diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 2233481..0b6168b 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ This site relies on some environment variables:
The base URL for the Hosted UI Cognito sign-in page associated with this
- UserPool's application (the current working UserPool is "_Cognito for Connect
- Call Centers_" (ID: _us-east-1_AZyvZQdFN_) and the "App integration" client is
- "_Amplify App_")
+ User Pool's application (the current working User Pool is "_Cognito for
+ Connect Call Centers_" (ID: _us-east-1_AZyvZQdFN_) and the "App integration"
+ client is "_Amplify App_")
@@ -34,8 +34,9 @@ This site relies on some environment variables:
The URL of this web app
**Note:** This must be configured here as well as inside Cognito, in the
- UserPool, in the App client, under "_Hosted UI_", under "_Allowed callback
- URLs_"
+ User Pool, in the App client, under "_Hosted UI_", under "_Allowed callback
+ URLs_", and it should also be reflected in the Invitation Message under
+ "_Messaging_"
@@ -51,3 +52,6 @@ This site relies on some environment variables:
This is a [Next.js](https://nextjs.org/) project bootstrapped with
+See [The Inside Story](docs/THE_INSIDE_STORY.md) for more information about all
+the random hurdles and gotchas that were overcome in order to get this working.
diff --git a/docs/THE_INSIDE_STORY.md b/docs/THE_INSIDE_STORY.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..245e277
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/THE_INSIDE_STORY.md
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+# The Inside Story
+This code functions to bring together AWS Cognito with AWS Connect using the
+Lambda defined in the
+[Custom AWS IDP](https://github.com/newjersey/custom-aws-idp)
+repo. It utilizes Cognito's
+[Hosted UI](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cognito/latest/developerguide/cognito-user-pools-hosted-ui-user-sign-in.html)
+so that the baseline login security is fully managed by AWS (with JWTs
+containing login session metadata). In order to send invite-emails to new users
+and manage password resetting, AWS Simple Email Service (SES) has been used to
+register a verified domain and a verified email. The Cognito User Pool is also
+configured to require MFA. One of those MFA methods is allowed to be SMS, and
+setting up the phone number for those text messages is done in Amazon Simple
+Notification Service (SNS) and Amazon Pinpoint / Pinpoint SMS.
+To make this all work took some unintuitive steps and some long lead times, so
+this document serves to help anyone in the future trying to replicate or emulate
+some parts of this system as well as to update the right things if this system
+## Generating (and handling) a valid SAML Response
+As described in the README for Custom AWS IDP, there was a lot of difficulty
+generating a valid, signed SAML Response which AWS could consume. As well,
+getting it all pieced together correctly took learning new things.
+It turns out that SAML-based SSO seems to lean heavily on browsers to do a lot
+of correct handling and redirecting. This happens after the SAML Response is
+POSTed to the Service Provider (SP, in our case AWS) using the
+`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` content type. As well, in order for AWS to
+correctly redirect the browser to the right AWS Connect instance after
+successful authentication, the `RelayState` must be included in that POST body.
+As can also be seen in the Custom AWS IDP repo, the `SAMLResponse` is
+transmitted in base64 format.
+In order to POST the SAML Response and Relay State to AWS without forcing the
+user to manually submit a form, a
+[Self Submitting Form](../components/SelfSubmittingSsoForm.tsx) is used (also
+using hidden inputs so the user doesn't have to see anything confusing either).
+ASIDE: It is not useful for this work now, but an earlier draft (without the
+need for a frontend with a call center picker) relied on a Lambda response with
+content type `text/html` and an embedded self-submitting form as the body, like
+ Loading...
+I thought that was cool enough to keep around even though we are not using it.
+## Setting up emails
+We wanted to set up Cognito's *Messaging* configuration so that users would be
+able to get an invitation-email with their first (temporary) password and also
+so that users could receive emails to help for forgotten-password resets. As it
+turned out, this was much harder than it seemed, requiring enough understanding
+of email security and the AWS Email Service (SES) to get to the point where
+emails could at least reach their destination without being bounced or dropped,
+even though under V1, emails still end up in state junk folders.
+Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance (DMARC) helps
+protect an email domain against spoofing and phishing. It does this using two
+1. The Sender Policy Framework (SPF) which specifies what servers/domains are
+ authorized to be mail-senders for a given email domain, and
+2. DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) which adds digital signatures to all
+ outgoing mail, allowing receivers to verify the mail sender
+The state uses DMARC (thankfully) with "relaxed alignment," which just means we
+are allowed to set up the MAIL-FROM domain as a custom subdomain and still pass
+DMARC. The fine details of these protocols are not important here, but with that
+baseline information in place, this system required going to Amazon SES and
+1. *innovation.nj.gov* as a verified identity domain
+ 1. Configuring the use of *Easy DKIM* under "Advanced DKIM settings" with
+ *RSA_2048_BIT* DKIM signing key length and DKIM signatures enabled
+ 1. Requiring OIT to publish three CNAME records
+ 2. Configuring the Custom MAIL FROM domain *aws-email.innovation.nj.gov*
+ 1. Requiring OIT to publish AWS-provided DNS records
+2. *callcenters@innovation.nj.gov* as a verified identity email address
+ 1. Requiring OIT/ops to create the email address and provide us with access
+ to its inbox; AWS sends a verification email to the inbox and the address
+ is only verified after a link in that verification email is clicked
+3. Production Mode (by default, SES starts out in Sandbox Mode where emails can
+ only be sent to other SES verified email addresses, a request must be made to
+ graduate from Sandbox to Production, and I don't remember but this may also
+ require a request for some limit increase)
+Once the setup is complete, Cognito can be configured to use the verified email
+address as the "FROM Email Address" by editing "Email" on the Messaging tab in
+the User Pool. An optional "FROM Sender Name" can also be configured, such as
+"New Jersey Call Centers ".
+Special thanks to the New Jersey Cyber Communication & Integration Cell (NJCCIC)
+and AWS support engineers who helped us figure out how to set this up.
+## Setting up SMS
+Getting SMS configured required a number of steps, lead time, and also some
+bug-dodging trickery.
+### Allowing SMS for MFA without shooting yourself in the foot
+As it turns out, at least as of this writing in early December 2023, if a User
+Pool wants to allow both MFA methods (Authenticator apps + SMS message)
+utilizing the Cognito Hosted UI, you __*should not*__ configure the "SMS
+message" option while in the User Pool creation flow. If "SMS message" is
+selected, then on the following creation flow page you will see that
+`phone_number` is one of the user "Required Attributes". When the phone number
+is a required attribute, it becomes impossible for the user to choose SMS as
+their MFA method. Only when `phone_number` is not required does Cognito
+correctly prompt the user to choose SMS or Authenticator App during their first
+login. At least this is how it was for our system which does not allow
+self-registration but does not necessarily know phone numbers when a user is
+This seems pretty obviously like a bug in Cognito, but while I did try to urge a
+support engineer to submit a bug report for me when I encountered this issue, I
+am not confident that one was opened.
+### An originating phone number
+Cognito links to
+[this documentation](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sns/latest/dg/channels-sms-originating-identities.html)
+for creating an originating identity. We use a Toll-Free Origination Number.
+Fortunately for me, I did not set this piece up, but then unfortunately for this
+documentation, I don't have a summary of any hurdles that had to be overcome
+### Enabling SMS
+Cognito links to
+[this documentation](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cognito/latest/developerguide/user-pool-sms-settings.html)
+for setting up SMS for Cognito. In practice, it primarily involved following the
+steps which Cognito suggests on the *Messaging* tab of the User Pool: moving SNS
+out of Sandbox mode (just like SES) and requesting a limit increase (or a few
+increases?) to SNS and possibly also Pinpoint and Pinpoint SMS.
+Something that was a bit surprising was that even after following all the steps
+and getting SMS correctly setup, there is still an *Info* box on the SMS part of
+the Messaging page with advice for the steps necessary to set up SMS. For this
+confusing UI, I believe an AWS support engineer did submit a request to change
+it so the info box goes away when everything is correctly configured.
+Where to configure the base URL
+## Multiple truth sources
+Unfortunately with the way the code ended up in two repos and with the different
+AWS products, a few pieces of information must be manually duplicated in a few
+* The URL for this web app:
+ 1. Must be configured in Amplify as the `NEXT_PUBLIC_COGNITO_REDIRECT_URI`
+ environment variable, as described in the README
+ 2. Must be configured in Cognito in the App Client of the User Pool as an
+ *Allowed Callback URL*
+ 3. Must be configured in Cognito under Messaging as the URL in the *Invitation
+ Message* template
+* The User Pool ID and App Client ID:
+ 1. These must be configured as environment variables in the Lambda's
+ serverless.yml file (the other repo)
+ 2. The App Client ID must be configured in Amplify as the
+ `NEXT_PUBLIC_COGNITO_CLIENT_ID` environment variable, as described in the
+ 3. Perhaps this should be removed, but they are sometimes referenced either by
+ name or by ID in READMEs in both repos, and this should stay up-to-date
+ with reality
+## How to create a user?
+To create a user who can receive a good temporary password in their invitation
+1. Go to the User Pool, under the "Users" tab press "*Create user*"
+2. Choose "*Send an email invitation*"
+3. Provide their email address
+4. Set the email address as verified (otherwise the email won't be sent)
+5. Select "*Generate a password*"
+6. Press the button at the bottom "*Create user*"
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