Normally, Amazon computers only allow shell logins via ssh (port 22 access). If we want to run a Web service or something else, we need to give the outside world access to other network locations on the computer.
Below, we will open ports 8000-9000, which will let us run things like RStudio Server. If you want to run other things, like a Web server, you'll need to find the port(s) associated with those services and open those instead of 8000-9000. (Tip: Web servers run on port 80.)
Find "Security Groups" in the lower pane of your instance's information page, and click on "launch-wizard-N".
.. thumbnail:: images/network-0.png :width: 20%
.. thumbnail:: images/network-1.png :width: 20%
.. thumbnail:: images/network-2.png :width: 20%
.. thumbnail:: images/network-3.png :width: 20%
Add a new rule: Custom TCP, 8000-9000, Source Anywhere.
.. thumbnail:: images/network-4.png :width: 20%
You're done!
Go back to the index: :doc:`index`