This page shows you how to create a new "AWS instance", or a running computer.
Start at the Amazon Web Services console ( and sign in to the console).
.. thumbnail:: images/boot-0.png :width: 20%
.. thumbnail:: images/boot-1.png :width: 20%
.. thumbnail:: images/boot-2.png :width: 20%
Use ami-05384865.
.. thumbnail:: images/boot-3.png :width: 20%
.. thumbnail:: images/boot-4.png :width: 20%
.. thumbnail:: images/boot-5.png :width: 20%
Note: you only need to do this the first time you create an instance. If you know where your amazon-key.pem file is, you can select 'Use an existing key pair' here. But you can always create a new key pair if you want, too.
If you have an existing key pair, go to step 12, "Launch instance."
.. thumbnail:: images/boot-6.png :width: 20%
.. thumbnail:: images/boot-8.png :width: 20%
Note that for your instance name you can use either "Public IP" or "Public DNS". Here, the machine only has a public IP.
.. thumbnail:: images/boot-9.png :width: 20%
You can now :doc:`login-shell` or :doc:`configure-firewall`.