diff --git a/Content.Client/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/Components/DeepFriedComponent.cs b/Content.Client/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/Components/DeepFriedComponent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a1252cf43ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Client/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/Components/DeepFriedComponent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+using Content.Shared.Kitchen.Components;
+namespace Content.Client.Kitchen.Components
+ [RegisterComponent]
+ //Unnecessary item: [ComponentReference(typeof(SharedDeepFriedComponent))]
+ public sealed partial class DeepFriedComponent : SharedDeepFriedComponent
+ {
+ }
diff --git a/Content.Client/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/Components/DeepFryerComponent.cs b/Content.Client/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/Components/DeepFryerComponent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4123eb341ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Client/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/Components/DeepFryerComponent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+using Content.Shared.Kitchen.Components;
+namespace Content.Client.Kitchen.Components
+ [RegisterComponent]
+ // Unnecessary line: [ComponentReference(typeof(SharedDeepFryerComponent))]
+ public sealed partial class DeepFryerComponent : SharedDeepFryerComponent
+ {
+ }
diff --git a/Content.Client/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/UI/DeepFryerBoundUserInterface.cs b/Content.Client/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/UI/DeepFryerBoundUserInterface.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8db884328e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Client/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/UI/DeepFryerBoundUserInterface.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+using Robust.Client.GameObjects;
+using Content.Shared.Kitchen.UI;
+namespace Content.Client.Nyanotrasen.Kitchen.UI
+ public sealed class DeepFryerBoundUserInterface : BoundUserInterface
+ {
+ private DeepFryerWindow? _window;
+ private NetEntity[] _entities = default!;
+ public DeepFryerBoundUserInterface(EntityUid owner, Enum uiKey) : base(owner, uiKey)
+ {
+ base.Open();
+ _window = new DeepFryerWindow();
+ _window.OnClose += Close;
+ _window.ItemList.OnItemSelected += args =>
+ {
+ SendMessage(new DeepFryerRemoveItemMessage(_entities[args.ItemIndex]));
+ };
+ _window.InsertItem.OnPressed += _ =>
+ {
+ SendMessage(new DeepFryerInsertItemMessage());
+ };
+ _window.ScoopVat.OnPressed += _ =>
+ {
+ SendMessage(new DeepFryerScoopVatMessage());
+ };
+ _window.ClearSlag.OnPressed += args =>
+ {
+ SendMessage(new DeepFryerClearSlagMessage());
+ };
+ _window.RemoveAllItems.OnPressed += _ =>
+ {
+ SendMessage(new DeepFryerRemoveAllItemsMessage());
+ };
+ _window.OpenCentered();
+ }
+ protected override void UpdateState(BoundUserInterfaceState state)
+ {
+ base.UpdateState(state);
+ if (_window == null)
+ return;
+ if (state is not DeepFryerBoundUserInterfaceState cast)
+ return;
+ _entities = cast.ContainedEntities;
+ _window.UpdateState(cast);
+ }
+ protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
+ {
+ base.Dispose(disposing);
+ if (!disposing)
+ return;
+ _window?.Dispose();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Content.Client/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/UI/DeepFryerWindow.xaml b/Content.Client/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/UI/DeepFryerWindow.xaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6ada0b95baf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Client/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/UI/DeepFryerWindow.xaml
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
diff --git a/Content.Client/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/UI/DeepFryerWindow.xaml.cs b/Content.Client/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/UI/DeepFryerWindow.xaml.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7eb8eabd2ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Client/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/UI/DeepFryerWindow.xaml.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+using Robust.Client.AutoGenerated;
+using Robust.Client.GameObjects;
+using Robust.Client.Graphics;
+using Robust.Client.UserInterface.CustomControls;
+using Robust.Client.UserInterface.XAML;
+using Content.Shared.Kitchen.UI;
+namespace Content.Client.Nyanotrasen.Kitchen.UI
+ [GenerateTypedNameReferences]
+ [Access(typeof(DeepFryerBoundUserInterface))]
+ public sealed partial class DeepFryerWindow : DefaultWindow
+ {
+ [Dependency] private readonly IEntityManager _entityManager = default!;
+ private static readonly Color WarningColor = Color.FromHsv(new Vector4(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.8f, 1.0f));
+ public DeepFryerWindow()
+ {
+ RobustXamlLoader.Load(this);
+ IoCManager.InjectDependencies(this);
+ }
+ public void UpdateState(DeepFryerBoundUserInterfaceState state)
+ {
+ OilLevel.Value = (float) state.OilLevel;
+ OilPurity.Value = (float) state.OilPurity;
+ if (state.OilPurity < state.FryingOilThreshold)
+ {
+ if (OilPurity.ForegroundStyleBoxOverride == null)
+ {
+ OilPurity.ForegroundStyleBoxOverride = new StyleBoxFlat();
+ var oilPurityStyle = (StyleBoxFlat) OilPurity.ForegroundStyleBoxOverride;
+ oilPurityStyle.BackgroundColor = WarningColor;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ OilPurity.ForegroundStyleBoxOverride = null;
+ }
+ ItemList.Clear();
+ foreach (var netEntity in state.ContainedEntities)
+ {
+ var entity = _entityManager.GetEntity(netEntity);
+ if (_entityManager.Deleted(entity))
+ continue;
+ // Duplicated from MicrowaveBoundUserInterface.cs: keep an eye on that file for when it changes.
+ Texture? texture;
+ if (_entityManager.TryGetComponent(entity, out IconComponent? iconComponent))
+ {
+ texture = _entityManager.System().GetIcon(iconComponent);
+ }
+ else if (_entityManager.TryGetComponent(entity, out SpriteComponent? spriteComponent))
+ {
+ texture = spriteComponent.Icon?.Default;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ ItemList.AddItem(_entityManager.GetComponent(entity).EntityName, texture);
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Content.Client/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/Visualizers/DeepFriedVisualizer.cs b/Content.Client/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/Visualizers/DeepFriedVisualizer.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..58580e3f5ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Client/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/Visualizers/DeepFriedVisualizer.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+using System.Linq;
+using Robust.Client.GameObjects;
+using static Robust.Client.GameObjects.SpriteComponent;
+using Content.Client.Kitchen.Components;
+using Content.Shared.Clothing;
+using Content.Shared.Hands;
+using Content.Shared.Kitchen.Components;
+namespace Content.Client.Kitchen.Visualizers
+ public sealed class DeepFriedVisualizerSystem : VisualizerSystem
+ {
+ private readonly static string ShaderName = "Crispy";
+ public override void Initialize()
+ {
+ base.Initialize();
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnHeldVisualsUpdated);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnEquipmentVisualsUpdated);
+ }
+ protected override void OnAppearanceChange(EntityUid uid, DeepFriedComponent component, ref AppearanceChangeEvent args)
+ {
+ if (args.Sprite == null)
+ return;
+ if (!args.Component.TryGetData(DeepFriedVisuals.Fried, out bool isFried))
+ return;
+ for (var i = 0; i < args.Sprite.AllLayers.Count(); ++i)
+ args.Sprite.LayerSetShader(i, ShaderName);
+ }
+ private void OnHeldVisualsUpdated(EntityUid uid, DeepFriedComponent component, HeldVisualsUpdatedEvent args)
+ {
+ if (args.RevealedLayers.Count == 0)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!TryComp(args.User, out SpriteComponent? sprite))
+ return;
+ foreach (var key in args.RevealedLayers)
+ {
+ if (!sprite.LayerMapTryGet(key, out var index) || sprite[index] is not Layer layer)
+ continue;
+ sprite.LayerSetShader(index, ShaderName);
+ }
+ }
+ private void OnEquipmentVisualsUpdated(EntityUid uid, DeepFriedComponent component, EquipmentVisualsUpdatedEvent args)
+ {
+ if (args.RevealedLayers.Count == 0)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!TryComp(args.Equipee, out SpriteComponent? sprite))
+ return;
+ foreach (var key in args.RevealedLayers)
+ {
+ if (!sprite.LayerMapTryGet(key, out var index) || sprite[index] is not Layer layer)
+ continue;
+ sprite.LayerSetShader(index, ShaderName);
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Content.Client/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/Visualizers/DeepFryerVisualizer.cs b/Content.Client/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/Visualizers/DeepFryerVisualizer.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..69f613fc110
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Client/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/Visualizers/DeepFryerVisualizer.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+using Robust.Client.GameObjects;
+using Content.Client.Chemistry.Visualizers;
+using Content.Client.Kitchen.Components;
+using Content.Shared.Kitchen.Components;
+namespace Content.Client.Kitchen.Visualizers
+ public sealed class DeepFryerVisualizerSystem : VisualizerSystem
+ {
+ protected override void OnAppearanceChange(EntityUid uid, DeepFryerComponent component, ref AppearanceChangeEvent args)
+ {
+ if (!args.Component.TryGetData(DeepFryerVisuals.Bubbling, out bool isBubbling) ||
+ !TryComp(uid, out var scvComponent))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ scvComponent.FillBaseName = isBubbling ? "on-" : "off-";
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Content.Client/Shipyard/UI/ShipyardConsoleMenu.xaml.cs b/Content.Client/Shipyard/UI/ShipyardConsoleMenu.xaml.cs
index 28d189cd10a..2f4b538cb9f 100644
--- a/Content.Client/Shipyard/UI/ShipyardConsoleMenu.xaml.cs
+++ b/Content.Client/Shipyard/UI/ShipyardConsoleMenu.xaml.cs
@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ public void PopulateProducts(ShipyardConsoleUiKey uiKey)
ShipyardConsoleUiKey.Shipyard => "Civilian",
ShipyardConsoleUiKey.Security => "Security",
ShipyardConsoleUiKey.BlackMarket => "BlackMarket",
+ ShipyardConsoleUiKey.Expedition => "Expedition",
_ => "Shipyard",
diff --git a/Content.IntegrationTests/Tests/Nyanotrasen/DeepFryerTest.cs b/Content.IntegrationTests/Tests/Nyanotrasen/DeepFryerTest.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3e1a7ff52c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.IntegrationTests/Tests/Nyanotrasen/DeepFryerTest.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+#nullable enable annotations
+using Content.Server.Kitchen.Components;
+using Content.Server.Kitchen.EntitySystems;
+using Robust.Shared.GameObjects;
+using Robust.Shared.Reflection;
+namespace Content.IntegrationTests.Tests.DeepFryer
+ [TestFixture]
+ [TestOf(typeof(DeepFriedComponent))]
+ [TestOf(typeof(DeepFryerSystem))]
+ [TestOf(typeof(DeepFryerComponent))]
+ public sealed class DeepFryerTest
+ {
+ [TestPrototypes]
+ private const string Prototypes = @"
+- type: entity
+ name: DeepFryerDummy
+ id: DeepFryerDummy
+ components:
+ - type: DeepFryer
+ entryDelay: 0
+ draggedEntryDelay: 0
+ flushTime: 0
+ - type: Anchorable
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - type: Physics
+ bodyType: Static
+ - type: Fixtures
+ fixtures:
+ fix1:
+ shape:
+ !type:PhysShapeCircle
+ radius: 0.35
+ [Test]
+ public async Task Test()
+ {
+ await using var pair = await PoolManager.GetServerClient();
+ var server = pair.Server;
+ var testMap = await pair.CreateTestMap();
+ EntityUid unitUid = default;
+ var entityManager = server.ResolveDependency();
+ var xformSystem = entityManager.System();
+ var deepFryerSystem = entityManager.System();
+ await server.WaitAssertion(() =>
+ {
+ Assert.That(deepFryerSystem, Is.Not.Null);
+ });
+ await pair.CleanReturnAsync();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Content.Server/Nutrition/EntitySystems/SliceableFoodSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Nutrition/EntitySystems/SliceableFoodSystem.cs
index 81bba0eb79d..e2e054f4fa0 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Nutrition/EntitySystems/SliceableFoodSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Nutrition/EntitySystems/SliceableFoodSystem.cs
@@ -90,6 +90,12 @@ private bool TrySliceFood(EntityUid uid, EntityUid user, EntityUid usedItem,
+ //Nyano - Summary: Begin Nyano Code to tell us we've sliced something for Fryer --
+ var sliceEvent = new SliceFoodEvent(user, usedItem, uid, sliceUid);
+ RaiseLocalEvent(uid, sliceEvent);
+ //Nyano - End Nyano Code.
// If someone makes food proto with 1 slice...
if (component.Count < 1)
@@ -160,4 +166,40 @@ private void OnExamined(EntityUid uid, SliceableFoodComponent component, Examine
args.PushMarkup(Loc.GetString("sliceable-food-component-on-examine-remaining-slices-text", ("remainingCount", component.Count)));
+ //Nyano - Summary: Begin Nyano Code for the sliced food event.
+ public sealed class SliceFoodEvent : EntityEventArgs
+ {
+ ///
+ /// Who did the slicing?
+ ///
+ public EntityUid User;
+ ///
+ /// What did the slicing?
+ ///
+ public EntityUid Tool;
+ ///
+ /// What has been sliced?
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// This could soon be deleted if there was not enough food left to
+ /// continue slicing.
+ ///
+ public EntityUid Food;
+ ///
+ /// What is the slice?
+ ///
+ public EntityUid Slice;
+ public SliceFoodEvent(EntityUid user, EntityUid tool, EntityUid food, EntityUid slice)
+ {
+ User = user;
+ Tool = tool;
+ Food = food;
+ Slice = slice;
+ }
+ }
+ //End Nyano Code.
diff --git a/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/Components/DeepFriedComponent.cs b/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/Components/DeepFriedComponent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3bbb96e65d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/Components/DeepFriedComponent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+using Content.Shared.Kitchen.Components;
+namespace Content.Server.Kitchen.Components
+ [RegisterComponent]
+ //This line appears to be deprecated. [ComponentReference(typeof(SharedDeepFriedComponent))]
+ public sealed partial class DeepFriedComponent : SharedDeepFriedComponent
+ {
+ ///
+ /// What is the item's base price multiplied by?
+ ///
+ [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+ [DataField("priceCoefficient")]
+ public float PriceCoefficient { get; set; } = 1.0f;
+ ///
+ /// What was the entity's original name before any modification?
+ ///
+ [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+ [DataField("originalName")]
+ public string? OriginalName { get; set; }
+ }
diff --git a/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/Components/DeepFryerComponent.cs b/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/Components/DeepFryerComponent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..07cc96e8e78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/Components/DeepFryerComponent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+using Robust.Shared.Audio;
+using Robust.Shared.Containers;
+using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
+using Robust.Shared.Serialization.TypeSerializers.Implementations.Custom;
+using Robust.Shared.Serialization.TypeSerializers.Implementations.Custom.Prototype;
+using Robust.Shared.Serialization.TypeSerializers.Implementations.Custom.Prototype.Set;
+using Content.Server.Kitchen.EntitySystems;
+using Content.Server.Nutrition;
+using Content.Shared.Chemistry.Components;
+using Content.Shared.Chemistry.Reagent;
+using Content.Shared.Construction.Prototypes;
+using Content.Shared.Kitchen.Components;
+using Content.Shared.Nutrition;
+using Content.Shared.FixedPoint;
+using Content.Shared.Whitelist;
+namespace Content.Server.Kitchen.Components
+ [RegisterComponent]
+ [Access(typeof(DeepFryerSystem))]
+ // This line appears to be depracted: [ComponentReference(typeof(SharedDeepFryerComponent))]
+ public sealed partial class DeepFryerComponent : SharedDeepFryerComponent
+ {
+ // There are three levels to how the deep fryer treats entities.
+ //
+ // 1. An entity can be rejected by the blacklist and be untouched by
+ // anything other than heat damage.
+ //
+ // 2. An entity can be deep-fried but not turned into an edible. The
+ // change will be mostly cosmetic. Any entity that does not match
+ // the blacklist will fall into this category.
+ //
+ // 3. An entity can be deep-fried and turned into something edible. The
+ // change will permit the item to be permanently destroyed by eating
+ // it.
+ ///
+ /// When will the deep fryer layer on the next stage of crispiness?
+ ///
+ [DataField("nextFryTime", customTypeSerializer: typeof(TimeOffsetSerializer))]
+ public TimeSpan NextFryTime { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// How much waste needs to be added at the next update interval?
+ ///
+ public FixedPoint2 WasteToAdd { get; set; } = FixedPoint2.Zero;
+ ///
+ /// How often are items in the deep fryer fried?
+ ///
+ [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+ [DataField("fryInterval")]
+ public TimeSpan FryInterval { get; set; } = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);
+ ///
+ /// What entities cannot be deep-fried no matter what?
+ ///
+ [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+ [DataField("blacklist")]
+ public EntityWhitelist? Blacklist { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// What entities can be deep-fried into being edible?
+ ///
+ [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+ [DataField("whitelist")]
+ public EntityWhitelist? Whitelist { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// What are over-cooked and burned entities turned into?
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// To prevent unwanted destruction of items, only food can be turned
+ /// into this.
+ ///
+ [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+ [DataField("charredPrototype", customTypeSerializer: typeof(PrototypeIdSerializer))]
+ public string? CharredPrototype { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// What reagents are considered valid cooking oils?
+ ///
+ [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+ [DataField("fryingOils", customTypeSerializer: typeof(PrototypeIdHashSetSerializer))]
+ public HashSet FryingOils { get; set; } = new();
+ ///
+ /// What reagents are added to tasty deep-fried food?
+ /// JJ Comment: I removed Solution from this. Unsure if I need to replace it with something.
+ ///
+ [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+ [DataField("goodReagents")]
+ public List GoodReagents { get; set; } = new();
+ ///
+ /// What reagents are added to terrible deep-fried food?
+ /// JJ Comment: I removed Solution from this. Unsure if I need to replace it with something.
+ ///
+ [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+ [DataField("badReagents")]
+ public List BadReagents { get; set; } = new();
+ ///
+ /// What reagents replace every 1 unit of oil spent on frying?
+ /// JJ Comment: I removed Solution from this. Unsure if I need to replace it with something.
+ ///
+ [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+ [DataField("wasteReagents")]
+ public List WasteReagents { get; set; } = new();
+ ///
+ /// What flavors go well with deep frying?
+ ///
+ [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+ [DataField("goodFlavors", customTypeSerializer: typeof(PrototypeIdHashSetSerializer))]
+ public HashSet GoodFlavors { get; set; } = new();
+ ///
+ /// What flavors don't go well with deep frying?
+ ///
+ [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+ [DataField("badFlavors", customTypeSerializer: typeof(PrototypeIdHashSetSerializer))]
+ public HashSet BadFlavors { get; set; } = new();
+ ///
+ /// How much is the price coefficiency of a food changed for each good flavor?
+ ///
+ [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+ [DataField("goodFlavorPriceBonus")]
+ public float GoodFlavorPriceBonus { get; set; } = 0.2f;
+ ///
+ /// How much is the price coefficiency of a food changed for each bad flavor?
+ ///
+ [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+ [DataField("badFlavorPriceMalus")]
+ public float BadFlavorPriceMalus { get; set; } = -0.3f;
+ ///
+ /// What is the name of the solution container for the fryer's oil?
+ ///
+ [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+ [DataField("solution")]
+ public string SolutionName { get; set; } = "vat_oil";
+ public Solution Solution { get; set; } = default!;
+ ///
+ /// What is the name of the entity container for items inside the deep fryer?
+ ///
+ [DataField("storage")]
+ public string StorageName { get; set; } = "vat_entities";
+ public BaseContainer Storage { get; set; } = default!;
+ ///
+ /// How much solution should be imparted based on an item's size?
+ ///
+ [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+ [DataField("solutionSizeCoefficient")]
+ public FixedPoint2 SolutionSizeCoefficient { get; set; } = 0.5f;
+ ///
+ /// What's the maximum amount of solution that should ever be imparted?
+ ///
+ [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+ [DataField("solutionSplitMax")]
+ public FixedPoint2 SolutionSplitMax { get; set; } = 10f;
+ ///
+ /// What percent of the fryer's solution has to be oil in order for it to fry?
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// The chef will have to clean it out occasionally, and if too much
+ /// non-oil reagents are added, the vat will have to be drained.
+ ///
+ [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+ [DataField("fryingOilThreshold")]
+ public FixedPoint2 FryingOilThreshold { get; set; } = 0.5f;
+ ///
+ /// What is the bare minimum number of oil units to prevent the fryer
+ /// from unsafe operation?
+ ///
+ [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+ [DataField("safeOilVolume")]
+ public FixedPoint2 SafeOilVolume { get; set; } = 10f;
+ [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+ [DataField("unsafeOilVolumeEffects")]
+ public List UnsafeOilVolumeEffects = new();
+ ///
+ /// What is the temperature of the vat when the deep fryer is powered?
+ ///
+ [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+ [DataField("poweredTemperature")]
+ public float PoweredTemperature = 550.0f;
+ ///
+ /// How many entities can this deep fryer hold?
+ ///
+ [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+ public int StorageMaxEntities = 4;
+ ///
+ /// How many entities can be held, at a minimum?
+ ///
+ [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+ [DataField("baseStorageMaxEntities")]
+ public int BaseStorageMaxEntities = 4;
+ ///
+ /// What upgradeable machine part dictates the quality of the storage size?
+ ///
+ [DataField("machinePartStorageMax", customTypeSerializer: typeof(PrototypeIdSerializer))]
+ public string MachinePartStorageMax = "MatterBin";
+ ///
+ /// How much extra storage is added per part rating?
+ ///
+ [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+ [DataField("storagePerPartRating")]
+ public int StoragePerPartRating = 4;
+ ///
+ /// What sound is played when an item is inserted into hot oil?
+ ///
+ [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+ [DataField("soundInsertItem")]
+ public SoundSpecifier SoundInsertItem = new SoundPathSpecifier("/Audio/Nyanotrasen/Machines/deepfryer_basket_add_item.ogg");
+ ///
+ /// What sound is played when an item is removed?
+ ///
+ [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+ [DataField("soundRemoveItem")]
+ public SoundSpecifier SoundRemoveItem = new SoundPathSpecifier("/Audio/Nyanotrasen/Machines/deepfryer_basket_remove_item.ogg");
+ }
diff --git a/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/Components/ProfessionalChefComponent.cs b/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/Components/ProfessionalChefComponent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..eb04f0d7b30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/Components/ProfessionalChefComponent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+namespace Content.Server.Kitchen.Components
+ [RegisterComponent]
+ public sealed partial class ProfessionalChefComponent : Component {}
diff --git a/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/EntitySystems/DeepFryerSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/EntitySystems/DeepFryerSystem.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..299df8b9b7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/EntitySystems/DeepFryerSystem.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,1065 @@
+using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using Robust.Server.GameObjects;
+using Robust.Shared.Audio;
+using Robust.Shared.Containers;
+using Robust.Shared.Player;
+using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
+using Robust.Shared.Random;
+using Robust.Shared.Timing;
+using Content.Server.Administration.Logs;
+using Content.Server.Atmos.Components;
+using Content.Server.Atmos.Miasma;
+using Content.Server.Audio;
+using Content.Server.Body.Components;
+using Content.Server.Cargo.Systems;
+using Content.Shared.Chemistry.Components.SolutionManager;
+using Content.Server.Chemistry.EntitySystems;
+using Content.Server.Construction;
+using Content.Server.Construction.Components;
+using Content.Server.DoAfter;
+using Content.Server.Fluids.EntitySystems;
+using Content.Server.Ghost.Roles.Components;
+using Content.Server.Kitchen.Components;
+using Content.Server.NPC.Components;
+using Content.Server.Nutrition.Components;
+using Content.Server.Nutrition.EntitySystems;
+using Content.Server.Paper;
+using Content.Server.Popups;
+using Content.Server.Power.Components;
+using Content.Server.Power.EntitySystems;
+using Content.Server.Temperature.Components;
+using Content.Server.Temperature.Systems;
+using Content.Server.UserInterface;
+using Content.Shared.Atmos.Miasma;
+using Content.Shared.Buckle.Components;
+using Content.Shared.Chemistry.Components;
+using Content.Shared.Chemistry.Reagent;
+using Content.Shared.Damage;
+using Content.Shared.Damage.Prototypes;
+using Content.Shared.Database;
+using Content.Shared.DoAfter;
+using Content.Shared.Destructible;
+using Content.Shared.Examine;
+using Content.Shared.FixedPoint;
+using Content.Shared.Hands.Components;
+using Content.Shared.Hands.EntitySystems;
+using Content.Shared.IdentityManagement;
+using Content.Shared.Interaction;
+using Content.Shared.Item;
+using Content.Shared.Kitchen;
+using Content.Shared.Kitchen.Components;
+using Content.Shared.Kitchen.UI;
+using Content.Shared.Mobs.Components;
+using Content.Shared.Mobs.Systems;
+using Content.Shared.Movement.Events;
+using Content.Shared.Nutrition.Components;
+using Content.Shared.Popups;
+using Content.Shared.Storage;
+using Content.Shared.Throwing;
+using Content.Shared.Tools.Components;
+using FastAccessors;
+using Content.Shared.NPC;
+using Content.Shared.Chemistry.EntitySystems;
+namespace Content.Server.Kitchen.EntitySystems
+ public sealed class DeepFryerSystem : EntitySystem
+ {
+ [Dependency] private readonly DamageableSystem _damageableSystem = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly DoAfterSystem _doAfterSystem = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly IAdminLogManager _adminLogManager = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly IGameTiming _gameTimingSystem = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly IPrototypeManager _prototypeManager = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly IRobustRandom _random = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly PopupSystem _popupSystem = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly PowerReceiverSystem _powerReceiverSystem = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly SharedAppearanceSystem _appearanceSystem = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly SharedAudioSystem _audioSystem = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly SharedContainerSystem _containerSystem = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly SharedHandsSystem _handsSystem = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly MobStateSystem _mobStateSystem = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly SolutionContainerSystem _solutionContainerSystem = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly SolutionTransferSystem _solutionTransferSystem = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly PuddleSystem _puddleSystem = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly TemperatureSystem _temperature = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly UserInterfaceSystem _uiSystem = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly AmbientSoundSystem _ambientSoundSystem = default!;
+ private static readonly string CookingDamageType = "Heat";
+ private static readonly float CookingDamageAmount = 10.0f;
+ private static readonly float PvsWarningRange = 0.5f;
+ private static readonly float ThrowMissChance = 0.25f;
+ private static readonly int MaximumCrispiness = 2;
+ private static readonly float BloodToProteinRatio = 0.1f;
+ private static readonly string MobFlavorMeat = "meaty";
+ private static readonly AudioParams AudioParamsInsertRemove = new(0.5f, 1f, "Master", 5f, 1.5f, 1f, false, 0f, 0.2f);
+ private ISawmill _sawmill = default!;
+ public override void Initialize()
+ {
+ base.Initialize();
+ _sawmill = Logger.GetSawmill("deepfryer");
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnInitDeepFryer);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnPowerChange);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnRefreshParts);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnDeconstruct);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnDestruction);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnThrowHitBy);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnSolutionChange);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnRelayMovement);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnInteractUsing);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnBeforeActivatableUIOpen);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnRemoveItem);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnInsertItem);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnScoopVat);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnClearSlagStart);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnRemoveAllItems);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnClearSlag);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnInitDeepFried);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnExamineFried);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnPriceCalculation);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnSliceDeepFried);
+ }
+ public override void Update(float frameTime)
+ {
+ base.Update(frameTime);
+ foreach (var component in EntityManager.EntityQuery())
+ {
+ var uid = component.Owner;
+ if (_gameTimingSystem.CurTime < component.NextFryTime ||
+ !_powerReceiverSystem.IsPowered(uid))
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ UpdateNextFryTime(uid, component);
+ // Heat the vat solution and contained entities.
+ _solutionContainerSystem.SetTemperature(uid, component.Solution, component.PoweredTemperature);
+ foreach (var item in component.Storage.ContainedEntities)
+ CookItem(uid, component, item);
+ // Do something bad if there's enough heat but not enough oil.
+ var oilVolume = GetOilVolume(uid, component);
+ if (oilVolume < component.SafeOilVolume)
+ {
+ foreach (var item in component.Storage.ContainedEntities.ToArray())
+ BurnItem(uid, component, item);
+ if (oilVolume > FixedPoint2.Zero)
+ {
+ //JJ Comment - this code block makes the Linter fail, and doesn't seem to be necessary with the changes I made.
+ foreach (var reagent in component.Solution.Contents.ToArray())
+ {
+ _prototypeManager.TryIndex(reagent.Reagent.ToString(), out var proto);
+ foreach (var effect in component.UnsafeOilVolumeEffects)
+ {
+ effect.Effect(new ReagentEffectArgs(uid,
+ null,
+ component.Solution,
+ proto!,
+ reagent.Quantity,
+ EntityManager,
+ null,
+ 1f));
+ }
+ }
+ component.Solution.RemoveAllSolution();
+ _popupSystem.PopupEntity(
+ Loc.GetString("deep-fryer-oil-volume-low",
+ ("deepFryer", uid)),
+ uid,
+ PopupType.SmallCaution);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ // We only alert the chef that there's a problem with oil purity
+ // if there's anything to cook beyond this point.
+ if (!component.Storage.ContainedEntities.Any())
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (GetOilPurity(uid, component) < component.FryingOilThreshold)
+ {
+ _popupSystem.PopupEntity(
+ Loc.GetString("deep-fryer-oil-purity-low",
+ ("deepFryer", uid)),
+ uid,
+ Filter.Pvs(uid, PvsWarningRange),
+ true);
+ continue;
+ }
+ foreach (var item in component.Storage.ContainedEntities.ToArray())
+ DeepFry(uid, component, item);
+ // After the round of frying, replace the spent oil with a
+ // waste product.
+ if (component.WasteToAdd > FixedPoint2.Zero)
+ {
+ foreach (var reagent in component.WasteReagents)
+ component.Solution.AddReagent(reagent.Reagent.ToString(), reagent.Quantity * component.WasteToAdd);
+ component.WasteToAdd = FixedPoint2.Zero;
+ _solutionContainerSystem.UpdateChemicals(uid, component.Solution, true);
+ }
+ UpdateUserInterface(uid, component);
+ }
+ }
+ private void UpdateUserInterface(EntityUid uid, DeepFryerComponent component)
+ {
+ var state = new DeepFryerBoundUserInterfaceState(
+ GetOilLevel(uid, component),
+ GetOilPurity(uid, component),
+ component.FryingOilThreshold,
+ EntityManager.GetNetEntityArray(component.Storage.ContainedEntities.ToArray()));
+ if (!_uiSystem.TrySetUiState(uid, DeepFryerUiKey.Key, state))
+ _sawmill.Warning($"{ToPrettyString(uid)} was unable to set UI state.");
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Does the deep fryer have hot oil?
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// This is mainly for audio.
+ ///
+ private bool HasBubblingOil(EntityUid uid, DeepFryerComponent component)
+ {
+ return _powerReceiverSystem.IsPowered(uid) && GetOilVolume(uid, component) > FixedPoint2.Zero;
+ }
+ private void UpdateAmbientSound(EntityUid uid, DeepFryerComponent component)
+ {
+ _ambientSoundSystem.SetAmbience(uid, HasBubblingOil(uid, component));
+ }
+ private void UpdateNextFryTime(EntityUid uid, DeepFryerComponent component)
+ {
+ component.NextFryTime = _gameTimingSystem.CurTime + component.FryInterval;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Make an item look deep-fried.
+ ///
+ private void MakeCrispy(EntityUid item)
+ {
+ EnsureComp(item);
+ EnsureComp(item);
+ _appearanceSystem.SetData(item, DeepFriedVisuals.Fried, true);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Turn a dead mob into food.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// This is meant to be an irreversible process, similar to gibbing.
+ ///
+ public bool TryMakeMobIntoFood(EntityUid mob, MobStateComponent mobStateComponent, bool force = false)
+ {
+ // Don't do anything to mobs until they're dead.
+ if (force || _mobStateSystem.IsDead(mob, mobStateComponent))
+ {
+ RemComp(mob);
+ RemComp(mob);
+ RemComp(mob);
+ RemComp(mob);
+ RemComp(mob);
+ RemComp(mob);
+ RemComp(mob);
+ RemComp(mob);
+ RemComp(mob);
+ // Ensure it's Food here, so it passes the whitelist.
+ var mobFoodComponent = EnsureComp(mob);
+ var mobFoodSolution = _solutionContainerSystem.EnsureSolution(mob, mobFoodComponent.Solution, out bool alreadyHadFood);
+ // This line here is mainly for mice, because they have a food
+ // component that mirrors how much blood they have, which is
+ // used for the reagent grinder.
+ if (alreadyHadFood)
+ _solutionContainerSystem.RemoveAllSolution(mob, mobFoodSolution);
+ if (TryComp(mob, out var bloodstreamComponent))
+ {
+ // Fry off any blood into protein.
+ var bloodSolution = bloodstreamComponent.BloodSolution;
+ var removedBloodQuantity = bloodSolution.RemoveReagent("Blood", FixedPoint2.MaxValue);
+ var proteinQuantity = removedBloodQuantity * BloodToProteinRatio;
+ mobFoodSolution.MaxVolume += proteinQuantity;
+ mobFoodSolution.AddReagent("Protein", proteinQuantity);
+ // This is a heuristic. If you had blood, you might just taste meaty.
+ if (removedBloodQuantity > FixedPoint2.Zero)
+ EnsureComp(mob).Flavors.Add(MobFlavorMeat);
+ // Bring in whatever chemicals they had in them too.
+ mobFoodSolution.MaxVolume += bloodstreamComponent.ChemicalSolution.Volume;
+ mobFoodSolution.AddSolution(bloodstreamComponent.ChemicalSolution, _prototypeManager);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Make an item actually edible.
+ ///
+ private void MakeEdible(EntityUid uid, DeepFryerComponent component, EntityUid item, FixedPoint2 solutionQuantity)
+ {
+ if (!TryComp(item, out var deepFriedComponent))
+ {
+ _sawmill.Error($"{ToPrettyString(item)} is missing the DeepFriedComponent before being made Edible.");
+ return;
+ }
+ // Remove any components that wouldn't make sense anymore.
+ RemComp(item);
+ if (TryComp(item, out var paperComponent))
+ {
+ var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
+ for (var i = 0; i < paperComponent.Content.Length; ++i)
+ {
+ var uchar = paperComponent.Content.Substring(i, 1);
+ if (uchar == "\n" || _random.Prob(0.4f))
+ stringBuilder.Append(uchar);
+ else
+ stringBuilder.Append("x");
+ }
+ paperComponent.Content = stringBuilder.ToString();
+ }
+ var foodComponent = EnsureComp(item);
+ var extraSolution = new Solution();
+ if (TryComp(item, out FlavorProfileComponent? flavorProfileComponent))
+ {
+ HashSet goodFlavors = new(flavorProfileComponent.Flavors);
+ goodFlavors.IntersectWith(component.GoodFlavors);
+ HashSet badFlavors = new(flavorProfileComponent.Flavors);
+ badFlavors.IntersectWith(component.BadFlavors);
+ deepFriedComponent.PriceCoefficient = Math.Max(0.01f,
+ 1.0f
+ + goodFlavors.Count * component.GoodFlavorPriceBonus
+ - badFlavors.Count * component.BadFlavorPriceMalus);
+ if (goodFlavors.Count > 0)
+ foreach (var reagent in component.GoodReagents)
+ {
+ extraSolution.AddReagent(reagent.Reagent.ToString(), reagent.Quantity * goodFlavors.Count);
+ // Mask the taste of "medicine."
+ flavorProfileComponent.IgnoreReagents.Add(reagent.Reagent.ToString());
+ }
+ if (badFlavors.Count > 0)
+ foreach (var reagent in component.BadReagents)
+ extraSolution.AddReagent(reagent.Reagent.ToString(), reagent.Quantity * badFlavors.Count);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ flavorProfileComponent = EnsureComp(item);
+ // TODO: Default flavor?
+ }
+ // Make sure there's enough room for the fryer solution.
+ var foodContainer = _solutionContainerSystem.EnsureSolution(item, foodComponent.Solution);
+ // The solution quantity is used to give the fried food an extra
+ // buffer too, to support injectables or condiments.
+ foodContainer.MaxVolume = 2 * solutionQuantity + foodContainer.Volume + extraSolution.Volume;
+ foodContainer.AddSolution(component.Solution.SplitSolution(solutionQuantity), _prototypeManager);
+ foodContainer.AddSolution(extraSolution, _prototypeManager);
+ _solutionContainerSystem.UpdateChemicals(item, foodContainer, true);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Returns how much total oil is in the vat.
+ ///
+ public FixedPoint2 GetOilVolume(EntityUid uid, DeepFryerComponent component)
+ {
+ var oilVolume = FixedPoint2.Zero;
+ foreach (var reagent in component.Solution)
+ if (component.FryingOils.Contains(reagent.Reagent.ToString()))
+ oilVolume += reagent.Quantity;
+ return oilVolume;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Returns how much total waste is in the vat.
+ ///
+ public FixedPoint2 GetWasteVolume(EntityUid uid, DeepFryerComponent component)
+ {
+ var wasteVolume = FixedPoint2.Zero;
+ foreach (var reagent in component.WasteReagents)
+ {
+ wasteVolume += component.Solution.GetReagentQuantity(reagent.Reagent);
+ }
+ return wasteVolume;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Returns a percentage of how much of the total solution is usable oil.
+ ///
+ public FixedPoint2 GetOilPurity(EntityUid uid, DeepFryerComponent component)
+ {
+ return GetOilVolume(uid, component) / component.Solution.Volume;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Returns a percentage of how much of the total volume is usable oil.
+ ///
+ public FixedPoint2 GetOilLevel(EntityUid uid, DeepFryerComponent component)
+ {
+ return GetOilVolume(uid, component) / component.Solution.MaxVolume;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// This takes care of anything that would happen to an item with or
+ /// without enough oil.
+ ///
+ private void CookItem(EntityUid uid, DeepFryerComponent component, EntityUid item)
+ {
+ if (TryComp(item, out var tempComp))
+ {
+ // Push the temperature towards what it should be but no higher.
+ var delta = (component.PoweredTemperature - tempComp.CurrentTemperature) * tempComp.HeatCapacity;
+ if (delta > 0f)
+ _temperature.ChangeHeat(item, delta, false, tempComp);
+ }
+ if (TryComp(item, out var solutions))
+ {
+ foreach (var (_, solution) in solutions.Solutions)
+ {
+ _solutionContainerSystem.SetTemperature(item, solution, component.PoweredTemperature);
+ }
+ }
+ // Damage non-food items and mobs.
+ if ((!HasComp(item) || HasComp(item)) &&
+ TryComp(item, out var damageableComponent))
+ {
+ var damage = new DamageSpecifier(_prototypeManager.Index(CookingDamageType), CookingDamageAmount);
+ var result = _damageableSystem.TryChangeDamage(item, damage, origin: uid);
+ if (result?.Total > FixedPoint2.Zero)
+ {
+ // TODO: Smoke, waste, sound, or some indication.
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Destroy a food item and replace it with a charred mess.
+ ///
+ private void BurnItem(EntityUid uid, DeepFryerComponent component, EntityUid item)
+ {
+ if (HasComp(item) &&
+ !HasComp(item) &&
+ MetaData(item).EntityPrototype?.ID != component.CharredPrototype)
+ {
+ var charred = Spawn(component.CharredPrototype, Transform(uid).Coordinates);
+ component.Storage.Insert(charred);
+ Del(item);
+ }
+ }
+ private void UpdateDeepFriedName(EntityUid uid, DeepFriedComponent component)
+ {
+ if (component.OriginalName == null)
+ return;
+ switch (component.Crispiness)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ // Already handled at OnInitDeepFried.
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ MetaData(uid).EntityName = Loc.GetString("deep-fried-fried-item",
+ ("entity", component.OriginalName));
+ break;
+ default:
+ MetaData(uid).EntityName = Loc.GetString("deep-fried-burned-item",
+ ("entity", component.OriginalName));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Try to deep fry a single item, which can
+ /// - be cancelled by other systems, or
+ /// - fail due to the blacklist, or
+ /// - give it a crispy shader, and possibly also
+ /// - turn it into food.
+ ///
+ private void DeepFry(EntityUid uid, DeepFryerComponent component, EntityUid item)
+ {
+ if (MetaData(item).EntityPrototype?.ID == component.CharredPrototype)
+ return;
+ // This item has already been deep-fried, and now it's progressing
+ // into another stage.
+ if (TryComp(item, out var deepFriedComponent))
+ {
+ // TODO: Smoke, waste, sound, or some indication.
+ deepFriedComponent.Crispiness += 1;
+ if (deepFriedComponent.Crispiness > MaximumCrispiness)
+ {
+ BurnItem(uid, component, item);
+ return;
+ }
+ UpdateDeepFriedName(item, deepFriedComponent);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Allow entity systems to conditionally forbid an attempt at deep-frying.
+ var attemptEvent = new DeepFryAttemptEvent(uid);
+ RaiseLocalEvent(item, attemptEvent);
+ if (attemptEvent.Cancelled)
+ return;
+ // The attempt event is allowed to go first before the blacklist check,
+ // just in case the attempt is relevant to any system in the future.
+ //
+ // The blacklist overrides all.
+ if (component.Blacklist != null && component.Blacklist.IsValid(item, EntityManager))
+ {
+ _popupSystem.PopupEntity(
+ Loc.GetString("deep-fryer-blacklist-item-failed",
+ ("item", item), ("deepFryer", uid)),
+ uid,
+ Filter.Pvs(uid, PvsWarningRange),
+ true);
+ return;
+ }
+ var beingEvent = new BeingDeepFriedEvent(uid, item);
+ RaiseLocalEvent(item, beingEvent);
+ // It's important to check for the MobStateComponent so we know
+ // it's actually a mob, because functions like
+ // MobStateSystem.IsAlive will return false if the entity lacks the
+ // component.
+ if (TryComp(item, out var mobStateComponent))
+ if (!TryMakeMobIntoFood(item, mobStateComponent))
+ return;
+ MakeCrispy(item);
+ var itemComponent = Comp(item);
+ // Determine how much solution to spend on this item.
+ var solutionQuantity = FixedPoint2.Min(
+ component.Solution.Volume,
+ itemComponent.Size * component.SolutionSizeCoefficient);
+ if (component.Whitelist != null && component.Whitelist.IsValid(item, EntityManager) ||
+ beingEvent.TurnIntoFood)
+ {
+ MakeEdible(uid, component, item, solutionQuantity);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ component.Solution.RemoveSolution(solutionQuantity);
+ }
+ component.WasteToAdd += solutionQuantity;
+ }
+ private void OnInitDeepFryer(EntityUid uid, DeepFryerComponent component, ComponentInit args)
+ {
+ component.Storage = _containerSystem.EnsureContainer(uid, component.StorageName, out bool containerExisted);
+ if (!containerExisted)
+ _sawmill.Warning($"{ToPrettyString(uid)} did not have a {component.StorageName} container. It has been created.");
+ component.Solution = _solutionContainerSystem.EnsureSolution(uid, component.SolutionName, out bool solutionExisted);
+ if (!solutionExisted)
+ _sawmill.Warning($"{ToPrettyString(uid)} did not have a {component.SolutionName} solution container. It has been created.");
+ foreach (var reagent in component.Solution.Contents.ToArray())
+ {
+ //JJ Comment - not sure this works. Need to check if Reagent.ToString is correct.
+ _prototypeManager.TryIndex(reagent.Reagent.ToString(), out var proto);
+ var effectsArgs = new ReagentEffectArgs(uid,
+ null,
+ component.Solution,
+ proto!,
+ reagent.Quantity,
+ EntityManager,
+ null,
+ 1f);
+ foreach (var effect in component.UnsafeOilVolumeEffects)
+ {
+ if (!effect.ShouldApply(effectsArgs, _random))
+ continue;
+ effect.Effect(effectsArgs);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Make sure the UI and interval tracker are updated anytime something
+ /// is inserted into one of the baskets.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// This is used instead of EntInsertedIntoContainerMessage so charred
+ /// items can be inserted into the deep fryer without triggering this
+ /// event.
+ ///
+ private void AfterInsert(EntityUid uid, DeepFryerComponent component, EntityUid item)
+ {
+ if (HasBubblingOil(uid, component))
+ _audioSystem.PlayPvs(component.SoundInsertItem, uid, AudioParamsInsertRemove);
+ UpdateNextFryTime(uid, component);
+ UpdateUserInterface(uid, component);
+ }
+ private void OnPowerChange(EntityUid uid, DeepFryerComponent component, ref PowerChangedEvent args)
+ {
+ _appearanceSystem.SetData(uid, DeepFryerVisuals.Bubbling, args.Powered);
+ UpdateNextFryTime(uid, component);
+ UpdateAmbientSound(uid, component);
+ }
+ private void OnDeconstruct(EntityUid uid, DeepFryerComponent component, MachineDeconstructedEvent args)
+ {
+ // The EmptyOnMachineDeconstruct component handles the entity container for us.
+ _puddleSystem.TrySpillAt(uid, component.Solution, out var _);
+ }
+ private void OnDestruction(EntityUid uid, DeepFryerComponent component, DestructionEventArgs args)
+ {
+ _containerSystem.EmptyContainer(component.Storage, true);
+ }
+ private void OnRefreshParts(EntityUid uid, DeepFryerComponent component, RefreshPartsEvent args)
+ {
+ var ratingStorage = args.PartRatings[component.MachinePartStorageMax];
+ component.StorageMaxEntities = component.BaseStorageMaxEntities + (int) (component.StoragePerPartRating * (ratingStorage - 1));
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Allow thrown items to land in a basket.
+ ///
+ private void OnThrowHitBy(EntityUid uid, DeepFryerComponent component, ThrowHitByEvent args)
+ {
+ if (args.Handled)
+ return;
+ // Chefs never miss this. :)
+ float missChance = HasComp(args.User) ? 0f : ThrowMissChance;
+ if (!CanInsertItem(uid, component, args.Thrown) ||
+ _random.Prob(missChance) ||
+ !component.Storage.Insert(args.Thrown))
+ {
+ _popupSystem.PopupEntity(
+ Loc.GetString("deep-fryer-thrown-missed"),
+ uid);
+ if (args.User != null)
+ _adminLogManager.Add(LogType.Action, LogImpact.Low,
+ $"{ToPrettyString(args.User.Value)} threw {ToPrettyString(args.Thrown)} at {ToPrettyString(uid)}, and it missed.");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (GetOilVolume(uid, component) < component.SafeOilVolume)
+ _popupSystem.PopupEntity(
+ Loc.GetString("deep-fryer-thrown-hit-oil-low"),
+ uid);
+ else
+ _popupSystem.PopupEntity(
+ Loc.GetString("deep-fryer-thrown-hit-oil"),
+ uid);
+ if (args.User != null)
+ _adminLogManager.Add(LogType.Action, LogImpact.Low,
+ $"{ToPrettyString(args.User.Value)} threw {ToPrettyString(args.Thrown)} at {ToPrettyString(uid)}, and it landed inside.");
+ AfterInsert(uid, component, args.Thrown);
+ args.Handled = true;
+ }
+ private void OnSolutionChange(EntityUid uid, DeepFryerComponent component, SolutionChangedEvent args)
+ {
+ UpdateUserInterface(uid, component);
+ UpdateAmbientSound(uid, component);
+ }
+ private void OnRelayMovement(EntityUid uid, DeepFryerComponent component, ref ContainerRelayMovementEntityEvent args)
+ {
+ if (!component.Storage.Remove(args.Entity, EntityManager, destination: Transform(uid).Coordinates))
+ return;
+ _popupSystem.PopupEntity(
+ Loc.GetString("deep-fryer-entity-escape",
+ ("victim", Identity.Entity(args.Entity, EntityManager)),
+ ("deepFryer", uid)),
+ uid,
+ PopupType.SmallCaution);
+ }
+ public bool CanInsertItem(EntityUid uid, DeepFryerComponent component, EntityUid item)
+ {
+ // Keep this consistent with the checks in TryInsertItem.
+ return (HasComp(item) &&
+ !HasComp(item) &&
+ component.Storage.ContainedEntities.Count < component.StorageMaxEntities);
+ }
+ private bool TryInsertItem(EntityUid uid, DeepFryerComponent component, EntityUid user, EntityUid item)
+ {
+ if (!HasComp(item))
+ {
+ _popupSystem.PopupEntity(
+ Loc.GetString("deep-fryer-interact-using-not-item"),
+ uid,
+ user);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (HasComp(item))
+ {
+ _popupSystem.PopupEntity(
+ Loc.GetString("deep-fryer-storage-no-fit",
+ ("item", item)),
+ uid,
+ user);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (component.Storage.ContainedEntities.Count >= component.StorageMaxEntities)
+ {
+ _popupSystem.PopupEntity(
+ Loc.GetString("deep-fryer-storage-full"),
+ uid,
+ user);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!_handsSystem.TryDropIntoContainer(user, item, component.Storage))
+ return false;
+ AfterInsert(uid, component, item);
+ _adminLogManager.Add(LogType.Action, LogImpact.Low,
+ $"{ToPrettyString(user)} put {ToPrettyString(item)} inside {ToPrettyString(uid)}.");
+ return true;
+ }
+ private void OnInteractUsing(EntityUid uid, DeepFryerComponent component, InteractUsingEvent args)
+ {
+ if (args.Handled)
+ return;
+ // By default, allow entities with SolutionTransfer or Tool
+ // components to perform their usual actions. Inserting them (if
+ // the chef really wants to) will be supported through the UI.
+ if (HasComp(args.Used) ||
+ HasComp(args.Used))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (TryInsertItem(uid, component, args.User, args.Used))
+ args.Handled = true;
+ }
+ private void OnBeforeActivatableUIOpen(EntityUid uid, DeepFryerComponent component, BeforeActivatableUIOpenEvent args)
+ {
+ UpdateUserInterface(uid, component);
+ }
+ private void OnRemoveItem(EntityUid uid, DeepFryerComponent component, DeepFryerRemoveItemMessage args)
+ {
+ var removedItem = EntityManager.GetEntity( args.Item );
+ if (removedItem.Valid) { //JJ Comment - This line should be unnecessary. Some issue is keeping the UI from updating when converting straight to a Burned Mess while the UI is still open. To replicate, put a Raw Meat in the fryer with no oil in it. Wait until it sputters with no effect. It should transform to Burned Mess, but doesn't.
+ if (!component.Storage.Remove(removedItem))
+ return;
+ var user = args.Session.AttachedEntity;
+ if (user != null)
+ {
+ _handsSystem.TryPickupAnyHand(user.Value, removedItem);
+ _adminLogManager.Add(LogType.Action, LogImpact.Low,
+ $"{ToPrettyString(user.Value)} took {ToPrettyString(args.Item)} out of {ToPrettyString(uid)}.");
+ }
+ _audioSystem.PlayPvs(component.SoundRemoveItem, uid, AudioParamsInsertRemove);
+ UpdateUserInterface(component.Owner, component);
+ }
+ }
+ private void OnInsertItem(EntityUid uid, DeepFryerComponent component, DeepFryerInsertItemMessage args)
+ {
+ var user = args.Session.AttachedEntity;
+ if (user == null ||
+ !TryComp(user, out var handsComponent) ||
+ handsComponent.ActiveHandEntity == null)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (handsComponent.ActiveHandEntity != null)
+ TryInsertItem(uid, component, user.Value, handsComponent.ActiveHandEntity.Value);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// This is a helper function for ScoopVat and ClearSlag.
+ ///
+ private bool TryGetActiveHandSolutionContainer(
+ EntityUid fryer,
+ EntityUid user,
+ [NotNullWhen(true)] out EntityUid? heldItem,
+ [NotNullWhen(true)] out Solution? solution,
+ out FixedPoint2 transferAmount)
+ {
+ heldItem = null;
+ solution = null;
+ transferAmount = FixedPoint2.Zero;
+ if (!TryComp(user, out var handsComponent))
+ return false;
+ heldItem = handsComponent.ActiveHandEntity;
+ if (heldItem == null ||
+ !TryComp(heldItem, out var solutionTransferComponent) ||
+ !_solutionContainerSystem.TryGetRefillableSolution(heldItem.Value, out var refillableSolution) ||
+ !solutionTransferComponent.CanReceive)
+ {
+ _popupSystem.PopupEntity(
+ Loc.GetString("deep-fryer-need-liquid-container-in-hand"),
+ fryer,
+ user);
+ return false;
+ }
+ solution = refillableSolution;
+ transferAmount = solutionTransferComponent.TransferAmount;
+ return true;
+ }
+ private void OnScoopVat(EntityUid uid, DeepFryerComponent component, DeepFryerScoopVatMessage args)
+ {
+ var user = args.Session.AttachedEntity;
+ if (user == null ||
+ !TryGetActiveHandSolutionContainer(uid, user.Value, out var heldItem, out var heldSolution, out var transferAmount))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ _solutionTransferSystem.Transfer(user.Value,
+ uid,
+ component.Solution,
+ heldItem.Value,
+ heldSolution,
+ transferAmount);
+ // UI update is not necessary here, because the solution change event handles it.
+ }
+ private void OnClearSlagStart(EntityUid uid, DeepFryerComponent component, DeepFryerClearSlagMessage args)
+ {
+ var user = args.Session.AttachedEntity;
+ if (user == null ||
+ !TryGetActiveHandSolutionContainer(uid, user.Value, out var heldItem, out var heldSolution, out var transferAmount))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ var wasteVolume = GetWasteVolume(uid, component);
+ if (wasteVolume == FixedPoint2.Zero)
+ {
+ _popupSystem.PopupEntity(
+ Loc.GetString("deep-fryer-oil-no-slag"),
+ uid,
+ user.Value);
+ return;
+ }
+ var delay = Math.Clamp((float) wasteVolume * 0.1f, 1f, 5f);
+ var ev = new ClearSlagDoAfterEvent(heldSolution, transferAmount);
+ //JJ Comment - not sure I have DoAfterArgs configured correctly.
+ var doAfterArgs = new DoAfterArgs(EntityManager, user.Value, delay, ev, uid, uid, used: heldItem)
+ {
+ BreakOnDamage = true,
+ BreakOnTargetMove = true,
+ BreakOnUserMove = true,
+ MovementThreshold = 0.25f,
+ NeedHand = true,
+ };
+ _doAfterSystem.TryStartDoAfter(doAfterArgs);
+ }
+ private void OnRemoveAllItems(EntityUid uid, DeepFryerComponent component, DeepFryerRemoveAllItemsMessage args)
+ {
+ if (component.Storage.ContainedEntities.Count == 0)
+ return;
+ _containerSystem.EmptyContainer(component.Storage, false);
+ var user = args.Session.AttachedEntity;
+ if (user != null)
+ _adminLogManager.Add(LogType.Action, LogImpact.Low,
+ $"{ToPrettyString(user.Value)} removed all items from {ToPrettyString(uid)}.");
+ _audioSystem.PlayPvs(component.SoundRemoveItem, uid, AudioParamsInsertRemove);
+ UpdateUserInterface(component.Owner, component);
+ }
+ private void OnClearSlag(EntityUid uid, DeepFryerComponent component, ClearSlagDoAfterEvent args)
+ {
+ if (args.Handled || args.Cancelled || args.Args.Used == null)
+ return;
+ FixedPoint2 reagentCount = component.WasteReagents.Count();
+ var removingSolution = new Solution();
+ foreach (var reagent in component.WasteReagents)
+ {
+ var removed = component.Solution.RemoveReagent(reagent.Reagent.ToString(), args.Amount / reagentCount);
+ removingSolution.AddReagent(reagent.Reagent.ToString(), removed);
+ }
+ _solutionContainerSystem.UpdateChemicals(uid, component.Solution);
+ _solutionContainerSystem.TryMixAndOverflow(args.Args.Used.Value, args.Solution, removingSolution, args.Solution.MaxVolume, out var _);
+ }
+ private void OnInitDeepFried(EntityUid uid, DeepFriedComponent component, ComponentInit args)
+ {
+ var meta = MetaData(uid);
+ component.OriginalName = meta.EntityName;
+ meta.EntityName = Loc.GetString("deep-fried-crispy-item", ("entity", meta.EntityName));
+ }
+ private void OnExamineFried(EntityUid uid, DeepFriedComponent component, ExaminedEvent args)
+ {
+ switch (component.Crispiness)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ args.PushMarkup(Loc.GetString("deep-fried-crispy-item-examine"));
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ args.PushMarkup(Loc.GetString("deep-fried-fried-item-examine"));
+ break;
+ default:
+ args.PushMarkup(Loc.GetString("deep-fried-burned-item-examine"));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ private void OnPriceCalculation(EntityUid uid, DeepFriedComponent component, ref PriceCalculationEvent args)
+ {
+ args.Price *= component.PriceCoefficient;
+ }
+ private void OnSliceDeepFried(EntityUid uid, DeepFriedComponent component, SliceFoodEvent args)
+ {
+ MakeCrispy(args.Slice);
+ // Copy relevant values to the slice.
+ var sourceDeepFriedComponent = Comp(args.Food);
+ var sliceDeepFriedComponent = Comp(args.Slice);
+ sliceDeepFriedComponent.Crispiness = sourceDeepFriedComponent.Crispiness;
+ sliceDeepFriedComponent.PriceCoefficient = sourceDeepFriedComponent.PriceCoefficient;
+ UpdateDeepFriedName(args.Slice, sliceDeepFriedComponent);
+ // TODO: Flavor profiles aren't copied to the slices. This should
+ // probably be handled on upstream, but for now let's assume the
+ // oil of the deep fryer is overpowering enough for this small
+ // hack. This is likely the only place where it would be useful.
+ if (TryComp(args.Food, out var sourceFlavorProfileComponent) &&
+ TryComp(args.Slice, out var sliceFlavorProfileComponent))
+ {
+ sliceFlavorProfileComponent.Flavors.UnionWith(sourceFlavorProfileComponent.Flavors);
+ sliceFlavorProfileComponent.IgnoreReagents.UnionWith(sourceFlavorProfileComponent.IgnoreReagents);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public sealed class DeepFryAttemptEvent : CancellableEntityEventArgs
+ {
+ public EntityUid DeepFryer { get; }
+ public DeepFryAttemptEvent(EntityUid deepFryer)
+ {
+ DeepFryer = deepFryer;
+ }
+ }
+ public sealed class BeingDeepFriedEvent : EntityEventArgs
+ {
+ public EntityUid DeepFryer { get; }
+ public EntityUid Item { get; }
+ public bool TurnIntoFood { get; set; }
+ public BeingDeepFriedEvent(EntityUid deepFryer, EntityUid item)
+ {
+ DeepFryer = deepFryer;
+ Item = item;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Content.Server/Shipyard/Systems/ShipyardSystem.Consoles.cs b/Content.Server/Shipyard/Systems/ShipyardSystem.Consoles.cs
index a023c74b492..377cb58368a 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Shipyard/Systems/ShipyardSystem.Consoles.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Shipyard/Systems/ShipyardSystem.Consoles.cs
@@ -169,8 +169,10 @@ private void OnPurchaseMessage(EntityUid uid, ShipyardConsoleComponent component
var channel = _prototypeManager.Index(component.ShipyardChannel);
newDeed.ShuttleUid = shuttle.Owner;
newDeed.ShuttleName = name;
if (ShipyardConsoleUiKey.Security != (ShipyardConsoleUiKey) args.UiKey)
_idSystem.TryChangeJobTitle(targetId, $"Captain", idCard, player);
_radio.SendRadioMessage(uid, Loc.GetString("shipyard-console-docking", ("vessel", name)), channel, uid);
_chat.TrySendInGameICMessage(uid, Loc.GetString("shipyard-console-docking", ("vessel", name)), InGameICChatType.Speak, true);
@@ -187,7 +189,7 @@ private void OnPurchaseMessage(EntityUid uid, ShipyardConsoleComponent component
//if (ShipyardConsoleUiKey.Security == (ShipyardConsoleUiKey) args.UiKey) Enable in the case we force this on every security ship
// EnsureComp(shuttle.Owner); Enable in the case we force this on every security ship
int sellValue = 0;
if (TryComp(targetId, out var deed))
sellValue = (int) _pricing.AppraiseGrid((EntityUid) (deed?.ShuttleUid!));
diff --git a/Content.Server/_NF/GameRule/NfAdventureRuleSystem.cs b/Content.Server/_NF/GameRule/NfAdventureRuleSystem.cs
index fa0095f8b81..a64659487ea 100644
--- a/Content.Server/_NF/GameRule/NfAdventureRuleSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/_NF/GameRule/NfAdventureRuleSystem.cs
@@ -116,10 +116,11 @@ private void OnStartup(RoundStartingEvent ev)
var arena = "/Maps/arena.yml";
var cove = "/Maps/cove.yml";
var courthouse = "/Maps/courthouse.yml";
+ var lodge = "/Maps/lodge.yml";
var depotColor = new Color(55, 200, 55);
- var tinniaColor = new Color(55, 55, 200);
+ var civilianColor = new Color(55, 55, 200);
var lpbravoColor = new Color(200, 55, 55);
- var caseysColor = new Color(255, 165, 0);
+ var factionColor = new Color(255, 165, 0);
var mapId = GameTicker.DefaultMap;
var depotOffset = _random.NextVector2(2400f, 4000f);
@@ -140,7 +141,7 @@ private void OnStartup(RoundStartingEvent ev)
var meta = EnsureComp(depotUid2s[0]);
meta.EntityName = "Tinnia's Rest";
- _shuttle.SetIFFColor(depotUid2s[0], tinniaColor);
+ _shuttle.SetIFFColor(depotUid2s[0], factionColor);
if (_map.TryLoad(mapId, depotMap, out var depotUid3s, new MapLoadOptions
@@ -171,7 +172,7 @@ private void OnStartup(RoundStartingEvent ev)
var meta = EnsureComp(depotUid5s[0]);
meta.EntityName = "The Pit";
- _shuttle.SetIFFColor(depotUid5s[0], tinniaColor);
+ _shuttle.SetIFFColor(depotUid5s[0], civilianColor);
if (_map.TryLoad(mapId, cove, out var depotUid6s, new MapLoadOptions
@@ -190,6 +191,21 @@ private void OnStartup(RoundStartingEvent ev)
_shuttle.AddIFFFlag(depotUid6s[0], IFFFlags.HideLabel);
+ if (_map.TryLoad(mapId, lodge, out var lodgeUids, new MapLoadOptions
+ {
+ Offset = _random.NextVector2(2050f, 3900f)
+ }))
+ {
+ if (_prototypeManager.TryIndex("Lodge", out var stationProto))
+ {
+ _station.InitializeNewStation(stationProto.Stations["Lodge"], lodgeUids);
+ }
+ var meta = EnsureComp(lodgeUids[0]);
+ meta.EntityName = "Expeditionary Lodge";
+ _shuttle.SetIFFColor(lodgeUids[0], civilianColor);
+ }
if (_map.TryLoad(mapId, caseys, out var depotUid7s, new MapLoadOptions
Offset = _random.NextVector2(2250f, 4600f)
@@ -197,7 +213,7 @@ private void OnStartup(RoundStartingEvent ev)
var meta = EnsureComp(depotUid7s[0]);
meta.EntityName = "Crazy Casey's Casino";
- _shuttle.SetIFFColor(depotUid7s[0], caseysColor);
+ _shuttle.SetIFFColor(depotUid7s[0], factionColor);
if (_map.TryLoad(mapId, courthouse, out var depotUid8s, new MapLoadOptions
@@ -205,7 +221,7 @@ private void OnStartup(RoundStartingEvent ev)
Offset = _random.NextVector2(1150f, 2050f)
- _shuttle.SetIFFColor(depotUid8s[0], tinniaColor);
+ _shuttle.SetIFFColor(depotUid8s[0], civilianColor);
var dungenTypes = _prototypeManager.EnumeratePrototypes();
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Access/Components/IdCardConsoleComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/Access/Components/IdCardConsoleComponent.cs
index 47f2660d809..377d9bdb4d5 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Access/Components/IdCardConsoleComponent.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Access/Components/IdCardConsoleComponent.cs
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ public WriteToTargetIdMessage(string fullName, string jobTitle, List acc
+ "Frontier",
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/ClearSlagDoAfterEvent.cs b/Content.Shared/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/ClearSlagDoAfterEvent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e4ecb88d9a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/ClearSlagDoAfterEvent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+using Robust.Shared.Serialization;
+using Content.Shared.Chemistry.Components;
+using Content.Shared.DoAfter;
+using Content.Shared.FixedPoint;
+namespace Content.Shared.Kitchen
+ [Serializable, NetSerializable]
+ public sealed partial class ClearSlagDoAfterEvent : DoAfterEvent
+ {
+ [DataField("solution", required: true)]
+ public Solution Solution = default!;
+ [DataField("amount", required: true)]
+ public FixedPoint2 Amount;
+ private ClearSlagDoAfterEvent()
+ {
+ }
+ public ClearSlagDoAfterEvent(Solution solution, FixedPoint2 amount)
+ {
+ Solution = solution;
+ Amount = amount;
+ }
+ public override DoAfterEvent Clone() => this;
+ }
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/Components/SharedDeepFriedComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/Components/SharedDeepFriedComponent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..51eca172981
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/Components/SharedDeepFriedComponent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+using Robust.Shared.GameStates;
+using Robust.Shared.Serialization;
+namespace Content.Shared.Kitchen.Components
+ [NetworkedComponent]
+ public abstract partial class SharedDeepFriedComponent : Component
+ {
+ ///
+ /// How deep-fried is this item?
+ ///
+ [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+ [DataField("crispiness")]
+ public int Crispiness { get; set; }
+ }
+ [Serializable, NetSerializable]
+ public enum DeepFriedVisuals : byte
+ {
+ Fried,
+ }
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/Components/SharedDeepFryerComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/Components/SharedDeepFryerComponent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..da7319869d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/Components/SharedDeepFryerComponent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+using Robust.Shared.Serialization;
+namespace Content.Shared.Kitchen.Components
+ public abstract partial class SharedDeepFryerComponent : Component { }
+ [Serializable, NetSerializable]
+ public enum DeepFryerVisuals : byte
+ {
+ Bubbling,
+ }
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/UI/DeepFryerMessages.cs b/Content.Shared/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/UI/DeepFryerMessages.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fa1df8a71e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/UI/DeepFryerMessages.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+using Robust.Shared.Serialization;
+using Content.Shared.FixedPoint;
+namespace Content.Shared.Kitchen.UI
+ [Serializable, NetSerializable]
+ public sealed class DeepFryerBoundUserInterfaceState : BoundUserInterfaceState
+ {
+ public readonly FixedPoint2 OilLevel;
+ public readonly FixedPoint2 OilPurity;
+ public readonly FixedPoint2 FryingOilThreshold;
+ public readonly NetEntity[] ContainedEntities;
+ public DeepFryerBoundUserInterfaceState(
+ FixedPoint2 oilLevel,
+ FixedPoint2 oilPurity,
+ FixedPoint2 fryingOilThreshold,
+ NetEntity[] containedEntities)
+ {
+ OilLevel = oilLevel;
+ OilPurity = oilPurity;
+ FryingOilThreshold = fryingOilThreshold;
+ ContainedEntities = containedEntities;
+ }
+ }
+ [Serializable, NetSerializable]
+ public sealed class DeepFryerRemoveItemMessage : BoundUserInterfaceMessage
+ {
+ public readonly NetEntity Item;
+ public DeepFryerRemoveItemMessage(NetEntity item)
+ {
+ Item = item;
+ }
+ }
+ [Serializable, NetSerializable]
+ public sealed class DeepFryerInsertItemMessage : BoundUserInterfaceMessage
+ {
+ public DeepFryerInsertItemMessage() { }
+ }
+ [Serializable, NetSerializable]
+ public sealed class DeepFryerScoopVatMessage : BoundUserInterfaceMessage
+ {
+ public DeepFryerScoopVatMessage() { }
+ }
+ [Serializable, NetSerializable]
+ public sealed class DeepFryerClearSlagMessage : BoundUserInterfaceMessage
+ {
+ public DeepFryerClearSlagMessage() { }
+ }
+ [Serializable, NetSerializable]
+ public sealed class DeepFryerRemoveAllItemsMessage : BoundUserInterfaceMessage
+ {
+ public DeepFryerRemoveAllItemsMessage() { }
+ }
+ [NetSerializable, Serializable]
+ public enum DeepFryerUiKey
+ {
+ Key
+ }
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Shipyard/SharedShipyardSystem.cs b/Content.Shared/Shipyard/SharedShipyardSystem.cs
index 1f53bc7b126..08aa0ce2970 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Shipyard/SharedShipyardSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Shipyard/SharedShipyardSystem.cs
@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ public enum ShipyardConsoleUiKey : byte
- BlackMarket
+ BlackMarket,
+ Expedition
// Syndicate
//Not currently implemented. Could be used in the future to give other factions a variety of shuttle options,
//like nukies, syndicate, or for evac purchases.
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Throwing/ThrowEvents.cs b/Content.Shared/Throwing/ThrowEvents.cs
index fbda80b8ca9..5ea78b862ed 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Throwing/ThrowEvents.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Throwing/ThrowEvents.cs
@@ -5,12 +5,19 @@ namespace Content.Shared.Throwing
public abstract class ThrowEvent : HandledEntityEventArgs
+ ///Nyano - Summary: Allows us to tell who threw the item. It matters!
+ ///
+ /// The entity that threw .
+ ///
+ public EntityUid? User { get; }
+ // End Nyano code.
public readonly EntityUid Thrown;
public readonly EntityUid Target;
public ThrownItemComponent Component;
- public ThrowEvent(EntityUid thrown, EntityUid target, ThrownItemComponent component)
+ public ThrowEvent(EntityUid? user, EntityUid thrown, EntityUid target, ThrownItemComponent component) //Nyano - Summary: User added.
+ User = user; //Nyano - Summary: User added.
Thrown = thrown;
Target = target;
Component = component;
@@ -22,7 +29,7 @@ public ThrowEvent(EntityUid thrown, EntityUid target, ThrownItemComponent compon
public sealed class ThrowHitByEvent : ThrowEvent
- public ThrowHitByEvent(EntityUid thrown, EntityUid target, ThrownItemComponent component) : base(thrown, target, component)
+ public ThrowHitByEvent(EntityUid? user, EntityUid thrown, EntityUid target, ThrownItemComponent component) : base(user, thrown, target, component) //Nyano - Summary: User added.
@@ -32,7 +39,7 @@ public ThrowHitByEvent(EntityUid thrown, EntityUid target, ThrownItemComponent c
public sealed class ThrowDoHitEvent : ThrowEvent
- public ThrowDoHitEvent(EntityUid thrown, EntityUid target, ThrownItemComponent component) : base(thrown, target, component)
+ public ThrowDoHitEvent(EntityUid thrown, EntityUid target, ThrownItemComponent component) : base(null, thrown, target, component) //Nyano - Summary: User added.
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Throwing/ThrownItemSystem.cs b/Content.Shared/Throwing/ThrownItemSystem.cs
index d7856543e4a..073252eb927 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Throwing/ThrownItemSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Throwing/ThrownItemSystem.cs
@@ -140,7 +140,10 @@ public void ThrowCollideInteraction(ThrownItemComponent component, EntityUid thr
_adminLogger.Add(LogType.ThrowHit, LogImpact.Low,
$"{ToPrettyString(thrown):thrown} thrown by {ToPrettyString(component.Thrower.Value):thrower} hit {ToPrettyString(target):target}.");
- RaiseLocalEvent(target, new ThrowHitByEvent(thrown, target, component), true);
+ if (component.Thrower is not null)// Nyano - Summary: Gotta check if there was a thrower.
+ RaiseLocalEvent(target, new ThrowHitByEvent(component.Thrower.Value, thrown, target, component), true); // Nyano - Summary: Gotta update for who threw it.
+ else
+ RaiseLocalEvent(target, new ThrowHitByEvent(null, thrown, target, component), true); // Nyano - Summary: No thrower.
RaiseLocalEvent(thrown, new ThrowDoHitEvent(thrown, target, component), true);
diff --git a/Resources/Audio/Nyanotrasen/Ambience/Objects/deepfryer_sizzling.ogg b/Resources/Audio/Nyanotrasen/Ambience/Objects/deepfryer_sizzling.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..afc5358a217
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Audio/Nyanotrasen/Ambience/Objects/deepfryer_sizzling.ogg differ
diff --git a/Resources/Audio/Nyanotrasen/Machines/attributions.yml b/Resources/Audio/Nyanotrasen/Machines/attributions.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..311ca0b9000
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Audio/Nyanotrasen/Machines/attributions.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+- files: ["deepfryer_basket_remove_item.ogg"]
+ license: "CC0-1.0"
+ copyright: "637625__kyles__kitchen-restaurant-fries-deep-fryer-basket-pickup-put-down-clack-metal.flac by kyles. This is a cleaned-up clip converted to OGG."
+ source: "https://freesound.org/people/kyles/sounds/637625/"
+- files: ["deepfryer_basket_add_item.ogg"]
+ license: "CC0-1.0"
+ copyright: "440587__ursenfuns__deep-fryer.wav by ursenfuns. This is a cleaned and shortened clip converted to OGG."
+ source: "https://freesound.org/people/ursenfuns/sounds/440587/"
diff --git a/Resources/Audio/Nyanotrasen/Machines/deepfryer_basket_add_item.ogg b/Resources/Audio/Nyanotrasen/Machines/deepfryer_basket_add_item.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b936b52df6b
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Audio/Nyanotrasen/Machines/deepfryer_basket_add_item.ogg differ
diff --git a/Resources/Audio/Nyanotrasen/Machines/deepfryer_basket_remove_item.ogg b/Resources/Audio/Nyanotrasen/Machines/deepfryer_basket_remove_item.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fee16fa25c8
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Audio/Nyanotrasen/Machines/deepfryer_basket_remove_item.ogg differ
diff --git a/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml b/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml
index 06b20ef5dcf..457f265e81d 100644
--- a/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml
+++ b/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml
@@ -1275,3 +1275,47 @@ Entries:
message: Central sent out a UI update to all radars in the sector.
id: 146
time: '2023-10-22T23:16:38.0000000+00:00'
+- author: Kesiath
+ changes:
+ - type: Add
+ message: Added the Station Traffic Controller access and job.
+ - type: Add
+ message: >-
+ Added the STC, Sergeant, Cadet, and Mail Carrier jobs as late-join
+ hirable roles for the STC.
+ - type: Tweak
+ message: >-
+ Changed the bridge access to be restricted to frontier command instead
+ of SR access.
+ - type: Tweak
+ message: Changed the shuttle console in the bridge to a higher radar resolution.
+ - type: Tweak
+ message: Changed most job playtime requirements to 3 hours.
+ - type: Fix
+ message: Fixed missing dock labels on Frontier.
+ id: 147
+ time: '2023-10-23T22:04:53.0000000+00:00'
+- author: Cheackraze
+ changes:
+ - type: Add
+ message: Added fryers from Delta-V!
+ - type: Tweak
+ message: Fried food now also has Flavorol
+ - type: Tweak
+ message: Bocadillo now comes with a fryer
+ - type: Tweak
+ message: Skipper now comes with a fryer and a grill
+ id: 148
+ time: '2023-10-23T22:17:45.0000000+00:00'
+- author: Cheackraze
+ changes:
+ - type: Add
+ message: Added the Expeditionary Lodge!
+ - type: Tweak
+ message: Moved the expedition shuttles to a new Expedition Shipyard console
+ - type: Tweak
+ message: >-
+ Moved the Liberation Station and the Bounty Vendor to the Expeditionary
+ Lodge
+ id: 149
+ time: '2023-10-24T06:15:13.0000000+00:00'
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/job/job-description.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/job/job-description.ftl
index a4aab9e68bb..6e9575dee97 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/job/job-description.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/job/job-description.ftl
@@ -48,3 +48,4 @@ job-description-senior-engineer = Teach new engineers the basics of the station'
job-description-senior-researcher = Teach new scientists the basics of item printing, artifact research and anomalous objects.
job-description-senior-physician = Teach new medics the basics of tending to the wounded, chemistry, diagnosing the diseased and disposing of the dead.
job-description-senior-officer = Teach new deputies the basics of searches, preforming arrests, prison times and how to properly shoot a firearm.
+job-description-stc = Expertly de-conflict the space around the station and help the NFSD issue fines for overdocked ships.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/job/job-names.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/job/job-names.ftl
index e2197e9c9c9..f1bb9c4ffb7 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/job/job-names.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/job/job-names.ftl
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ job-name-senior-engineer = Senior Engineer
job-name-senior-researcher = Senior Researcher
job-name-senior-physician = Senior Physician
job-name-senior-officer = Sergeant
+job-name-stc = Station Traffic Controller
# Role timers - Make these alphabetical or I cut you
JobAtmosphericTechnician = Atmospheric Technician
@@ -96,6 +97,7 @@ JobSeniorOfficer = Sergeant
JobSeniorPhysician = Senior Physician
JobSeniorResearcher = Senior Researcher
JobServiceWorker = Service Worker
+JobSTC = Station Traffic Controller
JobStationEngineer = Station Engineer
JobTechnicalAssistant = Technical Assistant
JobWarden = Bailiff
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/nyanotrasen/kitchen/deep-fryer-component.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/nyanotrasen/kitchen/deep-fryer-component.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4d080b0d87e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/nyanotrasen/kitchen/deep-fryer-component.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+## DeepFryer Entity
+deep-fryer-blacklist-item-failed = {CAPITALIZE(THE($item))} fails to be covered in oil.
+deep-fryer-oil-purity-low = {CAPITALIZE(THE($deepFryer))} sputters to no effect.
+deep-fryer-oil-volume-low = {CAPITALIZE(THE($deepFryer))} burns and spews smoke!
+deep-fryer-oil-no-slag = There's no slag to drain.
+deep-fryer-storage-full = All of the baskets are full.
+deep-fryer-storage-no-fit = {CAPITALIZE(THE($item))} won't fit inside one of the baskets.
+deep-fryer-interact-using-not-item = That doesn't seem to be an item.
+deep-fryer-need-liquid-container-in-hand = You need to first hold a liquid container like a beaker or bowl in your active hand.
+deep-fryer-thrown-missed = Missed!
+deep-fryer-thrown-hit-oil = Plop!
+deep-fryer-thrown-hit-oil-low = Plonk!
+deep-fryer-entity-escape = {CAPITALIZE(THE($victim))} leaps out of {THE($deepFryer)}!
+## DeepFryer UI
+deep-fryer-window-title = Deep Fryer
+deep-fryer-label-baskets = Baskets
+deep-fryer-label-oil-level = Oil Level
+deep-fryer-label-oil-purity = Oil Purity
+deep-fryer-button-insert-item = Insert Item
+deep-fryer-button-insert-item-tooltip = Place your held item into one of the deep fryer baskets.
+deep-fryer-button-scoop-vat = Scoop Vat
+deep-fryer-button-scoop-vat-tooltip = Scoop out some liquid from the oil vat. You need to hold a liquid container for this.
+deep-fryer-button-clear-slag = Clear Slag
+deep-fryer-button-clear-slag-tooltip = Clear out some waste from the oil vat. You need to hold a liquid container for this.
+deep-fryer-button-remove-all-items = Remove All Items
+deep-fryer-button-remove-all-items-tooltip = Remove all of the items from the deep fryer baskets at once.
+## DeepFriedComponent
+deep-fried-crispy-item = crispy {$entity}
+deep-fried-crispy-item-examine = It's covered in a crispy, oily texture.
+deep-fried-fried-item = deep-fried {$entity}
+deep-fried-fried-item-examine = It's covered in a thick, crispy layer.
+deep-fried-burned-item = burned {$entity}
+deep-fried-burned-item-examine = It's blackened with char.
+reagent-name-oil-ghee = ghee
+reagent-desc-oil-ghee = Thick and translucent.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/prototypes/access/accesses.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/prototypes/access/accesses.ftl
index a7a7795c11e..c2f413c97de 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/prototypes/access/accesses.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/prototypes/access/accesses.ftl
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
id-card-access-level-command = Command
id-card-access-level-captain = Captain
id-card-access-level-head-of-personnel = Station Representative
+id-card-access-level-frontier = Station Traffic Controller
id-card-access-level-head-of-security = Sheriff
id-card-access-level-security = Security
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/Shuttles/bocadillo.yml b/Resources/Maps/Shuttles/bocadillo.yml
index b5c881ebefe..41e89345f74 100644
--- a/Resources/Maps/Shuttles/bocadillo.yml
+++ b/Resources/Maps/Shuttles/bocadillo.yml
@@ -62,7 +62,9 @@ entities:
0: 65280
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 63999
+ 1: 512
+ 2: 1024
0: 65518
@@ -87,6 +89,36 @@ entities:
- 0
- 0
- 0
+ - volume: 2500
+ temperature: 293.14996
+ moles:
+ - 20.078888
+ - 75.53487
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - volume: 2500
+ temperature: 293.15
+ moles:
+ - 23.43119
+ - 88.145905
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
chunkSize: 4
type: GridAtmosphere
- type: GasTileOverlay
@@ -213,64 +245,46 @@ entities:
- pos: -9.5,2.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 105
- pos: -8.5,2.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 106
- pos: -7.5,2.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 107
- pos: -6.5,2.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 108
- pos: -5.5,2.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 109
- pos: -4.5,2.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 110
- pos: -3.5,2.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 111
- pos: -2.5,2.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 112
- pos: -1.5,2.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 113
- pos: -0.5,2.5
@@ -281,8 +295,6 @@ entities:
- pos: 0.5,2.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 115
- pos: 1.5,2.5
@@ -308,15 +320,11 @@ entities:
- pos: -10.5,4.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 120
- pos: -3.5,7.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 121
- pos: -3.5,6.5
@@ -367,8 +375,6 @@ entities:
- pos: 3.5,6.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 131
- pos: 3.5,5.5
@@ -404,22 +410,16 @@ entities:
- pos: -2.5,2.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 194
- pos: -2.5,1.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 195
- pos: 4.5,6.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 196
- pos: 4.5,5.5
@@ -430,8 +430,6 @@ entities:
- pos: 4.5,4.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 198
- pos: 4.5,3.5
@@ -442,8 +440,6 @@ entities:
- pos: 4.5,2.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- proto: CableHV
- uid: 90
@@ -456,8 +452,6 @@ entities:
- pos: -9.5,7.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- proto: CableMV
- uid: 92
@@ -465,50 +459,36 @@ entities:
- pos: -9.5,7.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 93
- pos: -8.5,7.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 94
- pos: -7.5,7.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 95
- pos: -6.5,7.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 96
- pos: -5.5,7.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 97
- pos: -4.5,7.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 98
- pos: -3.5,7.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 99
- pos: -9.5,6.5
@@ -534,22 +514,20 @@ entities:
- pos: -9.5,2.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
-- proto: ClosetChef
+- proto: ClosetChefFilled
- - uid: 1
+ - uid: 163
- - pos: -5.5,6.5
+ - pos: -6.5,6.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- air:
volume: 200
immutable: False
- temperature: 293.1495
+ temperature: 293.1496
- - 1.606311
- - 6.042789
+ - 1.7459903
+ - 6.568249
- 0
- 0
- 0
@@ -566,6 +544,9 @@ entities:
showEnts: False
occludes: True
+ - 1
+ - 147
+ - 153
- 160
- 166
- 167
@@ -574,83 +555,73 @@ entities:
- 170
- 171
- 172
- - 173
- - 174
- - 175
paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot
showEnts: False
occludes: True
ent: null
type: ContainerContainer
-- proto: ClosetChefFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 163
- components:
- - pos: -6.5,6.5
- parent: 2
- type: Transform
- proto: ClothingHeadHatChef
- - uid: 160
+ - uid: 172
- flags: InContainer
type: MetaData
- - parent: 1
+ - parent: 163
type: Transform
- canCollide: False
type: Physics
- type: InsideEntityStorage
- proto: ClothingOuterApronChef
- - uid: 172
+ - uid: 153
- flags: InContainer
type: MetaData
- - parent: 1
+ - parent: 163
type: Transform
- canCollide: False
type: Physics
- type: InsideEntityStorage
- proto: ClothingOuterJacketChef
- - uid: 170
+ - uid: 171
- flags: InContainer
type: MetaData
- - parent: 1
+ - parent: 163
type: Transform
- canCollide: False
type: Physics
- type: InsideEntityStorage
- proto: ClothingShoesChef
- - uid: 175
+ - uid: 160
- flags: InContainer
type: MetaData
- - parent: 1
+ - parent: 163
type: Transform
- canCollide: False
type: Physics
- type: InsideEntityStorage
- proto: ClothingUniformJumpskirtChef
- - uid: 168
+ - uid: 170
- flags: InContainer
type: MetaData
- - parent: 1
+ - parent: 163
type: Transform
- canCollide: False
type: Physics
- type: InsideEntityStorage
- proto: ClothingUniformJumpsuitChef
- - uid: 166
+ - uid: 1
- flags: InContainer
type: MetaData
- - parent: 1
+ - parent: 163
type: Transform
- canCollide: False
type: Physics
@@ -699,6 +670,8 @@ entities:
- pos: -7.5,4.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
+ - opened: True
+ type: ItemCabinet
- proto: FaxMachineShip
- uid: 138
@@ -778,44 +751,44 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- proto: HydroponicsToolClippers
- - uid: 167
+ - uid: 166
- flags: InContainer
type: MetaData
- - parent: 1
+ - parent: 163
type: Transform
- canCollide: False
type: Physics
- type: InsideEntityStorage
- proto: HydroponicsToolHatchet
- - uid: 171
+ - uid: 168
- flags: InContainer
type: MetaData
- - parent: 1
+ - parent: 163
type: Transform
- canCollide: False
type: Physics
- type: InsideEntityStorage
- proto: HydroponicsToolMiniHoe
- - uid: 174
+ - uid: 147
- flags: InContainer
type: MetaData
- - parent: 1
+ - parent: 163
type: Transform
- canCollide: False
type: Physics
- type: InsideEntityStorage
- proto: HydroponicsToolScythe
- - uid: 173
+ - uid: 167
- flags: InContainer
type: MetaData
- - parent: 1
+ - parent: 163
type: Transform
- canCollide: False
type: Physics
@@ -826,7 +799,7 @@ entities:
- flags: InContainer
type: MetaData
- - parent: 1
+ - parent: 163
type: Transform
- canCollide: False
type: Physics
@@ -853,6 +826,13 @@ entities:
- pos: -6.5,3.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
+- proto: KitchenDeepFryer
+ entities:
+ - uid: 175
+ components:
+ - pos: -5.5,6.5
+ parent: 2
+ type: Transform
- proto: KitchenKnife
- uid: 165
@@ -893,6 +873,20 @@ entities:
- pos: 1.5,6.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
+- proto: OilJarCorn
+ entities:
+ - uid: 173
+ components:
+ - pos: -4.0630684,6.7004766
+ parent: 2
+ type: Transform
+- proto: OilJarOlive
+ entities:
+ - uid: 174
+ components:
+ - pos: -4.2193184,6.7525597
+ parent: 2
+ type: Transform
- proto: PortableGeneratorPacman
- uid: 86
@@ -903,8 +897,7 @@ entities:
- storage:
Plasma: 1500
type: MaterialStorage
- - endTime: 0
- type: InsertingMaterialStorage
+ - type: InsertingMaterialStorage
- proto: Poweredlight
- uid: 154
@@ -912,62 +905,46 @@ entities:
- pos: 2.5,6.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 155
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 2.5,2.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 156
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -0.5,1.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 157
- pos: -3.5,6.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 158
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: -5.5,3.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 159
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -9.5,5.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 200
- pos: 4.5,5.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 201
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 4.5,3.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- proto: SheetPlasma
- uid: 140
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/Shuttles/skipper.yml b/Resources/Maps/Shuttles/skipper.yml
index bd437576662..1eb10722f32 100644
--- a/Resources/Maps/Shuttles/skipper.yml
+++ b/Resources/Maps/Shuttles/skipper.yml
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
- format: 5
+ format: 6
postmapinit: false
0: Space
- 23: FloorDark
- 27: FloorDarkMini
- 38: FloorFreezer
- 42: FloorGrassDark
- 69: FloorSteel
- 75: FloorSteelMono
- 79: FloorTechMaint
- 82: FloorWhite
- 94: Lattice
- 95: Plating
+ 26: FloorDark
+ 30: FloorDarkMini
+ 41: FloorFreezer
+ 45: FloorGrassDark
+ 83: FloorSteel
+ 91: FloorSteelMono
+ 95: FloorTechMaint
+ 99: FloorWhite
+ 111: Lattice
+ 112: Plating
- proto: ""
@@ -25,19 +25,24 @@ entities:
- chunks:
ind: 0,0
+ version: 6
ind: -1,0
+ version: 6
ind: -1,-1
+ version: 6
ind: 0,-1
+ version: 6
type: MapGrid
- type: Broadphase
- - angularDamping: 0.05
+ - bodyStatus: InAir
+ angularDamping: 0.05
linearDamping: 0.05
fixedRotation: False
bodyType: Dynamic
@@ -329,9 +334,11 @@ entities:
0: 8
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 63487
+ 2: 2048
- 0: 61439
+ 0: 61435
+ 2: 4
0: 206
@@ -378,6 +385,21 @@ entities:
- 0
- 0
- 0
+ - volume: 2500
+ temperature: 293.14996
+ moles:
+ - 21.824879
+ - 82.10312
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
chunkSize: 4
type: GridAtmosphere
- type: GasTileOverlay
@@ -484,9 +506,14 @@ entities:
- pos: -2.5,-2.5
parent: 1
type: Transform
- - SecondsUntilStateChange: -4977.601
- state: Opening
+ - state: Open
type: Door
+ - enabled: False
+ type: Occluder
+ - canCollide: False
+ type: Physics
+ - airBlocked: False
+ type: Airtight
- links:
- 293
type: DeviceLinkSink
@@ -495,9 +522,14 @@ entities:
- pos: -0.5,-2.5
parent: 1
type: Transform
- - SecondsUntilStateChange: -4977.601
- state: Opening
+ - state: Open
type: Door
+ - enabled: False
+ type: Occluder
+ - canCollide: False
+ type: Physics
+ - airBlocked: False
+ type: Airtight
- links:
- 293
type: DeviceLinkSink
@@ -506,9 +538,14 @@ entities:
- pos: -1.5,-2.5
parent: 1
type: Transform
- - SecondsUntilStateChange: -4977.601
- state: Opening
+ - state: Open
type: Door
+ - enabled: False
+ type: Occluder
+ - canCollide: False
+ type: Physics
+ - airBlocked: False
+ type: Airtight
- links:
- 293
type: DeviceLinkSink
@@ -518,9 +555,14 @@ entities:
pos: 3.5,5.5
parent: 1
type: Transform
- - SecondsUntilStateChange: -4975.651
- state: Opening
+ - state: Open
type: Door
+ - enabled: False
+ type: Occluder
+ - canCollide: False
+ type: Physics
+ - airBlocked: False
+ type: Airtight
- links:
- 292
type: DeviceLinkSink
@@ -530,9 +572,14 @@ entities:
pos: 4.5,3.5
parent: 1
type: Transform
- - SecondsUntilStateChange: -4975.651
- state: Opening
+ - state: Open
type: Door
+ - enabled: False
+ type: Occluder
+ - canCollide: False
+ type: Physics
+ - airBlocked: False
+ type: Airtight
- links:
- 292
type: DeviceLinkSink
@@ -542,9 +589,14 @@ entities:
pos: 4.5,2.5
parent: 1
type: Transform
- - SecondsUntilStateChange: -4975.651
- state: Opening
+ - state: Open
type: Door
+ - enabled: False
+ type: Occluder
+ - canCollide: False
+ type: Physics
+ - airBlocked: False
+ type: Airtight
- links:
- 292
type: DeviceLinkSink
@@ -554,9 +606,14 @@ entities:
pos: 2.5,7.5
parent: 1
type: Transform
- - SecondsUntilStateChange: -4975.651
- state: Opening
+ - state: Open
type: Door
+ - enabled: False
+ type: Occluder
+ - canCollide: False
+ type: Physics
+ - airBlocked: False
+ type: Airtight
- links:
- 292
type: DeviceLinkSink
@@ -566,9 +623,14 @@ entities:
pos: 1.5,8.5
parent: 1
type: Transform
- - SecondsUntilStateChange: -4975.651
- state: Opening
+ - state: Open
type: Door
+ - enabled: False
+ type: Occluder
+ - canCollide: False
+ type: Physics
+ - airBlocked: False
+ type: Airtight
- links:
- 292
type: DeviceLinkSink
@@ -578,9 +640,14 @@ entities:
pos: -0.5,9.5
parent: 1
type: Transform
- - SecondsUntilStateChange: -4975.651
- state: Opening
+ - state: Open
type: Door
+ - enabled: False
+ type: Occluder
+ - canCollide: False
+ type: Physics
+ - airBlocked: False
+ type: Airtight
- links:
- 292
type: DeviceLinkSink
@@ -590,9 +657,14 @@ entities:
pos: -1.5,9.5
parent: 1
type: Transform
- - SecondsUntilStateChange: -4975.651
- state: Opening
+ - state: Open
type: Door
+ - enabled: False
+ type: Occluder
+ - canCollide: False
+ type: Physics
+ - airBlocked: False
+ type: Airtight
- links:
- 292
type: DeviceLinkSink
@@ -602,9 +674,14 @@ entities:
pos: -2.5,9.5
parent: 1
type: Transform
- - SecondsUntilStateChange: -4975.651
- state: Opening
+ - state: Open
type: Door
+ - enabled: False
+ type: Occluder
+ - canCollide: False
+ type: Physics
+ - airBlocked: False
+ type: Airtight
- links:
- 292
type: DeviceLinkSink
@@ -614,9 +691,14 @@ entities:
pos: -4.5,8.5
parent: 1
type: Transform
- - SecondsUntilStateChange: -4975.651
- state: Opening
+ - state: Open
type: Door
+ - enabled: False
+ type: Occluder
+ - canCollide: False
+ type: Physics
+ - airBlocked: False
+ type: Airtight
- links:
- 292
type: DeviceLinkSink
@@ -626,9 +708,14 @@ entities:
pos: -5.5,7.5
parent: 1
type: Transform
- - SecondsUntilStateChange: -4975.651
- state: Opening
+ - state: Open
type: Door
+ - enabled: False
+ type: Occluder
+ - canCollide: False
+ type: Physics
+ - airBlocked: False
+ type: Airtight
- links:
- 292
type: DeviceLinkSink
@@ -638,9 +725,14 @@ entities:
pos: -6.5,5.5
parent: 1
type: Transform
- - SecondsUntilStateChange: -4975.651
- state: Opening
+ - state: Open
type: Door
+ - enabled: False
+ type: Occluder
+ - canCollide: False
+ type: Physics
+ - airBlocked: False
+ type: Airtight
- links:
- 292
type: DeviceLinkSink
@@ -650,9 +742,14 @@ entities:
pos: -7.5,3.5
parent: 1
type: Transform
- - SecondsUntilStateChange: -4975.651
- state: Opening
+ - state: Open
type: Door
+ - enabled: False
+ type: Occluder
+ - canCollide: False
+ type: Physics
+ - airBlocked: False
+ type: Airtight
- links:
- 292
type: DeviceLinkSink
@@ -662,29 +759,29 @@ entities:
pos: -7.5,2.5
parent: 1
type: Transform
- - SecondsUntilStateChange: -4975.651
- state: Opening
+ - state: Open
type: Door
+ - enabled: False
+ type: Occluder
+ - canCollide: False
+ type: Physics
+ - airBlocked: False
+ type: Airtight
- links:
- 292
type: DeviceLinkSink
- proto: BoxMouthSwab
- - uid: 33
+ - uid: 375
- - pos: -1.1981387,3.5334883
+ - pos: -2.265629,2.6222653
parent: 1
type: Transform
- proto: Bucket
- - uid: 34
- components:
- - pos: -0.67130995,3.665196
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- uid: 35
- - pos: -0.4517982,3.5188546
+ - pos: -0.86418504,2.6336782
parent: 1
type: Transform
- proto: ButchCleaver
@@ -715,8 +812,6 @@ entities:
- pos: 3.5,4.5
parent: 1
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 52
- pos: 2.5,4.5
@@ -867,36 +962,26 @@ entities:
- pos: -7.5,-2.5
parent: 1
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 82
- pos: -8.5,-1.5
parent: 1
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 83
- pos: -8.5,-0.5
parent: 1
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 84
- pos: -8.5,0.5
parent: 1
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 85
- pos: -6.5,-2.5
parent: 1
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 86
- pos: 2.5,1.5
@@ -1034,8 +1119,6 @@ entities:
- pos: -3.5,8.5
parent: 1
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 113
- pos: -2.5,8.5
@@ -1056,8 +1139,6 @@ entities:
- pos: 0.5,8.5
parent: 1
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 117
- pos: -1.5,7.5
@@ -1073,8 +1154,6 @@ entities:
- pos: -5.5,6.5
parent: 1
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 120
- pos: -4.5,6.5
@@ -1110,8 +1189,6 @@ entities:
- pos: 2.5,6.5
parent: 1
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 127
- pos: -1.5,5.5
@@ -1132,8 +1209,6 @@ entities:
- pos: -6.5,4.5
parent: 1
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 131
- pos: -4.5,5.5
@@ -1171,8 +1246,6 @@ entities:
- pos: -6.5,4.5
parent: 1
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 138
- pos: -5.5,4.5
@@ -1198,8 +1271,6 @@ entities:
- pos: 3.5,4.5
parent: 1
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 143
- pos: -3.5,5.5
@@ -1353,13 +1424,46 @@ entities:
- pos: -4.5,-1.5
parent: 1
type: Transform
+ - containers:
+ board: !type:Container
+ ents: []
+ bank-ATM-cashSlot: !type:ContainerSlot {}
+ type: ContainerContainer
+ - type: ItemSlots
- proto: CrateNPCCow
- - uid: 150
+ - uid: 223
- pos: -4.5,2.5
parent: 1
type: Transform
+ - open: True
+ removedMasks: 28
+ type: EntityStorage
+ - fixtures:
+ fix1:
+ shape: !type:PolygonShape
+ radius: 0.01
+ vertices:
+ - -0.4,-0.4
+ - 0.4,-0.4
+ - 0.4,0.29
+ - -0.4,0.29
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+ - Impassable
+ - MidImpassable
+ - HighImpassable
+ - LowImpassable
+ layer:
+ - BulletImpassable
+ - Opaque
+ density: 135
+ hard: True
+ restitution: 0
+ friction: 0.4
+ type: Fixtures
+ - isPlaceable: True
+ type: PlaceableSurface
- proto: DrinkJuiceTomatoCarton
- uid: 151
@@ -1578,8 +1682,6 @@ entities:
pos: -6.5,5.5
parent: 1
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- proto: GasPipeTJunction
- uid: 186
@@ -1601,23 +1703,17 @@ entities:
pos: -6.5,-0.5
parent: 1
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 189
- pos: -1.5,1.5
parent: 1
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 190
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -1.5,5.5
parent: 1
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- proto: GeneratorWallmountAPU
- uid: 191
@@ -1779,37 +1875,24 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- proto: HydroponicsToolClippers
- - uid: 221
+ - uid: 243
- - pos: -1.5639923,3.5627565
+ - pos: -2.6475735,2.7472653
parent: 1
type: Transform
- proto: HydroponicsToolHatchet
- - uid: 222
+ - uid: 374
- - pos: -1.4469192,3.621293
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.6128514,2.601432
parent: 1
type: Transform
- proto: HydroponicsToolMiniHoe
- - uid: 223
- components:
- - pos: -1.8420417,3.50422
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: HydroponicsToolScythe
- entities:
- - uid: 224
- components:
- - pos: -1.8566762,3.606659
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: HydroponicsToolSpade
- entities:
- - uid: 225
+ - uid: 236
- - pos: -1.3298461,3.5920248
+ - pos: -2.7378514,2.5458765
parent: 1
type: Transform
- proto: hydroponicsTrayAnchored
@@ -1868,6 +1951,20 @@ entities:
pos: -0.5,5.5
parent: 1
type: Transform
+- proto: KitchenDeepFryer
+ entities:
+ - uid: 372
+ components:
+ - pos: 0.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: KitchenElectricGrill
+ entities:
+ - uid: 260
+ components:
+ - pos: -2.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
- proto: KitchenKnife
- uid: 235
@@ -1877,16 +1974,16 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- proto: KitchenMicrowave
- - uid: 236
+ - uid: 224
- - pos: -2.5,2.5
+ - pos: -1.5,3.5
parent: 1
type: Transform
- proto: KitchenReagentGrinder
- - uid: 237
+ - uid: 261
- - pos: -0.5,2.5
+ - pos: -0.5,3.5
parent: 1
type: Transform
- proto: KitchenSpike
@@ -1951,6 +2048,27 @@ entities:
- pos: -6.5,-1.5
parent: 1
type: Transform
+- proto: OilJarCorn
+ entities:
+ - uid: 225
+ components:
+ - pos: -2.000333,3.0438685
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: OilJarGhee
+ entities:
+ - uid: 222
+ components:
+ - pos: -2.2503328,2.8285906
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: OilJarOlive
+ entities:
+ - uid: 150
+ components:
+ - pos: -2.3961663,3.0924797
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
- proto: PaperCaptainsThoughts
- uid: 47
@@ -1973,9 +2091,9 @@ entities:
- type: InsideEntityStorage
- proto: PlantBag
- - uid: 243
+ - uid: 373
- - pos: -2.456676,3.4310489
+ - pos: -0.40425205,5.853835
parent: 1
type: Transform
- proto: Poweredlight
@@ -2031,15 +2149,11 @@ entities:
- pos: -3.5,3.5
parent: 1
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 251
- pos: 0.5,3.5
parent: 1
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- proto: PoweredSmallLight
- uid: 252
@@ -2100,14 +2214,14 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- proto: RobustHarvestChemistryBottle
- - uid: 260
+ - uid: 34
- - pos: -2.5591145,3.6505618
+ - pos: -0.5864072,2.6545117
parent: 1
type: Transform
- - uid: 261
+ - uid: 237
- - pos: -2.3981395,3.606659
+ - pos: -0.46140718,2.7586784
parent: 1
type: Transform
- proto: SeedExtractor
@@ -2124,9 +2238,14 @@ entities:
- pos: -3.5,-0.5
parent: 1
type: Transform
- - SecondsUntilStateChange: -4976.801
- state: Opening
+ - enabled: False
+ type: Occluder
+ - canCollide: False
+ type: Physics
+ - state: Open
type: Door
+ - airBlocked: False
+ type: Airtight
- links:
- 293
type: DeviceLinkSink
@@ -2135,9 +2254,14 @@ entities:
- pos: -1.5,-0.5
parent: 1
type: Transform
- - SecondsUntilStateChange: -4976.801
- state: Opening
+ - enabled: False
+ type: Occluder
+ - canCollide: False
+ type: Physics
+ - state: Open
type: Door
+ - airBlocked: False
+ type: Airtight
- links:
- 293
type: DeviceLinkSink
@@ -2146,9 +2270,14 @@ entities:
- pos: 0.5,-0.5
parent: 1
type: Transform
- - SecondsUntilStateChange: -4976.801
- state: Opening
+ - enabled: False
+ type: Occluder
+ - canCollide: False
+ type: Physics
+ - state: Open
type: Door
+ - airBlocked: False
+ type: Airtight
- links:
- 293
type: DeviceLinkSink
@@ -2159,9 +2288,12 @@ entities:
- pos: -2.5,-0.5
parent: 1
type: Transform
- - SecondsUntilStateChange: -4976.801
- state: Opening
+ - canCollide: False
+ type: Physics
+ - state: Open
type: Door
+ - airBlocked: False
+ type: Airtight
- links:
- 293
type: DeviceLinkSink
@@ -2170,9 +2302,12 @@ entities:
- pos: -0.5,-0.5
parent: 1
type: Transform
- - SecondsUntilStateChange: -4976.801
- state: Opening
+ - canCollide: False
+ type: Physics
+ - state: Open
type: Door
+ - airBlocked: False
+ type: Airtight
- links:
- 293
type: DeviceLinkSink
@@ -2426,6 +2561,20 @@ entities:
- pos: -0.5,0.5
parent: 1
type: Transform
+- proto: StairStage
+ entities:
+ - uid: 33
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 4.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 221
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 4.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
- proto: StoolBar
- uid: 300
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/frontier.yml b/Resources/Maps/frontier.yml
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color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: Arrows
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angle: 3.141592653589793 rad
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: Arrows
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id: ArrowsGreyscale
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id: ArrowsGreyscale
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color: '#DE3A3A96'
id: Bot
@@ -272,23 +272,23 @@ entities:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
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color: '#52B4E9AE'
id: BotLeftGreyscale
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+ 1916: 6,25
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+ 1965: 24,20
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color: '#52B4E9FF'
id: BotLeftGreyscale
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837: -15,11
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- 3012: -11,12
- 3013: -12,11
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color: '#FFFFFFFF'
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302: 38,15
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color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: BrickTileDarkCornerNw
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301: 36,15
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265: 40,17
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535: 19,10
536: 19,11
537: 19,12
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id: BrickTileSteelCornerNe
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608: 19,21
609: 25,21
610: 27,21
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id: BrickTileSteelLineE
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id: BrickTileSteelLineE
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165: -3,42
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- 2635: 8,48
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- 2637: 8,46
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- 2639: 8,44
- 2640: 8,43
- 2641: 8,42
- 2642: 8,41
- 2643: 8,56
- 2644: 8,57
+ 2600: 8,52
+ 2601: 8,51
+ 2602: 8,50
+ 2603: 8,49
+ 2604: 8,48
+ 2605: 8,47
+ 2606: 8,46
+ 2607: 8,45
+ 2608: 8,44
+ 2609: 8,43
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+ 2613: 8,57
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color: '#DE3A3A96'
id: BrickTileWhiteLineE
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id: BrickTileWhiteLineS
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- node:
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id: BrickTileWhiteLineS
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id: BrickTileWhiteLineW
166: -3,42
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zIndex: 180
color: '#A4610696'
id: BrickTileWhiteLineW
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- node:
color: '#DE3A3A96'
id: BrickTileWhiteLineW
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color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: Delivery
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cleanable: True
color: '#A4610696'
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831: -50,18
832: -48,18
833: -48,18
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- 2967: 9,2
- 2968: 8,3
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+ 2935: -13,3
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+ 2938: -11,3
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color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: DirtHeavy
869: -60,3
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- node:
cleanable: True
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
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1219: -10,6
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- 1655: 28,-8
- 1656: 27,-6
- 1657: 27,-5
- 1658: 29,-5
- 1659: 29,-7
- 1660: 29,-8
- 1661: 29,-9
- 1662: 29,-11
- 1663: 27,-12
- 1664: 27,-13
- 1665: 28,-13
- 1666: 29,-13
- 1667: 28,-16
- 1668: 27,-18
- 1669: 28,-19
- 1670: 27,-20
- 1671: 29,-22
- 1672: 29,-23
- 1673: 29,-24
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- 1717: -1,25
- 1718: -1,24
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- 1722: 0,22
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- 1724: -2,20
- 1725: 1,20
- 1726: 1,21
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- 1746: -1,26
- 1747: -1,25
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- 1874: -6,11
- 1875: -6,11
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- 1899: -5,8
- 1900: -5,8
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- 1902: 2,9
- 1903: 3,8
- 1949: 3,28
- 1950: 4,26
- 1951: 8,28
- 1952: 6,28
- 1953: 9,26
- 1954: 10,26
- 1955: 10,24
- 1956: 10,23
- 1957: 11,24
- 1958: 11,25
- 1959: 11,28
- 1994: 11,26
- 2013: 12,26
- 2014: 13,26
- 2015: 13,24
- 2016: 13,22
- 2017: 16,23
- 2018: 14,21
- 2019: 13,20
- 2020: 14,20
- 2021: 15,23
- 2022: 18,25
- 2023: 15,26
- 2024: 14,26
- 2025: 16,25
- 2026: 17,22
- 2027: 18,25
- 2028: 19,25
- 2029: 17,25
- 2030: 18,22
- 2031: 19,23
- 2032: 22,22
- 2033: 18,23
- 2034: 19,25
- 2035: 17,24
- 2036: 19,23
- 2037: 23,25
- 2038: 21,26
- 2039: 20,25
- 2040: 23,21
- 2041: 21,22
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- 2043: 25,24
- 2044: 25,23
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- 2053: 29,22
- 2054: 30,22
- 2055: 30,21
- 2056: 29,20
- 2057: 29,20
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- 2060: 32,23
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- 2062: 33,25
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- 2203: 33,20
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- 2207: 29,19
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- 2259: 48,23
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- 2262: 49,23
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- 2264: 51,25
- 2265: 50,26
- 2266: 49,25
- 2267: 51,25
- 2268: 52,26
- 2269: 52,26
- 2270: 50,26
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- 2272: 53,26
- 2273: 54,26
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- 2333: 52,22
- 2334: 51,22
- 2335: 52,22
- 2336: 53,23
- 2337: 53,24
- 2338: 54,24
- 2339: 54,23
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- 2375: 41,17
- 2376: 41,16
- 2377: 42,18
- 2378: 40,15
- 2379: 31,10
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- 2383: 30,8
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- 2385: 31,7
- 2386: 31,9
- 2387: 30,10
- 2388: 30,11
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- 2431: 11,16
- 2432: 10,15
- 2433: 12,15
- 2434: 14,15
- 2435: 15,16
- 2436: 16,16
- 2437: 16,15
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+ 1631: 29,-11
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+ 1634: 28,-13
+ 1635: 29,-13
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+ 1687: -1,24
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+ 1690: 1,24
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+ 1693: -2,20
+ 1694: 1,20
+ 1695: 1,21
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+ 1716: -1,25
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+ 1737: -13,11
+ 1738: -14,10
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+ 1790: -2,16
+ 1791: -2,17
+ 1792: -2,17
+ 1793: -2,17
+ 1794: 0,18
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+ 1804: -2,18
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+ 1812: -3,18
+ 1833: -4,15
+ 1834: -4,14
+ 1841: -4,12
+ 1842: -6,11
+ 1843: -6,11
+ 1844: -6,11
+ 1867: -5,8
+ 1868: -5,8
+ 1869: -5,8
+ 1870: 2,10
+ 1871: 2,9
+ 1872: 3,8
+ 1918: 3,28
+ 1919: 4,26
+ 1920: 8,28
+ 1921: 6,28
+ 1922: 9,26
+ 1923: 10,26
+ 1924: 10,24
+ 1925: 10,23
+ 1926: 11,24
+ 1927: 11,25
+ 1928: 11,28
+ 1963: 11,26
+ 1982: 12,26
+ 1983: 13,26
+ 1984: 13,24
+ 1985: 13,22
+ 1986: 16,23
+ 1987: 14,21
+ 1988: 13,20
+ 1989: 14,20
+ 1990: 15,23
+ 1991: 18,25
+ 1992: 15,26
+ 1993: 14,26
+ 1994: 16,25
+ 1995: 17,22
+ 1996: 18,25
+ 1997: 19,25
+ 1998: 17,25
+ 1999: 18,22
+ 2000: 19,23
+ 2001: 22,22
+ 2002: 18,23
+ 2003: 19,25
+ 2004: 17,24
+ 2005: 19,23
+ 2006: 23,25
+ 2007: 21,26
+ 2008: 20,25
+ 2009: 23,21
+ 2010: 21,22
+ 2011: 25,22
+ 2012: 25,24
+ 2013: 25,23
+ 2014: 25,25
+ 2015: 24,25
+ 2016: 28,24
+ 2017: 30,23
+ 2018: 26,24
+ 2019: 27,25
+ 2020: 27,24
+ 2021: 27,23
+ 2022: 29,22
+ 2023: 30,22
+ 2024: 30,21
+ 2025: 29,20
+ 2026: 29,20
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+ 2028: 32,23
+ 2029: 32,23
+ 2030: 33,25
+ 2031: 33,25
+ 2032: 31,26
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+ 2170: 24,21
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+ 2172: 33,20
+ 2173: 31,20
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+ 2176: 29,19
+ 2177: 29,19
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+ 2193: 37,24
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+ 2227: 47,23
+ 2228: 48,23
+ 2229: 49,22
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+ 2231: 49,23
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+ 2233: 51,25
+ 2234: 50,26
+ 2235: 49,25
+ 2236: 51,25
+ 2237: 52,26
+ 2238: 52,26
+ 2239: 50,26
+ 2240: 53,26
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+ 2242: 54,26
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+ 2303: 51,22
+ 2304: 52,22
+ 2305: 53,23
+ 2306: 53,24
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+ 2315: 35,18
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+ 2317: 33,16
+ 2318: 32,16
+ 2319: 32,15
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+ 2343: 41,18
+ 2344: 41,17
+ 2345: 41,16
+ 2346: 42,18
+ 2347: 40,15
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+ 2349: 31,8
+ 2350: 30,8
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+ 2352: 30,8
+ 2353: 31,7
+ 2354: 31,7
+ 2355: 31,9
+ 2356: 30,10
+ 2357: 30,11
+ 2398: 14,15
+ 2399: 12,16
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+ 2401: 10,15
+ 2402: 12,15
+ 2403: 14,15
+ 2404: 15,16
+ 2405: 16,16
+ 2406: 16,15
+ 2407: 16,14
+ 2408: 16,13
+ 2409: 17,14
+ 2410: 16,13
+ 2411: 16,11
+ 2412: 15,10
+ 2413: 15,10
+ 2414: 15,12
+ 2415: 15,12
+ 2416: 15,11
+ 2417: 16,10
+ 2418: 17,11
+ 2419: 17,11
+ 2420: 16,12
+ 2421: 13,12
+ 2422: 13,12
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+ 2456: -2,33
+ 2457: -2,32
+ 2458: -2,32
+ 2459: -1,31
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+ 2461: 0,31
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+ 2906: 5,4
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+ 2986: -50,3
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+ 2988: -52,6
- node:
cleanable: True
zIndex: 180
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: DirtHeavy
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- 2745: 5,49
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- 2748: 5,53
- 2749: 5,54
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- 2837: -6,45
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- 2852: -35,11
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+ 2714: 5,49
+ 2715: 4,49
+ 2716: 5,51
+ 2717: 5,53
+ 2718: 5,54
+ 2719: 5,55
+ 2720: 6,55
+ 2721: 7,57
+ 2722: 6,54
+ 2723: 6,54
+ 2724: 8,55
+ 2725: 7,50
+ 2726: 8,50
+ 2727: 3,50
+ 2728: 2,47
+ 2729: -2,45
+ 2730: 4,47
+ 2731: 8,45
+ 2732: 7,46
+ 2733: 7,43
+ 2734: 8,42
+ 2735: 4,41
+ 2736: 2,39
+ 2737: 0,39
+ 2738: -1,39
+ 2739: -1,38
+ 2787: 8,51
+ 2801: 10,53
+ 2802: 10,53
+ 2803: 11,55
+ 2804: 11,55
+ 2805: -6,44
+ 2806: -6,45
+ 2807: -5,44
+ 2808: -6,43
+ 2809: -5,43
+ 2810: -5,43
+ 2811: 0,40
+ 2812: 4,40
+ 2813: -34,8
+ 2814: -33,7
+ 2815: -32,8
+ 2816: -33,10
+ 2817: -33,10
+ 2818: -34,10
+ 2819: -32,11
+ 2820: -36,12
+ 2821: -35,11
+ 2822: -39,11
+ 2823: -40,12
+ 2850: -53,18
+ 2851: -53,16
+ 2852: -52,15
+ 2853: -52,14
+ 2854: -51,15
+ 2874: -49,5
+ 2875: -49,5
+ 2876: -56,2
+ 2877: -46,4
+ 2878: -42,3
+ 2879: -42,3
- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: DirtHeavyMonotile
953: -46,7
- 2560: -3,11
+ 2529: -3,11
- node:
cleanable: True
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
@@ -1836,452 +1837,452 @@ entities:
1204: -30,-23
1205: -28,-23
1206: -29,-22
- 1246: -27,4
- 1247: -25,2
- 1248: -24,1
- 1249: -20,3
- 1250: -18,3
- 1251: -19,2
- 1252: -16,4
+ 1245: -27,4
+ 1246: -25,2
+ 1247: -24,1
+ 1248: -20,3
+ 1249: -18,3
+ 1250: -19,2
+ 1251: -16,4
+ 1252: -12,4
1253: -12,4
- 1254: -12,4
- 1255: -7,5
- 1310: 0,6
- 1311: 0,2
- 1389: 16,2
- 1390: 19,1
- 1391: 19,1
- 1392: 20,2
- 1393: 19,3
- 1394: 19,3
- 1395: 24,3
- 1396: 24,4
- 1397: 24,2
- 1398: 25,1
- 1399: 12,3
- 1401: 11,2
- 1402: 14,1
- 1403: 14,1
- 1404: 14,1
- 1408: 5,1
- 1409: 4,4
- 1410: 4,4
- 1411: 4,4
- 1412: 3,3
- 1413: 5,2
- 1511: 46,3
- 1512: 46,5
- 1513: 47,6
- 1514: 47,7
- 1515: 46,8
- 1516: 45,8
- 1517: 46,6
- 1518: 45,2
- 1519: 43,2
- 1520: 42,5
- 1521: 41,4
- 1522: 39,3
- 1523: 39,4
- 1524: 38,5
- 1525: 36,3
- 1526: 34,3
- 1527: 32,4
- 1528: 32,3
- 1529: 32,2
- 1530: 34,2
- 1531: 33,3
- 1532: 33,2
- 1533: 29,2
- 1534: 29,4
- 1535: 28,5
- 1536: 28,3
- 1537: 27,2
- 1538: 27,3
- 1539: 28,2
- 1540: 30,1
- 1541: 32,1
- 1542: 33,1
- 1642: 41,14
- 1751: -1,23
- 1752: -1,23
- 1753: -1,21
- 1754: 0,21
- 1755: 0,25
- 1756: 0,27
- 1757: 0,27
- 1758: -2,28
- 1759: -1,28
- 1760: 1,26
- 1761: -2,22
- 1762: -1,22
- 1783: -16,10
- 1784: -18,11
- 1785: -13,10
- 1786: -11,13
- 1787: -12,17
- 1826: -1,18
- 1827: 0,17
- 1836: -1,18
- 1837: -1,17
- 1844: -3,16
- 1845: -3,16
- 1846: -3,16
- 1847: -4,17
- 1848: -4,17
- 1849: -4,18
- 1850: -4,18
- 1856: -6,18
- 1857: -5,17
- 1858: -4,16
- 1866: -6,14
- 1867: -6,13
- 1868: -6,15
- 1869: -5,16
- 1870: -4,11
- 1871: -4,11
- 1883: -4,9
- 1884: -6,10
- 1885: -6,10
- 1886: -3,11
- 1887: -6,13
- 1888: -6,13
- 1889: -6,18
- 1904: 4,9
- 1905: 3,12
- 1906: 3,13
- 1907: 3,13
- 1908: 2,12
- 1909: 2,12
- 1910: 3,11
- 1911: 3,10
- 1912: 3,14
- 1913: 3,17
- 1914: 3,17
- 1960: 3,28
- 1961: 3,27
- 1962: 3,26
- 1963: 3,25
- 1964: 7,26
- 1965: 7,27
- 1966: 6,27
- 1986: 4,25
- 1987: 6,25
- 1988: 8,25
- 1989: 8,25
- 2064: 14,25
- 2065: 13,25
- 2066: 14,23
- 2067: 14,23
- 2068: 13,23
- 2069: 15,24
- 2070: 15,24
- 2071: 16,24
- 2072: 17,23
- 2073: 16,22
- 2074: 15,22
- 2075: 18,24
- 2076: 19,25
- 2077: 19,24
- 2078: 20,24
- 2079: 20,24
- 2080: 20,23
- 2081: 20,23
- 2082: 19,26
- 2083: 19,26
- 2084: 18,26
- 2085: 17,26
- 2086: 16,26
- 2087: 21,24
- 2088: 21,24
- 2089: 21,22
- 2090: 23,22
- 2091: 21,23
- 2092: 21,23
- 2093: 20,22
- 2094: 22,23
- 2095: 23,24
- 2096: 22,25
- 2097: 21,24
- 2098: 22,24
- 2099: 23,24
- 2100: 24,24
- 2101: 26,25
- 2102: 26,25
- 2103: 24,24
- 2104: 24,23
- 2105: 27,22
- 2106: 27,22
- 2107: 26,22
- 2108: 26,23
- 2109: 28,23
- 2110: 28,23
- 2111: 28,24
- 2112: 29,24
- 2113: 29,24
- 2114: 31,24
- 2115: 31,25
- 2116: 29,25
- 2117: 30,24
- 2118: 29,22
- 2119: 31,23
- 2120: 31,23
- 2121: 31,22
- 2122: 32,22
- 2123: 30,23
- 2124: 29,23
- 2125: 29,21
- 2126: 28,22
- 2127: 30,20
- 2128: 31,21
- 2129: 31,21
- 2130: 32,22
- 2131: 33,24
- 2132: 33,24
- 2133: 32,24
- 2134: 32,25
- 2135: 32,26
- 2209: 34,23
- 2210: 34,23
- 2211: 34,25
- 2212: 34,26
- 2225: 41,25
- 2226: 40,26
- 2227: 40,26
- 2228: 39,25
- 2229: 40,24
- 2230: 39,23
- 2231: 40,22
- 2232: 41,23
- 2233: 44,24
- 2234: 44,25
- 2235: 43,25
- 2236: 42,25
- 2237: 43,25
- 2238: 44,26
- 2239: 44,26
- 2240: 46,25
- 2241: 47,26
- 2242: 49,26
- 2243: 48,26
- 2244: 49,25
- 2245: 49,26
- 2246: 50,25
- 2247: 50,24
- 2248: 50,22
- 2249: 50,22
- 2250: 50,23
- 2251: 49,24
- 2252: 48,24
- 2253: 46,23
- 2254: 46,23
- 2255: 46,24
- 2321: 50,26
- 2322: 51,23
- 2323: 51,24
- 2324: 45,22
- 2325: 45,22
- 2326: 45,23
- 2327: 44,23
- 2328: 42,23
- 2329: 43,22
- 2330: 42,22
- 2331: 41,22
- 2351: 33,14
- 2352: 32,14
- 2353: 32,13
- 2354: 32,13
- 2355: 34,11
- 2356: 34,10
- 2357: 33,10
- 2358: 35,10
- 2359: 38,10
- 2360: 37,11
- 2361: 38,11
- 2397: 30,9
- 2398: 30,9
- 2399: 14,11
- 2400: 14,11
- 2401: 14,11
- 2402: 14,10
- 2403: 13,10
- 2404: 13,11
- 2405: 11,11
- 2406: 10,11
- 2407: 9,11
- 2408: 9,11
- 2409: 9,10
- 2410: 9,13
- 2411: 9,13
- 2412: 9,13
- 2413: 9,13
- 2414: 11,14
- 2415: 11,15
- 2416: 12,16
- 2417: 11,16
- 2418: 10,15
- 2419: 11,15
- 2420: 15,16
- 2421: 13,14
- 2422: 15,15
- 2423: 16,16
- 2424: 17,16
- 2425: 17,15
- 2426: 17,13
- 2427: 17,13
- 2428: 17,12
- 2454: 10,12
- 2455: 11,12
- 2456: 11,13
- 2457: 11,13
- 2458: 9,12
- 2459: 8,12
- 2460: 8,12
- 2461: 10,14
- 2493: -3,32
- 2494: -2,32
- 2495: -2,31
- 2496: -2,31
- 2497: 0,33
- 2498: 0,33
- 2593: -3,13
- 2594: -2,10
- 2595: -3,9
- 2596: -1,8
- 2597: -1,9
- 2598: 0,10
- 2602: -1,12
- 2603: -1,13
- 2604: -3,12
- 2605: 0,11
- 2606: 1,13
- 2607: 3,16
- 2608: 3,16
- 2609: 3,18
- 2610: 3,18
- 2611: 3,18
- 2612: 2,18
- 2950: 8,2
- 2951: 7,4
- 2952: 11,4
- 2953: 6,5
- 2990: -14,2
- 2991: -14,4
- 2992: -13,2
+ 1254: -7,5
+ 1301: 0,6
+ 1302: 0,2
+ 1373: 16,2
+ 1374: 19,1
+ 1375: 19,1
+ 1376: 20,2
+ 1377: 19,3
+ 1378: 19,3
+ 1379: 24,3
+ 1380: 24,4
+ 1381: 24,2
+ 1382: 25,1
+ 1383: 12,3
+ 1384: 11,2
+ 1385: 14,1
+ 1386: 14,1
+ 1387: 14,1
+ 1388: 5,1
+ 1389: 4,4
+ 1390: 4,4
+ 1391: 4,4
+ 1392: 3,3
+ 1393: 5,2
+ 1480: 46,3
+ 1481: 46,5
+ 1482: 47,6
+ 1483: 47,7
+ 1484: 46,8
+ 1485: 45,8
+ 1486: 46,6
+ 1487: 45,2
+ 1488: 43,2
+ 1489: 42,5
+ 1490: 41,4
+ 1491: 39,3
+ 1492: 39,4
+ 1493: 38,5
+ 1494: 36,3
+ 1495: 34,3
+ 1496: 32,4
+ 1497: 32,3
+ 1498: 32,2
+ 1499: 34,2
+ 1500: 33,3
+ 1501: 33,2
+ 1502: 29,2
+ 1503: 29,4
+ 1504: 28,5
+ 1505: 28,3
+ 1506: 27,2
+ 1507: 27,3
+ 1508: 28,2
+ 1509: 30,1
+ 1510: 32,1
+ 1511: 33,1
+ 1611: 41,14
+ 1720: -1,23
+ 1721: -1,23
+ 1722: -1,21
+ 1723: 0,21
+ 1724: 0,25
+ 1725: 0,27
+ 1726: 0,27
+ 1727: -2,28
+ 1728: -1,28
+ 1729: 1,26
+ 1730: -2,22
+ 1731: -1,22
+ 1752: -16,10
+ 1753: -18,11
+ 1754: -13,10
+ 1755: -11,13
+ 1756: -12,17
+ 1795: -1,18
+ 1796: 0,17
+ 1805: -1,18
+ 1806: -1,17
+ 1813: -3,16
+ 1814: -3,16
+ 1815: -3,16
+ 1816: -4,17
+ 1817: -4,17
+ 1818: -4,18
+ 1819: -4,18
+ 1825: -6,18
+ 1826: -5,17
+ 1827: -4,16
+ 1835: -6,14
+ 1836: -6,13
+ 1837: -6,15
+ 1838: -5,16
+ 1839: -4,11
+ 1840: -4,11
+ 1852: -4,9
+ 1853: -6,10
+ 1854: -6,10
+ 1855: -3,11
+ 1856: -6,13
+ 1857: -6,13
+ 1858: -6,18
+ 1873: 4,9
+ 1874: 3,12
+ 1875: 3,13
+ 1876: 3,13
+ 1877: 2,12
+ 1878: 2,12
+ 1879: 3,11
+ 1880: 3,10
+ 1881: 3,14
+ 1882: 3,17
+ 1883: 3,17
+ 1929: 3,28
+ 1930: 3,27
+ 1931: 3,26
+ 1932: 3,25
+ 1933: 7,26
+ 1934: 7,27
+ 1935: 6,27
+ 1955: 4,25
+ 1956: 6,25
+ 1957: 8,25
+ 1958: 8,25
+ 2033: 14,25
+ 2034: 13,25
+ 2035: 14,23
+ 2036: 14,23
+ 2037: 13,23
+ 2038: 15,24
+ 2039: 15,24
+ 2040: 16,24
+ 2041: 17,23
+ 2042: 16,22
+ 2043: 15,22
+ 2044: 18,24
+ 2045: 19,25
+ 2046: 19,24
+ 2047: 20,24
+ 2048: 20,24
+ 2049: 20,23
+ 2050: 20,23
+ 2051: 19,26
+ 2052: 19,26
+ 2053: 18,26
+ 2054: 17,26
+ 2055: 16,26
+ 2056: 21,24
+ 2057: 21,24
+ 2058: 21,22
+ 2059: 23,22
+ 2060: 21,23
+ 2061: 21,23
+ 2062: 20,22
+ 2063: 22,23
+ 2064: 23,24
+ 2065: 22,25
+ 2066: 21,24
+ 2067: 22,24
+ 2068: 23,24
+ 2069: 24,24
+ 2070: 26,25
+ 2071: 26,25
+ 2072: 24,24
+ 2073: 24,23
+ 2074: 27,22
+ 2075: 27,22
+ 2076: 26,22
+ 2077: 26,23
+ 2078: 28,23
+ 2079: 28,23
+ 2080: 28,24
+ 2081: 29,24
+ 2082: 29,24
+ 2083: 31,24
+ 2084: 31,25
+ 2085: 29,25
+ 2086: 30,24
+ 2087: 29,22
+ 2088: 31,23
+ 2089: 31,23
+ 2090: 31,22
+ 2091: 32,22
+ 2092: 30,23
+ 2093: 29,23
+ 2094: 29,21
+ 2095: 28,22
+ 2096: 30,20
+ 2097: 31,21
+ 2098: 31,21
+ 2099: 32,22
+ 2100: 33,24
+ 2101: 33,24
+ 2102: 32,24
+ 2103: 32,25
+ 2104: 32,26
+ 2178: 34,23
+ 2179: 34,23
+ 2180: 34,25
+ 2181: 34,26
+ 2194: 41,25
+ 2195: 40,26
+ 2196: 40,26
+ 2197: 39,25
+ 2198: 40,24
+ 2199: 39,23
+ 2200: 40,22
+ 2201: 41,23
+ 2202: 44,24
+ 2203: 44,25
+ 2204: 43,25
+ 2205: 42,25
+ 2206: 43,25
+ 2207: 44,26
+ 2208: 44,26
+ 2209: 46,25
+ 2210: 47,26
+ 2211: 49,26
+ 2212: 48,26
+ 2213: 49,25
+ 2214: 49,26
+ 2215: 50,25
+ 2216: 50,24
+ 2217: 50,22
+ 2218: 50,22
+ 2219: 50,23
+ 2220: 49,24
+ 2221: 48,24
+ 2222: 46,23
+ 2223: 46,23
+ 2224: 46,24
+ 2290: 50,26
+ 2291: 51,23
+ 2292: 51,24
+ 2293: 45,22
+ 2294: 45,22
+ 2295: 45,23
+ 2296: 44,23
+ 2297: 42,23
+ 2298: 43,22
+ 2299: 42,22
+ 2300: 41,22
+ 2320: 33,14
+ 2321: 32,14
+ 2322: 32,13
+ 2323: 32,13
+ 2324: 34,11
+ 2325: 34,10
+ 2326: 33,10
+ 2327: 35,10
+ 2328: 38,10
+ 2329: 37,11
+ 2330: 38,11
+ 2366: 30,9
+ 2367: 30,9
+ 2368: 14,11
+ 2369: 14,11
+ 2370: 14,11
+ 2371: 14,10
+ 2372: 13,10
+ 2373: 13,11
+ 2374: 11,11
+ 2375: 10,11
+ 2376: 9,11
+ 2377: 9,11
+ 2378: 9,10
+ 2379: 9,13
+ 2380: 9,13
+ 2381: 9,13
+ 2382: 9,13
+ 2383: 11,14
+ 2384: 11,15
+ 2385: 12,16
+ 2386: 11,16
+ 2387: 10,15
+ 2388: 11,15
+ 2389: 15,16
+ 2390: 13,14
+ 2391: 15,15
+ 2392: 16,16
+ 2393: 17,16
+ 2394: 17,15
+ 2395: 17,13
+ 2396: 17,13
+ 2397: 17,12
+ 2423: 10,12
+ 2424: 11,12
+ 2425: 11,13
+ 2426: 11,13
+ 2427: 9,12
+ 2428: 8,12
+ 2429: 8,12
+ 2430: 10,14
+ 2462: -3,32
+ 2463: -2,32
+ 2464: -2,31
+ 2465: -2,31
+ 2466: 0,33
+ 2467: 0,33
+ 2562: -3,13
+ 2563: -2,10
+ 2564: -3,9
+ 2565: -1,8
+ 2566: -1,9
+ 2567: 0,10
+ 2571: -1,12
+ 2572: -1,13
+ 2573: -3,12
+ 2574: 0,11
+ 2575: 1,13
+ 2576: 3,16
+ 2577: 3,16
+ 2578: 3,18
+ 2579: 3,18
+ 2580: 3,18
+ 2581: 2,18
+ 2909: 8,2
+ 2910: 7,4
+ 2911: 11,4
+ 2912: 6,5
+ 2949: -14,2
+ 2950: -14,4
+ 2951: -13,2
- node:
cleanable: True
zIndex: 180
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: DirtHeavyMonotile
- 2666: 6,57
- 2667: 5,57
- 2668: 5,56
- 2669: 5,54
- 2670: 7,54
- 2671: 7,54
- 2672: 6,54
- 2673: 6,53
- 2674: 5,53
- 2675: 7,53
- 2676: 8,51
- 2677: 8,49
- 2678: 7,48
- 2679: 7,50
- 2680: 7,50
- 2681: 5,50
- 2682: 4,48
- 2683: 5,47
- 2684: 4,50
- 2685: 2,50
- 2686: 2,50
- 2687: 1,51
- 2688: 1,51
- 2689: 0,50
- 2690: 1,49
- 2691: 0,48
- 2692: 1,48
- 2693: 0,47
- 2694: 0,47
- 2695: 0,47
- 2696: -1,47
- 2697: -1,46
- 2698: -2,47
- 2699: -2,47
- 2700: -2,46
- 2701: -2,45
- 2702: -3,45
- 2703: -3,44
- 2704: -3,44
- 2705: -1,44
- 2706: -1,44
- 2707: -3,43
- 2708: -2,43
- 2709: -1,43
- 2710: -1,42
- 2711: -2,42
- 2712: 0,41
- 2713: -1,41
- 2714: -2,40
- 2715: -2,40
- 2716: -3,40
- 2717: -3,39
- 2718: -2,38
- 2719: -3,38
- 2720: -2,38
- 2721: -3,37
- 2722: -3,36
- 2723: -2,36
- 2724: 0,36
- 2725: 0,38
- 2726: 1,38
- 2727: 3,38
- 2728: 1,40
- 2729: 3,41
- 2730: 5,41
- 2731: 2,41
- 2732: 3,36
- 2733: 4,36
- 2734: 4,37
- 2735: 6,41
- 2736: 7,41
- 2737: 7,42
- 2738: 8,43
- 2739: 8,43
- 2740: 7,45
- 2741: 7,47
- 2742: 8,47
- 2743: 5,48
- 2819: 6,52
- 2820: 5,52
- 2821: 6,51
- 2822: 6,51
- 2823: 1,41
- 2824: 1,41
- 2825: 11,53
- 2826: 11,53
- 2827: 11,53
- 2828: 10,55
- 2829: 10,55
- 2830: 10,54
- 2831: 11,54
- 2855: -40,11
- 2856: -41,12
- 2857: -38,12
- 2858: -37,11
- 2859: -36,11
- 2860: -36,11
- 2861: -35,12
- 2862: -32,12
- 2863: -29,12
- 2864: -28,12
- 2865: -27,12
- 2886: -53,15
- 2887: -51,14
- 2888: -51,14
- 2889: -53,12
- 2890: -53,12
- 2891: -53,13
- 2892: -52,12
+ 2635: 6,57
+ 2636: 5,57
+ 2637: 5,56
+ 2638: 5,54
+ 2639: 7,54
+ 2640: 7,54
+ 2641: 6,54
+ 2642: 6,53
+ 2643: 5,53
+ 2644: 7,53
+ 2645: 8,51
+ 2646: 8,49
+ 2647: 7,48
+ 2648: 7,50
+ 2649: 7,50
+ 2650: 5,50
+ 2651: 4,48
+ 2652: 5,47
+ 2653: 4,50
+ 2654: 2,50
+ 2655: 2,50
+ 2656: 1,51
+ 2657: 1,51
+ 2658: 0,50
+ 2659: 1,49
+ 2660: 0,48
+ 2661: 1,48
+ 2662: 0,47
+ 2663: 0,47
+ 2664: 0,47
+ 2665: -1,47
+ 2666: -1,46
+ 2667: -2,47
+ 2668: -2,47
+ 2669: -2,46
+ 2670: -2,45
+ 2671: -3,45
+ 2672: -3,44
+ 2673: -3,44
+ 2674: -1,44
+ 2675: -1,44
+ 2676: -3,43
+ 2677: -2,43
+ 2678: -1,43
+ 2679: -1,42
+ 2680: -2,42
+ 2681: 0,41
+ 2682: -1,41
+ 2683: -2,40
+ 2684: -2,40
+ 2685: -3,40
+ 2686: -3,39
+ 2687: -2,38
+ 2688: -3,38
+ 2689: -2,38
+ 2690: -3,37
+ 2691: -3,36
+ 2692: -2,36
+ 2693: 0,36
+ 2694: 0,38
+ 2695: 1,38
+ 2696: 3,38
+ 2697: 1,40
+ 2698: 3,41
+ 2699: 5,41
+ 2700: 2,41
+ 2701: 3,36
+ 2702: 4,36
+ 2703: 4,37
+ 2704: 6,41
+ 2705: 7,41
+ 2706: 7,42
+ 2707: 8,43
+ 2708: 8,43
+ 2709: 7,45
+ 2710: 7,47
+ 2711: 8,47
+ 2712: 5,48
+ 2788: 6,52
+ 2789: 5,52
+ 2790: 6,51
+ 2791: 6,51
+ 2792: 1,41
+ 2793: 1,41
+ 2794: 11,53
+ 2795: 11,53
+ 2796: 11,53
+ 2797: 10,55
+ 2798: 10,55
+ 2799: 10,54
+ 2800: 11,54
+ 2824: -40,11
+ 2825: -41,12
+ 2826: -38,12
+ 2827: -37,11
+ 2828: -36,11
+ 2829: -36,11
+ 2830: -35,12
+ 2831: -32,12
+ 2832: -29,12
+ 2833: -28,12
+ 2834: -27,12
+ 2855: -53,15
+ 2856: -51,14
+ 2857: -51,14
+ 2858: -53,12
+ 2859: -53,12
+ 2860: -53,13
+ 2861: -52,12
- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: DirtLight
@@ -2374,470 +2375,470 @@ entities:
1189: -30,-3
1190: -30,-2
1191: -30,-3
- 1265: -11,5
- 1266: -10,5
- 1267: -10,4
- 1268: -9,4
- 1269: -6,2
- 1270: -6,4
+ 1264: -11,5
+ 1265: -10,5
+ 1266: -10,4
+ 1267: -9,4
+ 1268: -6,2
+ 1269: -6,4
+ 1270: -6,3
1271: -6,3
- 1272: -6,3
- 1273: -5,4
+ 1272: -5,4
+ 1273: -6,5
1274: -6,5
- 1275: -6,5
+ 1275: -6,6
1276: -6,6
- 1277: -6,6
- 1278: -6,2
- 1279: -5,2
+ 1277: -6,2
+ 1278: -5,2
+ 1279: -5,1
1280: -5,1
- 1281: -5,1
+ 1281: -5,2
1282: -5,2
- 1283: -5,2
- 1284: -13,1
- 1285: -16,2
+ 1283: -13,1
+ 1284: -16,2
+ 1285: -16,3
1286: -16,3
- 1287: -16,3
- 1288: -18,3
- 1289: -20,3
- 1290: -20,4
- 1291: -21,2
- 1292: -24,2
- 1293: -25,3
- 1294: -24,3
- 1295: -26,4
- 1313: -1,5
- 1314: 13,1
- 1315: 12,3
- 1318: 7,5
- 1321: 4,5
- 1322: 4,6
- 1323: 2,6
- 1324: 3,4
- 1325: 2,3
- 1326: 3,1
- 1327: 4,1
- 1328: 5,1
- 1329: 6,1
- 1330: 7,1
- 1331: 9,1
- 1332: 8,4
- 1333: 8,6
- 1334: 9,6
- 1335: 9,6
- 1336: 12,3
- 1337: 13,4
- 1338: 15,4
- 1339: 13,5
- 1340: 14,5
- 1341: 15,3
- 1342: 17,2
- 1343: 17,4
- 1344: 18,4
- 1345: 20,1
- 1346: 19,1
- 1347: 20,1
- 1348: 21,2
- 1349: 20,4
- 1350: 23,3
- 1351: 22,2
- 1352: 23,2
- 1353: 24,3
- 1354: 25,4
- 1355: 25,4
- 1356: 24,1
- 1543: 28,2
- 1544: 29,1
- 1545: 29,1
- 1546: 32,2
- 1547: 34,2
- 1548: 36,2
- 1549: 35,2
- 1550: 34,2
- 1551: 35,3
- 1552: 33,4
- 1553: 33,3
- 1554: 31,3
- 1555: 36,4
- 1556: 40,4
- 1557: 38,5
- 1558: 43,3
- 1559: 44,3
- 1560: 44,3
- 1561: 44,3
- 1562: 44,3
- 1563: 41,2
- 1564: 43,1
- 1565: 45,1
- 1566: 45,2
- 1567: 40,1
- 1568: 38,2
- 1569: 41,1
- 1570: 42,1
- 1571: 47,3
- 1572: 47,5
- 1573: 48,6
- 1574: 47,5
- 1575: 48,3
- 1576: 51,2
- 1577: 51,1
- 1578: 50,2
- 1579: 51,3
- 1580: 48,2
- 1581: 46,1
- 1582: 53,1
- 1583: 53,2
- 1614: 38,8
- 1615: 40,8
- 1616: 40,7
- 1617: 36,9
- 1618: 36,11
- 1619: 34,10
- 1620: 34,10
- 1621: 33,11
- 1622: 33,13
- 1623: 32,14
- 1624: 32,14
- 1625: 33,15
- 1626: 34,18
- 1627: 36,18
- 1628: 36,18
- 1629: 37,19
- 1630: 37,19
- 1631: 41,17
- 1632: 41,17
- 1633: 40,17
- 1634: 40,17
- 1635: 40,18
- 1636: 45,18
- 1674: 27,-24
- 1675: 28,-24
- 1676: 28,-22
- 1677: 27,-21
- 1678: 27,-19
- 1679: 29,-19
- 1680: 28,-19
- 1681: 27,-16
- 1682: 29,-14
- 1683: 28,-14
- 1684: 28,-15
- 1685: 29,-14
- 1686: 28,-10
- 1687: 29,-8
- 1688: 29,-7
- 1689: 28,-6
- 1690: 29,-6
- 1691: 28,-2
- 1692: 27,-2
- 1693: 29,-1
- 1694: 29,-2
- 1713: 9,5
- 1727: 0,20
- 1728: -1,20
- 1729: -2,21
- 1730: -2,23
- 1731: -2,24
- 1732: -2,25
- 1733: 0,25
- 1734: 0,26
- 1735: 1,25
- 1736: 1,25
- 1737: 1,27
- 1738: 1,28
- 1739: 0,28
- 1740: -1,29
- 1741: 0,29
- 1742: 0,29
- 1743: -2,26
- 1744: -2,26
- 1770: -12,12
- 1771: -11,11
- 1772: -10,15
- 1773: -11,16
- 1774: -11,17
- 1814: -2,18
- 1815: -1,17
- 1816: -1,17
- 1817: -1,15
- 1818: -1,15
- 1819: 0,15
- 1828: -1,17
- 1829: 0,16
- 1830: 0,16
- 1831: 0,16
- 1832: -1,16
- 1833: -1,18
- 1838: -1,16
- 1839: -1,16
- 1840: -3,17
- 1841: -3,17
- 1876: -6,9
- 1877: -4,8
- 1878: -4,8
- 1879: -4,8
- 1880: -4,8
- 1890: -6,17
- 1891: -6,18
- 1892: -4,16
- 1893: -6,8
- 1894: -6,8
- 1895: -6,8
- 1896: -6,8
- 1897: -6,9
- 1915: 2,17
- 1916: 2,18
- 1917: 4,18
- 1918: 4,18
- 1919: 4,17
- 1920: 4,17
- 1921: 4,16
- 1922: 4,14
- 1923: 4,13
- 1924: 4,13
- 1925: 4,14
- 1926: 4,14
- 1927: 2,16
- 1928: 2,16
- 1929: 2,16
- 1930: 2,16
- 1931: 2,11
- 1932: 2,10
- 1933: 2,9
- 1934: 3,8
- 1935: 2,8
- 1967: 4,27
- 1968: 4,27
- 1969: 5,28
- 1970: 5,28
- 1971: 5,27
- 1972: 10,27
- 1973: 10,27
- 1974: 9,27
- 1975: 11,27
- 1976: 11,26
- 1992: 9,25
- 1993: 6,26
- 2136: 33,26
- 2137: 34,26
- 2138: 34,25
- 2139: 34,24
- 2140: 33,23
- 2141: 33,23
- 2142: 31,24
- 2143: 32,24
- 2144: 33,24
- 2145: 33,24
- 2146: 32,22
- 2147: 32,21
- 2148: 34,21
- 2149: 34,22
- 2150: 33,22
- 2151: 30,21
- 2152: 30,22
- 2153: 29,21
- 2154: 28,21
- 2155: 28,23
- 2156: 27,22
- 2157: 26,22
- 2158: 28,21
- 2159: 28,22
- 2160: 25,23
- 2161: 26,23
- 2162: 26,23
- 2163: 25,21
- 2164: 26,21
- 2165: 24,23
- 2166: 23,24
- 2167: 24,23
- 2168: 23,23
- 2169: 23,23
- 2170: 24,22
- 2171: 24,24
- 2172: 23,25
- 2173: 22,24
- 2174: 22,25
- 2175: 22,26
- 2176: 25,26
- 2177: 25,26
- 2178: 20,26
- 2179: 19,26
- 2180: 20,26
- 2181: 17,26
- 2182: 18,26
- 2183: 15,26
- 2184: 15,26
- 2185: 15,25
- 2186: 15,25
- 2187: 17,24
- 2188: 16,24
- 2189: 13,24
- 2190: 14,23
- 2191: 14,22
- 2192: 15,22
- 2193: 17,23
- 2194: 19,22
- 2195: 20,22
- 2196: 20,21
- 2197: 20,21
- 2198: 18,21
- 2213: 37,26
- 2214: 37,26
- 2215: 36,25
- 2216: 36,25
- 2217: 34,26
- 2218: 33,26
- 2219: 32,26
- 2220: 31,25
- 2221: 29,25
- 2291: 39,25
- 2292: 39,24
- 2293: 39,24
- 2294: 39,23
- 2295: 41,23
- 2296: 44,24
- 2297: 44,24
- 2298: 43,24
- 2299: 43,24
- 2300: 42,23
- 2301: 43,23
- 2302: 44,23
- 2303: 45,24
- 2304: 45,25
- 2305: 45,25
- 2306: 47,26
- 2307: 47,26
- 2308: 50,25
- 2309: 50,25
- 2310: 49,24
- 2311: 51,25
- 2312: 52,25
- 2313: 51,25
- 2314: 51,25
- 2315: 53,26
- 2316: 54,26
- 2317: 53,25
- 2318: 53,25
- 2319: 54,25
- 2320: 51,26
- 2362: 38,10
- 2363: 40,10
- 2364: 40,10
- 2365: 39,10
- 2366: 40,11
- 2367: 41,11
- 2368: 41,12
- 2369: 42,12
- 2370: 43,12
- 2371: 40,14
- 2389: 31,11
- 2390: 31,11
- 2391: 31,10
- 2392: 29,8
- 2393: 30,9
- 2394: 30,8
- 2395: 31,7
- 2396: 32,7
- 2462: 10,14
- 2463: 10,14
- 2464: 10,13
- 2465: 10,13
- 2466: 14,16
- 2467: 13,16
- 2468: 13,16
- 2469: 17,15
- 2470: 17,14
- 2471: 17,15
- 2472: 17,16
- 2473: 17,13
- 2474: 15,11
- 2475: 15,10
- 2476: 14,10
- 2477: 14,12
- 2478: 14,12
- 2479: 7,15
- 2480: 8,16
- 2481: 8,16
- 2482: 7,16
- 2483: 13,21
- 2484: 13,21
- 2485: 13,21
- 2499: -3,32
- 2500: -1,33
- 2501: -1,33
- 2502: -1,32
- 2503: 0,32
- 2504: 0,32
- 2505: 0,32
- 2506: 0,32
- 2591: -1,11
- 2592: -1,13
- 2599: -2,11
- 2600: 1,11
- 2601: -5,12
- 2954: 5,4
- 2955: 5,3
- 2956: 6,2
- 2957: 4,2
- 2958: 10,2
- 2993: -13,2
- 2994: -13,4
- 2995: -11,2
- 2996: -12,2
+ 1287: -18,3
+ 1288: -20,3
+ 1289: -20,4
+ 1290: -21,2
+ 1291: -24,2
+ 1292: -25,3
+ 1293: -24,3
+ 1294: -26,4
+ 1304: -1,5
+ 1305: 13,1
+ 1306: 12,3
+ 1307: 7,5
+ 1308: 4,5
+ 1309: 4,6
+ 1310: 2,6
+ 1311: 3,4
+ 1312: 2,3
+ 1313: 3,1
+ 1314: 4,1
+ 1315: 5,1
+ 1316: 6,1
+ 1317: 7,1
+ 1318: 9,1
+ 1319: 8,4
+ 1320: 8,6
+ 1321: 9,6
+ 1322: 9,6
+ 1323: 12,3
+ 1324: 13,4
+ 1325: 15,4
+ 1326: 13,5
+ 1327: 14,5
+ 1328: 15,3
+ 1329: 17,2
+ 1330: 17,4
+ 1331: 18,4
+ 1332: 20,1
+ 1333: 19,1
+ 1334: 20,1
+ 1335: 21,2
+ 1336: 20,4
+ 1337: 23,3
+ 1338: 22,2
+ 1339: 23,2
+ 1340: 24,3
+ 1341: 25,4
+ 1342: 25,4
+ 1343: 24,1
+ 1512: 28,2
+ 1513: 29,1
+ 1514: 29,1
+ 1515: 32,2
+ 1516: 34,2
+ 1517: 36,2
+ 1518: 35,2
+ 1519: 34,2
+ 1520: 35,3
+ 1521: 33,4
+ 1522: 33,3
+ 1523: 31,3
+ 1524: 36,4
+ 1525: 40,4
+ 1526: 38,5
+ 1527: 43,3
+ 1528: 44,3
+ 1529: 44,3
+ 1530: 44,3
+ 1531: 44,3
+ 1532: 41,2
+ 1533: 43,1
+ 1534: 45,1
+ 1535: 45,2
+ 1536: 40,1
+ 1537: 38,2
+ 1538: 41,1
+ 1539: 42,1
+ 1540: 47,3
+ 1541: 47,5
+ 1542: 48,6
+ 1543: 47,5
+ 1544: 48,3
+ 1545: 51,2
+ 1546: 51,1
+ 1547: 50,2
+ 1548: 51,3
+ 1549: 48,2
+ 1550: 46,1
+ 1551: 53,1
+ 1552: 53,2
+ 1583: 38,8
+ 1584: 40,8
+ 1585: 40,7
+ 1586: 36,9
+ 1587: 36,11
+ 1588: 34,10
+ 1589: 34,10
+ 1590: 33,11
+ 1591: 33,13
+ 1592: 32,14
+ 1593: 32,14
+ 1594: 33,15
+ 1595: 34,18
+ 1596: 36,18
+ 1597: 36,18
+ 1598: 37,19
+ 1599: 37,19
+ 1600: 41,17
+ 1601: 41,17
+ 1602: 40,17
+ 1603: 40,17
+ 1604: 40,18
+ 1605: 45,18
+ 1643: 27,-24
+ 1644: 28,-24
+ 1645: 28,-22
+ 1646: 27,-21
+ 1647: 27,-19
+ 1648: 29,-19
+ 1649: 28,-19
+ 1650: 27,-16
+ 1651: 29,-14
+ 1652: 28,-14
+ 1653: 28,-15
+ 1654: 29,-14
+ 1655: 28,-10
+ 1656: 29,-8
+ 1657: 29,-7
+ 1658: 28,-6
+ 1659: 29,-6
+ 1660: 28,-2
+ 1661: 27,-2
+ 1662: 29,-1
+ 1663: 29,-2
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+ 1696: 0,20
+ 1697: -1,20
+ 1698: -2,21
+ 1699: -2,23
+ 1700: -2,24
+ 1701: -2,25
+ 1702: 0,25
+ 1703: 0,26
+ 1704: 1,25
+ 1705: 1,25
+ 1706: 1,27
+ 1707: 1,28
+ 1708: 0,28
+ 1709: -1,29
+ 1710: 0,29
+ 1711: 0,29
+ 1712: -2,26
+ 1713: -2,26
+ 1739: -12,12
+ 1740: -11,11
+ 1741: -10,15
+ 1742: -11,16
+ 1743: -11,17
+ 1783: -2,18
+ 1784: -1,17
+ 1785: -1,17
+ 1786: -1,15
+ 1787: -1,15
+ 1788: 0,15
+ 1797: -1,17
+ 1798: 0,16
+ 1799: 0,16
+ 1800: 0,16
+ 1801: -1,16
+ 1802: -1,18
+ 1807: -1,16
+ 1808: -1,16
+ 1809: -3,17
+ 1810: -3,17
+ 1845: -6,9
+ 1846: -4,8
+ 1847: -4,8
+ 1848: -4,8
+ 1849: -4,8
+ 1859: -6,17
+ 1860: -6,18
+ 1861: -4,16
+ 1862: -6,8
+ 1863: -6,8
+ 1864: -6,8
+ 1865: -6,8
+ 1866: -6,9
+ 1884: 2,17
+ 1885: 2,18
+ 1886: 4,18
+ 1887: 4,18
+ 1888: 4,17
+ 1889: 4,17
+ 1890: 4,16
+ 1891: 4,14
+ 1892: 4,13
+ 1893: 4,13
+ 1894: 4,14
+ 1895: 4,14
+ 1896: 2,16
+ 1897: 2,16
+ 1898: 2,16
+ 1899: 2,16
+ 1900: 2,11
+ 1901: 2,10
+ 1902: 2,9
+ 1903: 3,8
+ 1904: 2,8
+ 1936: 4,27
+ 1937: 4,27
+ 1938: 5,28
+ 1939: 5,28
+ 1940: 5,27
+ 1941: 10,27
+ 1942: 10,27
+ 1943: 9,27
+ 1944: 11,27
+ 1945: 11,26
+ 1961: 9,25
+ 1962: 6,26
+ 2105: 33,26
+ 2106: 34,26
+ 2107: 34,25
+ 2108: 34,24
+ 2109: 33,23
+ 2110: 33,23
+ 2111: 31,24
+ 2112: 32,24
+ 2113: 33,24
+ 2114: 33,24
+ 2115: 32,22
+ 2116: 32,21
+ 2117: 34,21
+ 2118: 34,22
+ 2119: 33,22
+ 2120: 30,21
+ 2121: 30,22
+ 2122: 29,21
+ 2123: 28,21
+ 2124: 28,23
+ 2125: 27,22
+ 2126: 26,22
+ 2127: 28,21
+ 2128: 28,22
+ 2129: 25,23
+ 2130: 26,23
+ 2131: 26,23
+ 2132: 25,21
+ 2133: 26,21
+ 2134: 24,23
+ 2135: 23,24
+ 2136: 24,23
+ 2137: 23,23
+ 2138: 23,23
+ 2139: 24,22
+ 2140: 24,24
+ 2141: 23,25
+ 2142: 22,24
+ 2143: 22,25
+ 2144: 22,26
+ 2145: 25,26
+ 2146: 25,26
+ 2147: 20,26
+ 2148: 19,26
+ 2149: 20,26
+ 2150: 17,26
+ 2151: 18,26
+ 2152: 15,26
+ 2153: 15,26
+ 2154: 15,25
+ 2155: 15,25
+ 2156: 17,24
+ 2157: 16,24
+ 2158: 13,24
+ 2159: 14,23
+ 2160: 14,22
+ 2161: 15,22
+ 2162: 17,23
+ 2163: 19,22
+ 2164: 20,22
+ 2165: 20,21
+ 2166: 20,21
+ 2167: 18,21
+ 2182: 37,26
+ 2183: 37,26
+ 2184: 36,25
+ 2185: 36,25
+ 2186: 34,26
+ 2187: 33,26
+ 2188: 32,26
+ 2189: 31,25
+ 2190: 29,25
+ 2260: 39,25
+ 2261: 39,24
+ 2262: 39,24
+ 2263: 39,23
+ 2264: 41,23
+ 2265: 44,24
+ 2266: 44,24
+ 2267: 43,24
+ 2268: 43,24
+ 2269: 42,23
+ 2270: 43,23
+ 2271: 44,23
+ 2272: 45,24
+ 2273: 45,25
+ 2274: 45,25
+ 2275: 47,26
+ 2276: 47,26
+ 2277: 50,25
+ 2278: 50,25
+ 2279: 49,24
+ 2280: 51,25
+ 2281: 52,25
+ 2282: 51,25
+ 2283: 51,25
+ 2284: 53,26
+ 2285: 54,26
+ 2286: 53,25
+ 2287: 53,25
+ 2288: 54,25
+ 2289: 51,26
+ 2331: 38,10
+ 2332: 40,10
+ 2333: 40,10
+ 2334: 39,10
+ 2335: 40,11
+ 2336: 41,11
+ 2337: 41,12
+ 2338: 42,12
+ 2339: 43,12
+ 2340: 40,14
+ 2358: 31,11
+ 2359: 31,11
+ 2360: 31,10
+ 2361: 29,8
+ 2362: 30,9
+ 2363: 30,8
+ 2364: 31,7
+ 2365: 32,7
+ 2431: 10,14
+ 2432: 10,14
+ 2433: 10,13
+ 2434: 10,13
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+ 2436: 13,16
+ 2437: 13,16
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+ 2439: 17,14
+ 2440: 17,15
+ 2441: 17,16
+ 2442: 17,13
+ 2443: 15,11
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+ 2445: 14,10
+ 2446: 14,12
+ 2447: 14,12
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+ 2450: 8,16
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+ 2471: -1,32
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+ 2473: 0,32
+ 2474: 0,32
+ 2475: 0,32
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+ 2561: -1,13
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+ 2915: 6,2
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+ 2917: 10,2
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+ 2955: -12,2
- node:
cleanable: True
zIndex: 180
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: DirtLight
- 2771: -2,39
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- 2785: 0,49
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- 2788: 6,53
- 2789: 7,53
- 2790: 8,53
- 2791: 8,54
- 2792: 8,54
- 2793: 7,55
- 2815: 1,50
- 2816: 1,50
- 2817: 7,51
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- 2867: -38,11
- 2868: -39,12
- 2869: -39,12
- 2870: -41,10
- 2871: -38,12
- 2872: -32,12
- 2873: -34,12
- 2874: -33,11
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- 2876: -33,8
- 2877: -29,11
- 2878: -31,12
- 2879: -30,12
- 2880: -30,12
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- 2896: -48,14
- 2897: -48,14
- 2898: -50,5
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- 2900: -51,6
- 2901: -51,5
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+ 2741: -2,39
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+ 2743: 1,37
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+ 2745: -1,37
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+ 2747: -2,37
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+ 2749: -1,40
+ 2750: 0,40
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+ 2752: 0,48
+ 2753: 0,49
+ 2754: 0,49
+ 2755: 0,51
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+ 2759: 8,53
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+ 2761: 8,54
+ 2762: 7,55
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+ 2785: 1,50
+ 2786: 7,51
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+ 2836: -38,11
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+ 2838: -39,12
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+ 2840: -38,12
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+ 2842: -34,12
+ 2843: -33,11
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+ 2845: -33,8
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+ 2848: -30,12
+ 2849: -30,12
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+ 2863: -53,10
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- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: DirtMedium
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1167: -29,-24
1168: -31,-23
1169: -31,-24
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- 1259: -23,3
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1262: -14,3
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- 1379: 8,1
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- 1384: 16,3
- 1385: 17,4
- 1386: 17,4
- 1387: 17,1
- 1388: 19,1
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- 1463: 30,3
- 1464: 31,3
- 1465: 31,1
- 1466: 28,4
- 1467: 30,4
- 1468: 34,3
- 1469: 33,1
- 1470: 34,4
- 1471: 34,5
- 1472: 37,4
- 1473: 35,1
- 1474: 37,1
- 1475: 39,3
- 1476: 38,2
- 1477: 37,2
- 1478: 37,2
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- 1480: 42,4
- 1481: 44,5
- 1482: 44,2
- 1483: 43,1
- 1484: 45,4
- 1485: 45,6
- 1486: 43,6
- 1487: 42,5
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- 1490: 46,9
- 1491: 47,9
- 1492: 47,8
- 1493: 48,8
- 1494: 48,7
- 1495: 46,5
- 1496: 48,3
- 1497: 49,3
- 1498: 49,4
- 1499: 49,4
- 1500: 49,1
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- 1503: 46,2
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- 1505: 51,3
- 1506: 53,3
- 1507: 53,3
- 1508: 53,1
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- 1510: 54,3
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- 1649: 37,17
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- 1696: 27,-3
- 1697: 29,-4
- 1698: 28,-3
- 1699: 29,-4
- 1700: 29,-7
- 1701: 29,-9
- 1702: 28,-10
- 1703: 28,-9
- 1704: 29,-10
- 1705: 29,-10
- 1706: 28,-12
- 1707: 28,-14
- 1708: 27,-14
- 1709: 27,-14
- 1710: 29,-12
- 1711: 29,-16
- 1712: 27,-19
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- 1750: 1,23
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- 1777: -9,15
- 1778: -10,14
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- 1780: -15,12
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- 1852: -5,18
- 1853: -5,17
- 1854: -6,17
- 1855: -6,16
- 1859: -6,16
- 1860: -5,15
- 1861: -5,13
- 1862: -5,13
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- 1881: -5,9
- 1882: -4,10
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- 1937: 4,9
- 1938: 4,10
- 1939: 3,9
- 1940: 4,12
- 1941: 4,13
- 1942: 2,15
- 1943: 2,14
- 1944: 4,15
- 1977: 3,28
- 1978: 4,28
- 1979: 5,28
- 1980: 7,28
- 1981: 7,28
- 1982: 6,27
- 1983: 5,26
- 1984: 5,26
- 1985: 8,27
- 1990: 10,23
- 1991: 11,23
- 2274: 48,26
- 2275: 49,26
- 2276: 48,25
- 2277: 47,25
- 2278: 46,26
- 2279: 45,26
- 2280: 45,26
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- 2283: 43,26
- 2284: 42,24
- 2285: 41,24
- 2286: 42,25
- 2287: 42,26
- 2288: 41,26
- 2289: 40,25
- 2290: 39,26
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- 2999: -8,2
- 3000: -12,4
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- 3002: -12,2
- 3003: -12,1
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- 3005: -13,5
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+ 1356: 2,6
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+ 1433: 31,3
+ 1434: 31,1
+ 1435: 28,4
+ 1436: 30,4
+ 1437: 34,3
+ 1438: 33,1
+ 1439: 34,4
+ 1440: 34,5
+ 1441: 37,4
+ 1442: 35,1
+ 1443: 37,1
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+ 1445: 38,2
+ 1446: 37,2
+ 1447: 37,2
+ 1448: 41,2
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+ 1450: 44,5
+ 1451: 44,2
+ 1452: 43,1
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+ 1454: 45,6
+ 1455: 43,6
+ 1456: 42,5
+ 1457: 44,2
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+ 1460: 47,9
+ 1461: 47,8
+ 1462: 48,8
+ 1463: 48,7
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+ 1668: 29,-4
+ 1669: 29,-7
+ 1670: 29,-9
+ 1671: 28,-10
+ 1672: 28,-9
+ 1673: 29,-10
+ 1674: 29,-10
+ 1675: 28,-12
+ 1676: 28,-14
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+ 1678: 27,-14
+ 1679: 29,-12
+ 1680: 29,-16
+ 1681: 27,-19
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+ 1746: -9,15
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+ 1830: -5,13
+ 1831: -5,13
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+ 1907: 4,10
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+ 1910: 4,13
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+ 1912: 2,14
+ 1913: 4,15
+ 1946: 3,28
+ 1947: 4,28
+ 1948: 5,28
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+ 1950: 7,28
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+ 1953: 5,26
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+ 1960: 11,23
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+ 2247: 46,26
+ 2248: 45,26
+ 2249: 45,26
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+ 2255: 42,25
+ 2256: 42,26
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id: FullTileOverlayGreyscale
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421: 57,1
422: 56,1
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id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale
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color: '#FFFFFFFF'
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id: MiniTileCheckerAOverlay
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238: 45,9
239: 46,9
426: 57,2
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id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale180
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241: 48,5
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654: 53,23
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id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale90
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580: 12,24
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582: 12,26
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id: WarnLineN
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593: 30,18
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1016: -40,8
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568: 55,25
569: 55,26
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: Docking
- uid: 2181
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pos: -6.5,43.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: Docking
- uid: 2197
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pos: -6.5,44.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: Docking
- uid: 2198
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pos: -6.5,45.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: Docking
- uid: 2199
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pos: 12.5,53.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - name: 5B
+ - name: 7B
type: Docking
- uid: 2200
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pos: 12.5,54.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: Docking
- uid: 2201
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pos: 12.5,55.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - name: 5B
+ - name: 7B
type: Docking
- uid: 2202
@@ -5437,48 +5483,64 @@ entities:
pos: 56.5,29.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
+ - name: 5A
+ type: Docking
- uid: 2589
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pos: 29.5,28.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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+ type: Docking
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- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 61.5,26.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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+ type: Docking
- uid: 3919
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 58.5,29.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
+ - name: 5A
+ type: Docking
- uid: 3920
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 57.5,29.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
+ - name: 5A
+ type: Docking
- uid: 4051
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 27.5,28.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
+ - name: 6B
+ type: Docking
- uid: 4982
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 61.5,24.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
+ - name: 5B
+ type: Docking
- uid: 4983
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 61.5,25.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
+ - name: 5B
+ type: Docking
- uid: 5801
- pos: -29.5,-30.5
@@ -5500,38 +5562,6 @@ entities:
- pos: 7.5,17.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - uid: 4114
- components:
- - pos: 5.5,15.5
- parent: 2173
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4115
- components:
- - pos: 5.5,16.5
- parent: 2173
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4116
- components:
- - pos: 9.5,15.5
- parent: 2173
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4117
- components:
- - pos: 9.5,16.5
- parent: 2173
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4118
- components:
- - pos: 18.5,11.5
- parent: 2173
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockHeadOfPersonnelLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 4139
- components:
- - pos: 23.5,13.5
- parent: 2173
- type: Transform
- proto: AirlockJanitorLocked
- uid: 2754
@@ -5703,14 +5733,6 @@ entities:
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- proto: APCBasic
- entities:
- - uid: 2614
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 9.5,19.5
- parent: 2173
- type: Transform
-- proto: APCBasicEmpImmune
- uid: 1671
@@ -5740,6 +5762,12 @@ entities:
- pos: -40.5,13.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
+ - uid: 2614
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,19.5
+ parent: 2173
+ type: Transform
- uid: 2860
- pos: 40.5,19.5
@@ -7322,15 +7350,11 @@ entities:
- pos: 30.5,26.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 626
- pos: 28.5,26.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 627
- pos: 25.5,26.5
@@ -7376,8 +7400,6 @@ entities:
- pos: 56.5,29.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 641
- pos: 20.5,24.5
@@ -7433,8 +7455,6 @@ entities:
- pos: 9.5,24.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 707
- pos: 8.5,28.5
@@ -7490,8 +7510,6 @@ entities:
- pos: 61.5,24.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1229
- pos: 44.5,26.5
@@ -7512,8 +7530,6 @@ entities:
- pos: 26.5,26.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1571
- pos: 23.5,26.5
@@ -7539,8 +7555,6 @@ entities:
- pos: -29.5,14.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1688
- pos: -28.5,14.5
@@ -7596,155 +7610,111 @@ entities:
- pos: -30.5,14.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1699
- pos: -30.5,15.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1700
- pos: -30.5,16.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1701
- pos: -30.5,17.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1702
- pos: -30.5,18.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1703
- pos: -31.5,18.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1704
- pos: -32.5,18.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1705
- pos: -33.5,18.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1706
- pos: -33.5,17.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1707
- pos: -33.5,16.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1708
- pos: -33.5,15.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1709
- pos: -33.5,14.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1710
- pos: -34.5,14.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1711
- pos: -34.5,16.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1712
- pos: -35.5,16.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1713
- pos: -36.5,16.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1714
- pos: -35.5,14.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1715
- pos: -36.5,14.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1716
- pos: -34.5,18.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1717
- pos: -35.5,18.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1718
- pos: -36.5,18.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1845
- pos: -2.5,7.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1846
- pos: -3.5,7.5
@@ -7765,29 +7735,21 @@ entities:
- pos: -1.5,7.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1850
- pos: -0.5,7.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1851
- pos: 0.5,7.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1852
- pos: 1.5,7.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1853
- pos: 2.5,7.5
@@ -8088,8 +8050,6 @@ entities:
- pos: 5.5,40.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1965
- pos: 5.5,41.5
@@ -8315,8 +8275,6 @@ entities:
- pos: 4.5,52.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 2023
- pos: 5.5,52.5
@@ -8707,8 +8665,6 @@ entities:
- pos: 58.5,29.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 2497
- pos: 56.5,26.5
@@ -8749,8 +8705,6 @@ entities:
- pos: 61.5,26.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 2593
- pos: 10.5,26.5
@@ -8766,8 +8720,6 @@ entities:
- pos: 9.5,19.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3031
- pos: 30.5,23.5
@@ -8788,8 +8740,6 @@ entities:
- pos: -49.5,16.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3180
- pos: -49.5,17.5
@@ -9055,8 +9005,6 @@ entities:
- pos: -28.5,9.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3233
- pos: -50.5,11.5
@@ -9322,8 +9270,6 @@ entities:
- pos: -41.5,0.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3286
- pos: -41.5,1.5
@@ -9444,99 +9390,71 @@ entities:
- pos: -29.5,7.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3310
- pos: -29.5,8.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3311
- pos: -29.5,9.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3312
- pos: -27.5,9.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3313
- pos: -26.5,9.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3314
- pos: -25.5,9.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3315
- pos: -24.5,9.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3316
- pos: -23.5,9.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3317
- pos: -22.5,9.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3318
- pos: -21.5,9.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3319
- pos: -21.5,10.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3320
- pos: -21.5,11.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3321
- pos: -21.5,12.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3322
- pos: -21.5,13.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3323
- pos: -22.5,13.5
@@ -9547,15 +9465,11 @@ entities:
- pos: -23.5,13.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3325
- pos: -23.5,12.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3326
- pos: 43.5,5.5
@@ -9566,8 +9480,6 @@ entities:
- pos: -40.5,13.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3328
- pos: -40.5,12.5
@@ -9713,8 +9625,6 @@ entities:
- pos: -18.5,5.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3357
- pos: -18.5,4.5
@@ -10240,8 +10150,6 @@ entities:
- pos: 17.5,5.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3462
- pos: 16.5,4.5
@@ -10357,8 +10265,6 @@ entities:
- pos: 30.5,-15.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3485
- pos: 29.5,-15.5
@@ -10719,8 +10625,6 @@ entities:
- pos: -31.5,-15.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3557
- pos: -30.5,-15.5
@@ -11181,8 +11085,6 @@ entities:
- pos: 46.5,0.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3649
- pos: 46.5,1.5
@@ -11408,78 +11310,56 @@ entities:
- pos: 52.5,5.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3694
- pos: 53.5,5.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3695
- pos: 53.5,6.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3696
- pos: 53.5,7.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3697
- pos: 53.5,8.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3698
- pos: 53.5,9.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3699
- pos: 53.5,10.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3700
- pos: 53.5,11.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3701
- pos: 53.5,12.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3702
- pos: 53.5,13.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3703
- pos: 52.5,13.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3704
- pos: 52.5,14.5
@@ -11510,15 +11390,11 @@ entities:
- pos: 50.5,15.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3710
- pos: 49.5,15.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3711
- pos: 48.5,15.5
@@ -11544,15 +11420,11 @@ entities:
- pos: 49.5,18.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3716
- pos: 50.5,18.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3717
- pos: 51.5,18.5
@@ -11563,15 +11435,11 @@ entities:
- pos: 51.5,13.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3719
- pos: 40.5,19.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3720
- pos: 40.5,18.5
@@ -11812,8 +11680,6 @@ entities:
- pos: 35.5,20.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3776
- pos: 36.5,20.5
@@ -11869,8 +11735,6 @@ entities:
- pos: 46.5,16.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3787
- pos: 45.5,16.5
@@ -12246,120 +12110,86 @@ entities:
- pos: 28.5,7.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3862
- pos: 28.5,8.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3863
- pos: 28.5,9.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3864
- pos: 28.5,10.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3865
- pos: 28.5,11.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3866
- pos: 28.5,12.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3867
- pos: 28.5,13.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3868
- pos: 28.5,14.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3869
- pos: 28.5,15.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3870
- pos: 27.5,15.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3871
- pos: 27.5,16.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3872
- pos: 27.5,17.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3873
- pos: 26.5,17.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3874
- pos: 25.5,17.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3875
- pos: 24.5,17.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3876
- pos: 23.5,17.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3877
- pos: 12.5,17.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3878
- pos: 12.5,16.5
@@ -12505,57 +12335,41 @@ entities:
- pos: 12.5,18.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3907
- pos: 13.5,18.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3908
- pos: 14.5,18.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3909
- pos: 15.5,18.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3910
- pos: 16.5,18.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3911
- pos: 17.5,18.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3912
- pos: 18.5,18.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3913
- pos: 19.5,18.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3914
- pos: 9.5,25.5
@@ -12876,8 +12690,6 @@ entities:
- pos: -2.5,28.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3999
- pos: -3.5,28.5
@@ -12968,8 +12780,6 @@ entities:
- pos: -3.5,25.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4017
- pos: -3.5,26.5
@@ -13105,8 +12915,6 @@ entities:
- pos: -8.5,13.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4387
- pos: -9.5,13.5
@@ -13187,8 +12995,6 @@ entities:
- pos: -18.5,13.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4403
- pos: -18.5,14.5
@@ -13244,8 +13050,6 @@ entities:
- pos: -12.5,18.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4414
- pos: -11.5,18.5
@@ -13316,15 +13120,11 @@ entities:
- pos: -12.5,13.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4428
- pos: -13.5,13.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4429
- pos: -14.5,13.5
@@ -13335,22 +13135,16 @@ entities:
- pos: -15.5,13.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4431
- pos: -16.5,13.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4432
- pos: -17.5,13.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4433
- pos: -13.5,14.5
@@ -13366,8 +13160,6 @@ entities:
- pos: -13.5,16.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4436
- pos: -13.5,17.5
@@ -13438,29 +13230,21 @@ entities:
- pos: 29.5,15.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 5860
- pos: 29.5,16.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 5861
- pos: 29.5,17.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 5862
- pos: 30.5,17.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 5863
- pos: 30.5,18.5
@@ -13588,15 +13372,11 @@ entities:
- pos: -37.5,8.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1607
- pos: -37.5,9.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1608
- pos: -36.5,11.5
@@ -13637,36 +13417,26 @@ entities:
- pos: -42.5,12.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1616
- pos: -42.5,11.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1617
- pos: -42.5,10.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1618
- pos: -42.5,9.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1619
- pos: -42.5,8.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1628
- pos: -38.5,9.5
@@ -13852,8 +13622,6 @@ entities:
- pos: -25.5,14.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1719
- pos: -29.5,6.5
@@ -13864,106 +13632,76 @@ entities:
- pos: -29.5,7.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1721
- pos: -29.5,8.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1722
- pos: -29.5,9.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1723
- pos: -28.5,9.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1724
- pos: -27.5,9.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1725
- pos: -26.5,9.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1726
- pos: -25.5,9.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1727
- pos: -24.5,9.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1728
- pos: -23.5,9.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1729
- pos: -22.5,9.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1730
- pos: -21.5,9.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1731
- pos: -21.5,10.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1732
- pos: -21.5,11.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1733
- pos: -21.5,12.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1734
- pos: -21.5,13.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1735
- pos: -22.5,13.5
@@ -13974,15 +13712,11 @@ entities:
- pos: -23.5,13.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1737
- pos: -23.5,12.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1738
- pos: -23.5,11.5
@@ -14298,92 +14032,66 @@ entities:
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1801
- pos: 28.5,8.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1802
- pos: 28.5,9.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1803
- pos: 28.5,10.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1804
- pos: 28.5,11.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1805
- pos: 28.5,12.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1806
- pos: 28.5,13.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1807
- pos: 28.5,14.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1808
- pos: 28.5,15.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1809
- pos: 27.5,15.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1810
- pos: 27.5,16.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1811
- pos: 27.5,17.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1812
- pos: 27.5,18.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1813
- pos: -3.5,5.5
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: -1.5,14.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: -2.5,14.5
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1939
- pos: -3.5,38.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1940
- pos: -3.5,39.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1941
- pos: -3.5,40.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 5803
- pos: -3.5,41.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- proto: CableMV
- uid: 669
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1673
- pos: -25.5,15.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1674
- pos: -25.5,16.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1675
- pos: -25.5,17.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1676
- pos: -25.5,18.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1677
- pos: -25.5,19.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1678
- pos: -26.5,19.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1679
- pos: -27.5,19.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1680
- pos: -28.5,19.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1681
- pos: -29.5,19.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1682
- pos: -29.5,18.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1683
- pos: -29.5,17.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1684
- pos: -29.5,16.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1685
- pos: -29.5,15.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1686
- pos: -29.5,14.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: -2.5,14.5
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1944
- pos: -3.5,35.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1945
- pos: -2.5,35.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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- pos: -1.5,35.5
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1950
- pos: -3.5,39.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1951
- pos: -3.5,40.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1952
- pos: -3.5,41.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1954
- pos: -3.5,40.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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- pos: -2.5,40.5
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1971
- pos: 4.5,51.5
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: 10.5,20.5
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: -25.5,12.5
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
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- pos: -40.5,11.5
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 2932
- pos: -23.5,13.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: -22.5,13.5
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: -21.5,12.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 2936
- pos: -21.5,11.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: -21.5,10.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 2938
- pos: -21.5,9.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 2939
- pos: -22.5,9.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 2940
- pos: -23.5,9.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 2941
- pos: -24.5,9.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 2942
- pos: -25.5,9.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 2943
- pos: -26.5,9.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 2944
- pos: -27.5,9.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 2945
- pos: -28.5,9.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 2946
- pos: -29.5,9.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 2947
- pos: -29.5,7.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: -29.5,6.5
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
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- pos: 28.5,3.5
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: -28.5,4.5
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: 3.5,25.5
@@ -15844,8 +15424,6 @@ entities:
- pos: 10.5,19.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: 1.5,21.5
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3050
- pos: 27.5,17.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3051
- pos: 27.5,16.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3052
- pos: 27.5,15.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3053
- pos: 28.5,15.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3054
- pos: 28.5,14.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3055
- pos: 28.5,13.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3056
- pos: 28.5,12.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3057
- pos: 28.5,11.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3058
- pos: 28.5,10.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3059
- pos: 28.5,9.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3060
- pos: 28.5,8.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3061
- pos: 28.5,7.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3062
- pos: 28.5,6.5
@@ -16067,8 +15619,6 @@ entities:
- pos: 17.5,5.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3077
- pos: 29.5,4.5
@@ -16179,134 +15729,96 @@ entities:
- pos: 46.5,0.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3099
- pos: 26.5,17.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3100
- pos: 25.5,17.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3101
- pos: 24.5,17.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3102
- pos: 23.5,17.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3103
- pos: 23.5,18.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3104
- pos: 22.5,18.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3105
- pos: 21.5,18.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3106
- pos: 20.5,18.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3107
- pos: 19.5,18.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3108
- pos: 18.5,18.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3109
- pos: 17.5,18.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3110
- pos: 16.5,18.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3111
- pos: 15.5,18.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3112
- pos: 14.5,18.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3113
- pos: 13.5,18.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3114
- pos: 12.5,18.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3115
- pos: 12.5,17.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3116
- pos: 29.5,14.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3117
- pos: 30.5,14.5
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- pos: 40.5,19.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3133
- pos: 37.5,18.5
@@ -16509,22 +16019,16 @@ entities:
- pos: 30.5,-15.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3939
- pos: 10.5,18.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3948
- pos: 11.5,18.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4604
- pos: -51.5,8.5
@@ -16540,8 +16044,6 @@ entities:
- pos: 9.5,19.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 5731
- pos: 41.5,18.5
@@ -16582,8 +16084,6 @@ entities:
- pos: 46.5,16.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 6020
- pos: 8.5,20.5
@@ -17626,6 +17126,11 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- proto: ComputerRadar
+ - uid: 345
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+ - pos: 21.5,26.5
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- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
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+ - pos: 47.5,26.5
+ parent: 2173
+ type: Transform
- proto: ComputerShipyard
- uid: 2120
@@ -17752,6 +17262,8 @@ entities:
pos: 12.5,14.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
+ - maxRange: 512
+ type: RadarConsole
- proto: ComputerStationRecords
- uid: 2633
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occludes: True
ents: []
type: ContainerContainer
- - uid: 6010
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 30.5,-20.5
- parent: 2173
- type: Transform
- - containers:
- bank-ATM-cashSlot: !type:ContainerSlot
- showEnts: False
- occludes: True
- ent: null
- board: !type:Container
- showEnts: False
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- ents: []
- type: ContainerContainer
- - uid: 6011
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -31.5,-20.5
- parent: 2173
- type: Transform
- - containers:
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- showEnts: False
- occludes: True
- ent: null
- board: !type:Container
- showEnts: False
- occludes: True
- ents: []
- type: ContainerContainer
- uid: 6012
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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type: Transform
- proto: DefibrillatorCabinetFilled
- - uid: 5727
+ - uid: 2229
- - pos: -54.5,9.5
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -46.5,12.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - uid: 5728
+ - uid: 2555
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -27.5,-20.5
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -55.5,5.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - uid: 5733
+ - uid: 5728
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 26.5,-20.5
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -27.5,-20.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- uid: 5734
@@ -19660,8 +19141,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- enabled: True
type: PointLight
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- type: ActiveEmergencyLight
- uid: 4325
@@ -19671,8 +19150,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- enabled: True
type: PointLight
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type: Transform
- enabled: True
type: PointLight
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type: Transform
- enabled: True
type: PointLight
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type: Transform
- enabled: True
type: PointLight
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- uid: 4329
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type: Transform
- enabled: True
type: PointLight
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- type: ActiveEmergencyLight
- uid: 4330
@@ -19725,8 +19194,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- enabled: True
type: PointLight
- - enabled: True
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- type: ActiveEmergencyLight
- uid: 4331
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type: Transform
- enabled: True
type: PointLight
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- type: ActiveEmergencyLight
- uid: 4332
@@ -19747,8 +19212,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- enabled: True
type: PointLight
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- type: ActiveEmergencyLight
- uid: 4333
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type: Transform
- enabled: True
type: PointLight
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- type: ActiveEmergencyLight
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@@ -19768,8 +19229,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: PointLight
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- type: ActiveEmergencyLight
- uid: 4335
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type: Transform
- enabled: True
type: PointLight
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- type: ActiveEmergencyLight
- uid: 4336
@@ -19789,8 +19246,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- enabled: True
type: PointLight
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- type: ActiveEmergencyLight
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type: Transform
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type: PointLight
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type: Transform
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type: PointLight
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type: Transform
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type: PointLight
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type: Transform
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type: PointLight
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type: Transform
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type: PointLight
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type: Transform
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type: PointLight
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type: Transform
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type: PointLight
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type: Transform
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type: PointLight
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type: Transform
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type: PointLight
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type: Transform
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type: PointLight
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type: Transform
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type: PointLight
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type: Transform
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type: PointLight
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type: Transform
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type: PointLight
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type: Transform
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type: PointLight
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type: Transform
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type: PointLight
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type: Transform
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type: PointLight
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type: Transform
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type: PointLight
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type: Transform
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type: PointLight
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type: Transform
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type: PointLight
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type: Transform
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type: PointLight
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- proto: EmergencyMedipen
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pos: -38.5,17.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: -37.5,7.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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pos: -35.5,16.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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pos: -35.5,14.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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- uid: 1094
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -34.5,14.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1095
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -34.5,16.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1096
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pos: -34.5,17.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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- uid: 1097
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -34.5,18.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1098
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -33.5,14.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1099
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -33.5,16.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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- uid: 1100
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -33.5,17.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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- uid: 1101
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -33.5,18.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1103
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -35.5,18.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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- uid: 1104
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -35.5,17.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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- uid: 1105
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -36.5,17.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -37.5,17.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: -34.5,7.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: 30.5,26.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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pos: 28.5,26.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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pos: 26.5,26.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
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- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
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pos: 8.5,23.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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pos: -32.5,8.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: -42.5,3.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: -30.5,3.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: -29.5,-4.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: -29.5,-16.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: -32.5,-26.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: -26.5,-26.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: -29.5,-29.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: -50.5,4.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: -48.5,11.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: -49.5,17.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: -18.5,3.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: -5.5,4.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: 4.5,4.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: 17.5,3.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: 28.5,3.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: 40.5,3.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: 46.5,12.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: 53.5,2.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: 60.5,2.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: 57.5,-0.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: 31.5,8.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: 36.5,18.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: 28.5,-4.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: 28.5,-16.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: 28.5,-29.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: 31.5,-26.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: 25.5,-26.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: -4.5,15.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: 13.5,15.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: -0.5,22.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: -0.5,33.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: 1.5,40.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: 10.5,54.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: -4.5,44.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: -0.5,17.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 5975
- pos: 10.5,25.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 5976
- pos: 21.5,25.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 6005
- pos: 60.5,25.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
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- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 57.5,28.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
- proto: GasVentScrubber
- uid: 4493
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pos: -32.5,11.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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@@ -28551,8 +27778,6 @@ entities:
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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@@ -28561,8 +27786,6 @@ entities:
pos: -29.5,-5.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: -29.5,-17.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: -29.5,-26.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: -58.5,2.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: -47.5,17.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: -44.5,14.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: -44.5,17.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: -51.5,13.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- uid: 4844
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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@@ -28739,8 +27926,6 @@ entities:
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: 39.5,8.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: 35.5,8.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: 31.5,10.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: 38.5,10.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: 36.5,19.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: 28.5,-5.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- uid: 5065
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pos: 28.5,-17.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- uid: 5067
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pos: 28.5,-26.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- uid: 5148
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pos: -4.5,11.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- uid: 5149
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pos: 3.5,11.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- uid: 5150
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pos: -0.5,10.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- uid: 5165
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pos: -4.5,23.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- uid: 5166
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pos: -4.5,27.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: -0.5,16.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: 14.5,15.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: -0.5,24.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- uid: 5268
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pos: 6.5,21.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- uid: 5269
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pos: 7.5,23.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- uid: 5277
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pos: -0.5,31.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- uid: 5301
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pos: -0.5,40.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: 1.5,47.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- uid: 5918
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- pos: 6.5,27.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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- uid: 5919
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 20.5,25.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 5920
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 32.5,25.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 5941
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 57.5,25.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 5942
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 41.5,25.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- proto: GasVolumePump
- uid: 1109
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parent: 2173
type: Transform
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- pos: -17.5,10.5
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pos: 39.5,23.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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pos: 34.5,23.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 705
- pos: 21.5,26.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1197
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 20.5,20.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1208
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 57.5,24.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1244
- pos: 57.5,3.5
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pos: 9.5,25.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 2681
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
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pos: 36.5,22.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4192
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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pos: 9.5,20.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4252
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
@@ -32749,16 +31859,12 @@ entities:
- pos: 47.5,26.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 6024
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -11.5,16.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- proto: PoweredlightLED
- uid: 4191
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- pos: -5.5,13.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- - uid: 2555
- components:
- - pos: 49.5,4.5
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- uid: 2658
- pos: 4.5,13.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
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- components:
- - pos: 29.5,-19.5
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- - uid: 5748
- components:
- - pos: -30.5,-19.5
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- uid: 5823
- pos: 40.5,22.5
@@ -36281,7 +35372,13 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- containers:
board: !type:Container
+ showEnts: False
+ occludes: True
ents: []
+ station-bank-ATM-cashSlot: !type:ContainerSlot
+ showEnts: False
+ occludes: True
+ ent: null
type: ContainerContainer
- uid: 5749
@@ -36291,7 +35388,13 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- containers:
board: !type:Container
+ showEnts: False
+ occludes: True
ents: []
+ station-bank-ATM-cashSlot: !type:ContainerSlot
+ showEnts: False
+ occludes: True
+ ent: null
type: ContainerContainer
- proto: Stool
@@ -36960,15 +36063,6 @@ entities:
- pos: 48.5,16.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
-- proto: VendingMachineAmmo
- entities:
- - uid: 345
- components:
- - flags: SessionSpecific
- type: MetaData
- - pos: 12.5,5.5
- parent: 2173
- type: Transform
- proto: VendingMachineAstroVend
- uid: 2756
@@ -36985,22 +36079,11 @@ entities:
- pos: 4.5,51.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
-- proto: VendingMachineBountyVend
- entities:
- - uid: 5848
- components:
- - flags: SessionSpecific
- type: MetaData
- - pos: 42.5,13.5
- parent: 2173
- type: Transform
-- proto: VendingMachineBoxingDrobe
+- proto: VendingMachineCargoDrobe
- - uid: 4249
+ - uid: 5746
- - flags: SessionSpecific
- type: MetaData
- - pos: 30.5,5.5
+ - pos: 6.5,6.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
- proto: VendingMachineCart
@@ -37023,6 +36106,11 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- proto: VendingMachineCigs
+ - uid: 2420
+ components:
+ - pos: 49.5,4.5
+ parent: 2173
+ type: Transform
- uid: 5705
- flags: SessionSpecific
@@ -37041,13 +36129,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- proto: VendingMachineClothing
- - uid: 2413
- components:
- - flags: SessionSpecific
- type: MetaData
- - pos: 6.5,6.5
- parent: 2173
- type: Transform
- uid: 2433
- flags: SessionSpecific
@@ -37064,6 +36145,20 @@ entities:
- pos: -18.5,12.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
+- proto: VendingMachineCuraDrobe
+ entities:
+ - uid: 4249
+ components:
+ - pos: 12.5,5.5
+ parent: 2173
+ type: Transform
+- proto: VendingMachineDetDrobe
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5727
+ components:
+ - pos: 42.5,13.5
+ parent: 2173
+ type: Transform
- proto: VendingMachineEngivend
- uid: 2418
@@ -37082,6 +36177,13 @@ entities:
- pos: -3.5,22.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
+- proto: VendingMachineLawDrobe
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5733
+ components:
+ - pos: 30.5,5.5
+ parent: 2173
+ type: Transform
- proto: VendingMachineMailDrobe
- uid: 2664
@@ -37093,6 +36195,11 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- proto: VendingMachineMedical
+ - uid: 2413
+ components:
+ - pos: -54.5,8.5
+ parent: 2173
+ type: Transform
- uid: 2439
- flags: SessionSpecific
@@ -37100,6 +36207,20 @@ entities:
- pos: -45.5,7.5
parent: 2173
type: Transform
+- proto: VendingMachineMediDrobe
+ entities:
+ - uid: 4139
+ components:
+ - pos: -45.5,10.5
+ parent: 2173
+ type: Transform
+- proto: VendingMachineRepDrobe
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5748
+ components:
+ - pos: 10.5,6.5
+ parent: 2173
+ type: Transform
- proto: VendingMachineSalvage
- uid: 2411
@@ -37154,13 +36275,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- proto: VendingMachineTheater
- - uid: 2420
- components:
- - flags: SessionSpecific
- type: MetaData
- - pos: 10.5,6.5
- parent: 2173
- type: Transform
- uid: 2434
- flags: SessionSpecific
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/lodge.yml b/Resources/Maps/lodge.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e1137de0d50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Maps/lodge.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,10418 @@
+ format: 6
+ postmapinit: false
+ 0: Space
+ 26: FloorDark
+ 31: FloorDarkMono
+ 33: FloorDarkPavement
+ 34: FloorDarkPavementVertical
+ 59: FloorLino
+ 83: FloorSteel
+ 95: FloorTechMaint
+ 96: FloorTechMaint2
+ 103: FloorWhiteMini
+ 109: FloorWood
+ 111: Lattice
+ 112: Plating
+- proto: ""
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1
+ components:
+ - name: Expeditionary Lodge
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: -0.421875,-0.421875
+ parent: invalid
+ type: Transform
+ - chunks:
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+ version: 6
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+ version: 6
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+ version: 6
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+ ind: 2,-1
+ version: 6
+ 0,1:
+ ind: 0,1
+ version: 6
+ -1,1:
+ ind: -1,1
+ version: 6
+ -2,1:
+ ind: -2,1
+ version: 6
+ 1,1:
+ ind: 1,1
+ version: 6
+ type: MapGrid
+ - type: Broadphase
+ - bodyStatus: InAir
+ angularDamping: 0.05
+ linearDamping: 0.05
+ fixedRotation: False
+ bodyType: Dynamic
+ type: Physics
+ - fixtures: {}
+ type: Fixtures
+ - type: OccluderTree
+ - type: SpreaderGrid
+ - type: Shuttle
+ - type: GridPathfinding
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+ path: /Audio/Effects/alert.ogg
+ type: Gravity
+ - chunkCollection:
+ version: 2
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+ angle: -3.141592653589793 rad
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+ 177: 24,-1
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+ 180: 21,-1
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+ 216: -16,-1
+ 217: -17,-1
+ 218: -18,-1
+ 219: -20,-1
+ 220: -21,-1
+ 221: -22,-1
+ 222: -24,-1
+ 223: -23,-1
+ 224: -25,-1
+ 225: -26,-1
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+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: BrickTileDarkLineW
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+ 293: -1,15
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+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
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+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
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+ id: BrickTileWhiteCornerSe
+ decals:
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+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: BrickTileWhiteCornerSe
+ decals:
+ 74: 13,14
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: BrickTileWhiteCornerSw
+ decals:
+ 75: 11,14
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+ color: '#52B4E996'
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+ 288: -7,15
+ 289: -7,16
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: BrickTileWhiteLineN
+ decals:
+ 76: 12,15
+ - node:
+ color: '#52B4E996'
+ id: BrickTileWhiteLineS
+ decals:
+ 286: -8,14
+ 287: -9,14
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: BrickTileWhiteLineS
+ decals:
+ 77: 12,14
+ - node:
+ cleanable: True
+ color: '#A4610696'
+ id: Dirt
+ decals:
+ 921: -8,11
+ 922: -7,11
+ 923: -9,12
+ 924: -8,12
+ 925: -7,12
+ 926: -9,11
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+ 1208: -12,19
+ 1209: -10,19
+ 1210: -10,18
+ 1211: -14,19
+ 1212: -15,19
+ 1213: -14,17
+ 1214: -10,18
+ 1215: -8,19
+ 1216: -8,19
+ 1217: -11,20
+ 1218: -7,19
+ 1219: -7,19
+ 1220: -11,18
+ 1221: -5,10
+ 1222: -5,11
+ 1223: -5,11
+ 1224: -4,11
+ 1225: -4,11
+ 1226: -4,9
+ 1227: -5,6
+ 1228: 0,6
+ 1229: -8,7
+ 1230: -8,9
+ 1231: -7,9
+ 1232: -7,9
+ 1233: -8,9
+ 1234: -9,8
+ 1235: -8,7
+ 1236: -7,8
+ 1237: -6,9
+ 1238: -6,8
+ 1239: -6,8
+ 1240: -7,8
+ 1241: -8,4
+ 1242: -7,7
+ 1243: -8,6
+ 1244: -8,6
+ 1245: -7,6
+ 1246: -9,6
+ 1247: -8,8
+ 1248: -6,7
+ 1249: -3,7
+ 1250: -3,8
+ 1251: -3,8
+ 1252: -1,7
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+ 1254: -4,7
+ 1255: -4,7
+ 1256: -5,7
+ 1257: -5,6
+ 1258: -5,8
+ 1259: -4,6
+ 1260: -3,6
+ 1261: -1,6
+ 1262: 1,6
+ 1263: 3,7
+ 1264: 4,7
+ 1265: 2,6
+ 1266: 3,6
+ 1267: 5,6
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+ 1269: 4,8
+ 1270: 5,6
+ 1271: 5,8
+ 1272: 5,10
+ 1273: 4,10
+ 1274: 4,8
+ 1275: 5,12
+ 1276: 8,11
+ 1277: 7,11
+ 1278: 7,10
+ 1279: 7,9
+ 1280: 8,7
+ 1281: 8,6
+ 1282: 7,7
+ 1283: 6,9
+ 1284: 6,11
+ 1285: 6,12
+ 1286: 6,12
+ 1287: 7,10
+ 1288: 8,8
+ 1289: 9,8
+ 1290: 9,11
+ 1291: 9,10
+ 1292: 9,8
+ 1293: 9,8
+ 1294: 8,7
+ 1295: 8,7
+ 1296: 8,5
+ 1297: 8,5
+ 1298: 8,7
+ 1299: 7,9
+ 1300: 8,10
+ 1301: 7,11
+ 1302: 8,9
+ 1303: 7,9
+ 1304: 7,8
+ 1305: 7,11
+ 1306: 7,11
+ 1307: 5,12
+ 1308: 3,11
+ 1309: 4,8
+ 1310: 3,8
+ 1311: 0,8
+ 1312: -1,7
+ 1313: -2,7
+ 1314: -5,7
+ 1315: -5,6
+ 1316: -5,6
+ 1317: 1,4
+ 1318: 2,3
+ 1319: 2,2
+ 1320: 0,3
+ 1321: -2,2
+ 1322: -3,0
+ 1323: -3,0
+ 1324: -2,0
+ 1325: 0,1
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+ 1327: 1,1
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+ 1329: 0,0
+ 1330: 0,1
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+ 1332: -1,1
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+ 1337: 2,1
+ 1338: 0,0
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+ 1340: -1,1
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+ 1354: 10,0
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+ - node:
+ cleanable: True
+ color: '#A4610696'
+ id: DirtHeavy
+ decals:
+ 300: -34,1
+ 301: -34,0
+ 302: -34,-1
+ 303: -32,3
+ 304: -31,3
+ 305: -30,3
+ 306: -32,-3
+ 307: -31,-3
+ 308: -30,-3
+ 309: -32,-1
+ 310: -32,0
+ 311: -32,1
+ 312: -31,0
+ 313: -31,0
+ 314: -30,0
+ 315: -28,0
+ 316: -27,0
+ 317: -24,0
+ 318: -23,1
+ 319: -21,1
+ 320: -20,1
+ 321: -20,0
+ 322: -20,1
+ 323: -20,0
+ 324: -22,1
+ 325: -23,-1
+ 326: -24,-1
+ 327: -26,1
+ 328: -27,1
+ 329: -28,-1
+ 330: -29,-1
+ 331: -29,1
+ 332: -30,1
+ 333: -30,-1
+ 334: -30,-1
+ 335: -30,1
+ 336: -29,0
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+ 338: -31,1
+ 339: -30,-1
+ 340: -27,0
+ 341: -28,1
+ 342: -28,-1
+ 343: -26,-1
+ 344: -23,-1
+ 345: -27,1
+ 346: -28,1
+ 347: -29,1
+ 348: -29,0
+ 349: -29,-1
+ 350: -25,1
+ 351: -24,1
+ 352: -26,1
+ 353: -25,-1
+ 354: -22,0
+ 355: -21,1
+ 356: -22,1
+ 357: -23,0
+ 358: -24,0
+ 359: -25,0
+ 360: -21,0
+ 361: -24,0
+ 362: -20,0
+ 363: -26,0
+ 364: -21,1
+ 365: -20,1
+ 366: -20,0
+ 367: -20,-1
+ 368: -17,-1
+ 369: -17,1
+ 370: -14,1
+ 371: -15,2
+ 372: -16,2
+ 373: -16,-1
+ 374: -18,-1
+ 375: -14,-1
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+ 377: -12,1
+ 378: -13,0
+ 379: -14,-1
+ 380: -17,1
+ 381: -18,1
+ 382: -18,0
+ 383: -16,1
+ 384: -15,0
+ 385: -17,0
+ 386: -17,0
+ 387: -13,0
+ 388: -14,1
+ 389: -14,2
+ 390: -15,2
+ 391: -16,2
+ 392: -17,2
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+ 394: -13,3
+ 395: -13,2
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+ 415: -9,3
+ 416: -6,3
+ 417: -6,3
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+ 421: -11,3
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+ 428: -11,-1
+ 429: -9,-1
+ 430: -9,0
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+ 432: -10,-1
+ 433: -11,0
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+ 435: -6,-1
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+ 475: -4,4
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+ 488: 1,-1
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+ 493: -1,-3
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+ 510: 6,2
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+ 514: 7,-1
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+ 517: 10,1
+ 518: 9,0
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+ 522: 10,3
+ 523: 9,2
+ 524: 11,-1
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+ 526: 12,2
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+ 528: 15,1
+ 529: 12,3
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+ 532: 11,2
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+ 534: 8,2
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+ 537: 6,0
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+ 543: 8,3
+ 544: 8,1
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+ 547: 13,1
+ 548: 17,0
+ 549: 18,1
+ 550: 14,0
+ 551: 12,0
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+ 553: 18,0
+ 554: 16,0
+ 555: 18,1
+ 556: 18,0
+ 557: 18,-1
+ 558: 20,-1
+ 559: 20,1
+ 560: 21,0
+ 561: 22,-1
+ 562: 24,0
+ 563: 25,0
+ 564: 24,-1
+ 565: 22,0
+ 566: 21,1
+ 567: 23,-1
+ 568: 27,0
+ 569: 26,1
+ 570: 26,-1
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+ 572: 30,0
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+ 574: 29,0
+ 575: 31,0
+ 576: 26,0
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+ 586: 34,1
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+ 593: 33,1
+ 594: 31,0
+ 595: 31,-1
+ 596: 30,0
+ 597: 29,0
+ 598: 28,-1
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+ 600: 28,1
+ 601: 28,-1
+ 602: 27,-1
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+ 604: 25,0
+ 605: 24,-1
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+ 858: 0,21
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+ 860: 0,23
+ 861: 1,23
+ 862: -1,23
+ 863: 2,20
+ 864: -1,21
+ 865: -3,20
+ 866: -2,19
+ 867: -4,19
+ 868: -5,17
+ 869: -4,16
+ 870: -4,16
+ 871: -7,19
+ 872: -8,18
+ 873: -9,16
+ 874: -8,16
+ 875: -8,15
+ 876: -9,15
+ 877: -8,15
+ 878: -8,15
+ 879: -9,14
+ 880: -8,16
+ 881: -9,16
+ 882: -9,15
+ 883: -9,16
+ 884: -11,17
+ 885: -11,15
+ 886: -12,15
+ 887: -13,17
+ 888: -13,19
+ 889: -14,20
+ 890: -16,19
+ 891: -16,18
+ 892: -17,20
+ 893: -18,19
+ 894: -18,18
+ 895: -18,19
+ 896: -18,20
+ 897: -18,20
+ 898: -15,20
+ 899: -16,16
+ 900: -16,19
+ 901: -15,20
+ 902: -14,18
+ 903: -15,20
+ 904: -14,20
+ 905: -15,19
+ 906: -15,18
+ 907: -13,18
+ 908: -11,20
+ 909: -12,20
+ 910: -10,19
+ 911: -9,10
+ 912: -9,11
+ 913: -6,10
+ 914: -8,10
+ 915: -7,10
+ 916: -6,11
+ 917: -6,12
+ 918: -6,9
+ 919: -7,10
+ 920: -8,10
+ 927: -6,10
+ 928: -6,11
+ 929: -6,12
+ 937: -5,16
+ 938: -5,16
+ 939: -4,19
+ 940: -4,21
+ 941: -1,19
+ 942: -2,19
+ 943: 0,20
+ 944: 2,21
+ 945: 3,20
+ 946: 2,19
+ 947: 0,20
+ 948: -1,20
+ 949: 0,18
+ 950: 4,20
+ 951: 5,18
+ 952: 6,18
+ 953: 5,18
+ 954: 4,16
+ 955: 7,21
+ 956: 8,20
+ 957: 8,18
+ 958: 7,19
+ 959: 10,20
+ 960: 9,17
+ 961: 8,16
+ 962: 7,15
+ 963: 10,16
+ 964: 9,15
+ 965: 7,15
+ 966: 8,17
+ 967: 8,16
+ 968: 7,15
+ 969: 8,14
+ 970: 9,17
+ 971: 11,16
+ 972: 11,15
+ 973: 12,15
+ 974: 13,15
+ 975: 12,14
+ 976: 11,14
+ 977: 11,15
+ 978: 13,14
+ 979: 13,14
+ 980: 11,14
+ 981: 13,14
+ 982: 11,14
+ 990: 14,19
+ 991: 14,20
+ 992: 15,20
+ 993: 16,19
+ 994: 17,20
+ 995: 18,19
+ 996: 18,18
+ 997: 18,20
+ 998: 18,20
+ 999: 18,19
+ 1000: 17,19
+ 1001: 14,21
+ 1002: 12,19
+ 1003: 9,18
+ 1051: -16,19
+ 1052: -16,20
+ 1053: -16,18
+ 1054: -15,18
+ 1055: -14,17
+ 1056: -13,17
+ 1057: -15,17
+ 1058: -17,17
+ 1059: -16,20
+ 1060: -14,20
+ 1061: -13,18
+ 1062: -11,17
+ 1063: -11,16
+ 1064: -11,17
+ 1065: -8,18
+ 1066: -8,19
+ 1067: -11,17
+ 1068: -13,16
+ 1069: -13,19
+ 1070: -12,18
+ 1071: -8,19
+ 1072: -3,19
+ 1073: 0,19
+ 1074: 2,20
+ 1075: 5,20
+ 1076: 7,18
+ 1077: 10,18
+ 1078: 11,20
+ 1079: 14,19
+ 1080: 13,18
+ 1081: 16,17
+ 1082: 16,17
+ 1083: 11,18
+ 1084: 11,17
+ 1085: 13,17
+ 1086: 13,17
+ 1087: 11,17
+ 1088: 9,17
+ 1089: 9,15
+ 1090: 9,14
+ 1091: 10,17
+ 1092: 12,18
+ 1093: 14,19
+ 1094: 14,21
+ 1095: 15,21
+ 1096: 16,21
+ 1097: 16,20
+ 1098: 14,20
+ 1099: 15,19
+ 1100: 13,18
+ 1101: 13,17
+ 1102: 12,21
+ 1103: 11,20
+ 1104: 12,20
+ 1105: 11,21
+ 1106: 8,20
+ 1107: 7,20
+ 1108: 7,19
+ 1109: 8,18
+ 1110: 8,19
+ 1111: 12,21
+ 1112: 12,19
+ 1113: 13,21
+ 1114: 12,18
+ 1115: 12,17
+ 1116: 8,17
+ 1117: 8,15
+ 1118: 8,15
+ 1119: 7,16
+ 1120: 14,19
+ 1121: 6,18
+ 1122: 4,19
+ 1123: 4,16
+ 1124: 4,17
+ 1125: 4,20
+ 1126: 4,21
+ 1127: -2,20
+ 1128: 1,21
+ 1129: 2,21
+ 1130: 0,19
+ 1131: -2,21
+ 1132: -4,19
+ 1133: -5,20
+ 1134: -7,18
+ 1135: -8,19
+ 1136: -10,20
+ 1137: -11,18
+ 1138: -12,20
+ 1139: -14,16
+ 1140: -17,18
+ 1141: -15,20
+ 1142: -15,17
+ 1143: -15,17
+ 1144: -11,17
+ 1145: -10,15
+ 1146: -3,19
+ 1147: -1,18
+ 1148: 4,19
+ 1149: 6,19
+ 1150: 7,16
+ 1151: 11,18
+ 1152: 13,18
+ 1153: 15,19
+ 1154: 15,17
+ 1155: 14,17
+ - node:
+ cleanable: True
+ color: '#A4610696'
+ id: DirtHeavyMonotile
+ decals:
+ 606: 34,-1
+ 607: 34,0
+ 608: 34,1
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+ 614: 32,-3
+ 615: 32,-1
+ 616: 32,0
+ 617: 31,-1
+ 618: 29,-1
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+ 620: 28,0
+ 621: 26,1
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+ 624: 21,1
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+ 627: 16,1
+ 628: 16,0
+ 629: 15,1
+ 630: 11,2
+ 631: 9,2
+ 632: 10,-1
+ 633: 8,-1
+ 634: 7,-1
+ 635: 8,0
+ 636: 11,0
+ 637: 11,0
+ 638: 8,0
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+ 640: 5,1
+ 641: 6,3
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+ 643: 10,3
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+ 650: -1,-1
+ 651: -1,-1
+ 652: -1,0
+ 653: -3,-1
+ 654: -3,0
+ 655: -4,1
+ 656: -3,2
+ 657: -3,4
+ 658: -4,4
+ 659: -5,3
+ 660: -5,1
+ 661: -7,1
+ 662: -6,4
+ 663: -7,1
+ 664: -8,0
+ 665: -2,-2
+ 666: -1,-3
+ 667: 0,-3
+ 668: 1,-3
+ 669: 0,-1
+ 670: -1,-1
+ 671: -1,-1
+ 672: -5,0
+ 673: -1,0
+ 674: -2,2
+ 675: -5,0
+ 676: -7,0
+ 677: -9,0
+ 678: -11,-1
+ 679: -12,3
+ 680: -13,3
+ 681: -12,4
+ 682: -12,1
+ 683: -15,0
+ 684: -17,1
+ 685: -17,0
+ 686: -17,-1
+ 687: -21,0
+ 688: -22,-1
+ 689: -23,0
+ 690: -25,1
+ 691: -28,-1
+ 692: -29,0
+ 693: -31,-1
+ 694: -32,0
+ 695: -32,1
+ 696: -34,0
+ 697: -34,1
+ 698: -34,-1
+ 699: -34,-1
+ 700: -34,0
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+ 702: -32,3
+ 703: -31,3
+ 704: -30,3
+ 705: -31,3
+ 706: -32,-3
+ 707: -31,-3
+ 708: -30,-3
+ 709: -30,-1
+ 710: -30,0
+ 711: -26,1
+ 712: -25,-2
+ 713: -26,-1
+ 714: -25,-1
+ 715: -20,1
+ 716: -20,0
+ 717: -20,-1
+ 718: -21,0
+ 719: -17,1
+ 720: -18,-1
+ 721: -17,1
+ 722: -14,0
+ 723: -11,1
+ 724: -10,1
+ 725: -5,3
+ 726: -4,4
+ 727: -2,4
+ 728: -5,4
+ 837: -5,14
+ 838: -4,14
+ 846: 4,14
+ 983: 12,15
+ 984: 13,14
+ 985: 12,14
+ 1004: 13,19
+ 1005: 12,18
+ 1006: 10,18
+ 1007: 10,19
+ 1008: 11,18
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+ 1010: 8,16
+ 1011: 8,17
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+ 1013: 7,19
+ 1014: 5,19
+ 1015: 5,17
+ 1016: 5,18
+ 1017: 3,19
+ 1018: 2,19
+ 1019: 0,19
+ 1020: -1,18
+ 1021: -3,19
+ 1022: -4,19
+ 1023: -4,20
+ 1024: -4,19
+ 1025: -5,19
+ 1026: -5,21
+ 1027: -4,17
+ 1028: -5,17
+ 1029: -6,19
+ 1030: -8,19
+ 1031: -10,18
+ 1032: -12,17
+ 1033: -12,16
+ 1034: -12,17
+ 1035: -12,16
+ 1036: -11,15
+ 1037: -13,15
+ 1038: -13,17
+ 1039: -11,15
+ 1040: -11,15
+ 1041: -12,16
+ 1042: -11,16
+ 1043: -11,16
+ 1044: -11,17
+ 1045: -11,16
+ 1046: -14,19
+ 1047: -16,19
+ 1048: -16,18
+ 1049: -15,19
+ 1050: -16,20
+ - node:
+ cleanable: True
+ color: '#A4610696'
+ id: DirtLight
+ decals:
+ 783: 15,1
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+ 786: 13,-1
+ 787: 15,0
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+ 812: -16,1
+ 813: -15,1
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+ 816: -20,0
+ 817: -23,1
+ 818: -25,1
+ 819: -27,0
+ 820: -30,-1
+ 821: -33,0
+ 822: -34,1
+ 823: -34,0
+ 824: -34,-1
+ 825: -32,3
+ 826: -30,3
+ 827: -29,3
+ 828: -32,-3
+ 829: -31,-3
+ 830: -30,-3
+ 831: -27,0
+ 832: -24,0
+ 833: -21,-1
+ 834: -18,0
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+ 840: -4,14
+ 844: 4,14
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+ 732: -4,3
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+ 735: -9,2
+ 736: -11,2
+ 737: -13,0
+ 738: -16,2
+ 739: -19,0
+ 740: -21,0
+ 741: -24,0
+ 742: -26,-1
+ 743: -29,0
+ 744: -30,1
+ 745: -30,0
+ 746: -32,-1
+ 747: -29,1
+ 748: -26,-1
+ 749: -24,-1
+ 750: -21,1
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+ 756: -7,1
+ 757: -4,0
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+ 760: 2,0
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+ 763: 9,0
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+ 765: 13,0
+ 766: 16,0
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+ 768: 20,-1
+ 769: 22,0
+ 770: 24,1
+ 771: 26,0
+ 772: 29,0
+ 773: 31,0
+ 774: 33,-1
+ 775: 34,1
+ 776: 31,3
+ 777: 30,3
+ 778: 30,-3
+ 779: 31,-3
+ 780: 31,0
+ 781: 28,0
+ 782: 25,-1
+ 841: -4,14
+ 842: 4,14
+ 843: 5,14
+ 987: 11,15
+ 988: 11,14
+ 989: 12,14
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+ 1159: 15,17
+ 1160: 14,18
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+ 1170: 7,15
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+ 1179: -10,20
+ 1180: -12,19
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+ 1182: -16,18
+ 1183: -15,19
+ 1184: -15,21
+ 1185: -16,21
+ 1186: -14,21
+ 1187: -13,17
+ 1188: -12,17
+ 1189: -12,19
+ 1190: -9,19
+ 1191: -10,19
+ 1192: -10,18
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+ 1194: -13,19
+ 1195: -10,19
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+ 1197: -8,19
+ 1198: -9,18
+ 1199: -12,19
+ 1200: -11,19
+ 1201: -12,18
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+ - node:
+ color: '#334E6DC8'
+ id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale
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+ 80: -14,21
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+ 82: -12,21
+ 83: -11,21
+ 84: -10,21
+ 85: -9,21
+ 86: -8,21
+ 87: -7,21
+ 88: -5,21
+ 89: -4,21
+ 90: -3,21
+ 91: -2,21
+ 92: -1,21
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+ 94: 1,21
+ 95: 2,21
+ 96: 3,21
+ 97: 4,21
+ 98: 5,21
+ 99: 7,21
+ 100: 8,21
+ 101: 9,21
+ 102: 10,21
+ 103: 11,21
+ 104: 12,21
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+ 108: 16,21
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+ color: '#334E6DC8'
+ id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale180
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+ 111: -27,-1
+ 112: -26,-1
+ 113: -25,-1
+ 114: -24,-1
+ 115: -23,-1
+ 116: -22,-1
+ 117: -21,-1
+ 118: -20,-1
+ 119: -18,-1
+ 120: -17,-1
+ 121: -16,-1
+ 122: -15,-1
+ 123: -14,-1
+ 124: -13,-1
+ 125: -12,-1
+ 126: -11,-1
+ 127: -10,-1
+ 128: -9,-1
+ 129: -8,-1
+ 130: -7,-1
+ 131: -6,-1
+ 132: -5,-1
+ 133: -4,-1
+ 134: -3,-1
+ 135: -2,-1
+ 136: -1,-1
+ 137: 0,-1
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+ 139: 2,-1
+ 140: 3,-1
+ 141: 4,-1
+ 142: 5,-1
+ 143: 6,-1
+ 144: 7,-1
+ 145: 8,-1
+ 146: 9,-1
+ 147: 10,-1
+ 148: 11,-1
+ 149: 12,-1
+ 150: 13,-1
+ 151: 14,-1
+ 152: 15,-1
+ 153: 16,-1
+ 154: 17,-1
+ 155: 18,-1
+ 156: 20,-1
+ 157: 21,-1
+ 158: 22,-1
+ 159: 23,-1
+ 160: 24,-1
+ 161: 25,-1
+ 162: 27,-1
+ 163: 26,-1
+ 164: 28,-1
+ 165: 29,-1
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+ 167: 31,-1
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+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: SpaceStationSign11
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+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
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+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: SpaceStationSign3
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+ 0: -3,1
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+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: SpaceStationSign4
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+ 1: -2,1
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: SpaceStationSign5
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+ 2: -1,1
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: SpaceStationSign6
+ decals:
+ 3: 0,1
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: SpaceStationSign7
+ decals:
+ 4: 1,1
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: SpaceStationSign8
+ decals:
+ 5: 2,1
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: SpaceStationSign9
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+ 6: 3,1
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: WarnCornerSE
+ decals:
+ 67: -7,12
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+ color: '#52B4E996'
+ id: WarnFullGreyscale
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+ 294: 1,16
+ 295: 2,16
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+ color: '#79150096'
+ id: WarnFullGreyscale
+ decals:
+ 296: -1,16
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+ id: WarnLineE
+ decals:
+ 299: -1,15
+ - node:
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+ 47: -3,11
+ 48: 3,12
+ 57: 6,20
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+ color: '#79150096'
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+ 297: -1,15
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+ 40: 4,15
+ 41: -5,15
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+ id: WarnLineS
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+ 298: -1,15
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
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+ 20: 19,-1
+ 21: 19,0
+ 22: 19,1
+ 49: -3,11
+ 50: 3,12
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+ 52: -6,19
+ 53: -6,18
+ 54: 6,20
+ 55: 6,19
+ 56: 6,18
+ 64: -10,16
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+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: WarnLineW
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+ 32: 2,5
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+ 34: 4,5
+ 35: -5,15
+ 36: -4,15
+ 37: 5,15
+ 38: 4,15
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+ 46: 1,13
+ 66: 12,16
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+ color: '#DEC0BDFF'
+ id: WoodTrimThinLineE
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+ 267: -6,10
+ 268: -6,11
+ 269: -6,12
+ 270: -6,8
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+ color: '#DEC0BDFF'
+ id: WoodTrimThinLineW
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+ 274: 6,11
+ 275: 6,10
+ 276: 6,9
+ 277: 6,8
+ 278: 6,7
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+ color: '#FFFF008F'
+ id: trade
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+ 71: -7,11
+ type: DecalGrid
+ - version: 2
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+ 0: 65535
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+ 0: 65535
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+ 0: 65535
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+ 0: 65535
+ 1,0:
+ 0: 65535
+ 1,1:
+ 0: 65535
+ 1,2:
+ 0: 65535
+ 1,3:
+ 0: 65535
+ 2,0:
+ 0: 65535
+ 2,1:
+ 0: 65535
+ 2,2:
+ 0: 30583
+ 2,3:
+ 0: 65535
+ 3,0:
+ 0: 65535
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+ 0: 20343
+ 3,3:
+ 0: 30708
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+ 0: 17476
+ 0,-1:
+ 0: 65535
+ 1,-1:
+ 0: 65311
+ 2,-1:
+ 0: 65423
+ 3,-1:
+ 0: 65343
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+ 0: 65535
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+ 0: 20428
+ -4,3:
+ 0: 52468
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+ 0: 17476
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+ 0: 65535
+ -3,1:
+ 0: 61439
+ -3,3:
+ 0: 65534
+ -3,2:
+ 0: 52428
+ -2,0:
+ 0: 65535
+ -2,1:
+ 0: 65535
+ -2,2:
+ 0: 65535
+ -2,3:
+ 0: 65535
+ -1,0:
+ 0: 65535
+ -1,1:
+ 0: 65535
+ -1,2:
+ 0: 65535
+ -1,3:
+ 0: 65535
+ -4,-1:
+ 0: 65423
+ -3,-1:
+ 0: 65343
+ -2,-1:
+ 0: 65295
+ -1,-1:
+ 0: 65535
+ -8,-1:
+ 0: 65535
+ -7,-1:
+ 0: 65439
+ -6,-1:
+ 0: 65343
+ -5,-1:
+ 0: 65519
+ -8,0:
+ 0: 65535
+ -8,1:
+ 0: 15
+ -7,0:
+ 0: 40959
+ -7,1:
+ 0: 15
+ -6,0:
+ 0: 16383
+ -6,1:
+ 0: 15
+ -5,0:
+ 0: 65535
+ -5,1:
+ 0: 3143
+ -5,3:
+ 0: 34944
+ 4,-1:
+ 0: 65519
+ 5,-1:
+ 0: 65423
+ 6,-1:
+ 0: 65343
+ 7,-1:
+ 0: 65535
+ 4,0:
+ 0: 65535
+ 4,1:
+ 0: 1868
+ 4,3:
+ 0: 8752
+ 5,0:
+ 0: 40959
+ 5,1:
+ 0: 15
+ 6,0:
+ 0: 16383
+ 6,1:
+ 0: 15
+ 7,0:
+ 0: 65535
+ 7,1:
+ 0: 15
+ -9,-1:
+ 0: 61128
+ -9,0:
+ 0: 52974
+ -9,1:
+ 0: 8
+ 8,0:
+ 0: 32767
+ 8,1:
+ 0: 3
+ 8,-1:
+ 0: 65395
+ 0,4:
+ 0: 65535
+ 0,5:
+ 0: 65535
+ 0,6:
+ 0: 15
+ 1,4:
+ 0: 65535
+ 1,5:
+ 0: 53247
+ 1,6:
+ 0: 15
+ 2,4:
+ 0: 65535
+ 2,5:
+ 0: 8191
+ 2,6:
+ 0: 15
+ 3,4:
+ 0: 65535
+ 3,5:
+ 0: 32767
+ 3,6:
+ 0: 15
+ -4,4:
+ 0: 65535
+ -4,5:
+ 0: 53247
+ -4,6:
+ 0: 15
+ -3,4:
+ 0: 65535
+ -3,5:
+ 0: 8191
+ -3,6:
+ 0: 15
+ -2,4:
+ 0: 65535
+ -2,5:
+ 0: 32767
+ -2,6:
+ 0: 15
+ -1,4:
+ 0: 65535
+ -1,5:
+ 0: 61439
+ -1,6:
+ 0: 15
+ -5,4:
+ 0: 61166
+ -5,5:
+ 0: 61166
+ -5,6:
+ 0: 14
+ 4,4:
+ 0: 65527
+ 4,5:
+ 0: 61439
+ 4,6:
+ 0: 15
+ uniqueMixes:
+ - volume: 2500
+ temperature: 293.15
+ moles:
+ - 21.824879
+ - 82.10312
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ chunkSize: 4
+ type: GridAtmosphere
+ - type: GasTileOverlay
+ - type: RadiationGridResistance
+ - id: Lodge
+ type: BecomesStation
+- proto: AirCanister
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1526
+ components:
+ - pos: 1.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1527
+ components:
+ - pos: 2.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: Airlock
+ entities:
+ - uid: 969
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 12.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 970
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -4.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 971
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -3.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 972
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 4.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 973
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 5.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockExternalGlass
+ entities:
+ - uid: 172
+ components:
+ - pos: -32.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 173
+ components:
+ - pos: -32.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 174
+ components:
+ - pos: -32.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 175
+ components:
+ - pos: -31.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 176
+ components:
+ - pos: -30.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 177
+ components:
+ - pos: -29.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 178
+ components:
+ - pos: -31.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 179
+ components:
+ - pos: -30.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 180
+ components:
+ - pos: -29.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 181
+ components:
+ - pos: -0.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 182
+ components:
+ - pos: 0.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 183
+ components:
+ - pos: 1.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 184
+ components:
+ - pos: 30.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 185
+ components:
+ - pos: 31.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 186
+ components:
+ - pos: 32.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 187
+ components:
+ - pos: 33.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 188
+ components:
+ - pos: 33.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 189
+ components:
+ - pos: 33.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 190
+ components:
+ - pos: 30.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 191
+ components:
+ - pos: 31.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 192
+ components:
+ - pos: 32.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 393
+ components:
+ - pos: 17.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 394
+ components:
+ - pos: 17.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 395
+ components:
+ - pos: 17.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 396
+ components:
+ - pos: 1.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 397
+ components:
+ - pos: 0.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 398
+ components:
+ - pos: -0.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 399
+ components:
+ - pos: -16.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 400
+ components:
+ - pos: -16.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 401
+ components:
+ - pos: -16.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockGlass
+ entities:
+ - uid: 944
+ components:
+ - pos: -5.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 945
+ components:
+ - pos: -5.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 946
+ components:
+ - pos: -5.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 947
+ components:
+ - pos: 6.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 948
+ components:
+ - pos: 6.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 949
+ components:
+ - pos: 6.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 950
+ components:
+ - pos: -3.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 951
+ components:
+ - pos: -2.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 952
+ components:
+ - pos: -1.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 953
+ components:
+ - pos: 2.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 954
+ components:
+ - pos: 3.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 955
+ components:
+ - pos: 4.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 956
+ components:
+ - pos: 19.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 957
+ components:
+ - pos: 19.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 958
+ components:
+ - pos: 19.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 959
+ components:
+ - pos: -18.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 960
+ components:
+ - pos: -18.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 961
+ components:
+ - pos: -18.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockGlassShuttle
+ entities:
+ - uid: 151
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+ - pos: 30.5,-3.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 152
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+ - pos: 31.5,-3.5
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+ - uid: 153
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+ - pos: 32.5,-3.5
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+ - uid: 154
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+ - uid: 155
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+ pos: 35.5,0.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 156
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 35.5,1.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 157
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 30.5,4.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 158
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 31.5,4.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 159
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 32.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 160
+ components:
+ - pos: -29.5,-3.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 161
+ components:
+ - pos: -30.5,-3.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 162
+ components:
+ - pos: -31.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 163
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -34.5,-0.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 164
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -34.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 165
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -34.5,1.5
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+ - uid: 166
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -31.5,4.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 167
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -30.5,4.5
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+ - uid: 168
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -29.5,4.5
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+ - uid: 169
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+ - pos: -0.5,-3.5
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+ - uid: 170
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+ - pos: 0.5,-3.5
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+ - uid: 171
+ components:
+ - pos: 1.5,-3.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 411
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+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ - uid: 412
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+ pos: -18.5,19.5
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+ - uid: 413
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+ - uid: 415
+ components:
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+ pos: 0.5,24.5
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+ - uid: 416
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+ pos: 1.5,24.5
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+ - uid: 417
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+ pos: 19.5,18.5
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+ - uid: 418
+ components:
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+ pos: 19.5,19.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 419
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 19.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockMaint
+ entities:
+ - uid: 942
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+ - pos: -2.5,11.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 943
+ components:
+ - pos: 3.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockMaintEngiLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 940
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+ - pos: -0.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 941
+ components:
+ - pos: 1.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockMedicalGlass
+ entities:
+ - uid: 974
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -9.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: APCBasic
+ entities:
+ - uid: 552
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+ - pos: -12.5,22.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ - pos: 13.5,22.5
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+ - pos: -17.5,3.5
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+ - uid: 555
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+ - pos: 18.5,3.5
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+ - uid: 556
+ components:
+ - pos: 0.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AtmosDeviceFanTiny
+ entities:
+ - uid: 130
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+ - pos: 30.5,4.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 131
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+ - pos: 31.5,4.5
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+ - uid: 132
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+ - pos: 32.5,4.5
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+ - uid: 133
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+ - uid: 134
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+ - pos: 35.5,0.5
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+ - uid: 135
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+ - pos: 35.5,-0.5
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+ - uid: 136
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+ - pos: 30.5,-3.5
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+ - uid: 137
+ components:
+ - pos: 31.5,-3.5
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+ - uid: 138
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+ - pos: 32.5,-3.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 139
+ components:
+ - pos: 1.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 140
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+ - pos: 0.5,-3.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 141
+ components:
+ - pos: -0.5,-3.5
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+ - uid: 142
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+ - pos: -34.5,1.5
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+ - uid: 143
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+ - pos: -34.5,0.5
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+ - uid: 144
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+ - uid: 145
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+ - pos: -31.5,4.5
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+ - uid: 146
+ components:
+ - pos: -30.5,4.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 147
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+ - pos: -29.5,4.5
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+ - uid: 148
+ components:
+ - pos: -31.5,-3.5
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+ - uid: 149
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+ - pos: -30.5,-3.5
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+ - uid: 150
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+ - pos: -29.5,-3.5
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+ - pos: 19.5,18.5
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+ - uid: 403
+ components:
+ - pos: 19.5,19.5
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+ - uid: 404
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+ - pos: 19.5,20.5
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+ - uid: 405
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+ - pos: 1.5,24.5
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+ - uid: 406
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+ - pos: 0.5,24.5
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+ - uid: 407
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+ - pos: -0.5,24.5
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+ - uid: 408
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+ - pos: -18.5,18.5
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+ - uid: 409
+ components:
+ - pos: -18.5,19.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 410
+ components:
+ - pos: -18.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: BarSign
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1402
+ components:
+ - pos: 0.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: BenchSofaCorner
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1540
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - canCollide: False
+ bodyType: Static
+ type: Physics
+ - fixtures: {}
+ type: Fixtures
+ - uid: 1541
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -0.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - canCollide: False
+ bodyType: Static
+ type: Physics
+ - fixtures: {}
+ type: Fixtures
+- proto: BenchSofaCorpCorner
+ entities:
+ - uid: 888
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -12.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - canCollide: False
+ bodyType: Static
+ type: Physics
+ - fixtures: {}
+ type: Fixtures
+- proto: BenchSofaCorpLeft
+ entities:
+ - uid: 889
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -12.5,15.5
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+ - bodyType: Static
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+- proto: BenchSofaCorpRight
+ entities:
+ - uid: 890
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -11.5,14.5
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+- proto: BenchSofaLeft
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1542
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+ pos: -0.5,7.5
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+ - bodyType: Static
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+- proto: BenchSofaMiddle
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+ pos: 1.5,7.5
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+- proto: BenchSteelLeft
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+ - bodyType: Static
+ type: Physics
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+ - pos: 15.5,2.5
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+ - pos: -16.5,2.5
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+ - bodyType: Static
+ type: Physics
+ - uid: 896
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+ - pos: -10.5,21.5
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+ - bodyType: Static
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+ - pos: 9.5,21.5
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+ - bodyType: Static
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+- proto: BenchSteelMiddle
+ entities:
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+ - uid: 877
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+ - bodyType: Static
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+ - bodyType: Static
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+ - bodyType: Static
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+ - bodyType: Static
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+ - bodyType: Static
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+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1392
+ components:
+ - pos: -9.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1393
+ components:
+ - pos: -10.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1394
+ components:
+ - pos: -11.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1395
+ components:
+ - pos: -12.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1396
+ components:
+ - pos: -12.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1397
+ components:
+ - pos: -12.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1398
+ components:
+ - pos: -13.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1399
+ components:
+ - pos: -14.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1400
+ components:
+ - pos: -15.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1401
+ components:
+ - pos: -16.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: CableHV
+ entities:
+ - uid: 903
+ components:
+ - pos: -1.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 904
+ components:
+ - pos: -1.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 906
+ components:
+ - pos: -1.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 907
+ components:
+ - pos: -0.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 908
+ components:
+ - pos: 0.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: CableMV
+ entities:
+ - uid: 999
+ components:
+ - pos: 0.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1000
+ components:
+ - pos: 0.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1001
+ components:
+ - pos: 0.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1002
+ components:
+ - pos: 0.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1003
+ components:
+ - pos: 0.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1004
+ components:
+ - pos: 1.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1005
+ components:
+ - pos: 2.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1006
+ components:
+ - pos: 3.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1007
+ components:
+ - pos: 4.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1008
+ components:
+ - pos: 0.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1009
+ components:
+ - pos: -0.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1010
+ components:
+ - pos: -1.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1011
+ components:
+ - pos: -2.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1012
+ components:
+ - pos: -3.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1013
+ components:
+ - pos: -3.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1014
+ components:
+ - pos: -3.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1015
+ components:
+ - pos: -3.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1016
+ components:
+ - pos: -3.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1017
+ components:
+ - pos: -3.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1018
+ components:
+ - pos: -3.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1019
+ components:
+ - pos: -3.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1020
+ components:
+ - pos: -3.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1021
+ components:
+ - pos: -4.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1022
+ components:
+ - pos: -5.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1023
+ components:
+ - pos: -6.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1024
+ components:
+ - pos: -7.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1025
+ components:
+ - pos: -8.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1026
+ components:
+ - pos: -9.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1027
+ components:
+ - pos: -10.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1028
+ components:
+ - pos: -11.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1029
+ components:
+ - pos: -12.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1030
+ components:
+ - pos: -12.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1031
+ components:
+ - pos: -12.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1032
+ components:
+ - pos: -12.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1033
+ components:
+ - pos: 4.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1034
+ components:
+ - pos: 4.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1035
+ components:
+ - pos: 4.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1036
+ components:
+ - pos: 4.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1037
+ components:
+ - pos: 4.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1038
+ components:
+ - pos: 4.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1039
+ components:
+ - pos: 4.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1040
+ components:
+ - pos: 5.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1041
+ components:
+ - pos: 6.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1042
+ components:
+ - pos: 7.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1043
+ components:
+ - pos: 8.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1044
+ components:
+ - pos: 9.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1045
+ components:
+ - pos: 10.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1046
+ components:
+ - pos: 11.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1047
+ components:
+ - pos: 12.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1048
+ components:
+ - pos: 13.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1049
+ components:
+ - pos: 13.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1050
+ components:
+ - pos: 13.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1051
+ components:
+ - pos: 13.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1052
+ components:
+ - pos: -3.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1053
+ components:
+ - pos: -3.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1054
+ components:
+ - pos: -3.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1055
+ components:
+ - pos: -3.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1056
+ components:
+ - pos: -3.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1057
+ components:
+ - pos: -3.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1058
+ components:
+ - pos: -3.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1059
+ components:
+ - pos: -3.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1060
+ components:
+ - pos: -3.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1061
+ components:
+ - pos: -4.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1062
+ components:
+ - pos: -5.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1063
+ components:
+ - pos: -6.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1064
+ components:
+ - pos: -7.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1065
+ components:
+ - pos: -8.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1066
+ components:
+ - pos: -9.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1067
+ components:
+ - pos: -10.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1068
+ components:
+ - pos: -11.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1069
+ components:
+ - pos: -12.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1070
+ components:
+ - pos: -13.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1071
+ components:
+ - pos: -14.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1072
+ components:
+ - pos: -15.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1073
+ components:
+ - pos: -16.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1074
+ components:
+ - pos: -17.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1075
+ components:
+ - pos: -17.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1076
+ components:
+ - pos: 4.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1077
+ components:
+ - pos: 4.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1078
+ components:
+ - pos: 4.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1079
+ components:
+ - pos: 4.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1080
+ components:
+ - pos: 4.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1081
+ components:
+ - pos: 4.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1082
+ components:
+ - pos: 4.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1083
+ components:
+ - pos: 4.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1084
+ components:
+ - pos: 4.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1085
+ components:
+ - pos: 4.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1086
+ components:
+ - pos: 5.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1087
+ components:
+ - pos: 6.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1088
+ components:
+ - pos: 7.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1089
+ components:
+ - pos: 8.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1090
+ components:
+ - pos: 9.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1091
+ components:
+ - pos: 10.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1092
+ components:
+ - pos: 11.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1093
+ components:
+ - pos: 12.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1094
+ components:
+ - pos: 13.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1095
+ components:
+ - pos: 14.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1096
+ components:
+ - pos: 15.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1097
+ components:
+ - pos: 16.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1098
+ components:
+ - pos: 17.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1099
+ components:
+ - pos: 18.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1100
+ components:
+ - pos: 18.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: CableTerminal
+ entities:
+ - uid: 905
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -1.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: CargoPallet
+ entities:
+ - uid: 517
+ components:
+ - pos: -7.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: Carpet
+ entities:
+ - uid: 848
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 849
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: CarpetBlue
+ entities:
+ - uid: 844
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -1.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 851
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: CarpetPurple
+ entities:
+ - uid: 852
+ components:
+ - pos: -0.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 853
+ components:
+ - pos: 0.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 854
+ components:
+ - pos: 1.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1545
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1546
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 0.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1547
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: Catwalk
+ entities:
+ - uid: 909
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 1.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 910
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 1.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 911
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 2.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 912
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 1.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 913
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 0.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 914
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -0.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 915
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -1.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 916
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 0.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1525
+ components:
+ - pos: -0.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: ChairFolding
+ entities:
+ - uid: 499
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 7.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 541
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -6.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 919
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 1.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: ChairOfficeLight
+ entities:
+ - uid: 524
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 7.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 874
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 0.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 936
+ components:
+ - pos: -7.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: ChairWood
+ entities:
+ - uid: 542
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 7.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: ClosetEmergencyFilledRandom
+ entities:
+ - uid: 917
+ components:
+ - pos: -1.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: ClosetFireFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 918
+ components:
+ - pos: 2.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: ClosetToolFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1531
+ components:
+ - pos: 2.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: ClothingHeadNurseHat
+ entities:
+ - uid: 938
+ components:
+ - pos: -7.6919317,14.805913
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: ClothingNeckStethoscope
+ entities:
+ - uid: 937
+ components:
+ - pos: -7.5356817,14.571538
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: ClothingUniformJumpskirtNurse
+ entities:
+ - uid: 939
+ components:
+ - pos: -7.3325567,14.759038
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: ComputerPalletConsoleNFLowMarket
+ entities:
+ - uid: 865
+ components:
+ - pos: -6.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - containers:
+ board: !type:Container
+ ents: []
+ type: ContainerContainer
+- proto: ComputerRadar
+ entities:
+ - uid: 871
+ components:
+ - pos: 0.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 895
+ components:
+ - pos: -11.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 897
+ components:
+ - pos: 12.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: ComputerShipyardExpedition
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1548
+ components:
+ - pos: -0.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - containers:
+ ShipyardConsole-targetId: !type:ContainerSlot
+ showEnts: False
+ occludes: True
+ ent: null
+ board: !type:Container
+ showEnts: False
+ occludes: True
+ ents: []
+ type: ContainerContainer
+ - uid: 1549
+ components:
+ - pos: 1.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - containers:
+ ShipyardConsole-targetId: !type:ContainerSlot
+ showEnts: False
+ occludes: True
+ ent: null
+ board: !type:Container
+ showEnts: False
+ occludes: True
+ ents: []
+ type: ContainerContainer
+- proto: ComputerWithdrawBankATM
+ entities:
+ - uid: 509
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 0.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - containers:
+ board: !type:Container
+ ents: []
+ bank-ATM-cashSlot: !type:ContainerSlot {}
+ type: ContainerContainer
+ - type: ItemSlots
+- proto: DefibrillatorCabinetFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 933
+ components:
+ - pos: -7.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: DisposalUnit
+ entities:
+ - uid: 497
+ components:
+ - pos: -8.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 513
+ components:
+ - pos: -11.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 515
+ components:
+ - pos: 12.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: EmergencyRollerBed
+ entities:
+ - uid: 934
+ components:
+ - pos: -6.5832105,15.554227
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: ExtinguisherCabinetFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 930
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 24.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 931
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -23.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 932
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 0.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: filingCabinetDrawerRandom
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1404
+ components:
+ - pos: 9.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: FirelockGlass
+ entities:
+ - uid: 525
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -3.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 526
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 527
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -1.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 528
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 529
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 530
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 4.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 531
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -4.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 532
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -3.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 533
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 4.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 534
+ components:
+ - pos: 5.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 535
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 536
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 538
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 539
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 543
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -5.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 544
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -5.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 545
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -5.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 546
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 6.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 547
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 6.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 548
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 6.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 687
+ components:
+ - pos: 19.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 688
+ components:
+ - pos: 19.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 689
+ components:
+ - pos: 19.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 690
+ components:
+ - pos: -18.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 691
+ components:
+ - pos: -18.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 692
+ components:
+ - pos: -18.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 833
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -9.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 892
+ components:
+ - pos: 12.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: FloorDrain
+ entities:
+ - uid: 977
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 11.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - fixtures: {}
+ type: Fixtures
+- proto: GasPipeBend
+ entities:
+ - uid: 559
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 590
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -3.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 592
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 4.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 642
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -17.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 643
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -17.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 656
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -30.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 657
+ components:
+ - pos: 18.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 658
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 18.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 659
+ components:
+ - pos: 31.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 708
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -23.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 729
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -1.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 766
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 24.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 769
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 2.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 785
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -4.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 786
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 5.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 793
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 810
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -4.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 811
+ components:
+ - pos: 5.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: GasPipeFourway
+ entities:
+ - uid: 560
+ components:
+ - pos: 1.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: GasPipeStraight
+ entities:
+ - uid: 420
+ components:
+ - pos: 5.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 422
+ components:
+ - pos: 5.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 429
+ components:
+ - pos: 5.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 562
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 1.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 564
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 0.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 565
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 566
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -1.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 567
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 568
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 569
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 572
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -3.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 573
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -3.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 574
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -3.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 575
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -3.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 578
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 4.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 579
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 4.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 580
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 4.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 581
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 4.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 582
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 4.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 583
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 4.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 584
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 4.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 585
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 4.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 586
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 4.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 587
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 4.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 601
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 11.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 602
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 10.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 603
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 604
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 8.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 605
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 7.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 606
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 6.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 607
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 5.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 608
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -4.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 609
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -5.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 610
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -6.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 611
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -7.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 612
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -8.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 613
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -9.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 614
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -10.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 615
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -3.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 616
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -3.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 617
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -3.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 618
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -3.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 619
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -3.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 620
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -3.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 621
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 4.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 622
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 4.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 623
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 4.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 625
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -3.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 626
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -3.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 627
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -3.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 629
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -4.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 630
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -5.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 631
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -6.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 632
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -7.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 633
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -8.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 634
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -9.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 635
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -10.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 636
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -11.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 637
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -12.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 638
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -13.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 639
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -14.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 640
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -15.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 641
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -16.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 644
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -18.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 645
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -19.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 646
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -20.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 647
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -21.5,1.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 648
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -22.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 649
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -23.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 650
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -24.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 651
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -25.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 652
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -26.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 653
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -27.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 654
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -28.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 655
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -29.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 662
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 5.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 663
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 6.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 664
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 7.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 665
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 8.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 666
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 667
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 10.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 668
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 11.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 669
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 12.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 670
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 13.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 671
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 14.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 672
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 15.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 673
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 16.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 674
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 17.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 675
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 19.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 676
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 20.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 677
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 21.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 678
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 22.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 679
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 23.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 680
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 24.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 681
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 25.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 682
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 26.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 683
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 27.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 684
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 28.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 685
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 29.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 686
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 30.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 697
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 2.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 704
+ components:
+ - pos: 5.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 705
+ components:
+ - pos: 5.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 709
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -22.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 710
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -21.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 711
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -20.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 712
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -19.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 713
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -18.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 714
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -17.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 715
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -16.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 716
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -15.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 717
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -14.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 718
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -13.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 719
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -12.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 720
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -11.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 721
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -10.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 722
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -9.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 723
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -8.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 724
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -7.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 725
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -6.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 726
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -5.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 728
+ components:
+ - pos: 5.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 730
+ components:
+ - pos: 5.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 731
+ components:
+ - pos: 5.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 733
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -1.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 734
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -1.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 735
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -1.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 736
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -1.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 737
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -1.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 738
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -1.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 740
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 2.5,4.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 741
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 2.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 742
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 2.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 743
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 2.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 744
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 2.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 745
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -3.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 746
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 748
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 6.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 749
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 7.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 750
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 8.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 751
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 752
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 10.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 753
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 11.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 754
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 12.5,-0.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 755
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 13.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 756
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 14.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 757
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 15.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 758
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 16.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 759
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 17.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 760
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 18.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 761
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 19.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 762
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 20.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 763
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 21.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 764
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 22.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 765
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 23.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 767
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 4.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 768
+ components:
+ - pos: 5.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 770
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 775
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 776
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 0.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 777
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 778
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -1.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 779
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 780
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -3.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 781
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 782
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 783
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 784
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 4.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 787
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -4.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 788
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -4.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 790
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -3.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 791
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 792
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -1.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 794
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -0.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 795
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -0.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 797
+ components:
+ - pos: 1.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 799
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 801
+ components:
+ - pos: 5.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 802
+ components:
+ - pos: -4.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 804
+ components:
+ - pos: -4.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 805
+ components:
+ - pos: -4.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 806
+ components:
+ - pos: -4.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 807
+ components:
+ - pos: -4.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 808
+ components:
+ - pos: -4.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 809
+ components:
+ - pos: -4.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 812
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -3.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 813
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 4.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 814
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -5.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 815
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -6.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 816
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -7.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 817
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -8.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 818
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -9.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 819
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -10.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 820
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 6.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 821
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 7.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 822
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 8.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 823
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 824
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 10.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 825
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 11.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: GasPipeTJunction
+ entities:
+ - uid: 563
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 1.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 570
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -3.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 571
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 4.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 576
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -3.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 577
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 4.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 588
+ components:
+ - pos: 4.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 589
+ components:
+ - pos: -3.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 593
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -3.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 624
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 4.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 698
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 727
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 5.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 739
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -1.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 747
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -4.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 771
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 0.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 772
+ components:
+ - pos: 0.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 789
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -4.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 796
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 800
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -4.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 803
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 5.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: GasPort
+ entities:
+ - uid: 549
+ components:
+ - pos: -0.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 557
+ components:
+ - pos: 1.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 558
+ components:
+ - pos: 2.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: GasPressurePump
+ entities:
+ - uid: 561
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -0.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: GasVentPump
+ entities:
+ - uid: 591
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 594
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 595
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 596
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 597
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 599
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -11.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 600
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 12.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 628
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 660
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 31.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 661
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -30.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 703
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 0.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: GasVentScrubber
+ entities:
+ - uid: 598
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 0.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 699
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 700
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 701
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 12.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 702
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -11.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 706
+ components:
+ - pos: 24.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 707
+ components:
+ - pos: -23.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 732
+ components:
+ - pos: -4.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 773
+ components:
+ - pos: -1.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 774
+ components:
+ - pos: 2.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 798
+ components:
+ - pos: 5.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: GeneratorBasic15kW
+ entities:
+ - uid: 901
+ components:
+ - pos: -1.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 902
+ components:
+ - pos: -1.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: GravityGeneratorMini
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1529
+ components:
+ - pos: 2.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1530
+ components:
+ - pos: 2.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: Grille
+ entities:
+ - uid: 285
+ components:
+ - pos: -33.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 286
+ components:
+ - pos: -33.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 287
+ components:
+ - pos: -32.5,-2.5
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+ - uid: 288
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+ - pos: -32.5,3.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 289
+ components:
+ - pos: -28.5,3.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 290
+ components:
+ - pos: -28.5,-2.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 291
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+ - pos: -27.5,-1.5
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+ - uid: 292
+ components:
+ - pos: -26.5,-1.5
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+ - uid: 293
+ components:
+ - pos: -25.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 294
+ components:
+ - pos: -27.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 295
+ components:
+ - pos: -26.5,2.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 296
+ components:
+ - pos: -25.5,2.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 297
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+ - pos: -21.5,-1.5
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+ - uid: 298
+ components:
+ - pos: -20.5,-1.5
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+ - uid: 299
+ components:
+ - pos: -19.5,-1.5
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+ - uid: 300
+ components:
+ - pos: -21.5,2.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 301
+ components:
+ - pos: -20.5,2.5
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+ - uid: 302
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+ - pos: -19.5,2.5
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+ - pos: -16.5,3.5
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+ - uid: 304
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+ - pos: -15.5,3.5
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+ - uid: 305
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+ - pos: -14.5,3.5
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+ - uid: 306
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+ - pos: -15.5,-1.5
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+ - uid: 307
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+ - pos: -14.5,-1.5
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+ - pos: -13.5,-1.5
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+ - uid: 309
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+ - pos: -9.5,-1.5
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+ - pos: -8.5,-1.5
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+ - uid: 312
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+ - pos: -5.5,-1.5
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+ - uid: 314
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+ - pos: -4.5,-1.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 315
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+ - pos: -1.5,-2.5
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+ - uid: 316
+ components:
+ - pos: 2.5,-2.5
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+ - uid: 317
+ components:
+ - pos: 5.5,-1.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 318
+ components:
+ - pos: 6.5,-1.5
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+ - uid: 319
+ components:
+ - pos: 7.5,-1.5
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+ - pos: 8.5,-1.5
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+ - pos: 9.5,-1.5
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+ - pos: 10.5,-1.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ - pos: 14.5,-1.5
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+ - pos: 15.5,-1.5
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+ - pos: 16.5,-1.5
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+ - pos: 20.5,-1.5
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+ - pos: 21.5,-1.5
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+ - pos: 22.5,-1.5
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+ - pos: 26.5,-1.5
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+ - pos: 27.5,-1.5
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+ - pos: 29.5,-2.5
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+ - pos: 33.5,-2.5
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+ - pos: 29.5,3.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 338
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+ - pos: 28.5,2.5
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+ - uid: 339
+ components:
+ - pos: 27.5,2.5
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+ - uid: 340
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+ - pos: 26.5,2.5
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+ - pos: 22.5,2.5
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+ - pos: 21.5,2.5
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+ - pos: 20.5,2.5
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+ - pos: 17.5,3.5
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+ - pos: 16.5,3.5
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+ - pos: 15.5,3.5
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+ - pos: 14.5,4.5
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+ - pos: 14.5,5.5
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+ - pos: -13.5,4.5
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+ - pos: -13.5,5.5
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+ - pos: -12.5,6.5
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+ - uid: 352
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+ - pos: -11.5,6.5
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+ - uid: 353
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+ - pos: -9.5,8.5
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+ - pos: -9.5,9.5
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+ - uid: 355
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+ - pos: 10.5,8.5
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+ - pos: 10.5,9.5
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+ - uid: 359
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+ - pos: 10.5,10.5
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+ - pos: 10.5,11.5
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+ - uid: 363
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+ - pos: -13.5,14.5
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+ - uid: 365
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+ - pos: 12.5,13.5
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+ - pos: 13.5,13.5
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+ - uid: 367
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+ - pos: -14.5,16.5
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+ - pos: 14.5,14.5
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+ - pos: 14.5,15.5
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+ - pos: 15.5,16.5
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+ - uid: 372
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+ - pos: 16.5,16.5
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+ - pos: -17.5,21.5
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+ - pos: -10.5,22.5
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+ - uid: 379
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+ - pos: -8.5,22.5
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+ - uid: 380
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+ - pos: -4.5,22.5
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+ - uid: 381
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+ - pos: -3.5,22.5
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+ - uid: 382
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+ - pos: -1.5,23.5
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+ - uid: 383
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+ - pos: 2.5,23.5
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+ - uid: 384
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+ - pos: 5.5,22.5
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+ - uid: 386
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+ - pos: 9.5,22.5
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+ - uid: 387
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+ - pos: 10.5,22.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 388
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+ - pos: 11.5,22.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 389
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+ - pos: 15.5,22.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 390
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+ - pos: 16.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 391
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+ - pos: 18.5,21.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 392
+ components:
+ - pos: 18.5,17.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 442
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 7.5,5.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 469
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 8.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 473
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,5.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 474
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -8.5,5.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 475
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -7.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 476
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -6.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 477
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -6.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 478
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -7.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 479
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -8.5,13.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 480
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 7.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 481
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 8.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 482
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 832
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+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -9.5,15.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ - pos: 17.5,13.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1426
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+ - pos: -15.5,24.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1427
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+ - pos: -14.5,24.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1428
+ components:
+ - pos: -10.5,24.5
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+ - uid: 1429
+ components:
+ - pos: -9.5,24.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1430
+ components:
+ - pos: -8.5,24.5
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+ - uid: 1431
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+ - pos: -4.5,24.5
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+ - uid: 1432
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+ - pos: -3.5,24.5
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+ - uid: 1433
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+ - uid: 1434
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+ - pos: 5.5,24.5
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+ - uid: 1435
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+ - pos: 9.5,24.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1436
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+ - pos: 10.5,24.5
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+ - uid: 1437
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+ - pos: 11.5,24.5
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+ - uid: 1438
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+ - pos: 15.5,24.5
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+ - uid: 1439
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+ - uid: 1440
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+ - pos: 19.5,24.5
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+ - uid: 1442
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+ - uid: 1443
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+ - pos: -15.5,13.5
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+ - uid: 1446
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+ - pos: 16.5,13.5
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+ - pos: -13.5,11.5
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+ - uid: 1448
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+ - pos: -13.5,10.5
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+ - uid: 1449
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+ - pos: -13.5,9.5
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+ - pos: 17.5,14.5
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+ - uid: 1454
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+ - pos: 14.5,10.5
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+ - pos: 14.5,9.5
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+ - uid: 1456
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+ - pos: 14.5,8.5
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+ - uid: 1457
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+ - pos: 16.5,-3.5
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+ - uid: 1458
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+ - pos: 18.5,5.5
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+ - uid: 1459
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+ - pos: -15.5,6.5
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+ - uid: 1466
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+ - pos: -21.5,4.5
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+ - uid: 1467
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+ - uid: 1469
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+ - uid: 1470
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+ - pos: 21.5,4.5
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+ - uid: 1471
+ components:
+ - pos: 22.5,4.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1472
+ components:
+ - pos: 26.5,4.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1473
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+ - pos: 27.5,4.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1474
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+ - pos: 27.5,-3.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1475
+ components:
+ - pos: 26.5,-3.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1476
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+ - pos: 22.5,-3.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1477
+ components:
+ - pos: 21.5,-3.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1478
+ components:
+ - pos: 20.5,-3.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1479
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+ - pos: 15.5,-3.5
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+ - uid: 1480
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+ - pos: 14.5,-3.5
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+ - uid: 1481
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+ - pos: -4.5,-3.5
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+ - uid: 1482
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+ - pos: 10.5,-3.5
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+ - uid: 1483
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+ - pos: 9.5,-3.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1484
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+ - pos: 8.5,-3.5
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+ - uid: 1485
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+ - pos: 7.5,-3.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1486
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+ - pos: 6.5,-3.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1487
+ components:
+ - pos: 5.5,-3.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1488
+ components:
+ - pos: -5.5,-3.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1489
+ components:
+ - pos: -6.5,-3.5
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+ - uid: 1490
+ components:
+ - pos: -7.5,-3.5
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+ - uid: 1491
+ components:
+ - pos: -8.5,-3.5
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+ - uid: 1492
+ components:
+ - pos: -9.5,-3.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1493
+ components:
+ - pos: -13.5,-3.5
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+ - uid: 1494
+ components:
+ - pos: -14.5,-3.5
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+ - uid: 1495
+ components:
+ - pos: -15.5,-3.5
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+ - uid: 1496
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+ - pos: -19.5,-3.5
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+ - uid: 1497
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+ - pos: -20.5,-3.5
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+ - uid: 1498
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+ - pos: -21.5,-3.5
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+ - uid: 1499
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+ - pos: -25.5,-3.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1500
+ components:
+ - pos: -26.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: HospitalCurtainsOpen
+ entities:
+ - uid: 976
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 11.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: LockerMedicineFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 837
+ components:
+ - pos: -6.5,14.5
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+ type: Transform
+- proto: MachineCryoSleepPod
+ entities:
+ - uid: 834
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+ - pos: -6.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: MaintenanceFluffSpawner
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1414
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+ - pos: 6.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: MopBucketFull
+ entities:
+ - uid: 979
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+ - pos: 13.552878,14.7513895
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: MopItem
+ entities:
+ - uid: 980
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+ - pos: 13.396628,14.5482645
+ parent: 1
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+- proto: PosterContrabandBountyHunters
+ entities:
+ - uid: 920
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 3.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
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+ entities:
+ - uid: 855
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+ - pos: -2.5,9.5
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+ - uid: 856
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+ - pos: 3.5,9.5
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+ - uid: 857
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+ - pos: -17.5,2.5
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+ - uid: 858
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+ - pos: 18.5,2.5
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+ - uid: 859
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+ - pos: -5.5,4.5
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+ - uid: 860
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+ - pos: 6.5,4.5
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+ - uid: 861
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+ - pos: -2.5,18.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 862
+ components:
+ - pos: 3.5,18.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 866
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+ - pos: -7.5,21.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 891
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+ - pos: -10.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 900
+ components:
+ - pos: 8.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: PottedPlantRandomPlastic
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1411
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+ - pos: -8.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: PoweredSmallLight
+ entities:
+ - uid: 843
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 3.5,18.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 846
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -2.5,18.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 962
+ components:
+ - pos: -5.5,12.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 963
+ components:
+ - pos: 6.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 964
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 0.5,6.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 965
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 0.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 966
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -17.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 967
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -10.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 968
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -6.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 982
+ components:
+ - pos: 0.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 983
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -3.5,-0.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 984
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 4.5,-0.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 985
+ components:
+ - pos: -13.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 986
+ components:
+ - pos: 14.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 987
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 24.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 988
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 34.5,3.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 989
+ components:
+ - pos: 34.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 990
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -23.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 991
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -33.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 992
+ components:
+ - pos: -33.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 993
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -17.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 994
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -2.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 995
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 3.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 996
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 18.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 997
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 18.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 998
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 10.5,17.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1330
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 11.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: Rack
+ entities:
+ - uid: 20
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -8.5,6.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 516
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -8.5,7.5
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+ - uid: 519
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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+ - uid: 520
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 9.5,11.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 523
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 7.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: RandomBook
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1407
+ components:
+ - pos: 6.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1408
+ components:
+ - pos: 6.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: RandomDrinkGlass
+ entities:
+ - uid: 847
+ components:
+ - pos: 0.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1409
+ components:
+ - pos: 6.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: RandomFoodBakedSingle
+ entities:
+ - uid: 845
+ components:
+ - pos: 0.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1405
+ components:
+ - pos: -12.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1503
+ components:
+ - pos: 7.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: RandomInstruments
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1410
+ components:
+ - pos: -8.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: RandomItem
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1420
+ components:
+ - pos: -5.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1421
+ components:
+ - pos: -5.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1422
+ components:
+ - pos: 9.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1423
+ components:
+ - pos: 6.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1502
+ components:
+ - pos: 7.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: RandomPosterAny
+ entities:
+ - uid: 926
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -23.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 927
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -11.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 928
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 12.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 929
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 24.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1501
+ components:
+ - pos: -17.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1532
+ components:
+ - pos: -13.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1533
+ components:
+ - pos: 14.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1534
+ components:
+ - pos: 6.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1536
+ components:
+ - pos: 10.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1537
+ components:
+ - pos: -9.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1539
+ components:
+ - pos: 18.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: RandomPosterContraband
+ entities:
+ - uid: 921
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -2.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 922
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -9.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 923
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 10.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 924
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 14.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 925
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -13.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: RandomPosterLegit
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1535
+ components:
+ - pos: -5.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: RandomSnacks
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1424
+ components:
+ - pos: 6.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1504
+ components:
+ - pos: 8.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: RandomSoap
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1425
+ components:
+ - pos: 11.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: RandomSpawner
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1417
+ components:
+ - pos: -0.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1418
+ components:
+ - pos: -11.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1419
+ components:
+ - pos: 11.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: RandomVending
+ entities:
+ - uid: 842
+ components:
+ - pos: 8.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: ReinforcedWindow
+ entities:
+ - uid: 21
+ components:
+ - pos: 18.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 22
+ components:
+ - pos: 18.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 26
+ components:
+ - pos: 16.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 27
+ components:
+ - pos: 15.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 28
+ components:
+ - pos: 16.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 32
+ components:
+ - pos: -27.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 33
+ components:
+ - pos: -26.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 34
+ components:
+ - pos: -25.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 35
+ components:
+ - pos: -28.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 36
+ components:
+ - pos: -33.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 37
+ components:
+ - pos: -32.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 38
+ components:
+ - pos: -28.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 39
+ components:
+ - pos: -32.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 40
+ components:
+ - pos: -33.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 41
+ components:
+ - pos: -27.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 42
+ components:
+ - pos: -26.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 43
+ components:
+ - pos: -25.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 44
+ components:
+ - pos: -21.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 45
+ components:
+ - pos: -20.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 46
+ components:
+ - pos: -19.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 47
+ components:
+ - pos: -21.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 48
+ components:
+ - pos: -20.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 49
+ components:
+ - pos: -19.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 50
+ components:
+ - pos: -15.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 51
+ components:
+ - pos: -14.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 52
+ components:
+ - pos: -13.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 53
+ components:
+ - pos: 15.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 54
+ components:
+ - pos: 14.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 56
+ components:
+ - pos: -9.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 57
+ components:
+ - pos: -8.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 58
+ components:
+ - pos: -7.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 59
+ components:
+ - pos: -6.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 60
+ components:
+ - pos: -5.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 61
+ components:
+ - pos: -4.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 70
+ components:
+ - pos: -1.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 71
+ components:
+ - pos: 2.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 76
+ components:
+ - pos: 34.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 77
+ components:
+ - pos: 29.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 80
+ components:
+ - pos: 34.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 81
+ components:
+ - pos: 28.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 83
+ components:
+ - pos: 33.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 87
+ components:
+ - pos: 33.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 88
+ components:
+ - pos: 5.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 89
+ components:
+ - pos: 6.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 90
+ components:
+ - pos: 7.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 91
+ components:
+ - pos: 8.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 92
+ components:
+ - pos: 9.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 93
+ components:
+ - pos: 10.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 106
+ components:
+ - pos: 29.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 107
+ components:
+ - pos: 28.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 108
+ components:
+ - pos: 27.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 109
+ components:
+ - pos: 26.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 110
+ components:
+ - pos: 27.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 111
+ components:
+ - pos: 26.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 112
+ components:
+ - pos: 22.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 113
+ components:
+ - pos: 21.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 114
+ components:
+ - pos: 20.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 115
+ components:
+ - pos: 20.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 116
+ components:
+ - pos: 21.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 117
+ components:
+ - pos: 22.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 118
+ components:
+ - pos: 16.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 119
+ components:
+ - pos: 15.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 120
+ components:
+ - pos: 14.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 214
+ components:
+ - pos: 14.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 239
+ components:
+ - pos: -17.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 240
+ components:
+ - pos: -17.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 241
+ components:
+ - pos: -15.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 242
+ components:
+ - pos: -14.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 243
+ components:
+ - pos: -10.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 244
+ components:
+ - pos: -9.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 245
+ components:
+ - pos: -8.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 246
+ components:
+ - pos: -4.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 247
+ components:
+ - pos: -3.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 248
+ components:
+ - pos: -1.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 249
+ components:
+ - pos: 2.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 250
+ components:
+ - pos: 4.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 251
+ components:
+ - pos: 5.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 252
+ components:
+ - pos: 9.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 253
+ components:
+ - pos: 10.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 254
+ components:
+ - pos: 11.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 255
+ components:
+ - pos: -15.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 256
+ components:
+ - pos: -14.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 257
+ components:
+ - pos: -13.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 258
+ components:
+ - pos: -13.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 259
+ components:
+ - pos: -12.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 260
+ components:
+ - pos: -11.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 261
+ components:
+ - pos: -9.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 262
+ components:
+ - pos: -9.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 263
+ components:
+ - pos: -9.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 264
+ components:
+ - pos: -9.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 265
+ components:
+ - pos: 10.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 266
+ components:
+ - pos: 10.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 267
+ components:
+ - pos: 10.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 268
+ components:
+ - pos: 10.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 269
+ components:
+ - pos: 12.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 270
+ components:
+ - pos: 13.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 271
+ components:
+ - pos: 12.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 272
+ components:
+ - pos: 13.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 273
+ components:
+ - pos: 14.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 274
+ components:
+ - pos: 14.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 275
+ components:
+ - pos: 15.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 276
+ components:
+ - pos: 16.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 277
+ components:
+ - pos: 17.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 278
+ components:
+ - pos: -16.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 279
+ components:
+ - pos: -15.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 280
+ components:
+ - pos: -14.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 281
+ components:
+ - pos: -13.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 282
+ components:
+ - pos: -13.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 283
+ components:
+ - pos: -12.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 284
+ components:
+ - pos: -11.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SignDirectionalCryo
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1524
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -9.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SignDirectionalWash
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1506
+ components:
+ - pos: 11.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SignLibrary
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1523
+ components:
+ - pos: 10.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SignMedical
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1505
+ components:
+ - pos: -9.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SignShipDock
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1507
+ components:
+ - pos: -18.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1508
+ components:
+ - pos: -18.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1509
+ components:
+ - pos: -1.5,24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1510
+ components:
+ - pos: 2.5,24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1511
+ components:
+ - pos: 19.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1512
+ components:
+ - pos: 19.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1513
+ components:
+ - pos: 33.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1514
+ components:
+ - pos: 35.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1515
+ components:
+ - pos: 35.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1516
+ components:
+ - pos: 33.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1517
+ components:
+ - pos: 2.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1518
+ components:
+ - pos: -1.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1519
+ components:
+ - pos: -32.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1520
+ components:
+ - pos: -34.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1521
+ components:
+ - pos: -34.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1522
+ components:
+ - pos: -32.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: Sink
+ entities:
+ - uid: 978
+ components:
+ - pos: 13.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SMESBasic
+ entities:
+ - uid: 550
+ components:
+ - pos: -1.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpacemenFigureSpawner
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1415
+ components:
+ - pos: 9.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnMobSlothPaperwork
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1413
+ components:
+ - pos: 7.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: StairStage
+ entities:
+ - uid: 693
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -4.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 694
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -3.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 695
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 4.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 696
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 5.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: StorageCanister
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1528
+ components:
+ - pos: -0.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SubstationBasic
+ entities:
+ - uid: 551
+ components:
+ - pos: 0.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: TableGlass
+ entities:
+ - uid: 935
+ components:
+ - pos: -7.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1406
+ components:
+ - pos: -12.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1544
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 0.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: TableReinforced
+ entities:
+ - uid: 498
+ components:
+ - pos: 8.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 500
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -5.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 501
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -5.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 502
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -5.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 503
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 6.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 504
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 6.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 505
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 6.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 506
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 6.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 507
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 6.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 508
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 6.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 518
+ components:
+ - pos: 7.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 870
+ components:
+ - pos: -0.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 872
+ components:
+ - pos: -0.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 873
+ components:
+ - pos: 1.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: ToiletDirtyWater
+ entities:
+ - uid: 975
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 11.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: ToySpawner
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1416
+ components:
+ - pos: -8.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: VendingMachineAmmo
+ entities:
+ - uid: 850
+ components:
+ - pos: -1.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: VendingMachineAstroVend
+ entities:
+ - uid: 511
+ components:
+ - pos: -12.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 863
+ components:
+ - pos: 2.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: VendingMachineBountyVend
+ entities:
+ - uid: 510
+ components:
+ - pos: 2.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: VendingMachineCigs
+ entities:
+ - uid: 514
+ components:
+ - pos: 9.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: VendingMachineCircuitVend
+ entities:
+ - uid: 512
+ components:
+ - pos: 13.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: VendingMachineMedical
+ entities:
+ - uid: 836
+ components:
+ - pos: -8.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: VendingMachineSalvage
+ entities:
+ - uid: 864
+ components:
+ - pos: -1.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: WallReinforced
+ entities:
+ - uid: 2
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+ - pos: -18.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4
+ components:
+ - pos: -34.5,-1.5
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+ components:
+ - pos: -34.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
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+ - pos: -32.5,4.5
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+ - uid: 7
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+ - pos: -28.5,4.5
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+ - pos: -28.5,-3.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9
+ components:
+ - pos: -32.5,-3.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 10
+ components:
+ - pos: -32.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11
+ components:
+ - pos: -32.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12
+ components:
+ - pos: -28.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 13
+ components:
+ - pos: -28.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 14
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+ - pos: -24.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 15
+ components:
+ - pos: -24.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
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+ - uid: 16
+ components:
+ - pos: -23.5,2.5
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+ - uid: 17
+ components:
+ - pos: -22.5,2.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 18
+ components:
+ - pos: -23.5,-1.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 19
+ components:
+ - pos: -22.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 23
+ components:
+ - pos: -18.5,-1.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 24
+ components:
+ - pos: -17.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
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+ - uid: 25
+ components:
+ - pos: -16.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 29
+ components:
+ - pos: -12.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 30
+ components:
+ - pos: -11.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 31
+ components:
+ - pos: -10.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 55
+ components:
+ - pos: 14.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 62
+ components:
+ - pos: -3.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 63
+ components:
+ - pos: -2.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 64
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+ - pos: -1.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 65
+ components:
+ - pos: -1.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 66
+ components:
+ - pos: 2.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 67
+ components:
+ - pos: 3.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 68
+ components:
+ - pos: 4.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 69
+ components:
+ - pos: 2.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 72
+ components:
+ - pos: 29.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 73
+ components:
+ - pos: 35.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 74
+ components:
+ - pos: 33.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 75
+ components:
+ - pos: 29.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 78
+ components:
+ - pos: 33.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 79
+ components:
+ - pos: 35.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 82
+ components:
+ - pos: 29.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 84
+ components:
+ - pos: 29.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 85
+ components:
+ - pos: 33.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 86
+ components:
+ - pos: 33.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 94
+ components:
+ - pos: 11.5,13.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 95
+ components:
+ - pos: 10.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 96
+ components:
+ - pos: 10.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 97
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+ - pos: 11.5,-1.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ - pos: 12.5,-1.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ - pos: 17.5,-1.5
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+ - uid: 101
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+ - pos: 18.5,-1.5
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+ - uid: 102
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+ - pos: 19.5,-1.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 103
+ components:
+ - pos: 10.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 104
+ components:
+ - pos: 11.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 105
+ components:
+ - pos: 19.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
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+ - pos: 14.5,6.5
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+ - pos: 10.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - pos: 14.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 124
+ components:
+ - pos: 23.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 125
+ components:
+ - pos: 24.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 126
+ components:
+ - pos: 25.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 127
+ components:
+ - pos: 23.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 128
+ components:
+ - pos: 24.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 129
+ components:
+ - pos: 25.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 193
+ components:
+ - pos: -18.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 194
+ components:
+ - pos: 13.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 195
+ components:
+ - pos: 19.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 196
+ components:
+ - pos: 19.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 197
+ components:
+ - pos: -16.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 198
+ components:
+ - pos: -16.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 199
+ components:
+ - pos: -16.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 200
+ components:
+ - pos: -16.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 201
+ components:
+ - pos: 14.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 202
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -18.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 203
+ components:
+ - pos: -13.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 204
+ components:
+ - pos: -13.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 205
+ components:
+ - pos: 17.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 206
+ components:
+ - pos: 17.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 207
+ components:
+ - pos: -11.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 208
+ components:
+ - pos: -7.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 209
+ components:
+ - pos: 17.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 210
+ components:
+ - pos: 17.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 211
+ components:
+ - pos: 12.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 212
+ components:
+ - pos: -12.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 213
+ components:
+ - pos: 14.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 215
+ components:
+ - pos: -6.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 216
+ components:
+ - pos: -5.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 217
+ components:
+ - pos: 8.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 218
+ components:
+ - pos: 7.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 219
+ components:
+ - pos: 6.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 220
+ components:
+ - pos: 3.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 221
+ components:
+ - pos: 2.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 222
+ components:
+ - pos: 2.5,24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 223
+ components:
+ - pos: -1.5,24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 224
+ components:
+ - pos: -1.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 225
+ components:
+ - pos: -2.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 226
+ components:
+ - pos: 19.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 227
+ components:
+ - pos: 18.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 228
+ components:
+ - pos: -18.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 229
+ components:
+ - pos: -17.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 230
+ components:
+ - pos: -13.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 231
+ components:
+ - pos: -13.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 232
+ components:
+ - pos: -10.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 233
+ components:
+ - pos: -9.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 234
+ components:
+ - pos: -9.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 235
+ components:
+ - pos: -9.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 236
+ components:
+ - pos: -9.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 237
+ components:
+ - pos: -10.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 238
+ components:
+ - pos: -13.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 438
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 439
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 0.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 440
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 443
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 444
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 445
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -1.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 456
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 457
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 458
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 459
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 460
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 461
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 462
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 463
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 464
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 465
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -1.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 466
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 467
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 0.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: WallSolid
+ entities:
+ - uid: 421
+ components:
+ - pos: -0.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 423
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -5.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 428
+ components:
+ - pos: 1.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 430
+ components:
+ - pos: 0.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 431
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 6.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 432
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 10.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 433
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -9.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 436
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -5.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 437
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 5.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 441
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 6.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 446
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -5.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 447
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -5.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 448
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -5.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 449
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 6.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 450
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 6.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 451
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 6.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 452
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -5.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 453
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -5.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 454
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 6.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 455
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 6.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 468
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -4.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 470
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 0.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 471
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 472
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 489
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -1.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 490
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 491
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 492
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 537
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 540
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 826
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -6.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 827
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -7.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 828
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -8.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 829
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -9.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 830
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -9.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 835
+ components:
+ - pos: 10.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 838
+ components:
+ - pos: 10.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 839
+ components:
+ - pos: 10.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 840
+ components:
+ - pos: 13.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 841
+ components:
+ - pos: 11.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: WallSolidDiagonal
+ entities:
+ - uid: 493
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 11.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 494
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -10.5,5.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 495
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -6.5,21.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 496
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 7.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: WarpPoint
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3
+ components:
+ - pos: 0.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - location: The Lodge
+ type: WarpPoint
+- proto: WetFloorSign
+ entities:
+ - uid: 981
+ components:
+ - pos: 13.146628,14.5795145
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: Window
+ entities:
+ - uid: 424
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -8.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 425
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -7.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 426
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -6.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 427
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 7.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 434
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 8.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 435
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 483
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -6.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 484
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -7.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 485
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -8.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 486
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 7.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 487
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 8.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 488
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 831
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -9.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Access/command.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Access/command.yml
index f71ca12f3ba..aaa5f442287 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Access/command.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Access/command.yml
@@ -2,6 +2,10 @@
id: Command
name: id-card-access-level-command
+- type: accessLevel
+ id: Frontier
+ name: id-card-access-level-frontier
- type: accessLevel
id: Captain
name: id-card-access-level-captain
@@ -13,9 +17,10 @@
- type: accessGroup
id: Command
+ - Frontier
- Command
- Captain
- HeadOfPersonnel
- type: accessLevel
- id: EmergencyShuttleRepealAll
+ id: EmergencyShuttleRepealAll
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Access/misc.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Access/misc.yml
index 54db7ca0437..60974873b97 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Access/misc.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Access/misc.yml
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
- ChiefMedicalOfficer
- HeadOfSecurity
- ResearchDirector
+ - Frontier
- Command
- Security
- Detective
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Crates/food.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Crates/food.yml
index 8c3b944c7e2..d5d3e8f9438 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Crates/food.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Crates/food.yml
@@ -38,6 +38,12 @@
- type: StorageFill
+ - id: OilJarCorn #Nyano - Summary: Begin Nyano oils.
+ amount: 1
+ - id: OilJarGhee
+ amount: 1
+ - id: OilJarOlive
+ amount: 1 #End Nyano code.
- id: ReagentContainerFlour
amount: 3
- id: ReagentContainerRice
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/shaders.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/shaders.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5e20c4e9504
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/shaders.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# deep-fried food
+- type: shader
+ id: Crispy
+ kind: source
+ path: "/Textures/Shaders/crispy.swsl"
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Tools/access_configurator.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Tools/access_configurator.yml
index c8b05c6959d..1ff15a91886 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Tools/access_configurator.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Tools/access_configurator.yml
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
- Chemistry
- ChiefEngineer
- ChiefMedicalOfficer
+ - Frontier
- Command
- Engineering
- External
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Machines/lathe.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Machines/lathe.yml
index 148ec7eaad2..f6bd567e9bc 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Machines/lathe.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Machines/lathe.yml
@@ -370,6 +370,15 @@
- SodaDispenserMachineCircuitboard
- TelecomServerCircuitboard
- MassMediaCircuitboard
+ # Begin Nyano additions
+ - DoorElectronics
+ - FireAlarmElectronics
+ - FirelockElectronics
+ - IntercomElectronics
+ - MailingUnitElectronics
+ - StationMapElectronics
+ - DeepFryerMachineCircuitboard
+ # End Nyano additions
- type: MaterialStorage
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Maps/frontier.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Maps/frontier.yml
index 8b8cd2ed8bb..91e1c146897 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Maps/frontier.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Maps/frontier.yml
@@ -20,8 +20,12 @@
HeadOfPersonnel: [ 1, 1 ]
HeadOfSecurity: [ 1, 1 ]
SecurityOfficer: [ 0, 0 ]
+ SeniorOfficer: [ 0, 0 ]
+ SecurityCadet: [ 0, 0 ]
+ StationTrafficController: [ 0, 0 ]
Borg: [ 0, 0 ]
Valet: [ 1, 1 ]
+ MailCarrier: [ 0, 0 ]
Janitor: [ 1, 1 ]
Musician: [ 0, 0 ]
Lawyer: [ 0, 0 ]
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Entities/Objects/Devices/CircuitBoards/production.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Entities/Objects/Devices/CircuitBoards/production.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a0b59231255
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Entities/Objects/Devices/CircuitBoards/production.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+- type: entity
+ id: DeepFryerMachineCircuitboard
+ parent: BaseMachineCircuitboard
+ name: deep fryer machine board
+ components:
+ - type: Sprite
+ state: service
+ - type: MachineBoard
+ prototype: KitchenDeepFryer
+ requirements:
+ Capacitor: 1
+ MatterBin: 1
+ materialRequirements:
+ Steel: 4
+ Glass: 2
+ Cable: 4
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Recipes/Lathes/electronics.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Recipes/Lathes/electronics.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..86ef66f11f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Recipes/Lathes/electronics.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+- type: latheRecipe
+ id: DeepFryerMachineCircuitboard
+ icon: { sprite: Objects/Misc/module.rsi, state: id_mod }
+ result: DeepFryerMachineCircuitboard
+ completetime: 4
+ materials:
+ Steel: 100
+ Glass: 900
+ Silver: 150
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Reagents/Consumable/Food/ingredients.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Reagents/Consumable/Food/ingredients.yml
index c9dd15f8165..dfa85240647 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Reagents/Consumable/Food/ingredients.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Reagents/Consumable/Food/ingredients.yml
@@ -141,6 +141,8 @@
flavor: oily
flavorMinimum: 0.05
color: olive
+ meltingPoint: -6.0 #Nyano - Summary: Add melting point for fryer.
+ boilingPoint: 299.0 #Nyano - Summary: Add boiling point for fryer.
recognizable: true
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Research/civilianservices.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Research/civilianservices.yml
index a0692e62eb0..339f8b1a213 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Research/civilianservices.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Research/civilianservices.yml
@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@
- ElectricGrillMachineCircuitboard
- BoozeDispenserMachineCircuitboard
- SodaDispenserMachineCircuitboard
+ - DeepFryerMachineCircuitboard #Nyano - Summary: adds deep fryer circuit board to service research.
- type: technology
id: AudioVisualCommunication
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Cargo/cargo_technician.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Cargo/cargo_technician.yml
index b9b02e134c5..c4b00b7a4ef 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Cargo/cargo_technician.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Cargo/cargo_technician.yml
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
name: job-name-cargotech
description: job-description-cargotech
playTimeTracker: JobCargoTechnician
+ requirements:
+ - !type:OverallPlaytimeRequirement
+ time: 10800
startingGear: CargoTechGear
icon: "JobIconCargoTechnician"
supervisors: job-supervisors-qm
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Cargo/quartermaster.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Cargo/quartermaster.yml
index 8b63eb8ae19..bdcdfc4dcb3 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Cargo/quartermaster.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Cargo/quartermaster.yml
@@ -3,16 +3,9 @@
name: job-name-qm
description: job-description-qm
playTimeTracker: JobQuartermaster
- # requirements:
- # - !type:RoleTimeRequirement
- # role: JobCargoTechnician
- # time: 21600 #6 hrs
- # - !type:RoleTimeRequirement
- # role: JobSalvageSpecialist
- # time: 21600 #6 hrs
- # - !type:DepartmentTimeRequirement
- # department: Cargo
- # time: 108000 # 30 hrs
+ requirements:
+ - !type:OverallPlaytimeRequirement
+ time: 10800
weight: 10
startingGear: QuartermasterGear
icon: "JobIconQuarterMaster"
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Cargo/salvage_specialist.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Cargo/salvage_specialist.yml
index 1076d5eea03..0bc225ed755 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Cargo/salvage_specialist.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Cargo/salvage_specialist.yml
@@ -3,10 +3,9 @@
name: job-name-salvagespec
description: job-description-salvagespec
playTimeTracker: JobSalvageSpecialist
- # requirements:
- # - !type:DepartmentTimeRequirement
- # department: Cargo
- # time: 3600
+ requirements:
+ - !type:OverallPlaytimeRequirement
+ time: 10800
icon: "JobIconShaftMiner"
startingGear: SalvageSpecialistGear
supervisors: job-supervisors-qm
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Civilian/bartender.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Civilian/bartender.yml
index fb1949edb22..74384461c62 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Civilian/bartender.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Civilian/bartender.yml
@@ -4,9 +4,8 @@
description: job-description-bartender
playTimeTracker: JobBartender
- # - !type:DepartmentTimeRequirement
- # department: Civilian
- # time: 1800
+ - !type:OverallPlaytimeRequirement
+ time: 10800
startingGear: BartenderGear
icon: "JobIconBartender"
supervisors: job-supervisors-hop
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Civilian/botanist.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Civilian/botanist.yml
index 35b858fb388..08fdeb940de 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Civilian/botanist.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Civilian/botanist.yml
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
name: job-name-botanist
description: job-description-botanist
playTimeTracker: JobBotanist
+ requirements:
+ - !type:OverallPlaytimeRequirement
+ time: 10800
startingGear: BotanistGear
icon: "JobIconBotanist"
supervisors: job-supervisors-hop
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Civilian/chaplain.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Civilian/chaplain.yml
index 647a54c9e26..ed659e7efa8 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Civilian/chaplain.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Civilian/chaplain.yml
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
name: job-name-chaplain
description: job-description-chaplain
playTimeTracker: JobChaplain
+ requirements:
+ - !type:OverallPlaytimeRequirement
+ time: 10800
startingGear: ChaplainGear
icon: "JobIconChaplain"
supervisors: job-supervisors-hop
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Civilian/chef.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Civilian/chef.yml
index db6c6d084f6..0a400b19d21 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Civilian/chef.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Civilian/chef.yml
@@ -3,10 +3,9 @@
name: job-name-chef
description: job-description-chef
playTimeTracker: JobChef
- # requirements:
- # - !type:DepartmentTimeRequirement
- # department: Civilian
- # time: 1800
+ requirements:
+ - !type:OverallPlaytimeRequirement
+ time: 10800
startingGear: ChefGear
icon: "JobIconChef"
supervisors: job-supervisors-hop
@@ -16,7 +15,11 @@
- Kitchen
- Hydroponics
- - Bar
+ - Bar #Nyano - Summary: After this line, Professional Che is a component to be added. Very important.
+ special:
+ - !type:AddComponentSpecial
+ components:
+ - type: ProfessionalChef #Nyano - End Summary.
- type: startingGear
id: ChefGear
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Civilian/clown.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Civilian/clown.yml
index 23c70d79cc5..b8640c8d605 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Civilian/clown.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Civilian/clown.yml
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
name: job-name-clown
description: job-description-clown
playTimeTracker: JobClown
+ requirements:
+ - !type:OverallPlaytimeRequirement
+ time: 10800
startingGear: ClownGear
icon: "JobIconClown"
supervisors: job-supervisors-hop
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Civilian/janitor.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Civilian/janitor.yml
index ed48ea2711f..3157605f152 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Civilian/janitor.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Civilian/janitor.yml
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
name: job-name-janitor
description: job-description-janitor
playTimeTracker: JobJanitor
+ requirements:
+ - !type:OverallPlaytimeRequirement
+ time: 10800
startingGear: JanitorGear
icon: "JobIconJanitor"
supervisors: job-supervisors-hop
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Civilian/librarian.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Civilian/librarian.yml
index 02c26b2e9ca..dc379216d70 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Civilian/librarian.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Civilian/librarian.yml
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
name: job-name-librarian
description: job-description-librarian
playTimeTracker: JobLibrarian
+ requirements:
+ - !type:OverallPlaytimeRequirement
+ time: 10800
startingGear: LibrarianGear
icon: "JobIconLibrarian"
supervisors: job-supervisors-hop
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Civilian/mime.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Civilian/mime.yml
index 76ae6a407af..d086c59e330 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Civilian/mime.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Civilian/mime.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
playTimeTracker: JobMime
- !type:OverallPlaytimeRequirement
- time: 14400 #4 hrs
+ time: 10800
startingGear: MimeGear
icon: "JobIconMime"
supervisors: job-supervisors-hop
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Civilian/musician.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Civilian/musician.yml
index f50825945a3..75534b6f3fb 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Civilian/musician.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Civilian/musician.yml
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
name: job-name-musician
description: job-description-musician
playTimeTracker: JobMusician
+ requirements:
+ - !type:OverallPlaytimeRequirement
+ time: 10800
startingGear: MusicianGear
icon: "JobIconMusician"
supervisors: job-supervisors-hire
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Civilian/service_worker.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Civilian/service_worker.yml
index 7b60f3f7f74..3cff97c163b 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Civilian/service_worker.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Civilian/service_worker.yml
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
name: job-name-serviceworker
description: job-description-serviceworker
playTimeTracker: JobServiceWorker
+ requirements:
+ - !type:OverallPlaytimeRequirement
+ time: 10800
startingGear: ServiceWorkerGear
icon: "JobIconServiceWorker"
supervisors: job-supervisors-service
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Command/head_of_personnel.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Command/head_of_personnel.yml
index 8a6fbaa576f..c00b77978fa 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Command/head_of_personnel.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Command/head_of_personnel.yml
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
- HeadOfPersonnel
- Bar
- Service
+ - Frontier
- Maintenance
- Janitor
- Theatre
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Engineering/atmospheric_technician.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Engineering/atmospheric_technician.yml
index d4e002ce249..945af9e9386 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Engineering/atmospheric_technician.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Engineering/atmospheric_technician.yml
@@ -4,9 +4,8 @@
description: job-description-atmostech
playTimeTracker: JobAtmosphericTechnician
- # - !type:DepartmentTimeRequirement
- # department: Engineering
- # time: 3600
+ - !type:OverallPlaytimeRequirement
+ time: 10800
startingGear: AtmosphericTechnicianGear
icon: "JobIconAtmosphericTechnician"
supervisors: job-supervisors-ce
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Engineering/chief_engineer.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Engineering/chief_engineer.yml
index 243e8bded69..ec468298a11 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Engineering/chief_engineer.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Engineering/chief_engineer.yml
@@ -3,18 +3,9 @@
name: job-name-ce
description: job-description-ce
playTimeTracker: JobChiefEngineer
-# requirements:
-# - !type:RoleTimeRequirement
-# role: JobAtmosphericTechnician
-# time: 21600 #6 hrs
-# - !type:RoleTimeRequirement
-# role: JobStationEngineer
-# time: 21600 #6 hrs
-# - !type:DepartmentTimeRequirement
-# department: Engineering
-# time: 36000 #10 hrs
-# - !type:OverallPlaytimeRequirement
-# time: 144000 #40 hrs
+ requirements:
+ - !type:OverallPlaytimeRequirement
+ time: 10800
weight: 10
startingGear: ChiefEngineerGear
icon: "JobIconChiefEngineer"
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Engineering/station_engineer.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Engineering/station_engineer.yml
index c3a63115b86..f9e60108508 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Engineering/station_engineer.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Engineering/station_engineer.yml
@@ -3,10 +3,9 @@
name: job-name-engineer
description: job-description-engineer
playTimeTracker: JobStationEngineer
- # requirements:
- # - !type:DepartmentTimeRequirement
- # department: Engineering
- # time: 1800
+ requirements:
+ - !type:OverallPlaytimeRequirement
+ time: 10800
startingGear: StationEngineerGear
icon: "JobIconStationEngineer"
supervisors: job-supervisors-ce
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Medical/chemist.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Medical/chemist.yml
index 0a499730d11..7302d7b4891 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Medical/chemist.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Medical/chemist.yml
@@ -3,10 +3,9 @@
name: job-name-chemist
description: job-description-chemist
playTimeTracker: JobChemist
- # requirements:
- # - !type:DepartmentTimeRequirement
- # department: Medical
- # time: 1800
+ requirements:
+ - !type:OverallPlaytimeRequirement
+ time: 10800
startingGear: ChemistGear
icon: "JobIconChemist"
supervisors: job-supervisors-cmo
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Medical/chief_medical_officer.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Medical/chief_medical_officer.yml
index d4b69dc4529..5e605b42aab 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Medical/chief_medical_officer.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Medical/chief_medical_officer.yml
@@ -5,18 +5,9 @@
name: job-name-cmo
description: job-description-cmo
playTimeTracker: JobChiefMedicalOfficer
-# requirements:
-# - !type:RoleTimeRequirement
-# role: JobChemist
-# time: 10800 #3 hrs
-# - !type:RoleTimeRequirement
-# role: JobMedicalDoctor
-# time: 21600 #6 hrs
-# - !type:DepartmentTimeRequirement
-# department: Medical
-# time: 36000 #10 hrs
-# - !type:OverallPlaytimeRequirement
-# time: 144000 #40 hrs
+ requirements:
+ - !type:OverallPlaytimeRequirement
+ time: 10800
weight: 10
startingGear: CMOGear
icon: "JobIconChiefMedicalOfficer"
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Medical/medical_doctor.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Medical/medical_doctor.yml
index 048d410f572..df990775623 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Medical/medical_doctor.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Medical/medical_doctor.yml
@@ -3,10 +3,9 @@
name: job-name-doctor
description: job-description-doctor
playTimeTracker: JobMedicalDoctor
- # requirements:
- # - !type:DepartmentTimeRequirement
- # department: Medical
- # time: 1800
+ requirements:
+ - !type:OverallPlaytimeRequirement
+ time: 10800
startingGear: DoctorGear
icon: "JobIconMedicalDoctor"
supervisors: job-supervisors-cmo
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Medical/paramedic.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Medical/paramedic.yml
index e8ff7b3dc47..e83ed1ebb63 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Medical/paramedic.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Medical/paramedic.yml
@@ -3,12 +3,9 @@
name: job-name-paramedic
description: job-description-paramedic
playTimeTracker: JobParamedic
- # requirements:
- # - !type:DepartmentTimeRequirement
- # department: Medical
- # time: 9000
- # - !type:OverallPlaytimeRequirement
- # time: 54000
+ requirements:
+ - !type:OverallPlaytimeRequirement
+ time: 10800
startingGear: ParamedicGear
icon: "JobIconParamedic"
supervisors: job-supervisors-cmo
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Science/research_director.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Science/research_director.yml
index 29226f8c43c..16a26d0bcb6 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Science/research_director.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Science/research_director.yml
@@ -3,10 +3,9 @@
name: job-name-rd
description: job-description-rd
playTimeTracker: JobResearchDirector
- # requirements:
- # - !type:DepartmentTimeRequirement
- # department: Science
- # time: 108000 # 30 hrs
+ requirements:
+ - !type:OverallPlaytimeRequirement
+ time: 10800
weight: 10
startingGear: ResearchDirectorGear
icon: "JobIconResearchDirector"
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Science/scientist.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Science/scientist.yml
index 9d40088c24d..e205715626a 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Science/scientist.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Science/scientist.yml
@@ -3,10 +3,9 @@
name: job-name-scientist
description: job-description-scientist
playTimeTracker: JobScientist
- # requirements:
- # - !type:DepartmentTimeRequirement
- # department: Science
- # time: 1800
+ requirements:
+ - !type:OverallPlaytimeRequirement
+ time: 10800
startingGear: ScientistGear
icon: "JobIconScientist"
supervisors: job-supervisors-rd
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Security/brigmedic.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Security/brigmedic.yml
index 59a418d470d..979c8d622fc 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Security/brigmedic.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Security/brigmedic.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
playTimeTracker: JobBrigmedic
- !type:OverallPlaytimeRequirement
- time: 1400
+ time: 21600
startingGear: BrigmedicGear
icon: "JobIconBrigmedic"
supervisors: job-supervisors-hos
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Security/detective.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Security/detective.yml
index 1e39521d862..b081773e4cb 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Security/detective.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Security/detective.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
playTimeTracker: JobDetective
- !type:OverallPlaytimeRequirement
- time: 10800 #3 hr
+ time: 21600
startingGear: DetectiveGear
icon: "JobIconDetective"
supervisors: job-supervisors-hos
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Security/head_of_security.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Security/head_of_security.yml
index 24ccb3ce3fe..55c3ebed9c3 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Security/head_of_security.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Security/head_of_security.yml
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
- HeadOfPersonnel
- Command
- Brig
+ - Frontier
- Security
- Armory
- Maintenance
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Security/security_cadet.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Security/security_cadet.yml
index 35c5c23c4a0..4371bd7a12a 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Security/security_cadet.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Security/security_cadet.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
playTimeTracker: JobSecurityCadet
- !type:OverallPlaytimeRequirement
- time: 36000 #10 hrs
+ time: 10800
- !type:DepartmentTimeRequirement
department: Security
time: 54000 #15 hrs
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Security/security_officer.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Security/security_officer.yml
index 9506f1239f4..a1a22a941da 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Security/security_officer.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Security/security_officer.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
playTimeTracker: JobSecurityOfficer
- !type:OverallPlaytimeRequirement
- time: 7200 #2 hr
+ time: 21600
startingGear: SecurityOfficerGear
icon: "JobIconSecurityOfficer"
supervisors: job-supervisors-hos
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Security/warden.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Security/warden.yml
index 8c9bdbcd1f8..b16b0b8e47a 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Security/warden.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Security/warden.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,10 @@
playTimeTracker: JobWarden
- !type:OverallPlaytimeRequirement
- time: 1400
+ time: 21600
+ - !type:RoleTimeRequirement
+ role: JobSecurityOfficer
+ time: 21600
startingGear: WardenGear
icon: "JobIconWarden"
supervisors: job-supervisors-hos
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Wildcards/boxer.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Wildcards/boxer.yml
index d9fe88fc142..147d296eba7 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Wildcards/boxer.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Wildcards/boxer.yml
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
name: job-name-boxer
description: job-description-boxer
playTimeTracker: JobBoxer
+ requirements:
+ - !type:OverallPlaytimeRequirement
+ time: 10800
startingGear: BoxerGear
icon: "JobIconBoxer"
supervisors: job-supervisors-hop
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Wildcards/psychologist.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Wildcards/psychologist.yml
index 8861924cf6c..1038b2be84d 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Wildcards/psychologist.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Wildcards/psychologist.yml
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
name: job-name-psychologist
description: job-description-psychologist
playTimeTracker: JobPsychologist
+ requirements:
+ - !type:OverallPlaytimeRequirement
+ time: 10800
startingGear: PsychologistGear
icon: "JobIconPsychologist"
supervisors: job-supervisors-cmo
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Wildcards/reporter.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Wildcards/reporter.yml
index 60721273476..d348fd9524d 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Wildcards/reporter.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Wildcards/reporter.yml
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
name: job-name-reporter
description: job-description-reporter
playTimeTracker: JobReporter
+ requirements:
+ - !type:OverallPlaytimeRequirement
+ time: 10800
startingGear: ReporterGear
icon: "JobIconReporter"
supervisors: job-supervisors-hop
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Wildcards/zookeeper.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Wildcards/zookeeper.yml
index bd8f5b85b6c..4e3f58a4dc0 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Wildcards/zookeeper.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Wildcards/zookeeper.yml
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
name: job-name-zookeeper
description: job-description-zookeeper
playTimeTracker: JobZookeeper
+ requirements:
+ - !type:OverallPlaytimeRequirement
+ time: 10800
startingGear: ZookeeperGear
icon: "JobIconZookeeper"
supervisors: job-supervisors-hop
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/departments.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/departments.yml
index bb54acfcf3b..e2cbfb93dbe 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/departments.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/departments.yml
@@ -33,7 +33,8 @@
- MartialArtist
- MailCarrier
- Gladiator
- - Mercenary ## NF Job
+ - Mercenary ## NF Job below
+ - StationTrafficController
- type: department
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/play_time_trackers.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/play_time_trackers.yml
index da9b84214bd..99c029450d1 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/play_time_trackers.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/play_time_trackers.yml
@@ -136,6 +136,9 @@
- type: playTimeTracker
id: JobServiceWorker
+- type: playTimeTracker
+ id: JobSTC
- type: playTimeTracker
id: JobStationEngineer
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/bountyvend.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/bountyvend.yml
index 95ce8811267..b7a28af0799 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/bountyvend.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/bountyvend.yml
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
HandheldGPSBasic: 5
JetpackMiniFilled: 10
WeaponDisabler: 10
- WeaponEmpEmitter: 10
Zipties: 20
Flash: 15
ClothingEyesGlassesSunglasses: 12
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Entities/Objects/Devices/Misc/identification_cards.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Entities/Objects/Devices/Misc/identification_cards.yml
index dd6137b0a43..5522509fcbc 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Entities/Objects/Devices/Misc/identification_cards.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Entities/Objects/Devices/Misc/identification_cards.yml
@@ -8,4 +8,18 @@
- state: default
- state: idpassenger
- type: PresetIdCard
- job: Mercenary
\ No newline at end of file
+ job: Mercenary
+- type: entity
+ parent: IDCardStandard
+ id: STCIDCard
+ name: station traffic controller ID card
+ components:
+ - type: Sprite
+ layers:
+ - state: silver
+ - state: idheadofpersonnel
+ - type: Item
+ heldPrefix: silver
+ - type: PresetIdCard
+ job: StationTrafficController
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Entities/Objects/Devices/pda.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Entities/Objects/Devices/pda.yml
index fbd30b595a0..70b6c661a2c 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Entities/Objects/Devices/pda.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Entities/Objects/Devices/pda.yml
@@ -10,5 +10,20 @@
- type: PdaBorderColor
borderColor: "#717059"
accentVColor: "#A32D26"
+ - type: Icon
+ state: pda
+- type: entity
+ parent: BasePDA
+ id: STCPDA
+ name: station traffic controller PDA
+ description: Declare emergencies in style!
+ components:
+ - type: Pda
+ id: STCIDCard
+ state: pda
+ - type: PdaBorderColor
+ borderColor: "#717059"
+ accentVColor: "#A32D26"
- type: Icon
state: pda
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Entities/Structures/Doors/Airlocks/access.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Entities/Structures/Doors/Airlocks/access.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..82fa304a941
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Entities/Structures/Doors/Airlocks/access.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+- type: entity
+ parent: AirlockCommand
+ id: AirlockFrontierLocked
+ suffix: Frontier, Locked
+ components:
+ - type: AccessReader
+ access: [["Frontier"]]
+ - type: Wires
+ layoutId: AirlockCommand
+- type: entity
+ parent: AirlockCommandGlass
+ id: AirlockFrontierGlassLocked
+ suffix: Frontier, Locked
+ components:
+ - type: AccessReader
+ access: [["Frontier"]]
+ - type: Wires
+ layoutId: AirlockCommand
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Entities/Structures/Machines/Computers/computers.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Entities/Structures/Machines/Computers/computers.yml
index d5c34cb93c2..34206ccf5f4 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Entities/Structures/Machines/Computers/computers.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Entities/Structures/Machines/Computers/computers.yml
@@ -136,6 +136,38 @@
- !type:DoActsBehavior
acts: ["Destruction"]
+- type: entity
+ id: ComputerShipyardExpedition
+ parent: ComputerShipyard
+ name: expedition shipyard console
+ description: Used to buy ships outfitted for planetary expeditions
+ components:
+ - type: ActivatableUI
+ key: enum.ShipyardConsoleUiKey.Expedition
+ - type: UserInterface
+ interfaces:
+ - key: enum.ShipyardConsoleUiKey.Expedition
+ type: ShipyardConsoleBoundUserInterface
+ - type: Sprite
+ sprite: _NF/Structures/Machines/computers.rsi
+ layers:
+ - map: ["computerLayerBody"]
+ state: computer_blackmarket
+ - map: ["computerLayerKeyboard"]
+ state: generic_keyboard
+ - map: ["computerLayerScreen"]
+ state: shipyard_blackmarket
+ - map: ["computerLayerKeys"]
+ state: blackmarket_key
+ - type: Destructible
+ thresholds:
+ - trigger:
+ !type:DamageTrigger
+ damage: 500
+ behaviors:
+ - !type:DoActsBehavior
+ acts: ["Destruction"]
- type: entity
name: cargo sale computer
suffix: Normal
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Markers/Spawners/jobs.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Markers/Spawners/jobs.yml
index 86ec65ce7c7..809a0fe4e8c 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Markers/Spawners/jobs.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Markers/Spawners/jobs.yml
@@ -8,4 +8,4 @@
- type: Sprite
- state: green
- - state: security_cadet
+ - state: security_cadet
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Reagents/Consumables/food.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Reagents/Consumables/food.yml
index 934b311508d..b74011f7bec 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Reagents/Consumables/food.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Reagents/Consumables/food.yml
@@ -20,8 +20,9 @@
min: 10
- Poison: -0.2
- Radiation: -0.2
+ Poison: -0.1
+ Radiation: -0.1
+ Cold: -0.2
- !type:ModifyBloodLevel
amount: .5
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Roles/Jobs/Command/stc.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Roles/Jobs/Command/stc.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4321d5cce1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Roles/Jobs/Command/stc.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+- type: job
+ id: StationTrafficController
+ name: job-name-stc
+ description: job-description-stc
+ playTimeTracker: JobSTC
+ startingGear: STCGear
+ requirements:
+ - !type:OverallPlaytimeRequirement
+ time: 10800
+ canBeAntag: false
+ icon: "JobIconServiceWorker"
+ supervisors: job-supervisors-hop
+ setPreference: true
+ access:
+ - Maintenance
+ - Frontier
+- type: startingGear
+ id: STCGear
+ equipment:
+ jumpsuit: ClothingUniformJumpsuitDetectiveGrey
+ back: ClothingBackpackFilled
+ shoes: ClothingShoesColorBlack
+ id: STCPDA
+ ears: ClothingHeadsetAltCommand
+ belt: BoxFolderClipboard
+ innerClothingSkirt: ClothingUniformJumpskirtDetectiveGrey
+ satchel: ClothingBackpackSatchelFilled
+ duffelbag: ClothingBackpackDuffelFilled
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Roles/Jobs/Security/mercenary.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Roles/Jobs/Security/mercenary.yml
index 9edb5dca8c6..77095085f02 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Roles/Jobs/Security/mercenary.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Roles/Jobs/Security/mercenary.yml
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
name: job-name-mercenary
description: job-description-mercenary
playTimeTracker: JobMercenary
+ requirements:
+ - !type:OverallPlaytimeRequirement
+ time: 10800
startingGear: MercenaryGear
canBeAntag: true
icon: "JobIconSeniorOfficer"
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Shipyard/anchor.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Shipyard/anchor.yml
index f1e51803a10..d408857f78b 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Shipyard/anchor.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Shipyard/anchor.yml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
description: A large luxury cruiser capable of long ranged travel acrossed the sector, expedition capable.
price: 135020
category: Large
- group: Civilian
+ group: Expedition
shuttlePath: /Maps/Shuttles/anchor.yml
- type: gameMap
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Shipyard/courser.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Shipyard/courser.yml
index e64aabf4b17..c4e2d4a0ec5 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Shipyard/courser.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Shipyard/courser.yml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
description: A medium sized multi-role long haul conversion of the long time popular Courser model.
price: 68650
category: Medium
- group: Civilian
+ group: Expedition
shuttlePath: /Maps/Shuttles/courserx.yml
- type: gameMap
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Shipyard/dartx.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Shipyard/dartx.yml
index 463391c2b89..1bd16471f62 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Shipyard/dartx.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Shipyard/dartx.yml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
description: A light emergency response cruiser outfitted for extended rescue missions.
price: 80500
category: Medium
- group: Civilian
+ group: Expedition
shuttlePath: /Maps/Shuttles/dartx.yml
- type: gameMap
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@
- type: StationJobs
overflowJobs: []
- Bartender: [ 1, 1 ]
- StationEngineer: [ 1, 1 ]
- Clown: [ 1, 1 ]
- Paramedic: [ 1, 1 ]
- Mercenary: [ 1, 1 ]
+ Bartender: [ 0, 0 ]
+ StationEngineer: [ 0, 0 ]
+ Clown: [ 0, 0 ]
+ Paramedic: [ 0, 0 ]
+ Mercenary: [ 0, 0 ]
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Shipyard/lodge.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Shipyard/lodge.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..89d2fe33ffa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Shipyard/lodge.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+- type: gameMap
+ id: Lodge
+ mapName: 'Expeditionary Lodge'
+ mapPath: /Maps/cove.yml
+ minPlayers: 0
+ stations:
+ Lodge:
+ stationProto: StandardFrontierOutpost
+ components:
+ - type: StationNameSetup
+ mapNameTemplate: 'Expiditionary Lodge'
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Shipyard/pathfinder.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Shipyard/pathfinder.yml
index 907f026b0f4..f0d52b24ae1 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Shipyard/pathfinder.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Shipyard/pathfinder.yml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
description: Once a scout ship serving with the Nanotrasen Marine Expeditionary Forces, this now decommissioned expedition capable ship can be yours!
price: 52920
category: Small
- group: Civilian
+ group: Expedition
shuttlePath: /Maps/Shuttles/pathfinder.yml
- type: gameMap
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Shipyard/praeda.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Shipyard/praeda.yml
index 262281fd6b7..03be5572aa5 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Shipyard/praeda.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Shipyard/praeda.yml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
description: This is the Praeda, a large modular ship commissioned by Nanotrasen as part of a series of variants based on the same command module. The Praeda is a dedicated reclamation and salvage vessel capable of processing enough material to build a full sized station within a relative short amount of time.
price: 160210
category: Large
- group: Civilian
+ group: Expedition
shuttlePath: /Maps/Shuttles/praeda.yml
- type: gameMap
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Shipyard/rosebudmkii.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Shipyard/rosebudmkii.yml
index 62dcc06f43a..59dfad53efa 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Shipyard/rosebudmkii.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Shipyard/rosebudmkii.yml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
description: The MKII trades her younger sister's solar-only charm for an AME, making her expedition-capable! Rejoice!
price: 125000
category: Medium
- group: Civilian
+ group: Expedition
shuttlePath: /Maps/Shuttles/rosebudmkii.yml
- type: gameMap
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Shipyard/sprinter.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Shipyard/sprinter.yml
index 3e4dbf61f5f..b5eb72f18b3 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Shipyard/sprinter.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Shipyard/sprinter.yml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
description: A light freighter often picked by bounty hunters due to its quick acceleration, expedition capable.
price: 75020
category: Medium
- group: Civilian
+ group: Expedition
shuttlePath: /Maps/Shuttles/sprinter.yml
- type: gameMap
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/_Nyano/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Drinks/drinks_oil.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/_Nyano/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Drinks/drinks_oil.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e8efda6d5ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/_Nyano/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Drinks/drinks_oil.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+- type: entity
+ parent: DrinkBottleBaseFull
+ id: BaseOilJar
+ abstract: true
+ components:
+ - type: Sprite
+ sprite: Nyanotrasen/Objects/Consumable/Drinks/oil_jar.rsi
+ state: icon
+ layers:
+ - state: icon
+ map: ["drinkCanIcon"]
+ - type: Appearance
+ - type: GenericVisualizer
+ visuals:
+ enum.OpenableVisuals.Opened:
+ drinkCanIcon:
+ True: {state: "icon_open"}
+ False: {state: "icon"}
+- type: entity
+ parent: BaseOilJar
+ id: OilJarGhee
+ name: jar of ghee
+ description: A large tinted glass jar with a simple label of butter sticks on it.
+ components:
+ - type: Sprite
+ layers:
+ - state: icon
+ map: ["drinkCanIcon"]
+ - state: butter
+ - type: SolutionContainerManager
+ solutions:
+ drink:
+ maxVol: 100
+ reagents:
+ - ReagentId: OilGhee
+ Quantity: 100
+- type: entity
+ parent: BaseOilJar
+ id: OilJarCorn
+ name: jar of corn oil
+ description: A large tinted glass jar with a simple label of a corn stalk on it.
+ components:
+ - type: Sprite
+ layers:
+ - state: icon
+ map: ["drinkCanIcon"]
+ - state: corn
+ - type: SolutionContainerManager
+ solutions:
+ drink:
+ maxVol: 100
+ reagents:
+ - ReagentId: Cornoil
+ Quantity: 100
+- type: entity
+ parent: BaseOilJar
+ id: OilJarOlive
+ name: jar of olive oil
+ description: A large tinted glass jar with a simple label of olives on it.
+ components:
+ - type: Sprite
+ layers:
+ - state: icon
+ map: ["drinkCanIcon"]
+ - state: olives
+ - type: SolutionContainerManager
+ solutions:
+ drink:
+ maxVol: 100
+ reagents:
+ - ReagentId: OilOlive
+ Quantity: 100
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/_Nyano/Entities/Structures/Machines/deep_fryer.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/_Nyano/Entities/Structures/Machines/deep_fryer.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..12d5ae92ba7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/_Nyano/Entities/Structures/Machines/deep_fryer.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+- type: entity
+ id: KitchenDeepFryer
+ parent: [ BaseMachinePowered, ConstructibleMachine ]
+ name: deep fryer
+ description: An industrial deep fryer. A big hit at state fairs!
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ noRot: false
+ - type: Sprite
+ netsync: false
+ sprite: Nyanotrasen/Structures/Machines/deep_fryer.rsi
+ layers:
+ - state: off-0
+ - map: ["enum.SolutionContainerLayers.Fill"]
+ state: off-1
+ - type: AmbientSound
+ volume: -4
+ range: 5
+ enabled: false
+ sound:
+ path: /Audio/Nyanotrasen/Ambience/Objects/deepfryer_sizzling.ogg
+ - type: SolutionContainerVisuals
+ maxFillLevels: 8
+ fillBaseName: off-
+ - type: Anchorable
+ - type: Pullable
+ - type: Rotatable
+ rotateWhilePulling: false
+ - type: Physics
+ bodyType: Static
+ - type: Climbable
+ - type: Fixtures
+ fixtures:
+ fix1:
+ shape:
+ !type:PhysShapeAabb
+ bounds: "-0.30,-0.25,0.30,0.45"
+ density: 600
+ mask:
+ - MachineMask
+ layer:
+ - MachineLayer
+ - type: DeepFryer
+ blacklist:
+ components:
+ # The classic.
+ - NukeDisk
+ # SliceableFood is handled easily enough, but there's not much to be
+ # gained by doing special handling for Stacks, especially since most
+ # of the items that use Stack aren't even remotely edible.
+ - Stack
+ whitelist:
+ components:
+ # It's what meat is.
+ - BodyPart
+ # Some clothes, shoes, uniforms.
+ - Butcherable
+ # It's already food.
+ - Food
+ - Seed
+ # A good source of fiber.
+ - Paper
+ # May as well let actual garbage get turned into food.
+ - SpaceGarbage
+ tags:
+ - Recyclable
+ - Trash
+ - Document
+ charredPrototype: FoodBadRecipe
+ goodReagents:
+ - ReagentId: Omnizine
+ Quantity: 1
+ - ReagentId: Flavorol
+ Quantity: 3
+ badReagents:
+ - ReagentId: Toxin
+ Quantity: 2
+ wasteReagents:
+ - ReagentId: Charcoal
+ Quantity: 0.5
+ - ReagentId: Ash
+ Quantity: 0.5
+ # What food items are actually going to be improved by deep-frying?
+ # This is based on flavor profiles.
+ goodFlavors:
+ - bread
+ - bun
+ - donk
+ - dough
+ - fishy
+ - meaty
+ - pasta
+ - potatoes
+ - tofu
+ - onion
+ - mushroom
+ badFlavors:
+ - acid
+ - chocolate
+ - gunpowder
+ - minty
+ - raisins
+ - tea
+ - terrible
+ solution: vat_oil
+ fryingOils:
+ - Cornoil
+ - OilGhee
+ - OilOlive
+ #unsafeOilVolumeEffects: #Can't pass UninitializedSaveTest. Modifies itself on spawn. Very weird.
+ #- !type:AreaReactionEffect
+ # duration: 10
+ # prototypeId: Smoke
+ # sound:
+ # path: /Audio/Effects/smoke.ogg
+ goodFlavorPriceBonus: 0.5
+ solutionSplitMax: 20
+ - type: SolutionContainerManager
+ solutions:
+ vat_oil:
+ maxVol: 100
+ - type: DrainableSolution
+ solution: vat_oil
+ - type: ExaminableSolution
+ solution: vat_oil
+ - type: InjectableSolution
+ solution: vat_oil
+ - type: RefillableSolution
+ solution: vat_oil
+ - type: Drink
+ isOpen: true
+ solution: vat_oil
+ - type: Appearance
+ - type: ActivatableUI
+ key: enum.DeepFryerUiKey.Key
+ - type: UserInterface
+ interfaces:
+ - key: enum.DeepFryerUiKey.Key
+ type: DeepFryerBoundUserInterface
+ - type: Destructible
+ thresholds:
+ - trigger:
+ !type:DamageTrigger
+ damage: 200
+ behaviors:
+ - !type:DoActsBehavior
+ acts: ["Destruction"]
+ - !type:PlaySoundBehavior
+ sound:
+ path: /Audio/Effects/metalbreak.ogg
+ - !type:SpillBehavior
+ solution: vat_oil
+ - !type:SpawnEntitiesBehavior
+ spawn:
+ MachineFrameDestroyed:
+ min: 1
+ max: 1
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 300
+ - type: Machine
+ board: DeepFryerMachineCircuitboard
+ - type: EmptyOnMachineDeconstruct
+ containers:
+ - vat_entities
+ - type: ContainerContainer
+ containers:
+ vat_entities: !type:Container
+ machine_board: !type:Container
+ machine_parts: !type:Container
+ - type: PowerSwitch
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/_Nyano/Markers/Spawners/Random/devices.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/_Nyano/Markers/Spawners/Random/devices.yml
index 232d092fba2..e915baf50f8 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/_Nyano/Markers/Spawners/Random/devices.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/_Nyano/Markers/Spawners/Random/devices.yml
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
- SolarTrackerElectronics
- Mousetrap
- RadioHandheld
+ - DeepFryerMachineCircuitboard
- BoozeDispenserMachineCircuitboard
- SodaDispenserMachineCircuitboard
- RemoteSignaller
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/_Nyano/Reagents/Consumable/Food/condiments.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/_Nyano/Reagents/Consumable/Food/condiments.yml
index 08e664279c2..a5e859668a0 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/_Nyano/Reagents/Consumable/Food/condiments.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/_Nyano/Reagents/Consumable/Food/condiments.yml
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
physicalDesc: reagent-physical-desc-dark-red
flavor: tomato
color: "#a61600"
+ recognizable: true
@@ -24,6 +25,7 @@
physicalDesc: reagent-physical-desc-oily
flavor: nutty
color: "#5c8400"
+ recognizable: true
@@ -45,6 +47,7 @@
physicalDesc: reagent-physical-desc-creamy
flavor: creamy
color: "#fffbc7"
+ recognizable: true
@@ -56,4 +59,20 @@
amount: 0.55
- !type:AdjustReagent
reagent: OilOlive
- amount: 0.10
\ No newline at end of file
+ amount: 0.10
+- type: reagent
+ id: OilGhee
+ name: reagent-name-oil-ghee
+ group: Foods
+ desc: reagent-desc-oil-ghee
+ physicalDesc: reagent-physical-desc-oily
+ flavor: butter
+ color: gold
+ recognizable: true
+ metabolisms:
+ Food:
+ effects:
+ - !type:AdjustReagent
+ reagent: Nutriment
+ amount: 0.75
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/_Nyano/Recipes/Reactions/food.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/_Nyano/Recipes/Reactions/food.yml
index 1897d1955e3..109c5e0932a 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/_Nyano/Recipes/Reactions/food.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/_Nyano/Recipes/Reactions/food.yml
@@ -31,4 +31,15 @@
- !type:CreateEntityReactionEffect
entity: FoodMozzarella
- number: 2
\ No newline at end of file
+ number: 2
+- type: reaction
+ id: Ghee
+ impact: Low
+ minTemp: 373
+ reactants:
+ Butter:
+ amount: 1
+ products:
+ OilGhee: 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/_Nyano/Recipes/Reactions/pyrotechnic.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/_Nyano/Recipes/Reactions/pyrotechnic.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b06b5027a7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/_Nyano/Recipes/Reactions/pyrotechnic.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# Because you know someone's going to try putting water in the deep fryer.
+- type: reaction
+ id: HotCornoilAndWater
+ impact: Medium
+ minTemp: 373.15
+ reactants:
+ Cornoil:
+ amount: 1
+ Water:
+ amount: 1
+ effects:
+ - !type:CreateGas
+ gas: WaterVapor
+- type: reaction
+ id: HotOilGheeAndWater
+ impact: Medium
+ minTemp: 373.15
+ reactants:
+ OilGhee:
+ amount: 1
+ Water:
+ amount: 1
+ effects:
+ - !type:CreateGas
+ gas: WaterVapor
+- type: reaction
+ id: HotOilOliveAndWater
+ impact: Medium
+ minTemp: 373.15
+ reactants:
+ OilOlive:
+ amount: 1
+ Water:
+ amount: 1
+ effects:
+ - !type:CreateGas
+ gas: WaterVapor
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/_Nyano/Roles/Jobs/Cargo/mail_carrier.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/_Nyano/Roles/Jobs/Cargo/mail_carrier.yml
index ee2cf67371a..88ee0f7248b 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/_Nyano/Roles/Jobs/Cargo/mail_carrier.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/_Nyano/Roles/Jobs/Cargo/mail_carrier.yml
@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@
description: job-name-mail-carrier
startingGear: MailCarrierGear
playTimeTracker: JobMailCarrier
+ requirements:
+ - !type:OverallPlaytimeRequirement
+ time: 10800
icon: "JobIconMailCarrier"
supervisors: "station representative"
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/_Nyano/Roles/Jobs/Civilian/valet.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/_Nyano/Roles/Jobs/Civilian/valet.yml
index 7c5a3a16099..a44714e5e70 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/_Nyano/Roles/Jobs/Civilian/valet.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/_Nyano/Roles/Jobs/Civilian/valet.yml
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
name: job-name-valet
description: job-description-valet
playTimeTracker: JobValet
+ requirements:
+ - !type:OverallPlaytimeRequirement
+ time: 10800
startingGear: ValetGear
icon: "JobIconServiceWorker"
supervisors: job-supervisors-everyone
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/_Nyano/Roles/Jobs/Security/prisonguard.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/_Nyano/Roles/Jobs/Security/prisonguard.yml
index 948a4c2c543..67da12f3280 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/_Nyano/Roles/Jobs/Security/prisonguard.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/_Nyano/Roles/Jobs/Security/prisonguard.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
playTimeTracker: JobPrisonGuard
- !type:OverallPlaytimeRequirement
- time: 1400
+ time: 10800
startingGear: PrisonGuardGear
canBeAntag: false
icon: "JobIconWarden"
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/_Nyano/Roles/Jobs/Wildcards/gladiator.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/_Nyano/Roles/Jobs/Wildcards/gladiator.yml
index d0f59ae1304..c5a1c4a7a0f 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/_Nyano/Roles/Jobs/Wildcards/gladiator.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/_Nyano/Roles/Jobs/Wildcards/gladiator.yml
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
name: job-name-gladiator
description: job-description-gladiator
playTimeTracker: JobGladiator
+ requirements:
+ - !type:OverallPlaytimeRequirement
+ time: 10800
startingGear: GladiatorGear
canBeAntag: false
icon: "JobIconBoxer"
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/_Nyano/Roles/Jobs/Wildcards/martialartist.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/_Nyano/Roles/Jobs/Wildcards/martialartist.yml
index 02a40f7ef7b..4243dd59663 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/_Nyano/Roles/Jobs/Wildcards/martialartist.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/_Nyano/Roles/Jobs/Wildcards/martialartist.yml
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
name: job-name-martialartist
description: job-description-martialartist
playTimeTracker: JobMartialArtist
+ requirements:
+ - !type:OverallPlaytimeRequirement
+ time: 10800
startingGear: MartialGear
icon: "JobIconBoxer"
supervisors: job-supervisors-hop
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/_Nyano/Roles/Jobs/Wildcards/prisoner.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/_Nyano/Roles/Jobs/Wildcards/prisoner.yml
index 37cc9bac45f..c302e1528e5 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/_Nyano/Roles/Jobs/Wildcards/prisoner.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/_Nyano/Roles/Jobs/Wildcards/prisoner.yml
@@ -3,14 +3,14 @@
name: job-name-prisoner
description: job-description-prisoner
playTimeTracker: JobPrisoner
+ requirements:
+ - !type:OverallPlaytimeRequirement
+ time: 10800
startingGear: PrisonerGear
canBeAntag: false
whitelistRequired: true
icon: "JobIconPrisoner"
supervisors: job-supervisors-security
- requirements:
- - !type:OverallPlaytimeRequirement
- time: 3600
- type: startingGear
id: PrisonerGear
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Nyanotrasen/Objects/Consumable/Drinks/oil_jar.rsi/butter.png b/Resources/Textures/Nyanotrasen/Objects/Consumable/Drinks/oil_jar.rsi/butter.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4eb940a5321
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/Nyanotrasen/Objects/Consumable/Drinks/oil_jar.rsi/butter.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d4ff1bc4adf
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/Nyanotrasen/Objects/Consumable/Drinks/oil_jar.rsi/corn.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ac67795b586
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/Nyanotrasen/Objects/Consumable/Drinks/oil_jar.rsi/icon.png differ
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Nyanotrasen/Objects/Consumable/Drinks/oil_jar.rsi/icon_open.png b/Resources/Textures/Nyanotrasen/Objects/Consumable/Drinks/oil_jar.rsi/icon_open.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d5b9f51a824
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/Nyanotrasen/Objects/Consumable/Drinks/oil_jar.rsi/icon_open.png differ
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Nyanotrasen/Objects/Consumable/Drinks/oil_jar.rsi/meta.json b/Resources/Textures/Nyanotrasen/Objects/Consumable/Drinks/oil_jar.rsi/meta.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f4b1f1f3bc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Textures/Nyanotrasen/Objects/Consumable/Drinks/oil_jar.rsi/meta.json
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ "version": 1,
+ "license": "CC-BY-SA-4.0",
+ "copyright": "@Vordenburg",
+ "size": {
+ "x": 32,
+ "y": 32
+ },
+ "states": [
+ {
+ "name": "icon"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "icon_open"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "butter"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "corn"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "olives"
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Nyanotrasen/Objects/Consumable/Drinks/oil_jar.rsi/olives.png b/Resources/Textures/Nyanotrasen/Objects/Consumable/Drinks/oil_jar.rsi/olives.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..55326187c46
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/Nyanotrasen/Objects/Consumable/Drinks/oil_jar.rsi/olives.png differ
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Nyanotrasen/Structures/Machines/deep_fryer.rsi/meta.json b/Resources/Textures/Nyanotrasen/Structures/Machines/deep_fryer.rsi/meta.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cfb73331abe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Textures/Nyanotrasen/Structures/Machines/deep_fryer.rsi/meta.json
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+ "version": 1,
+ "license": "CC-BY-NC-SA-3.0",
+ "copyright": "@Vordenburg | significant changes made based on original source: https://github.com/goonstation/goonstation/blob/731bb69de3a835c68b584f0ed36aa4a52620ef3a/icons/obj/kitchen.dmi",
+ "size": {
+ "x": 32,
+ "y": 32
+ },
+ "states": [
+ {
+ "name": "off-0",
+ "directions": 4
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "off-1",
+ "directions": 4
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "off-2",
+ "directions": 4
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "off-3",
+ "directions": 4
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "off-4",
+ "directions": 4
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "off-5",
+ "directions": 4
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "off-6",
+ "directions": 4
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "off-7",
+ "directions": 4
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "off-8",
+ "directions": 4
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "on-1",
+ "directions": 4,
+ "delays": [
+ [
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785
+ ],
+ [
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785
+ ],
+ [
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785
+ ],
+ [
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "on-2",
+ "directions": 4,
+ "delays": [
+ [
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785
+ ],
+ [
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785
+ ],
+ [
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785
+ ],
+ [
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "on-3",
+ "directions": 4,
+ "delays": [
+ [
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785
+ ],
+ [
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785
+ ],
+ [
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785
+ ],
+ [
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "on-4",
+ "directions": 4,
+ "delays": [
+ [
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785
+ ],
+ [
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785
+ ],
+ [
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785
+ ],
+ [
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "on-5",
+ "directions": 4,
+ "delays": [
+ [
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785
+ ],
+ [
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785
+ ],
+ [
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785
+ ],
+ [
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "on-6",
+ "directions": 4,
+ "delays": [
+ [
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785
+ ],
+ [
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785
+ ],
+ [
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785
+ ],
+ [
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "on-7",
+ "directions": 4,
+ "delays": [
+ [
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785
+ ],
+ [
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785
+ ],
+ [
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785
+ ],
+ [
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "on-8",
+ "directions": 4,
+ "delays": [
+ [
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785
+ ],
+ [
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785
+ ],
+ [
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785
+ ],
+ [
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785,
+ 0.1785
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Nyanotrasen/Structures/Machines/deep_fryer.rsi/off-0.png b/Resources/Textures/Nyanotrasen/Structures/Machines/deep_fryer.rsi/off-0.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..75b834dba28
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/Nyanotrasen/Structures/Machines/deep_fryer.rsi/off-0.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..42b0cec0f47
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/Nyanotrasen/Structures/Machines/deep_fryer.rsi/off-1.png differ
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index 00000000000..8fbe08ff6e6
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/Nyanotrasen/Structures/Machines/deep_fryer.rsi/off-2.png differ
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index 00000000000..27d0ff5f3cb
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/Nyanotrasen/Structures/Machines/deep_fryer.rsi/off-3.png differ
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/Nyanotrasen/Structures/Machines/deep_fryer.rsi/off-4.png differ
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Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/Nyanotrasen/Structures/Machines/deep_fryer.rsi/off-5.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b173573edca
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/Nyanotrasen/Structures/Machines/deep_fryer.rsi/off-6.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..34c495ef72d
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/Nyanotrasen/Structures/Machines/deep_fryer.rsi/off-7.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..27c209ac1af
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/Nyanotrasen/Structures/Machines/deep_fryer.rsi/off-8.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9f1b95e7330
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4385149c5f9
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/Nyanotrasen/Structures/Machines/deep_fryer.rsi/on-2.png differ
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index 00000000000..63a2e8d1db4
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/Nyanotrasen/Structures/Machines/deep_fryer.rsi/on-3.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6da34ce0347
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/Nyanotrasen/Structures/Machines/deep_fryer.rsi/on-4.png differ
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/Nyanotrasen/Structures/Machines/deep_fryer.rsi/on-5.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6ad6e09d190
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/Nyanotrasen/Structures/Machines/deep_fryer.rsi/on-6.png differ
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Nyanotrasen/Structures/Machines/deep_fryer.rsi/on-7.png b/Resources/Textures/Nyanotrasen/Structures/Machines/deep_fryer.rsi/on-7.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5df86038e12
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/Nyanotrasen/Structures/Machines/deep_fryer.rsi/on-7.png differ
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Nyanotrasen/Structures/Machines/deep_fryer.rsi/on-8.png b/Resources/Textures/Nyanotrasen/Structures/Machines/deep_fryer.rsi/on-8.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..17cf4dca533
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/Nyanotrasen/Structures/Machines/deep_fryer.rsi/on-8.png differ
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Shaders/crispy.swsl b/Resources/Textures/Shaders/crispy.swsl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..81cc7a56f3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Textures/Shaders/crispy.swsl
@@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
+// Description : Array and textureless GLSL 2D simplex noise function.
+// Author : Ian McEwan, Ashima Arts.
+// Maintainer : stegu
+// Lastmod : 20110822 (ijm)
+// License : Copyright (C) 2011 Ashima Arts. All rights reserved.
+// Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE file.
+// https://github.com/ashima/webgl-noise
+// https://github.com/stegu/webgl-noise
+// Copyright (C) 2011 by Ashima Arts (Simplex noise)
+// Copyright (C) 2011-2016 by Stefan Gustavson (Classic noise and others)
+// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+highp vec3 mod289(highp vec3 x) {
+ return x - floor(x * (1.0 / 289.0)) * 289.0;
+highp vec2 mod289(highp vec2 x) {
+ return x - floor(x * (1.0 / 289.0)) * 289.0;
+highp vec3 permute(highp vec3 x) {
+ return mod289(((x*34.0)+10.0)*x);
+highp float snoise(highp vec2 v)
+ {
+ const highp vec4 C = vec4(0.211324865405187, // (3.0-sqrt(3.0))/6.0
+ 0.366025403784439, // 0.5*(sqrt(3.0)-1.0)
+ -0.577350269189626, // -1.0 + 2.0 * C.x
+ 0.024390243902439); // 1.0 / 41.0
+// First corner
+ highp vec2 i = floor(v + dot(v, C.yy) );
+ highp vec2 x0 = v - i + dot(i, C.xx);
+// Other corners
+ highp vec2 i1;
+ //i1.x = step( x0.y, x0.x ); // x0.x > x0.y ? 1.0 : 0.0
+ //i1.y = 1.0 - i1.x;
+ i1 = (x0.x > x0.y) ? vec2(1.0, 0.0) : vec2(0.0, 1.0);
+ // x0 = x0 - 0.0 + 0.0 * C.xx ;
+ // x1 = x0 - i1 + 1.0 * C.xx ;
+ // x2 = x0 - 1.0 + 2.0 * C.xx ;
+ highp vec4 x12 = x0.xyxy + C.xxzz;
+ x12.xy -= i1;
+// Permutations
+ i = mod289(i); // Avoid truncation effects in permutation
+ highp vec3 p = permute( permute( i.y + vec3(0.0, i1.y, 1.0 ))
+ + i.x + vec3(0.0, i1.x, 1.0 ));
+ highp vec3 m = max(0.5 - vec3(dot(x0,x0), dot(x12.xy,x12.xy), dot(x12.zw,x12.zw)), 0.0);
+ m = m*m ;
+ m = m*m ;
+// Gradients: 41 points uniformly over a line, mapped onto a diamond.
+// The ring size 17*17 = 289 is close to a multiple of 41 (41*7 = 287)
+ highp vec3 x = 2.0 * fract(p * C.www) - 1.0;
+ highp vec3 h = abs(x) - 0.5;
+ highp vec3 ox = floor(x + 0.5);
+ highp vec3 a0 = x - ox;
+// Normalise gradients implicitly by scaling m
+// Approximation of: m *= inversesqrt( a0*a0 + h*h );
+ m *= 1.79284291400159 - 0.85373472095314 * ( a0*a0 + h*h );
+// Compute final noise value at P
+ highp vec3 g;
+ g.x = a0.x * x0.x + h.x * x0.y;
+ g.yz = a0.yz * x12.xz + h.yz * x12.yw;
+ return 130.0 * dot(m, g);
+// https://github.com/jamieowen/glsl-blend
+// The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2015 Jamie Owen
+// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
+// deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
+// rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
+// sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+highp float blendOverlay(highp float base, highp float blend) {
+ return base<0.5?(2.0*base*blend):(1.0-2.0*(1.0-base)*(1.0-blend));
+highp vec3 blendOverlay(highp vec3 base, highp vec3 blend) {
+ return vec3(blendOverlay(base.r,blend.r),blendOverlay(base.g,blend.g),blendOverlay(base.b,blend.b));
+highp vec3 blendOverlay(highp vec3 base, highp vec3 blend, highp float opacity) {
+ return (blendOverlay(base, blend) * opacity + base * (1.0 - opacity));
+highp float blendColorBurn(highp float base, highp float blend) {
+ return (blend==0.0)?blend:max((1.0-((1.0-base)/blend)),0.0);
+highp vec3 blendColorBurn(highp vec3 base, highp vec3 blend) {
+ return vec3(blendColorBurn(base.r,blend.r),blendColorBurn(base.g,blend.g),blendColorBurn(base.b,blend.b));
+highp vec3 blendColorBurn(highp vec3 base, highp vec3 blend, highp float opacity) {
+ return (blendColorBurn(base, blend) * opacity + base * (1.0 - opacity));
+highp float blendDarken(highp float base, highp float blend) {
+ return min(blend,base);
+highp vec3 blendDarken(highp vec3 base, highp vec3 blend) {
+ return vec3(blendDarken(base.r,blend.r),blendDarken(base.g,blend.g),blendDarken(base.b,blend.b));
+highp vec3 blendDarken(highp vec3 base, highp vec3 blend, highp float opacity) {
+ return (blendDarken(base, blend) * opacity + base * (1.0 - opacity));
+highp float blendLighten(highp float base, highp float blend) {
+ return max(blend,base);
+highp vec3 blendLighten(highp vec3 base, highp vec3 blend) {
+ return vec3(blendLighten(base.r,blend.r),blendLighten(base.g,blend.g),blendLighten(base.b,blend.b));
+highp vec3 blendLighten(highp vec3 base, highp vec3 blend, highp float opacity) {
+ return (blendLighten(base, blend) * opacity + base * (1.0 - opacity));
+highp float rand(highp vec2 co){
+ return fract(sin(dot(co, vec2(12.9898, 78.233))) * 43758.5453);
+highp float blendReflect(highp float base, highp float blend) {
+ return (blend==1.0)?blend:min(base*base/(1.0-blend),1.0);
+highp vec3 blendReflect(highp vec3 base, highp vec3 blend) {
+ return vec3(blendReflect(base.r,blend.r),blendReflect(base.g,blend.g),blendReflect(base.b,blend.b));
+highp vec3 blendReflect(highp vec3 base, highp vec3 blend, highp float opacity) {
+ return (blendReflect(base, blend) * opacity + base * (1.0 - opacity));
+highp float blendLinearBurn(highp float base, highp float blend) {
+ // Note : Same implementation as BlendSubtractf
+ return max(base+blend-1.0,0.0);
+highp vec3 blendLinearBurn(highp vec3 base, highp vec3 blend) {
+ // Note : Same implementation as BlendSubtract
+ return max(base+blend-vec3(1.0),vec3(0.0));
+highp vec3 blendLinearBurn(highp vec3 base, highp vec3 blend, highp float opacity) {
+ return (blendLinearBurn(base, blend) * opacity + base * (1.0 - opacity));
+highp float blendLinearDodge(highp float base, highp float blend) {
+ // Note : Same implementation as BlendAddf
+ return min(base+blend,1.0);
+highp vec3 blendLinearDodge(highp vec3 base, highp vec3 blend) {
+ // Note : Same implementation as BlendAdd
+ return min(base+blend,vec3(1.0));
+highp vec3 blendLinearDodge(highp vec3 base, highp vec3 blend, highp float opacity) {
+ return (blendLinearDodge(base, blend) * opacity + base * (1.0 - opacity));
+highp float blendLinearLight(highp float base, highp float blend) {
+ return blend<0.5?blendLinearBurn(base,(2.0*blend)):blendLinearDodge(base,(2.0*(blend-0.5)));
+highp vec3 blendLinearLight(highp vec3 base, highp vec3 blend) {
+ return vec3(blendLinearLight(base.r,blend.r),blendLinearLight(base.g,blend.g),blendLinearLight(base.b,blend.b));
+highp vec3 blendLinearLight(highp vec3 base, highp vec3 blend, highp float opacity) {
+ return (blendLinearLight(base, blend) * opacity + base * (1.0 - opacity));
+highp vec3 blendAverage(highp vec3 base, highp vec3 blend) {
+ return (base+blend)/2.0;
+highp vec3 blendAverage(highp vec3 base, highp vec3 blend, highp float opacity) {
+ return (blendAverage(base, blend) * opacity + base * (1.0 - opacity));
+// https://gamedev.stackexchange.com/a/59808
+// Author: sam hocevar
+// Answered: Jul 27, 2013 at 13:33
+// License: CC BY-SA 3.0
+highp vec3 rgb2hsv(highp vec3 c)
+ highp vec4 K = vec4(0.0, -1.0 / 3.0, 2.0 / 3.0, -1.0);
+ highp vec4 p = mix(vec4(c.bg, K.wz), vec4(c.gb, K.xy), step(c.b, c.g));
+ highp vec4 q = mix(vec4(p.xyw, c.r), vec4(c.r, p.yzx), step(p.x, c.r));
+ highp float d = q.x - min(q.w, q.y);
+ /* float e = 1.0e-10; */
+ highp float e = 0.0000000001;
+ return vec3(abs(q.z + (q.w - q.y) / (6.0 * d + e)), d / (q.x + e), q.x);
+highp vec3 hsv2rgb(highp vec3 c)
+ highp vec4 K = vec4(1.0, 2.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 3.0, 3.0);
+ highp vec3 p = abs(fract(c.xxx + K.xyz) * 6.0 - K.www);
+ return c.z * mix(K.xxx, clamp(p - K.xxx, 0.0, 1.0), c.y);
+// https://raw.githubusercontent.com/msfeldstein/glsl-edge-detection/master/index.glsl
+// This software is released under the MIT license:
+// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
+// deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
+// rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
+// sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+// Adapted from http://coding-experiments.blogspot.com/2010/06/edge-detection.html
+highp float threshold(in highp float thr1, in highp float thr2 , in highp float val) {
+ if (val < thr1) {return 0.0;}
+ if (val > thr2) {return 1.0;}
+ return val;
+// averaged pixel difference from 3 color channels
+highp float diff(in highp vec4 pix1, in highp vec4 pix2)
+ return (
+ abs(pix1.r - pix2.r) +
+ abs(pix1.g - pix2.g) +
+ abs(pix1.b - pix2.b)
+ ) / 3.;
+highp float edge(in sampler2D tex, in highp vec2 coords, in highp vec2 textureSize){
+ highp float dx = textureSize.x;
+ highp float dy = textureSize.y;
+ highp vec4 pix[9];
+ pix[0] = zTextureSpec(tex, coords + vec2( -1.0 * dx, -1.0 * dy));
+ pix[1] = zTextureSpec(tex, coords + vec2( -1.0 * dx , 0.0 * dy));
+ pix[2] = zTextureSpec(tex, coords + vec2( -1.0 * dx , 1.0 * dy));
+ pix[3] = zTextureSpec(tex, coords + vec2( 0.0 * dx , -1.0 * dy));
+ pix[4] = zTextureSpec(tex, coords + vec2( 0.0 * dx , 0.0 * dy));
+ pix[5] = zTextureSpec(tex, coords + vec2( 0.0 * dx , 1.0 * dy));
+ pix[6] = zTextureSpec(tex, coords + vec2( 1.0 * dx , -1.0 * dy));
+ pix[7] = zTextureSpec(tex, coords + vec2( 1.0 * dx , 0.0 * dy));
+ pix[8] = zTextureSpec(tex, coords + vec2( 1.0 * dx , 1.0 * dy));
+ // average color differences around neighboring pixels
+ highp float delta = (diff(pix[1],pix[7])+
+ diff(pix[5],pix[3]) +
+ diff(pix[0],pix[8])+
+ diff(pix[2],pix[6])
+ )/4.0;
+ return clamp(3.0 * delta, 0.0, 1.0);
+// Author: @Vordenburg
+// License: follows space-station-14/LICENSE.TXT as of this commit.
+void fragment()
+ highp vec2 ps = TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE;
+ highp vec4 base = zTexture(UV);
+ highp vec3 edges = vec3(1.0 - edge(TEXTURE, UV, TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE));
+ highp vec3 browning = vec3(1.08, 1.05, 0.9);
+ highp vec3 browning2 = vec3(0.34, 0.21, 0.12);
+ highp vec3 browning3 = vec3(0.85, 0.57, 0.26);
+ highp vec3 oily = vec3(0.05, 0.03, 0.0);
+ highp vec3 product = base.rgb;
+ product = rgb2hsv(product);
+ product.x = 0.095;
+ product = hsv2rgb(product);
+ product = blendOverlay(product, browning3, 1.0);
+ product = blendLinearBurn(product, browning * snoise((UV * 30.0)), 0.2);
+ product = blendLinearBurn(product, edges, 0.6);
+ product = blendOverlay(product, browning3 * snoise(round(UV * 50.0)), 0.2);
+ COLOR = vec4(product, base.a);