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Maxim Dubinin edited this page Apr 13, 2017 · 16 revisions


We'd like NextGIS Mobile to be available in your language. Consider making your contribution and joining the translation team! If you'd like to join send us a note at [email protected] and let us know what language you can maintain.


You can send us translations via pull-requests at Github (prefered) or download master (English) files below, translate them and send them back to us by e-mail. There is no need to translate values with flag translatable="false", just delete these strings. Please escape apostrophes with backslash \ like this Le réseau n\'est pas disponible

Here is short walk-through:

  1. Find the file you'd like to contribute translations too.
  2. Start editing, make edits
  3. Press 'Propose file change' after you're done.
  4. Press 'Create pull request'

If your language is not among listed here, feel free to add the files you need yourself. Follow the naming convention according to (ISO 639-1)[]. If you are translating for dialect follow this pattern: -pt-rBR, i.e. -[2 chars for language]-[1 char 'r'][2 chars COUNTRY].


Master (en, English)

-ru (Russian)

-fr (French)

-pt-rBR (Brazilian Portuguese)

-ja (Japanese)

-hi (Hindi)

-de (German)

-cs (Czech)

-uk (Ukrainian)

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