Name | Type | Description | Notes |
maxFinancingAmount | int | [optional] | |
minFinancingAmount | int | [optional] | |
interestRate | float | [optional] | |
availability | bool | true if financing is available from this webshop | [optional] |
testMode | bool | true if the webshop is in test mode | [optional] |
privacyApprovalForm | string | form for privacy approval (zustimmungDatenuebertragungPaymentPage) | [optional] |
declarationOfConsent | string | (zustimmungEinwilligungserklaerungPaymentPage) | [optional] |
illustrativeExample | string | (repraesentativesBeispiel) | [optional] |
productDetails | string | (produktangaben) | [optional] |
uuid | string | request-id | [optional] |
flexprice | bool | true if the shop has an active flexprice or a flexprice time period is planned for the future | [optional] [default to false] |
installmentPaymentActive | bool | [optional] | |
billPaymentActive | bool | [optional] | |
minBillingValue | float | [optional] | |
maxBillingValue | float | [optional] | |
minInstallmentValue | float | [optional] | |
maxInstallmentValue | float | [optional] |