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Mailgun web hook security


Use basic auth, similar to ZendeskWebhookController, for Mailgun, with a separate random password per environment. Ignore Mailgun's web hook signing key.

Generate a random password with cat /dev/urandom | head -c 32 | openssl base64, or however you feel good about generating random passwords.


We need to keep our database up-to-date as an email changes its delivery status from queued to delivered (or bounced). We use Mailgun to send email, and they can notify our web app via a web hook when a message's status changes.

We need a way to validate that it's Mailgun communicating these status updates to us rather than someone impersonating Mailgun. Mailgun offers a feature called web hook signing. Unfortunately, the key that they use for signing is shared across all domains within a Mailgun account. We separate credentials between demo & production by using different Mailgun sending domains. If we used the Mailgun web hook signing key, we could store that one key in both the demo and production environments, but if we do so, we are violating the rule of separating credentials between production and non-production.

Let's use HTTP Basic Auth for proving Mailgun is talking to us. The ZendeskWebhookController's authenticate_zendesk_request method is a great example to build from. It separates credentials between environments, and it is easy to unit-test.

I have tested that Mailgun's web hooks system can perform HTTP Basic authentication. First, I created a request bin using

I visited and entered the request bin's URL, along with "example1:example2@" after https:// and before the domain name, following the typical basic auth URL encoding. Mailgun sent a request with a Authorization: Basic ZXhhbXBsZTE6ZXhhbXBsZTI= header, which decodes to "example1:example2". Therefore, we know Mailgun will use basic auth if we put it in the URL.

I also validated that the header correctly decodes. Base64.decode64('ZXhhbXBsZTE6ZXhhbXBsZTI=') in Ruby returns "example1:example2", which shows it works.

I haven't yet heard from Mailgun to confirm that they're confident they'll support basic auth, but I currently expect they will. If I hear otherwise from them, we may need to change our plan.