diff --git a/examples/reindex_and_interpolate.py b/examples/reindex_and_interpolate.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c211865f..000000000
--- a/examples/reindex_and_interpolate.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-"""Reindex and interpolate bboxes tracks
-Load and explore an example dataset of bounding boxes tracks.
-# %%
-from movement import sample_data
-from movement.filtering import interpolate_over_time
-from movement.io import load_bboxes
-# %%
-# Select sample data file
-# --------------------
-# For the sake of this example, we will use the path to one of
-# the sample datasets provided with ``movement``.
-file_path = sample_data.fetch_dataset_paths("VIA_single-crab_MOCA-crab-1.csv")[
-    "bboxes"
-ds = load_bboxes.from_via_tracks_file(
-    file_path, use_frame_numbers_from_file=True
-# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-# Only 1 in 5 frames are labelled!
-print(ds.position.data[:, 0, :])
-# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-# Extend the dataset to every frame by forward filling
-ds_ff = ds.reindex(
-    {"time": list(range(ds.time[-1].item()))},
-    method="ffill",  # propagate last valid index value forward
-print(ds_ff.position.data[:, 0, :])
-print(ds_ff.shape.data[:, 0, :])
-# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-# Extend the dataset to every frame and fill empty values with nan
-ds_nan = ds.reindex(
-    {"time": list(range(ds.time[-1].item()))},
-    method=None,  # default
-print("Position data array:")
-print(ds_nan.position.data[:11, 0, :])
-print("Shape data array:")
-print(ds_nan.shape.data[:11, 0, :])
-# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-# Linearly interpolate position and shape with nan
-ds_interp = ds_nan.copy()
-for data_array_str in ["position", "shape"]:
-    ds_interp[data_array_str] = interpolate_over_time(
-        data=ds_interp[data_array_str],
-        method="linear",
-        max_gap=None,
-        print_report=False,
-    )
-print("Position data array:")
-print(ds_interp.position.data[:11, 0, :])
-print("Shape data array:")
-print(ds_interp.shape.data[:11, 0, :])
-# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-# Export as csv file
diff --git a/examples/reindex_and_interpolate_bboxes.py b/examples/reindex_and_interpolate_bboxes.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cdddba8f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/reindex_and_interpolate_bboxes.py
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+"""Reindex and interpolate bounding boxes tracks
+Load an example dataset of bounding boxes' tracks and reindex
+it to every frame.
+# %%
+import math
+import sleap_io as sio
+from cycler import cycler
+from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
+from movement import sample_data
+from movement.filtering import interpolate_over_time
+from movement.io import load_bboxes
+# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+# Select sample data file
+# --------------------
+# For this example, we will use the path to one of
+# the sample datasets provided with ``movement``.
+dataset_dict = sample_data.fetch_dataset_paths(
+    "VIA_single-crab_MOCA-crab-1.csv",
+    with_video=True,  # for visualisation
+file_path = dataset_dict["bboxes"]
+ds = load_bboxes.from_via_tracks_file(
+    file_path, use_frame_numbers_from_file=True
+# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+# Only 1 in 5 frames are annotated, plus the last frame (167)
+# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+# Extend the dataset to every frame by forward filling
+# The position and shape data arrays are filled with the last valid value
+# So position and shape are kept constant when no annotation is available
+ds_ff = ds.reindex(
+    {"time": list(range(ds.time[-1].item()))},
+    method="ffill",  # propagate last valid index value forward
+print("Position data array (first 14 frames):")
+print(ds_ff.position.data[:14, 0, :])  # time, individual, space
+print("Shape data array (first 14 frames):")
+print(ds_ff.shape.data[:14, 0, :])  # time, individual, space
+# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+# Extend the dataset to every frame and fill empty values with nan
+ds_nan = ds.reindex(
+    {"time": list(range(ds.time[-1].item()))},
+    method=None,  # default
+print("Position data array (first 14 frames):")
+print(ds_nan.position.data[:14, 0, :])
+print("Shape data array (first 14 frames):")
+print(ds_nan.shape.data[:14, 0, :])
+# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+# Linearly interpolate position and shape with nan
+ds_interp = ds_nan.copy()
+for data_array_str in ["position", "shape"]:
+    ds_interp[data_array_str] = interpolate_over_time(
+        data=ds_interp[data_array_str],
+        method="linear",
+        max_gap=None,
+        print_report=False,
+    )
+print("Position data array (first 14 frames):")
+print(ds_interp.position.data[:14, 0, :])
+print("Shape data array (first 14 frames):")
+print(ds_interp.shape.data[:14, 0, :])
+# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+# Inspect associated video
+video_path = dataset_dict["video"]
+video = sio.load_video(video_path)
+n_frames, height, width, channels = video.shape
+print(f"Number of frames: {n_frames}")  # The video contains all frames
+print(f"Frame size: {width}x{height}")
+print(f"Number of channels: {channels}")
+# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+# Plot data
+# OJO camera movement
+# select indices of data to plot
+data_start_idx = 0
+data_end_idx = 11
+# initialise figure
+fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 12))
+# add color cycler to axes
+plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"] = cycler(color=plt.get_cmap("tab10").colors)
+color_cycle = plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"].by_key()["color"]
+# loop over data and plot over corresponding frame
+for p_i, data_idx in enumerate(range(data_start_idx, data_end_idx)):
+    # add subplot axes
+    ax = plt.subplot(math.ceil(data_end_idx / 5), 5, p_i + 1)
+    # plot frame
+    ax.imshow(
+        video[ds.time[data_idx].item()]
+    )  # the video is indexed at every frame! use frame number as index
+    # plot annotated boxes
+    top_left_corner = (
+        ds.position[data_idx, 0, :].data - ds.shape[data_idx, 0, :].data / 2
+    )
+    bbox = plt.Rectangle(
+        xy=tuple(top_left_corner),
+        width=ds.shape[data_idx, 0, 0].data,  # x coord
+        height=ds.shape[data_idx, 0, 1].data,  # y coord of shape array
+        edgecolor=color_cycle[0],  # [data_idx % len(color_cycle)],
+        facecolor="none",  # transparent fill
+        linewidth=1.5,
+    )
+    ax.add_patch(bbox)
+    ax.set_title(f"Frame {ds.time[data_idx].item()}")
+# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+# Compare interpolation methods
+# select frames to inspect
+frame_number_start = 0
+frame_number_end = 6
+# add color cycler to axes
+plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"] = cycler(color=plt.get_cmap("tab10").colors)
+color_cycle = plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"].by_key()["color"]
+# initialise figure
+fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 12))
+# loop over data and plot over corresponding frame
+for frame_n in range(frame_number_start, frame_number_end):
+    # add subplot axes
+    ax = plt.subplot(1, 6, frame_n + 1)
+    # plot frame
+    ax.imshow(video[frame_n])
+    # the video is indexed at every frame! use frame number as index
+    # plot bounding box: box and centroid
+    for ds_i, ds in enumerate([ds_nan, ds_ff, ds_interp]):
+        # plot box
+        top_left_corner = (
+            ds.position.sel(time=frame_n, individuals="id_1").data
+            - ds.shape.sel(time=frame_n, individuals="id_1").data / 2
+        )
+        bbox = plt.Rectangle(
+            xy=tuple(top_left_corner),
+            width=ds.shape.sel(
+                time=frame_n, individuals="id_1", space="x"
+            ).data,  # x coord
+            height=ds.shape.sel(
+                time=frame_n, individuals="id_1", space="y"
+            ).data,  # y coord of shape array
+            edgecolor=color_cycle[ds_i],
+            facecolor="none",  # transparent fill
+            linewidth=[4.5, 1.5, 1.5][ds_i],
+            linestyle=["dotted", "solid", "solid"][ds_i],
+            label=["nan", "ffill", "linear"][ds_i],
+        )
+        ax.add_patch(bbox)
+        # plot centroid
+        ax.scatter(
+            x=ds.position.sel(
+                time=frame_n, individuals="id_1", space="x"
+            ).data,
+            y=ds.position.sel(
+                time=frame_n, individuals="id_1", space="y"
+            ).data,
+            s=5,
+            color=color_cycle[ds_i],
+        )
+    if frame_n == 0:
+        ax.legend()
+    ax.set_title(f"Frame {frame_n}")
+# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+# Export as csv file