Hacktoberfest is a program by Digital Ocean, DEV and Github, where you can easily win a T-Shirt just by making 4 pull requests in the month of October to any open source projects on Github.
- Register for Hacktoberfest on Digital oceans site
- Fork or and clone this repository
- On cloning the file will have a
answer folder
in the answer_branch - Add your answer to the
answer folder
- Answer
be saved in the formatanswer_question_your github id.extension
(answer_01_ABC.cpp/c/python) - Push only to the answer_branch. For pushing your code to your forked repo use git local workflow
- Use
git push origin branch_name
to push the code to your forked repo - Send a pull request and you are done with your first contribution
if you have any doubts do check our site for assistance