tricky-pick":"Tricky Pick","trident":"Trident","urumi":"Urumi","wakizashi":"Wakizashi","war-flail":"War Flail","war-lance":"워 랜스","war-razor":"War Razor","warhammer":"워해머","wheel-blades":"Wheel Blades","wheel-spikes":"Wheel Spikes","whip":"채찍","whip-claw":"Whip Claw","wind-and-fire-wheel":"Wind and Fire Wheel","wish-blade":"Wish Blade","wish-knife":"Wish Knife","wooden-taws":"Wooden Taws"}},"WeaponAbilityLabel":"Weapon Ability","WeaponBaseLabel":"Base","WeaponBonusAttackLabel":"Bonus Attack","WeaponBonusDamageLabel":"Bonus Damage","WeaponBaseDamageLabel":"Base Weapon Damage","WeaponBaseDamageTitle":"This section configures the base damage for the weapon. Additional die from Striking runes should not be added here and instead configured in the Weapon Runes section above.","WeaponCustomDamageLabel":"Additional Custom Damage","WeaponCustomDamageTitle":"This section adds any custom damage that is not covered by the Rune system. The Strike Effect and Critcal Effect attributes are not currently used in the system and are informational only.","WeaponDamageLabel":"Base Damage","WeaponGroups":"Weapon Groups","WeaponGroupAxe":"Axe","WeaponGroupBomb":"Bomb","WeaponGroupBow":"Bow","WeaponGroupBrawling":"Brawling","WeaponGroupClub":"Club","WeaponGroupDart":"Dart","WeaponGroupFirearm":"Firearm","WeaponGroupFlail":"Flail","WeaponGroupHammer":"Hammer","WeaponGroupKnife":"Knife","WeaponGroupLabel":"Group","WeaponGroupPick":"Pick","WeaponGroupPolearm":"Polearm","WeaponGroupShield":"Shield","WeaponGroupSling":"Sling","WeaponGroupSpear":"Spear","WeaponGroupSword":"Sword","WeaponHands1":"One","WeaponHands1Plus":"One Plus","WeaponHands2":"Two","WeaponMAPDefaultOption":"Default (uses Agile trait if present)","WeaponMAPLabel":"Multiple Attack Penalty","WeaponPotencyRune1":"Weapon Potency (+1)","WeaponPotencyRune2":"Weapon Potency (+2)","WeaponPotencyRune3":"Weapon Potency (+3)","WeaponPotencyRune4":"Weapon Potency (+4)","WeaponPropertyCriticalDamageLabel":"Critical Damage","WeaponPropertyCriticalEffectLabel":"Critical Effect","WeaponPropertyRune":{"anarchic":{"Name":"Anarchic","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"When you critically succeed at a Strike with this weapon against a lawful creature, roll [[/r 1d6 #Anarchic Rune]]. On a 1 or 2, you deal double minimum damage; on a 3 or 4, double your damage normally; on a 5 or 6, you deal double maximum damage."}},"ancestralEchoing":{"Name":"Ancestral Echoing"},"anchoring":{"Name":"Anchoring","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"If you critically hit a target with an anchoring weapon, the weapon casts @Compendium[pf2e.spells-srd.ksLCg62cLOojw3gN]{Dimensional Anchor} on the target (@Check[type:will|dc:27|name:Anchoring Rune], counteract modifier [[/r 1d20+17 # Anchoring Rune Counteract Check]]{+17})."}},"axiomatic":{"Name":"Axiomatic","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"When you critically succeed at an attack roll with this weapon against a chaotic creature, instead of rolling, count each weapon damage die as average damage rounded up (3 for d4, 4 for d6, 5 for d8, 6 for d10, 7 for d12)."}},"bane":{"Name":"Bane"},"bloodbane":{"Name":"Bloodbane"},"bloodthirsty":{"Name":"Bloodthirsty","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"When you critically hit a target that's taking @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.lDVqvLKA6eF3Df60]{Persistent Bleed Damage}, your target becomes @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.4D2KBtexWXa6oUMR]{Drained 1}."}},"brilliant":{"Name":"Brilliant","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"On a critical hit, the target must succeed at a @Check[type:fortitude|dc:29|name:Brilliant Rune] save or be @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.XgEqL1kFApUbl5Z2]{Blinded} for 1 round."}},"conducting":{"Name":"Conducting"},"corrosive":{"Name":"Corrosive","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"On a critical hit, the target's armor (if any) takes [[/r {3d6}[acid] #Corrosive Rune]]{3d6 acid} damage (before applying Hardness); if the target has a shield raised, the shield takes this damage instead."}},"crushing":{"Name":"Crushing","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"When you critically hit a target with this weapon, your target becomes @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.i3OJZU2nk64Df3xm]{Clumsy 1} and @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.MIRkyAjyBeXivMa7]{Enfeebled 1} until the end of your next turn."}},"cunning":{"Name":"Cunning"},"dancing":{"Name":"Dancing"},"disrupting":{"Name":"Disrupting","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"On a critical hit, the undead is also @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.MIRkyAjyBeXivMa7]{Enfeebled 1} until the end of your next turn."}},"energizing":{"Name":"Energizing"},"extending":{"Name":"Extending"},"fanged":{"Name":"Fanged"},"fearsome":{"Name":"Fearsome","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"When you critically hit with this weapon, the target becomes @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{Frightened 1}."}},"flaming":{"Name":"Flaming","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"When you critically succeed at a Strike with this weapon, you deal an additional [[/r {1d10}[persistent,fire]]] @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.lDVqvLKA6eF3Df60]{Persistent Fire Damage}."}},"frost":{"Name":"Frost","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"On a critical hit, the target is also @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.xYTAsEpcJE1Ccni3]{Slowed 1} until the end of your next turn unless it succeeds at a @Check[type:fortitude|dc:24|name:Frost Rune] save."}},"ghostTouch":{"Name":"Ghost Touch","Note":"The weapon can harm creatures without physical form. A ghost touch weapon is particularly effective against incorporeal creatures, which almost always have a specific vulnerability to ghost touch weapons. Incorporeal creatures can touch, hold, and wield ghost touch weapons (unlike most physical objects)."},"greaterAnchoring":{"Name":"Greater Anchoring","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"When you critically hit a target with a weapon with the anchoring rune, the weapon casts 8th-level @Compendium[pf2e.spells-srd.ksLCg62cLOojw3gN]{Dimensional Anchor} on the target (@Check[type:will|dc:38|name:Greater Anchoring Rune], counteract modifier [[/r 1d20+28 #Greater Anchoring Rune Counteract Check]]{+28}), except that if the target critically succeeds at its Will save, instead of having no effect, the dimensional anchor lasts for 1 round.","success":"Greater Anchoring Rune When you hit a target with the weapon but don't critically hit, the target is affected by 4th-level @Compendium[pf2e.spells-srd.ksLCg62cLOojw3gN]{Dimensional Anchor} for 1 round without a save (counteract modifier [[/r 1d20+28 #Greater Anchoring Rune Counteract Check]]{+28})."}},"greaterBloodbane":{"Name":"Greater Bloodbane"},"greaterBrilliant":{"Name":"Greater Brilliant","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"Damage dealt by this weapon ignores the target's fire, good, or positive resistance. On a critical hit, the target must succeed at a @Check[type:fortitude|dc:41|name:Greater Brilliant Rune] save or be @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.XgEqL1kFApUbl5Z2]{Blinded} for 1 round.","success":"Greater Brilliant Rune Damage dealt by this weapon ignores the target's fire, good, or positive resistance."}},"greaterCorrosive":{"Name":"Greater Corrosive","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"The acid damage dealt by this weapon ignores the target's acid resistance. On a critical hit, the target's armor (if any) takes [[/r {6d6}[acid]]]{6d6 acid} damage (before applying Hardness); if the target has a shield raised, the shield takes this damage instead.","success":"Greater Corrosive Rune The acid damage dealt by this weapon ignores the target's acid resistance."}},"greaterCrushing":{"Name":"Greater Crushing","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"Your critical hits leave the target @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.i3OJZU2nk64Df3xm]{Clumsy 2} and @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.MIRkyAjyBeXivMa7]{Enfeebled 2} until the end of your next turn."}},"greaterDisrupting":{"Name":"Greater Disrupting","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"On a critical hit, the undead creature must attempt a @Check[type:fortitude|dc:34|traits:incapacitation|name:Greater Disrupting Rune] save with the following effects. This is an incapacitation effect.

Critical Success It's @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.MIRkyAjyBeXivMa7]{Enfeebled 1} until the end of your next turn.
Success It's @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.MIRkyAjyBeXivMa7]{Enfeebled 2} until the end of your next turn.
Failure It's @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.MIRkyAjyBeXivMa7]{Enfeebled 3} until the end of your next turn.
Critical Failure It's destroyed."}},"greaterExtending":{"Name":"Greater Extending"},"greaterFanged":{"Name":"Greater Fanged"},"greaterFearsome":{"Name":"Greater Fearsome","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"When you critically hit with this weapon, the target becomes @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{Frightened 2}."}},"greaterFlaming":{"Name":"Greater Flaming","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"Fire damage dealt by this weapon (including the persistent fire damage) ignores the target's fire resistance. When you critically succeed at a Strike with this weapon, you deal an additional [[/r {2d10}[persistent,fire]]] @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.lDVqvLKA6eF3Df60]{Persistent Fire Damage}.","success":"Fire damage dealt by this weapon ignores the target's fire resistance."}},"greaterFrost":{"Name":"Greater Frost","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"Cold damage dealt by this weapon ignores the target's cold resistance. On a critical hit, the target is also @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.xYTAsEpcJE1Ccni3]{Slowed 1} until the end of your next turn unless it succeeds at a @Check[type:fortitude|dc:34|name:Greater Thundering Rune] save.","success":"Greater Frost Rune Cold damage dealt by this weapon ignores the target's cold resistance."}},"greaterHauling":{"Name":"Greater Hauling"},"greaterImpactful":{"Name":"Greater Impactful","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"On a critical hit, you can choose to force the target to succeed at a @Check[type:fortitude|dc:37|name:Greater Impactful Rune] save or be pushed 10 feet away from you."}},"greaterShock":{"Name":"Greater Shock","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"Electricity damage dealt by this weapon ignores the targets electricity resistance (and the other creatures' on a critical hit). On a critical hit, electricity arcs out to deal an equal amount of electricity damage to up to two other creatures of your choice within 10 feet of the target.","success":"Electricity damage dealt by this weapon ignores the target's electricity resistance."}},"greaterThundering":{"Name":"Greater Thundering","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"Sonic damage dealt by this weapon ignores the target's sonic resistance. On a critical hit, the target has to succeed at a @Check[type:fortitude|dc:34|name:Greater Thundering Rune] save or be @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.9PR9y0bi4JPKnHPR]{Deafened} permanently.","success":"Sonic damage dealt by this weapon ignores the target's sonic resistance."}},"grievous":{"Name":"Grievous","Note":{"Axe":"Grievous Rune You can damage a third creature, with the same restrictions.","Bow":"Grievous Rune The Athletics check to pull the missile free is DC 20.","Brawling":"Grievous Rune The target takes a -4 circumstance penalty to its save.","Club":"Grievous Rune You can knock the target up to 15 feet away.","Dart":"Grievous Rune The base persistent bleed damage increases to [[/r {2d6}[persistent,bleed]]] @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.lDVqvLKA6eF3Df60]{Persistent Bleed Damage}.","Flail":"Grievous Rune You move the target 5 feet. You can't move it away from you, but you can move it in another direction of your choice.","Hammer":"Grievous Rune You can also knock the target 5 feet away from you.","Knife":"Grievous Rune The target takes a -5-foot status penalty to its Speed while it has the @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.lDVqvLKA6eF3Df60]{Persistent Bleed Damage}.","Pick":"Grievous Rune The extra damage from the critical specialization effect increases to 4 per weapon damage die.","Polearm":"Grievous Rune You can move the target up to 10 feet.","Shield":"Grievous Rune You can knock the target up to 10 feet away.","Sling":"Grievous Rune The target also takes a -10-foot status penalty to its Speed for 1 round if it fails the save.","Spear":"Grievous Rune The clumsy condition lasts for 2 rounds.","Sword":"Grievous Rune The target is flat-footed until the end of your next turn."}},"hauling":{"Name":"Hauling"},"holy":{"Name":"Holy","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"(R command; once per day)

Trigger You critically succeed at an attack roll against an evil creature with the weapon

Effect You regain HP equal to double the evil creature's level. This is a good, positive, healing effect."}},"hopeful":{"Name":"Hopeful","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"On a critical hit with this weapon, you inspire your comrades, pushing them to fight harder and stand for your shared convictions. Allies within 30 feet that share at least one alignment component with you gain a +1 status bonus to attack rolls until the end of your next turn."}},"impactful":{"Name":"Impactful","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"On a critical hit, you can choose to force the target to succeed at a @Check[type:fortitude|dc:27|name:Impactful Rune] save or be pushed 5 feet away from you."}},"keen":{"Name":"Keen","Note":"Attacks with this weapon are a critical hit on a 19 on the die as long as that result is a success. This property has no effect on a 19 if the result would be a failure."},"kinWarding":{"Name":"Kin-Warding"},"majorFanged":{"Name":"Major Fanged"},"pacifying":{"Name":"Pacifying"},"returning":{"Name":"Returning","Note":"Returning Rune When you make a thrown Strike with this weapon, it flies back to your hand after the Strike is complete. If your hands are full when the weapon returns, it falls to the ground in your space."},"serrating":{"Name":"Serrating"},"shifting":{"Name":"Shifting"},"shock":{"Name":"Shock","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"On a critical hit, electricity arcs out to deal an equal amount of electricity damage to up to two other creatures of your choice within 10 feet of the target."}},"speed":{"Name":"Speed"},"spellStoring":{"Name":"Spell-Storing"},"thundering":{"Name":"Thundering","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"On a critical hit, the target has to succeed at a @Check[type:fortitude|dc:24|name:Thundering Rune] save or be @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.9PR9y0bi4JPKnHPR]{Deafened} for 1 minute (or 1 hour on a critical failure)."}},"unholy":{"Name":"Unholy","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"(R command; once per day)

Trigger You critically succeed at an attack roll against a good creature with the weapon

Effect The target takes @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.lDVqvLKA6eF3Df60]{Persistent Bleed Damage} equal to 1d8 per weapon damage die of the etched weapon."}},"vorpal":{"Name":"Vorpal","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"(R envision (death, incapacitation))

Trigger You roll a natural 20 on a Strike with the weapon, critically succeed, and deal slashing damage. The target must have a head

Effect The target must succeed at a @Check[type:fortitude|dc:37|traits:death,incapacitation]|name:Vorpal Rune] save or be decapitated. This kills any creature except ones that don't require a head to live. For creatures with multiple heads, this usually kills the creature only if you sever its last head."}},"wounding":{"Name":"Wounding","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"When you critically hit a creature with a wounding weapon, you deal an extra [[/r {1d6*2}[persistent,bleed]]] @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.lDVqvLKA6eF3Df60]{Persistent Bleed Damage}.","success":"When you hit a creature with a wounding weapon, you deal an extra [[/r {1d6}[persistent,bleed]]] @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.lDVqvLKA6eF3Df60]{Persistent Bleed Damage}."}}},"WeaponPropertyStrikeDamageLabel":"공격 데미지","WeaponPropertyStrikeEffectLabel":"공격 영향","WeaponRange10":"10 ft.","WeaponRange100":"100 ft.","WeaponRange120":"120 ft.","WeaponRange140":"140 ft.","WeaponRange150":"150 ft.","WeaponRange180":"180 ft.","WeaponRange20":"20 ft.","WeaponRange240":"240 ft.","WeaponRange30":"30 ft.","WeaponRange300":"300 ft.","WeaponRange40":"40 ft.","WeaponRange50":"50 ft.","WeaponRange60":"60 ft.","WeaponRange70":"70 ft.","WeaponRange80":"80 ft.","WeaponRange90":"90 ft.","WeaponRangeLabel":"무기 사정거리","WeaponRangeMelee":"근접","WeaponRangeN":"{range} ft.","WeaponRangeReach":"Reach","WeaponReloadLabel":"Reload Time","WeaponSpecialization":"Weapon Specialization","WeaponSplashDamageLabel":"Splash Damage","WeaponStrikeLabel":"공격","WeaponTypeAdvanced":"고급 무기","WeaponTypeLabel":"카테고리","WeaponTypeMartial":"Martial Weapon","WeaponTypeSimple":"간단한 무기","WeaponTypeSpecial":"다른 무기","WeaponTypeUnarmed":"비무장 공격","Weight":"무게","WeightTitle":"당신의 무게","WorldClock":{"Button":{"AddOneRound":"1 Round","AddOneMinute":"1 Minute","AddTenMinutes":"10 Minutes","AddOneHour":"1 Hour","AddOneDay":"1 Day","AddOneWeek":"1 Week","Advance":"Advance","Retract":"Retract","TimeOfDay":{"Advance":{"Dawn":"Advance to Dawn","Dusk":"Advance to Dusk","Noon":"Advance to Noon","Midnight":"Advance to Midnight"},"Retract":{"Dawn":"Retract to Dawn","Dusk":"Retract to Dusk","Noon":"Retract to Noon","Midnight":"Retract to Midnight"}}},"Placeholder":"Number","Title":"World Clock","AR":{"Era":"AR","Months":{"January":"Abadius","February":"Calistril","March":"Pharast","April":"Gozran","May":"Desnus","June":"Sarenith","July":"Erastus","August":"Arodus","September":"Rova","October":"Lamashan","November":"Neth","December":"Kuthona"},"Weekdays":{"Monday":"Moonday","Tuesday":"Toilday","Wednesday":"Wealday","Thursday":"Oathday","Friday":"Fireday","Saturday":"Starday","Sunday":"Sunday"}},"IC":{"Era":"IC"},"AD":{"Era":"AD"},"CE":{"Era":"CE"},"Date":"{weekday}, {day} of {month}, {year} {era}"},"condition":{"group":{"detection":"Degrees of Detection","attitudes":"Attitudes","senses":"Senses","death":"죽음 그리고 죽어감"},"blinded":{"name":"Blinded","rules":"

You can't see. All normal terrain is difficult terrain to you. You can't detect anything using vision. You automatically critically fail Perception checks that require you to be able to see, and if vision is your only precise sense, you take a -4 status penalty to Perception checks. You are immune to visual effects. Blinded overrides dazzled.

","summary":"You're unable to see."},"broken":{"name":"Broken","rules":"

Broken is a condition that affects objects. An object is broken when damage has reduced its Hit Points to equal or less than its Broken Threshold. A broken object can't be used for its normal function, nor does it grant bonuses-with the exception of armor. Broken armor still grants its item bonus to AC, but it also imparts a status penalty to AC depending on its category: -1 for broken light armor, -2 for broken medium armor, or -3 for broken heavy armor.


A broken item still imposes penalties and limitations normally incurred by carrying, holding, or wearing it. For example, broken armor would still impose its Dexterity modifier cap, check penalty, and so forth.


If an effect makes an item broken automatically and the item has more HP than its Broken Threshold, that effect also reduces the item's current HP to the Broken Threshold.

","summary":"This item can't be used for its normal function until repaired."},"clumsy":{"name":"Clumsy","rules":"

Your movements become clumsy and inexact. Clumsy always includes a value. You take a status penalty equal to the condition value to Dexterity-based checks and DCs, including AC, Reflex saves, ranged attack rolls, and skill checks using Acrobatics, Stealth, and Thievery.

","summary":"You can't move as easily or gracefully as usual."},"concealed":{"name":"Concealed","rules":"

While you are concealed from a creature, such as in a thick fog, you are difficult for that creature to see. You can still be observed, but you're tougher to target. A creature that you're concealed from must succeed at a @Check[type:flat|dc:5] when targeting you with an attack, spell, or other effect.


Area effects aren't subject to this flat check. If the check fails, the attack, spell, or effect doesn't affect you.

","summary":"Fog or similar obscuration makes you difficult to see and target."},"confused":{"name":"Confused","rules":"

You don't have your wits about you, and you attack wildly. You are flat-footed, you don't treat anyone as your ally (though they might still treat you as theirs), and you can't Delay, Ready, or use reactions.

You use all your actions to Strike or cast offensive cantrips, though the GM can have you use other actions to facilitate attack, such as draw a weapon, move so that a target is in reach, and so forth. Your targets are determined randomly by the GM. If you have no other viable targets, you target yourself, automatically hitting but not scoring a critical hit. If it's impossible for you to attack or cast spells, you babble incoherently, wasting your actions.


Each time you take damage from an attack or spell, you can attempt a @Check[type:flat|dc:11] to recover from your confusion and end the condition.

","summary":"You attack indiscriminately."},"controlled":{"name":"Controlled","rules":"

Someone else is making your decisions for you, usually because you're being commanded or magically dominated. The controller dictates how you act and can make you use any of your actions, including attacks, reactions, or even Delay. The controller usually does not have to spend their own actions when controlling you.

","summary":"Another creature determines your actions."},"dazzled":{"name":"Dazzled","rules":"

Your eyes are overstimulated. If vision is your only precise sense, all creatures and objects are concealed from you.

","summary":"Everything is concealed to you."},"deafened":{"name":"Deafened","rules":"

You can't hear. You automatically critically fail Perception checks that require you to be able to hear. You take a -2 status penalty to Perception checks for initiative and checks that involve sound but also rely on other senses. If you perform an action with the auditory trait, you must succeed at a @Check[type:flat|dc:5] or the action is lost; attempt the check after spending the action but before any effects are applied. You are immune to auditory effects.

","summary":"You're unable to hear."},"doomed":{"name":"Doomed","rules":"

Your life is ebbing away, bringing you ever closer to death. Some powerful spells and evil creatures can inflict the doomed condition on you. Doomed always includes a value. The maximum dying value at which you die is reduced by your doomed value. For example, if you were doomed 1, you would die upon reaching dying 3 instead of dying 4. If your maximum dying value is ever reduced to 0, you instantly die. When you die, you're no longer doomed.


Your doomed value decreases by 1 each time you get a full night's rest.

","summary":"With your soul in peril, you are now closer to death."},"drained":{"name":"Drained","rules":"

When a creature successfully drains you of blood or life force, you become less healthy. Drained always includes a value. You take a status penalty equal to your drained value on Constitution-based checks, such as Fortitude saves. You also lose a number of Hit Points equal to your level (minimum 1) times the drained value, and your maximum Hit Points are reduced by the same amount. For example, if you're hit by an effect that inflicts drained 3 and you're a 3rd-level character, you lose 9 Hit Points and reduce your maximum Hit Points by 9. Losing these Hit Points doesn't count as taking damage.


Each time you get a full night's rest, your drained value decreases by 1. This increases your maximum Hit Points, but you don't immediately recover the lost Hit Points.

","summary":"Blood loss or something similar has leached your vitality."},"dying":{"name":"죽어감","rules":"

You are bleeding out or otherwise at death's door. While you have this condition, you are unconscious. Dying always includes a value, and if it ever reaches dying 4, you die. If you're dying, you must attempt a recovery check at the start of your turn each round to determine whether you get better or worse. Your dying condition increases by 1 if you take damage while dying, or by 2 if you take damage from an enemy's critical hit or a critical failure on your save.


If you lose the dying condition by succeeding at a recovery check and are still at 0 Hit Points, you remain unconscious, but you can wake up as described in that condition. You lose the dying condition automatically and wake up if you ever have 1 Hit Point or more. Any time you lose the dying condition, you gain the wounded 1 condition, or increase your wounded condition value by 1 if you already have that condition.

","summary":"You're slipping closer to death."},"encumbered":{"name":"Encumbered","rules":"

You are carrying more weight than you can manage. While you're encumbered, you're clumsy 1 and take a 10-foot penalty to all your Speeds. As with all penalties to your Speed, this can't reduce your Speed below 5 feet.

","summary":"You're carrying more weight than you can manage."},"enfeebled":{"name":"Enfeebled","rules":"

You're physically weakened. Enfeebled always includes a value. When you are enfeebled, you take a status penalty equal to the condition value to Strength-based rolls and DCs, including Strength-based melee attack rolls, Strength-based damage rolls, and Athletics checks.

","summary":"Your strength has been sapped away."},"fascinated":{"name":"Fascinated","rules":"

You are compelled to focus your attention on something, distracting you from whatever else is going on around you. You take a -2 status penalty to Perception and skill checks, and you can't use actions with the concentrate trait unless they or their intended consequences are related to the subject of your fascination (as determined by the GM). For instance, you might be able to Seek and Recall Knowledge about the subject, but you likely couldn't cast a spell targeting a different creature. This condition ends if a creature uses hostile actions against you or any of your allies.

","summary":"You are compelled to focus your attention on something."},"fatigued":{"name":"Fatigued","rules":"

You're tired and can't summon much energy. You take a -1 status penalty to AC and saving throws. While exploring, you can't choose an exploration activity.


You recover from fatigue after a full night's rest.

","summary":"Your defenses are lower and you can't focus while exploring."},"flat-footed":{"name":"Flat-Footed","rules":"

You're distracted or otherwise unable to focus your full attention on defense. You take a -2 circumstance penalty to AC. Some effects give you the flat-footed condition only to certain creatures or against certain attacks. Others- especially conditions-can make you universally flatfooted against everything. If a rule doesn't specify that the condition applies only to certain circumstances, it applies to all of them; for example, many effects simply say \"The target is flat-footed.\"

","summary":"You're unable to defend yourself to your full capability."},"fleeing":{"name":"Fleeing","rules":"

You're forced to run away due to fear or some other compulsion. On your turn, you must spend each of your actions trying to escape the source of the fleeing condition as expediently as possible (such as by using move actions to flee, or opening doors barring your escape). The source is usually the effect or caster that gave you the condition, though some effects might define something else as the source. You can't Delay or Ready while fleeing.

","summary":"You must run away."},"friendly":{"name":"Friendly","rules":"

This condition reflects a creature's disposition toward a particular character, and only supernatural effects (like a spell) can impose these conditions on player characters. A creature that is friendly to a character likes that character. The character can attempt to make a Request of a friendly creature, and the friendly creature is likely to agree to a simple and safe request that doesn't cost it much to fulfill. If the character or one of their allies uses hostile actions against the creature, the creature gains a worse attitude condition depending on the severity of the hostile action, as determined by the GM.

","summary":"An NPC with this condition has a good attitude toward you."},"frightened":{"name":"Frightened","rules":"

You're gripped by fear and struggle to control your nerves. The frightened condition always includes a value. You take a status penalty equal to this value to all your checks and DCs. Unless specified otherwise, at the end of each of your turns, the value of your frightened condition decreases by 1.

","summary":"Fear makes you less capable of attacking and defending."},"grabbed":{"name":"Grabbed","rules":"

You're held in place by another creature, giving you the flat-footed and immobilized conditions. If you attempt a manipulate action while grabbed, you must succeed at a @Check[type:flat|dc:5] or it is lost; roll the check after spending the action, but before any effects are applied.

","summary":"A creature, object, or magic holds you in place."},"helpful":{"name":"Helpful","rules":"

This condition reflects a creature's disposition toward a particular character, and only supernatural effects (like a spell) can impose these conditions on player characters. A creature that is helpful to a character wishes to actively aid that character. It will accept reasonable Requests from that character, as long as such requests aren't at the expense of the helpful creature's goals or quality of life. If the character or one of their allies uses a hostile action against the creature, the creature gains a worse attitude condition depending on the severity of the hostile action, as determined by the GM.

","summary":"An NPC with this condition wants to assist you."},"hidden":{"name":"Hidden","rules":"

While you're hidden from a creature, that creature knows the space you're in but can't tell precisely where you are. You typically become hidden by using Stealth to Hide. When Seeking a creature using only imprecise senses, it remains hidden, rather than observed. A creature you're hidden from is flat-footed to you, and it must succeed at a @Check[type:flat|dc:11] when targeting you with an attack, spell, or other effect or it fails affect you. Area effects aren't subject to this flat check.


A creature might be able to use the Seek action to try to observe you.

","summary":"A creature you're hidden from knows your location but can't see you."},"hostile":{"name":"Hostile","rules":"

This condition reflects a creature's disposition toward a particular character, and only supernatural effects (like a spell) can impose these conditions on player characters. A creature that is hostile to a character actively seeks to harm that character. It doesn't necessarily attack, but it won't accept Requests from the character.

","summary":"An NPC with this condition wants to harm you."},"immobilized":{"name":"Immobilized","rules":"

You can't use any action with the move trait. If you're immobilized by something holding you in place and an external force would move you out of your space, the force must succeed at a check against either the DC of the effect holding you in place or the relevant defense (usually Fortitude DC) of the monster holding you in place.

","summary":"You can't move."},"indifferent":{"name":"Indifferent","rules":"

This condition reflects a creature's disposition toward a particular character, and only supernatural effects (like a spell) can impose these conditions on player characters. A creature that is indifferent to a character doesn't really care one way or the other about that character. Assume a creature's attitude to a given character is indifferent unless specified otherwise.

","summary":"An NPC with this condition doesn't have a strong opinion about you."},"invisible":{"name":"Invisible","rules":"

While invisible, you can't be seen. You're undetected to everyone. Creatures can Seek to attempt to detect you; if a creature succeeds at its Perception check against your Stealth DC, you become hidden to that creature until you Sneak to become undetected again. If you become invisible while someone can already see you, you start out hidden to the observer (instead of undetected) until you successfully Sneak. You can't become observed while invisible except via special abilities or magic.

","summary":"Creatures can't see you."},"observed":{"name":"Observed","rules":"

Anything in plain view is observed by you. If a creature takes measures to avoid detection, such as by using Stealth to Hide, it can become hidden or undetected instead of observed. If you have another precise sense instead of or in addition to sight, you might be able to observe a creature or object using that sense instead. You can observe a creature only with precise senses. When Seeking a creature using only imprecise senses, it remains hidden, rather than observed.

","summary":"You're in plain view."},"paralyzed":{"name":"Paralyzed","rules":"

Your body is frozen in place. You have the flat-footed condition and can't act except to Recall Knowledge and use actions that require only the use of your mind (as determined by the GM). Your senses still function, but only in the areas you can perceive without moving your body, so you can't Seek while paralyzed.

","summary":"Your body is frozen in place."},"persistent-damage":{"name":"Persistent Damage","rules":"

Persistent damage comes from effects like acid, being on fire, or many other situations. It appears as \"X persistent [type] damage,\" where \"X\" is the amount of damage dealt and \"[type]\" is the damage type. Instead of taking persistent damage immediately, you take it at the end of each of your turns as long as you have the condition, rolling any damage dice anew each time. After you take persistent damage, roll a @Check[type:flat|dc:15] to see if you recover from the persistent damage. If you succeed, the condition ends.

","summary":"You keep taking damage every round."},"petrified":{"name":"Petrified","rules":"

You have been turned to stone. You can't act, nor can you sense anything. You become an object with a Bulk double your normal Bulk (typically 12 for a petrified Medium creature or 6 for a petrified Small creature), AC 9, Hardness 8, and the same current Hit Points you had when alive. You don't have a Broken Threshold. When you're turned back into flesh, you have the same number of Hit Points you had as a statue. If the statue is destroyed, you immediately die. While petrified, your mind and body are in stasis, so you don't age or notice the passing of time.

","summary":"You've been turned to stone."},"prone":{"name":"Prone","rules":"

You're lying on the ground. You are flat-footed and take a -2 circumstance penalty to attack rolls. The only move actions you can use while you're prone are Crawl and Stand. Standing up ends the prone condition. You can Take Cover while prone to hunker down and gain cover against ranged attacks, even if you don't have an object to get behind, gaining a +4 circumstance bonus to AC against ranged attacks (but you remain flat-footed).


If you would be knocked prone while you're Climbing or Flying, you fall. You can't be knocked prone when Swimming.

","summary":"You're lying on the ground and are easier to attack."},"quickened":{"name":"Quickened","rules":"

You gain 1 additional action at the start of your turn each round. Many effects that make you quickened specify the types of actions you can use with this additional action. If you become quickened from multiple sources, you can use the extra action you've been granted for any single action allowed by any of the effects that made you quickened. Because quickened has its effect at the start of your turn, you don't immediately gain actions if you become quickened during your turn.

","summary":"You get an extra action each turn."},"restrained":{"name":"Restrained","rules":"

You're tied up and can barely move, or a creature has you pinned. You have the flat-footed and immobilized conditions, and you can't use any actions with the attack or manipulate traits except to attempt to Escape or Force Open your bonds. Restrained overrides grabbed.

","summary":"You're tied up and can't move, or a grappling creature has you pinned."},"sickened":{"name":"Sickened","rules":"

You feel ill. Sickened always includes a value. You take a status penalty equal to this value on all your checks and DCs. You can't willingly ingest anything-including elixirs and potions-while sickened.


You can spend a single action retching in an attempt to recover, which lets you immediately attempt a Fortitude save against the DC of the effect that made you sickened. On a success, you reduce your sickened value by 1 (or by 2 on a critical success).

","summary":"You're sick to your stomach."},"slowed":{"name":"Slowed","rules":"

You have fewer actions. Slowed always includes a value. When you regain your actions at the start of your turn, reduce the number of actions you regain by your slowed value. Because slowed has its effect at the start of your turn, you don't immediately lose actions if you become slowed during your turn.

","summary":"You lose actions each turn."},"stunned":{"name":"Stunned","rules":"

You've become senseless. You can't act while stunned. Stunned usually includes a value, which indicates how many total actions you lose, possibly over multiple turns, from being stunned. Each time you regain actions (such as at the start of your turn), reduce the number you regain by your stunned value, then reduce your stunned value by the number of actions you lost. For example, if you were stunned 4, you would lose all 3 of your actions on your turn, reducing you to stunned 1; on your next turn, you would lose 1 more action, and then be able to use your remaining 2 actions normally. Stunned might also have a duration instead of a value, such as \"stunned for 1 minute.\" In this case, you lose all your actions for the listed duration.


Stunned overrides slowed. If the duration of your stunned condition ends while you are slowed, you count the actions lost to the stunned condition toward those lost to being slowed. So, if you were stunned 1 and slowed 2 at the beginning of your turn, you would lose 1 action from stunned, and then lose only 1 additional action by being slowed, so you would still have 1 action remaining to use that turn.

","summary":"You can't use actions."},"stupefied":{"name":"Stupefied","rules":"

Your thoughts and instincts are clouded. Stupefied always includes a value. You take a status penalty equal to this value on Intelligence-, Wisdom-, and Charisma-based checks and DCs, including Will saving throws, spell attack rolls, spell DCs, and skill checks that use these ability scores. Any time you attempt to Cast a Spell while stupefied, the spell is disrupted unless you succeed at a flat check with a DC equal to 5 + your stupefied value.

","summary":"You can't access your full mental faculties, and you have trouble casting spells."},"unconscious":{"name":"Unconscious","rules":"

You're sleeping, or you've been knocked out. You can't act. You take a -4 status penalty to AC, Perception, and Reflex saves, and you have the blinded and flat-footed conditions. When you gain this condition, you fall prone and drop items you are wielding or holding unless the effect states otherwise or the GM determines you're in a position in which you wouldn't.


If you're unconscious because you're dying, you can't wake up while you have 0 Hit Points. If you are restored to 1 Hit Point or more via healing, you lose the dying and unconscious conditions and can act normally on your next turn.


If you are unconscious and at 0 Hit Points, but not dying, you naturally return to 1 Hit Point and awaken after sufficient time passes. The GM determines how long you remain unconscious, from a minimum of 10 minutes to several hours. If you receive healing during this time, you lose the unconscious condition and can act normally on your next turn.


If you're unconscious and have more than 1 Hit Point (typically because you are asleep or unconscious due to an effect), you wake up in one of the following ways. Each causes you to lose the unconscious condition.

","summary":"You're asleep or knocked out."},"undetected":{"name":"Undetected","rules":"

When you are undetected by a creature, that creature cannot see you at all, has no idea what space you occupy, and can't target you, though you still can be affected by abilities that target an area. When you're undetected by a creature, that creature is flat-footed to you.


A creature you're undetected by can guess which square you're in to try targeting you. It must pick a square and attempt an attack. This works like targeting a hidden creature (requiring a @Check[type:flat|dc:11]), but the flat check and attack roll are rolled in secret by the GM, who doesn't reveal whether the attack missed due to failing the flat check, failing the attack roll, or choosing the wrong square.


A creature can use the Seek action to try to find you.

","summary":"A creature you're undetected by doesn't know where you are."},"unfriendly":{"name":"Unfriendly","rules":"

This condition reflects a creature's disposition toward a particular character, and only supernatural effects (like a spell) can impose these conditions on player characters. A creature that is unfriendly to a character dislikes and specifically distrusts that character. The unfriendly creature won't accept Requests from the character.

","summary":"An NPC with this condition doesn't like you."},"unnoticed":{"name":"Unnoticed","rules":"

If you are unnoticed by a creature, that creature has no idea you are present at all. When you're unnoticed, you're also undetected by the creature. This condition matters for abilities that can be used only against targets totally unaware of your presence.

","summary":"A creature is entirely unaware you're present."},"wounded":{"name":"상처 입음","rules":"

You have been seriously injured. If you lose the dying condition and do not already have the wounded condition, you become wounded 1. If you already have the wounded condition when you lose the dying condition, your wounded condition value increases by 1. If you gain the dying condition while wounded, increase your dying condition value by your wounded value.


The wounded condition ends if someone successfully restores Hit Points to you with Treat Wounds, or if you are restored to full Hit Points and rest for 10 minutes.

","summary":"You've been brought back from the brink of death but haven't fully recovered."}},"ui":{"equipmentInvested":"Toggle investing your equipment","armorEquipped":"Toggle wearing your equipment","sell":"Sell","weaponEquipped":"Toggle holding your weapon"},"UnitedPaizoWorkers":{"Title":"Announcement: United Paizo Workers","ReleaseIntro":"Redmond, WA (October 14th, 2021) — Today, the workers at Paizo, Inc - publisher of the Pathfinder and Starfinder roleplaying games - are announcing their formation of the United Paizo Workers union (UPW), with the Communication Workers of America's CODE-CWA project. This union is the first of its kind in the tabletop roleplaying games industry.","PFSNote":"Note for Pathfinder Society players: In support of UPW, merchandise purchased from the union store will count in the Online PFS region for the Promotional Vestments boon."},"identification":{"Identify":"Identify Item","PostSkillsToChat":"Post skill checks to chat","PostSkillsToChatText":"Identify item: Skill checks","IsIdentified":"Identified?","IdentifyMagicDCs":"Identify Magic DCs","IdentifyAlchemyDCs":"Identify Alchemy DCs","IdentifyGenericDCs":"Identify Generic DCs","MisidentifiedItem":"Misidentified {item}","Misidentify":"Misidentify Item","Mystify":"Mystify Item","MystificationStatus":"Mystification status","Identified":"Identified","Unidentified":"Unidentified","TraitGMNote":"Note: this trait is hidden from players.","UnidentifiedDescription":"The nature of this {item} is unclear.","UnidentifiedHint":"Change the basic display details of this item when unidentified.","UnidentifiedItem":"Unusual {item}","UnidentifiedType":{"Amulet":"Amulet","Anklets":"Anklets","Armbands":"Armbands","Backpack":"Backpack","Belt":"Belt","Circlet":"Circlet","Cloak":"Cloak","Collar":"Collar","Book":"Book","Bracers":"Bracers","Epaulets":"Epaulets","Eyepiece":"Eyepiece","Garment":"Garment","Gloves":"Gloves","Headwear":"Headwear","Horseshoes":"Horseshoes","Liquid":"Liquid","Mask":"Mask","Necklace":"Necklace","Object":"Object","Ring":"Ring","Saddle":"Saddle","Shoes":"Shoes","Substance":"Substance","Tool":"Tool"}},"loot":{"EditLootLabel":"Configure Loot?","GMSettings":"GM Settings","PermissionError":"A GM must be online in order to loot or stow an item.","InsufficientCurrencyError":"Insufficient currency for purchase by {buyer}","LootDescription":"Allows for distribution of coins across players","LootLabel":"Loot","LootNamePlaceholder":"Loot","LootNPCsPopupHeader":"Choose tokens to loot from","LootNPCsLabel":"Loot selected tokens","MerchantDescription":"Allows players to purchase items directly from the sheet.","MerchantLabel":"Merchant","MoveLoot":"Move items","MoveLootMessage":"How many items do you want to move?","MoveLootPopupTitle":"Move Loot","TakeSubtitle":"Take item","DepositSubtitle":"Deposit item","TransferSubtitle":"Transfer item","LootSubtitle":"Loot item","HiddenWhenEmpty":{"Label":"Hidden when empty","Hint":"Hide this actor's token(s) when its inventory is empty"},"PlantSubtitle":"Plant Item","BuySubtitle":"Buy item","SellSubtitle":"Sell item","GiveSubtitle":"Give item","TakeMessage":"{taker} takes {quantity} × {item} from {container}.","DepositMessage":"{depositor} deposits {quantity} × {item} in {container}.","TransferMessage":"{transferrer} moves {quantity} × {item} from {fromContainer} to {toContainer}.","LootMessage":"{looter} loots {quantity} × {item} off {corpse}.","PlantMessage":"{planter} plants {quantity} × {item} on {corpse}.","SellMessage":"{seller} sells {quantity} × {item} to {buyer}.","GiveMessage":"{giver} gives {quantity} × {item} to {recipient}.","InsufficientFundsMessage":"{buyer} reaches for their coins but comes up short!","GMSupervisionError":"A GM must be online in order to interact with {loot}.","Quantity":"Quantity","SheetType":"Sheet Type","SplitCoinsLabel":"Distribute Coins","SplitCoinsPopupHeader":"Choose actors to receive a share","Stack":"Create new stack?"},"vehicle":{"VehicleString":"Vehicle","NamePlaceholder":"Vehicle","VehicleLevelLabel":"Vehicle","DescriptionHeading":"Description","PilotingCheckLabel":"Piloting Check","CrewLabel":"Crew","PassengersLabel":"Passengers","collisionDCLabel":"Collision DC","collisionDamageLabel":"Collision Damage","SpaceLongLabel":"Length","SpaceWideLabel":"Width","SpaceHighLabel":"Height","BrokenThresholdShortLabel":"BT","CurrentHPTitel":"Current Hitpoints","MaxHPTitle":"Maximum Hitpoints","HardnessShortLabel":"Hard.","HardnessLabel":"Hardness","PropertyDescriptionPrice":"Vehicle's Price. This does not include creatures for pulling a vehicle, materials needed to power the vehicle, or the cost of rowers.","PropertyDescriptionSpace":"Vehicle's dimensions, not including any creatures pulling the vehicle.","PropertyDescriptionCrew":"The crew members required to operate the vehicle.","PropertyDescriptionPassengers":"The number of passengers the vehicle is typically configured to carry, if any.","PropertyDescriptionPilotingCheck":"This entry lists the skills that can be used for piloting checks while operating the vehicle. Some skills may increase the DC; these list the DC adjustment in parentheses following the skill name.","PropertyDescriptionSpeed":"The vehicle's Speeds, each followed by the propulsion type for that Speed in parentheses. A pulled vehicle indicates the number and size of the pulling creatures.","PropertyDescriptionCollisionDC":"The vehicles's DC for saving throws to mitigate damage.","PropertyDescriptionCollisionDamage":"The vehicle's collision damage. Unless otherwise stated, collisions deal bludgeoning damage."},"Familiar":{"Master":"Master","MasterActor":"Master Actor","MasterLevel":"Master Level","SelectMaster":"Select a master...","MasterSpellcastingAbility":"Master Spellcasting Ability","TotalNumberFamiliarAbilities":"Total # of Familiar Abilities","Familiar":"Familiar","Creature":"Creature","CreatureType":"Creature Type","Perception":"통찰력","Defenses":"Defense","ArmorClass":"Armor Class","Offenses":"Offenses","AttackRoll":"공격 굴림","Skills":"Skills"},"NPC":{"Abilities":{"Glossary":{"AllAroundVision":"

This monster can see in all directions simultaneously, and therefore can't be flanked.


Requirements The monster is hiding in water and a creature that hasn't detected it is within the listed number of feet.


Effect The monster moves up to its swim Speed + 10 feet toward the triggering creature, traveling on water and on land. Once the creature is in reach, the monster makes a Strike against it. The creature is @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Flat-Footed} against this Strike.


Trigger A creature within the monster's reach uses a manipulate action or a move action, makes a ranged attack, or leaves a square during a move action it's using.


Effect The monster attempts a melee Strike against the triggering creature. If the attack is a critical hit and the trigger was a manipulate action, the monster disrupts that action. This Strike doesn't count toward the monster's multiple attack penalty, and its multiple attack penalty doesn't apply to this Strike.


The monster can cast its at-will spells any number of times without using up spell slots.


A monster's aura automatically affects everything within a specified emanation around that monster. The monster doesn't need to spend actions on the aura; rather, the aura's effects are applied at specific times, such as when a creature ends its turn in the aura or when creatures enter the aura.


If an aura does nothing but deal damage, its entry lists only the radius, damage, and saving throw. Such auras deal this damage to a creature when the creature enters the aura and when a creature starts its turn in the aura. A creature can take damage from the aura only once per round.


The GM might determine that a monster's aura doesn't affect its own allies. For example, a creature might be immune to a monster's frightful presence if they have been around each other for a long time.


Most monsters that serve as mounts can attempt to buck off unwanted or annoying riders, but most mounts will not use this reaction against a trusted creature unless the mounts are spooked or mistreated.


Trigger A creature @Compendium[pf2e.actionspf2e.PM5jvValFkbFH3TV]{Mounts} or uses the @Compendium[pf2e.actionspf2e.q9nbyIF0PEBqMtYe]{Command an Animal} action while riding the monster.


Effect The triggering creature must succeed at a Reflex saving throw against the listed DC or fall off the creature and land @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.j91X7x0XSomq8d60]{Prone}. If the save is a critical failure, the triggering creature also takes [[/roll {1d6}[bludgeoning]]]{1d6 bludgeoning damage} in addition to the normal damage for the fall.


Requirements The monster must have a free hand but can @Compendium[pf2e.actionspf2e.wQYmDStjdjn0I26t]{Release} anything it's holding as part of this reaction.


Trigger The monster is targeted with a thrown rock Strike or a rock would fall on the monster.


Effect The monster gains a +4 circumstance bonus to its AC against the triggering attack or to any defense against the falling rock. If the attack misses or the monster successfully defends against the falling rock, the monster catches the rock, takes no damage, and is now holding the rock


The monster changes its shape indefinitely. It can use this action again to return to its natural shape or adopt a new shape. Unless otherwise noted, a monster cannot use Change Shape to appear as a specific individual. Using Change Shape counts as creating a disguise for the @Compendium[pf2e.actionspf2e.AJstokjdG6iDjVjE]{Impersonate} use of Deception. The monster's transformation automatically defeats Perception DCs to determine whether the creature is a member of the ancestry or creature type into which it transformed, and it gains a +4 status bonus to its Deception DC to prevent others from seeing through its disguise. Change Shape abilities specify what shapes the monster can adopt. The monster doesn't gain any special abilities of the new shape, only its physical form. For example, in each shape, it replaces its normal Speeds and Strikes, and might potentially change its senses or size. Any changes are listed in its stat block.


A constant spell affects the monster without the monster needing to cast it, and its duration is unlimited. If a constant spell gets counteracted, the monster can reactivate it by spending the normal spellcasting actions the spell requires.


The monster deals the listed amount of damage to any number of creatures @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.kWc1fhmv9LBiTuei]{Grabbed} or @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.VcDeM8A5oI6VqhbM]{Restrained} by it. Each of those creatures can attempt a basic Fortitude save with the listed DC.


This monster can form a coven with two or more other creatures who also have the coven ability. This involves performing an 8-hour ceremony with all prospective coven members. After the coven is formed, each of its members gains elite adjustments, adjusting their levels accordingly. Coven members can sense other members' locations and conditions by spending a single action, which has the concentrate trait, and can sense what another coven member is sensing as a two-action activity, which has the concentrate trait as well.


Covens also grant spells and rituals to their members, but these can be cast only in cooperation between three coven members who are all within 30 feet of one another. A coven member can contribute to a coven spell with a single-action spellcasting activity that has a single verbal component. If two coven members have contributed these actions within the last round, a third member can cast a coven spell on her turn by spending the normal spellcasting actions. A coven can cast its coven spells an unlimited number of times but can cast only one coven spell each round. All covens grant the 8th-level @Compendium[pf2e.spells-srd.dN8QBNuTiaBHCKUe]{Baleful Polymorph} spell and all the following spells, which the coven can cast at any level up to 5th: @Compendium[pf2e.spells-srd.41TZEjhO6D1nWw2X]{Augury}, @Compendium[pf2e.spells-srd.vLA0q0WOK2YPuJs6]{Charm}, @Compendium[pf2e.spells-srd.HXhWYJviWalN5tQ2]{Clairaudience}, @Compendium[pf2e.spells-srd.zvKWclOZ7A53DObE]{Clairvoyance}, @Compendium[pf2e.spells-srd.yM3KTTSAIHhyuP14]{Dream Message}, @Compendium[pf2e.spells-srd.i35dpZFI7jZcRoBo]{Illusory Disguise}, @Compendium[pf2e.spells-srd.Ucf8eynbZMfUucjE]{Illusory Scene}, @Compendium[pf2e.spells-srd.Ek5XI0aEdZhBgm21]{Prying Eye}, and @Compendium[pf2e.spells-srd.FM3SmEW8N1FCRjqt]{Talking Corpse}. Individual creatures with the coven ability also grant additional spells to any coven they join. A coven can also cast the @Compendium[pf2e.spells-srd.XkDCzMIyc0YOjw05]{Control Weather} ritual, with a DC of 23 instead of the standard DC.


If a coven member leaving the coven or the death of a coven member brings the coven below three members, the remaining members keep their elite adjustments for 24 hours, but without enough members to contribute the necessary actions, they can't cast coven spells.


A monster with darkvision can see perfectly well in areas of darkness and dim light, though such vision is in black and white only. Some forms of magical darkness, such as a 4th-level @Compendium[pf2e.spells-srd.4GE2ZdODgIQtg51c]{Darkness} spell, block normal darkvision. A monster with @Compendium[pf2e.bestiary-ability-glossary-srd.4Ho2xMPEC05aSxzr]{Greater Darkvision}, however, can see through even these forms of magical darkness.


When a creature is exposed to a monster's disease, it attempts a Fortitude save or succumbs to the disease. The level of a disease is the level of the monster inflicting the disease. The disease follows the rules for afflictions.


The monster Strides up to double its Speed and can move through the spaces of any creatures in its path. Any creature of the monster's size or smaller whose space the monster moves through can attempt a Reflex save with the listed DC to avoid being engulfed. A creature unable to act automatically critically fails this save. If a creature succeeds at its save, it can choose to be either pushed aside (out of the monster's path) or pushed in front of the monster to the end of the monster's movement. The monster can attempt to Engulf the same creature only once in a single use of Engulf. The monster can contain as many creatures as can fit in its space.


A creature that fails its save is pulled into the monster's body. It is @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.kWc1fhmv9LBiTuei]{Grabbed}, is @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.xYTAsEpcJE1Ccni3]{Slowed 1}, and has to hold its breath or start suffocating. The creature takes the listed amount of damage when first engulfed and at the end of each of its turns while it's engulfed. An engulfed creature can get free by @Compendium[pf2e.actionspf2e.SkZAQRkLLkmBQNB9]{Escaping} against the listed escape DC. An engulfed creature can attack the monster engulfing it, but only with unarmed attacks or with weapons of light Bulk or less. The engulfing creature is @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Flat-Footed} against the attack. If the monster takes piercing or slashing damage equaling or exceeding the listed Rupture value from a single attack or spell, the engulfed creature cuts itself free. A creature that gets free by either method can immediately breathe and exits the swallowing monster's space.


If the monster dies, all creatures it has engulfed are automatically released as the monster's form loses cohesion.


A monster with this ability regains the given number of Hit Points each round at the beginning of its turn.


Trigger The monster is reduced to 0 HP.


Effect The monster avoids being knocked out and remains at 1 HP, but its @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.Yl48xTdMh3aeQYL2]{Wounded} value increases by 1. When it is Wounded 3, it can no longer use this ability


The troop chooses one of the squares it currently occupies and redistributes its squares to any configuration in which all squares are contiguous and within 15 feet of the chosen square. The troop can't share its space with other creatures.


A creature that first enters the area must attempt a Will save.


Regardless of the result of the saving throw, the creature is temporarily immune to this monster's Frightful Presence for 1 minute.


Critical Success The creature is unaffected by the presence.


Success The creature is @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{Frightened 1}.


Failure The creature is @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{Frightened 2}.


Critical Failure The creature is @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{Frightened 4}.


Requirements The monster's last action was a success with a Strike that lists Grab in its damage entry, or it has a creature grabbed using this action.


Effect The monster automatically Grabs the target until the end of the monster's next turn. The creature is @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.kWc1fhmv9LBiTuei]{Grabbed} by whichever body part the monster attacked with, and that body part can't be used to Strike creatures until the grab is ended. Using Grab extends the duration of the monster's Grab until the end of its next turn for all creatures grabbed by it. A grabbed creature can use the @Compendium[pf2e.actionspf2e.SkZAQRkLLkmBQNB9]{Escape} action to get out of the grab, and the Grab ends for a grabbed creatures if the monster moves away from it.


The monster deals the listed amount of damage to any number of creatures @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.kWc1fhmv9LBiTuei]{Grabbed} or @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.VcDeM8A5oI6VqhbM]{Restrained} by it. Each of those creatures can attempt a basic Fortitude save with the listed DC. A creature that fails this save falls @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.fBnFDH2MTzgFijKf]{Unconscious}, and a creature that succeeds is then temporarily immune to falling unconscious from Greater Constrict for 1 minute.


A creature with greater darkvision can see perfectly well in areas of darkness and dim light, though such vision is in black and white only. Some forms of magical darkness, such as a 4th-level @Compendium[pf2e.spells-srd.4GE2ZdODgIQtg51c]{Darkness} spell, block normal @Compendium[pf2e.bestiary-ability-glossary-srd.qCCLZhnp2HhP3Ex6]{Darkvision}. A creature with greater darkvision, however, can see through even these forms of magical darkness.


The monster can use @Compendium[pf2e.bestiary-ability-glossary-srd.Tkd8sH4pwFIPzqTr]{Grab} as a free action triggered by a hit with its initial attack. A monster with Improved Grab still needs to spend an action to extend the duration for creatures it already has @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.kWc1fhmv9LBiTuei]{Grabbed}.


The monster can use @Compendium[pf2e.bestiary-ability-glossary-srd.BCLvAx4Pz4MLa2pu]{Knockdown} as a free action triggered by a hit with its initial attack.


The monster can use @Compendium[pf2e.bestiary-ability-glossary-srd.t6cx9FOODmeZQNYl]{Push} as a free action triggered by a hit with its initial attack.


Requirements The monster's last action was a success with a Strike that lists Knockdown in its damage entry.


Effect The monster knocks the target @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.j91X7x0XSomq8d60]{Prone}.


Lifesense allows a monster to sense the vital essence of living and undead creatures within the listed range. The sense can distinguish between the positive energy animating living creatures and the negative energy animating undead creatures, much as sight distinguishes colors.


When first exposed to bright light, the monster is @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.XgEqL1kFApUbl5Z2]{Blinded} until the end of its next turn. After this exposure, light doesn't blind the monster again until after it spends 1 hour in darkness. However, as long as the monster is in an area of bright light, it's @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.TkIyaNPgTZFBCCuh]{Dazzled}.


The monster can see in dim light as though it were bright light, so it ignores the @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.DmAIPqOBomZ7H95W]{Concealed} condition due to dim light.


A creature with negative healing draws health from negative energy rather than positive energy. It is damaged by positive damage and is not healed by positive healing effects. It does not take negative damage, and it is healed by negative effects that heal undead.


When a creature is exposed to a monster's poison, it attempts a Fortitude save to avoid becoming poisoned. The level of a poison is the level of the monster inflicting the poison. The poison follows the rules for afflictions.


Frequency once per round


Effect The monster makes a melee Strike. This counts as two attacks when calculating the monster's multiple attack penalty. If this Strike hits, the monster deals an extra die of weapon damage.


Requirements The monster's last action was a success with a Strike that lists Push in its damage entry.


Effect The monster automatically knocks the target away from the monster. Unless otherwise noted in the ability description, the creature is pushed 5 feet. If the attack was a critical hit, this distance is doubled.


This monster regains the listed number of Hit Points each round at the beginning of its turn. Its @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.yZRUzMqrMmfLu0V1]{Dying} condition never increases beyond Dying 3 as long as its regeneration is active. However, if it takes damage of a type listed in the regeneration entry, its regeneration deactivates until the end of its next turn. Deactivate the regeneration before applying any damage of a listed type, since that damage might kill the monster by bringing it to Dying 4.


A Rend entry lists a Strike the monster has.


Requirements The monster hit the same enemy with two consecutive Strikes of the listed type in the same round.


Effect The monster automatically deals that Strike's damage again to the enemy.


Trigger An enemy damages the monster's ally, and both are within 15 feet of the monster.


Effect The ally gains resistance to all damage against the triggering damage equal to 2 + the monster's level. If the foe is within reach, the monster makes a melee Strike against it.


Scent involves sensing creatures or objects by smell, and is usually a vague sense. The range is listed in the ability, and it functions only if the creature or object being detected emits an aroma (for instance, incorporeal creatures usually do not exude an aroma).


If a creature emits a heavy aroma or is upwind, the GM can double or even triple the range of scent abilities used to detect that creature, and the GM can reduce the range if a creature is downwind.


Trigger The monster has its shield raised and takes damage from a physical attack.


Effect The monster snaps its shield into place to deflect a blow. The shield prevents the monster from taking an amount of damage up to the shield's Hardness. The monster and the shield each take any remaining damage, possibly breaking or destroying the shield.


When the monster Strikes a creature that has the @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Flat-Footed} condition with an agile or finesse melee weapon, an agile or finesse unarmed attack, or a ranged weapon attack, it also deals the listed precision damage. For a ranged attack with a thrown weapon, that weapon must also be an agile or finesse weapon.


The monster attempts to swallow a creature of the listed size or smaller that it has grabbed in its jaws or mouth. If a swallowed creature is of the maximum size listed, the monster can't use Swallow Whole again. If the creature is smaller than the maximum, the monster can usually swallow more creatures; the GM determines the maximum. The monster attempts an Athletics check opposed by the grabbed creature's Reflex DC. If it succeeds, it swallows the creature. The monster's mouth or jaws no longer grab a creature it has swallowed, so the monster is free to use them to Strike or Grab once again. The monster can't attack creatures it has swallowed.


A swallowed creature is @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.kWc1fhmv9LBiTuei]{Grabbed}, is @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.xYTAsEpcJE1Ccni3]{Slowed 1}, and has to hold its breath or start suffocating. The swallowed creature takes the listed amount of damage when first swallowed and at the end of each of its turns while it's swallowed. If the victim @Compendium[pf2e.actionspf2e.SkZAQRkLLkmBQNB9]{Escapes} this ability's grabbed condition, it exits through the monster's mouth. This frees any other creature grabbed in the monster's mouth or jaws. A swallowed creature can attack the monster that has swallowed it, but only with unarmed attacks or with weapons of light Bulk or less. The swallowing creature is @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Flat-Footed} against the attack. If the monster takes piercing or slashing damage equaling or exceeding the listed Rupture value from a single attack or spell, the swallowed creature cuts itself free. A creature that gets free by either Escaping or cutting itself free can immediately breathe and exits the swallowing monster's space.


If the monster dies, a swallowed creature can be freed by creatures adjacent to the corpse if they spend a combined total of 3 actions cutting the monster open with a weapon or unarmed attack that deals piercing or slashing damage.


This monster doesn't have a single mind (typically because it's a swarm of smaller creatures), and is immune to mental effects that target only a specific number of creatures. It is still subject to mental effects that affect all creatures in an area.


A monster with telepathy can communicate mentally with any creatures within the listed radius, as long as they share a language. This doesn't give any special access to their thoughts, and communicates no more information than normal speech would.


Thoughtsense allows a monster to sense all non-mindless creatures at the listed range.


The monster picks up a rock within reach or retrieves a stowed rock and throws it, making a ranged Strike.


The monster Strides up to double its Speed and can move through the spaces of creatures of the listed size, Trampling each creature whose space it enters. The monster can attempt to Trample the same creature only once in a single use of Trample. The monster deals the damage of the listed Strike, but trampled creatures can attempt a basic Reflex save at the listed DC (no damage on a critical success, half damage on a success, double damage on a critical failure).


Tremorsense allows a monster to feel the vibrations through a solid surface caused by movement. It is an imprecise sense with a limited range (listed in the ability). Tremorsense functions only if the monster is on the same surface as the subject, and only if the subject is moving along (or burrowing through) the surface.


Troops are composed of many individuals, and over the course of enough attacks and downed comrades, troops shrink in size. Most troops start with 16 squares (4 by 4), and their Hit Points have two listed thresholds, typically the first is at 2/3 their maximum Hit Points and the second is at 1/3 their maximum Hit Points. Once the troop drops below the first threshold, it loses 4 squares, leaving 12 squares remaining, and the first threshold becomes the troop's new maximum Hit Points. Once the troop falls below the second threshold, it loses another 4 squares, leaving 8 squares remaining, and the second threshold becomes the troop's new maximum Hit Points. In order to restore its size and maximum Hit Points, a troop needs to spend downtime to use long-term treatment on casualties or recruit new members to replace the fallen. At 0 Hit Points, the troop is reduced down to 4 squares, which is too few to sustain the troop, so it disperses entirely, with the few remaining members surrendering, fleeing, or easily dispatched, depending on their nature.


A damaging single-target effect, such as a Strike, can't force a troop to pass through more than one threshold at once. For instance, if a troop had 60 Hit Points, with thresholds at 40 and 20, a Strike for 50 damage would leave the troop at 21 Hit Points, just above the second threshold. A damaging area effect or multi-target effect can cross multiple thresholds at once and could potentially destroy the entire troop in one shot.


Non-damaging effects with an area or that target all creatures in a certain proximity affect a troop normally if they affect the entire area occupied by the troop. If an effect has a smaller area or numbers of targets, it typically has no effect on the troop. However, if the effect can target at least four creatures or cover at least four squares in the troop, and if it would prevent its targets from acting, cause them to flee, or otherwise make them unable to function as part of the troop for a round or more, the troop loses loses a number of Hit Points equal to the amount required to bring it to the next threshold, removing 4 squares. If an effect would both deal damage and automatically cross a threshold due to incapacitating some of the creatures in the troop, apply the damage first. If the damage wasn't enough to cross a threshold on its own, then reduce the Hit Points to cross the threshold for the incapacitating effect.


This sense allows a monster to feel vibrations caused by movement through a liquid. It's an imprecise sense with a limited range (listed in the ability). Wavesense functions only if monster and the subject are in the same body of liquid, and only if the subject is moving through the liquid.

"}},"ActionsList":{"ActionName":"Name","Type":"Type","Cost":"Cost","Traits":"Traits"},"AddAction":"Add Action","AddArmor":"Armor","AddConsumable":"Consumable","AddEquipment":"Equipment","AddItem":"Add Item","AddSkill":"Add Skill","AddTrait":"Add Trait","AddTreasure":"Treasure","AddWeapon":"Weapon","Adjustment":{"EliteLabel":"Elite","EliteNameFormat":"Elite {name}","NormalLabel":"Normal","WeakLabel":"Weak","WeakNameFormat":"Weak {name}"},"ArmorExtraInfoLabelPlaceholder":"AC details...","Attacks":"Attacks","AttackType":{"Melee":"NPC Melee Attack","Ranged":"NPC Ranged Attack","Weapon":"Compendium Weapon"},"Creature":"Creature","Dead":"Dead","Edit":"Edit","EditImmunities":"면역 수정","EditLanguages":"언어 수정","EditResistances":"저항 수정","EditSenses":"감각 수정","EditSkills":"기술 수정","EditSpeed":"속도 수정","EditTraits":"특성 수정","EditWeaknesses":"약점 수정","EffectsTab":"Effects","MainTab":"Main","NotesTab":"Notes","PassivesLabel":"Passives","PublicNotes":"Public Notes","PrivateNotes":"Private Notes","Remove":"Remove","SendToChat":"Send to chat","SpeedLabel":"Speed","SpellsTab":"Spells","HPExtraInfoLabelPlaceholder":"HP details...","Inventory":{"Header":{"NameLabel":"이름","ValueLabel":"갯 수","QuantityLabel":"품질"}},"InventoryTab":"인벤토리","SavesExtraInfoLabelPlaceholder":"Bonus to all saves...","SensesLabel":"감각","SpeedExtraInfoLabelPlaceholder":"Speed details...","Spells":{"AttackLabel":"Attack","DCLabel":"DC","PreparedLabel":"Prepared","PreparedShortLabel":"Prep."},"SkillRollFlavor":"{skillName} Skill Check ({rank})","SkillsEditor":{"BonusLabel":"Bonus","NameLabel":"Skill Name","SpecialCaseLabel":"Special case","TitleLabel":"NPC Skills Editor"}},"DamageButton":{"Full":"Apply full damage to selected tokens.","FullContext":"Apply Damage","FullShort":"Damage","Half":"Apply half damage to selected tokens.","HalfContext":"Half Damage","HalfShort":"Half","Double":"Apply double damage to selected tokens.","DoubleContext":"Double Damage","DoubleShort":"Double","Triple":"Apply triple damage to selected tokens.","TripleContext":"Apply Triple Damage","TripleShort":"Triple","ShieldBlock":"Toggle the shield block status of the selected tokens.","ShieldBlockContext":"Shield Block","ShieldBlockShort":"Block","Healing":"Apply full healing to selected tokens.","HealingContext":"Apply Healing","HealingShort":"Heal"}}} \ No newline at end of file +{"ACTOR":{"TypeAnimalCompanion":"반려 동물","TypeCharacter":"플레이어 캐릭터","TypeEidolon":"Eidolon","TypeFamiliar":"Familiar","TypeHazard":"위험","TypeLoot":"Loot","TypeNpc":"NPC","TypeVehicle":"탈 것"},"ITEM":{"TypeAction":"액션","TypeAncestry":"혈통","TypeArmor":"갑옷","TypeBackground":"배경","TypeBackpack":"Container","TypeBook":"책","TypeClass":"직업","TypeCondition":"Condition","TypeConsumable":"Consumable","TypeDeity":"믿는 신","TypeEffect":"영향","TypeEquipment":"장비","TypeFeat":"재주/특징","TypeHeritage":"유산","TypeKit":"세트","TypeLore":"지식 기술","TypeMelee":"NPC Attack","TypeSpell":"주문","TypeSpellcastingentry":"주문 시전 입력","TypeTreasure":"보물","TypeWeapon":"무기"},"COMBAT":{"Begin":"조우 시작","CombatantNotInScene":"The participant {name} is not present in your currently viewed scene.","CombatantRemove":"Remove Participant","CombatantStatus":"Participant Status","CombatantUpdate":"Update Participant","End":"조우 끝","EndConfirmation":"End this encounter and empty the turn tracker?","EndTitle":"조우를 끝냅니까?","NoneActive":"There is no active Encounter in your currently viewed Scene.","NoneRemaining":"There are no participants remaining in this Encounter that are not defeated.","ResourceHint":"Choose an attribute to track for each participant.","Settings":"Encounter Tracker Settings","SidebarTitle":"Encounter Tracker","SkipDefeatedHint":"Automatically bypass participants marked as defeated?","UnknownCombatant":"Unknown Participant"},"COMPENDIUM":{"Search":"Search Compendiums"},"CONTROLS":{"AdjustSceneDarkness":"Adjust Scene Darkness","EffectPanel":"Effects Panel","WorldClock":"세계 시계"},"DOCUMENT":{"Combat":"Encounter","Combats":"Encounters"},"SIDEBAR":{"TabCombat":"Encounter Tracker"},"PF2E":{"AbilityBoost":"능력 증진","AbilityBoostLevels":"능력 증진 레벨","AbilityCha":"매력","AbilityCon":"체질","AbilityDex":"민첩","AbilityFlaw":"결함","AbilityInt":"지능","AbilityModifierLabel":"능력 수정치","AbilityScoresHeader":"능력점","AbilityFree":"자유","AbilityId":{"cha":"매","con":"체","dex":"민","int":"지","str":"힘","wis":"지"},"AbilityStr":"힘","AbilityCheck":{"str":"힘 판정","dex":"민첩 판정","con":"체질 판정","int":"지능 판정","wis":"지혜 판정","cha":"매력 판정"},"AbilityTitle":"능력","AbilityWis":"지혜","AccessoryPropertyRuneCalled":"Called","AccessoryPropertyRuneDragonsBreath":"Dragon's Breath","AccessoryPropertyRuneGreaterPaired":"Greater Paired","AccessoryPropertyRuneGreaterWindCatcher":"Greater Wind-Catcher","AccessoryPropertyRuneMajorPaired":"Major Paired","AccessoryPropertyRunePaired":"Paired","AccessoryPropertyRunePresentable":"Presentable","AccessoryPropertyRuneSnagging":"Snagging","AccessoryPropertyRuneSoftLanding":"Soft-Landing","AccessoryPropertyRuneSpellBastion":"Spell-Bastion","AccessoryPropertyRuneWindCatcher":"Wind-Catcher","Action":{"RestForTheNight":{"Label":"밤 동안 휴식","Prompt":"밤 동안 휴식을 취합니까?","Message":{"Awakens":"{actor} awakens well-rested.","ConditionReduced":"{condition} reduced by 1.","ConditionRemoved":"No longer {condition}.","FocusPoints":"Focus points restored.","Frequencies":"Action frequencies refreshed.","HitPoints":"{hitPoints} 히트 포인트 복원됨.","InfusedReagents":"Infused reagents restored.","Resolve":"Resolve restored.","SpellSlots":"모든 주문 슬롯 복원됨.","StaminaPoints":"Stamina points restored.","TemporaryItems":"Temporary items removed.","WandsCharges":"Wands recharged."}},"Strike":{"MeleeLabel":"근접 공격: {weapon}","RangedLabel":"원거리 공격: {weapon}","OutOfRange":"사정 거리 밖 입니다."}},"ActionActionTypeLabel":"액션 종류","ActionActionsLabel":"액션","ActionBrowserSearchHint":"You can search for name or custom attributes. Possible searchable attributes are:
source, spellType, level, school, components, materials, target, range, time, duration, damage, damageType, save, concentration, ritual, ability and classes.
Example: 'fire, damage:d6' to show all spells that have fire in their name and a d6 in the damage","ActionCategoryDefensive":"Defensive","ActionCategoryInteraction":"Interaction","ActionCategoryLabel":"Action Category","ActionCategoryOffensive":"Offensive","ActionDeathNoteLabel":"Death Note","ActionNumber1":"One","ActionNumber2":"Two","ActionNumber3":"Three","ActionSkillRequirementLabel":"Requirement","ActionTypeAction":"Action","ActionTypeSingle":"Single Action","ActionTypeFree":"Free Action","ActionTypePassive":"Passive","ActionTypeReaction":"Reaction","ActionWeaponLabel":"Associated Weapon","Actions":{"ArcaneSlam":{"Modifier":{"SizeDifference":"크기 차이"},"Notes":{"NoTarget":"Size Difference You take a -2 circumstance penalty to your check if the target is one size larger than you and a -4 circumstance penalty if it's larger than that. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to your check if the target is one size smaller than you and a +4 circumstance bonus if it's smaller than that.","criticalSuccess":"Critical Success You slam the foe down and the magical energy overwhelms it. The creature is knocked @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.j91X7x0XSomq8d60]{prone}, becomes @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.TkIyaNPgTZFBCCuh]{dazzled} for 1 round, and takes damage equal to [[/r 2d6 + @abilities.str.mod # Damage: Arcane Slam]]{2d6 plus your Strength modifier}. The foe is no longer @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.kWc1fhmv9LBiTuei]{grabbed} or @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.VcDeM8A5oI6VqhbM]{restrained} by you.","success":"Success You slam the foe down. The creature is knocked @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.j91X7x0XSomq8d60]{prone} and takes damage equal to your [[/r @abilities.str.mod # Damage: Arcane Slam]]{Strength modifier}. The foe is no longer @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.kWc1fhmv9LBiTuei]{grabbed} or @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.VcDeM8A5oI6VqhbM]{restrained} by you.","failure":"Failure You are unable to slam the creature, but your hold on the creature remains.","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure The creature breaks free and is no longer @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.kWc1fhmv9LBiTuei]{grabbed} or @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.VcDeM8A5oI6VqhbM]{restrained} by you."},"Title":"Arcane Slam"},"AvoidNotice":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success You're @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.VRSef5y1LmL2Hkjf]{undetected} by the creature during your movement and remain undetected by the creature at the end of it.

See the @Compendium[pf2e.actionspf2e.VMozDqMMuK5kpoX4]{Sneak} action for details.","success":"Success You're @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.VRSef5y1LmL2Hkjf]{undetected} by the creature during your movement and remain undetected by the creature at the end of it.

See the @Compendium[pf2e.actionspf2e.VMozDqMMuK5kpoX4]{Sneak} action for details."},"Title":"Avoid Notice"},"Balance":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success You move up to your Speed.","success":"Success You move up to your Speed, treating it as difficult terrain (every 5 feet costs 10 feet of movement).","failure":"Failure You must remain stationary to keep your balance (wasting the action) or you fall. If you fall, your turn ends.","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure You fall and your turn ends."},"Title":"Balance"},"BonMot":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success The target is distracted and takes a -3 status penalty to Perception and Will saves for 1 minute. The target can end the effect early with a retort to your Bon Mot. This can either be a single action that has the concentrate trait or an appropriate skill action to frame their retort. The GM determines which skill actions qualify, though they must take at least 1 action. Typically, the retort needs to use a linguistic Charisma-based skill action. @Compendium[pf2e.feat-effects.CtrZFI3RV0yPNzTv]{Effect: Bon Mot (Critical Success)}","success":"Success The target is distracted and takes a -2 status penalty to Perception and Will saves for 1 minute. The target can end the effect early with a retort to your Bon Mot. This can either be a single action that has the concentrate trait or an appropriate skill action to frame their retort. The GM determines which skill actions qualify, though they must take at least 1 action. Typically, the retort needs to use a linguistic Charisma-based skill action. @Compendium[pf2e.feat-effects.GoSls6SKCFmSoDxT]{Effect: Bon Mot}","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure Your quip is atrocious. You take the same penalty an enemy would take had you succeeded. This ends after 1 minute or if you issue another Bon Mot and succeed. @Compendium[pf2e.feat-effects.GoSls6SKCFmSoDxT]{Effect: Bon Mot}"},"Title":"Bon Mot"},"Climb":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success You move up, across, or safely down the incline for 5 feet plus 5 feet per 20 feet of your land Speed (a total of 10 feet for most PCs).","success":"Success You move up, across, or safely down the incline for 5 feet per 20 feet of your land Speed (a total of 5 feet for most PCs, minimum 5 feet if your Speed is below 20 feet).","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure You fall. If you began the climb on stable ground, you fall and land @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.j91X7x0XSomq8d60]{Prone}."},"Title":"Climb"},"Coerce":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success The target gives you the information you seek or agrees to follow your directives so long as they aren't likely to harm the target in any way. The target continues to comply for an amount of time determined by the GM but not exceeding 1 day, at which point the target becomes unfriendly (if they weren't already unfriendly or hostile). However, the target is too scared of you to retaliate—at least in the short term.","success":"Success As critical success, but once the target becomes unfriendly, they might decide to act against you—for example, by reporting you to the authorities or assisting your enemies.","failure":"Failure The target doesn't do what you say, and if they were not already unfriendly or hostile, they become unfriendly.","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure The target refuses to comply, becomes hostile if they weren't already, and can't be Coerced by you for at least 1 week."},"Title":"Coerce"},"Craft":{"SelectItemDialog":{"CancelButtonLabel":"Cancel","CraftButtonLabel":"Craft","DropItemZoneLabel":"Drag item here...","Title":"Select item to Craft"},"SelectSpellDialog":{"CraftButtonLabel":"Craft","Title":"Select Spell"},"Error":{"ItemReferenceMismatch":"Only accepts physical items for Craft from a compendium or the world's Item Directory."},"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success Your attempt is successful. Each additional day spent Crafting reduces the materials needed to complete the item by an amount based on your level + 1 and your proficiency rank in Crafting.","success":"Success Your attempt is successful. Each additional day spent Crafting reduces the materials needed to complete the item by an amount based on your level and your proficiency rank.","failure":"Failure You fail to complete the item. You can salvage the raw materials you supplied for their full value. If you want to try again, you must start over.","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure You fail to complete the item. You ruin 10% of the raw materials you supplied, but you can salvage the rest. If you want to try again, you must start over."},"Title":"Craft","Warning":{"NotPhysicalItem":"Specified item {item} is not a physical item.","MissingItem":"Unable to Craft unknown item with ID {uuid}.","CantAddItem":"Could not add items","InsufficientCoins":"Insufficient coins"},"Details":{"Discount":"Discount Per Day:","DaysForNoCost":"Days until no Additional Cost:","PayMaterials":"Pay {cost} Material Costs and Craft","PayFull":"Pay {cost} Full Costs and Craft","LostMaterials":"Lose {cost} of Materials","ReceiveItem":"Receive Item"},"Information":{"PayAndReceive":"{actorName} pays {cost} crafting costs and receives {quantity}x {itemName}.","ReceiveItem":"{actorName} receives {quantity}x {itemName}.","LoseMaterials":"{actorName} loses {cost} of materials."}},"CommandAnAnimal":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success The animal does as you command on its next turn.","success":"Success The animal does as you command on its next turn.","failure":"Failure The animal is hesitant or resistant, and it does nothing.","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure The animal misbehaves or misunderstands, and it takes some other action determined by the GM."},"Title":"Command an Animal"},"CreateADiversion":{"DistractingWords":"Create a Diversion - Distracting Words","Gesture":"Create a Diversion - Gesture","Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success You become @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.iU0fEDdBp3rXpTMC]{Hidden} to each creature whose Perception DC is less than or equal to your result. (The hidden condition allows you to @Compendium[pf2e.actionspf2e.VMozDqMMuK5kpoX4]{Sneak} away.) This lasts until the end of your turn or until you do anything except Step or use the @Compendium[pf2e.actionspf2e.XMcnh4cSI32tljXa]{Hide} or the @Compendium[pf2e.actionspf2e.VMozDqMMuK5kpoX4]{Sneak} action of the Stealth skill. If you Strike a creature, the creature remains @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Flat-Footed} against that attack, and you then become @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.1wQY3JYyhMYeeV2G]{Observed}. If you do anything else, you become @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.1wQY3JYyhMYeeV2G]{Observed} just before you act unless the GM determines otherwise.","success":"Success You become @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.iU0fEDdBp3rXpTMC]{Hidden} to each creature whose Perception DC is less than or equal to your result. (The hidden condition allows you to @Compendium[pf2e.actionspf2e.VMozDqMMuK5kpoX4]{Sneak} away.) This lasts until the end of your turn or until you do anything except Step or use the @Compendium[pf2e.actionspf2e.XMcnh4cSI32tljXa]{Hide} or the @Compendium[pf2e.actionspf2e.VMozDqMMuK5kpoX4]{Sneak} action of the Stealth skill. If you Strike a creature, the creature remains @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Flat-Footed} against that attack, and you then become @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.1wQY3JYyhMYeeV2G]{Observed}. If you do anything else, you become @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.1wQY3JYyhMYeeV2G]{Observed} just before you act unless the GM determines otherwise.","failure":"Failure You don't divert the attention of any creatures whose Perception DC exceeds your result, and those creatures are aware you were trying to trick them.","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure You don't divert the attention of any creatures whose Perception DC exceeds your result, and those creatures are aware you were trying to trick them."},"Trick":"Create a Diversion - Trick"},"Demoralize":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success The target becomes @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{Frightened 2}.","success":"Success The target becomes @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{Frightened 1}."},"Title":"Demoralize"},"Disarm":{"EffectLabel":"Using weapon with loose grip","Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success You knock the item out of the opponent's grasp. It falls to the ground in the opponent's space.","success":"Success You weaken your opponent's grasp on the item. Until the start of that creature's turn, attempts to Disarm the opponent of that item gain a +2 circumstance bonus, and the target takes a -2 circumstance penalty to attacks with the item or other checks requiring a firm grasp on the item. @Compendium[pf2e.equipment-effects.z3ATL8DcRVrT0Uzt]{Effect: Disarm (Success)}","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure You lose your balance and become @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Flat-Footed} until the start of your next turn."},"Title":"Disarm"},"EncouragingWords":{"Title":"Encouraging Words","ContentMain":"Select a target DC. Remember that you can't attempt a heal above your proficiency. Attempting to do so will downgrade the DC and amount healed to the highest you're capable of.","ContentLabel1":"Diplomacy DC:","ContentLabel2":"DC 수정치:","ContentOption1":"Trained DC 15","ContentOption2":"Expert DC 20, +5 Stamina","ContentOption3":"Master DC 30, +15 Stamina","ContentOption4":"Legendary DC 40, +25 Stamina","BadArgs":"This action must be performed with exactly one character or NPC.","NotTrained":"{name} is not trained in Diplomacy and doesn't know how to use Encouraging Words.","StaminaNotEnabled":"The Stamina variant is not enabled.","CritSuccess":"크리티컬 성공","Success":"성공","Failure":"실패","CritFailure":"크리티컬 실패","Recovery":"스테미너 회복","Damage":"데미지","Cancel":"취소"},"Feint":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success You throw your enemy's defenses against you entirely off. The target is @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Flat-Footed} against melee attacks that you attempt against it until the end of your next turn.","success":"Success Your foe is fooled, but only momentarily. The target is @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Flat-Footed} against the next melee attack that you attempt against it before the end of your current turn.","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure Your feint backfires. You are @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Flat-Footed} against melee attacks the target attempts against you until the end of your next turn."},"Title":"Feint"},"ForceOpen":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success You open the door, window, container, or gate and can avoid damaging it in the process.","success":"Success You break the door, window, container, or gate open, and the door, window, container, or gate gains the @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.6dNUvdb1dhToNDj3]{Broken} condition. If it's especially sturdy, the GM might have it take damage but not be broken.","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure Your attempt jams the door, window, container, or gate shut, imposing a -2 circumstance penalty on future attempts to Force it Open."},"Title":"Force Open","NoCrowbarPenalty":"No Crowbar"},"GatherInformation":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success You collect information about the individual or topic. The GM determines the specifics.","success":"Success You collect information about the individual or topic. The GM determines the specifics.","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure You collect incorrect information about the individual or topic."},"Title":"Gather Information"},"Grapple":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success Your opponent is @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.VcDeM8A5oI6VqhbM]{Restrained} until the end of your next turn unless you move or your opponent @Compendium[pf2e.actionspf2e.SkZAQRkLLkmBQNB9]{Escapes}.","success":"Success Your opponent is @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.kWc1fhmv9LBiTuei]{Grabbed} until the end of your next turn unless you move or your opponent @Compendium[pf2e.actionspf2e.SkZAQRkLLkmBQNB9]{Escapes}.","failure":"Failure You fail to grab your opponent. If you already had the opponent @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.kWc1fhmv9LBiTuei]{Grabbed} or @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.VcDeM8A5oI6VqhbM]{Restrained} using a Grapple, those conditions on that creature end.","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure If you already had the opponent @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.kWc1fhmv9LBiTuei]{Grabbed} or @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.VcDeM8A5oI6VqhbM]{Restrained}, it breaks free. Your target can either grab you, as if it succeeded at using the @Compendium[pf2e.actionspf2e.PMbdMWc2QroouFGD]{Grapple} action against you, or force you to fall and land @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.j91X7x0XSomq8d60]{Prone}."},"Title":"Grapple"},"Hide":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success If the creature could see you, you're now @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.iU0fEDdBp3rXpTMC]{Hidden} from it instead of observed. If you were @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.iU0fEDdBp3rXpTMC]{Hidden} from or @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.VRSef5y1LmL2Hkjf]{Undetected} by the creature, you retain that condition.","success":"Success If the creature could see you, you're now @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.iU0fEDdBp3rXpTMC]{Hidden} from it instead of observed. If you were @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.iU0fEDdBp3rXpTMC]{Hidden} from or @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.VRSef5y1LmL2Hkjf]{Undetected} by the creature, you retain that condition."},"Title":"Hide"},"HighJump":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success Increase the maximum vertical distance to 8 feet, or increase the maximum vertical distance to 5 feet and maximum horizontal distance to 10 feet.","success":"Success Increase the maximum vertical distance to 5 feet.","failure":"Failure You @Compendium[pf2e.actionspf2e.d5I6018Mci2SWokk]{Leap} normally.","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure You don't @Compendium[pf2e.actionspf2e.d5I6018Mci2SWokk]{Leap} at all, and instead you fall @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.j91X7x0XSomq8d60]{Prone} in your space."},"Title":"High Jump"},"Interact":{"Title":"Interact","Parenthetical":"Interact {purpose}","Draw1H":{"Title":"Draw (1H)","Description":"{actor} draws their {weapon}."},"Draw2H":{"Title":"Draw (2H)","Description":"{actor} draws their {weapon}."},"PickUp1H":{"Title":"Pick Up (1H)","Description":"{actor} picks up {weapon} from the ground."},"PickUp2H":{"Title":"Pick Up (2H)","Description":"{actor} picks up {weapon} from the ground."},"Grip":{"Title":"Change Grip (2H)","Description":"{actor} grips their {weapon} with two hands."},"Retrieve1H":{"Title":"Retrieve (1H)","Description":"{actor} retrieves their {weapon}."},"Retrieve2H":{"Title":"Retrieve (1H)","Description":"{actor} retrieves their {weapon}."},"Sheathe":{"Title":"Sheathe","Description":"{actor} sheathes their {weapon}."}},"Impersonate":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success You trick the creature into thinking you're the person you're disguised as. You might have to attempt a new check if your behavior changes.","success":"Success You trick the creature into thinking you're the person you're disguised as. You might have to attempt a new check if your behavior changes.","failure":"Failure The creature can tell you're not who you claim to be.","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure The creature can tell you're not who you claim to be, and it recognizes you if it would know you without a disguise."},"Title":"Impersonate"},"Lie":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success The target believes your lie.","success":"Success The target believes your lie.","failure":"Failure The target doesn't believe your lie and gains a +4 circumstance bonus against your attempts to Lie for the duration of your conversation. The target is also more likely to be suspicious of you in the future.","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure The target doesn't believe your lie and gains a +4 circumstance bonus against your attempts to Lie for the duration of your conversation. The target is also more likely to be suspicious of you in the future."},"Title":"Lie"},"LongJump":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success Increase the maximum horizontal distance you @Compendium[pf2e.actionspf2e.d5I6018Mci2SWokk]{Leap} to the desired distance.","success":"Success Increase the maximum horizontal distance you @Compendium[pf2e.actionspf2e.d5I6018Mci2SWokk]{Leap} to the desired distance.","failure":"Failure You @Compendium[pf2e.actionspf2e.d5I6018Mci2SWokk]{Leap} normally.","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure You @Compendium[pf2e.actionspf2e.d5I6018Mci2SWokk]{Leap} normally, but then fall and land @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.j91X7x0XSomq8d60]{Prone}."},"Title":"Long Jump"},"MakeAnImpression":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success The target's attitude toward you improves by two steps.","success":"Success The target's attitude toward you improves by one step.","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure The target's attitude toward you decreases by one step."},"Title":"Make an Impression"},"ManeuverInFlight":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success You succeed at the maneuver.","success":"Success You succeed at the maneuver.","failure":"Failure Your maneuver fails. The GM chooses if you simply can't move or if some other detrimental effect happens. The outcome should be appropriate for the maneuver you attempted (for instance, being blown off course if you were trying to fly against a strong wind).","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure As failure, but the consequence is more dire."},"Title":"Maneuver in Flight"},"PickALock":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success You unlock the lock, or you achieve two successes toward opening a complex lock. You leave no trace of your tampering.","success":"Success You open the lock, or you achieve one success toward opening a complex lock.","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure You break your tools. Fixing them requires using Crafting to @Compendium[pf2e.actionspf2e.bT3skovyLUtP22ME]{Repair} them or else swapping in replacement picks (costing 3 sp, or 3 gp for infiltrator thieves' tools)."},"Title":"Pick a Lock"},"RaiseAShield":{"SingleActionTitle":"Raise a Shield","ReactionTitle":"Reactive Shield","Content":"{actor} raises their shield.","BadArgs":"This action must be performed with exactly one character or NPC.","NoShieldEquipped":"{actor} must have a shield equipped.","ShieldIsBroken":"{actor}'s {shield} is broken.","ShieldIsDestroyed":"{actor}'s {shield} is destroyed."},"Release":{"Title":"Release","Drop":{"Title":"Drop","Description":"{actor} drops their {weapon} onto the ground."},"Grip":{"Title":"Change Grip (1H)","Description":"{actor} releases a hand from their {weapon}."}},"Repair":{"Chat":{"ItemRepaired":"{itemName} was repaired for {repairedDamage} points of damage for a total of {afterRepairHitPoints} out of {maximumHitPoints} Hit Points.","ItemDamaged":"{itemName} was dealt {damageDealt} points of damage for a total of {afterDamageHitPoints} out of {maximumHitPoints} Hit Points."},"Error":{"ItemReferenceMismatch":"Only accepts physical items for Repair from an actor."},"Labels":{"DamageMitigatedByHardness":"The critically failed Repair attempt caused no damage to the item due to hardness.","DealItemDamage":"Deal {value} damage to item","Hardness":"Hardness","ItemLevelRepairDC":"Item level {level} repair DC","RestoreItemHitPoints":"Restore {value} Hit Points to item","RollItemDamage":"Roll {value} damage"},"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success You restore 10 Hit Points to the item, plus an additional 10 Hit Points per proficiency rank you have in Crafting (a total of 20 HP if you're trained, 30 HP if you're an expert, 40 HP if you're a master, or 50 HP if you're legendary).","success":"Success You restore 5 Hit Points to the item, plus an additional 5 per proficiency rank you have in Crafting (for a total of 10 HP if you are trained, 15 HP if you're an expert, 20 HP if you're a master, or 25 HP if you're legendary).","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure You deal 2d6 damage to the item. Apply the item's Hardness to this damage."},"SelectItemDialog":{"CancelButtonLabel":"Cancel","RepairButtonLabel":"Repair","DropItemZoneLabel":"Drag item here...","Title":"Select item to Repair"},"Title":"Repair","Warning":{"NotPhysicalItem":"Specified item {item} is not a physical item."}},"Request":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success The target agrees to your request without qualifications.","success":"Success The target agrees to your request, but they might demand added provisions or alterations to the request.","failure":"Failure The target refuses the request, though they might propose an alternative that is less extreme.","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure Not only does the target refuse the request, but their attitude toward you decreases by one step due to the temerity of the request."},"Title":"Request"},"Seek":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success If you were searching for creatures, any @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.VRSef5y1LmL2Hkjf]{Undetected} or @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.iU0fEDdBp3rXpTMC]{Hidden} creature you critically succeeded against becomes @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.1wQY3JYyhMYeeV2G]{Observed} by you. If you were searching for an object, you learn its location.","success":"Success If you were searching for creatures, any @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.VRSef5y1LmL2Hkjf]{Undetected} creature you succeeded against becomes @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.iU0fEDdBp3rXpTMC]{Hidden} from you instead of @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.VRSef5y1LmL2Hkjf]{Undetected}, and any @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.iU0fEDdBp3rXpTMC]{Hidden} creature you succeeded against becomes @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.1wQY3JYyhMYeeV2G]{Observed} by you. If you were searching for an object, you learn its location or get a clue to its whereabouts, as determined by the GM."},"Title":"Seek"},"SenseDirection":{"Modifier":{"NoCompass":"No Compass"},"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success You get an excellent sense of where you are. If you are in an environment with cardinal directions, you know them exactly.","success":"Success You gain enough orientation to avoid becoming hopelessly lost. If you are in an environment with cardinal directions, you have a sense of those directions."},"Title":"Sense Direction"},"SenseMotive":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success You determine the creature's true intentions and get a solid idea of any mental magic affecting it.","success":"Success You can tell whether the creature is behaving normally, but you don't know its exact intentions or what magic might be affecting it.","failure":"Failure You detect what a deceptive creature wants you to believe. If they're not being deceptive, you believe they're behaving normally.","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure You get a false sense of the creature's intentions."},"Title":"Sense Motive"},"ShieldBlock":{"SelectAShield":"Select a shield"},"Shove":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success You push your opponent up to 10 feet away from you. You can Stride after it, but you must move the same distance and in the same direction.","success":"Success You push your opponent back 5 feet. You can Stride after it, but you must move the same distance and in the same direction.","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure You lose your balance, fall, and land @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.j91X7x0XSomq8d60]{Prone}."},"Title":"Shove"},"Sneak":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success You're undetected by the creature during your movement and remain undetected by the creature at the end of it.","success":"Success You're undetected by the creature during your movement and remain undetected by the creature at the end of it.","failure":"Failure A telltale sound or other sign gives your position away, though you still remain unseen. You're hidden from the creature throughout your movement and remain so","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure You're spotted! You're observed by the creature throughout your movement and remain so. If you're invisible and were hidden from the creature, instead of being observed you're hidden throughout your movement and remain so."},"Title":"Sneak"},"Squeeze":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success You squeeze through the tight space in 1 minute per 10 feet of squeezing.","success":"Success You squeeze through in 1 minute per 5 feet.","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure You become stuck in the tight space. While you're stuck, you can spend 1 minute attempting another Acrobatics check at the same DC. Any result on that check other than a critical failure causes you to become unstuck."},"Title":"Squeeze"},"SteelYourResolve":{"Title":"Steel Your Resolve","Content":"Spend a resolve point and regain stamina?","BadArgs":"This action must be performed with exactly one character or NPC.","StaminaNotEnabled":"The Stamina variant is not enabled.","NoStamina":"{name} is tired and needs to go to bed! No resolve points remaining.","RecoverStamina":"{name} has {ratio} SP and spends a resolve point, recovering half their maximum Stamina."},"Swim":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success You move through the water 10 feet, plus 5 feet per 20 feet of your land Speed (a total of 15 feet for most PCs).","success":"Success You move through the water 5 feet, plus 5 feet per 20 feet of your land Speed (a total of 10 feet for most PCs).","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure You make no progress, and if you're holding your breath, you lose 1 round of air."},"Title":"Swim"},"Tamper":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success Your tampering is incredibly effective. If you tampered with a weapon, the enemy takes a -2 circumstance penalty to attack rolls and damage rolls with that weapon. If you tampered with armor, the armor hampers the enemy's movement, making the enemy flat-footed and inflicting a -10-foot penalty to its Speeds. The effect lasts until the enemy Interacts to remove it, regardless of which one you used. @Compendium[pf2e.feat-effects.rzcpTJU9MvW1x1gz]{Effect: Armor Tampered With (Critical Success)} @Compendium[pf2e.feat-effects.o7qm13OmaYOMwgib]{Effect: Weapon Tampered With (Critical Success)}","success":"Success Your tampering is temporarily effective. As critical success, but the effect ends at the start of your next turn, even if the enemy doesn't Interact to end it. @Compendium[pf2e.feat-effects.IfRkgjyh0JzGalIy]{Effect: Armor Tampered With (Success)} @Compendium[pf2e.feat-effects.4QWayYR3JSL9bk2T]{Effect: Weapon Tampered With (Success)}","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure Your tampering backfires dramatically, creating a small explosion from your own tools or gear. You take [[/r {@details.level.value}[fire] # Tamper Backfire]]{fire damage equal to your level}."},"Title":"Tamper"},"Track":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success You find the trail or continue to follow the one you're already following.","success":"Success You find the trail or continue to follow the one you're already following.","failure":"Failure You lose the trail but can try again after a 1-hour delay.","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure You lose the trail and can't try again for 24 hours."},"Title":"Track"},"TreatDisease":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success You grant the creature a +4 circumstance bonus to its next saving throw against the disease.
@Compendium[pf2e.equipment-effects.id20P4pj7zDKeLmy]{Effect: Treat Disease (Critical Success)}","success":"Success You grant the creature a +2 circumstance bonus to its next saving throw against the disease.
@Compendium[pf2e.equipment-effects.Ee2xfKX1yyqGIDZj]{Effect: Treat Disease (Success)}","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure Your efforts cause the creature to take a -2 circumstance penalty to its next save against the disease.
@Compendium[pf2e.equipment-effects.5oYKYXAexr0vhx84]{Effect: Treat Disease (Critical Failure)}"},"Title":"Treat Disease"},"TreatPoison":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success You grant the creature a +4 circumstance bonus to its next saving throw against the poison.
@Compendium[pf2e.equipment-effects.XwCBalKJf3CiEiFa]{Effect: Treat Poison (Critical Success)}","success":"Success You grant the creature a +2 circumstance bonus to its next saving throw against the poison.
@Compendium[pf2e.equipment-effects.XWenziR7J3mwKV4W]{Effect: Treat Poison (Success)}","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure Your efforts cause the creature to take a -2 circumstance penalty to its next save against the poison.
@Compendium[pf2e.equipment-effects.ESuBosh3t1pXEcBj]{Effect: Treat Poison (Critical Failure)}"},"Title":"Treat Poison"},"Trip":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success The target falls and lands @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.j91X7x0XSomq8d60]{Prone} and takes [[/r 1d6[bludgeoning] # Bludgeoning damage]]{1d6} bludgeoning damage.","success":"Success The target falls and lands @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.j91X7x0XSomq8d60]{Prone}.","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure You lose your balance and fall and land @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.j91X7x0XSomq8d60]{Prone}."},"Title":"Trip"},"TumbleThrough":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success You move through the enemy's space, treating the squares in its space as difficult terrain (every 5 feet costs 10 feet of movement). If you don't have enough Speed to move all the way through its space, you get the same effect as a failure.","success":"Success You move through the enemy's space, treating the squares in its space as difficult terrain (every 5 feet costs 10 feet of movement). If you don't have enough Speed to move all the way through its space, you get the same effect as a failure.","failure":"Failure Your movement ends, and you trigger reactions as if you had moved out of the square you started in.","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure Your movement ends, and you trigger reactions as if you had moved out of the square you started in."},"Title":"Tumble Through"},"WhirlingThrow":{"Notes":{"criticalSuccess":"Critical Success You throw the creature the desired distance and it lands @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.j91X7x0XSomq8d60]{Prone}.","success":"Success You throw the creature the desired distance.","failure":"Failure You don't throw the creature.","criticalFailure":"Critical Failure You don't throw the creature, and it's no longer @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.kWc1fhmv9LBiTuei]{Grabbed} or @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.VcDeM8A5oI6VqhbM]{Restrained} by you."},"Title":"Whirling Throw"}},"ActionsCheck":{"acrobatics":"도약 판정","arcana":"신비 판정","athletics":"운동 판정","crafting":"제작 판정","deception":"속임수 판정","diplomacy":"외교 판정","intimidation":"협박 판정","medicine":"의학 판정","nature":"자연 판정","occultism":"오컬티즘 판정","perception":"통찰력 판정","performance":"공연 판정","religion":"종교 판정","society":"사회 판정","stealth":"잠행 판정","survival":"생존 판정","thievery":"도둑질 판정"},"ActionsWarning":{"DeceptionUnknownVariant":"Unknown variant '{variant}' used for Deception, use either distracting words, gesture, or trick.","NoActor":"Select at least one token before rolling, or assign a default character."},"ActionsActionsHeader":"액션","ActionsFreeActionsHeader":"자유 액션","ActionsReactionsHeader":"리액션","Actor":{"ApplyDamage":{"AtFullHealth":"{actor} is already at full health.","DamagedForN":"{actor} takes {hpDamage} damage.","ShieldAbsorbsAll":"{actor} is unscathed, their shield completely absorbing {absorbedDamage} damage.","DamagedForNShield":"{actor}'s shield absorbs {absorbedDamage} damage, with an additional {hpDamage} making it through.","HealedForN":"{actor} is healed for {hpDamage} damage.","ShieldDamagedForN":"Their shield is also damaged for {shieldDamage}.","ShieldDamagedForNBroken":"Their shield also takes {shieldDamage} damage, breaking it.","ShieldDamagedForNDestroyed":"Their shield also takes {shieldDamage} damage, destroying it.","ShieldNotRaised":"{actor} has not raised their shield.","TakesNoDamage":"{actor} takes no damage."},"Character":{"AbilityBuilder":{"Title":"능력치 배분","Boost":"증진","Boosts":"증진","Flaw":"결함","Flaws":"결함","KeyIcon":"주요","VoluntaryFlaw":{"Title":"자발적 결함","Description":"하나의 능력치 증진을 선택하고 두 개의 능력치 결함을 선택합니다."},"BackgroundBoostDescription":"Two boosts: one must be {a} or {b}.","AbilityScoreMethod":{"Title":"능력치 분배법","Description":"분배법을 바꾸면 당신의 능력점 분배 사항을 되돌립니다.","UseCustomLabel":"사용자 지정 사용"},"AncestryMissingHelp":"혈통에서 주어진 능력치를 분배하세요.","BackgroundMissingHelp":"배경에서 주어진 능력치를 분배하세요.","ClassMissingHelp":"직업에서 주어진 능력치를 분배하세요.","NotSelected":"선택되지 않음","Complete":"완료"},"AncestryClass":"{ancestry} {class}","ClassDC":{"Label":"직업 DC","Plural":"직업 DC들"},"Configure":{"Title":"Configure Character","ShowBasicUnarmed":{"Label":"Show Basic Unarmed Attack","Hint":"A PC always has available an unspecific unarmed attack using any part of their body. The attack may be hidden from view if the player never intends to use it."}},"Rest":{"Label":"밤 동안 휴식"}},"Creature":{"Alliance":{"Default":"Ownership Default ({alliance})","Opposition":"Opposition","Party":"Party","Neutral":"Neutral"},"Configure":{"Alliance":{"Label":"Alliance","Hint":"A creature can be in opposition to the party, allied with it, or neutral. This impacts some mechanics during an encounter, such as flanking."}},"CriticalSpecialization":"Critical Specialization","Spellcasting":{"Cantrips":"Cantrips","InvalidProficiency":"Invalid","MagicItemTypesLabel":"Magic Item Types","ValidItemTypes":{"All":"All Magic Items","Scroll":"Scrolls Only"}},"SpellPreparation":{"Title":"{actor}: Spell Preparation","Hint":"To prepare a spell, drag one from this list to a slot on the actor sheet.","HintFlexible":"To prepare a spell, enable it here. To prepare a cantrip, drag one from this list to a slot on the actor sheet. "},"Sense":{"Acuity":{"Label":"Acuity","Precise":"Precise","Imprecise":"Imprecise","Vague":"Vague"},"Label":"Senses","RangeLabel":"Range","NoRangeLimit":"No Limit","Type":{"Darkvision":"Darkvision","Echolocation":"Echolocation","GreaterDarkvision":"Greater Darkvision","Hearing":"Hearing","Lifesense":"Lifesense","LowLightVision":"Low-Light Vision","Motionsense":"Motionsense","Scent":"Scent","SeeInvisibility":"See Invisibility","Spiritsense":"Spiritsense","Tremorsense":"Tremorsense","Wavesense":"Wavesense"},"WithAcuity":"{sense} ({acuity})","WithAcuityAndRange":"{sense} ({acuity} {range} Ft)"}},"Dead":"Dead","Hazard":{"TitleEdit":"{name} (Edit Mode)","Level":"Hazard {level}","EmitsSound":{"Title":"Emits Sound?","Hint":"Whether this hazard emits sound and can be sensed via hearing","True":"Always","False":"Never","Encounter":"During Encounters"}},"NPC":{"Configure":{"Title":"Configure NPC","Lootable":{"Label":"Lootable?","Hint":"Set whether this NPC becomes lootable by players upon its demise. The global default can be configured in Automation Settings.","DefaultLootable":"Global Default (Lootable)","DefaultNotLootable":"Global Default (Not Lootable)","Lootable":"Lootable","NotLootable":"Not Lootable"}},"GenerateAttack":{"Label":"Generate Attack","Confirm":{"Title":"Regenerate attack","Content":"An attack has already been generated for this weapon. Would you like to replace it?"},"Notification":"Generated NPC attack: {attack}"}},"Plural":"Actors"},"ActorSizeGargantuan":"Gargantuan","ActorSizeHuge":"Huge","ActorSizeLarge":"Large","ActorSizeMedium":"Medium","ActorSizeSmall":"Small","ActorSizeTiny":"Tiny","AddCoinsCombineStacksLabel":"같은 주화 종류 합치기","AddCoinsTitle":"주화 추가","AddCombatProficiency":{"Title":"Add Combat Proficiency","Message":"Select a weapon group or base weapon"},"AddModifierTitle":"추가","RemoveModifierTitle":"수정치 제거","AddShortLabel":"추가","AddSpellTitle":"주문 추가","AddSpellcastingEntryTitle":"주문 시전 기입 추가","AdditionalSkills":"Additional Skills","AdditionalLanguagePlusInt":"(plus Intelligence)","Age":"나이","AgeTitle":"당신 캐릭터의 나이","Alignment":"성향","AlignmentCE":"혼돈 악","AlignmentCG":"혼돈 선","AlignmentCN":"혼돈 중립","AlignmentLE":"질서 악","AlignmentLG":"질서 선","AlignmentLN":"질서 중립","AlignmentN":"진정한 중립","AlignmentNE":"중립 악","AlignmentNG":"중립 선","AlignmentTitle":"당신의 성향","AllSavesLabel":"모든 내성","AncestryFeatures":"혈통 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Possible searchable attributes are:
source, spellType, level, school, components, materials, target, range, time, duration, damage, damageType, save, concentration, ritual, ability and classes.
Example: 'fire, damage:d6' to show all spells that have fire in their name and a d6 in the damage","Biography":"전기","BiographyAllies":"Allies","BiographyAlliesTitle":"Your character's allies","BiographyAppearance":"모습","BiographyAppearanceTitle":"당신의 캐릭터는 생김새는 어떤지 기술","BiographyAttitude":"행실","BiographyAttitudeTitle":"당신의 캐릭터의 행실은 어떤지 기술","BiographyBackStory":"배경 이야기","BiographyBackStoryTitle":"당신의 캐릭터의 이야기 기술","BiographyBeliefs":"믿음","BiographyBeliefsTitle":"당신의 캐릭터가 믿고 있는 것 기술","BiographyBirthPlace":"태어난 곳","BiographyBirthPlaceTitle":"당신이 캐릭터가 어디서 태어났는지 기술","BiographyCampaignNotesHeader":"캠페인 메모","BiographyCampaignNotes":"메모","BiographyCampaignNotesTitle":"당신이 원하는 어떠한 것이라도 기술","BiographyCatchphrases":"명언","BiographyCatchphrasesTitle":"당신의 캐릭터의 명언을 기술","BiographyDislikes":"좋아하지 않는 것","BiographyDislikesTitle":"당신의 캐릭터가 무엇을 싫어하는지 기술","BiographyEnemies":"적","BiographyEnemiesTitle":"당신의 캐릭터의 적은 누구인지 기술","BiographyLikes":"좋아하는 것","BiographyLikesTitle":"당신의 캐릭터가 좋아하는 것이 무엇인지 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By","BulkShortLabel":"Bulk","BulkTypeLight":"Light","CapacityBarLabel":"Capacity","CarryType":{"held1":"Held 1H","held2":"Held 2H","worn":"Worn","worn-in-slot":"Worn (In Slot)","stowed":"Stowed","dropped":"Dropped"},"CastLabel":"시전","CharacterDetails":"캐릭터 디테일","CharacterLevelLabel":"레벨","CharacterNamePlaceholder":"캐릭터 이름","CharacterTraits":"캐릭터 특성","CharacterTraitsHeader":"Traits & Other Details","ChatRollDetails":{"Select":"Inspect Roll","Title":"Roll Inspector","RollOptions":"Roll Options","ModifiersEmpty":"No Modifiers"},"Check":{"DC":{"Label":{"AdjustedTarget":"Target: {target} ({dcType} {preadjusted} {adjusted})","NoChangeTarget":"Target: {target} ({dcType} {adjusted})","NoTarget":"{dcType} {dc}","WithTarget":"Target: {target} ({dcType} {dc})"},"Specific":{"ac":"AC","athletics":"도약 DC","deception":"Deception DC","fortitude":"불굴 DC","perception":"통찰력 DC","reflex":"반사 DC","stealth":"잠행 DC","will":"의지 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{character}.","FailedToBuyItemWithCharacter":"Could not purchase {item} with {character}.","BoughtItemWithAllCharacters":"Purchased {item} with all selected actor(s).","FailedToBuyItemWithSomeCharacters":"Could not purchase {item} with some of the selected actor(s).","BestiaryBrowser":"Bestiary Browser","Hint":"Use the tabs above to select a compendium","ProgressBar":{"LoadingPack":"로딩 {pack}","LoadingComplete":"로딩 완료"},"TabAction":"액션","TabBestiary":"Bestiaries","TabEquipment":"장비","TabFeat":"재주","TabHazard":"Hazards","TabSpell":"Spells","TabSettings":"Load Packs","TakeLabel":"아이템 가져가기","BuyLabel":"아이템 구매","Title":"Compendium Browser"},"Condition":{"ActiveLabel":"Active","RemovableLabel":"Removable","PerpetualLabel":"Perpetual Condition","DurationTextLabel":"Duration","DurationNumberLabel":"Rounds","HasValueLabel":"Has Value","ValueLabel":"Value","ImmutableLabel":"Immutable","ImmutableTitle":"Value cannot be reduced."},"ConditionsLabel":"상태","ConditionTypeBlinded":"눈 멈","ConditionTypeBroken":"부서짐","ConditionTypeClumsy":"서툼","ConditionTypeConcealed":"Concealed","ConditionTypeConfused":"Confused","ConditionTypeControlled":"Controlled","ConditionTypeDazzled":"Dazzled","ConditionTypeDeafened":"Deafened","ConditionTypeDoomed":"Doomed","ConditionTypeDrained":"Drained","ConditionTypeDying":"죽어감","ConditionTypeEncumbered":"Encumbered","ConditionTypeEnfeebled":"Enfeebled","ConditionTypeFascinated":"Fascinated","ConditionTypeFatigued":"Fatigued","ConditionTypeFlatFooted":"Flat-Footed","ConditionTypeFleeing":"Fleeing","ConditionTypeFriendly":"Friendly","ConditionTypeFrightened":"Frightened","ConditionTypeGrabbed":"Grabbed","ConditionTypeHelpful":"Helpful","ConditionTypeHidden":"Hidden","ConditionTypeHostile":"Hostile","ConditionTypeImmobilized":"Immobilized","ConditionTypeIndifferent":"Indifferent","ConditionTypeInvisible":"Invisible","ConditionTypeObserved":"Observed","ConditionTypeParalyzed":"Paralyzed","ConditionTypePersistent":"Persistent 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Type","ConsumableTypeMutagen":"Mutagen","ConsumableTypeOil":"기름","ConsumableTypeOther":"Other","ConsumableTypePoison":"독","ConsumableTypePotion":"포션","ConsumableTypeScroll":"스크롤","ConsumableTypeSnare":"Snare","ConsumableTypeTalisman":"Talisman","ConsumableTypeTool":"도구","ConsumableTypeWand":"Wand","ConsumableUseLabel":"Use","ConsumableMessage":{"UseSingle":"Uses {name}","UseMulti":"Uses {name}, {current} remain","UseExhausted":"Exhausted {name}"},"ConsumableCompatibleLabel":"Compatible","ConsumableIncompatibleLabel":"Incompatible","CoreSkillsHeader":"핵심 기술","Counteract":"Counteract","Counteractable":"Counteractable","CounteractDescription":{"Hint":"If you're counteracting an affliction, the DC is in the affliction's stat block. If it's a spell, use the caster's DC. The GM can also calculate a DC based on the target effect's level.","CritSuccess":"Counteract the target if its counteract level is {level} or less.","Success":"Counteract the target if its counteract level is {level} or less.","Failure":"Counteract the target if its counteract level is less than {level}.","CritFailure":"You fail to counteract the target."},"CraftingTab":{"Alchemical":{"AdvancedAlchemy":"Advanced Alchemy","AdvancedAlchemyLevel":"Advanced Alchemy Level","InfusedReagents":"Infused Reagents","ReagentCost":"Reagent Cost","ToggleSignatureItem":"Toggle Signature Item","TotalCost":"Total Cost"},"Alerts":{"CharacterLevel":"Item level exceeds character level.","ItemMissingTraits":"Item is not compatible with crafting entry item requirements.","MaxItemLevel":"Item level exceeds maximum item level for entry.","MaxSlots":"Crafting entry's allowed slots are full.","MissingReagents":"Insufficient infused reagents to complete crafting.","FormulaExpended":"Prepared formula has already been crafted."},"CraftQuantityTitle":"Quantity","ExpendFormula":"Expend Formula","ToggleFreeCrafting":"자유 제작으로 변환","ToggleQuickAlchemy":"Quick Alchemy","UndeletableTooltip":"This crafting formula is part of another item and cannot be individually deleted.","QuickAddTitle":"Add this formula to one or more crafting entries","NoEligibleEntry":"No eligible crafting entry was found."},"CraftDCTitle":"DC","CraftItemTitle":"제작","CreateActionTitle":"액션 작성","CreateAttackTitle":"공격 작성","CreateFeatTitle":"재주 작성","CreateFormulaTitle":"제작법 작성","CreateItemTitle":"아이템 작성","CreateLabelUniversal":"작성","CreateSkillTitle":"기술 작성","CreateSpellTitle":"주문 작성","CritFailure":"크리티컬 실패","CritSuccess":"크리티컬 성공","CriticalDamageLabel":"크리티컬","CriticalHitCardButtonTitle":"Draw a Critical Hit Card","CriticalFumbleCardButtonTitle":"Draw a Critical Fumble Card","CurrencyAbbreviations":{"cp":"cp","gp":"gp","pp":"pp","sp":"sp"},"CurrencyCP":"동화","CurrencyGP":"금화","CurrencyPP":"백금화","CurrencySP":"은화","CurrentHPTitle":"당신의 현재 히트 포인트","CurrentHitPointsShortLabel":"현재 HP","CurrentStaminaPointsShortLabel":"Current SP","CurrentStaminaTitle":"당신의 남은 스테미너 포인트","Damage":{"Base":"기본","NoDamageFormulaLabel":"데미지 없음"},"DamageCategoriesLabel":"데미지 카테고리","DamageDieD10":"d10","DamageDieD12":"d12","DamageDieD4":"d4","DamageDieD6":"d6","DamageDieD8":"d8","DamageLabel":"데미지","DamageRoll":"데미지 굴림","DCAdjustmentIncrediblyEasy":"너무나도 쉬움","DCAdjustmentVeryEasy":"아주 쉬움","DCAdjustmentEasy":"쉬움","DCAdjustmentNormal":"보통","DCAdjustmentHard":"어려움","DCAdjustmentVeryHard":"아주 어려움","DCAdjustmentIncrediblyHard":"극도로 어려움","DCBase":"기본 DC 10","DCWithValue":"DC {dc} {text}","DCWithValueAndVisibility":"DC {dc} {text}","DecrementEffectTitle":"Decrease Effect Level","DefensesLabel":"Defenses","Deity":"Deity","DeityTitle":"당신이 믿는 신","DeleteConditionQuestion":"정말로 {condition}을 지우고 싶으신가요?","DeleteConditionTitle":"상태 지우기","DeleteItemQuestion":"정말로 지우고 싶으신가요:","DeleteItemTitle":"아이템 제거","DeleteShortLabel":"제거","DeleteSpellcastEntryQuestion":"정말로 이 주문 시전 기입을 제거하고 싶으신가요?","DeleteSpellcastEntryWarning":"주의: 주문 시전 기입란에 들어있는 모든 주문이 삭제됩니다.","DenominationLabel":"Denomination","DetailsHeading":"상세","DragDropFeats":"드래그 앤 드롭으로 재주를 추가","Duration":{"PT1M":"minute","PT10M":"10 minutes","PT1H":"1시간","PT24H":"24 시간","day":"하루","P1W":"일주일"},"Encounter":{"Broadcast":{"TempHP":{"PluralNew":"{actor} now has {newQuantity} temporary hit points{wasAt} from {item}.","SingleNew":"{actor} now has {newQuantity} temporary hit point{wasAt} from {item}.","WasAt":" (was at {oldQuantity})"},"FastHealing":{"FastHealingLabel":"Received Fast Healing","RegenerationLabel":"Received Regeneration","DeactivatedBy":"Deactivated by {types}"}},"Budget":{"EncounterBudget":"Encounter Budget","PartySize":"Party Size","PartyLevel":"Party Level","Threat":"Threat","Reward":"Reward","XPBudget":"XP Budget","XPNeeded":"XP Needed","Threats":{"trivial":"Trivial","low":"Low","moderate":"Moderate","severe":"Severe","extreme":"Extreme"}},"CreatureXPAndRole":{"CreatureXPAndRole":"Creature XP and Role","CreatureLevel":"Creature Level","SuggestedRole":"Suggested Role","CreatureLevels":{"0":"Any standard creature or low-threat boss","1":"Low- or moderate-threat boss","2":"Moderate- or severe-threat boss","3":"Severe- or extreme-threat boss","4":"Extreme-threat solo boss","-4":"Low-threat lackey","-3":"Low- or moderate-threat lackey","-2":"Any lackey or standard creature","-1":"Any standard creature"}},"ExcludingFromInitiative":"Excluding {type} {actor} from initiative.","HasNoInitiativeScore":"{actor} has no initiative score.","HideName":"Hide Name","NoActiveEncounter":"There is no active encounter.","NoTokenInScene":"{actor} has no token in the scene.","RevealName":"Reveal Name"},"Edit":"편집","EditHazardLabel":"위험 요소 편집?","EditItemTitle":"아이템 편집","EditLabel":"편집?","EditNPCLabel":"NPC 편집?","EffectsLabel":"영향","EffectPanel":{"AppliedBy":"Applied by: {condition-list}","DecrementToolTip":"[Right Click] Decrease value","Expired":"Expired","IncrementToolTip":"[Left Click] Increase value","RemainingDuration":{"MultipleYears":"{years} years remaining","SingleYear":"1 year remaining","MultipleWeeks":"{weeks} weeks remaining","SingleWeek":"1 week remaining","MultipleDays":"{days} days remaining","MultipleHours":"{hours} hours remaining","MultipleMinutes":"{minutes} minutes remaining","MultipleRounds":"{rounds} rounds remaining","SingleRound":"1 round remaining","MultipleSeconds":"{seconds} seconds remaining","SingleSecond":"1 second remaining","ZeroRoundsExpireTurnEnd":"0 rounds remaining, expires end of initiative {initiative}","ZeroRoundsExpireTurnStart":"0 rounds remaining, expires start of initiative {initiative}"},"RemoveToolTip":"[Right Click] Remove effect","Sustained":"Sustained?","UnlimitedDuration":"Unlimited duration","UntilEncounterEnds":"Until encounter ends"},"EmptySlot":"빈 칸","EquipmentEquippedLabel":"Equipped","EquippedBulkLabel":"Worn Bulk","EquippedSameBulkValue":"Same as Carried","ErrorMessage":{"CantCreateEffectMacro":"An effect for a toggle macro must come from a compendium or world item.","CantImportTooHighVersion":"Unable to import {sourceName}: its schema version ({sourceSchemaVersion}) is higher than this world's ({worldSchemaVersion}).","CantMoveItemDestination":"You are not allowed to move items to this character.","CantMoveItemSource":"You are not allowed to move items from this character.","MinimumProfLevelSetByFeatures":"The selected proficiency is below proficiency set by features.","NoTokenSelected":"Select at least one token.","NoPCTokenSelected":"Select at least one token associated with a PC.","NoCreatureTokenSelected":"Select at least one token associated with a creature.","NoUpdatePermission":"You lack permission to update this actor.","NotEnoughAmmo":"You don't have enough ammo to make this strike.","NotEnoughCoins":"Insufficient Coins","SubV9Module":"{module} is unmaintained and may introduce stability issues to your game.","WeaponNoDamage":"This weapon deals no damage.","WeaponQuantityZero":"You have no more of these weapons equipped.","RuleElementSyntax":"Syntax error in rule element definition: {message}"},"Ethnicity":"민족성","ExpendSpellTitle":"Expend Spell","Failure":"Failure","FeatActionTypeLabel":"Action Type","FeatActionsLabel":"Number of Actions","FeatAncestryHeader":"혈통 재주","FeatArchetypeHeader":"Archetype Feats","FeatBackgroundShort":"배경","FeatBonusHeader":"보너스 재주","FeatBrowserSearchHint":"You can search for name or custom attributes. Possible searchable attributes are:
source, spellType, level, school, components, materials, target, range, time, duration, damage, damageType, save, concentration, ritual, ability and classes.
Example: 'fire, damage:d6' to show all spells that have fire in their name and a d6 in the damage","FeatCampaignHeader":"캠페인 재주","FeatClassHeader":"직업 재주","FeatDualClassHeader":"이중 직업 재주","FeatGeneralHeader":"일반 재주","FeatPFSBoonHeader":"사회 혜택","FeatDeityBoonHeader":"신의 은총","FeatDeityBoonCursesHeader":"신의 은총/저주","FeatCurseHeader":"저주","FeatLevelLabel":"레벨","FeatPrereqLabel":"Prerequisites","FeatSkillHeader":"기술 재주","FeatTypeAncestry":"혈통 재주","FeatTypeAncestryfeature":"Ancestry Feature","FeatTypeArchetype":"Archetype Feat","FeatTypeBonus":"Bonus Feat","FeatTypeClass":"Class Feat","FeatTypeClassfeature":"Class Feature","FeatTypeCurse":"Curse","FeatTypeDeityboon":"Deity Boon","FeatTypeGeneral":"General Feat","FeatTypeLabel":"Feat Type","FeatTypePfsboon":"Society Boon","FeatTypeSkill":"Skill Feat","FeaturesAncestryHeader":"혈통 특징","FeaturesClassHeader":"직업 특징","Feet":"feet","FlatBonusHP":"Flat Bonus HP","FlatBonusHPTitle":"Adds a static number to your HP","FlatBonusHPperLevel":"Bonus HP / Lvl","FlatBonusSP":"Flat Bonus SP","FlatBonusSPTitle":"Adds a static number to your SP","FlatBonusSPperLevel":"Bonus SP / Lvl","FlatCheck":"Flat Check","Focus":{"label":"Focus Points","NotEnoughFocusPointsError":"You do not have enough focus points to cast this spell.","pointLabel":"Points","pointTitle":"Your remaining Focus Points","Pool":"Focus Pool","poolTitle":"The size of your Focus Pool","Outdated":"Old value of the focus pool as a reminder. Click to delete.","Previous":"Previous","Spells":"Focus Spells"},"Foot":"Foot","FormulaKnownTitle":"알고 있는 제작법","FormulaListEmpty":"비어있음(제작법/아이템을 이 곳에 드래그)","FormulaPlaceholder":"Formula","FormulaSheet":{"DescriptionUnknown":"This formula is completely filled with drawings of small stick men, stains from some unknown liquid, non-sensical rhymes written in children's letters, and other seemingly random markings. It must have been made by goblins, and makes no sense to you.
Note This formula is referencing a missing or invalid item.","NameEmpty":"Empty Formula","NamePrefix":"Formula of {name}","NameUnknown":"Unknown Formula"},"Frequency":{"Label":"Frequency","AtWill":"At-Will","per":"per"},"GenderPronoun":"성별/대명사","GenderPronounTitle":"당신의 성별과 대명사","GeneralFeatLevels":"일발 재주 레벨","GreaterWeaponSpecialization":" Greater Weapon Specialization","HardnessLabel":"경도","HazardDescriptionLabel":"서술","HazardDescriptionTitle":"This explains what the hazard looks like and might include special rules","HazardDisableLabel":"Disable","HazardHardnessLabel":"경도","HazardHardnessTitle":"Hazard damage is reduced by this hardness value","HazardResetLabel":"Reset","HazardResetTitle":"If the hazard can be reset, that information is here","HazardRoutineLabel":"Routine","HazardRoutineTitle":"This section describes what a complex hazard does on each of its turns during an encounter; the number in parentheses after the word \"Routine\" indicates how many actions the hazard can use each turn. Simple hazards don't have this entry","HealingTypeTemporaryHealing":"Healing (Temporary)","Height":"키","HeightTitle":"당신의 키","Heritage":"유산","HeritageTitle":"당신의 캐릭터의 유산","HeroPointsLabel":"영웅 포인트","HeroPointRatio":{"One":"1/{max} Hero Point","Many":"{value}/{max} Hero Points"},"HitPointsHeader":"히트 포인트","HitPointsShortLabel":"HP","HitPointsDetailsLabel":"HP Details","HitPointsDetailsTitle":"Additional information related to Hit Points such as Fast Healing or Regeneration","ImageLabel":"이미지","ImmunitiesLabel":"면역","IncrementEffectTitle":"영향 레벨 증가","InitiativeHeader":"선제 보너스","InitativeIsNow":"{name}'s Initiative is now {value}!","InitiativeLabel":"선제","InitiativeWithSkill":"선제: {skillName}","InlineCheck":{"BasicWithSave":"Basic {save}","DCWithName":"{name} DC","Errors":{"TypeMissing":"Error in @Check: type parameter is mandatory"}},"InlineTemplateErrors":{"TypeMissing":"Error in @Template: type parameter is mandatory","DistanceMissing":"Error in @Template: distance parameter is mandatory","TypeUnsupported":"Error in @Template: type {type} is not supported","DistanceNoNumber":"Error in @Template: dimension {distance} is not a number","WidthNoNumber":"Error in @Template: width {width} is not a number"},"InventoryArmorHeader":"갑옷","InventoryBackpackHeader":"보관용품","InventoryConsumablesHeader":"소모품","InventoryEquipmentHeader":"장비품","InventoryTreasureHeader":"보물","InventoryWeaponsHeader":"무기","InventroyBrowserSearchHint":"You can search for name or custom attributes. Possible searchable attributes are:
source, spellType, level, school, components, materials, target, range, time, duration, damage, damageType, save, concentration, ritual, ability and classes.
Example: 'fire, damage:d6' to show all spells that have fire in their name and a d6 in the damage","InvestedLabel":"Invested","Item":{"Activation":{"Label":"Activation","Add":"Add Activation","Command":"command","CommandSheetLabel":"Command","Envision":"envision","EnvisionSheetLabel":"Envision","Interact":"Interact","Cast":"Cast a Spell"},"ABC":{"InvalidDrop":"{badType} cannot be dropped here (must be {goodType})"},"Ancestry":{"Vision":{"Label":"Vision","Normal":"Normal Vision"}},"Armor":{"Base":{"armored-coat":"Armored Coat","breastplate":"Breastplate","chain-mail":"Chain Mail","chain-shirt":"Chain Shirt","explorers-clothing":"Explorer's Clothing","full-plate":"Full Plate","half-plate":"Half Plate","hellknight-plate":"Hellknight Plate","hide-armor":"Hide Armor","leather-armor":"Leather Armor","padded-armor":"Padded Armor","scale-mail":"Scale Mail","splint-mail":"Splint Mail","studded-leather-armor":"Studded Leather Armor"}},"Backpack":{"StowingLabel":"Is Stowing Container?"},"CannotAddType":"{type} items cannot be added to this actor.","Condition":{"Flanked":"Flat-Footed (Flanked)"},"CreationDialog":{"Categories":{"Character":"Character Building","Physical":"Physical Items","Other":"Other"}},"Deity":{"Alignment":"Alignment","Category":{"Label":"Category","Hint":"Pantheons of deities and philosophies & spiritualities not associated with any deity can be followed instead of a particular deity. Clerics and Champions must follow a deity or pantheon.","Pantheon":"Pantheon","Philosophy":"Philosophy"},"ClericSpells":{"Label":"Cleric Spells","Hint":"To add a spell, drag and drop one onto this sheet.","DropError":"A deity's cleric spells may not include cantrips, focus spells, or rituals."},"DivineAbility":{"Label":"Divine Ability","Hint":"If choosing the Raised by Belief background, its ability boost options come from a deity."},"DivineSkill":"Divine Skill","DivineFont":{"Label":"Divine Font","Harm":"Harm","Heal":"Heal"},"FavoredWeapons":{"Label":"Favored Weapon(s)","Hint":"Almost all deities have a single favored weapon, but a few have both a favored weapon and unarmed attack."},"FollowerAlignments":"Follower Alignments","Domains":{"Primary":"Primary Domains","Alternate":{"Label":"Alternate Domains","Hint":"A cleric can take the Expanded Domain Initiate feat to gain access to one of their deity's alternate domains."}},"Domain":{"Abomination":{"Label":"Abomination","Description":"You seek to instill abhorrence and horror in those around you."},"Air":{"Label":"Air","Description":"You can control winds and the weather. "},"AirApocryphal":{"Label":"Air (apocryphal)","Description":"You can control winds and the weather. Not all clerical traditions are taught among the orthodoxy. Some are whispered in secret, passed down from a priest to trusted acolytes or scribed in tomes left behind by splinter factions."},"Ambition":{"Label":"Ambition","Description":"You strive to keep up with and outpace the competition."},"AmbitionApocryphal":{"Label":"Ambition (apocryphal)","Description":"You strive to keep up with and outpace the competition. Not all clerical traditions are taught among the orthodoxy. Some are whispered in secret, passed down from a priest to trusted acolytes or scribed in tomes left behind by splinter factions."},"Change":{"Label":"Change","Description":"You can restructure the physical and metaphysical."},"Cities":{"Label":"Cities","Description":"You have powers over urban environments and denizens."},"Cold":{"Label":"Cold","Description":"You control ice, snow, and freezing temperatures."},"Confidence":{"Label":"Confidence","Description":"You overcome your fear and project pride."},"ConfidenceApocryphal":{"Label":"Confidence (apocryphal)","Description":"You overcome your fear and project pride. Not all clerical traditions are taught among the orthodoxy. Some are whispered in secret, passed down from a priest to trusted acolytes or scribed in tomes left behind by splinter factions."},"Creation":{"Label":"Creation","Description":"You have divine abilities related to crafting and art."},"Darkness":{"Label":"Darkness","Description":"You operate in the darkness and take away the light."},"DarknessApocryphal":{"Label":"Darkness (apocryphal)","Description":"You operate in the darkness and take away the light. Not all clerical traditions are taught among the orthodoxy. Some are whispered in secret, passed down from a priest to trusted acolytes or scribed in tomes left behind by splinter factions."},"Death":{"Label":"Death","Description":"You have the power to end lives and destroy undead."},"DeathApocryphal":{"Label":"Death (apocryphal)","Description":"You have the power to end lives and destroy undead. Not all clerical traditions are taught among the orthodoxy. Some are whispered in secret, passed down from a priest to trusted acolytes or scribed in tomes left behind by splinter factions."},"Decay":{"Label":"Decay","Description":"You have the power to spoil and deteriorate matter."},"Delirium":{"Label":"Delirium","Description":"You can bring about hallucinations and restlessness."},"Destruction":{"Label":"Destruction","Description":"You are a conduit for divine devastation."},"Dreams":{"Label":"Dreams","Description":"You have the power to enter and manipulate dreams."},"Dust":{"Label":"Dust","Description":"You have the power to dry and crumble what opposes you."},"Duty":{"Label":"Duty","Description":"You defend oaths and carry out your divine missions with great dedication."},"Earth":{"Label":"Earth","Description":"You control soil and stone."},"Family":{"Label":"Family","Description":"You aid and protect your family and community more effectively."},"Fate":{"Label":"Fate","Description":"You see and understand hidden inevitabilities."},"FateApocryphal":{"Label":"Fate (apocryphal)","Description":"You see and understand hidden inevitabilities. Not all clerical traditions are taught among the orthodoxy. Some are whispered in secret, passed down from a priest to trusted acolytes or scribed in tomes left behind by splinter factions."},"Fire":{"Label":"Fire","Description":"You control flame."},"FireApocryphal":{"Label":"Fire (apocryphal)","Description":"You control flame. Not all clerical traditions are taught among the orthodoxy. Some are whispered in secret, passed down from a priest to trusted acolytes or scribed in tomes left behind by splinter factions."},"Freedom":{"Label":"Freedom","Description":"You liberate yourself and others from shackles and constraints."},"Glyph":{"Label":"Glyph","Description":"You wield power over written words and symbols."},"Healing":{"Label":"Healing","Description":"Your healing magic is particularly potent."},"Indulgence":{"Label":"Indulgence","Description":"You feast mightily and can shake off the effects of overindulging."},"IndulgenceApocryphal":{"Label":"Indulgence (apocryphal)","Description":"You feast mightily and can shake off the effects of overindulging. Not all clerical traditions are taught among the orthodoxy. Some are whispered in secret, passed down from a priest to trusted acolytes or scribed in tomes left behind by splinter factions."},"Knowledge":{"Label":"Knowledge","Description":"You receive divine insights."},"KnowledgeApocryphal":{"Label":"Knowledge (apocryphal)","Description":"You receive divine insights. Not all clerical traditions are taught among the orthodoxy. Some are whispered in secret, passed down from a priest to trusted acolytes or scribed in tomes left behind by splinter factions."},"Lightning":{"Label":"Lightning","Description":"You control electricity, thunder, and storms."},"Luck":{"Label":"Luck","Description":"You're unnaturally lucky and keep out of harm's way."},"Magic":{"Label":"Magic","Description":"You perform the unexpected and inexplicable."},"Might":{"Label":"Might","Description":"Your physical power is bolstered by divine strength."},"MightApocryphal":{"Label":"Might (apocryphal)","Description":"Your physical power is bolstered by divine strength. Not all clerical traditions are taught among the orthodoxy. Some are whispered in secret, passed down from a priest to trusted acolytes or scribed in tomes left behind by splinter factions."},"Moon":{"Label":"Moon","Description":"You command powers associated with the moon."},"Naga":{"Label":"Naga","Description":"Like the serpentine nagas, you're in tune with cosmic forces that Ravithra once controlled."},"Nature":{"Label":"Nature","Description":"You hold power over animals and plants."},"Nightmares":{"Label":"Nightmares","Description":"You fill minds with horror and dread."},"Pain":{"Label":"Pain","Description":"You punish those who displease you with the sharp sting of pain."},"Passion":{"Label":"Passion","Description":"You evoke passion, whether as love or lust."},"Perfection":{"Label":"Perfection","Description":"You strive to perfect your mind, body, and spirit."},"Plague":{"Label":"Plague","Description":"You wield disease and pestilence like a weapon."},"Protection":{"Label":"Protection","Description":"You ward yourself and others."},"Repose":{"Label":"Repose","Description":"You ease mental burdens."},"Secrecy":{"Label":"Secrecy","Description":"You protect secrets and keep them hidden."},"SecrecyApocryphal":{"Label":"Secrecy (apocryphal)","Description":"You protect secrets and keep them hidden. Not all clerical traditions are taught among the orthodoxy. Some are whispered in secret, passed down from a priest to trusted acolytes or scribed in tomes left behind by splinter factions."},"Sorrow":{"Label":"Sorrow","Description":"You have a painful connection to melancholy and sadness."},"Soul":{"Label":"Soul","Description":"You wield power over the spiritual."},"Star":{"Label":"Star","Description":"You command the power of the stars."},"Sun":{"Label":"Sun","Description":"You harness the power of the sun and other light sources, and punish undead."},"Swarm":{"Label":"Swarm","Description":"You exert control over masses of creatures."},"Time":{"Label":"Time","Description":"You reign over the flow of time."},"Toil":{"Label":"Toil","Description":"You work constantly and refuse to let anything stand in your way."},"Travel":{"Label":"Travel","Description":"You have power over movement and journeys."},"TravelApocryphal":{"Label":"Travel (apocryphal)","Description":"You have power over movement and journeys. Not all clerical traditions are taught among the orthodoxy. Some are whispered in secret, passed down from a priest to trusted acolytes or scribed in tomes left behind by splinter factions."},"Trickery":{"Label":"Trickery","Description":"You deceive others and cause mischief."},"Truth":{"Label":"Truth","Description":"You pierce lies and discover the truth."},"Tyranny":{"Label":"Tyranny","Description":"You wield power to rule and enslave others."},"Undeath":{"Label":"Undeath","Description":"Your magic carries close ties to the undead."},"Vigil":{"Label":"Vigil","Description":"You watch over those long passed and guard their secrets."},"Void":{"Label":"Void","Description":"You draw power from emptiness."},"Water":{"Label":"Water","Description":"You control water and bodies of water."},"WaterApocryphal":{"Label":"Water (apocryphal)","Description":"You control water and bodies of water. Not all clerical traditions are taught among the orthodoxy. Some are whispered in secret, passed down from a priest to trusted acolytes or scribed in tomes left behind by splinter factions."},"Wealth":{"Label":"Wealth","Description":"You hold power over wealth, trade, and treasure."},"Wyrmkin":{"Label":"Wyrmkin","Description":"You draw on the power of dragons, linnorms, and other powerful reptilian creatures."},"Zeal":{"Label":"Zeal","Description":"Your inner fire increases your combat prowess."}}},"Effect":{"Sustained":"Sustained","Expiry":{"ExpiresOn":"Expires On","StartOfTurn":"Start of Turn","EndOfTurn":"End of Turn"},"ShowTokenIcon":"Show token icon?","AddBadge":"Add Counter","BadgeType":{"Counter":"Counter"}},"Feat":{"OnlyLevel1":"Must be taken at level 1","TakeMultiple":{"Label":"Can be taken multiple times","Two":"Up to 2×","Three":"Up to 3×","Four":"Up to 4×","Five":"Up to 5x","NoLimit":"No limit"},"Warning":{"TakenAfterLevel1":"{item} must be taken at level 1, but {actor} is at level {actorLevel}.","TakenMoreThanOnce":"{item} may only be taken once, but {actor} has selected it an additional time.","TakenMoreThanMax":"{item} may only be {maxTaken} times, but {actor} has selected it {timesTaken} times.","InvalidCategory":"Cannot add feat \"{item}\" to {category}: feat type is invalid."},"Info":{"Added":"{item} was added to {category}."},"LevelLabel":"Feat"},"Heritage":{"AncestryNotFound":"The referenced ancestry item was not found.","DragAncestryHere":"Drag an ancestry item here to set this heritage's required ancestry.","NoneVersatile":"None (Versatile)","RemoveAncestry":"Remove required ancestry"},"IconLabel":"Icon","NameLabel":"이름","Physical":{"LevelLabel":"아이템 {level}","PriceLabel":"가격: {price}","OtherTag":{"Implement":"Implement","Innovation":"Innovation"},"OtherTags":{"Label":"Other Tags","Hint":"These are tags indicating classifications in 2nd Edition rules that lack explicit status/definition but are still yet heavily relied upon. Some may be automatically added when other properties are present."},"Broken":"Broken","Destroyed":"Destroyed","Usage":{"WornParenthetical":"Worn ({where})","WornSlot":{"amulet":"Amulet","anklets":"Anklets","armbands":"Armbands","armor":"Armor","backpack":"Backpack","barding":"Barding","belt":"Belt","beltpouch":"Belt Pouch","bracelet":"Bracelet","bracers":"Bracers","circlet":"Circlet","cloak":"Cloak","clothing":"Clothing","collar":"Collar","crown":"Crown","epaulet":"Epaulet","eyepiece":"Eyepiece","garment":"Garment","gloves":"Gloves","headwear":"Headwear","horseshoes":"Horseshoes","mask":"Mask","necklace":"Necklace","onbelt":"OnBelt","ring":"Ring","saddle":"Saddle","shoes":"Shoes","wrist":"On Wrists"}}},"Plural":"Items","RemovalPrevented":"Removal of {item} is prevented by {preventer}.","SidebarSummary":"{type} Summary","Spell":{"PlaceMeasuredTemplate":"Place {size}-{unit} {shape}","Variants":{"DeleteDialogTitle":"Delete Spell Variant","DeleteDialogText":"Are you sure you want to delete '{variantName}'?","LabelPlural":"Spell Variants","SelectVariantLabel":"Select Variant","SelectOtherVariantLabel":"Select Other Variant","SheetTitle":"{originalName} (Variant)"},"Warning":{"InvalidLevel":"Attempted to add spell {name} at {targetLevel}, but spell is {baseLevel}."}},"Weapon":{"CriticalSpecialization":{"axe":"Choose one creature adjacent to the initial target and within reach. If its AC is lower than your attack roll result for the critical hit, you deal damage to that creature equal to the result of the weapon damage die you rolled (including extra dice for its potency rune, if any). This amount isn't doubled, and no bonuses or other additional dice apply to this damage.","bomb":"Increase the radius of the bomb's splash damage (if any) to 10 feet.","bow":"If the target of the critical hit is adjacent to a surface, it gets stuck to that surface by the missile. The target is @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.eIcWbB5o3pP6OIMe]{Immobilized} and must spend an Interact action to attempt a @Check[type:athletics|dc:10|name:Pull the Missile Free|showDC:all] check to pull the missile free; it can't move from its space until it succeeds. The creature doesn't become stuck if it is incorporeal, is liquid (like a water elemental or some oozes), or could otherwise escape without effort","brawling":"The target must succeed at a @Check[type:fortitude|dc:resolve(@actor.attributes.classDC.value)|basic:true|name:Brawling Critical Specialization|showDC:all] save or be @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.xYTAsEpcJE1Ccni3]{Slowed 1} until the end of your next turn.","club":"You knock the target away from you up to 10 feet (you choose the distance). This is forced movement.","dart":"The target takes @Localize[PF2E.PersistentDamage.Bleed1d6.success]. You gain an item bonus to this bleed damage equal to the weapon's item bonus to attack rolls.","firearm":"The target must succeed at a @Check[type:fortitude|dc:resolve(@actor.attributes.classDC.value)|basic:true|name:Firearm Critical Specialization|showDC:all] save or be @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.dfCMdR4wnpbYNTix]{Stunned 1}.","flail":"The target is knocked @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.j91X7x0XSomq8d60]{Prone}.","hammer":"The target is knocked @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.j91X7x0XSomq8d60]{Prone}.","knife":"The target takes @Localize[PF2E.PersistentDamage.Bleed1d6.success]. You gain an item bonus to this bleed damage equal to the weapon's item bonus to attack rolls.","pick":"The weapon viciously pierces the target, who takes 2 additional damage per weapon damage die.","polearm":"The target is moved 5 feet in a direction of your choice. This is forced movement.","shield":"You knock the target back from you 5 feet. This is forced movement.","sling":"The target must succeed at a @Check[type:fortitude|dc:resolve(@actor.attributes.classDC.value)|basic:true|name:Sling Critical Specialization|showDC:all] save or be @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.dfCMdR4wnpbYNTix]{Stunned 1}.","spear":"The weapon pierces the target, weakening its attacks. The target is @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.i3OJZU2nk64Df3xm]{Clumsy 1} until the start of your next turn.","sword":"The target is made off-balance by your attack, becoming @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Flat-Footed} until the start of your next turn."},"FromMaterialAndRunes":"Precious materials and runes on this item have adjusted its {property} to {value}.","GeneratedName":{"Hint":"This is the name of the base weapon. For most weapons, the base is used to generate a fuller name, taking into account the material composition and/or runes. Giving this weapon a custom name or marking it as \"specific\" will prevent the generated name from appearing.","Potency":"+{potency} {base}","PotencyOneProperty":"+{potency} {property1} {base}","PotencyTwoProperties":"+{potency} {property1} {property2} {base}","PotencyThreeProperties":"+{potency} {property1} {property2} {property3} {base}","PotencyFourProperties":"+{potency} {property1} {property2} {property3} {property4} {base}","Material":"{material} {base}","PotencyMaterial":"+{potency} {material} {base}","PotencyOnePropertyMaterial":"+{potency} {property1} {material} {base}","PotencyTwoPropertiesMaterial":"+{potency} {property1} {property2} {material} {base}","PotencyThreePropertiesMaterial":"+{potency} {property1} {property2} {property3} {material} {base}","PotencyFourPropertiesMaterial":"+{potency} {property1} {property2} {property3} {property4} {material} {base}","PotencyStriking":"+{potency} {striking} {base}","PotencyStrikingMaterial":"+{potency} {striking} {material} {base}","PotencyStrikingOneProperty":"+{potency} {striking} {property1} {base}","PotencyStrikingOnePropertyMaterial":"+{potency} {striking} {property1} {material} {base}","PotencyStrikingTwoProperties":"+{potency} {striking} {property1} {property2} {base}","PotencyStrikingTwoPropertiesMaterial":"+{potency} {striking} {property1} {property2} {material} {base}","PotencyStrikingThreeProperties":"+{potency} {striking} {property1} {property2} {property3} {base}","PotencyStrikingThreePropertiesMaterial":"+{potency} {striking} {property1} {property2} {property3} {material} {base}","PotencyStrikingFourProperties":"+{potency} {striking} {property1} {property2} {property3} {property4} {base}","PotencyStrikingFourPropertiesMaterial":"+{potency} {striking} {property1} {property2} {property3} {property4} {material} {base}","OneProperty":"{property1} {base}","OnePropertyMaterial":"{property1} {material} {base}","TwoProperties":"{property1} {property2} {base}","TwoPropertiesMaterial":"{property1} {property2} {material} {base}","ThreeProperties":"{property1} {property2} {property3} {base}","ThreePropertiesMaterial":"{property1} {property2} {property3} {material} {base}","FourProperties":"{property1} {property2} {property3} {property4} {base}","FourPropertiesMaterial":"{property1} {property2} {property3} {property4} {material} {base}","Striking":"{striking} {base}","StrikingMaterial":"{striking} {material} {base}"},"HandsLabel":"Hands","Improvised":"Improvised","MandatoryMelee":"This weapon has a trait that can only be used with melee weapons.","MaterialAndRunes":{"MaterialOption":"{type} ({grade})","Title":"Material Composition and Runes","Hint":"Precious material and runes allow for in-depth customization of a weapon. Besides improving its ability to harm enemies, they also affect the weapon's level, rarity, price, and name. To suppress a weapon's renaming, give it any custom name or mark it as a specific magic weapon."},"MeleeUsage":{"Label":"Melee Usage","Hint":"A combination weapon has a firearm form or usage and a melee weapon form or usage. Switching between the melee weapon usage and the firearm usage requires an Interact action. However, if your last action was a successful melee Strike against a foe using a combination weapon, you can make a firearm Strike with the combination weapon against that foe without fully switching to the firearm usage, firing the firearm just as you hit with the melee attack. In this case, the combination weapon returns to its melee usage after the firearm Strike."},"NoRangeMelee":"None (Melee)","RangeIncrementN":{"Label":"Range Increment {range} ft.","Hint":"Ranged and thrown weapons have a range increment. Attacks with these weapons work normally up to that distance. Attack rolls beyond a weapon's range increment take a -2 penalty for each additional multiple of that increment between you and the target. Attacks beyond the sixth range increment are impossible."},"ReloadOneMinute":"1 min","SpecificMagicWeapon":{"Label":"Specific Magic Weapon","Hint":"Marking this weapon as a specific magic weapon indicates that it does more than what its material composition and runes allow. The name, level, rarity, and price will no longer be overridden from a precious material or runes at the time of marking. Those material and runes will, however, serve as a baseline for level, rarity, and price adjustments from later upgrades."},"ThrownUsage":{"Label":"Thrown Usage"}},"Rules":{"Apply":"Apply","Close":"Close"}},"ItemBonus0":"0","ItemBonus1":"+1 Weapon Potency","ItemBonus2":"+2 Weapon Potency","ItemBonus3":"+3 Weapon Potency","ItemBonusLabel":"Item Bonus","ItemBonusMinus2":"Shoddy (-2)","ItemBonusShortLabel":"Item","ItemDescription":"Description","ItemDetails":"Details","ItemLevel":"{type} {level}","ItemMystified":"Mystified","ItemMystification":"Mystification","ItemNamePlaceholder":"Name","ItemNotSupportedOnActor":"Item not supported on actor","ItemRules":"Rules","ItemNewRuleElement":"New Rule Element","ItemNewSkillVariant":"New Skill Variant","ItemRemoveRuleElement":"Remove Rule Element","ItemSourceIDLabel":"Source ID:","ItemTitle":"Item","ItemUUIDLabel":"UUID:","ItemsLabel":"Items","KeyAbility":"Key Ability Score","KeyAbilityLabel":"Key Ability","Keybinding":{"CycleTokenStack":{"Label":"Cycle Token Stack","Hint":"Cycle the Z indices of a mouse-hovered stack of tokens, pushing the top to the bottom."}},"KitItems":"Items","KitWorldItem":"This item is not found in a Compendium and will not work in other worlds","LackCastConsumableCapability":"{actor} lacks the proficiency to use {spell} and does not have the Trick Magic Item feat.","LanguageAbyssal":"Abyssal","LanguageAdlet":"Adlet","LanguageAkitonian":"Akitonian","LanguageAklo":"Aklo","LanguageAlghollthu":"Alghollthu","LanguageAmurrun":"Amurrun","LanguageAnadi":"Anadi","LanguageAndroffan":"Androffan","LanguageAnugobu":"Anugobu","LanguageAquan":"Aquan","LanguageArboreal":"Arboreal","LanguageArcadian":"Arcadian","LanguageAuran":"Auran","LanguageAzlanti":"Azlanti","LanguageBoggard":"Boggard","LanguageCalda":"Calda","LanguageCaligni":"Caligni","LanguageCelestial":"Celestial","LanguageDestrachan":"Destrachan","LanguageCommon":"공통어","LanguageCyclops":"Cyclops","LanguageDaemonic":"Daemonic","LanguageDraconic":"Draconic","LanguageDruidic":"Druidic","LanguageDrooni":"Drooni","LanguageDwarven":"Dwarven","LanguageDziriak":"D'ziriak","LanguageFormian":"Formian","LanguageEkujae":"Ekujae shape-script","LanguageElven":"Elven","LanguageErutaki":"Erutaki","LanguageGarundi":"Garundi","LanguageGirtablilu":"Girtablilu","LanguageGnoll":"Gnoll","LanguageGnomish":"Gnomish","LanguageGoblin":"Goblin","LanguageGoloma":"Goloma","LanguageGrioth":"Grioth","LanguageGrippli":"Grippli","LanguageHalfling":"Halfling","LanguageHallit":"Hallit","LanguageHwan":"Hwan","LanguageIblydan":"Iblydan","LanguageIgnan":"Ignan","LanguageIkeshti":"Ikeshti","LanguageInfernal":"Infernal","LanguageIruxi":"Iruxi","LanguageJistkan":"Jistkan","LanguageJotun":"Jotun","LanguageJyoti":"Jyoti","LanguageKaava":"Kaava","LanguageKelish":"Kelish","LanguageKibwani":"Kibwani","LanguageKitsune":"Kitsune","LanguageKovintal":"Kovintal","LanguageLirgeni":"Lirgeni","LanguageMahwek":"Mahwek","LanguageMiGo":"Mi-Go","LanguageMinaten":"Minatan","LanguageMinkaian":"Minkaian","LanguageMunavri":"Munavri","LanguageMwangi":"Mwangi","LanguageMzunu":"Mzunu","LanguageNagaji":"Nagaji","LanguageNecril":"Necril","LanguageOcotan":"Ocotan","LanguageOkaiyan":"Okaiyan","LanguageOrcish":"Orcish","LanguageOsiriani":"Osiriani","LanguageProtean":"Protean","LanguageRasu":"Rasu","LanguageRazatlani":"Razatlani","LanguageRequian":"Requian","LanguageRussian":"Russian","LanguageSamsaran":"Samsaran","LanguageSasquatch":"Sasquatch","LanguageSenzar":"Senzar","LanguageShadowtongue":"Shadowtongue","LanguageShae":"Shae","LanguageShisk":"Shisk","LanguageShoanti":"Shoanti","LanguageShobhad":"Shobhad","LanguageShoony":"Shoony","LanguageSkald":"Skald","LanguageSphinx":"Sphinx","LanguageStrix":"Strix","LanguageSylvan":"Sylvan","LanguageTaldane":"Taldane","LanguageTekritanin":"Tekritanin","LanguageTengu":"Tengu","LanguageTerran":"Terran","LanguageThassilonian":"Thassilonian","LanguageTien":"Tien","LanguageUndercommon":"Undercommon","LanguageUtopian":"Utopian","LanguageVanara":"Vanara","LanguageVarisian":"Varisian","LanguageVarki":"Varki","LanguageVishkanyan":"Vishkanyan","LanguageVudrani":"Vudrani","LanguageWyrwood":"Wyrwood","LanguageXanmba":"Xanmba","LanguageYithian":"Yithian","LanguageYsoki":"Ysoki","Languages":"언어","LanguagesAdditional":"추가 언어","LevelLabel":"레벨","LevelN":"레벨 {level}","Level1":"레벨 1","Level2":"레벨 2","Level3":"레벨 3","Level4":"레벨 4","Level5":"레벨 5","Level6":"레벨 6","Level7":"레벨 7","Level8":"레벨 8","Level9":"레벨 9","Level10":"레벨 10","Level11":"레벨 11","Level12":"레벨 12","Level13":"레벨 13","Level14":"레벨 14","Level15":"레벨 15","Level16":"레벨 16","Level17":"레벨 17","Level18":"레벨 18","Level19":"레벨 19","Level20":"레벨 20","LevelRange":"Levels {minLevel} - {level}","LicenseViewer":{"Label":"Legal Notice","LandingPageText":"Use the tabs above to read the legal information"},"ListPartsOr":{"two":"{first} or {second}","start":"{first}, {second}","middle":"{first}, {second}","end":"{first}, or {second}"},"Lore":"지식","LoreProficiencyDisclaimer":"Informational only. Will not change the skill modifier.","LoreSkillsHeader":"지식 기술","LoreSkillFormat":"{name} Lore","AddLoreSkill":"지식 기술 추가","NewLoreSkill":"새로운 기술","Macro":{"Plural":"Macros"},"MacroActionNoActorError":"This actor no longer exists!","MacroActionNoActionError":"This action no longer exists!","MagicTraditionLabel":"마법 계통","MagicTraditionUseSpellLabel":"Use Spell Tradition","MAPAbbreviationLabel":"다중 공격 패널티{penalty}","MartialAdvanced":"고급 무기","MartialHeavy":"무거운 갑옷","MartialLight":"가벼운 갑옷","MartialMartial":"무술 무기","MartialMedium":"중형 갑옷","MartialSimple":"간단한 무기","MartialSkillsHeader":"무기와 갑옷 숙련도","MartialUnarmed":"비무장 무기","MartialUnarmored":"비무장 갑옷","MasterAbility":{"cha":"Master Charisma","con":"Master Constitution","dex":"Master Dexterity","int":"Master Intelligence","str":"Master Strength","wis":"Master Wisdom"},"MasterArmorClass":"Master Armor Class {base}","MasterLevel":"Master Level","MasterLevelHP":"Master Level","MasterSavingThrow":{"fortitude":"Master Fortitude","reflex":"Master Reflex","will":"Master Will"},"MaxHPTitle":"Your maximum hit points. This field is automatically calculated.","MaxHPTitleNPC":"Maximum hit points.","MaxHitPointsBaseLabel":"Base Max HP {base}","MaxHitPointsShortLabel":"최대 HP","MaxStaminaPointsShortLabel":"Max SP","MaxStaminaTitle":"Your maximum stamina points","MaxHitPointsHeader":"Maximum Hit Points","MetalStrikes":"Metal Strikes","Migrations":{"Finished":"PF2E System Migration to version {version} completed!","Starting":"Applying PF2E System Migration to version {version}. Please be patient and do not close your game or shut down your server.","OnlyGMCanUse":"Only a gamemaster can use this tool.","WorldNotReady":"Game world not ready: try again in a few seconds.","OutsideSchemaRange":"The specified range is outside the system's schema version range (between {minimum} and {maximum}).","Summary":{"Documents":"Documents","HelpResources":"An unexpected error was encountered while migrating some actors or items. If you would like further assistance, feel free to report an issue at the system repository or visit us on Discord for community support.","Migrated":"Migrated","Remigrate":"Remigrate","Title":"Migration Summary","Total":"Total","Troubleshoot":{"Title":"System Troubleshooting","Hint":"Here you can run a remigration, which will attempt to automatically fix issues with actors and items."}},"Troubleshooting":"Troubleshooting"},"ModifierTitle":"수정","ModifiersTitle":"수정","ModifierNamePlaceholder":"Name","ModifierTypeTitle":"[종류]","ModifierType":{"ability":"능력","proficiency":"숙련도","circumstance":"환경","item":"아이템","potency":"혜택","status":"스탯","untyped":"분류 안됨"},"MultipleAttackPenalty":"다중 공격 패널티","MysticStrikes":"Mystical Strikes","Nationality":"국적","NPCAttackMelee":"Melee","NPCAttackRanged":"Ranged","NPCNotesLabel":"Notes/Conditions","NPCNotesTitle":"Write any notes for this NPC here.","NPCWeaponAddDamage":"Add Damage Part","NPCWeaponAttackEffect":"Additional Attack Effects","NPCWeaponAttackLabel":"공격 수정치","NPCWeaponDamageLabel":"데미지 수식","NPCWeaponDamageTypeLabel":"데미지 종류","NegligibleOption":"Negligible","NewLabel":"새로운","NewPlaceholders":{"Action":"새로운 액션","Ancestry":"새로운 혈통","Armor":"새로운 갑옷","Background":"새배경","Backpack":"새로운 보관용품","Condition":"새로운 상태","Consumable":"새로운 소모품","Equipment":"새로운 장비품","Feat":"새로운 재주","Kit":"New Kit","Lore":"새로운 지식","Melee":"새로운 공격","Spell":"새로운 주문","SpellcastingEntry":"새로운 주문 시전 기입","Skill":"새로운 기술","Treasure":"새로운 보물","Weapon":"새로운 무기"},"NoAmmoLabel":"탄약 없음","NoStackGroup":"Does not stack","NoneOption":"없음","OneDegreeBetter":"one degree better","OneDegreeWorse":"one degree worse","TwoDegreesBetter":"two degrees better","TwoDegreesWorse":"two degrees worse","OpenActionBrowserTitle":"Open Action Browser","OpenInventoryBrowser":"Open Inventory Browser","OpenItemTitle":"Toggle Container Contents","OpenSpellBrowserTitle":"Open Spell Browser","OK":"OK","OrdinalNumber":"{value}{suffix}","OrdinalSuffixes":{"zero":"th","one":"st","two":"nd","few":"rd","other":"th","many":"th"},"OrphanedSpellsHeader":"Orphaned Spells (move to spellcasting entry above)","OverridesTitle":"Overrides","PenaltyLabel":{"ability":"Ability Penalty","proficiency":"Proficiency Penalty","circumstance":"Circumstance Penalty","item":"Item Penalty","status":"Status Penalty","untyped":"Untyped Penalty"},"PerceptionCheck":"통찰력 판정","PerceptionHeader":"통찰력","PerceptionLabel":"통찰력","PFS":{"CharacterNumber":"캐릭터 #","CurrentFaction":"현재 파벌","LevelBump":"레벨 범프","OrganizedPlayNumber":"준비된 플레이 #","Reputation":"명성","Factions":{"EA":"엔보이스 얼라이언스","GA":"그랜드 아카이브","HH":"호라이즌 헌터스","VS":"비절런트 씰","RO":"레디언트 오스","VW":"버덴트 휠"},"School":{"None":"Field-Commissioned Agent","Scrolls":"스크롤","Spells":"주문","Swords":"검"}},"Playlist":{"Plural":"Playlists"},"PotencyRuneLabel":"Potency Rune","PreciousMaterialAbysium":"Abysium","PreciousMaterialAbysiumDescription":"A blue-green metal with an eerie green luminescence, abysium radiates power that's inimical to life. Careless exposure to the material can lead to long‑term damage to the immune system; as such, mining abysium is hazardous, as large quantities of the metal in an area cause all nearby creatures to become sick. A creature carrying an abysium object is sickened 1 for a standard‑grade object of light Bulk, sickened 2 for a standard‑grade object of 1 Bulk or more or a high-grade object of light Bulk, or sickened 3 for a high‑grade object of 1 Bulk or more. This and all other sickening effects of abysium are poison effects. Crafters can use 1 abysium chunk to create up to 6 doses of poisonous abysium powder. Unscrupulous smiths have harnessed abysium's toxic properties to create noxious weapons and deadly substances. All objects crafted from abysium shed dim light in a 10‑foot radius.","PreciousMaterialAdamantine":"Adamantine","PreciousMaterialAdamantineDescription":"Mined from rocks that fell from the heavens, adamantine is one of the hardest metals known. It has a shiny, black appearance, and it is prized for its amazing resiliency and ability to hold an incredibly sharp edge.","PreciousMaterialColdIron":"Cold Iron","PreciousMaterialColdIronDescription":"Weapons made from cold iron are deadly to demons and fey alike. Cold iron looks like normal iron but is mined from particularly pure sources and shaped with little or no heat. This process is extremely difficult, especially for high-grade cold iron items.","PreciousMaterialDarkwood":"Darkwood","PreciousMaterialDarkwoodDescription":"Darkwood is a very lightweight wood found primarily in old- growth forests in south-central Avistan; it is dark as ebony but has a slight purple tint. A darkwood item's Bulk is reduced by 1 (or to light Bulk if its normal Bulk is 1, with no effect on an item that normally has light Bulk). The Price of an item made of darkwood is based on the item's normal Bulk, not its reduced Bulk for being made of darkwood, but reduce the Bulk before making any further Bulk adjustments for the size of the item.","PreciousMaterialDjezet":"Djezet","PreciousMaterialDjezetDescription":"This rust red metal is liquid at room temperature, making it challenging for all but the most skilled metallurgists to craft with and earning it the name \"quickiron\" in some places. Djezet is also extremely reactive to magic, even in its solid, workable alloyed form. It glows when targeted by magic, and objects crafted with djezet alloys glow with scarlet striations, which lead some smiths to nickname it \"tiger iron.\" When targeted by spells, objects crafted from djezet alloys exhibit these glowing red markings that last for 1 round or the duration of the spell, whichever is longer. A djezet mass contains enough djezet to refine into up to two djezet doses.","PreciousMaterialDragonhide":"Dragonhide","PreciousMaterialDragonhideDescription":"The hide and scales of a dragon can be used to Craft any item normally made of ordinary leather or hide. Dragonhide varies in color from blue to glittering gold, depending on the dragon it came from. Due to the scales' resiliency, it can also be used to Craft armor usually made out of metal plates (such as a breastplate, half plate, and full plate), allowing such armor to be made without metal. Dragonhide objects are immune to one damage type, depending on the type of dragon.","PreciousMaterialGradeLabel":"Precious Material Grade","PreciousMaterialGrisantianPelt":"Grisantian Pelt","PreciousMaterialGrisantianPeltDescription":"This supernaturally tough animal skin is gold and shines in sunlight. It can be used to make any item usually made of cloth, leather, or hide. This material is immune to fire, and its Hardness is doubled against piercing or slashing damage. Up to 4 Bulk of grisantian pelt can be harvested from a single creature (this is usually more than enough for 4 suits of standard grade armor or 2 suit of high-grade armor).","PreciousMaterialHighGrade":"High-Grade","PreciousMaterialInubrix":"Inubrix","PreciousMaterialInubrixDescription":"This pale, malleable metal's unusual molecular structure allows it to partially pass through iron and steel without touching them. While this property is useful for making weapons that bypass metal armor, inubrix is barely sturdier than lead. Even in an alloyed state, this skymetal is so fragile that it's difficult to use in crafting reliable shields and less than ideal for crafting armor.","PreciousMaterialLabel":"Precious Material","PreciousMaterialLowGrade":"Low-Grade","PreciousMaterialMithral":"Mithral","PreciousMaterialMithralDescription":"Mithral is renowned for its lightness, durability, and effectiveness against a range of creatures including devils and lycanthropes. It has the same sheen as silver but a slightly lighter hue. Mithral weapons and armor are treated as if they were silver for the purpose of damaging creatures with weakness to silver. A metal item made of mithral is lighter than one made of iron or steel: the item's Bulk is reduced by 1 (reduced to light Bulk if its normal Bulk is 1, with no effect on an item that normally has light Bulk). The Price of an item made of this material is based on the item's normal Bulk, not its reduced Bulk for being made of mithral, but reduce the Bulk before making any further Bulk adjustments for the size of the item.","PreciousMaterialNoqual":"Noqual","PreciousMaterialNoqualDescription":"Light and strong, noqual also demonstrates a powerful resistance to magic. A side effect of this resistance is that making magical weapons out of noqual requires complex and expensive alchemical treatments. Kevoth‑Kul, the Black Sovereign of Numeria, has developed an alloy of noqual and cold iron known as sovereign steel to help mitigate this property. The metal's crystalline appearance might suggest that it's fragile, but the pale‑green material can be worked similarly to iron. Objects made of noqual have a +4 circumstance bonus on saves against magic that the item attempts and grant their bonus to saves the owner makes specifically to protect the item from magic (such as against the rusting grasp spell).","PreciousMaterialOrichalcum":"Orichalcum","PreciousMaterialOrichalcumDescription":"The most rare and valuable skymetal, orichalcum is coveted for its incredible time-related magical properties. This dull, coppery metal isn't as physically sturdy as adamantine, but orichalcum's time-bending properties protect it, granting it greater Hardness and Hit Points. If an orichalcum item takes damage but isn't destroyed, it repairs itself completely 24 hours later.","PreciousMaterialPeachwood":"Peachwood","PreciousMaterialPeachwoodDescription":"Peachwood weapons have a particularly auburn tinge to them when under direct sunlight. Peachwood is treated as darkwood for any undead creatures' resistances or weaknesses related to darkwood (allowing a peachwood weapon to bypass a jiang-shi's resistance, for example). In addition, peachwood weapons bypass a small portion of the resistances of any undead creature. Strikes with a peachwood weapon treat an undead's resistances against physical damage as 2 lower for standard-grade peachwood, and 4 lower for high-grade.","PreciousMaterialSiccatite":"Siccatite","PreciousMaterialSiccatiteDescription":"In its raw state, this silvery ore is either scalding hot or freezing cold. Metallurgists disagree over whether siccatite is two related substances or one substance that determines its temperature output via some unknown process. Whatever the reason, the extreme temperature of the material means it must be handled carefully. Hot siccatite can easily ignite flammables such as paper and dry brush, and cold siccatite left in moist areas quickly surrounds itself with a thick layer of ice. A creature that comes into physical contact with a significant amount of siccatite takes 1 energy Damage for each round of continued contact (either fire or cold damage, for hot and cold siccatite respectively).","PreciousMaterialSilver":"Silver","PreciousMaterialSilverDescription":"Silver weapons are a bane to creatures ranging from devils to werewolves. Silver items are less durable than steel items, and low-grade silver items are usually merely silver-plated.","PreciousMaterialSisterstoneDescription":"Sisterstone is a term used for two closely related ores infused by the spiritual runoff in the Field of Maidens, dusk sisterstone and scarlet sisterstone. They have the same physical properties except for color-dusk sisterstone is a pale orange while scarlet sisterstone is orange-red. When near an object made of the other type of sisterstone, they both begin exuding spiritual energy that repels undead.","PreciousMaterialSisterstoneDusk":"Sisterstone (Dusk)","PreciousMaterialSisterstoneScarlet":"Sisterstone (Scarlet)","PreciousMaterialSovereignSteel":"Sovereign Steel","PreciousMaterialSovereignSteelDescription":"Created by Black Sovereign Kevoth-Kul, this unique alloy of cold iron and the skymetal noqual can provide protection from magical assault. The process of cold-forging the two materials together is quite complicated and precise. Characters in search of sovereign steel weapons and armor will almost assuredly have to travel to Starfall to procure gear made from this rare alloy. While some believe it possible to craft shields of sovereign steel as well, in one of his fits, Kevoth-Kul yelled that he had no use for them and banned anyone from making such a thing. So far, his smiths have been too afraid to confirm whether or not it was a joke. All sovereign steel items (including weapon and armor below) have a +4 circumstance bonus on saves against magic that the item makes, and grant their bonus to saves the owner makes specifically to protect the item from magic (such as against the rusting grasp spell).","PreciousMaterialStandardGrade":"Standard-Grade","PreciousMaterialWarpglass":"Warpglass","PreciousMaterialWarpglassDescription":"This bizarre substance is fashioned from the raw, chaotic quintessence of the Maelstrom. It can be fashioned into weapons and items, but is too unstable to make into useful armor or shields. Raw warpglass is an opalescent glassy material with surprising strength. When worked, it changes its appearance-though not its properties-to appear as random striations of other metals and types of stone.","PreparationTypeInnate":"Innate","PreparationTypePrepared":"Prepared","PreparationTypeSpontaneous":"Spontaneous","PreparationTypeItems":"Items Only","Prerequisite1":"Prerequisite 1","Prerequisite2":"Prerequisite 2","Prerequisite3":"Prerequisite 3","Prerequisite4":"Prerequisite 4","Prerequisite5":"Prerequisite 5","PriceLabel":"가격","ProficiencyLabel":"숙련도","ProficiencyLevel0":"안배움","ProficiencyLevel1":"배움","ProficiencyLevel2":"전문","ProficiencyLevel3":"달인","ProficiencyLevel4":"전설","ProficiencyRankLabel":"Prof","PropertyRuneLabel1":"Property Rune (1st)","PropertyRuneLabel2":"Property Rune (2nd)","PropertyRuneLabel3":"Property Rune (3rd)","PropertyRuneLabel4":"Property Rune (4th)","QuantityLabel":"물량","QuantityShortLabel":"양.","RangePenalty":"Range Penalty","Rarity":"Rarity","Usage":"Usage","Reach":"Reach (feet)","RecallKnowledge":{"Label":"Recall Knowledge","Help":"You can attempt repeated Recall Knowledge actions to recall more information about a creature. These checks increase in difficulty as shown in the chart below. However, if you fail, or if no DC is listed, you can not attempt further Recall Knowledge checks against this creature.","Breakdown":"Attempts","BreakdownTitle":"Identify Creature Attempts","FirstAttempt":"1st DC","SecondAttempt":"2nd DC","ThirdAttempt":"3rd DC","FourthAttempt":"4th DC","FifthAttempt":"5th DC","SixthAttempt":"6th DC","SpecificLore":"Specific Lore","UnspecificLore":"Unspecific Lore","Skill":"Skill"},"Recovery":{"critFailure":"Increase your dying value by 2.","critSuccess":"죽어감 값을 2 줄인다.","failure":"죽어감 값을 1 증가시킨다.","rollingDescription":"Recovery Check versus a DC {dc} (dying {dying})","success":"죽어감 값을 1 줄인다."},"RemoveCoinsByValueLabel":"동급 가치 주화 연결","RemoveCoinsTitle":"주화 제거","RemoveCombatProficiency":{"Title":"전투 숙련도 제거","Message":"{proficiency} 숙련도를 제거합니까?"},"RemoveSpellcastingEntryTitle":"Remove Spellcasting Entry","RepairItemTitle":"Attempt to Repair Item","Repost":"Post prompt to chat","RerollMenu":{"ErrorNoActor":"No actor is associated to the roll","ErrorCantDelete":"You are unable to delete the original roll.","HeroPoint":"Reroll using a Hero Point","KeepBest":"Reroll and keep the better result","KeepNew":"Reroll and keep the new result","KeepWorst":"Reroll and keep the worse result","MessageKeep":{"new":"Rerolled and kept the new result","best":"Rerolled and kept the better result","worst":"Rerolled and kept the worse result"},"MessageHeroPoint":"Rerolled using a Hero Point","WarnNoHeroPoint":"{name} has no Hero Points"},"ResiliencyRuneLabel":"Resilient Rune","ResistancesLabel":"저항","ResistancesExceptionLabel":"전문:","ResistancesExceptionPlaceholder":"e.g. except silver","ResolvePointsShortLabel":"Resolve","ResolveTitle":"The amount of resolve points you have","RestoreSpellTitle":"Restore Spell","Roll":{"Modifier":"Modifier","Type":"Type","Fortune":"Fortune","KeepHigher":"Keep Higher","KeepLower":"Keep Lower","FortuneTitle":"{title} Fortune","Misfortune":"Misfortune","MisfortuneTitle":"{title} Misfortune","None":"None","Roll":"Roll","Normal":"Normal","CriticalHit":"Critical Hit","Add":"Add","UntypedPenalty":"Untyped (penalty)"},"RollTable":{"Plural":"Rollable Tables"},"RollBonusPlaceholder":"e.g. +3 or +1d4","RollModeLabel":"Roll Mode","Scene":{"Plural":"Scenes"},"SETTINGS":{"Settings":"Settings","Sidebar":{"Wiki":"Wiki","Changelog":"Changelog","Discord":"Discord"},"critFumbleCards":{"hint":"Automatically draw a critical hit or fumble card on appropriate rolls.","name":"Critical Hit and Fumble Cards"},"critFumbleCardButtons":{"hint":"Show critical hit and fumble card draw buttons on attack rolls.","name":"Critical Hit and Fumble Card Buttons"},"DeathIcon":{"Name":"Death Icon","Hint":"Set the overlay icon used to mark dead actors."},"NathMode":{"Name":"Nath Mode","Hint":"Use better default token icons"},"statusEffectKeepFoundry":{"hint":"Determines if you want to show the Foundry Icon set below the Pathfinder 2E icon set. This will trigger a reload.","name":"Status Icon Foundry Set"},"statusEffectShowCombatMessage":{"hint":"Show the status effects of the current combatant in chat each turn. If your game has more than one GM this setting should only be enabled for one of them.","name":"Show Status Effects in Combat"},"statusEffectType":{"blackWhite":"Black & white","default":"Full color","hint":"Determines which icon set is used for condition token effects.","legacy":"Legacy","name":"Condition Icon Set"},"Player":{"QuickRolls":{"DialogHint":"Always show this window before attempting checks."}},"User":{"EffectPanel":{"Name":"Show Effects Panel","Hint":"Show the Effects Panel when a token is selected."},"MonochromeDarkvision":{"Name":"Monochrome Darkvision","Hint":"If rules-based vision is enabled, depict areas of darkness in monochrome for tokens with darkvision. Note that some creatures, such as fetchlings, possess full-color darkvision and will not be affected."}},"WorldSchemaVersion":{"Name":"World Schema Version","Hint":"Records the schema version for documents in the PF2e system (don't modify this unless you know what you are doing)."},"IgnoreCoinBulk":{"Name":"Coins are weightless","Hint":"Toggle on to ignore currency weight."},"IdentifyMagicNotMatchingTraditionModifier":{"Name":"Identify Magic Skill Modifier","Hint":"Modifier to add to Identify Magic Skill DCs if the skill does not match the item's magic tradition","Choices":{"0":"0","2":"+2","5":"+5","10":"+10"}},"CritRule":{"Name":"Critical Damage Rule","Hint":"Use a different rule for doubling damage on a critical hit","Choices":{"Doubledamage":"Double the damage","Doubledice":"Double the number of dice"}},"CompendiumBrowserPacks":{"Name":"Compendium Browser Packs","Hint":"Settings to exclude packs from loading"},"EnabledRulesUI":{"Name":"Advanced Rule Element UI","Hint":"When enabled, show the advanced rule element UI on items. Be very careful with this, as it can break the actors and items if you are not sure what you are doing or make a mistake."},"ResetChanges":"Reset Changes","Automation":{"Name":"Automation","Label":"Manage Automation","Hint":"Decide how much and what kinds of automation should apply to your game world.","RulesBasedVision":{"Name":"Rules-based vision","Hint":"Apply vision mechanics consistent with Pathfinder 2e rules. Enabling this setting will remove the ability to configure Unrestricted Global Vision as well as Token Sight radii.","ManagedBy":"Managed by rules-based vision."},"EffectExpiration":{"Name":"Effects auto-expire","Hint":"Effects automatically disable attached rule elements when the duration expires."},"RemoveExpiredEffects":{"Name":"Remove expired effects","Hint":"Expired effects are automatically removed from actors (requires a GM to be logged in)."},"FlankingDetection":{"Name":"Flanking detection","Hint":"Flanking arrangements and abilities that predicate on it are managed by the system."},"ActorsDeadAtZero":{"Name":"NPCs dead at 0 HP","Hint":"Upon reaching zero hit points, NPCs are marked as dead.","Neither":"No","NPCsOnly":"Yes","PCsOnly":"PCs only","Both":"PCs and NPCs"},"LootableNPCs":{"Name":"NPCs are lootable","Hint":"Upon their demise, NPCs become lootable by players."}},"Homebrew":{"Name":"Homebrew Elements","Label":"Manage Homebrew Elements","Hint":"Add custom traits, languages, and other elements of a homebrew world.","Instructions":"These settings allow GMs to add traits, languages, and other elements to a homebrew world. To add such elements, simply type the desired terms in the appropriate fields, separated by commas or tab keystrokes. They will then appear in the appropriate places on actor and item sheets. To update a term, click it to make the desired changes.","ConfirmDelete":{"Title":"Delete Homebrew Element?","Message":"Delete Homebrew element {element}?"},"CreatureTraits":{"Name":"Creature Traits","Hint":"Traits that can be applied to any creature and some item types (e.g., Dragon, Gnome)"},"FeatTraits":{"Name":"Feat Traits","Hint":"Traits that can be applied to feats (e.g., Lineage, Monk) and actions"},"Languages":{"Name":"Languages","Hint":"Languages for characters to know or learn (e.g., Draconic, Gnomish)"},"MagicSchools":{"Name":"Magic Schools","Hint":"The magical schools to which all spells belong (e.g., Conjuration, Evocation)"},"SpellTraits":{"Name":"Spell Traits","Hint":" Traits that can be applied to any spell (e.g., Cursebound, Healing)"},"WeaponCategories":{"Name":"Weapon Categories","Hint":"The top level of Pathfinder 2e weapon taxonomy (e.g., Simple, Martial)"},"WeaponGroups":{"Name":"Weapon Groups","Hint":"The mid level of Pathfinder 2e weapon taxonomy (e.g, Crossbow, Sword)"},"BaseWeapons":{"Name":"Base Weapons","Hint":"The bottom level of Pathfinder 2e weapon taxonomy (e.g, Heavy Crossbow, Longsword)"},"WeaponTraits":{"Name":"Weapon Traits","Hint":"Traits applicable to weapons and NPC attacks"},"EquipmentTraits":{"Name":"Equipment Traits","Hint":"Traits applicable to equipment other than weapons"}},"Metagame":{"Name":"Metagame Information","Label":"Limit Metagame Information","Hint":"Limit what kinds of metagame information your players have access to.","TokenSetsNameVisibility":{"Name":"Tokens determine NPC name visibility","Hint":"If enabled, then for any NPC token whose nameplate isn't visible to players, its name will also be hidden from them in the encounter tracker and chat messages."},"PartyVision":{"Name":"Shared party vision","Hint":"If enabled, all players will mutually share token vision, regardless of permissions or token selection."},"SecretDamage":{"Name":"Hide damage taken message","Hint":"If enabled, only the GM will see the damage/healing taken messages that are generated by the damage chat cards for tokens not owned by a player."},"SecretCondition":{"Name":"Hide condition update message","Hint":"If enabled, only the GM will see the condition update and reminder messages that are generated for tokens not owned by a player."},"ShowDC":{"Name":"Show DCs on attacks and saves","Hint":"Decide who can see the DC of a check.","None":"None","Gm":"GM","Owner":"Owner","All":"All"},"ShowResults":{"Name":"Show results on attacks and saves","Hint":"Decide who can see the result of a check rolled from a chat card.","None":"None","Gm":"GM","Owner":"Owner","All":"All"}},"Tokens":{"Autoscale":{"Name":"Scale tokens according to size","Hint":"If enabled, tokens will be scaled to 1.0 or (if belonging to a small creature) 0.8"}},"WorldClock":{"Name":"World Clock","Label":"Configure World Clock","Hint":"Configure the appearance of the World Clock application.","DateTheme":{"Name":"Date Theme","Hint":"Set the theme of the World Clock application.","AR":"Golarion (Absalom Reckoning)","IC":"Golarion (Imperial Calendar)","AD":"Earth (Gregorian Calendar)","CE":"Unthemed (Gregorian Calendar)"},"TimeConvention":{"Name":"Time Convention","Hint":"Display either a 24-hour or 12-hour clock.","TwentyFour":"24-Hour","Twelve":"12-Hour"},"ShowClockButton":{"Name":"Show clock button","Hint":"Set whether to show the clock button at all (requires refresh)."},"PlayersCanView":{"Name":"Player Access","Hint":"Set whether players can view the World Clock."},"SyncDarkness":{"Name":"Synchronize Darkness (World Default)","Hint":"Set whether any scene's Darkness Level will reflect the time of day."},"SyncDarknessScene":{"Name":"Synchronize Darkness (Current Scene)","Hint":"Set whether this scene's Darkness Level will reflect the time of day.","Enabled":"Enabled","Disabled":"Disabled","Default":"World Default ({worldDefault})","ManagedBy":"Synchronized with world time."},"ResetWorldTime":{"Name":"Reset World Date/Time","Button":"Reset","Hint":"Reset this world's time elapsed time to zero.","Confirm":{"Question":"Are you sure you want to reset this world's elapsed time?","Warning1":"Time-dependent game effects may be impacted.","Warning2":"This action cannot be undone."}}},"CampaignFeats":{"Name":"Campaign Feats","Hint":"Adds a section to all player sheets for campaign specific feats."},"Variant":{"Name":"Variant Rules","Label":"Toggle Variant Rules","Hint":"Enable and configure variant rules like Proficiency Without Level or the Stamina system.","AbilityScore":{"Title":"Ability Score Variants","GradualBoosts":{"Name":"Gradual Ability Boosts","Hint":"Spread out ability score boosts across multiple levels. Players gain a boost every level except 6, 11, and 16."}},"Stamina":{"Title":"Stamina","Name":"Stamina Variant Rules","Hint":"Play with the stamina variant from Gamemastery Guide pg 200","Choices":{"0":"Do not use Stamina","1":"Use Stamina"}},"AncestryParagon":{"Title":"Ancestry Paragon","Name":"Ancestry Paragon Variant Rules","Hint":"Grant additional feat slots for the ancestry paragon variant from Gamemastery Guide pg 194"},"FreeArchetype":{"Title":"Free Archetype","Name":"Free Archetype Variant Rules","Hint":"Grant additional feat slots for the free archetype variant from Gamemastery Guide pg 194"},"DualClass":{"Title":"Dual Class","Name":"Dual Class Variant Rules","Hint":"Grant additional feat slots for the dual class variant from Gamemastery Guide pg 192. This variant only adds feat slots, and always adds a level 1 feat slot."},"AutomaticBonus":{"Title":"Automatic Bonus Progression","Name":"Automatic Bonus Variant Rules","Hint":"Reload Required: Support for Automatic Bonus Progression variant rules, except skills/apex ability.","Choices":{"noABP":"Do not use ABP","ABPFundamentalPotency":"ABP: Allow Property Runes","ABPRulesAsWritten":"ABP: Disallow Property Runes "}},"Proficiency":{"Title":"Proficiency without Level","Name":"Proficiency without Level Variant Rules","Hint":"Play with the proficiency without level variant from Gamemastery Guide pg 198.","Choices":{"ProficiencyWithLevel":"Use Default rules","ProficiencyWithoutLevel":"Use Variant rules"}},"UntrainedModifier":{"Name":"Untrained proficiency modifier","Hint":"Adjust to your liking to compliment the proficiency without level variant rules, recommended with variant rules is -2. Requires recalculation by reload or modifying a value per actor."},"TrainedModifier":{"Name":"Trained proficiency modifier","Hint":"Adjust to your liking to compliment the proficiency without level variant rules. Requires recalculation by reload or modifying a value per actor."},"ExpertModifier":{"Name":"Expert proficiency modifier","Hint":"Adjust to your liking to compliment the proficiency without level variant rules. Requires recalculation by reload or modifying a value per actor."},"MasterModifier":{"Name":"Master proficiency modifier","Hint":"Adjust to your liking to compliment the proficiency without level variant rules. Requires recalculation by reload or modifying a value per actor."},"LegendaryModifier":{"Name":"Legendary proficiency modifier","Hint":"Adjust to your liking to compliment the proficiency without level variant rules. Requires recalculation by reload or modifying a value per actor."},"Title":"Variant Rules Settings"}},"SaveDCLabel":"Save DC {dc} {type}","SaveDCLabelBasic":"Save DC {dc} basic {type}","SavesFortitude":"불굴","SavesFortitudeShort":"불","SavesHeader":"내성","SavesReflex":"반사","SavesReflexShort":"반","SavesWill":"의지","SavesWillShort":"의","SavingThrowWithName":"{saveName} 내성 Throw","ScoreTitle":"Score","ScrollFromSpell":"Scroll of {name} (Level {level})","ScrollWandPopup":{"10thLevelWand":"10th level wands don't exist","itemTypeLabel":"Consumable type: ","label":"Create a scroll or wand from the dropped spell","scroll":"Scroll","spellLevelLabel":"Heightened Level: ","submit":"Create item","title":"Create a scroll or wand","wand":"Wand"},"SelectLabel":"Select","SellAllTreasureTitle":"Sell All Treasure","SellAllTreasureQuestion":"Convert all treasure items into coins","Senses":"감각","SettingsColorBlue":"Bluegray","SettingsColorLabel":"UI Theme","SettingsColorNotes":"UI themes are most visible on the sidebar and chat cards.","SettingsColorOriginal":"Original","SettingsColorRed":"Darkred","SettingsColorFoundry-UI":"Work in Progress","SettingsQuickRollsLabel":"Preview D20 Rolls","SettingsQuickRollsNotes":"If disabled, dialogs to preview D20 rolls will appear only when a roll button is shift-clicked.","SettingsDataUriHighlightLabel":"Highlight images that use data: URI","SettingsDataUriHighlightNotes":"Images that use a data: URI are embedded in the character sheet. This has a negative performance impact on the character. If enabled, such images will be highlighted with a red border to make it easy to find and remove them.
This setting is only active for the current session.","SheetLabel":"{type} Sheet","SheetLabelDataEntry":"{type} Sheet (data entry)","SheetLabelNew":"{type} Sheet (preview)","SheetLabelOld":"{type} Sheet (legacy)","ShieldACBonusTitle":"The AC bonus of your shield (when you use the raise shield action)","ShieldBrokenThresholdLabel":"Broken Threshold","ShieldBTShortLabel":"BT","ShieldBTTitle":"Your shield's Broken Threshold","ShieldCurrentLabel":"방패 HP","ShieldCurrentTitle":"당신의 방패의 현재 히트 포인트","ShieldHardnessLabel":"Hardness","ShieldHardnessShortLabel":"H","ShieldHardnessTitle":"Shield damage is reduced by this hardness value","ShieldLabel":"방패","ShieldMaxLabel":"최대","ShieldMaxTitle":"Your shield's max Hit Points","SidebarAppearanceLabel":"모습","Size":"크기","SizeLabel":"크기","SkillAcr":"곡예","SkillAcrobatics":"곡예","SkillArc":"신비","SkillArcana":"Arcana","SkillAth":"운동","SkillAthletics":"운동","SkillCheckWithName":"기술 판정: {skillName}","SkillCra":"제작","SkillCrafting":"제작","SkillDec":"속임수","SkillDeception":"속임수","SkillDip":"외교","SkillDiplomacy":"외교","SkillIntimidation":"협박","SkillItm":"협박","SkillLabel":"기술","SkillLore":"지식","SkillMed":"의학","SkillMedicine":"의학","SkillNat":"자연","SkillNature":"자연","SkillOcc":"오컬티즘","SkillOccultism":"오컬티즘","SkillPerformance":"공연","SkillPrf":"공연","SkillRel":"종교","SkillReligion":"종교","SkillSoc":"사회","SkillSociety":"사회","SkillSte":"잠행","SkillStealth":"잠행","SkillSur":"생존","SkillSurvival":"생존","SkillThi":"도둑질","SkillThievery":"도둑질","SkillsLabel":"기술","SkillPotencyHeader":"Skill Potencies","기술 효능":"기술 재주 레벨","SkillIncreaseLevels":"기술 증가 레벨","Source":{"AuthorLabel":"Author","AuthorPlaceholder":"Author","Label":"원서","SourcePlaceholder":"Book"},"SpecialLabel":"특별","SpecialSensesLabel":"특별한 감각","Speed":"속도","SpeedFeet":"속도 (feet)","SpeedBaseLabel":"기본 {type} 속도","SpeedLabel":"{type} 속도","SpeedTitle":"당신 캐릭터의 속도 ","SpeedTypes":"속도 종류","SpeedTypesBurrow":"굴파기","SpeedTypesClimb":"등반","SpeedTypesFly":"날기","SpeedTypesLand":"지면","SpeedTypesSwim":"Swim","SpeedTypesTitle":"Alternative movement types","SpellAbilityLabel":"주문 능력치","SpellAbilityModLabel":"+ Mod","SpellArea":"Area: {areaSize} {areaUnit} {areaType}","SpellAttackWithTradition":"{tradition} Spell Attack","SpellAttackLabel":"Spell Attack","SpellBasicSaveOption":"Basic","SpellBrowserSearchHint":"You can search for name or custom attributes. Possible searchable attributes are:
source, spellType, level, school, components, materials, target, range, time, duration, damage, damageType, save, concentration, ritual, ability and classes.
Example: 'fire, damage:d6' to show all spells that have fire in their name and a d6 in the damage","SpellCantripLabel":"Cantrip","SpellCastingFormat":"{traditionSpells} {preparationType} Spells","SpellcastingSettings":{"Title":"Spellcasting Settings","AutoHeightenLabel":"Auto Heighten Level","AutoHeightenDefault":"Default (Use Actor Level)"},"SpellComponentF":"Focus","SpellComponentM":"Material","SpellComponentS":"Somatic","SpellComponentV":"Verbal","SpellComponentShortF":"F","SpellComponentShortM":"M","SpellComponentShortS":"S","SpellComponentShortV":"V","SpellComponentsLabel":"Components","SpellSlotEmpty":"Empty Slot (drag spell here)","SpellSlotNotEnoughError":"Cannot cast {name} at the {level}, not enough spell slots","SpellSlotExpendedError":"Cannot cast {name}, spell is already expended","SpellPrimaryCheckLabel":"Primary Check","SpellSecondaryChecksLabel":"Secondary Checks","SpellSecondaryCasters":"Secondary Casters","SpellConcentrationLabel":"Concentration","SpellCostLabel":"코스트","SpellDamageLabel":"주문 데미지","SpellDCBase":"기본 주문 DC 10","SpellDurationLabel":"Duration","SpellFocusLabel":"Focus","SpellFlexibleLabel":"Flexible","SpellFlexibleAvailable":"Flexible: {value} / {max}","SpellCollectionAdd":"Add to Spell Collection","SpellCollectionRemove":"Remove from Spell Collection","SpellLabel":"Spell","SpellLabelPlural":"주문","SpellLevel":"{level} 레벨","SpellLevel1":"1 레벨","SpellLevel10":"10 레벨","SpellLevel2":"2 레벨","SpellLevel3":"3 레벨","SpellLevel4":"4 레벨","SpellLevel5":"5 레벨","SpellLevel6":"6 레벨","SpellLevel7":"7 레벨","SpellLevel8":"8 레벨","SpellLevel9":"9 레벨","SpellLevelLabel":"주문 레벨","SpellLevelBase":"기본: {level}","SpellLevelHeightened":"Heightened: +{heightened}","SpellPreparedLabel":"준비됨","SpellRangeLabel":"사정 거리","SpellRequirementsLabel":"필요 사항","SpellRitualLabel":"Ritual","SpellSaveLabel":"주문 DC","SpellScalingInterval":{"Header":"Scaling (Interval)","Label":"Interval","Selection":"Heightened (+{interval})","Add":"Add Heightening (Interval)"},"SpellScalingOverlay":{"Label":"Heightened Level","Selection":"Heightened ({level})","Add":"Add Heightening (Fixed)"},"SpellScalingLabel":"Scaling","SpellSchoolLabel":"School","SpellTargetLabel":"Targets","SpellTimeLabel":"Cast Time","SpellTraditionsLabel":"Traditions","SpellTypeAttack":"Spell Attack","SpellTypeFocus":"Focus","SpellTypeHeal":"Healing","SpellTypeRitual":"Ritual","SpellTypeLabel":"Spell Type","SpellTypeSave":"Saving Throw","SpellTypeUtility":"Utility","SpellCategorySpell":"Spell","SpellUsesLabel":"Uses","SpellUnlimitedLabel":"Unlimited","SpellCategoryFocus":"Focus","SpellCategoryRitual":"Ritual","SpellCategoryFocusCantrip":"Focus Cantrip","SpellCategoryLabel":"Spell Category","SpellcastingTypeLabel":"Spellcasting Type","SpellsActionHeader":"Action","SpellsSchoolHeader":"School","StackGroupArrows":"Arrows","StackGroupRounds5":"Rounds (5)","StackGroupRounds10":"Rounds (10)","StackGroupBlowgunDarts":"Blowgun Darts","StackGroupBolts":"볼트","StackGroupCoins":"주화","StackGroupGems":"보석","StackGroupLabel":"Stacks With","StackGroupRations":"Rations","StackGroupSacks":"Sacks","StackGroupSlingBullets":"Sling Bullets","StackGroupWoodenTaws":"Wooden Taws","StaminaPointsHeader":"스테미너 포인트","StaminaPointsShortLabel":"스테미너","StatusBonusShortLabel":"스탯","StatusBonusTitle":"스탯 보너스","StatusEffects":"{name}의 스탯 영향:","StealthLabel":"잠행","StrikesLabel":"공격","Strike":{"Default":{"Description":"You attack with a weapon you're wielding or with an unarmed attack, targeting one creature within your reach (for a melee attack) or within range (for a ranged attack). Roll the attack roll for the weapon or unarmed attack you are using, and compare the result to the target creature's AC to determine the effect.","CriticalSuccess":"성공과 동일하게 처리하지만, 당신이 주는 데미지는 2배가 된다.","Success":"당신이 무기 혹은 비무장 공격으로 데미지를 주었다면, 당신의 데미지에 모든 수정치와, 보너스 그리고 패널티를 포함시킨다. "},"Fist":{"Label":"주먹"},"Unarmed":{"Description":"당신은 무장하지 않은 상태로 공격하며, 대상으로 지정된 하나의 생물은 근접해있어야한다. 비무장 공격을 행하기 위해선 공격 굴림을 굴리며, 대상으로 지정된 생물의 AC와 굴림 결과를 비교하며 영향을 결정한다.","Success":"비무장 공격으로 데미지를 주었다면, 당신의 데미지에 모든 수정치와, 보너스 그리고 패널티를 포함시킨다."},"Melee":{"Description":"You attack with a weapon you're wielding, targeting one creature within your reach. Roll the attack roll for the weapon you are using, and compare the result to the target creature's AC to determine the effect.","Success":"You deal damage according to the weapon, including any modifiers, bonuses, and penalties you have to damage."},"Ranged":{"Description":"You attack with a weapon you're wielding, targeting one creature within range. Roll the attack roll for the weapon you are using, and compare the result to the target creature's AC to determine the effect.","Success":"You deal damage according to the weapon, including any modifiers, bonuses, and penalties you have to damage.","NoAmmo":"No ammunition is assigned to {weapon}. Check the Actions tab of {actor}'s sheet."},"Combined":{"Description":"You attack with a weapon you're wielding, targeting one creature within your reach (for a melee attack) or within range (for a ranged attack). Roll the attack roll for the weapon or unarmed attack you are using, and compare the result to the target creature's AC to determine the effect.","Success":"You deal damage according to the weapon, including any modifiers, bonuses, and penalties you have to damage."}},"StrikingRuneLabel":"Striking Rune","Success":"성공","TabActionsLabel":"액션","TabActionsDowntimeLabel":"막간","TabActionsEncounterLabel":"조우","TabActionsExplorationLabel":"탐험","TabCharacterLabel":"캐릭터","TabCraftingLabel":"제작","TabDescriptionLabel":"설명","TabDetailsLabel":"상세 사항","TabEffectsLabel":"영향","TabFeatsLabel":"재주","TabInventoryLabel":"인벤토리","TabManageTabsLabel":"탭 관리","TabPathfinderSociety":"소사이어티","TabSkillsLabel":"숙련도","TabSpellbookLabel":"주문 시전","TargetFlatFootedLabel":"Enable abilities that require a flat-footed target","TempHPTitle":"The amount of temporary hit points you have","TempHitPointsShortLabel":"임시 HP","TemplateLabel":"{size}-{unit} {shape}","TemporaryItemToolTip":"This item is temporary and will expire after a duration or during daily preparations. It has no value and cannot be sold.","Time":{"Duration":"Duration","Unit":{"Seconds":"Seconds","Rounds":"Rounds","Minutes":"Minutes","Hours":"Hours","Days":"Days","Weeks":"Weeks","Unlimited":"Unlimited","UntilEncounterEnds":"Until encounter ends"}},"TogglesLabel":"Toggles","ToggleSignatureSpellTitle":"Toggle Signature Spell","ToggleSpellVisibilityTitle":"Spell Preparation","ToggleSlotlessSpellLevelsTitle":"Toggle visibility of spell levels without slots","ToggleUnreadyStrikes":"Toggle unequipped weapons","ToggleWithName":"Toggle: {property}","Token":{"Appearance":"모습","Size":{"Label":"크기","Dimensions":"Dimensions","LinkToActorSize":{"Label":"액터 크기로 연결","Hint":"Keep this token's dimensions consistent with its actor's size category"}}},"TotalTreasure":"모든 보물","TotalCoinage":"모든 코인","TotalWealth":"모든 재산","TrainedSkillsLabel":"기술 배움","Traits":"특성","TraitAasimar":"Aasimar","TraitAberration":"Aberration","TraitAbjuration":"Abjuration","TraitAcid":"Acid","TraitAdditive1":"Additive 1","TraitAdditive2":"Additive 2","TraitAdditive3":"Additive 3","TraitAdjustment":"Adjustment","TraitAeon":"Aeon","TraitAesir":"Aesir","TraitAffixedToArmor":"Affixed to Armor","TraitAffixedToArmorOrAWeapon":"Affixed to Armor or a Weapon","TraitAffixedToMediumHeavyArmor":"Affixed to Medium or Heavy Armor","TraitAffixedToArmorOrTravelersClothing":"Affixed to Armor or Travelers Clothing","TraitAffixededToCrossbowOrFirearm":"Affixed to Crossbow or Firearm","TraitAffixededToFirearm":"Affixed to Firearm","TraitAffixededToFirearmWithAReloadOf1":"Affixed to a Firearm With a Reload of 1","TraitAffixededToFirearmWithTheKickbackTrait":"Affixed to a Firearm With the Kickback Trait","TraitAffixedToHeadgear":"Affixed to Headgear","TraitAffixedToWeapon":"Affixed to a Weapon","TraitAffixedToARangedWeapon":"Affixed to a Ranged Weapon","TraitAffixedToAShield":"Affixed to a Shield","TraitAffixededToATwoHandedFirearmOrCrossbow":"Affixed to a Two-Handed Firearm or Crossbow","TraitAftermath":"Aftermath","TraitAgathion":"Agathion","TraitAgile":"민첩","TraitAir":"Air","TraitAlchemical":"Alchemical","TraitAlchemist":"Alchemist","TraitAll":"모든","TraitAmphibious":"Amphibious","TraitAmp":"Amp","TraitAnadi":"Anadi","TraitAndroid":"Android","TraitAngel":"Angel","TraitAnimal":"동물","TraitAnugobu":"Anugobu","TraitApex":"Apex","TraitAphorite":"Aphorite","TraitAppliedToAWindPoweredVehicle":"Applied to a wind-powered vehicle","TraitAppliedToAnyItemOfLightOrNegligibleBulk":"Applied to any item of light or negligible Bulk","TraitAppliedToAnyVisibleArticleOfClothing":"Applied to any visible article of clothing","TraitAppliedToBeltCapeCloakOrScarf":"Applied to belt, cape, cloak, or scarf","TraitAppliedToBootsCapeCloakOrUmbrella":"Applied to boots, cape, cloak, or umbrella","TraitAppliedToDuelingCapeOrShield":"Applied to dueling cape or shield","TraitAppliedToBucklerShield":"Applied to a buckler or a shield","TraitAppliedToShield":"Applied to shield","TraitAquatic":"Aquatic","TraitArcane":"신비","TraitArchetype":"Archetype","TraitArchon":"Archon","TraitAreaDamage":"Area Damage","TraitArtifact":"Artifact","TraitAstral":"Astral","TraitAsura":"Asura","TraitAttached":"Attached","TraitAttachedToAThrownWeapon":"Attached to a Thrown Weapon","TraitAttachedToShield":"Attached to Shield","TraitAttachedToCrossbowOrFirearm":"Attached to Crossbow or Firearm","TraitAttachedToCrossbowOrFirearmFiringMechanism":"Attached to Crossbow or Firearm (Firing Mechanism)","TraitAttachedToCrossbowOrFirearmScope":"Attached to Crossbow or Firearm (Scope)","TraitAttachedToFirearm":"Attached To Firearm","TraitAttachedToFirearmFiringMechanism":"Attached To Firearm (Firing Mechanism)","TraitAttachedToFirearmScope":"Attached To Firearm (Scope)","TraitAttack":"Attack","TraitAuditory":"Auditory","TraitAutomaton":"Automaton","TraitAura":"Aura","TraitAxeVulnerability":"Axe Vulnerability","TraitAzarketi":"Azarketi","TraitAzata":"Azata","TraitBackstabber":"Backstabber","TraitBackswing":"Backswing","TraitBarbarian":"Barbarian","TraitBard":"Bard","TraitBeast":"Beast","TraitBeastkin":"Beastkin","TraitBleed":"출혈","TraitBludgeoning":"강타","TraitBoggard":"Boggard","TraitBomb":"폭탄","TraitBrutal":"Brutal","TraitBulwark":"Bulwark","TraitCaligni":"Caligni","TraitCantrip":"Cantrip","TraitCapacity3":"Capacity 3","TraitCapacity4":"Capacity 4","TraitCapacity5":"Capacity 5","TraitCatalyst":"Catalyst","TraitCatfolk":"Catfolk","TraitCelestial":"Celestial","TraitChampion":"Champion","TraitChangeling":"Changeling","TraitChaotic":"Chaotic","TraitCharauKa":"Charau-ka","TraitCharm":"Charm","TraitCircus":"Circus","TraitCleric":"Cleric","TraitClimbing":"Climbing","TraitClockwork":"Clockwork","TraitCobbled":"Cobbled","TraitCold":"Cold","TraitColdiron":"Cold Iron","TraitCombination":"Combination","TraitComfort":"Comfort","TraitCommon":"일반","TraitComplex":"Complex","TraitCompanion":"Companion","TraitComposition":"Composition","TraitConcealable":"Concealable","TraitConcentrate":"Concentrate","TraitConcussive":"Concussive","TraitConfusion":"Confusion","TraitConjuration":"Conjuration","TraitConrasu":"Conrasu","TraitConstruct":"Construct","TraitConsecration":"Consecration","TraitConsumable":"Consumable","TraitContact":"Contact","TraitContingency":"Contingency","TraitContract":"Contract","TraitCouatl":"Couatl","TraitCriticalFusion":"Critical Fusion","TraitCriticalHits":"크리티컬 명중","TraitCurse":"저주","TraitCursed":"Cursed","TraitCursebound":"Cursebound","TraitDaemon":"Daemon","TraitDarkness":"어둠","TraitDarvakka":"Darvakka","TraitDeadlyD10":"치명 d10","TraitDeadlyD12":"치명 d12","TraitDeadlyD6":"치명 d6","TraitDeadlyD8":"치명 d8","TraitDeadly2D8":"치명 2d8","TraitDeadly2D10":"치명 2d10","TraitDeadly2D12":"치명 2d12","TraitDeadly3D8":"치명 3d8","TraitDeadly3D10":"치명 3d10","TraitDeadly3D12":"치명 3d12","TraitDeadly4D8":"치명 4d8","TraitDeadly4D10":"치명 4d10","TraitDeadly4D12":"치명 4d12","TraitDeath":"죽음","TraitDeathEffects":"죽음 영향","TraitDedication":"Dedication","TraitDemon":"데몬","TraitDero":"Dero","TraitDescriptionAasimar":"A creature with this trait is a member of the aasimar ancestry.","TraitDescriptionAbjuration":"Effects and magic items with this trait are associated with the abjuration school of magic, typically involving protection or wards.","TraitDescriptionAcid":"Effects with this trait deal acid damage. Creatures with this trait have a magical connection to acid.","TraitDescriptionAdditive":"Feats with the additive trait allow you to spend actions to add special substances to bombs or elixirs. You can add only one additive to a single alchemical item, and attempting to add another spoils the item. You can typically use actions with the additive trait only when you're creating an infused alchemical item, and some can be used only with the Quick Alchemy action. The additive trait is always followed by a level, such as additive 2. An additive adds its level to the level of the alchemical item you're modifying; the result is the new level of the mixture. The mixture's item level must be no higher than your advanced alchemy level","TraitDescriptionAeon":"These monitors are the self-styled defenders of reality. Traditional aeons have dualistic natures and forms, and they hold a dichotomy of interests, though axiomites and inevitables do not. Aeons other than axiomites and inevitables communicate via a strange telepathic hodgepodge of sensory sending called envisioning.","TraitDescriptionAesir":"Aesir are often-bellicose monitors of the chaotic planes, honing their skill in battle and preparing for a final confrontation at the end of the multiverse.","TraitDescriptionAftermath":"This trait describes feats that represent special abilities gained after exposure to the weird and deadly.","TraitDescriptionAgathion":"This family of animal-featured celestials is native to the plane of Nirvana. Most agathions are neutral good, have darkvision, and have a weakness to evil damage.","TraitDescriptionAgile":"The multiple attack penalty you take with this weapon on the second attack on your turn is -4 instead of -5, and -8 instead of -10 on the third and subsequent attacks in the turn.","TraitDescriptionAir":"Effects with the air trait either manipulate or conjure air. Those that manipulate air have no effect in a vacuum or an area without air. Creatures with this trait consist primarily of air or have a magical connection to that element.","TraitDescriptionAlchemical":"Alchemical items are powered by reactions of alchemical reagents. Alchemical items aren't magical and don't radiate a magical aura.","TraitDescriptionAlchemist":"This indicates abilities from the alchemist class.","TraitDescriptionAmphibious":"An amphibious creature can breathe in water and in air, even outside of its preferred environment, usually indefinitely but at least for hours. These creatures often have a swim Speed. Their bludgeoning and slashing unarmed Strikes don't take the usual -2 penalty for being underwater.","TraitDescriptionAmp":"An amp is a special thoughtform that modifies the properties of your psi cantrips. Psi cantrips each have their own amp, and feats with the amp trait provide different amps you can apply to psi cantrips in place of their normal amps.","TraitDescriptionAnadi":"A reclusive people from Garund who resemble spiders and can assume human forms.","TraitDescriptionAnroid":"A synthetic humanoid ancestry created by artificial means. Most common in Numeria.","TraitDescriptionAphorite":"A type of planar scion descended from a being from Axis, the Plane of Law.","TraitDescriptionArcane":"This magic comes from the arcane tradition, which is built on logic and rationality. Anything with this trait is magical.","TraitDescriptionArchetype":"This feat belongs to an archetype.","TraitDescriptionAttached":"An attached weapon must be combined with another piece of gear to be used. The trait lists what type of item the weapon must be attached to. You must be wielding or wearing the item the weapon is attached to in order to attack with it. For example, shield spikes are attached to a shield, allowing you to attack with the spikes instead of a shield bash, but only if you're wielding the shield. An attached weapon is usually bolted onto or built into the item it's attached to, and typically an item can have only one weapon attached to it. An attached weapon can be affixed to an item with 10 minutes of work and a successful @Check[type:crafting|dc:10] check; this includes the time needed to remove the weapon from a previous item, if necessary. If an item is destroyed, its attached weapon can usually be salvaged.","TraitDescriptionAttack":"An ability with this trait involves an attack. For each attack you make beyond the first on your turn, you take a multiple attack penalty.","TraitDescriptionAuditory":"Auditory actions and effects rely on sound. An action with the auditory trait can be successfully performed only if the creature using the action can speak or otherwise produce the required sounds. A spell or effect with the auditory trait has its effect only if the target can hear it. This applies only to sound-based parts of the effect, as determined by the GM. This is different from a sonic effect, which still affects targets who can't hear it (such as deaf targets) as long as the effect itself makes sound.","TraitDescriptionAura":"An aura is an emanation that continually ebbs out from you, af ecting creatures within a certain radius. Aura can also refer to the magical signature of an item or a creature with a strong alignment.","TraitDescriptionAutomaton":"A creature with this trait is a member of the automaton ancestry.","TraitDescriptionAzarketi":"Amphibious humanoids who live among the seas of the Inner Sea region, said to have descended from the people of Azlant. Sometimes known as gillmen or Low Azlanti.","TraitDescriptionBackstabber":"When you hit a flat-footed creature, this weapon deals 1 precision damage in addition to its normal damage. The precision damage increases to 2 if the weapon is a +3 weapon.","TraitDescriptionBackswing":"You can use the momentum from a missed attack with this weapon to lead into your next attack. After missing with this weapon on your turn, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your next attack with this weapon before the end of your turn.","TraitDescriptionBarbarian":"This indicates abilities from the barbarian class.","TraitDescriptionBard":"This indicates abilities from the bard class.","TraitDescriptionBeastkin":"Humanoids that can partially or fully transform into animal forms.","TraitDescriptionBomb":"An alchemical bomb combines volatile alchemical components that explode when the bomb hits a creature or object. Most alchemical bombs deal damage, though some produce other effects.","TraitDescriptionBulwark":"The armor covers you so completely that it provides benefits against some damaging effects. On Reflex saves to avoid a damaging effect, such as a fireball, you add a +3 modifier instead of your Dexterity modifier.","TraitDescriptionBrutal":"A ranged attack with this trait uses its Strength modifier instead of Dexterity on the attack roll.","TraitDescriptionCantrip":"A spell you can cast at will that is automatically heightened to half your level rounded up.","TraitDescriptionCapacity":"Weapons that have the capacity trait typically have multiple barrels or chambers capable of containing a round of ammunition. Capacity is always accompanied by a number indicating the number of barrels or chambers. After a capacity weapon is fired, you can select the next loaded barrel or chamber as an Interact action that doesn't require a free hand. Each barrel or chamber can be reloaded after it's fired as a separate Interact action.","TraitDescriptionCatfolk":"A creature with this trait is a member of the catfolk ancestry.","TraitDescriptionChampion":"This indicates abilities from the champion class.","TraitDescriptionChangeling":"A creature with this trait is a member of the changeling ancestry.","TraitDescriptionChaotic":"Chaotic effects often manipulate energy from chaos-aligned Outer Planes and are anathema to lawful divine servants or divine servants of lawful deities. A creature with this trait is chaotic in alignment. An ability with this trait can be selected or used only by chaotic creatures.","TraitDescriptionCharm":"Abilities that magically influence attitudes.","TraitDescriptionClass":"Archetypes with the class trait fundamentally diverge from your class's specialties but still fit within the theme of your class. You can select a class archetype only if your class meets the criteria listed in the archetype's prerequisites. Class archetypes always alter or replace some of a class's static class features in addition to any new feats they offer. It might be possible to take a class archetype at 1st level if it alters or replaces some of the class's initial class features. The 1st-level ability is presented much like a class feature and includes the class archetype's prerequisites and rules on how it changes your class. If you select this ability, you must take that archetype's dedication feat at 2nd level, and you proceed normally afterward. You can never have more than one class archetype.","TraitDescriptionCleric":"This indicates abilities from the cleric class.","TraitDescriptionClockwork":"Clockworks are intricate, complex constructs that can be programmed to perform specific functions.","TraitDescriptionClimbing":"The hand wielding the weapon is available to Climb.","TraitDescriptionCobbled":"This firearm is cobbled together and likely to misfire. No matter how well you upkeep it, on a failed attack roll, the attack misses and you must roll a @Check[type:flat|dc:5]. If you fail this check, the weapon misfires.","TraitDescriptionCold":"Effects with this trait deal cold damage. Creatures with this trait have a connection to magical cold.","TraitDescriptionCombination":"This is a trait for weapons that combine the functionality of melee weapons and firearms in unique or unusual ways. A combination weapon has both a firearm form or usage and a melee weapon form or usage.","TraitDescriptionComfort":"The armor is so comfortable that you can rest normally while wearing it.","TraitDescriptionCommon":"Anything that doesn't list another rarity trait (uncommon, rare, or unique) automatically has the common trait. This rarity indicates that an ability, item, or spell is available to all players who meet the prerequisites for it. A creature of this rarity is generally known and can be summoned with the appropriate summon spell.","TraitDescriptionCompanion":"An item with this trait can be worn by an animal companion or similar creature. A companion can have up to two items invested.","TraitDescriptionComplex":"A hazard with this trait takes turns in an encounter.","TraitDescriptionComposition":"To cast a composition cantrip or focus spell, you usually use a type of Performance. If the spell includes a verbal component, you must use an auditory performance, and if it includes a somatic component, you must use a visual one. The spell gains all the traits of the performance you used. You can cast only one composition spell each turn, and you can have only one active at a time. If you cast a new composition spell, any ongoing effects from your previous composition spell end immediately.","TraitDescriptionConcealable":"This weapon is designed to be inconspicuous or easily concealed. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Stealth checks and DCs to hide or conceal a weapon with this trait.","TraitDescriptionConcentrate":"An action with this trait requires a degree of mental concentration and discipline.","TraitDescriptionConcussive":"These weapons smash as much as puncture. When determining a creature's resistance or immunity to damage from this weapon, use the weaker of the target's resistance or immunity to piercing or to bludgeoning. For instance, if the creature were immune to piercing and had no resistance or immunity to bludgeoning damage, it would take full damage from a concussive weapon. Resistance or immunity to all physical damage, or all damage, applies as normal.","TraitDescriptionConjuration":"Effects and magic items with this trait are associated with the conjuration school of magic, typically involving summoning, creation, teleportation, or moving things from place to place.","TraitDescriptionConrasu":"A people that are made of cosmic force given consciousness and housed within unique exoskeletons.","TraitDescriptionConsecration":"A consecration spell enhances an area for an extended period of time. A given area can have only a single consecration effect at a time. The new effect attempts to counteract any existing one in areas of overlap.ation","TraitDescriptionConsumable":"An item with this trait can be used only once. Unless stated otherwise, it's destroyed after activation. Consumable items include alchemical items and magical consumables such as scrolls and talismans. When a character creates consumable items, they can make them in batches of four.","TraitDescriptionContingency":"Spells with this trait grant you an action during the spell's effects, typically a reaction with a special trigger. They typically have a long duration, such as 24 hours. You can have only one spell with the contingency trait, or one contingency spell, active at a time. If you cast another spell with the contingency trait or contingency, the newer casting supersedes the older.","TraitDescriptionConstruct":"A construct is an artificial creature empowered by a force other than necromancy. Constructs are often mindless; they are immune to bleed damage, death effects, disease, healing, necromancy, nonlethal attacks, poison, and the doomed, drained, fatigued, paralyzed, sickened, and unconscious conditions; and they may have Hardness based on the materials used to construct their bodies. Constructs are not living creatures, nor are they undead. When reduced to 0 Hit Points, a construct creature is destroyed.","TraitDescriptionContact":"This poison is delivered by contact with the skin.","TraitDescriptionContract":"A contract is a type of item that magically establishes an agreement between multiple parties and typically grants magical benefits.","TraitDescriptionCriticalFusion":"Critical fusion is a new trait for combination weapons that grants you two additional options for the critical specialization effect when using the combination weapon's melee version to make a melee attack while the firearm is loaded. If you choose to use one of them, they replace the melee usage's normal critical specialization effect. First, you can discharge the firearm to create a loud bang and concussion, using the critical specialization effect for firearms instead of the melee weapon group's critical specialization effect. Second, you can choose to discharge the firearm to increase the critical hit's momentum or shoot the foe as you attack them in melee, dealing 2 additional damage per weapon damage die. Both of these options discharge the firearm, which typically means you have to reload it before firing it again.","TraitDescriptionCurse":"A curse is an effect that places some long-term affliction on a creature. Curses are always magical and are typically the result of a spell or trap. Effects with this trait can be removed only by effects that specifically target curses.","TraitDescriptionCursed":"An item with this trait is cursed to cause trouble for its owner. A curse isn't detected when the item is identified, though a critical success reveals both the presence and exact nature of the curse. Cursed items can't be discarded once they've been triggered or invested the first time. The item can be removed only if the curse is removed.","TraitDescriptionCursebound":"Spells with this trait increase the severity of your oracular curse when cast. Usually, only revelation spells have this trait. You can't cast a cursebound spell if you don't have an oracular curse.","TraitDescriptionDarkness":"Darkness effects extinguish non-magical light in the area, and can counteract less powerful magical light. You must usually target light magic with your darkness magic directly to counteract the light, but some darkness spells automatically attempt to counteract light.","TraitDescriptionDarvakka":"Entropic undead creatures twisted by the Shadow Plane and Negative Energy Plane.","TraitDescriptionDeadly":"On a critical hit, the weapon adds a weapon damage die of the listed size. Roll this after doubling the weapon's damage. This increases to two dice if the weapon has a greater striking rune and three dice if the weapon has a major striking rune. For instance, a rapier with a greater striking rune deals 2d8 extra piercing damage on a critical hit. An ability that changes the size of the weapon's normal damage dice doesn't change the size of its deadly die.","TraitDescriptionDeath":"An effect with the death trait kills you immediately if it reduces you to 0 HP. Some death effects can bring you closer to death or slay you outright without reducing you to 0 HP.","TraitDescriptionDedication":"You must select a feat with this trait to apply an archetype to your character.","TraitDescriptionDetection":"Effects with this trait attempt to determine the presence or location of a person, object, or aura.","TraitDescriptionDeviant":"This trait describes strange supernatural or paranormal abilities.","TraitDescriptionDhampir":"A creature with this trait is a member of the dhampir ancestry. These humanoids are the mortal offspring of vampires and members of other ancestries.","TraitDescriptionDisarm":"You can use this weapon to Disarm with the Athletics skill even if you don't have a free hand. This uses the weapon's reach (if different from your own) and adds the weapon's item bonus to attack rolls (if any) as an item bonus to the Athletics check. If you critically fail a check to Disarm using the weapon, you can drop the weapon to take the effects of a failure instead of a critical failure. On a critical success, you still need a free hand if you want to take the item.","TraitDescriptionDisease":"An effect with this trait applies one or more diseases. A disease is typically an affliction.","TraitDescriptionDivination":"The divination school of magic typically involves obtaining or transferring information, or predicting events.","TraitDescriptionDivine":"This magic comes from the divine tradition, drawing power from deities or similar sources. Anything with this trait is magical.","TraitDescriptionDoubleBarrel":"This weapon has two barrels that are each loaded separately. You can fire both barrels of a double barrel weapon in a single Strike to increase the weapon damage die by one step. If the weapon has the fatal trait, this increases the fatal die by one step.","TraitDescriptionDowntime":"An activity with this trait takes a day or more, and can be used only during downtime.","TraitDescriptionDrug":"An item with this trait is a drug, a poison that conveys short-term benefits in addition to harmful side effects and long-term consequences. Each time a creature uses a given drug it must also attempt a saving throw against addiction to that drug.","TraitDescriptionDruid":"This indicates abilities from the druid class.","TraitDescriptionDuskwalker":"A creature with this trait has the duskwalker versatile heritage. Duskwalkers are planar scions infused with the supernatural energy of psychopomps. An ability with this trait can be used or selected only by duskwalkers.","TraitDescriptionDwarf":"A creature with this trait is a member of the dwarf ancestry. Dwarves are stout folk who often live underground and typically have darkvision. An ability with this trait can be used or selected only by dwarves. An item with this trait is created and used by dwarves.","TraitDescriptionEarth":"Effects with the earth trait either manipulate or conjure earth. Those that manipulate earth have no effect in an area without earth. Creatures with this trait consist primarily of earth or have a magical connection to that element.","TraitDescriptionElectricity":"Effects with this trait deal electricity damage. A creature with this trait has a magical connection to electricity.","TraitDescriptionElf":"A creature with this trait is a member of the elf ancestry. Elves are mysterious people with rich traditions of magic and scholarship who typically have low-light vision. An ability with this trait can be used or selected only by elves. A weapon with this trait is created and used by elves.","TraitDescriptionEmotion":"This effect alters a creature's emotions. Effects with this trait always have the mental trait as well. Creatures with special training or that have mechanical or artificial intelligence are immune to emotion effects.","TraitDescriptionEnchantment":"Effects and magic items with this trait are associated with the enchantment school of magic, typically involving mind control, emotion alteration, and other mental effects.","TraitDescriptionEnvironment":"A hazard with this trait is something dangerous that's part of the natural world, such as quicksand or harmful mold.","TraitDescriptionEsoterica":"The esoterica trait is present in many thaumaturge feats and class features that incorporate the various talismans, supernatural trinkets, and other objects you carry with you. Abilities that have the esoterica trait require you to be in possession of your esoterica to use them. Normally, you're assumed to always have your esoterica with you, but in some rare circumstances, you might either not have them on hand or have your gear stripped from you.","TraitDescriptionEvil":"Evil effects often manipulate energy from evil-aligned Outer Planes and are antithetical to good divine servants or divine servants of good deities. A creature with this trait is evil in alignment. An ability with this trait can be selected or used only by evil creatures.","TraitDescriptionEvocation":"Effects and magic items with this trait are associated with the evocation school of magic, typically involving energy and elemental forces.","TraitDescriptionExploration":"An activity with this trait takes more than a turn to use, and can usually be used only during exploration mode.","TraitDescriptionExtradimensional":"This effect or item creates an extradimensional space. An extradimensional effect placed inside another extradimensional space ceases to function until it is removed.","TraitDescriptionFatalAim":"It's possible to hold the stock of this weapon under one arm so you can fire it with a single hand as long as the other hand isn't holding a weapon, shield, or anything else you would need to move and position, to ensure the weapon doesn't slip out from under your arm. However, if you use both hands, the weapon can make fatal attacks. When you wield the weapon in two hands, it gains the fatal trait with the listed damage die. Holding the weapon underarm stably enough to fire is significantly more complicated than just releasing one hand from the weapon, so to switch between the two grips, you must do so with an Interact action rather than Releasing or as part of reloading.","TraitDescriptionFatal":"The fatal trait includes a die size. On a critical hit, the weapon's damage die increases to that die size instead of the normal die size, and the weapon adds one additional damage die of the listed size.","TraitDescriptionFear":"Fear effects evoke the emotion of fear. Effects with this trait always have the mental and emotion traits as well.","TraitDescriptionFetchling":"A creature with this trait is a member of the fetchling ancestry. Fetchlings were once human, but generations of life on the Shadow Plane have transformed them.","TraitDescriptionFighter":"This indicates abilities from the fighter class.","TraitDescriptionFinesse":"You can use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on attack rolls using this melee weapon. You still use your Strength modifier when calculating damage.","TraitDescriptionFinisher":" Finishers are spectacular finishing moves. You can use a finisher only if you have panache, and you lose your panache immediately after performing a finisher. Once you use a finisher, you can't use actions that have the attack trait for the rest of your turn. Some finisher actions also grant an effect on a failure. If your finisher succeeds, you can choose to apply the failure effect instead.","TraitDescriptionFinite":"Planes with this trait consist of a limited amount of space.","TraitDescriptionFire":"Effects with the fire trait deal fire damage or either conjure or manipulate fire. Those that manipulate fire have no effect in an area without fire. Creatures with this trait consist primarily of fire or have a magical connection to that element.","TraitDescriptionFleshwarp":"A humanoid transformed so completely by outside forces that they are now a unique ancestry.","TraitDescriptionFlexible":"The armor is flexible enough that it doesn't hinder most actions. You don't apply its check penalty to Acrobatics or Athletics checks.","TraitDescriptionFlourish":"Flourish actions are actions that require too much exertion to perform a large number in a row. You can use only 1 action with the flourish trait per turn.","TraitDescriptionFocused":"An item with this trait can give you an additional Focus Point. This focus point is separate from your focus pool and doesn't count toward the cap on your focus pool. You can gain this benefit only if you have a focus pool, and there might be restrictions on how the point can be used. You can't gain more than 1 Focus Point per day from focused items.","TraitDescriptionForce":"Effects with this trait deal force damage or create objects made of pure magical force.","TraitDescriptionForceful":"This weapon becomes more dangerous as you build momentum. When you attack with it more than once on your turn, the second attack gains a circumstance bonus to damage equal to the number of weapon damage dice, and each subsequent attack gains a circumstance bonus to damage equal to double the number of weapon damage dice.","TraitDescriptionFortune":"A fortune effect beneficially alters how you roll your dice. You can never have more than one fortune effect alter a single roll. If multiple fortune effects would apply, you have to pick which to use. If a fortune effect and a misfortune effect would apply to the same roll, the two cancel each other out, and you roll normally.","TraitDescriptionFreeHand":"This weapon doesn't take up your hand, usually because it is built into your armor. A free-hand weapon can't be Disarmed. You can use the hand covered by your free-hand weapon to wield other items, perform manipulate actions, and so on. You can't attack with a free-hand weapon if you're wielding anything in that hand or otherwise using that hand. When you're not wielding anything and not otherwise using the hand, you can use abilities that require you to have a hand free as well as those that require you to be wielding a weapon in that hand. Each of your hands can have only one free-hand weapon on it.","TraitDescriptionGanzi":"A planar scion descended from a chaotic being of the Maelstrom, such as a protean.","TraitDescriptionGadget":"Gadgets are consumable technological inventions with innovative uses.","TraitDescriptionGenie":"The diverse families of genies hold positions of prominence on the Elemental Planes. They have powerful magical abilities.","TraitDescriptionGeniekin":"An umbrella term for planar scions descended from beings from the Elemental Planes.","TraitDescriptionGeneral":"A type of feat that any character can select, regardless of ancestry and class, as long as they meet the prerequisites. You can select a feat with this trait when your class grants a general feat.","TraitDescriptionGhul":"Greedy and gluttonous undead originally formed from genie.","TraitDescriptionGnoll":"Gnolls are humanoids that resemble hyenas.","TraitDescriptionGnome":"A creature with this trait is a member of the gnome ancestry. Gnomes are small people skilled at magic who seek out new experiences and usually have low-light vision. An ability with this trait can be used or selected only by gnomes. A weapon with this trait is created and used by gnomes.","TraitDescriptionGoblin":"A creature with this trait can come from multiple tribes of creatures, including goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears. Goblins tend to have darkvision. An ability with this trait can be used or chosen only by goblins. A weapon with this trait is created and used by goblins.","TraitDescriptionGoloma":"Insular humanoids that bear countless eyes.","TraitDescriptionGood":"Good effects often manipulate energy from good-aligned Outer Planes and are antithetical to evil divine servants or divine servants of evil deities. A creature with this trait is good in alignment. An ability with this trait can be selected or used only by good creatures.","TraitDescriptionGrapple":"You can use this weapon to Grapple with the Athletics skill even if you don't have a free hand. This uses the weapon's reach (if different from your own) and adds the weapon's item bonus to attack rolls as an item bonus to the Athletics check. If you critically fail a check to Grapple using the weapon, you can drop the weapon to take the effects of a failure instead of a critical failure.","TraitDescriptionGrimoire":"Spellbooks are useful tools for any magic user to write down incantations and runes of power, but where most spellbooks are nothing more than ink on parchment, grimoires have absorbed the magic of the spells within—magic that knowledgeable spellcasters can use to augment their spells.","TraitDescriptionGrippli":"Gripplis are a family of frog-like humanoids","TraitDescriptionGunslinger":"This indicates abilities from the gunslinger class.","TraitDescriptionHalfElf":"A creature with this trait is part human and part elf. An ability with this trait can be used or selected only by half-elves.","TraitDescriptionHalfOrc":"A creature with this trait is part human and part orc. An ability with this trait can be used or selected only by half-orcs.","TraitDescriptionHalfling":"A creature with this trait is a member of the halfling ancestry. These small people are friendly wanderers considered to be lucky. An ability with this trait can be used or selected only by halflings. A weapon with this trait is created and used by halflings.","TraitDescriptionHampering":"A weapon with the hampering trait includes a disruptive limb or flange. You can use an Interact action to thrash the weapon in a square within the weapon's reach. That square becomes difficult terrain until you attack with the weapon, move, would otherwise stop thrashing it, or at the beginning of your next turn.","TraitDescriptionHaunt":"A hazard with this trait is a spiritual echo, often of someone with a tragic death. Putting a haunt to rest often involves resolving the haunt's unfinished business. A haunt that hasn't been properly put to rest always returns after a time.","TraitDescriptionHealing":"A healing effect restores a creature's body, typically by restoring Hit Points, but sometimes by removing diseases or other debilitating effects.","TraitDescriptionHex":"A hex is a type of focus spell a witch can cast.","TraitDescriptionHobgolin":"Hobgoblins are a sturdy, clever people with a propensity for militaristic order.","TraitDescriptionHuman":"A creature with this trait is a member of the human ancestry. Humans are a diverse array of people known for their adaptability. An ability with this trait can be used or selected only by humans.","TraitDescriptionHumanoid":"Humanoid creatures reason and act much like humans. They typically stand upright and have two arms and two legs.","TraitDescriptionIllusion":"Effects and magic items with this trait are associated with the illusion school of magic, typically involving false sensory stimuli.","TraitDescriptionIfrit":"A type of geniekin descended from a being from the Plane of Fire.","TraitDescriptionIncarnate":"A spell with the incarnate trait is similar in theme to spells that summon creatures, but it doesn't conjure a minion with the summoned trait. Instead, when summoned, the incarnate creature takes its Arrive action when you finish Casting the Spell. At the end of your next turn, the incarnate creature can either Step, Stride, or take the action for another movement type it has (such as Climb or Burrow), and then takes its Depart action. The spell then ends. The names of specific Arrive and Depart actions are listed in italics after the word “Arrive” or “Depart” respectively, along with any traits. A creature summoned by an incarnate spell acts in your interests, directs its effects away from you and your allies as much as possible, and might listen to your requests, but ultimately makes its own decisions. If the spell indicates that the incarnate makes a decision, the GM determines what the incarnate would do. It might even become more inclined to do precisely as you wish over multiple summonings. The incarnate is not fully a creature. It can't take any other actions, nor can it be targeted or harmed by Strikes, spells, or other effects unless they would be able to target or end a spell effect (such as dispel magic). It has a size for the purposes of determining its placement for effects, but it doesn't block movement. If applicable, its effects use your spell DCs and spell attack roll modifier.","TraitDescriptionIncapacitation":"An ability with this trait can take a character completely out of the fight or even kill them, and it's harder to use on a more powerful character. If a spell has the incapacitation trait, any creature of more than twice the spell's level treats the result of their check to prevent being incapacitated by the spell as one degree of success better, or the result of any check the spellcaster made to incapacitate them as one degree of success worse. If any other effect has the incapacitation trait, a creature of higher level than the item, creature, or hazard generating the effect gains the same benefits.","TraitDescriptionIncapacitationShort":"If the target level is higher than the ability level (or 2x spell level) treat the result as one degree better.","TraitDescriptionIncorporeal":"An incorporeal creature or object has no physical form. It can pass through solid objects, including walls. When inside an object, an incorporeal creature can't perceive, attack, or interact with anything outside the object, and if it starts its turn in an object, it is slowed 1. Corporeal creatures can pass through an incorporeal creature, but they can't end their movement in its space. An incorporeal creature can't attempt Strength-based checks against physical creatures or objects-only against incorporeal ones-unless those objects have the ghost touch property rune. Likewise, a corporeal creature can't attempt Strength-based checks against incorporeal creatures or objects. Incorporeal creatures usually have immunity to effects or conditions that require a physical body, like disease, poison, and precision damage. They usually have resistance against all damage (except force damage and damage from Strikes with the ghost touch property rune), with double the resistance against non-magical damage.","TraitDescriptionInfused":"You created an alchemical item with the infused trait using your infused reagents, and it has a limited time before it becomes inert. Any nonpermanent effects from your infused alchemical items, with the exception of afflictions such as slow-acting poisons, end when you make your daily preparations again.","TraitDescriptionIngested":"This poison is delivered when drunk or eaten.","TraitDescriptionInhaled":"This poison is delivered when breathed in.","TraitDescriptionInjection":"This weapon can be filled with an injury poison. Immediately after a successful attack with the weapon, you can inject the target with the loaded poison with a single Interact action. Refilling the weapon with a new substance requires three Interact actions, and uses both hands.","TraitDescriptionInjury":"This poison is delivered by damaging the recipient.","TraitDescriptionIntelligent":"An item with this trait is intelligent and has its own will and personality, as well as several statistics that most items don't have. Intelligent items can't be crafted by normal means, and they are always rare or unique.","TraitDescriptionInventor":"This indicates abilities from the inventor class.","TraitDescriptionInvested":"A character can wear only 10 magical items that have the invested trait. None of the magical effects of the item apply if the character hasn't invested it, nor can it be activated, though the character still gains any normal benefits from wearing the physical item (like a hat keeping rain off their head).","TraitDescriptionInvestigator":"This indicates abilities from the investigator class.","TraitDescriptionJoustingD6":"The weapon is suited for mounted combat with a harness or similar means. When mounted, if you moved at least 10 feet on the action before your attack, add a circumstance bonus to damage for that attack equal to the number of damage dice for the weapon. In addition, while mounted, you can wield the weapon in one hand, changing the damage die to the listed value.","TraitDescriptionKobold":"A creature with this trait is a member of the kobold ancestry.","TraitDescriptionKickback":"A kickback weapon is extra powerful and difficult to use due to its high recoil. A kickback weapon deals 1 additional damage with all attacks. Firing a kickback weapon gives a -2 circumstance penalty to the attack roll, but characters with 14 or more Strength ignore the penalty. Attaching a kickback weapon to a deployed bipod, tripod, or other stabilizer can lower or negate this penalty.","TraitDescriptionKitsune":"Shapeshifting humanoids whose true forms resemble foxes.","TraitDescriptionLawful":"Lawful effects often manipulate energy from law-aligned Outer Planes and are antithetical to chaotic divine servants or divine servants of chaotic deities. A creature with this trait is lawful in alignment. An ability with this trait can be selected or used by lawful creatures only.","TraitDescriptionLeshy":"A creature with this trait is a member of the leshy ancestry.","TraitDescriptionLight":"Light effects overcome non-magical darkness in the area, and can counteract magical darkness. You must usually target darkness magic with your light magic directly to counteract the darkness, but some light spells automatically attempt to counteract darkness.","TraitDescriptionLinguistic":"An effect with this trait depends on language comprehension. A linguistic effect that targets a creature works only if the target understands the language you are using.","TraitDescriptionLitany":"Litanies are special devotion spells, typically used by champions and requiring a single action, that usually give temporary immunity to further litanies.","TraitDescriptionLizardfolk":"These reptilian humanoids, also known as iruxi, are extremely adaptable and patient.","TraitDescriptionMagical":"Something with the magical trait is imbued with magical energies not tied to a specific tradition of magic. A magical item radiates a magic aura infused with its dominant school of magic. Some items or effects are closely tied to a particular tradition of magic. In these cases, the item has the arcane, divine, occult, or primal trait instead of the magical trait. Any of these traits indicate that the item is magical.","TraitDescriptionMagus":"This indicates abilities from the magus class.","TraitDescriptionManipulate":"You must physically manipulate an item or make gestures to use an action with this trait. Creatures without a suitable appendage can't perform actions with this trait. Manipulate actions often trigger reactions.","TraitDescriptionMechanical":"A hazard with this trait is a constructed physical object.","TraitDescriptionMental":"A mental effect can alter the target's mind. It has no effect on an object or a mindless creature.","TraitDescriptionMetamagic":"Actions with the metamagic trait, usually from metamagic feats, tweak the properties of your spells. You must use a metamagic action directly before Casting the Spell you want to alter. If you use any action (including free actions and reactions) other than Cast a Spell directly after, you waste the benefits of the metamagic action. Any additional effects added by a metamagic action are part of the spell's effect, not of the metamagic action itself.","TraitDescriptionMindless":"A mindless creature has either programmed or rudimentary mental attributes. Most, if not all, of their mental ability modifiers are -5. They are immune to all mental effects.","TraitDescriptionMindshift":"An action with this trait can always be altered to use the raw power of your mind. When you take this action, you can choose to replace any damage it deals with mental damage, give it the mental trait, and replace any save it requires with a Will save. The action loses any traits matching damage types it no longer deals.","TraitDescriptionMinion":"Minions are creatures that directly serve another creature. A creature with this trait can use only 2 actions per turn, doesn't have reactions, and can't act when it's not your turn. Your minion acts on your turn in combat, once per turn, when you spend an action to issue it commands. For an animal companion, you Command an Animal; for a minion that's a spell or magic item effect, like a summoned minion, you Sustain a Spell or Sustain an Activation; if not otherwise specified, you issue a verbal command as a single action with the auditory and concentrate traits. If given no commands, minions use no actions except to defend themselves or to escape obvious harm. If left unattended for long enough, typically 1 minute, mindless minions usually don't act, animals follow their instincts, and sapient minions act how they please. A minion can't control other creatures.","TraitDescriptionMisfortune":"A misfortune effect detrimentally alters how you roll your dice. You can never have more than one misfortune effect alter a single roll. If multiple misfortune effects would apply, the GM decides which is worse and applies it. If a fortune effect and a misfortune effect would apply to the same roll, the two cancel each other out, and you roll normally.","TraitDescriptionModification":"A feat with this trait alters the construction of your innovation. If you have the reconfigure class feature, you can retrain such a feat more easily.","TraitDescriptionModular":"The weapon has multiple configurations that you can switch between using an Interact action. Typically, switching between configurations of a modular weapon allows it to deal different types of damage (listed in the trait, such as “modular B, P, or S”), though it's possible for a modular weapon's description to list more complicated configurations.","TraitDescriptionMonk":"Abilities with this trait are from the monk class. A weapon with this trait is primarily used by monks.","TraitDescriptionMonkWeapon":"Many monks learn to use these weapons.","TraitDescriptionMorph":"Effects that slightly alter a creature's form have the morph trait. Any Strikes specifically granted by a morph effect are magical. You can be affected by multiple morph spells at once, but if you morph the same body part more than once, the second morph effect attempts to counteract the first (in the same manner as two polymorph effects, described in that trait). Your morph effects might also end if you are polymorphed and the polymorph effect invalidates or overrides your morph effect. The GM determines which morph effects can be used together and which can't.","TraitDescriptionMounted":"Mounted siege weapons take up a certain size and space, and typically have statistics to allow them to be attacked. They're used for large-scale warfare.","TraitDescriptionMove":"An action with this trait involves moving from one space to another.","TraitDescriptionMulticlass":"Archetypes with the multiclass trait represent diversifying your training into another class's specialties. You can't select a multiclass archetype's dedication feat if you are a member of the class of the same name.","TraitDescriptionNecromancy":"Effects and magic items with this trait are associated with the necromancy school of magic, typically involving forces of life and death.","TraitDescriptionNegative":"Effects with this trait heal undead creatures with negative energy, deal negative damage to living creatures, or manipulate negative energy.","TraitDescriptionNoisy":"This armor is loud and likely to alert others to your presence when you're using the Avoid Notice exploration activity.","TraitDescriptionNone":"This trait has no description.","TraitDescriptionNonlethal":"Attacks with this weapon are nonlethal, and are used to knock creatures unconscious instead of kill them. You can use a nonlethal weapon to make a lethal attack with a -2 circumstance penalty.","TraitDescriptionOath":"Oaths add an additional tenet to your code. You can usually have only one feat with this trait.","TraitDescriptionOccult":"This magic comes from the occult tradition, calling upon bizarre and ephemeral mysteries. Anything with this trait is magical.","TraitDescriptionOlfactory":"An olfactory effect can affect only creatures that can smell it. This applies only to olfactory parts of the effect, as determined by the GM.","TraitDescriptionOpen":"These maneuvers work only as the first salvo on your turn. You can use an open only if you haven't used an action with the attack or open trait yet this turn.","TraitDescriptionOracle":"This indicates abilities from the oracle class.","TraitDescriptionOread":"A type of geniekin descended from a being from the Plane of Earth.","TraitDescriptionOrc":"A creature with this trait is a member of the orc ancestry. A weapon with this trait is a weapon which orcs craft and use.","TraitDescriptionParry":"This weapon can be used defensively to block attacks. While wielding this weapon, if your proficiency with it is trained or better, you can spend an Interact action to position your weapon defensively, gaining a +1 circumstance bonus to AC until the start of your next turn.","TraitDescriptionPeachwood":"Peachwood weapons have a particularly auburn tinge to them when under direct sunlight. Peachwood is treated as darkwood for any undead creatures' resistances or weaknesses related to darkwood (allowing a peachwood weapon to bypass a jiang-shi's resistance, for example). In addition, peachwood weapons bypass a small portion of the resistances of any undead creature. Strikes with a peachwood weapon treat an undead's resistances against physical damage as 2 lower for standard-grade peachwood, and 4 lower for high-grade.","TraitDescriptionPlant":"Vegetable creatures have the plant trait. They are distinct from normal plants. Magical effects with this trait manipulate or conjure plants or plant matter in some way. Those that manipulate plants have no effect in an area with no plants.","TraitDescriptionPoison":"An effect with this trait delivers a poison or deals poison damage. An item with this trait is poisonous and might cause an affliction.","TraitDescriptionPolymorph":"These effects transform the target into a new form. A target can't be under the effect of more than one polymorph effect at a time. If it comes under the effect of a second polymorph effect, the second polymorph effect attempts to counteract the first. If it succeeds, it takes effect, and if it fails, the spell has no effect on that target. Any Strikes specifically granted by a polymorph effect are magical. Unless otherwise stated, polymorph spells don't allow the target to take on the appearance of a specific individual creature, but rather just a generic creature of a general type or ancestry. If you take on a battle form with a polymorph spell, the special statistics can be adjusted only by circumstance bonuses, status bonuses, and penalties. Unless otherwise noted, the battle form prevents you from casting spells, speaking, and using most manipulate actions that require hands. (If there's doubt about whether you can use an action, the GM decides.) Your gear is absorbed into you; the constant abilities of your gear still function, but you can't activate any items.","TraitDescriptionPortable":"Portable siege weapons, such as battering rams, can be more easily carried and have a role in both warfare and smaller conflicts or exploration.","TraitDescriptionPoppet":"A creature with this trait is a member of the poppet ancestry.","TraitDescriptionPositive":"Effects with this trait heal living creatures with positive energy, deal positive energy damage to undead, or manipulate positive energy.","TraitDescriptionPossession":"Effects with this trait allow a creature to project its mind and spirit into a target. A creature immune to mental effects can't use a possession effect. While possessing a target, a possessor's true body is unconscious (and can't wake up normally), unless the possession effect allows the creature to physically enter the target. Whenever the target takes damage, the possessor takes half that amount of damage as mental damage. A possessor loses the benefits of any of its active spells or abilities that affect its physical body, though it gains the benefits of the target's active spells and abilities that affect their body. A possessor can use any of the target's abilities that are purely physical, and it can't use any of its own abilities except spells and purely mental abilities. The GM decides whether an ability is purely physical or purely mental. A possessor uses the target's attack modifier, AC, Fortitude save, Reflex save, Perception, and physical skills, and its own Will save, mental skills, spell attack roll, and spell DC; benefits of invested items apply where relevant (the possessor's invested items apply when using its own values, and the target's invested items apply when using the target's values). A possessor gains no benefit from casting spells that normally affect only the caster, since it isn't in its own body. The possessor must use its own actions to make the possessed creature act. If a possessor reaches 0 Hit Points through any combination of damage to its true body and mental damage from the possession, it is knocked out as normal and the possession immediately ends. If the target reaches 0 Hit Points first, the possessor can either fall unconscious with the body and continue the possession or end the effect as a free action and return to its body. If the target dies, the possession ends immediately and the possessor is stunned for 1 minute.","TraitDescriptionPrecious":"Valuable materials with special properties have the precious trait. They can be substituted for base materials when you Craft items.","TraitDescriptionPrediction":"Effects with this trait determine what is likely to happen in the near future. Most predictions are divinations.","TraitDescriptionPress":"Actions with this trait allow you to follow up earlier attacks. An action with the press trait can be used only if you are currently affected by a multiple attack penalty. You can't use a press action when it's not your turn, even if you use the Ready activity. Some actions with the press trait also grant an effect on a failure. The effects that are added on a failure don't apply on a critical failure. If your press action succeeds, you can choose to apply the failure effect instead. (For example, you may wish to do this when an attack deals no damage due to resistance.)","TraitDescriptionPrimal":"This magic comes from the primal tradition, connecting to the natural world and instinct. Anything with this trait is magical.","TraitDescriptionPropulsive":"You add half your Strength modifier (if positive) to damage rolls with a propulsive ranged weapon. If you have a negative Strength modifier, you add your full Strength modifier instead.","TraitDescriptionPsyche":"Your psyche must be unleashed to use abilities that have the psyche trait, and they end automatically when your unleashed psyche subsides.","TraitDescriptionPsychic":"This indicates abilities from the psychic class.","TraitDescriptionRage":"You must be raging to use abilities with the rage trait, and they end automatically when you stop raging.","TraitDescriptionRange":"These attacks will either list a finite range or a range increment, which follows the normal rules for range increments.","TraitDescriptionRangedTrip":"This weapon can be used to Trip with the Athletics skill at a distance up to the weapon's first range increment. The skill check takes a -2 circumstance penalty. You can add the weapon's item bonus to attack rolls as a bonus to the check. As with using a melee weapon to trip, a ranged trip doesn't deal any damage when used to Trip.","TraitDescriptionRanger":"This indicates abilities from the ranger class.","TraitDescriptionRare":"This rarity indicates that a rules element is very difficult to find in the game world. A rare feat, spell, item or the like is available to players only if the GM decides to include it in the game, typically through discovery during play. Creatures with this trait are rare. They typically can't be summoned. The DC of Recall Knowledge checks related to these creatures is increased by 5.","TraitDescriptionRatfolk":"A creature with this trait is a member of the ratfolk ancestry.","TraitDescriptionReach":"Natural attacks with this trait can be used to attack creatures up to the listed distance away instead of only adjacent creatures. Weapons with this trait are long and can be used to attack creatures up to 10 feet away instead of only adjacent creatures. For creatures that already have reach with the limb or limbs that wield the weapon, the weapon increases their reach by 5 feet.","TraitDescriptionReckless":"Actions with the reckless trait run the risk of the pilot losing control of a vehicle. When performing a reckless action, the pilot must first attempt an appropriate piloting check to keep control of the vehicle.","TraitDescriptionReflection":"A creature with this trait has the reflection versatile heritage. Reflections are beings who are copies of living people, whether through cloning, planar duplication, or another mechanism. An ability with this trait can be used or selected only by reflections.","TraitDescriptionReload":"While all weapons need some amount of time to get into position, many ranged weapons also need to be loaded and reloaded. This entry indicates how many Interact actions it takes to reload such weapons. This can be 0 if drawing ammunition and firing the weapon are part of the same action. If an item takes 2 or more actions to reload, the GM determines whether they must be performed together as an activity, or you can spend some of those actions during one turn and the rest during your next turn.","TraitDescriptionRepeating":"A repeating weapon is typically a type of crossbow that has a shorter reload time. These weapons can't be loaded with individual bolts like other crossbows; instead, they require a magazine of specialized ammunition to be loaded into a special slot. Once that magazine is in place, the ammunition is automatically loaded each time the weapon is cocked to fire, reducing its reload to the value in its reload entry (typically 0). When the ammunition runs out, a new magazine must be loaded, which requires a free hand and 3 Interact actions (to remove the old magazine, retrieve the new magazine, and slot the new magazine in place). These actions don't need to be consecutive.","TraitDescriptionResonant":"This weapon can channel energy damage. You gain the Conduct Energy free action while wielding a resonant weapon.","TraitDescriptionRevelation":"Effects with this trait see things as they truly are.","TraitDescriptionRogue":"This indicates abilities from the rogue class.","TraitDescriptionSaggorak":"Ancient dwarven blacksmiths in Saggorak designed a series of spectacularly powerful runes. Only someone with legendary proficiency in Crafting, or a well-versed dwarven crafter from the city of Kovlar, can apply, transfer, or remove a rune with the Saggorak trait. Because of their considerable power, all Saggorak runes take up two property rune slots, and consequently they can be applied only to armor and weapons with at least a +2 potency rune.","TraitDescriptionScatter":"This weapon fires a cluster of pellets in a wide spray. Scatter always has an area listed with it, indicating the radius of the spray. On a hit, the primary target of attacks with a scatter weapon take the listed damage, and the target and all other creatures within the listed radius around it take 1 point of splash damage per weapon damage die.","TraitDescriptionScrying":"A scrying effect lets you see, hear, or otherwise get sensory information from a distance using a sensor or apparatus, rather than your own eyes and ears.","TraitDescriptionSecret":"The GM rolls the check for this ability in secret.","TraitDescriptionShadow":"This magic involves shadows or the energy of the Shadow Plane.","TraitDescriptionShisk":"Secretive humanoids covered in bony plumage that reside underground.","TraitDescriptionShoony":"A creature with this trait is a member of the shoony ancestry.","TraitDescriptionShove":"You can use this weapon to Shove with the Athletics skill even if you don't have a free hand. This uses the weapon's reach (if different from your own) and adds the weapon's item bonus to attack rolls as an item bonus to the Athletics check. If you critically fail a check to Shove using the weapon, you can drop the weapon to take the effects of a failure instead of a critical failure.","TraitDescriptionSkeleton":"This undead is made by animating a dead creature's skeleton with negative energy. An ability with this trait can be used or selected only by skeletons.","TraitDescriptionSkill":"A general feat with the skill trait improves your skills and their actions or gives you new actions for a skill. A feat with this trait can be selected when a class grants a skill feat or general feat. Archetype feats with the skill trait can be selected in place of a skill feat if you have that archetype's dedication feat.","TraitDescriptionSleep":"This effect can cause a creature to fall asleep or get drowsy.","TraitDescriptionSocial":"Actions and abilities with the social trait can be used only while a vigilante is in their social identity.","TraitDescriptionSonic":"An effect with the sonic trait functions only if it makes sound, meaning it has no effect in an area of silence or in a vacuum. This is different from an auditory spell, which is effective only if the target can hear it. A sonic effect might deal sonic damage.","TraitDescriptionSorcerer":"This indicates abilities from the sorcerer class.","TraitDescriptionSplash":"When you use a thrown weapon with the splash trait, you don't add your Strength modifier to the damage roll. If an attack with a splash weapon fails, succeeds, or critically succeeds, all creatures within 5 feet of the target (including the target) take the listed splash damage. On a failure (but not a critical failure), the target of the attack still takes the splash damage. Add splash damage together with the initial damage against the target before applying the target's weaknesses or resistances. You don't multiply splash damage on a critical hit.","TraitDescriptionSplash10":"When you use a thrown weapon with the splash trait, you don't add your Strength modifier to the damage roll. If an attack with a splash weapon fails, succeeds, or critically succeeds, all creatures within 10 feet of the target (including the target) take the listed splash damage. On a failure (but not a critical failure), the target of the attack still takes the splash damage. Add splash damage together with the initial damage against the target before applying the target's weaknesses or resistances. You don't multiply splash damage on a critical hit.","TraitDescriptionSprite":"A family of diminutive winged fey with a strong connection to primal magic.","TraitDescriptionStance":"A stance is a general combat strategy that you enter by using an action with the stance trait, and that you remain in for some time. A stance lasts until you get knocked out, until its requirements (if any) are violated, until the encounter ends, or until you enter a new stance, whichever comes first. After you use an action with the stance trait, you can't use another one for 1 round. You can enter or be in a stance only in encounter mode.","TraitDescriptionStaff":"This magic item holds spells of a particular theme and allows a spellcaster to cast additional spells by preparing the staff.","TraitDescriptionSteam":"Items with this trait are powered by engines that boil water to produce steam and move their components.","TraitDescriptionStrix":"Winged humanoids, most of whom live in and around Cheliax.","TraitDescriptionStructure":"An item with the structure trait creates a magical building or other structure when activated. The item must be activated on a plot of land free of other structures. The structure adapts to the natural terrain, adopting the structural requirements for being built there. The structure adjusts around small features such as ponds or spires of rock, but it can't be created on water or other nonsolid surfaces. If activated on snow, sand dunes, or other soft surfaces with a solid surface underneath, the structure's foundation (if any) reaches the solid ground. If an item with this trait is activated on a solid but unstable surface, such as a swamp or an area plagued by tremors, roll a @Check[type:flat|dc:3] each day; on a failure, the structure begins to sink or collapse. The structure doesn't harm creatures within the area when it appears, and it can't be created within a crowd or in a densely populated area. Any creature inadvertently caught inside the structure when the item is activated ends up unharmed inside the complete structure and always has a clear path of escape. A creature inside the structure when the activation ends isn't harmed, and it lands harmlessly on the ground if it was on an upper level of the structure.","TraitDescriptionSubjectiveGravity":"On planes with this trait, all bodies of mass can be centers of gravity with the same amount of force, but only if a non-mindless creature wills it.","TraitDescriptionSummoned":"A creature called by a spell or effect gains the summoned trait. A summoned creature can't summon other creatures, create things of value, or cast spells that require a cost. It has the minion trait. If it tries to Cast a Spell of equal or higher level than the spell that summoned it, it overpowers the summoning magic, causing its own spell to fail and the summon spell to end. Otherwise, the summoned creature uses the standard abilities for a creature of its kind. It generally attacks your enemies to the best of its ability. If you can communicate with it, you can attempt to command it, but the GM determines the degree to which it follows your commands. Immediately when you finish Casting the Spell, the summoned creature uses its 2 actions for that turn. A spawn or other creature generated from a summoned creature returns to its unaltered state (usually a corpse in the case of spawn) once the summoned creature is gone. If it's unclear what this state would be, the GM decides. Summoned creatures can be banished by various spells and effects. They are automatically banished if reduced to 0 Hit Points or if the spell that called them ends.","TraitDescriptionSummoner":"This indicates abilities from the Summoner class.","TraitDescriptionSuli":"Sulis are planar scions descended from jann.","TraitDescriptionSwashbuckler":"This indicates abilities from the Swashbuckler class.","TraitDescriptionSweep":"This weapon makes wide sweeping or spinning attacks, making it easier to attack multiple enemies. When you attack with this weapon, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your attack roll if you already attempted to attack a different target this turn using this weapon.","TraitDescriptionSylph":"A type of geniekin descended from a being from the Plane of Air.","TraitDescriptionTattoo":"A tattoo is a type of item that is drawn or cut into a creature's skin and usually takes the form of images or symbols.","TraitDescriptionTech":"Items with this trait are associated with technology.","TraitDescriptionTelepathy":"A creature with telepathy can communicate mentally with creatures. This doesn't give any special access to their thoughts, and communicates no more information than normal speech would.","TraitDescriptionTeleportation":"Teleportation effects allow you to instantaneously move from one point in space to another. Teleportation does not usually trigger reactions based on movement.","TraitDescriptionTengu":"A creature with this trait is a member of the tengu ancestry. Tengus are humanoids who resemble birds. An ability with this trait can be used or selected only by tengus. An item with this trait is created and used by tengus.","TraitDescriptionTethered":"This weapon is attached to a length of rope or chain that allows you to retrieve it after it has left your hand. If you have a free hand while wielding this weapon, you can use an Interact action to pull the weapon back into your grasp after you have thrown it as a ranged attack or after it has been disarmed (unless it is being held by another creature).","TraitDescriptionThaumaturge":"This indicates abilities from the thaumaturge class.","TraitDescriptionThrown":"You can throw this weapon as a ranged attack. A thrown weapon adds your Strength modifier to damage just like a melee weapon does. When this trait appears on a melee weapon, it also includes the range increment.","TraitDescriptionTiefling":"A creature with this trait is a member of the tiefling ancestry.","TraitDescriptionTransmutation":"Effects and magic items with this trait are associated with the transmutation school of magic, typically changing something's form.","TraitDescriptionTrap":"A hazard or item with this trait is constructed to hinder interlopers.","TraitDescriptionTrip":"You can use this weapon to Trip with the Athletics skill even if you don't have a free hand. This uses the weapon's reach (if different from your own) and adds the weapon's item bonus to attack rolls as an item bonus to the Athletics check. If you critically fail a check to Trip using the weapon, you can drop the weapon to take the effects of a failure instead of a critical failure.","TraitDescriptionTrueName":"Certain spells, feats, and items have the true name trait. This trait means they require you to know a creature's true name to use them.","TraitDescriptionTwin":"These weapons are used as a pair, complementing each other. When you attack with a twin weapon, you add a circumstance bonus to the damage roll equal to the weapon's number of damage dice if you have previously attacked with a different weapon of the same type this turn. The weapons must be of the same type to benefit from this trait, but they don't need to have the same runes.","TraitDescriptionTwoHand":"This weapon can be wielded with two hands. Doing so changes its weapon damage die to the indicated value. This change applies to all the weapon's damage dice, such as those from striking runes.","TraitDescriptionUnarmed":"An unarmed attack uses your body rather than a manufactured weapon. An unarmed attack isn't a weapon, though it's categorized with weapons for weapon groups, and it might have weapon traits. Since it's part of your body, an unarmed attack can't be Disarmed. It also doesn't take up a hand, though a fist or other grasping appendage follows the same rules as a free-hand weapon.","TraitDescriptionUncommon":"Something of uncommon rarity requires special training or comes from a particular culture or part of the world. Some character choices give access to uncommon options, and the GM can choose to allow access for anyone. Less is known about uncommon creatures than common creatures. They typically can't be summoned. The DC of Recall Knowledge checks related to these creature is increased by 2.","TraitDescriptionUndine":"A type of geniekin descended from a being from the Plane of Water.","TraitDescriptionUnique":"A rules element with this trait is one-of-a-kind. The DC of Recall Knowledge checks related to creatures with this trait is increased by 10.","TraitDescriptionUnstable":"Unstable actions rely on experimental functions of your innovation that even you can't fully predict. After an unstable action is used on an innovation, using another one is dangerous.","TraitDescriptionVersatile":"A versatile weapon can be used to deal a different type of damage than that listed in the Damage entry. This trait indicates the alternate damage type. For instance, a piercing weapon that is versatile S can be used to deal piercing or slashing damage. You choose the damage type each time you make an attack.","TraitDescriptionVirulent":"Afflictions with the virulent trait are harder to remove. You must succeed at two consecutive saves to reduce a virulent affliction's stage by 1. A critical success reduces a virulent affliction's stage by only 1 instead of by 2.","TraitDescriptionVisual":"A visual effect can affect only creatures that can see it. This applies only to visible parts of the effect, as determined by the GM.","TraitDescriptionVolley":"This ranged weapon is less effective at close distances. Your attacks against targets that are at a distance within the range listed take a -2 penalty.","TraitDescriptionWater":"Effects with the water trait either manipulate or conjure water. Those that manipulate water have no effect in an area without water. Creatures with this trait consist primarily of water or have a magical connection to the element.","TraitDescriptionWitch":"This indicates abilities from the witch class.","TraitDescriptionWizard":"This indicates abilities from the wizard class.","TraitDescriptionEidolon":"A creature with this trait is a summoner's eidolon. An item with this trait can be worn by an eidolon. An eidolon can have up to two items invested.","TraitDescriptionAdjustment":"Items with this trait are intended to alter existing pieces of equipment, typically armors, shields, and weapons. The given item will note which type of equipment it modifies. A piece of equipment can only be affected by a single adjustment at a time. Unless otherwise noted, adding or removing an adjustment requires using a 10-minute activity and a repair kit.","TraitDescriptionApex":"When you Invest an Item that has the apex trait, it improves one of your ability scores, either increasing it by 2 or to a total of 18, whichever grants the higher score. This gives you all the benefits of the new ability score until the investiture ends. An apex item grants this benefit only the first time it's invested within a 24-hour period, and you can benefit from only one apex item at a time. If you attempt to invest an apex item when you already have one invested, you don't gain the ability score increase, though you do gain any other effects of Investing the Item.","TraitDescriptionCatalyst":"Items with the catalyst trait are consumable material spell components that alter or magnify specific spells. Activating a catalyst is part of Casting the Spell. The catalyst might increase the number of actions required to Cast the Spell, as indicated in the catalyst's Activate entry. Additionally, the spell gains material components if it didn't have them already or adds the catalyst to its existing components. Because the catalyst becomes part of the material components, you can draw the catalyst as part of Casting the Spell.","TraitDescriptionElixir":"Elixirs are alchemical liquids that are used by drinking them.","TraitDescriptionFey":"Creatures of the First World are called the fey.","TraitDescriptionFulu":"Fulus are small paper charms that can be affixed to a suit of armor, a shield, a weapon, a creature, or even a structure. Some fulus are composed of multiple such charms, taking effect only once all have been affixed. Normal fulus have effects immediately once affixed, while fulu talismans have an effect only once activated. Once a fulu has been activated, it lasts for the given duration and then burns out. Unless otherwise noted, fulus expire one year after being created, reverting to mundane paper. All fulus have the fulu and consumable traits. Fulus also have a tradition trait—either arcane, divine, occult or primal—determined by the magical tradition of its creator. For example, a fulu created by a priest would have the divine trait, whereas a witch who dabbles in fate might create a fulu with the occult trait. Some fulus also have the talisman trait, if they work similarly to talismans (such as being affixed to a suit of armor, a shield, or a weapon. Each fulu's stat block indicates the type of item or creature it can be affixed to. Affixing or removing a fulu requires using the Affix a Fulu activity, or the Affix a Talisman action instead if the fulu is also a talisman.","TraitDescriptionMutagen":"An elixir with the mutagen trait temporarily transmogrifies the subject's body and alters its mind. A mutagen always conveys one or more beneficial effects paired with one or more detrimental effects. Mutagens are polymorph effects, meaning you can benefit from only one at a time.","TraitDescriptionOil":"Oils are magical gels, ointments, pastes, or salves that are typically applied to an object and are used up in the process.","TraitDescriptionPotion":"A potion is a magical liquid activated when you drink it.","TraitDescriptionScroll":"A scroll contains a single spell you can cast without a spell slot.","TraitDescriptionSnare":"Traps typically made by rangers, snares follow special rules that allow them to be constructed quickly and used on the battlefield.","TraitDescriptionSpellheart":"Spellhearts are permanent items that work similarly to talismans. You affix a spellheart using the Affix a Spellheart activity, which is otherwise identical to Affix a Talisman. The limit of one talisman per item remains—an item can have one spellheart or one talisman, not both. When casting a cantrip from a spellheart, you can use your own spell attack roll or spell DC if it's higher. Crafting a spellheart requires the spells the spellheart can cast. For example, a major five-feather wreath requires air walk, gale blast, and wall of wind.","TraitDescriptionTalisman":"A talisman is a small object affixed to armor, a shield, or a weapon (called the affixed item). You must be wielding or wearing an item to activate a talisman attached to it. Once activated, a talisman burns out permanently.","TraitDescriptionWand":"A wand contains a single spell which you can cast once per day.","TraitDetection":"탐지","TraitDevil":"악마","TraitDeviant":"Deviant","TraitDhampir":"Dhampir","TraitDinosaur":"Dinosaur","TraitDisarm":"Disarm","TraitDisease":"Disease","TraitDiv":"Div","TraitDivination":"Divination","TraitDivine":"신성","TraitDoubleBarrel":"더블 배럴","TraitDowntime":"막간","TraitDragon":"드래곤","TraitDream":"꿈","TraitDrow":"Drow","TraitDrug":"약","TraitDruid":"드루이드","TraitDuergar":"Duergar","TraitDuskwalker":"Duskwalker","TraitDwarf":"드워프","TraitEachRuneAppliedToASeparateItemThatHasPockets":"Each rune applied to a separate item that has pockets","TraitEarth":"땅","TraitEidolon":"Eidolon","TraitElectricity":"전기","TraitElemental":"원소","TraitElf":"엘프","TraitElixir":"Elixir","TraitEmotion":"감정","TraitEnchantment":"Enchantment","TraitEnergy":"Energy","TraitEnvironmental":"Environmental","TraitEsoterica":"Esoterica","TraitEthereal":"Ethereal","TraitEvil":"악","TraitEvocation":"초혼","TraitEvolution":"Evolution","TraitExploration":"Exploration","TraitExtradimensional":"Extradimensional","TraitFatalAimD10":"Fatal Aim d10","TraitFatalAimD12":"Fatal Aim d12","TraitFatalD10":"Fatal d10","TraitFatalD12":"Fatal d12","TraitFatalD8":"Fatal d8","TraitFear":"두려움","TraitFearEffects":"두려움 영향","TraitFetchling":"Fetchling","TraitFey":"요정","TraitFiend":"Fiend","TraitFighter":"전사","TraitFinesse":"기교","TraitFinisher":"Finisher","TraitFinite":"Finite","TraitFire":"불","TraitFleshwarp":"Fleshwarp","TraitFlexible":"Flexible","TraitFlourish":"Flourish","TraitFocused":"Focused","TraitForce":"Force","TraitForceful":"Forceful","TraitFormian":"Formian","TraitFortune":"Fortune","TraitFreeHand":"Free-Hand","TraitFulu":"Fulu","TraitFungus":"Fungus","TraitGadget":"Gadget","TraitGanzi":"Ganzi","TraitGeneral":"General","TraitGenie":"Genie","TraitGeniekin":"Geniekin","TraitGhoran":"Ghoran","TraitGhost":"유령","TraitGhoul":"구울","TraitGhul":"굴","TraitGiant":"거인","TraitGnoll":"Gnoll","TraitGnome":"그놈","TraitGoblin":"고블린","TraitGolem":"골렘","TraitGoloma":"Goloma","TraitGood":"좋음","TraitGrapple":"잡기","TraitGremlin":"그렘린","TraitGrimoire":"Grimoire","TraitGrioth":"Grioth","TraitGrippli":"Grippli","TraitGunslinger":"건슬링거","TraitHag":"Hag","TraitHalcyon":"Halcyon","TraitHalfElf":"하프 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d6","TraitKaiju":"Kaiju","TraitKami":"Kami","TraitKickback":"Kickback","TraitKitsune":"Kitsune","TraitKobold":"Kobold","TraitKovintus":"Kovintus","TraitLawful":"Lawful","TraitLeshy":"Leshy","TraitLight":"빛","TraitLineage":"Lineage","TraitLinguistic":"Linguistic","TraitLitany":"Litany","TraitLizardfolk":"Lizardfolk","TraitLocathah":"Locathah","TraitMagic":"마법","TraitMagical":"마술","TraitMagus":"Magus","TraitManipulate":"Manipulate","TraitMechanical":"Mechanical","TraitMental":"Mental","TraitMerfolk":"Merfolk","TraitMetamagic":"Metamagic","TraitMindless":"Mindless","TraitMinion":"Minion","TraitMindshift":"Mindshift","TraitMisfortune":"Misfortune","TraitModification":"Modification","TraitModular":"Modular B, P, or S","TraitMonitor":"Monitor","TraitMonk":"Monk","TraitMorlock":"Morlock","TraitMorph":"Morph","TraitMortic":"Mortic","TraitMounted":"Mounted","TraitMove":"Move","TraitMulticlass":"Multiclass","TraitMummy":"Mummy","TraitMunavri":"Munavri","TraitMutagen":"Mutagen","TraitMutant":"Mutant","TraitNagaji":"Nagaji","TraitNecromancy":"Necromancy","TraitNegative":"Negative","TraitNoisy":"Noisy","TraitNonlethal":"비치명적","TraitNonlethalAttacks":"비치명적 공격","TraitNonmagicalAttacks":"Non-magical Attacks","TraitNymph":"Nymph","TraitOath":"Oath","TraitObjectImmunities":"Object Immunities","TraitOccult":"Occult","TraitOil":"Oil","TraitOlfactory":"Olfactory","TraitOni":"Oni","TraitOoze":"Ooze","TraitOpen":"Open","TraitOracle":"Oracle","TraitOrc":"Orc","TraitOread":"Oread","TraitPaaridar":"Paaridar","TraitParry":"Parry","TraitPervasiveMagic":"Pervasive Magic","TraitPetitioner":"Petitioner","TraitPhantom":"Phantom","TraitPhysical":"Physical","TraitPiercing":"날카로움","TraitPlant":"Plant","TraitPoison":"Poison","TraitPolymorph":"Polymorph","TraitPortable":"Portable","TraitPoppet":"Poppet","TraitPositive":"Positive","TraitPossession":"Possession","TraitPotion":"Potion","TraitPrecious":"Precious","TraitPrecision":"Precision","TraitPrediction":"Prediction","TraitPress":"Press","TraitPrimal":"Primal","TraitPropulsive":"Propulsive","TraitProtean":"Protean","TraitProteanAnatomy":"Protean Anatomy","TraitPsychopomp":"Psychopomp","TraitPsyche":"Psyche","TraitPsychic":"Psychic","TraitQlippoth":"Qlippoth","TraitRadiation":"Radiation","TraitRage":"Rage","TraitRakshasa":"Rakshasa","TraitRange5":"사정거리 5 피트","TraitRange10":"사정거리 10 피트","TraitRange15":"사정거리 15 피트","TraitRange20":"Range 20 피트","TraitRange25":"사정거리 25 피트","TraitRange30":"사정거리 30 피트","TraitRange40":"사정거리 40 피트","TraitRange50":"사정거리 50 피트","TraitRange60":"사정거리 60 피트","TraitRange70":"사정거리 70 피트","TraitRange80":"사정거리 80 피트","TraitRange90":"사정거리 90 피트","TraitRange100":"사정거리 100 피트","TraitRange120":"사정거리 120 피트","TraitRange150":"Range 150 피트","TraitRange180":"사정거리 180 피트","TraitRange200":"사정거리 200 피트","TraitRange240":"사정거리 240 피트","TraitRange300":"사정거리 300 피트","TraitRange500":"사정거리 500 피트","TraitRangeIncrement10":"사정거리 증가 10 피트","TraitRangeIncrement100":"사정거리 증가 100 피트","TraitRangeIncrement110":"사정거리 증가 110 피트","TraitRangeIncrement120":"사정거리 증가 120 피트","TraitRangeIncrement130":"사정거리 증가 130 피트","TraitRangeIncrement140":"사정거리 증가 140 피트","TraitRangeIncrement15":"사정거리 증가 15 피트","TraitRangeIncrement150":"사정거리 증가 150 피트","TraitRangeIncrement160":"사정거리 증가 160 피트","TraitRangeIncrement170":"사정거리 증가 170 피트","TraitRangeIncrement180":"사정거리 증가 180 피트","TraitRangeIncrement190":"사정거리 증가 190 피트","TraitRangeIncrement20":"사정거리 증가 20 피트","TraitRangeIncrement200":"사정거리 증가 200 피트","TraitRangeIncrement210":"사정거리 증가 210 피트","TraitRangeIncrement220":"사정거리 증가 220 피트","TraitRangeIncrement230":"사정거리 증가 230 피트","TraitRangeIncrement240":"사정거리 증가 240 피트","TraitRangeIncrement250":"사정거리 증가 250 피트","TraitRangeIncrement260":"사정거리 증가 260 피트","TraitRangeIncrement270":"사정거리 증가 270 피트","TraitRangeIncrement280":"사정거리 증가 280 피트","TraitRangeIncrement290":"사정거리 증가 290 피트","TraitRangeIncrement30":"사정거리 증가 30 피트","TraitRangeIncrement300":"사정거리 증가 300 피트","TraitRangeIncrement310":"사정거리 증가 310 피트","TraitRangeIncrement320":"사정거리 증가 320 피트","TraitRangeIncrement40":"사정거리 증가 40 피트","TraitRangeIncrement5":"사정거리 증가 5 피트","TraitRangeIncrement50":"사정거리 증가 50 피트","TraitRangeIncrement60":"사정거리 증가 60 피트","TraitRangeIncrement70":"사정거리 증가 70 피트","TraitRangeIncrement75":"사정거리 증가 75 피트","TraitRangeIncrement80":"사정거리 증가 80 피트","TraitRangeIncrement90":"사정거리 증가 90 피트","TraitRangedTrip":"Ranged Trip","TraitRanger":"Ranger","TraitRare":"Rare","TraitRatfolk":"Ratfolk","TraitReach":"Reach","TraitReach0":"Reach 0 ft","TraitReach10":"Reach 10 ft","TraitReach15":"Reach 15 ft","TraitReach20":"Reach 20 ft","TraitReach25":"Reach 25 ft","TraitReach30":"Reach 30 ft","TraitReach40":"Reach 40 ft","TraitReach50":"Reach 50 ft","TraitReach60":"Reach 60 ft","TraitReach100":"Reach 100 ft","TraitReach1000":"Reach 1,000 ft","TraitReckless":"Reckless","TraitReflection":"Reflection","TraitReload0":"Reload 0","TraitReload1":"Reload 1","TraitReload2":"Reload 2","TraitReload1Min":"Reload 1 min","TraitRepeating":"Repeating","TraitResonant":"Resonant","TraitRevelation":"Revelation","TraitRogue":"Rogue","TraitSaggorak":"Saggorak","TraitSahkil":"Sahkil","TraitSalt":"Salt","TraitSaltWater":"Salt Water","TraitSamsaran":"Samsaran","TraitScatter5":"Scatter 5","TraitScatter10":"Scatter 10","TraitScatter15":"Scatter 15","TraitScroll":"Scroll","TraitScrying":"Scrying","TraitSeaDevil":"Sea Devil","TraitSeugathi":"Seugathi","TraitSewnIntoClothing":"Sewn Into Clothing","TraitSecret":"Secret","TraitSerpentfolk":"Serpentfolk","TraitShabti":"Shabti","TraitShadow":"Shadow","TraitShisk":"Shisk","TraitShobhad":"Shobhad","TraitShoony":"Shoony","TraitShove":"Shove","TraitSiktempora":"Siktempora","TraitSimple":"Simple","TraitSkeleton":"Skeleton","TraitSkelm":"Skelm","TraitSkill":"Skill","TraitSkulk":"Skulk","TraitSlashing":"베기","TraitSleep":"Sleep","TraitSnare":"Snare","TraitSocial":"Social","TraitSonic":"Sonic","TraitSorcerer":"Sorcerer","TraitSoulbound":"Soulbound","TraitSpellDeflection":"Spell Deflection","TraitSpellheart":"Spellheart","TraitSpellshot":"Spellshot","TraitSpirit":"Spirit","TraitSplash":"Splash","TraitSplashDamage":"Splash Damage","TraitSplash10":"Splash 10 ft","TraitSpriggan":"Spriggan","TraitSprite":"Sprite","TraitStaff":"Staff","TraitStamina":"Stamina","TraitStance":"Stance","TraitSteam":"Steam","TraitStheno":"Stheno","TraitStrix":"Strix","TraitStructure":"Structure","TraitSuli":"Suli","TraitSummon":"Summon","TraitSummoned":"Summoned","TraitSummoner":"Summoner","TraitSwarmAttacks":"Swarm Attacks","TraitSwarmMind":"Swarm Mind","TraitSwashbuckler":"Swashbuckler","TraitSwarm":"Swarm","TraitSweep":"Sweep","TraitSylph":"Sylph","TraitTalisman":"Talisman","TraitTandem":"Tandem","TraitTane":"Tane","TraitTanggal":"Tanggal","TraitTattoo":"Tattoo","TraitTech":"Tech","TraitTechnological":"Technological","TraitTelepathy":"Telepathy","TraitTeleportation":"Teleportation","TraitTengu":"Tengu","TraitTethered":"Tethered","TraitThaumaturge":"Thaumaturge","TraitThrown":"Thrown","TraitThrown10":"Thrown 10 ft.","TraitThrown15":"Thrown 15 ft.","TraitThrown20":"Thrown 20 ft.","TraitThrown30":"Thrown 30 ft.","TraitThrown40":"Thrown 40 ft.","TraitThrown60":"Thrown 60 ft.","TraitThrown80":"Thrown 80 ft.","TraitThrown100":"Thrown 100 ft.","TraitTiefling":"Tiefling","TraitTime":"Time","TraitTitan":"Titan","TraitTransmutation":"Transmutation","TraitTrap":"Trap","TraitTrip":"Trip","TraitTroll":"Troll","TraitTroop":"Troop","TraitTrueName":"True Name","TraitTwin":"Twin","TraitTwoHandD10":"Two-Hand d10","TraitTwoHandD12":"Two-Hand d12","TraitTwoHandD6":"Two-Hand d6","TraitTwoHandD8":"Two-Hand d8","TraitTwoHandedHelp":"This item can be wielded in two hands. To toggle the two-handed strike, click the two-handed trait in the strikes tab.","TraitUnarmed":"Unarmed","TraitUncommon":"Uncommon","TraitUndead":"Undead","TraitUndine":"Undine","TraitUnique":"Unique","TraitUnstable":"Unstable","TraitUntyped":"Untyped","TraitUrdefhan":"Urdefhan","TraitVampire":"Vampire","TraitVampireWeaknesses":"Vampire Weaknesses","TraitVanara":"Vanara","TraitVelstrac":"Velstrac","TraitVersatileAcid":"다용도 산성","TraitVersatileB":"다용도 강타","TraitVersatileChaotic":"다용도 혼돈","TraitVersatileCold":"다용돈 얼음","TraitVersatileElectricity":"다용도 전기","TraitVersatileEvil":"다용도 악","TraitVersatileFire":"다용도 불","TraitVersatileForce":"다용도 물리적 힘","TraitVersatileGood":"다용도 선","TraitVersatileHeritage":"다용도 유산","TraitVersatileLawful":"다용도 질서","TraitVersatileNegative":"다용도 부정","TraitVersatileP":"다용도 날카로움","TraitVersatilePositive":"다용도 긍정","TraitVersatileS":"다용도 베기","TraitVersatileSonic":"다용도 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Bracelet","TraitWornClothing":"Worn Clothing","TraitWornNecklace":"Worn Necklace","TraitWornHeadwear":"Worn Headwear","TraitWornGarment":"Worn Garment","TraitWornGloves":"Worn Gloves","TraitWornRing":"Worn Ring","TraitWornOnWrists":"Worn on Wrists","TraitWornMask":"Worn Mask","TraitWornBracers":"Worn Bracers","TraitWornEpaulet":"Worn Epaulets","TraitWornCloak":"Worn Cloak","TraitWornCrown":"Worn Crown","TraitWornEyepiece":"Worn Eyepiece","TraitWornBelt":"Worn Belt","TraitWornBeltPouch":"Worn Belt Pouch","TraitWornShoes":"Worn Shoes","TraitWornCollar":"Worn Collar","TraitWornAnklets":"Worn Anklets","TraitWornCirclet":"Worn Circlet","TraitWornHorseshoes":"Worn Horseshoes","TraitWornBarding":"Worn Barding","TraitWornOnBelt":"Worn on Belt","TraitWornSaddle":"Worn Saddle","TraitEtchedOntoArmor":"Etched onto Armor","TraitEtchedOntoMedHeavyArmor":"Etched onto Medium or Heavy Armor","TraitEtchedOntoAWeapon":"Etched onto a Weapon","TraitEtchedOntoAThrownWeapon":"Etched on Thrown Weapon","TraitEtchedOntoAMeleeWeapon":"Etched on Melee Weapon","TraitEtchedOntoAClanDagger":"Etched on Clan Dagger","TraitEtchedOntoLightMedNMArmor":"Etched on L/M Nonmetal Armor","TraitBonded":"Bonded","TraitsLabel":"Traits","Trap":"Trap","TravelSpeed":{"Name":"Name","Title":"Travel Duration Calculator (Alpha)","PartySpeed":"Party Speed","Speed":"Speed","TravelDuration":"Travel Duration","ExplorationActivity":"Exploration Activity","ExplorationSpeed":"Exploration Speed","DetectionMode":"Detection Mode","Feet":"Feet","Hours":"Hours","HoursPerDay":"Hours Spent Traveling Per Day","HustleMinutes":"Minutes Spent Hustling Per Day","Days":"Days","Weeks":"Weeks","FeetAcronym":"ft","Miles":"Miles","None":"Full Speed","DetectEverything":"Notice Everything","DetectBeforeRunningIntoIt":"Notice Everything in Advance","Journey":"Journey","NormalTerrain":"Normal Terrain Speed","DifficultTerrain":"Difficult Terrain Speed","GreaterDifficultTerrain":"Greater Difficult Terrain Speed","Distance":"Distance","TerrainSlowdown":"Terrain Speed","ExplorationActivities":{"AvoidNotice":"Avoid Notice","CoverTracks":"Cover Tracks","Defend":"Defend","DetectMagic":"Detect Magic","Investigate":"Investigate","RepeatASpell":"Repeat a Spell","Scout":"Scout","Search":"Search","Track":"Track","None":"None (Full Speed)","HalfSpeed":"Other (Half Speed)"}},"TrickMagicItemPopup":{"Label":"Select a skill to use with Trick Magic Item.","Title":"Trick Magic Item","InvalidActor":"Only a character or NPC can use Trick Magic Item."},"UI":{"applyDamage":{"by":"by","damaged":"damaged for ","healed":"healed for ","shieldActive":"and their {shield} gets ","shieldInActive":"gets"},"errorTargetToken":"Select at least one token.","noDamageInfoForOutcome":"No damage information for outcome {outcome}.","shiftModifyDamageLabel":"수정치:","shiftModifyDamageTitle":"Modify the rolled damage/healing"},"UnitPriceLabel":"Unit price","UnprepareItemTitle":"Unprepare Item","UpdateActorLabel":"Update Actor","UpdateLabelUniversal":"Update","UserSettings":{"DarkvisionFilter":{"Label":"Darkvision Filter","Hint":"Add a (usually monochrome) filter when viewing a scene through the sight of a creature with darkvision"}},"ValueLabel":"Value","WandFromSpell":"Wand of {name} (Level {level})","WeaknessesLabel":"약점","Weapon":{"Base":{"adze":"Adze","aklys":"Aklys","alchemical-bomb":"Alchemical Bomb","alchemical-crossbow":"Alchemical Crossbow","aldori-dueling-sword":"Aldori Dueling Sword","air-repeater":"Air Repeater","arquebus":"Arquebus","axe-musket":"Axe Musket","asp-coil":"Asp Coil","bastard-sword":"Bastard Sword","battle-axe":"Battle Axe","battle-lute":"Battle Lute","big-boom-gun":"Big Boom Gun","black-powder-knuckle-dusters":"Black Powder Knuckle Dusters","bladed-diabolo":"Bladed Diabolo","bladed-gauntlet":"Bladed Gauntlet","bladed-hoop":"Bladed Hoop","bladed-scarf":"Bladed Scarf","blowgun-darts":"Blowgun Darts","blowgun":"Blowgun","blunderbuss":"Blunderbuss","bo-staff":"Bo 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Additional die from Striking runes should not be added here and instead configured in the Weapon Runes section above.","WeaponCustomDamageLabel":"Additional Custom Damage","WeaponCustomDamageTitle":"This section adds any custom damage that is not covered by the Rune system. The Strike Effect and Critcal Effect attributes are not currently used in the system and are informational only.","WeaponDamageLabel":"Base Damage","WeaponGroups":"Weapon Groups","WeaponGroupAxe":"Axe","WeaponGroupBomb":"Bomb","WeaponGroupBow":"Bow","WeaponGroupBrawling":"Brawling","WeaponGroupClub":"Club","WeaponGroupDart":"Dart","WeaponGroupFirearm":"Firearm","WeaponGroupFlail":"Flail","WeaponGroupHammer":"Hammer","WeaponGroupKnife":"Knife","WeaponGroupLabel":"Group","WeaponGroupPick":"Pick","WeaponGroupPolearm":"Polearm","WeaponGroupShield":"Shield","WeaponGroupSling":"Sling","WeaponGroupSpear":"Spear","WeaponGroupSword":"Sword","WeaponHands1":"One","WeaponHands1Plus":"One Plus","WeaponHands2":"Two","WeaponMAPDefaultOption":"Default (uses Agile trait if present)","WeaponMAPLabel":"Multiple Attack Penalty","WeaponPotencyRune1":"Weapon Potency (+1)","WeaponPotencyRune2":"Weapon Potency (+2)","WeaponPotencyRune3":"Weapon Potency (+3)","WeaponPotencyRune4":"Weapon Potency (+4)","WeaponPropertyCriticalDamageLabel":"Critical Damage","WeaponPropertyCriticalEffectLabel":"Critical Effect","WeaponPropertyRune":{"anarchic":{"Name":"Anarchic","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"When you critically succeed at a Strike with this weapon against a lawful creature, roll [[/r 1d6 #Anarchic Rune]]. On a 1 or 2, you deal double minimum damage; on a 3 or 4, double your damage normally; on a 5 or 6, you deal double maximum damage."}},"ancestralEchoing":{"Name":"Ancestral Echoing"},"anchoring":{"Name":"Anchoring","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"If you critically hit a target with an anchoring weapon, the weapon casts @Compendium[pf2e.spells-srd.ksLCg62cLOojw3gN]{Dimensional Anchor} on the target (@Check[type:will|dc:27|name:Anchoring Rune], counteract modifier [[/r 1d20+17 # Anchoring Rune Counteract Check]]{+17})."}},"axiomatic":{"Name":"Axiomatic","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"When you critically succeed at an attack roll with this weapon against a chaotic creature, instead of rolling, count each weapon damage die as average damage rounded up (3 for d4, 4 for d6, 5 for d8, 6 for d10, 7 for d12)."}},"bane":{"Name":"Bane"},"bloodbane":{"Name":"Bloodbane"},"bloodthirsty":{"Name":"Bloodthirsty","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"When you critically hit a target that's taking @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.lDVqvLKA6eF3Df60]{Persistent Bleed Damage}, your target becomes @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.4D2KBtexWXa6oUMR]{Drained 1}."}},"brilliant":{"Name":"Brilliant","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"On a critical hit, the target must succeed at a @Check[type:fortitude|dc:29|name:Brilliant Rune] save or be @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.XgEqL1kFApUbl5Z2]{Blinded} for 1 round."}},"conducting":{"Name":"Conducting"},"corrosive":{"Name":"Corrosive","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"On a critical hit, the target's armor (if any) takes [[/r {3d6}[acid] #Corrosive Rune]]{3d6 acid} damage (before applying Hardness); if the target has a shield raised, the shield takes this damage instead."}},"crushing":{"Name":"Crushing","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"When you critically hit a target with this weapon, your target becomes @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.i3OJZU2nk64Df3xm]{Clumsy 1} and @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.MIRkyAjyBeXivMa7]{Enfeebled 1} until the end of your next turn."}},"cunning":{"Name":"Cunning"},"dancing":{"Name":"Dancing"},"disrupting":{"Name":"Disrupting","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"On a critical hit, the undead is also @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.MIRkyAjyBeXivMa7]{Enfeebled 1} until the end of your next turn."}},"energizing":{"Name":"Energizing"},"extending":{"Name":"Extending"},"fanged":{"Name":"Fanged"},"fearsome":{"Name":"Fearsome","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"When you critically hit with this weapon, the target becomes @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{Frightened 1}."}},"flaming":{"Name":"Flaming","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"When you critically succeed at a Strike with this weapon, you deal an additional [[/r {1d10}[persistent,fire]]] @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.lDVqvLKA6eF3Df60]{Persistent Fire Damage}."}},"frost":{"Name":"Frost","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"On a critical hit, the target is also @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.xYTAsEpcJE1Ccni3]{Slowed 1} until the end of your next turn unless it succeeds at a @Check[type:fortitude|dc:24|name:Frost Rune] save."}},"ghostTouch":{"Name":"Ghost Touch","Note":"The weapon can harm creatures without physical form. A ghost touch weapon is particularly effective against incorporeal creatures, which almost always have a specific vulnerability to ghost touch weapons. Incorporeal creatures can touch, hold, and wield ghost touch weapons (unlike most physical objects)."},"greaterAnchoring":{"Name":"Greater Anchoring","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"When you critically hit a target with a weapon with the anchoring rune, the weapon casts 8th-level @Compendium[pf2e.spells-srd.ksLCg62cLOojw3gN]{Dimensional Anchor} on the target (@Check[type:will|dc:38|name:Greater Anchoring Rune], counteract modifier [[/r 1d20+28 #Greater Anchoring Rune Counteract Check]]{+28}), except that if the target critically succeeds at its Will save, instead of having no effect, the dimensional anchor lasts for 1 round.","success":"Greater Anchoring Rune When you hit a target with the weapon but don't critically hit, the target is affected by 4th-level @Compendium[pf2e.spells-srd.ksLCg62cLOojw3gN]{Dimensional Anchor} for 1 round without a save (counteract modifier [[/r 1d20+28 #Greater Anchoring Rune Counteract Check]]{+28})."}},"greaterBloodbane":{"Name":"Greater Bloodbane"},"greaterBrilliant":{"Name":"Greater Brilliant","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"Damage dealt by this weapon ignores the target's fire, good, or positive resistance. On a critical hit, the target must succeed at a @Check[type:fortitude|dc:41|name:Greater Brilliant Rune] save or be @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.XgEqL1kFApUbl5Z2]{Blinded} for 1 round.","success":"Greater Brilliant Rune Damage dealt by this weapon ignores the target's fire, good, or positive resistance."}},"greaterCorrosive":{"Name":"Greater Corrosive","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"The acid damage dealt by this weapon ignores the target's acid resistance. On a critical hit, the target's armor (if any) takes [[/r {6d6}[acid]]]{6d6 acid} damage (before applying Hardness); if the target has a shield raised, the shield takes this damage instead.","success":"Greater Corrosive Rune The acid damage dealt by this weapon ignores the target's acid resistance."}},"greaterCrushing":{"Name":"Greater Crushing","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"Your critical hits leave the target @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.i3OJZU2nk64Df3xm]{Clumsy 2} and @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.MIRkyAjyBeXivMa7]{Enfeebled 2} until the end of your next turn."}},"greaterDisrupting":{"Name":"Greater Disrupting","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"On a critical hit, the undead creature must attempt a @Check[type:fortitude|dc:34|traits:incapacitation|name:Greater Disrupting Rune] save with the following effects. This is an incapacitation effect.

Critical Success It's @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.MIRkyAjyBeXivMa7]{Enfeebled 1} until the end of your next turn.
Success It's @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.MIRkyAjyBeXivMa7]{Enfeebled 2} until the end of your next turn.
Failure It's @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.MIRkyAjyBeXivMa7]{Enfeebled 3} until the end of your next turn.
Critical Failure It's destroyed."}},"greaterExtending":{"Name":"Greater Extending"},"greaterFanged":{"Name":"Greater Fanged"},"greaterFearsome":{"Name":"Greater Fearsome","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"When you critically hit with this weapon, the target becomes @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{Frightened 2}."}},"greaterFlaming":{"Name":"Greater Flaming","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"Fire damage dealt by this weapon (including the persistent fire damage) ignores the target's fire resistance. When you critically succeed at a Strike with this weapon, you deal an additional [[/r {2d10}[persistent,fire]]] @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.lDVqvLKA6eF3Df60]{Persistent Fire Damage}.","success":"Fire damage dealt by this weapon ignores the target's fire resistance."}},"greaterFrost":{"Name":"Greater Frost","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"Cold damage dealt by this weapon ignores the target's cold resistance. On a critical hit, the target is also @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.xYTAsEpcJE1Ccni3]{Slowed 1} until the end of your next turn unless it succeeds at a @Check[type:fortitude|dc:34|name:Greater Thundering Rune] save.","success":"Greater Frost Rune Cold damage dealt by this weapon ignores the target's cold resistance."}},"greaterHauling":{"Name":"Greater Hauling"},"greaterImpactful":{"Name":"Greater Impactful","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"On a critical hit, you can choose to force the target to succeed at a @Check[type:fortitude|dc:37|name:Greater Impactful Rune] save or be pushed 10 feet away from you."}},"greaterShock":{"Name":"Greater Shock","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"Electricity damage dealt by this weapon ignores the targets electricity resistance (and the other creatures' on a critical hit). On a critical hit, electricity arcs out to deal an equal amount of electricity damage to up to two other creatures of your choice within 10 feet of the target.","success":"Electricity damage dealt by this weapon ignores the target's electricity resistance."}},"greaterThundering":{"Name":"Greater Thundering","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"Sonic damage dealt by this weapon ignores the target's sonic resistance. On a critical hit, the target has to succeed at a @Check[type:fortitude|dc:34|name:Greater Thundering Rune] save or be @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.9PR9y0bi4JPKnHPR]{Deafened} permanently.","success":"Sonic damage dealt by this weapon ignores the target's sonic resistance."}},"grievous":{"Name":"Grievous","Note":{"Axe":"Grievous Rune You can damage a third creature, with the same restrictions.","Bow":"Grievous Rune The Athletics check to pull the missile free is DC 20.","Brawling":"Grievous Rune The target takes a -4 circumstance penalty to its save.","Club":"Grievous Rune You can knock the target up to 15 feet away.","Dart":"Grievous Rune The base persistent bleed damage increases to [[/r {2d6}[persistent,bleed]]] @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.lDVqvLKA6eF3Df60]{Persistent Bleed Damage}.","Flail":"Grievous Rune You move the target 5 feet. You can't move it away from you, but you can move it in another direction of your choice.","Hammer":"Grievous Rune You can also knock the target 5 feet away from you.","Knife":"Grievous Rune The target takes a -5-foot status penalty to its Speed while it has the @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.lDVqvLKA6eF3Df60]{Persistent Bleed Damage}.","Pick":"Grievous Rune The extra damage from the critical specialization effect increases to 4 per weapon damage die.","Polearm":"Grievous Rune You can move the target up to 10 feet.","Shield":"Grievous Rune You can knock the target up to 10 feet away.","Sling":"Grievous Rune The target also takes a -10-foot status penalty to its Speed for 1 round if it fails the save.","Spear":"Grievous Rune The clumsy condition lasts for 2 rounds.","Sword":"Grievous Rune The target is flat-footed until the end of your next turn."}},"hauling":{"Name":"Hauling"},"holy":{"Name":"Holy","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"(R command; once per day)

Trigger You critically succeed at an attack roll against an evil creature with the weapon

Effect You regain HP equal to double the evil creature's level. This is a good, positive, healing effect."}},"hopeful":{"Name":"Hopeful","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"On a critical hit with this weapon, you inspire your comrades, pushing them to fight harder and stand for your shared convictions. Allies within 30 feet that share at least one alignment component with you gain a +1 status bonus to attack rolls until the end of your next turn."}},"impactful":{"Name":"Impactful","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"On a critical hit, you can choose to force the target to succeed at a @Check[type:fortitude|dc:27|name:Impactful Rune] save or be pushed 5 feet away from you."}},"keen":{"Name":"Keen","Note":"Attacks with this weapon are a critical hit on a 19 on the die as long as that result is a success. This property has no effect on a 19 if the result would be a failure."},"kinWarding":{"Name":"Kin-Warding"},"majorFanged":{"Name":"Major Fanged"},"pacifying":{"Name":"Pacifying"},"returning":{"Name":"Returning","Note":"Returning Rune When you make a thrown Strike with this weapon, it flies back to your hand after the Strike is complete. If your hands are full when the weapon returns, it falls to the ground in your space."},"serrating":{"Name":"Serrating"},"shifting":{"Name":"Shifting"},"shock":{"Name":"Shock","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"On a critical hit, electricity arcs out to deal an equal amount of electricity damage to up to two other creatures of your choice within 10 feet of the target."}},"speed":{"Name":"Speed"},"spellStoring":{"Name":"Spell-Storing"},"thundering":{"Name":"Thundering","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"On a critical hit, the target has to succeed at a @Check[type:fortitude|dc:24|name:Thundering Rune] save or be @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.9PR9y0bi4JPKnHPR]{Deafened} for 1 minute (or 1 hour on a critical failure)."}},"unholy":{"Name":"Unholy","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"(R command; once per day)

Trigger You critically succeed at an attack roll against a good creature with the weapon

Effect The target takes @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.lDVqvLKA6eF3Df60]{Persistent Bleed Damage} equal to 1d8 per weapon damage die of the etched weapon."}},"vorpal":{"Name":"Vorpal","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"(R envision (death, incapacitation))

Trigger You roll a natural 20 on a Strike with the weapon, critically succeed, and deal slashing damage. The target must have a head

Effect The target must succeed at a @Check[type:fortitude|dc:37|traits:death,incapacitation]|name:Vorpal Rune] save or be decapitated. This kills any creature except ones that don't require a head to live. For creatures with multiple heads, this usually kills the creature only if you sever its last head."}},"wounding":{"Name":"Wounding","Note":{"criticalSuccess":"When you critically hit a creature with a wounding weapon, you deal an extra [[/r {1d6*2}[persistent,bleed]]] @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.lDVqvLKA6eF3Df60]{Persistent Bleed Damage}.","success":"When you hit a creature with a wounding weapon, you deal an extra [[/r {1d6}[persistent,bleed]]] @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.lDVqvLKA6eF3Df60]{Persistent Bleed Damage}."}}},"WeaponPropertyStrikeDamageLabel":"공격 데미지","WeaponPropertyStrikeEffectLabel":"공격 영향","WeaponRange10":"10 ft.","WeaponRange100":"100 ft.","WeaponRange120":"120 ft.","WeaponRange140":"140 ft.","WeaponRange150":"150 ft.","WeaponRange180":"180 ft.","WeaponRange20":"20 ft.","WeaponRange240":"240 ft.","WeaponRange30":"30 ft.","WeaponRange300":"300 ft.","WeaponRange40":"40 ft.","WeaponRange50":"50 ft.","WeaponRange60":"60 ft.","WeaponRange70":"70 ft.","WeaponRange80":"80 ft.","WeaponRange90":"90 ft.","WeaponRangeLabel":"무기 사정거리","WeaponRangeMelee":"근접","WeaponRangeN":"{range} ft.","WeaponRangeReach":"Reach","WeaponReloadLabel":"Reload Time","WeaponSpecialization":"Weapon Specialization","WeaponSplashDamageLabel":"Splash Damage","WeaponStrikeLabel":"공격","WeaponTypeAdvanced":"고급 무기","WeaponTypeLabel":"카테고리","WeaponTypeMartial":"무술 무기","WeaponTypeSimple":"간단한 무기","WeaponTypeSpecial":"다른 무기","WeaponTypeUnarmed":"비무장 공격","Weight":"무게","WeightTitle":"당신의 무게","WorldClock":{"Button":{"AddOneRound":"1 Round","AddOneMinute":"1 Minute","AddTenMinutes":"10 Minutes","AddOneHour":"1 Hour","AddOneDay":"1 Day","AddOneWeek":"1 Week","Advance":"Advance","Retract":"Retract","TimeOfDay":{"Advance":{"Dawn":"Advance to Dawn","Dusk":"Advance to Dusk","Noon":"Advance to Noon","Midnight":"Advance to Midnight"},"Retract":{"Dawn":"Retract to Dawn","Dusk":"Retract to Dusk","Noon":"Retract to Noon","Midnight":"Retract to Midnight"}}},"Placeholder":"Number","Title":"World Clock","AR":{"Era":"AR","Months":{"January":"Abadius","February":"Calistril","March":"Pharast","April":"Gozran","May":"Desnus","June":"Sarenith","July":"Erastus","August":"Arodus","September":"Rova","October":"Lamashan","November":"Neth","December":"Kuthona"},"Weekdays":{"Monday":"Moonday","Tuesday":"Toilday","Wednesday":"Wealday","Thursday":"Oathday","Friday":"Fireday","Saturday":"Starday","Sunday":"Sunday"}},"IC":{"Era":"IC"},"AD":{"Era":"AD"},"CE":{"Era":"CE"},"Date":"{weekday}, {day} of {month}, {year} {era}"},"condition":{"group":{"detection":"Degrees of Detection","attitudes":"Attitudes","senses":"Senses","death":"죽음 그리고 죽어감"},"blinded":{"name":"Blinded","rules":"

You can't see. All normal terrain is difficult terrain to you. You can't detect anything using vision. You automatically critically fail Perception checks that require you to be able to see, and if vision is your only precise sense, you take a -4 status penalty to Perception checks. You are immune to visual effects. Blinded overrides dazzled.

","summary":"You're unable to see."},"broken":{"name":"Broken","rules":"

Broken is a condition that affects objects. An object is broken when damage has reduced its Hit Points to equal or less than its Broken Threshold. A broken object can't be used for its normal function, nor does it grant bonuses-with the exception of armor. Broken armor still grants its item bonus to AC, but it also imparts a status penalty to AC depending on its category: -1 for broken light armor, -2 for broken medium armor, or -3 for broken heavy armor.


A broken item still imposes penalties and limitations normally incurred by carrying, holding, or wearing it. For example, broken armor would still impose its Dexterity modifier cap, check penalty, and so forth.


If an effect makes an item broken automatically and the item has more HP than its Broken Threshold, that effect also reduces the item's current HP to the Broken Threshold.

","summary":"This item can't be used for its normal function until repaired."},"clumsy":{"name":"Clumsy","rules":"

Your movements become clumsy and inexact. Clumsy always includes a value. You take a status penalty equal to the condition value to Dexterity-based checks and DCs, including AC, Reflex saves, ranged attack rolls, and skill checks using Acrobatics, Stealth, and Thievery.

","summary":"You can't move as easily or gracefully as usual."},"concealed":{"name":"Concealed","rules":"

While you are concealed from a creature, such as in a thick fog, you are difficult for that creature to see. You can still be observed, but you're tougher to target. A creature that you're concealed from must succeed at a @Check[type:flat|dc:5] when targeting you with an attack, spell, or other effect.


Area effects aren't subject to this flat check. If the check fails, the attack, spell, or effect doesn't affect you.

","summary":"Fog or similar obscuration makes you difficult to see and target."},"confused":{"name":"Confused","rules":"

You don't have your wits about you, and you attack wildly. You are flat-footed, you don't treat anyone as your ally (though they might still treat you as theirs), and you can't Delay, Ready, or use reactions.

You use all your actions to Strike or cast offensive cantrips, though the GM can have you use other actions to facilitate attack, such as draw a weapon, move so that a target is in reach, and so forth. Your targets are determined randomly by the GM. If you have no other viable targets, you target yourself, automatically hitting but not scoring a critical hit. If it's impossible for you to attack or cast spells, you babble incoherently, wasting your actions.


Each time you take damage from an attack or spell, you can attempt a @Check[type:flat|dc:11] to recover from your confusion and end the condition.

","summary":"You attack indiscriminately."},"controlled":{"name":"Controlled","rules":"

Someone else is making your decisions for you, usually because you're being commanded or magically dominated. The controller dictates how you act and can make you use any of your actions, including attacks, reactions, or even Delay. The controller usually does not have to spend their own actions when controlling you.

","summary":"Another creature determines your actions."},"dazzled":{"name":"Dazzled","rules":"

Your eyes are overstimulated. If vision is your only precise sense, all creatures and objects are concealed from you.

","summary":"Everything is concealed to you."},"deafened":{"name":"Deafened","rules":"

You can't hear. You automatically critically fail Perception checks that require you to be able to hear. You take a -2 status penalty to Perception checks for initiative and checks that involve sound but also rely on other senses. If you perform an action with the auditory trait, you must succeed at a @Check[type:flat|dc:5] or the action is lost; attempt the check after spending the action but before any effects are applied. You are immune to auditory effects.

","summary":"You're unable to hear."},"doomed":{"name":"Doomed","rules":"

Your life is ebbing away, bringing you ever closer to death. Some powerful spells and evil creatures can inflict the doomed condition on you. Doomed always includes a value. The maximum dying value at which you die is reduced by your doomed value. For example, if you were doomed 1, you would die upon reaching dying 3 instead of dying 4. If your maximum dying value is ever reduced to 0, you instantly die. When you die, you're no longer doomed.


Your doomed value decreases by 1 each time you get a full night's rest.

","summary":"With your soul in peril, you are now closer to death."},"drained":{"name":"Drained","rules":"

When a creature successfully drains you of blood or life force, you become less healthy. Drained always includes a value. You take a status penalty equal to your drained value on Constitution-based checks, such as Fortitude saves. You also lose a number of Hit Points equal to your level (minimum 1) times the drained value, and your maximum Hit Points are reduced by the same amount. For example, if you're hit by an effect that inflicts drained 3 and you're a 3rd-level character, you lose 9 Hit Points and reduce your maximum Hit Points by 9. Losing these Hit Points doesn't count as taking damage.


Each time you get a full night's rest, your drained value decreases by 1. This increases your maximum Hit Points, but you don't immediately recover the lost Hit Points.

","summary":"Blood loss or something similar has leached your vitality."},"dying":{"name":"죽어감","rules":"

You are bleeding out or otherwise at death's door. While you have this condition, you are unconscious. Dying always includes a value, and if it ever reaches dying 4, you die. If you're dying, you must attempt a recovery check at the start of your turn each round to determine whether you get better or worse. Your dying condition increases by 1 if you take damage while dying, or by 2 if you take damage from an enemy's critical hit or a critical failure on your save.


If you lose the dying condition by succeeding at a recovery check and are still at 0 Hit Points, you remain unconscious, but you can wake up as described in that condition. You lose the dying condition automatically and wake up if you ever have 1 Hit Point or more. Any time you lose the dying condition, you gain the wounded 1 condition, or increase your wounded condition value by 1 if you already have that condition.

","summary":"You're slipping closer to death."},"encumbered":{"name":"Encumbered","rules":"

You are carrying more weight than you can manage. While you're encumbered, you're clumsy 1 and take a 10-foot penalty to all your Speeds. As with all penalties to your Speed, this can't reduce your Speed below 5 feet.

","summary":"You're carrying more weight than you can manage."},"enfeebled":{"name":"Enfeebled","rules":"

You're physically weakened. Enfeebled always includes a value. When you are enfeebled, you take a status penalty equal to the condition value to Strength-based rolls and DCs, including Strength-based melee attack rolls, Strength-based damage rolls, and Athletics checks.

","summary":"Your strength has been sapped away."},"fascinated":{"name":"Fascinated","rules":"

You are compelled to focus your attention on something, distracting you from whatever else is going on around you. You take a -2 status penalty to Perception and skill checks, and you can't use actions with the concentrate trait unless they or their intended consequences are related to the subject of your fascination (as determined by the GM). For instance, you might be able to Seek and Recall Knowledge about the subject, but you likely couldn't cast a spell targeting a different creature. This condition ends if a creature uses hostile actions against you or any of your allies.

","summary":"You are compelled to focus your attention on something."},"fatigued":{"name":"Fatigued","rules":"

You're tired and can't summon much energy. You take a -1 status penalty to AC and saving throws. While exploring, you can't choose an exploration activity.


You recover from fatigue after a full night's rest.

","summary":"Your defenses are lower and you can't focus while exploring."},"flat-footed":{"name":"Flat-Footed","rules":"

You're distracted or otherwise unable to focus your full attention on defense. You take a -2 circumstance penalty to AC. Some effects give you the flat-footed condition only to certain creatures or against certain attacks. Others- especially conditions-can make you universally flatfooted against everything. If a rule doesn't specify that the condition applies only to certain circumstances, it applies to all of them; for example, many effects simply say \"The target is flat-footed.\"

","summary":"You're unable to defend yourself to your full capability."},"fleeing":{"name":"Fleeing","rules":"

You're forced to run away due to fear or some other compulsion. On your turn, you must spend each of your actions trying to escape the source of the fleeing condition as expediently as possible (such as by using move actions to flee, or opening doors barring your escape). The source is usually the effect or caster that gave you the condition, though some effects might define something else as the source. You can't Delay or Ready while fleeing.

","summary":"You must run away."},"friendly":{"name":"Friendly","rules":"

This condition reflects a creature's disposition toward a particular character, and only supernatural effects (like a spell) can impose these conditions on player characters. A creature that is friendly to a character likes that character. The character can attempt to make a Request of a friendly creature, and the friendly creature is likely to agree to a simple and safe request that doesn't cost it much to fulfill. If the character or one of their allies uses hostile actions against the creature, the creature gains a worse attitude condition depending on the severity of the hostile action, as determined by the GM.

","summary":"An NPC with this condition has a good attitude toward you."},"frightened":{"name":"Frightened","rules":"

You're gripped by fear and struggle to control your nerves. The frightened condition always includes a value. You take a status penalty equal to this value to all your checks and DCs. Unless specified otherwise, at the end of each of your turns, the value of your frightened condition decreases by 1.

","summary":"Fear makes you less capable of attacking and defending."},"grabbed":{"name":"Grabbed","rules":"

You're held in place by another creature, giving you the flat-footed and immobilized conditions. If you attempt a manipulate action while grabbed, you must succeed at a @Check[type:flat|dc:5] or it is lost; roll the check after spending the action, but before any effects are applied.

","summary":"A creature, object, or magic holds you in place."},"helpful":{"name":"Helpful","rules":"

This condition reflects a creature's disposition toward a particular character, and only supernatural effects (like a spell) can impose these conditions on player characters. A creature that is helpful to a character wishes to actively aid that character. It will accept reasonable Requests from that character, as long as such requests aren't at the expense of the helpful creature's goals or quality of life. If the character or one of their allies uses a hostile action against the creature, the creature gains a worse attitude condition depending on the severity of the hostile action, as determined by the GM.

","summary":"An NPC with this condition wants to assist you."},"hidden":{"name":"Hidden","rules":"

While you're hidden from a creature, that creature knows the space you're in but can't tell precisely where you are. You typically become hidden by using Stealth to Hide. When Seeking a creature using only imprecise senses, it remains hidden, rather than observed. A creature you're hidden from is flat-footed to you, and it must succeed at a @Check[type:flat|dc:11] when targeting you with an attack, spell, or other effect or it fails affect you. Area effects aren't subject to this flat check.


A creature might be able to use the Seek action to try to observe you.

","summary":"A creature you're hidden from knows your location but can't see you."},"hostile":{"name":"Hostile","rules":"

This condition reflects a creature's disposition toward a particular character, and only supernatural effects (like a spell) can impose these conditions on player characters. A creature that is hostile to a character actively seeks to harm that character. It doesn't necessarily attack, but it won't accept Requests from the character.

","summary":"An NPC with this condition wants to harm you."},"immobilized":{"name":"Immobilized","rules":"

You can't use any action with the move trait. If you're immobilized by something holding you in place and an external force would move you out of your space, the force must succeed at a check against either the DC of the effect holding you in place or the relevant defense (usually Fortitude DC) of the monster holding you in place.

","summary":"You can't move."},"indifferent":{"name":"Indifferent","rules":"

This condition reflects a creature's disposition toward a particular character, and only supernatural effects (like a spell) can impose these conditions on player characters. A creature that is indifferent to a character doesn't really care one way or the other about that character. Assume a creature's attitude to a given character is indifferent unless specified otherwise.

","summary":"An NPC with this condition doesn't have a strong opinion about you."},"invisible":{"name":"Invisible","rules":"

While invisible, you can't be seen. You're undetected to everyone. Creatures can Seek to attempt to detect you; if a creature succeeds at its Perception check against your Stealth DC, you become hidden to that creature until you Sneak to become undetected again. If you become invisible while someone can already see you, you start out hidden to the observer (instead of undetected) until you successfully Sneak. You can't become observed while invisible except via special abilities or magic.

","summary":"Creatures can't see you."},"observed":{"name":"Observed","rules":"

Anything in plain view is observed by you. If a creature takes measures to avoid detection, such as by using Stealth to Hide, it can become hidden or undetected instead of observed. If you have another precise sense instead of or in addition to sight, you might be able to observe a creature or object using that sense instead. You can observe a creature only with precise senses. When Seeking a creature using only imprecise senses, it remains hidden, rather than observed.

","summary":"You're in plain view."},"paralyzed":{"name":"Paralyzed","rules":"

Your body is frozen in place. You have the flat-footed condition and can't act except to Recall Knowledge and use actions that require only the use of your mind (as determined by the GM). Your senses still function, but only in the areas you can perceive without moving your body, so you can't Seek while paralyzed.

","summary":"Your body is frozen in place."},"persistent-damage":{"name":"Persistent Damage","rules":"

Persistent damage comes from effects like acid, being on fire, or many other situations. It appears as \"X persistent [type] damage,\" where \"X\" is the amount of damage dealt and \"[type]\" is the damage type. Instead of taking persistent damage immediately, you take it at the end of each of your turns as long as you have the condition, rolling any damage dice anew each time. After you take persistent damage, roll a @Check[type:flat|dc:15] to see if you recover from the persistent damage. If you succeed, the condition ends.

","summary":"You keep taking damage every round."},"petrified":{"name":"Petrified","rules":"

You have been turned to stone. You can't act, nor can you sense anything. You become an object with a Bulk double your normal Bulk (typically 12 for a petrified Medium creature or 6 for a petrified Small creature), AC 9, Hardness 8, and the same current Hit Points you had when alive. You don't have a Broken Threshold. When you're turned back into flesh, you have the same number of Hit Points you had as a statue. If the statue is destroyed, you immediately die. While petrified, your mind and body are in stasis, so you don't age or notice the passing of time.

","summary":"You've been turned to stone."},"prone":{"name":"Prone","rules":"

You're lying on the ground. You are flat-footed and take a -2 circumstance penalty to attack rolls. The only move actions you can use while you're prone are Crawl and Stand. Standing up ends the prone condition. You can Take Cover while prone to hunker down and gain cover against ranged attacks, even if you don't have an object to get behind, gaining a +4 circumstance bonus to AC against ranged attacks (but you remain flat-footed).


If you would be knocked prone while you're Climbing or Flying, you fall. You can't be knocked prone when Swimming.

","summary":"You're lying on the ground and are easier to attack."},"quickened":{"name":"Quickened","rules":"

You gain 1 additional action at the start of your turn each round. Many effects that make you quickened specify the types of actions you can use with this additional action. If you become quickened from multiple sources, you can use the extra action you've been granted for any single action allowed by any of the effects that made you quickened. Because quickened has its effect at the start of your turn, you don't immediately gain actions if you become quickened during your turn.

","summary":"You get an extra action each turn."},"restrained":{"name":"Restrained","rules":"

You're tied up and can barely move, or a creature has you pinned. You have the flat-footed and immobilized conditions, and you can't use any actions with the attack or manipulate traits except to attempt to Escape or Force Open your bonds. Restrained overrides grabbed.

","summary":"You're tied up and can't move, or a grappling creature has you pinned."},"sickened":{"name":"Sickened","rules":"

You feel ill. Sickened always includes a value. You take a status penalty equal to this value on all your checks and DCs. You can't willingly ingest anything-including elixirs and potions-while sickened.


You can spend a single action retching in an attempt to recover, which lets you immediately attempt a Fortitude save against the DC of the effect that made you sickened. On a success, you reduce your sickened value by 1 (or by 2 on a critical success).

","summary":"You're sick to your stomach."},"slowed":{"name":"Slowed","rules":"

You have fewer actions. Slowed always includes a value. When you regain your actions at the start of your turn, reduce the number of actions you regain by your slowed value. Because slowed has its effect at the start of your turn, you don't immediately lose actions if you become slowed during your turn.

","summary":"You lose actions each turn."},"stunned":{"name":"Stunned","rules":"

You've become senseless. You can't act while stunned. Stunned usually includes a value, which indicates how many total actions you lose, possibly over multiple turns, from being stunned. Each time you regain actions (such as at the start of your turn), reduce the number you regain by your stunned value, then reduce your stunned value by the number of actions you lost. For example, if you were stunned 4, you would lose all 3 of your actions on your turn, reducing you to stunned 1; on your next turn, you would lose 1 more action, and then be able to use your remaining 2 actions normally. Stunned might also have a duration instead of a value, such as \"stunned for 1 minute.\" In this case, you lose all your actions for the listed duration.


Stunned overrides slowed. If the duration of your stunned condition ends while you are slowed, you count the actions lost to the stunned condition toward those lost to being slowed. So, if you were stunned 1 and slowed 2 at the beginning of your turn, you would lose 1 action from stunned, and then lose only 1 additional action by being slowed, so you would still have 1 action remaining to use that turn.

","summary":"You can't use actions."},"stupefied":{"name":"Stupefied","rules":"

Your thoughts and instincts are clouded. Stupefied always includes a value. You take a status penalty equal to this value on Intelligence-, Wisdom-, and Charisma-based checks and DCs, including Will saving throws, spell attack rolls, spell DCs, and skill checks that use these ability scores. Any time you attempt to Cast a Spell while stupefied, the spell is disrupted unless you succeed at a flat check with a DC equal to 5 + your stupefied value.

","summary":"You can't access your full mental faculties, and you have trouble casting spells."},"unconscious":{"name":"Unconscious","rules":"

You're sleeping, or you've been knocked out. You can't act. You take a -4 status penalty to AC, Perception, and Reflex saves, and you have the blinded and flat-footed conditions. When you gain this condition, you fall prone and drop items you are wielding or holding unless the effect states otherwise or the GM determines you're in a position in which you wouldn't.


If you're unconscious because you're dying, you can't wake up while you have 0 Hit Points. If you are restored to 1 Hit Point or more via healing, you lose the dying and unconscious conditions and can act normally on your next turn.


If you are unconscious and at 0 Hit Points, but not dying, you naturally return to 1 Hit Point and awaken after sufficient time passes. The GM determines how long you remain unconscious, from a minimum of 10 minutes to several hours. If you receive healing during this time, you lose the unconscious condition and can act normally on your next turn.


If you're unconscious and have more than 1 Hit Point (typically because you are asleep or unconscious due to an effect), you wake up in one of the following ways. Each causes you to lose the unconscious condition.

","summary":"You're asleep or knocked out."},"undetected":{"name":"Undetected","rules":"

When you are undetected by a creature, that creature cannot see you at all, has no idea what space you occupy, and can't target you, though you still can be affected by abilities that target an area. When you're undetected by a creature, that creature is flat-footed to you.


A creature you're undetected by can guess which square you're in to try targeting you. It must pick a square and attempt an attack. This works like targeting a hidden creature (requiring a @Check[type:flat|dc:11]), but the flat check and attack roll are rolled in secret by the GM, who doesn't reveal whether the attack missed due to failing the flat check, failing the attack roll, or choosing the wrong square.


A creature can use the Seek action to try to find you.

","summary":"A creature you're undetected by doesn't know where you are."},"unfriendly":{"name":"Unfriendly","rules":"

This condition reflects a creature's disposition toward a particular character, and only supernatural effects (like a spell) can impose these conditions on player characters. A creature that is unfriendly to a character dislikes and specifically distrusts that character. The unfriendly creature won't accept Requests from the character.

","summary":"An NPC with this condition doesn't like you."},"unnoticed":{"name":"Unnoticed","rules":"

If you are unnoticed by a creature, that creature has no idea you are present at all. When you're unnoticed, you're also undetected by the creature. This condition matters for abilities that can be used only against targets totally unaware of your presence.

","summary":"A creature is entirely unaware you're present."},"wounded":{"name":"상처 입음","rules":"

You have been seriously injured. If you lose the dying condition and do not already have the wounded condition, you become wounded 1. If you already have the wounded condition when you lose the dying condition, your wounded condition value increases by 1. If you gain the dying condition while wounded, increase your dying condition value by your wounded value.


The wounded condition ends if someone successfully restores Hit Points to you with Treat Wounds, or if you are restored to full Hit Points and rest for 10 minutes.

","summary":"You've been brought back from the brink of death but haven't fully recovered."}},"ui":{"equipmentInvested":"Toggle investing your equipment","armorEquipped":"Toggle wearing your equipment","sell":"Sell","weaponEquipped":"Toggle holding your weapon"},"UnitedPaizoWorkers":{"Title":"Announcement: United Paizo Workers","ReleaseIntro":"Redmond, WA (October 14th, 2021) — Today, the workers at Paizo, Inc - publisher of the Pathfinder and Starfinder roleplaying games - are announcing their formation of the United Paizo Workers union (UPW), with the Communication Workers of America's CODE-CWA project. This union is the first of its kind in the tabletop roleplaying games industry.","PFSNote":"Note for Pathfinder Society players: In support of UPW, merchandise purchased from the union store will count in the Online PFS region for the Promotional Vestments boon."},"identification":{"Identify":"Identify Item","PostSkillsToChat":"Post skill checks to chat","PostSkillsToChatText":"Identify item: Skill checks","IsIdentified":"Identified?","IdentifyMagicDCs":"Identify Magic DCs","IdentifyAlchemyDCs":"Identify Alchemy DCs","IdentifyGenericDCs":"Identify Generic DCs","MisidentifiedItem":"Misidentified {item}","Misidentify":"Misidentify Item","Mystify":"Mystify Item","MystificationStatus":"Mystification status","Identified":"Identified","Unidentified":"Unidentified","TraitGMNote":"Note: this trait is hidden from players.","UnidentifiedDescription":"The nature of this {item} is unclear.","UnidentifiedHint":"Change the basic display details of this item when unidentified.","UnidentifiedItem":"Unusual {item}","UnidentifiedType":{"Amulet":"Amulet","Anklets":"Anklets","Armbands":"Armbands","Backpack":"Backpack","Belt":"Belt","Circlet":"Circlet","Cloak":"Cloak","Collar":"Collar","Book":"Book","Bracers":"Bracers","Epaulets":"Epaulets","Eyepiece":"Eyepiece","Garment":"Garment","Gloves":"Gloves","Headwear":"Headwear","Horseshoes":"Horseshoes","Liquid":"Liquid","Mask":"Mask","Necklace":"Necklace","Object":"Object","Ring":"Ring","Saddle":"Saddle","Shoes":"Shoes","Substance":"Substance","Tool":"Tool"}},"loot":{"EditLootLabel":"Configure Loot?","GMSettings":"GM Settings","PermissionError":"A GM must be online in order to loot or stow an item.","InsufficientCurrencyError":"Insufficient currency for purchase by {buyer}","LootDescription":"Allows for distribution of coins across players","LootLabel":"Loot","LootNamePlaceholder":"Loot","LootNPCsPopupHeader":"Choose tokens to loot from","LootNPCsLabel":"Loot selected tokens","MerchantDescription":"Allows players to purchase items directly from the sheet.","MerchantLabel":"Merchant","MoveLoot":"Move items","MoveLootMessage":"How many items do you want to move?","MoveLootPopupTitle":"Move Loot","TakeSubtitle":"Take item","DepositSubtitle":"Deposit item","TransferSubtitle":"Transfer item","LootSubtitle":"Loot item","HiddenWhenEmpty":{"Label":"Hidden when empty","Hint":"Hide this actor's token(s) when its inventory is empty"},"PlantSubtitle":"Plant Item","BuySubtitle":"Buy item","SellSubtitle":"Sell item","GiveSubtitle":"Give item","TakeMessage":"{taker} takes {quantity} × {item} from {container}.","DepositMessage":"{depositor} deposits {quantity} × {item} in {container}.","TransferMessage":"{transferrer} moves {quantity} × {item} from {fromContainer} to {toContainer}.","LootMessage":"{looter} loots {quantity} × {item} off {corpse}.","PlantMessage":"{planter} plants {quantity} × {item} on {corpse}.","SellMessage":"{seller} sells {quantity} × {item} to {buyer}.","GiveMessage":"{giver} gives {quantity} × {item} to {recipient}.","InsufficientFundsMessage":"{buyer} reaches for their coins but comes up short!","GMSupervisionError":"A GM must be online in order to interact with {loot}.","Quantity":"Quantity","SheetType":"Sheet Type","SplitCoinsLabel":"Distribute Coins","SplitCoinsPopupHeader":"Choose actors to receive a share","Stack":"Create new stack?"},"vehicle":{"VehicleString":"Vehicle","NamePlaceholder":"Vehicle","VehicleLevelLabel":"Vehicle","DescriptionHeading":"Description","PilotingCheckLabel":"Piloting Check","CrewLabel":"Crew","PassengersLabel":"Passengers","collisionDCLabel":"Collision DC","collisionDamageLabel":"Collision Damage","SpaceLongLabel":"Length","SpaceWideLabel":"Width","SpaceHighLabel":"Height","BrokenThresholdShortLabel":"BT","CurrentHPTitel":"Current Hitpoints","MaxHPTitle":"Maximum Hitpoints","HardnessShortLabel":"Hard.","HardnessLabel":"Hardness","PropertyDescriptionPrice":"Vehicle's Price. This does not include creatures for pulling a vehicle, materials needed to power the vehicle, or the cost of rowers.","PropertyDescriptionSpace":"Vehicle's dimensions, not including any creatures pulling the vehicle.","PropertyDescriptionCrew":"The crew members required to operate the vehicle.","PropertyDescriptionPassengers":"The number of passengers the vehicle is typically configured to carry, if any.","PropertyDescriptionPilotingCheck":"This entry lists the skills that can be used for piloting checks while operating the vehicle. Some skills may increase the DC; these list the DC adjustment in parentheses following the skill name.","PropertyDescriptionSpeed":"The vehicle's Speeds, each followed by the propulsion type for that Speed in parentheses. A pulled vehicle indicates the number and size of the pulling creatures.","PropertyDescriptionCollisionDC":"The vehicles's DC for saving throws to mitigate damage.","PropertyDescriptionCollisionDamage":"The vehicle's collision damage. Unless otherwise stated, collisions deal bludgeoning damage."},"Familiar":{"Master":"Master","MasterActor":"Master Actor","MasterLevel":"Master Level","SelectMaster":"Select a master...","MasterSpellcastingAbility":"Master Spellcasting Ability","TotalNumberFamiliarAbilities":"Total # of Familiar Abilities","Familiar":"Familiar","Creature":"Creature","CreatureType":"Creature Type","Perception":"통찰력","Defenses":"Defense","ArmorClass":"Armor Class","Offenses":"Offenses","AttackRoll":"공격 굴림","Skills":"Skills"},"NPC":{"Abilities":{"Glossary":{"AllAroundVision":"

This monster can see in all directions simultaneously, and therefore can't be flanked.


Requirements The monster is hiding in water and a creature that hasn't detected it is within the listed number of feet.


Effect The monster moves up to its swim Speed + 10 feet toward the triggering creature, traveling on water and on land. Once the creature is in reach, the monster makes a Strike against it. The creature is @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Flat-Footed} against this Strike.


Trigger A creature within the monster's reach uses a manipulate action or a move action, makes a ranged attack, or leaves a square during a move action it's using.


Effect The monster attempts a melee Strike against the triggering creature. If the attack is a critical hit and the trigger was a manipulate action, the monster disrupts that action. This Strike doesn't count toward the monster's multiple attack penalty, and its multiple attack penalty doesn't apply to this Strike.


The monster can cast its at-will spells any number of times without using up spell slots.


A monster's aura automatically affects everything within a specified emanation around that monster. The monster doesn't need to spend actions on the aura; rather, the aura's effects are applied at specific times, such as when a creature ends its turn in the aura or when creatures enter the aura.


If an aura does nothing but deal damage, its entry lists only the radius, damage, and saving throw. Such auras deal this damage to a creature when the creature enters the aura and when a creature starts its turn in the aura. A creature can take damage from the aura only once per round.


The GM might determine that a monster's aura doesn't affect its own allies. For example, a creature might be immune to a monster's frightful presence if they have been around each other for a long time.


Most monsters that serve as mounts can attempt to buck off unwanted or annoying riders, but most mounts will not use this reaction against a trusted creature unless the mounts are spooked or mistreated.


Trigger A creature @Compendium[pf2e.actionspf2e.PM5jvValFkbFH3TV]{Mounts} or uses the @Compendium[pf2e.actionspf2e.q9nbyIF0PEBqMtYe]{Command an Animal} action while riding the monster.


Effect The triggering creature must succeed at a Reflex saving throw against the listed DC or fall off the creature and land @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.j91X7x0XSomq8d60]{Prone}. If the save is a critical failure, the triggering creature also takes [[/roll {1d6}[bludgeoning]]]{1d6 bludgeoning damage} in addition to the normal damage for the fall.


Requirements The monster must have a free hand but can @Compendium[pf2e.actionspf2e.wQYmDStjdjn0I26t]{Release} anything it's holding as part of this reaction.


Trigger The monster is targeted with a thrown rock Strike or a rock would fall on the monster.


Effect The monster gains a +4 circumstance bonus to its AC against the triggering attack or to any defense against the falling rock. If the attack misses or the monster successfully defends against the falling rock, the monster catches the rock, takes no damage, and is now holding the rock


The monster changes its shape indefinitely. It can use this action again to return to its natural shape or adopt a new shape. Unless otherwise noted, a monster cannot use Change Shape to appear as a specific individual. Using Change Shape counts as creating a disguise for the @Compendium[pf2e.actionspf2e.AJstokjdG6iDjVjE]{Impersonate} use of Deception. The monster's transformation automatically defeats Perception DCs to determine whether the creature is a member of the ancestry or creature type into which it transformed, and it gains a +4 status bonus to its Deception DC to prevent others from seeing through its disguise. Change Shape abilities specify what shapes the monster can adopt. The monster doesn't gain any special abilities of the new shape, only its physical form. For example, in each shape, it replaces its normal Speeds and Strikes, and might potentially change its senses or size. Any changes are listed in its stat block.


A constant spell affects the monster without the monster needing to cast it, and its duration is unlimited. If a constant spell gets counteracted, the monster can reactivate it by spending the normal spellcasting actions the spell requires.


The monster deals the listed amount of damage to any number of creatures @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.kWc1fhmv9LBiTuei]{Grabbed} or @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.VcDeM8A5oI6VqhbM]{Restrained} by it. Each of those creatures can attempt a basic Fortitude save with the listed DC.


This monster can form a coven with two or more other creatures who also have the coven ability. This involves performing an 8-hour ceremony with all prospective coven members. After the coven is formed, each of its members gains elite adjustments, adjusting their levels accordingly. Coven members can sense other members' locations and conditions by spending a single action, which has the concentrate trait, and can sense what another coven member is sensing as a two-action activity, which has the concentrate trait as well.


Covens also grant spells and rituals to their members, but these can be cast only in cooperation between three coven members who are all within 30 feet of one another. A coven member can contribute to a coven spell with a single-action spellcasting activity that has a single verbal component. If two coven members have contributed these actions within the last round, a third member can cast a coven spell on her turn by spending the normal spellcasting actions. A coven can cast its coven spells an unlimited number of times but can cast only one coven spell each round. All covens grant the 8th-level @Compendium[pf2e.spells-srd.dN8QBNuTiaBHCKUe]{Baleful Polymorph} spell and all the following spells, which the coven can cast at any level up to 5th: @Compendium[pf2e.spells-srd.41TZEjhO6D1nWw2X]{Augury}, @Compendium[pf2e.spells-srd.vLA0q0WOK2YPuJs6]{Charm}, @Compendium[pf2e.spells-srd.HXhWYJviWalN5tQ2]{Clairaudience}, @Compendium[pf2e.spells-srd.zvKWclOZ7A53DObE]{Clairvoyance}, @Compendium[pf2e.spells-srd.yM3KTTSAIHhyuP14]{Dream Message}, @Compendium[pf2e.spells-srd.i35dpZFI7jZcRoBo]{Illusory Disguise}, @Compendium[pf2e.spells-srd.Ucf8eynbZMfUucjE]{Illusory Scene}, @Compendium[pf2e.spells-srd.Ek5XI0aEdZhBgm21]{Prying Eye}, and @Compendium[pf2e.spells-srd.FM3SmEW8N1FCRjqt]{Talking Corpse}. Individual creatures with the coven ability also grant additional spells to any coven they join. A coven can also cast the @Compendium[pf2e.spells-srd.XkDCzMIyc0YOjw05]{Control Weather} ritual, with a DC of 23 instead of the standard DC.


If a coven member leaving the coven or the death of a coven member brings the coven below three members, the remaining members keep their elite adjustments for 24 hours, but without enough members to contribute the necessary actions, they can't cast coven spells.


A monster with darkvision can see perfectly well in areas of darkness and dim light, though such vision is in black and white only. Some forms of magical darkness, such as a 4th-level @Compendium[pf2e.spells-srd.4GE2ZdODgIQtg51c]{Darkness} spell, block normal darkvision. A monster with @Compendium[pf2e.bestiary-ability-glossary-srd.4Ho2xMPEC05aSxzr]{Greater Darkvision}, however, can see through even these forms of magical darkness.


When a creature is exposed to a monster's disease, it attempts a Fortitude save or succumbs to the disease. The level of a disease is the level of the monster inflicting the disease. The disease follows the rules for afflictions.


The monster Strides up to double its Speed and can move through the spaces of any creatures in its path. Any creature of the monster's size or smaller whose space the monster moves through can attempt a Reflex save with the listed DC to avoid being engulfed. A creature unable to act automatically critically fails this save. If a creature succeeds at its save, it can choose to be either pushed aside (out of the monster's path) or pushed in front of the monster to the end of the monster's movement. The monster can attempt to Engulf the same creature only once in a single use of Engulf. The monster can contain as many creatures as can fit in its space.


A creature that fails its save is pulled into the monster's body. It is @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.kWc1fhmv9LBiTuei]{Grabbed}, is @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.xYTAsEpcJE1Ccni3]{Slowed 1}, and has to hold its breath or start suffocating. The creature takes the listed amount of damage when first engulfed and at the end of each of its turns while it's engulfed. An engulfed creature can get free by @Compendium[pf2e.actionspf2e.SkZAQRkLLkmBQNB9]{Escaping} against the listed escape DC. An engulfed creature can attack the monster engulfing it, but only with unarmed attacks or with weapons of light Bulk or less. The engulfing creature is @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Flat-Footed} against the attack. If the monster takes piercing or slashing damage equaling or exceeding the listed Rupture value from a single attack or spell, the engulfed creature cuts itself free. A creature that gets free by either method can immediately breathe and exits the swallowing monster's space.


If the monster dies, all creatures it has engulfed are automatically released as the monster's form loses cohesion.


A monster with this ability regains the given number of Hit Points each round at the beginning of its turn.


Trigger The monster is reduced to 0 HP.


Effect The monster avoids being knocked out and remains at 1 HP, but its @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.Yl48xTdMh3aeQYL2]{Wounded} value increases by 1. When it is Wounded 3, it can no longer use this ability


The troop chooses one of the squares it currently occupies and redistributes its squares to any configuration in which all squares are contiguous and within 15 feet of the chosen square. The troop can't share its space with other creatures.


A creature that first enters the area must attempt a Will save.


Regardless of the result of the saving throw, the creature is temporarily immune to this monster's Frightful Presence for 1 minute.


Critical Success The creature is unaffected by the presence.


Success The creature is @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{Frightened 1}.


Failure The creature is @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{Frightened 2}.


Critical Failure The creature is @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{Frightened 4}.


Requirements The monster's last action was a success with a Strike that lists Grab in its damage entry, or it has a creature grabbed using this action.


Effect The monster automatically Grabs the target until the end of the monster's next turn. The creature is @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.kWc1fhmv9LBiTuei]{Grabbed} by whichever body part the monster attacked with, and that body part can't be used to Strike creatures until the grab is ended. Using Grab extends the duration of the monster's Grab until the end of its next turn for all creatures grabbed by it. A grabbed creature can use the @Compendium[pf2e.actionspf2e.SkZAQRkLLkmBQNB9]{Escape} action to get out of the grab, and the Grab ends for a grabbed creatures if the monster moves away from it.


The monster deals the listed amount of damage to any number of creatures @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.kWc1fhmv9LBiTuei]{Grabbed} or @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.VcDeM8A5oI6VqhbM]{Restrained} by it. Each of those creatures can attempt a basic Fortitude save with the listed DC. A creature that fails this save falls @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.fBnFDH2MTzgFijKf]{Unconscious}, and a creature that succeeds is then temporarily immune to falling unconscious from Greater Constrict for 1 minute.


A creature with greater darkvision can see perfectly well in areas of darkness and dim light, though such vision is in black and white only. Some forms of magical darkness, such as a 4th-level @Compendium[pf2e.spells-srd.4GE2ZdODgIQtg51c]{Darkness} spell, block normal @Compendium[pf2e.bestiary-ability-glossary-srd.qCCLZhnp2HhP3Ex6]{Darkvision}. A creature with greater darkvision, however, can see through even these forms of magical darkness.


The monster can use @Compendium[pf2e.bestiary-ability-glossary-srd.Tkd8sH4pwFIPzqTr]{Grab} as a free action triggered by a hit with its initial attack. A monster with Improved Grab still needs to spend an action to extend the duration for creatures it already has @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.kWc1fhmv9LBiTuei]{Grabbed}.


The monster can use @Compendium[pf2e.bestiary-ability-glossary-srd.BCLvAx4Pz4MLa2pu]{Knockdown} as a free action triggered by a hit with its initial attack.


The monster can use @Compendium[pf2e.bestiary-ability-glossary-srd.t6cx9FOODmeZQNYl]{Push} as a free action triggered by a hit with its initial attack.


Requirements The monster's last action was a success with a Strike that lists Knockdown in its damage entry.


Effect The monster knocks the target @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.j91X7x0XSomq8d60]{Prone}.


Lifesense allows a monster to sense the vital essence of living and undead creatures within the listed range. The sense can distinguish between the positive energy animating living creatures and the negative energy animating undead creatures, much as sight distinguishes colors.


When first exposed to bright light, the monster is @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.XgEqL1kFApUbl5Z2]{Blinded} until the end of its next turn. After this exposure, light doesn't blind the monster again until after it spends 1 hour in darkness. However, as long as the monster is in an area of bright light, it's @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.TkIyaNPgTZFBCCuh]{Dazzled}.


The monster can see in dim light as though it were bright light, so it ignores the @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.DmAIPqOBomZ7H95W]{Concealed} condition due to dim light.


A creature with negative healing draws health from negative energy rather than positive energy. It is damaged by positive damage and is not healed by positive healing effects. It does not take negative damage, and it is healed by negative effects that heal undead.


When a creature is exposed to a monster's poison, it attempts a Fortitude save to avoid becoming poisoned. The level of a poison is the level of the monster inflicting the poison. The poison follows the rules for afflictions.


Frequency once per round


Effect The monster makes a melee Strike. This counts as two attacks when calculating the monster's multiple attack penalty. If this Strike hits, the monster deals an extra die of weapon damage.


Requirements The monster's last action was a success with a Strike that lists Push in its damage entry.


Effect The monster automatically knocks the target away from the monster. Unless otherwise noted in the ability description, the creature is pushed 5 feet. If the attack was a critical hit, this distance is doubled.


This monster regains the listed number of Hit Points each round at the beginning of its turn. Its @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.yZRUzMqrMmfLu0V1]{Dying} condition never increases beyond Dying 3 as long as its regeneration is active. However, if it takes damage of a type listed in the regeneration entry, its regeneration deactivates until the end of its next turn. Deactivate the regeneration before applying any damage of a listed type, since that damage might kill the monster by bringing it to Dying 4.


A Rend entry lists a Strike the monster has.


Requirements The monster hit the same enemy with two consecutive Strikes of the listed type in the same round.


Effect The monster automatically deals that Strike's damage again to the enemy.


Trigger An enemy damages the monster's ally, and both are within 15 feet of the monster.


Effect The ally gains resistance to all damage against the triggering damage equal to 2 + the monster's level. If the foe is within reach, the monster makes a melee Strike against it.


Scent involves sensing creatures or objects by smell, and is usually a vague sense. The range is listed in the ability, and it functions only if the creature or object being detected emits an aroma (for instance, incorporeal creatures usually do not exude an aroma).


If a creature emits a heavy aroma or is upwind, the GM can double or even triple the range of scent abilities used to detect that creature, and the GM can reduce the range if a creature is downwind.


Trigger The monster has its shield raised and takes damage from a physical attack.


Effect The monster snaps its shield into place to deflect a blow. The shield prevents the monster from taking an amount of damage up to the shield's Hardness. The monster and the shield each take any remaining damage, possibly breaking or destroying the shield.


When the monster Strikes a creature that has the @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Flat-Footed} condition with an agile or finesse melee weapon, an agile or finesse unarmed attack, or a ranged weapon attack, it also deals the listed precision damage. For a ranged attack with a thrown weapon, that weapon must also be an agile or finesse weapon.


The monster attempts to swallow a creature of the listed size or smaller that it has grabbed in its jaws or mouth. If a swallowed creature is of the maximum size listed, the monster can't use Swallow Whole again. If the creature is smaller than the maximum, the monster can usually swallow more creatures; the GM determines the maximum. The monster attempts an Athletics check opposed by the grabbed creature's Reflex DC. If it succeeds, it swallows the creature. The monster's mouth or jaws no longer grab a creature it has swallowed, so the monster is free to use them to Strike or Grab once again. The monster can't attack creatures it has swallowed.


A swallowed creature is @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.kWc1fhmv9LBiTuei]{Grabbed}, is @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.xYTAsEpcJE1Ccni3]{Slowed 1}, and has to hold its breath or start suffocating. The swallowed creature takes the listed amount of damage when first swallowed and at the end of each of its turns while it's swallowed. If the victim @Compendium[pf2e.actionspf2e.SkZAQRkLLkmBQNB9]{Escapes} this ability's grabbed condition, it exits through the monster's mouth. This frees any other creature grabbed in the monster's mouth or jaws. A swallowed creature can attack the monster that has swallowed it, but only with unarmed attacks or with weapons of light Bulk or less. The swallowing creature is @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Flat-Footed} against the attack. If the monster takes piercing or slashing damage equaling or exceeding the listed Rupture value from a single attack or spell, the swallowed creature cuts itself free. A creature that gets free by either Escaping or cutting itself free can immediately breathe and exits the swallowing monster's space.


If the monster dies, a swallowed creature can be freed by creatures adjacent to the corpse if they spend a combined total of 3 actions cutting the monster open with a weapon or unarmed attack that deals piercing or slashing damage.


This monster doesn't have a single mind (typically because it's a swarm of smaller creatures), and is immune to mental effects that target only a specific number of creatures. It is still subject to mental effects that affect all creatures in an area.


A monster with telepathy can communicate mentally with any creatures within the listed radius, as long as they share a language. This doesn't give any special access to their thoughts, and communicates no more information than normal speech would.


Thoughtsense allows a monster to sense all non-mindless creatures at the listed range.


The monster picks up a rock within reach or retrieves a stowed rock and throws it, making a ranged Strike.


The monster Strides up to double its Speed and can move through the spaces of creatures of the listed size, Trampling each creature whose space it enters. The monster can attempt to Trample the same creature only once in a single use of Trample. The monster deals the damage of the listed Strike, but trampled creatures can attempt a basic Reflex save at the listed DC (no damage on a critical success, half damage on a success, double damage on a critical failure).


Tremorsense allows a monster to feel the vibrations through a solid surface caused by movement. It is an imprecise sense with a limited range (listed in the ability). Tremorsense functions only if the monster is on the same surface as the subject, and only if the subject is moving along (or burrowing through) the surface.


Troops are composed of many individuals, and over the course of enough attacks and downed comrades, troops shrink in size. Most troops start with 16 squares (4 by 4), and their Hit Points have two listed thresholds, typically the first is at 2/3 their maximum Hit Points and the second is at 1/3 their maximum Hit Points. Once the troop drops below the first threshold, it loses 4 squares, leaving 12 squares remaining, and the first threshold becomes the troop's new maximum Hit Points. Once the troop falls below the second threshold, it loses another 4 squares, leaving 8 squares remaining, and the second threshold becomes the troop's new maximum Hit Points. In order to restore its size and maximum Hit Points, a troop needs to spend downtime to use long-term treatment on casualties or recruit new members to replace the fallen. At 0 Hit Points, the troop is reduced down to 4 squares, which is too few to sustain the troop, so it disperses entirely, with the few remaining members surrendering, fleeing, or easily dispatched, depending on their nature.


A damaging single-target effect, such as a Strike, can't force a troop to pass through more than one threshold at once. For instance, if a troop had 60 Hit Points, with thresholds at 40 and 20, a Strike for 50 damage would leave the troop at 21 Hit Points, just above the second threshold. A damaging area effect or multi-target effect can cross multiple thresholds at once and could potentially destroy the entire troop in one shot.


Non-damaging effects with an area or that target all creatures in a certain proximity affect a troop normally if they affect the entire area occupied by the troop. If an effect has a smaller area or numbers of targets, it typically has no effect on the troop. However, if the effect can target at least four creatures or cover at least four squares in the troop, and if it would prevent its targets from acting, cause them to flee, or otherwise make them unable to function as part of the troop for a round or more, the troop loses loses a number of Hit Points equal to the amount required to bring it to the next threshold, removing 4 squares. If an effect would both deal damage and automatically cross a threshold due to incapacitating some of the creatures in the troop, apply the damage first. If the damage wasn't enough to cross a threshold on its own, then reduce the Hit Points to cross the threshold for the incapacitating effect.


This sense allows a monster to feel vibrations caused by movement through a liquid. It's an imprecise sense with a limited range (listed in the ability). Wavesense functions only if monster and the subject are in the same body of liquid, and only if the subject is moving through the liquid.

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