diff --git a/Scenario/Client.py b/Scenario/Client.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6db2055
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scenario/Client.py
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+import zmq
+import sys
+import socket
+import errno
+import select
+from time import sleep
+from multiprocessing import Process, Value
+class Type:
+ SYN = 1
+ FIN = 2
+ SENT = 3
+ RECV = 4
+# Packet size 42B= 336b
+NUM_PKTS= 1000*5
+server_ip = ''
+# Time to wait for pending packets
+def client():
+ global server_ip
+ data={}
+ server_ip=sys.argv[1]
+ host=sys.argv[2]
+ dests=set(sys.argv[3:])
+ context = zmq.Context()
+ zmq_skt = context.socket(zmq.PUSH)
+ zmq_skt.connect("ipc:///tmp/pnpm")
+ # Connect
+ data['type']= Type.SYN
+ data['source']=host
+ zmq_skt.send_pyobj(data)
+ data.clear()
+ stop = Value('i', 0)
+ receiver_p = Process(target=receiver, args=(stop,host))
+ receiver_p.start()
+ sleep(10)
+ sender_p = Process(target=sender, args=(dests,host))
+ sender_p.start()
+ sender_p.join()
+ sleep(TIMEOUT)
+ stop.value=1
+ receiver_p.join()
+ # Disconnect
+ data['type']= Type.FIN
+ data['source']=host
+ data['entries']=len(dests)
+ zmq_skt.send_pyobj(data)
+ data.clear()
+ zmq_skt.close()
+def sender(dests,host):
+ global server_ip
+ num_sent={}
+ for d in dests:
+ num_sent[d]=0
+ interpacket_gap=1/(float(NUM_PKTS*len(dests))/float(TEST_DURATION))
+ context = zmq.Context()
+ zmq_skt = context.socket(zmq.PUSH)
+ zmq_skt.connect("ipc:///tmp/pnpm")
+ udp_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
+ data={}
+ for i in xrange(0,NUM_PKTS):
+ for d in dests:
+ try:
+ try:
+ udp_sock.sendto("", (d,UDP_PORT))
+ except socket.error as se:
+ #Ignore [Errno 101] Network is unreachable
+ if se.errno != errno.ENETUNREACH:
+ raise se
+ num_sent[d]+=1
+ sleep(interpacket_gap)
+ except socket.error as se:
+ exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
+ print("Socket error: %s %s %s"%(se, exc_type, exc_tb.tb_lineno))
+ udp_sock.close()
+ udp_sock=None
+ return
+ udp_sock.close()
+ udp_sock=None
+ for d in dests:
+ data['type']= Type.SENT
+ data['from']=host
+ data['to']=d
+ data['sent']=num_sent[d]
+ zmq_skt.send_pyobj(data)
+ data.clear()
+ zmq_skt.close()
+def receiver(stop,host):
+ global server_ip
+ data={}
+ context = zmq.Context()
+ zmq_skt = context.socket(zmq.PUSH)
+ zmq_skt.connect("ipc:///tmp/pnpm")
+ srcs={}
+ udp_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
+ udp_sock.bind((host, UDP_PORT))
+ udp_sock.setblocking(0)
+ while (not stop.value):
+ ready = select.select([udp_sock], [], [], 10)
+ if ready[0]:
+ msg, (src_ip, src_port) = udp_sock.recvfrom(1500) #Buffer size is 1500 bytes
+ if src_ip not in srcs:
+ srcs[src_ip]=1
+ else:
+ srcs[src_ip]+=1
+ for s,r in srcs.iteritems():
+ data['type']= Type.RECV
+ data['from']=s
+ data['to']=host
+ data['recv']=r
+ zmq_skt.send_pyobj(data)
+ data.clear()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ client()
diff --git a/Scenario/Controller.py b/Scenario/Controller.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a970f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scenario/Controller.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2389 @@
+# Copyright 2017 Federica Mesolella
+# This file is part of POX.
+# POX is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# POX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with POX. If not, see .
+from pox.core import core
+from pox.lib.revent import EventRemove
+from pox.lib.addresses import IPAddr,EthAddr
+from pox.lib.util import dpid_to_str
+from pox.lib.util import str_to_bool
+from pox.lib.packet.arp import arp
+from pox.lib.packet.ipv4 import ipv4
+from pox.openflow.of_json import *
+from pox.lib.recoco import Timer
+from pox.lib.revent import *
+from collections import defaultdict
+from threading import Thread, Lock
+from pox.openflow.discovery import Discovery
+import pox.openflow.libopenflow_01 as of
+import pox.openflow.nicira as nx
+import pox.lib.packet as pkt
+import networkx as NX
+import socket
+import time
+import sys
+import math
+import json
+import signal
+import threading
+#count the number of matching rules inserted in switch S
+#count the number of matching rules inserted in switch T
+#variable to store the old value of dpid
+log = core.getLogger()
+_flood_delay = 0
+#flag in the set function
+#flag in the match function
+#flag in the match function
+#flag in the read counter function
+#flag in the forwarding_high_priority function
+#flag in the forwarding_low_priority function
+#flag in the set_port_in_TOS function
+#flag in the create_flow_stats_list function
+#counter in the set function
+#counter in the match function
+#counter in the match function
+#counter in the read counter function
+#counter in the get_labels function
+#counter in the forwarding_high_priority function
+#counter in the forwarding_low_priority function
+#counter in the set_port_in_TOS function
+#counter in the create_flow_stats_list function
+#counter used in the case of reading of flag 0 in the create_flow_stats_list function
+#counter used in the case of reading of flag 1 in the create_flow_stats_list function
+#counter in the link_event function
+#costant to define the number of switch S in the topology
+#costant useful to verify the end of link detection depends on the value of N
+#costant variable used to create the mac address
+#variable used to read values foreach switch connected
+#variable used to run once
+#variables used for traffic monitoring
+#variable used for traffic monitoring
+#variables used to get switch informations
+#array with port numbers
+#array with shortest path foreach switch
+G = NX.Graph()
+#variables with the sum of counters of all switch in the topology
+#array with the counters in input and output of 52 port
+#array with the counters in input and output .... 41x41=1681
+#array with the partial sum
+somma_parziale_IN_0=[0] * 1681
+somma_parziale_OUT_0=[0] * 1681
+somma_parziale_IN_1=[0] * 1681
+somma_parziale_OUT_1=[0] * 1681
+#count the number of low priority rules inserted in all switch in the topology
+#dictiionary with the Results printed on a json file
+class LearningSwitch (object):
+ global G
+ def __init__ (self, connection, transparent):
+ self.connection = connection
+ self.transparent = transparent
+ connection.addListeners(self)
+ self.hold_down_expired = _flood_delay == 0
+ #set flag TOS to 0 or 1 every T=N seconds
+ self._set_flag(60)
+ #read the counters every T=N/2 seconds
+ self._read_counters(30)
+ #just once insert in the switches S the rules to match the packets with flag set to 0 or 1
+ self._match_flag_S(40)
+ #just once insert in the switches T the rules to forward packets
+ self._forwarding_T(40)
+ #just once insert in the switches S the rules in order to set the port number in the TOS field
+ self._set_port_in_TOS_field(30)
+ #just once insert in the switches S the forwarding rules with low priority
+ self._forwarding_low_priority(25)
+ #get the labels of all nodes in the topology
+ self._get_labels_from_topology(20)
+ #just once insert in the switches S the forwarding rules with high priority
+ self._forwarding_high_priority(35)
+ def _set_flag(self, dt):
+ #every T=N second set bit TOS to 1 or 0
+ Timer(dt, self.set_bit, recurring=True)
+ def _match_flag_S(self, dt):
+ #Just once insert in the switches S the rules to match the bit/flag to 0 and 1
+ Timer(dt, self.match_bit_S,recurring=False)
+ def _forwarding_T(self, dt):
+ #Just once insert in the switches T the rules to match the bit/flag to 0 and 1
+ Timer(dt, self.forwarding_lowp_T,recurring=False)
+ def _read_counters(self,dt):
+ #Listen for flow stats
+ core.openflow.addListenerByName("FlowStatsReceived",create_flow_stats_list)
+ #every T=N/2 seconds read the counters
+ Timer(dt, self.read_counter, recurring=True)
+ def _set_port_in_TOS_field(self,dt):
+ #just once insert in the switches S the rules in order to set the port number in the TOS field
+ Timer(dt, self.set_port_in_TOS, recurring=False)
+ def _forwarding_low_priority(self, dt):
+ #just once insert in the switches S the forwarding rules with low priority
+ Timer(dt, self.forwarding_low_p, recurring=False)
+ def _get_labels_from_topology(self,dt):
+ #get the labels of all nodes in the topology
+ Timer(dt, self.get_labels_nodes, recurring=False)
+ def _forwarding_high_priority(self,dt):
+ #just once insert in the switches S the forwarding rules with high priority
+ Timer(dt, self.forwarding_high_p, recurring=False)
+#rules forwarding low priority in switch T
+ def forwarding_rules_lowpriority_switchT(self):
+ msg = nx.nx_flow_mod()
+ msg.table_id = 0
+ msg.match.in_port=1
+ msg.priority = 1
+ msg.idle_timeout = of.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
+ msg.hard_timeout = of.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
+ msg.match.of_eth_type = pkt.ethernet.IP_TYPE
+ msg.actions.append(of.ofp_action_output(port = 2))
+ self.connection.send(msg)
+ msg = nx.nx_flow_mod()
+ msg.table_id = 0
+ msg.match.in_port=2
+ msg.priority = 1
+ msg.idle_timeout = of.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
+ msg.hard_timeout = of.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
+ msg.match.of_eth_type = pkt.ethernet.IP_TYPE
+ msg.actions.append(of.ofp_action_output(port = 1))
+ self.connection.send(msg)
+#rules setting flag in swicth T
+ def setting_flag_rule_in_switch_T_macs_macd_ips_ipd(self,tos):
+ t=tos
+ msg = nx.nx_flow_mod()
+ msg.command = of.OFPFC_MODIFY
+ msg.table_id = 0
+ msg.match.in_port=1
+ msg.priority = 10
+ msg.idle_timeout = of.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
+ msg.hard_timeout = of.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
+ msg.match.of_eth_type = pkt.ethernet.IP_TYPE
+ msg.match.of_eth_src = EthAddr(mac_src)
+ msg.match.of_eth_dst = EthAddr(mac_dst)
+ msg.match.of_ip_proto = 17
+ msg.match.of_ip_src = IPAddr(ip_src)
+ msg.match.of_ip_dst = IPAddr(ip_dst)
+ msg.actions.append(of.ofp_action_nw_tos(nw_tos=t))
+ msg.actions.append(of.ofp_action_output(port = 2))
+ self.connection.send(msg)
+ def setting_flag_rule_in_switch_T_macs_macd(self,tos):
+ t=tos
+ msg = nx.nx_flow_mod()
+ msg.command = of.OFPFC_MODIFY
+ msg.table_id = 0
+ msg.match.in_port=1
+ msg.priority = 10
+ msg.idle_timeout = of.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
+ msg.hard_timeout = of.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
+ msg.match.of_eth_type = pkt.ethernet.IP_TYPE
+ msg.match.of_eth_src = EthAddr(mac_src)
+ msg.match.of_eth_dst = EthAddr(mac_dst)
+ msg.match.of_ip_proto = 17
+ msg.actions.append(of.ofp_action_nw_tos(nw_tos=t))
+ msg.actions.append(of.ofp_action_output(port = 2))
+ self.connection.send(msg)
+ def setting_flag_rule_in_switch_T_ips_ipd(self,tos):
+ t=tos
+ msg = nx.nx_flow_mod()
+ msg.command = of.OFPFC_MODIFY
+ msg.table_id = 0
+ msg.match.in_port=1
+ msg.priority = 10
+ msg.idle_timeout = of.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
+ msg.hard_timeout = of.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
+ msg.match.of_eth_type = pkt.ethernet.IP_TYPE
+ msg.match.of_ip_proto = 17
+ msg.match.of_ip_src = IPAddr(ip_src)
+ msg.match.of_ip_dst = IPAddr(ip_dst)
+ msg.actions.append(of.ofp_action_nw_tos(nw_tos=t))
+ msg.actions.append(of.ofp_action_output(port = 2))
+ self.connection.send(msg)
+ def setting_flag_rule_in_switch_T_macs_ips(self,tos):
+ t=tos
+ msg = nx.nx_flow_mod()
+ msg.command = of.OFPFC_MODIFY
+ msg.table_id = 0
+ msg.match.in_port=1
+ msg.priority = 10
+ msg.idle_timeout = of.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
+ msg.hard_timeout = of.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
+ msg.match.of_eth_type = pkt.ethernet.IP_TYPE
+ msg.match.of_eth_src = EthAddr(mac_src)
+ msg.match.of_ip_proto = 17
+ msg.match.of_ip_src = IPAddr(ip_src)
+ msg.actions.append(of.ofp_action_nw_tos(nw_tos=t))
+ msg.actions.append(of.ofp_action_output(port = 2))
+ self.connection.send(msg)
+ def setting_flag_rule_in_switch_T_macd_ipd(self,tos):
+ t=tos
+ msg = nx.nx_flow_mod()
+ msg.command = of.OFPFC_MODIFY
+ msg.table_id = 0
+ msg.match.in_port=1
+ msg.priority = 10
+ msg.idle_timeout = of.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
+ msg.hard_timeout = of.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
+ msg.match.of_eth_type = pkt.ethernet.IP_TYPE
+ msg.match.of_eth_dst = EthAddr(mac_dst)
+ msg.match.of_ip_proto = 17
+ msg.match.of_ip_dst = IPAddr(ip_dst)
+ msg.actions.append(of.ofp_action_nw_tos(nw_tos=t))
+ msg.actions.append(of.ofp_action_output(port = 2))
+ self.connection.send(msg)
+ def setting_flag_rule_in_switch_T(self,tos):
+ t=tos
+ msg = nx.nx_flow_mod()
+ msg.command = of.OFPFC_MODIFY
+ msg.table_id = 0
+ msg.match.in_port=1
+ msg.priority = 10
+ msg.idle_timeout = of.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
+ msg.hard_timeout = of.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
+ msg.match.of_eth_type = pkt.ethernet.IP_TYPE
+ msg.match.of_ip_proto = 17
+ msg.actions.append(of.ofp_action_nw_tos(nw_tos=t))
+ msg.actions.append(of.ofp_action_output(port = 2))
+ self.connection.send(msg)
+#rules matching flag in swicth S
+ def matching_flag_rule_in_switchS_macs_macd_ips_ipd(self,port,tos):
+ t=tos
+ p=port
+ msg = nx.nx_flow_mod()
+ msg.table_id = 0
+ msg.match.in_port=p
+ msg.priority = 10
+ msg.idle_timeout = of.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
+ msg.hard_timeout = of.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
+ msg.match.of_eth_type = pkt.ethernet.IP_TYPE
+ msg.match.of_eth_src = EthAddr(mac_src)
+ msg.match.of_eth_dst = EthAddr(mac_dst)
+ msg.match.of_ip_proto = 17
+ msg.match.of_ip_src = IPAddr(ip_src)
+ msg.match.of_ip_dst = IPAddr(ip_dst)
+ msg.match.of_ip_tos=t
+ msg.actions.append(nx.nx_action_resubmit.resubmit_table(table = 2))
+ self.connection.send(msg)
+ def matching_flag_rule_in_switchS_macs_macd(self,port,tos):
+ t=tos
+ p=port
+ msg = nx.nx_flow_mod()
+ msg.table_id = 0
+ msg.match.in_port=p
+ msg.priority = 10
+ msg.idle_timeout = of.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
+ msg.hard_timeout = of.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
+ msg.match.of_eth_type = pkt.ethernet.IP_TYPE
+ msg.match.of_eth_src = EthAddr(mac_src)
+ msg.match.of_eth_dst = EthAddr(mac_dst)
+ msg.match.of_ip_proto = 17
+ msg.match.of_ip_tos=t
+ msg.actions.append(nx.nx_action_resubmit.resubmit_table(table = 2))
+ self.connection.send(msg)
+ def matching_flag_rule_in_switchS_ips_ipd(self,port,tos):
+ t=tos
+ p=port
+ msg = nx.nx_flow_mod()
+ msg.table_id = 0
+ msg.match.in_port=p
+ msg.priority = 10
+ msg.idle_timeout = of.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
+ msg.hard_timeout = of.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
+ msg.match.of_eth_type = pkt.ethernet.IP_TYPE
+ msg.match.of_ip_proto = 17
+ msg.match.of_ip_src = IPAddr(ip_src)
+ msg.match.of_ip_dst = IPAddr(ip_dst)
+ msg.match.of_ip_tos=t
+ msg.actions.append(nx.nx_action_resubmit.resubmit_table(table = 2))
+ self.connection.send(msg)
+ def matching_flag_rule_in_switchS_macs_ips(self,port,tos):
+ t=tos
+ p=port
+ msg = nx.nx_flow_mod()
+ msg.table_id = 0
+ msg.match.in_port=p
+ msg.priority = 10
+ msg.idle_timeout = of.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
+ msg.hard_timeout = of.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
+ msg.match.of_eth_type = pkt.ethernet.IP_TYPE
+ msg.match.of_eth_src = EthAddr(mac_src)
+ msg.match.of_ip_proto = 17
+ msg.match.of_ip_src = IPAddr(ip_src)
+ msg.match.of_ip_tos=t
+ msg.actions.append(nx.nx_action_resubmit.resubmit_table(table = 2))
+ self.connection.send(msg)
+ def matching_flag_rule_in_switchS_macd_ipd(self,port,tos):
+ t=tos
+ p=port
+ msg = nx.nx_flow_mod()
+ msg.table_id = 0
+ msg.match.in_port=p
+ msg.priority = 10
+ msg.idle_timeout = of.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
+ msg.hard_timeout = of.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
+ msg.match.of_eth_type = pkt.ethernet.IP_TYPE
+ msg.match.of_eth_dst = EthAddr(mac_dst)
+ msg.match.of_ip_proto = 17
+ msg.match.of_ip_dst = IPAddr(ip_dst)
+ msg.match.of_ip_tos=t
+ msg.actions.append(nx.nx_action_resubmit.resubmit_table(table = 2))
+ self.connection.send(msg)
+ def matching_flag_rule_in_switchS(self,port,tos):
+ t=tos
+ p=port
+ msg = nx.nx_flow_mod()
+ msg.table_id = 0
+ msg.match.in_port=p
+ msg.priority = 10
+ msg.idle_timeout = of.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
+ msg.hard_timeout = of.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
+ msg.match.of_eth_type = pkt.ethernet.IP_TYPE
+ msg.match.of_ip_proto = 17
+ msg.match.of_ip_tos=t
+ msg.actions.append(nx.nx_action_resubmit.resubmit_table(table = 2))
+ self.connection.send(msg)
+ def set_bit(self):
+ if self.connection.dpid > 100:
+ localtime = time.asctime( time.localtime(time.time()) )
+ global flag_set
+ global N
+ global C_set
+ global VAR
+ global ip_src, ip_dst, mac_src, mac_dst_
+ global var1,var2,var3,var4
+ C_set=C_set+1
+ msg = nx.nx_flow_mod_table_id()
+ self.connection.send(msg)
+ if C_set==1:
+ VAR=1
+ if flag_set==0:
+ flag_set=1
+ elif flag_set==1:
+ flag_set=0
+ if flag_set==0:
+ if var1==1 and var2==1 and var3==1 and var4==1:
+ tos=0x04
+ self.setting_flag_rule_in_switch_T_macs_macd_ips_ipd(tos)
+ elif var1==1 and var2==1:
+ tos=0x04
+ self.setting_flag_rule_in_switch_T_ips_ipd(tos)
+ elif var3==1 and var4==1:
+ tos=0x04
+ self.setting_flag_rule_in_switch_T_macs_macd(tos)
+ elif var1==1 and var3==1:
+ tos=0x04
+ self.setting_flag_rule_in_switch_T_macs_ips(tos)
+ elif var2==1 and var4==1:
+ tos=0x04
+ self.setting_flag_rule_in_switch_T_macd_ipd(tos)
+ else:
+ print "Insert rules of setting in switch T start at : ",localtime," Switch :",self.connection.dpid,"Count : ",C_set
+ tos=0x04
+ self.setting_flag_rule_in_switch_T(tos)
+ elif flag_set==1:
+ if var1==1 and var2==1 and var3==1 and var4==1:
+ tos=0
+ self.setting_flag_rule_in_switch_T_macs_macd_ips_ipd(tos)
+ elif var1==1 and var2==1:
+ tos=0
+ self.setting_flag_rule_in_switch_T_ips_ipd(tos)
+ elif var3==1 and var4==1:
+ tos=0
+ self.setting_flag_rule_in_switch_T_macs_macd(tos)
+ elif var1==1 and var3==1:
+ tos=0
+ self.setting_flag_rule_in_switch_T_macs_ips(tos)
+ elif var2==1 and var4==1:
+ tos=0
+ self.setting_flag_rule_in_switch_T_macd_ipd(tos)
+ else:
+ print "Insert rules of setting in switch T start at : ",localtime," Switch :",self.connection.dpid,"Count : ",C_set
+ tos=0
+ self.setting_flag_rule_in_switch_T(tos)
+ if C_set==N:
+ C_set=0
+ def match_bit_S(self):
+ localtime = time.asctime( time.localtime(time.time()) )
+ global flag_match_S
+ global C_match_S
+ global num_ruleS
+ global ip_src, ip_dst, mac_src, mac_dst
+ global var1,var2,var3,var4
+ ports = []
+ ports_switch=[]
+ limit=65534
+ for m in self.connection.features.ports:
+ ports.append(m.port_no)
+ for element in ports:
+ if element < limit:
+ ports_switch.append(element)
+ max = ports_switch[0]
+ pos = 1
+ while pos < len(ports_switch) :
+ if ports_switch[pos] > max :
+ max = ports_switch[pos]
+ pos = pos + 1
+ ports_switch.remove(max)
+ if self.connection.dpid <=40:
+ C_match_S=C_match_S+1
+ msg = nx.nx_flow_mod_table_id()
+ self.connection.send(msg)
+ if C_match_S==1:
+ if flag_match_S==0:
+ flag_match_S=1
+ if flag_match_S==1:
+ if var1==1 and var2==1 and var3==1 and var4==1:
+ port=52
+ tos=0x04
+ self.matching_flag_rule_in_switchS_macs_macd_ips_ipd(port,tos)
+ port=52
+ tos=0
+ self.matching_flag_rule_in_switchS_macs_macd_ips_ipd(port,tos)
+ for p in ports_switch:
+ porta=p
+ port=porta
+ tos=0x04
+ self.matching_flag_rule_in_switchS_macs_macd_ips_ipd(port,tos)
+ port=porta
+ tos=0
+ self.matching_flag_rule_in_switchS_macs_macd_ips_ipd(port,tos)
+ elif var1==1 and var2==1:
+ port=52
+ tos=0x04
+ self.matching_flag_rule_in_switchS_ips_ipd(port,tos)
+ port=52
+ tos=0
+ self.matching_flag_rule_in_switchS_ips_ipd(port,tos)
+ for p in ports_switch:
+ porta=p
+ port=porta
+ tos=0x04
+ self.matching_flag_rule_in_switchS_ips_ipd(port,tos)
+ port=porta
+ tos=0
+ self.matching_flag_rule_in_switchS_ips_ipd(port,tos)
+ elif var3==1 and var4==1:
+ port=52
+ tos=0x04
+ self.matching_flag_rule_in_switchS_macs_macd(port,tos)
+ port=52
+ tos=0
+ self.matching_flag_rule_in_switchS_macs_macd(port,tos)
+ for p in ports_switch:
+ porta=p
+ port=porta
+ tos=0x04
+ self.matching_flag_rule_in_switchS_macs_macd(port,tos)
+ port=porta
+ tos=0
+ self.matching_flag_rule_in_switchS_macs_macd(port,tos)
+ elif var1==1 and var3==1:
+ port=52
+ tos=0x04
+ self.matching_flag_rule_in_switchS_macs_ips(port,tos)
+ port=52
+ tos=0
+ self.matching_flag_rule_in_switchS_macs_ips(port,tos)
+ for p in ports_switch:
+ porta=p
+ port=porta
+ tos=0x04
+ self.matching_flag_rule_in_switchS_macs_ips(port,tos)
+ port=porta
+ tos=0
+ self.matching_flag_rule_in_switchS_macs_ips(port,tos)
+ elif var2==1 and var4==1:
+ port=52
+ tos=0x04
+ self.matching_flag_rule_in_switchS_macd_ipd(port,tos)
+ port=52
+ tos=0
+ self.matching_flag_rule_in_switchS_macd_ipd(port,tos)
+ for p in ports_switch:
+ porta=p
+ port=porta
+ tos=0x04
+ self.matching_flag_rule_in_switchS_macd_ipd(port,tos)
+ port=porta
+ tos=0
+ self.matching_flag_rule_in_switchS_macd_ipd(port,tos)
+ else:
+ num_ruleS=num_ruleS+1
+ print "Insert rules of matching switch S start at : ",localtime," Switch :",self.connection.dpid,"Count : ",num_ruleS
+ port=52
+ tos=0x04
+ self.matching_flag_rule_in_switchS(port,tos)
+ port=52
+ tos=0
+ self.matching_flag_rule_in_switchS(port,tos)
+ for p in ports_switch:
+ porta=p
+ port=porta
+ tos=0x04
+ self.matching_flag_rule_in_switchS(port,tos)
+ port=porta
+ tos=0
+ self.matching_flag_rule_in_switchS(port,tos)
+ if C_match_S==N:
+ C_match_S=0
+ def forwarding_lowp_T(self):
+ localtime = time.asctime( time.localtime(time.time()) )
+ global flag_match_T
+ global num_ruleT
+ global C_match_T
+ global ip_src, ip_dst, mac_src, mac_dst
+ global var1,var2,var3,var4
+ if self.connection.dpid > 100:
+ C_match_T=C_match_T+1
+ msg = nx.nx_flow_mod_table_id()
+ self.connection.send(msg)
+ if C_match_T==1:
+ if flag_match_T==0:
+ flag_match_T=1
+ if flag_match_T==1:
+ if var1==1 and var2==1 and var3==1 and var4==1:
+ self.forwarding_rules_lowpriority_switchT()
+ elif var1==1 and var2==1:
+ self.forwarding_rules_lowpriority_switchT()
+ elif var3==1 and var4==1:
+ self.forwarding_rules_lowpriority_switchT()
+ elif var1==1 and var3==1:
+ self.forwarding_rules_lowpriority_switchT()
+ elif var2==1 and var4==1:
+ self.forwarding_rules_lowpriority_switchT()
+ else:
+ num_ruleT=num_ruleT+1
+ print "Insert rules matching switch T : ",localtime," Switch :",self.connection.dpid,"Count : ",num_ruleT
+ self.forwarding_rules_lowpriority_switchT()
+ if C_match_T==N:
+ C_match_T=0
+ def read_counter(self):
+ #sends the requests to all the switches in the topology connected to the controller
+ if self.connection.dpid <=40:
+ global flag_read
+ global C_read
+ localtime = time.asctime( time.localtime(time.time()) )
+ C_read=C_read+1
+ if C_read==1:
+ if flag_read==0:
+ flag_read=1
+ elif flag_read==1:
+ flag_read=0
+ if flag_read==1:
+ if self.connection.dpid==1 :
+ for connection in core.openflow._connections.values():
+ connection.send(of.ofp_stats_request(body=of.ofp_flow_stats_request()))
+ elif flag_read==0:
+ print "Waiting for other seconds in order to read counter ... "
+ if C_read==N:
+ C_read=0
+#match the flag in the packet and set the number of port of switch in the TOS field.....monitoring without filters
+ def func1(self,mac_address_D,ip_address_D,tos,nwtos):
+ mac_D=mac_address_D
+ ip_D=ip_address_D
+ t=tos
+ nt=nwtos
+ msg = nx.nx_flow_mod()
+ msg.table_id = 2
+ msg.priority = 10
+ msg.idle_timeout = of.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
+ msg.hard_timeout = of.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
+ msg.match.of_eth_type = pkt.ethernet.IP_TYPE
+ msg.match.of_eth_dst = EthAddr(mac_D)
+ msg.match.of_ip_proto = 17
+ msg.match.of_ip_dst = IPAddr(ip_D)
+ msg.match.of_ip_tos=t
+ msg.actions.append(of.ofp_action_nw_tos(nw_tos= nt))
+ msg.actions.append(nx.nx_action_resubmit.resubmit_table(table = 3))
+ self.connection.send(msg)
+#match the flag in the packet and set the number of port of switch in the TOS field.....monitoring with filter on ips and ipd
+ def func1_ips_ipd(self,mac_address_D,ip_address_D,ips,ipd,tos,nwtos):
+ mac_D=mac_address_D
+ ip_D=ip_address_D
+ IP_s=ips
+ IP_d=ipd
+ t=tos
+ nt=nwtos
+ msg = nx.nx_flow_mod()
+ msg.table_id = 2
+ msg.priority = 10
+ msg.idle_timeout = of.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
+ msg.hard_timeout = of.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
+ msg.match.of_eth_type = pkt.ethernet.IP_TYPE
+ msg.match.of_eth_dst = EthAddr(mac_D)
+ msg.match.of_ip_proto = 17
+ msg.match.of_ip_dst = IPAddr(ip_D)
+ msg.match.of_ip_tos=t
+ msg.actions.append(of.ofp_action_nw_tos(nw_tos= nt))
+ msg.actions.append(nx.nx_action_resubmit.resubmit_table(table = 3))
+ self.connection.send(msg)
+#match the flag in the packet and set the number of port of switch in the TOS field.....monitoring with filter on macs and macd
+ def func1_macs_macd(self, mac_address_D, ip_address_D, macs,macd,tos,nwtos):
+ mac_D=mac_address_D
+ ip_D=ip_address_D
+ MAC_s=macs
+ MAC_d=macd
+ t=tos
+ nt=nwtos
+ msg = nx.nx_flow_mod()
+ msg.table_id = 2
+ msg.priority = 10
+ msg.idle_timeout = of.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
+ msg.hard_timeout = of.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
+ msg.match.of_eth_type = pkt.ethernet.IP_TYPE
+ msg.match.of_eth_dst = EthAddr(mac_D)
+ msg.match.of_ip_proto = 17
+ msg.match.of_ip_dst = IPAddr(ip_D)
+ msg.match.of_ip_tos=t
+ msg.actions.append(of.ofp_action_nw_tos(nw_tos= nt))
+ msg.actions.append(nx.nx_action_resubmit.resubmit_table(table = 3))
+ self.connection.send(msg)
+#match the flag in the packet and set the number of port of switch in the TOS field.....monitoring with filter on ips and macs
+ def func1_ips_macs(self, mac_address_D, ip_address_D,ips,macs,tos,nwtos):
+ mac_D=mac_address_D
+ ip_D=ip_address_D
+ IP_s=ips
+ MAC_s=macs
+ t=tos
+ nt=nwtos
+ msg = nx.nx_flow_mod()
+ msg.table_id = 2
+ msg.priority = 10
+ msg.idle_timeout = of.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
+ msg.hard_timeout = of.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
+ msg.match.of_eth_type = pkt.ethernet.IP_TYPE
+ msg.match.of_eth_dst = EthAddr(mac_D)
+ msg.match.of_ip_proto = 17
+ msg.match.of_ip_dst = IPAddr(ip_D)
+ msg.match.of_ip_tos=t
+ msg.actions.append(of.ofp_action_nw_tos(nw_tos= nt ))
+ msg.actions.append(nx.nx_action_resubmit.resubmit_table(table = 3))
+ self.connection.send(msg)
+#match the flag in the packet and set the number of port of switch in the TOS field.....monitoring with filter on ipd and macd
+ def func1_ipd_macd(self, mac_address_D, ip_address_D,ipd,macd,tos,nwtos):
+ mac_D=mac_address_D
+ ip_D=ip_address_D
+ IP_d=ipd
+ MAC_d=macd
+ t=tos
+ nt=nwtos
+ msg = nx.nx_flow_mod()
+ msg.table_id = 2
+ msg.priority = 10
+ msg.idle_timeout = of.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
+ msg.hard_timeout = of.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
+ msg.match.of_eth_type = pkt.ethernet.IP_TYPE
+ msg.match.of_eth_dst = EthAddr(mac_D)
+ msg.match.of_ip_proto = 17
+ msg.match.of_ip_dst = IPAddr(ip_D)
+ msg.match.of_ip_tos=t
+ msg.actions.append(of.ofp_action_nw_tos(nw_tos= nt))
+ msg.actions.append(nx.nx_action_resubmit.resubmit_table(table = 3))
+ self.connection.send(msg)
+#match the flag in the packet and set the number of port of switch in the TOS field.....monitoring with filter on ips and macs and ipd and macd
+ def func1_ips_ipd_macs_macd(self, mac_address_D, ip_address_D,ips,ipd,macs,macd,tos,nwtos):
+ mac_D=mac_address_D
+ ip_D=ip_address_D
+ IP_s=ips
+ IP_d=ipd
+ MAC_s=macs
+ MAC_d=macd
+ t=tos
+ nt=nwtos
+ msg = nx.nx_flow_mod()
+ msg.table_id = 2
+ msg.priority = 10
+ msg.idle_timeout = of.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
+ msg.hard_timeout = of.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
+ msg.match.of_eth_type = pkt.ethernet.IP_TYPE
+ msg.match.of_eth_dst = EthAddr(mac_D)
+ msg.match.of_ip_proto = 17
+ msg.match.of_ip_dst = IPAddr(ip_D)
+ msg.match.of_ip_tos=t
+ msg.actions.append(of.ofp_action_nw_tos(nw_tos= nt))
+ msg.actions.append(nx.nx_action_resubmit.resubmit_table(table = 3))
+ self.connection.send(msg)
+#rules forwarding in switch S
+ def ForwardingRule_SwitchS_macs_macd_ips_ipd(self,port,tos,outport):
+ t=tos
+ p=port
+ out=outport
+ msg = nx.nx_flow_mod()
+ msg.table_id = 3
+ msg.priority = 10
+ msg.idle_timeout = of.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
+ msg.hard_timeout = of.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
+ msg.match.of_eth_type = pkt.ethernet.IP_TYPE
+ msg.match.of_eth_src = EthAddr(mac_src)
+ msg.match.of_eth_dst = EthAddr(mac_dst)
+ msg.match.of_ip_src = IPAddr(ip_src)
+ msg.match.of_ip_dst = IPAddr(ip_dst)
+ msg.match.of_ip_tos=p
+ msg.actions.append(of.ofp_action_nw_tos(nw_tos=t))
+ msg.actions.append(of.ofp_action_output(port = out))
+ self.connection.send(msg)
+ def ForwardingRule_SwitchS_ips_ipd(self,port,tos,outport):
+ t=tos
+ p=port
+ out=outport
+ msg = nx.nx_flow_mod()
+ msg.table_id = 3
+ msg.priority = 10
+ msg.idle_timeout = of.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
+ msg.hard_timeout = of.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
+ msg.match.of_eth_type = pkt.ethernet.IP_TYPE
+ msg.match.of_ip_src = IPAddr(ip_src)
+ msg.match.of_ip_dst = IPAddr(ip_dst)
+ msg.match.of_ip_tos=p
+ msg.actions.append(of.ofp_action_nw_tos(nw_tos=t))
+ msg.actions.append(of.ofp_action_output(port = out))
+ self.connection.send(msg)
+ def ForwardingRule_SwitchS_macs_macd(self,port,tos,outport):
+ t=tos
+ p=port
+ out=outport
+ msg = nx.nx_flow_mod()
+ msg.table_id = 3
+ msg.priority = 10
+ msg.idle_timeout = of.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
+ msg.hard_timeout = of.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
+ msg.match.of_eth_type = pkt.ethernet.IP_TYPE
+ msg.match.of_eth_src = EthAddr(mac_src)
+ msg.match.of_eth_dst = EthAddr(mac_dst)
+ msg.match.of_ip_tos=p
+ msg.actions.append(of.ofp_action_nw_tos(nw_tos=t))
+ msg.actions.append(of.ofp_action_output(port = out))
+ self.connection.send(msg)
+ def ForwardingRule_SwitchS_macs_ips(self,port,tos,outport):
+ t=tos
+ p=port
+ out=outport
+ msg = nx.nx_flow_mod()
+ msg.table_id = 3
+ msg.priority = 10
+ msg.idle_timeout = of.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
+ msg.hard_timeout = of.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
+ msg.match.of_eth_type = pkt.ethernet.IP_TYPE
+ msg.match.of_eth_src = EthAddr(mac_src)
+ msg.match.of_ip_src = IPAddr(ip_src)
+ msg.match.of_ip_tos=p
+ msg.actions.append(of.ofp_action_nw_tos(nw_tos=t))
+ msg.actions.append(of.ofp_action_output(port = out))
+ self.connection.send(msg)
+ def ForwardingRule_SwitchS_macd_ipd(self,port,tos,outport):
+ t=tos
+ p=port
+ out=outport
+ msg = nx.nx_flow_mod()
+ msg.table_id = 3
+ msg.priority = 10
+ msg.idle_timeout = of.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
+ msg.hard_timeout = of.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
+ msg.match.of_eth_type = pkt.ethernet.IP_TYPE
+ msg.match.of_eth_dst = EthAddr(mac_dst)
+ msg.match.of_ip_dst = IPAddr(ip_dst)
+ msg.match.of_ip_tos=p
+ msg.actions.append(of.ofp_action_nw_tos(nw_tos=t))
+ msg.actions.append(of.ofp_action_output(port = out))
+ self.connection.send(msg)
+ def ForwardingRule_SwitchS(self,port,tos,outport):
+ t=tos
+ p=port
+ out=outport
+ msg = nx.nx_flow_mod()
+ msg.table_id = 3
+ msg.priority = 10
+ msg.idle_timeout = of.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
+ msg.hard_timeout = of.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
+ msg.match.of_eth_type = pkt.ethernet.IP_TYPE
+ msg.match.of_ip_tos=p
+ msg.actions.append(of.ofp_action_nw_tos(nw_tos=t))
+ msg.actions.append(of.ofp_action_output(port = out))
+ self.connection.send(msg)
+#insert the rules with high priority to forward tha packet
+ def forwarding_high_p(self):
+ if self.connection.dpid <=40 :
+ localtime = time.asctime( time.localtime(time.time()) )
+ global C_forward_hp
+ global dict2
+ global flag_forward_hp
+ global ip_src, ip_dst, mac_src, mac_dst
+ global var1,var2,var3,var4
+ C_forward_hp=C_forward_hp+1
+ msg = nx.nx_flow_mod_table_id()
+ self.connection.send(msg)
+ if C_forward_hp==1:
+ if flag_forward_hp==0:
+ flag_forward_hp=1
+ if flag_forward_hp==1:
+ if var1==1 and var2==1 and var3==1 and var4==1:
+ print "Insert rules table 3 in switch S start at : ",localtime," Switch :",self.connection.dpid,"Count : ",C_forward_hp
+ dpid=self.connection.dpid
+ outport=52
+ port=((16<<3)+4)
+ tos=((0<<3)+4)
+ self.ForwardingRule_SwitchS_macs_macd_ips_ipd(port,tos,outport)
+ outport=52
+ port=((16<<3))
+ tos=((0<<3))
+ self.ForwardingRule_SwitchS_macs_macd_ips_ipd(port,tos,outport)
+ for porta in dict2[dpid].keys():
+ outport=porta
+ port=((porta<<3)+4)
+ tos=((0<<3)+4)
+ self.ForwardingRule_SwitchS_macs_macd_ips_ipd(port,tos,outport)
+ outport=porta
+ port=((porta<<3))
+ tos=((0<<3))
+ self.ForwardingRule_SwitchS_macs_macd_ips_ipd(port,tos,outport)
+ elif var1==1 and var2==1:
+ print "Insert rules table 3 in switch S start at : ",localtime," Switch :",self.connection.dpid,"Count : ",C_forward_hp
+ dpid=self.connection.dpid
+ outport=52
+ port=((16<<3)+4)
+ tos=((0<<3)+4)
+ self.ForwardingRule_SwitchS_ips_ipd(port,tos,outport)
+ outport=52
+ port=((16<<3))
+ tos=((0<<3))
+ self.ForwardingRule_SwitchS_ips_ipd(port,tos,outport)
+ for porta in dict2[dpid].keys():
+ outport=porta
+ port=((porta<<3)+4)
+ tos=((0<<3)+4)
+ self.ForwardingRule_SwitchS_ips_ipd(port,tos,outport)
+ outport=porta
+ port=((porta<<3))
+ tos=((0<<3))
+ self.ForwardingRule_SwitchS_ips_ipd(port,tos,outport)
+ elif var3==1 and var4==1:
+ print "Insert rules table 3 in switch S start at : ",localtime," Switch :",self.connection.dpid,"Count : ",C_forward_hp
+ dpid=self.connection.dpid
+ outport=52
+ port=((16<<3)+4)
+ tos=((0<<3)+4)
+ self.ForwardingRule_SwitchS_macs_macd(port,tos,outport)
+ outport=52
+ port=((16<<3))
+ tos=((0<<3))
+ self.ForwardingRule_SwitchS_macs_macd(port,tos,outport)
+ for porta in dict2[dpid].keys():
+ outport=porta
+ port=((porta<<3)+4)
+ tos=((0<<3)+4)
+ self.ForwardingRule_SwitchS_macs_macd(port,tos,outport)
+ outport=porta
+ port=((porta<<3))
+ tos=((0<<3))
+ self.ForwardingRule_SwitchS_macs_macd(port,tos,outport)
+ elif var1==1 and var3==1:
+ print "Insert rules table 3 in switch S start at : ",localtime," Switch :",self.connection.dpid,"Count : ",C_forward_hp
+ dpid=self.connection.dpid
+ outport=52
+ port=((16<<3)+4)
+ tos=((0<<3)+4)
+ self.ForwardingRule_SwitchS_macs_ips(port,tos,outport)
+ outport=52
+ port=((16<<3))
+ tos=((0<<3))
+ self.ForwardingRule_SwitchS_macs_ips(port,tos,outport)
+ for porta in dict2[dpid].keys():
+ outport=porta
+ port=((porta<<3)+4)
+ tos=((0<<3)+4)
+ self.ForwardingRule_SwitchS_macs_ips(port,tos,outport)
+ outport=porta
+ port=((porta<<3))
+ tos=((0<<3))
+ self.ForwardingRule_SwitchS_macs_ips(port,tos,outport)
+ elif var2==1 and var4==1:
+ print "Insert rules table 3 in switch S start at : ",localtime," Switch :",self.connection.dpid,"Count : ",C_forward_hp
+ dpid=self.connection.dpid
+ outport=52
+ port=((16<<3)+4)
+ tos=((0<<3)+4)
+ self.ForwardingRule_SwitchS_macd_ipd(port,tos,outport)
+ outport=52
+ port=((16<<3))
+ tos=((0<<3))
+ self.ForwardingRule_SwitchS_macd_ipd(port,tos,outport)
+ for porta in dict2[dpid].keys():
+ outport=porta
+ port=((porta<<3)+4)
+ tos=((0<<3)+4)
+ self.ForwardingRule_SwitchS_macd_ipd(port,tos,outport)
+ outport=porta
+ port=((porta<<3))
+ tos=((0<<3))
+ self.ForwardingRule_SwitchS_macd_ipd(port,tos,outport)
+ else:
+ print "Insert rules table 3 in switch S start at : ",localtime," Switch :",self.connection.dpid,"Count : ",C_forward_hp
+ dpid=self.connection.dpid
+ outport=52
+ port=((16<<3)+4)
+ tos=((0<<3)+4)
+ self.ForwardingRule_SwitchS(port,tos,outport)
+ outport=52
+ port=((16<<3))
+ tos=((0<<3))
+ self.ForwardingRule_SwitchS(port,tos,outport)
+ for porta in dict2[dpid].keys():
+ outport=porta
+ port=((porta<<3)+4)
+ tos=((0<<3)+4)
+ self.ForwardingRule_SwitchS(port,tos,outport)
+ outport=porta
+ port=((porta<<3))
+ tos=((0<<3))
+ self.ForwardingRule_SwitchS(port,tos,outport)
+ if C_forward_hp==N:
+ C_forward_hp=0
+#set the port number of a specific switch in a TOS field of the IP packet in order to count the packet in output from a specific port of a switch
+ def set_port_in_TOS(self):
+ if self.connection.dpid <= 40:
+ localtime = time.asctime( time.localtime(time.time()) )
+ global C_set_port
+ global flag_set_port
+ global Array
+ global ip_src, ip_dst, mac_src, mac_dst
+ global var1,var2,var3,var4
+ global AllShortPath
+ ports = []
+ ports_switch=[]
+ limit=65534
+ for m in self.connection.features.ports:
+ ports.append(m.port_no)
+ for element in ports:
+ if element < limit:
+ ports_switch.append(element)
+ max = ports_switch[0]
+ pos = 1
+ while pos < len(ports_switch) :
+ if ports_switch[pos] > max :
+ max = ports_switch[pos]
+ pos = pos + 1
+ ports_switch.remove(max)
+ C_set_port=C_set_port+1
+ msg = nx.nx_flow_mod_table_id()
+ self.connection.send(msg)
+ if C_set_port==1:
+ if flag_set_port==0:
+ flag_set_port=1
+ if flag_set_port==1:
+ if var1==1 and var2==1 and var3==1 and var4==1:
+ print "Switch DPID: ", self.connection.dpid,"AT : ",localtime
+ dpid=self.connection.dpid
+ val_mac=Z+dpid
+ host_ip="10.0.0."
+ host_mac="00:00:00:00:00:"
+ string_IP=str(host_ip)+str(dpid)
+ ip_d=string_IP
+ string_MAC=str(host_mac)+str(val_mac)
+ mac_d=string_MAC
+ tos=0x04
+ nwtos=((16<<3)+4)
+ self.func1_ips_ipd_macs_macd(mac_d,ip_d,ip_src,ip_dst,mac_src,mac_dst,tos,nwtos)
+ tos=0
+ nwtos=((16<<3))
+ self.func1_ips_ipd_macs_macd(mac_d,ip_d,ip_src,ip_dst,mac_src,mac_dst,tos,nwtos)
+ ShortPath=[]
+ for S in AllShortPath:
+ if S[0][0]==dpid:
+ ShortPath.append(S)
+ for s in ShortPath[0]:
+ s1_in=0
+ s1_out=0
+ ip_destination=0
+ mac_destination=0
+ pos=0
+ if len(s)>1:
+ s1_in=52
+ for r3 in Array:
+ if s[pos]==r3[0] and s[pos+1]==r3[1]:
+ s1_out=r3[2]
+ ip_destination="10.0.0."+str(s[len(s)-1])
+ mac_destination="00:00:00:00:00:"+str(s[len(s)-1]+10)
+ tos=0x04
+ nwtos=((s1_out<<3)+4)
+ self.func1_ips_ipd_macs_macd(mac_destination,ip_destination,ip_src,ip_dst,mac_src,mac_dst,tos,nwtos)
+ tos=0
+ nwtos=((s1_out<<3))
+ self.func1_ips_ipd_macs_macd(mac_destination,ip_destination,ip_src,ip_dst,mac_src,mac_dst,tos,nwtos)
+ elif len(s)==1:
+ print" Shortest_Path with also one node "
+ elif var1==1 and var2==1:
+ print "Switch DPID: ", self.connection.dpid,"AT : ",localtime
+ dpid=self.connection.dpid
+ val_mac=Z+dpid
+ host_ip="10.0.0."
+ host_mac="00:00:00:00:00:"
+ string_IP=str(host_ip)+str(dpid)
+ ip_d=string_IP
+ string_MAC=str(host_mac)+str(val_mac)
+ mac_d=string_MAC
+ tos=0x04
+ nwtos=((16<<3)+4)
+ self.func1_ips_ipd(mac_d,ip_d,ip_src,ip_dsttos,nwtos)
+ tos=0
+ nwtos=((16<<3))
+ self.func1_ips_ipd(mac_d,ip_d,ip_src,ip_dst,tos,nwtos)
+ ShortPath=[]
+ for S in AllShortPath:
+ if S[0][0]==dpid:
+ ShortPath.append(S)
+ for s in ShortPath[0]:
+ s1_in=0
+ s1_out=0
+ ip_destination=0
+ mac_destination=0
+ pos=0
+ if len(s)>1:
+ s1_in=52
+ for r3 in Array:
+ if s[pos]==r3[0] and s[pos+1]==r3[1]:
+ s1_out=r3[2]
+ ip_destination="10.0.0."+str(s[len(s)-1])
+ mac_destination="00:00:00:00:00:"+str(s[len(s)-1]+10)
+ tos=0x04
+ nwtos=((s1_out<<3)+4)
+ self.func1_ips_ipd(mac_destination,ip_destination,ip_src,ip_dst,tos,nwtos)
+ tos=0
+ nwtos=((s1_out<<3))
+ self.func1_ips_ipd(mac_destination,ip_destination,ip_src,ip_dst,tos,nwtos)
+ elif len(s)==1:
+ print" Shortest_Path with also one node "
+ elif var3==1 and var4==1:
+ print "Switch DPID: ", self.connection.dpid,"AT : ",localtime
+ dpid=self.connection.dpid
+ val_mac=Z+dpid
+ host_ip="10.0.0."
+ host_mac="00:00:00:00:00:"
+ string_IP=str(host_ip)+str(dpid)
+ ip_d=string_IP
+ string_MAC=str(host_mac)+str(val_mac)
+ mac_d=string_MAC
+ tos=0x04
+ nwtos=((16<<3)+4)
+ self.func1_macs_macd(mac_d,ip_d, mac_src,mac_dst,tos,nwtos)
+ tos=0
+ nwtos=((16<<3))
+ self.func1_macs_macd(mac_d,ip_d, mac_src,mac_dst,tos,nwtos)
+ ShortPath=[]
+ for S in AllShortPath:
+ if S[0][0]==dpid:
+ ShortPath.append(S)
+ for s in ShortPath[0]:
+ s1_in=0
+ s1_out=0
+ ip_destination=0
+ mac_destination=0
+ pos=0
+ if len(s)>1:
+ s1_in=52
+ for r3 in Array:
+ if s[pos]==r3[0] and s[pos+1]==r3[1]:
+ s1_out=r3[2]
+ ip_destination="10.0.0."+str(s[len(s)-1])
+ mac_destination="00:00:00:00:00:"+str(s[len(s)-1]+10)
+ tos=0x04
+ nwtos=((s1_out<<3)+4)
+ self.func1_macs_macd(mac_destination,ip_destination,mac_src,mac_dst,tos,nwtos)
+ tos=0
+ nwtos=((s1_out<<3))
+ self.func1_macs_macd(mac_destination,ip_destination,mac_src,mac_dst,tos,nwtos)
+ elif len(s)==1:
+ print" Shortest_Path with also one node "
+ elif var1==1 and var3==1:
+ print "Switch DPID: ", self.connection.dpid,"AT : ",localtime
+ dpid=self.connection.dpid
+ val_mac=Z+dpid
+ host_ip="10.0.0."
+ host_mac="00:00:00:00:00:"
+ string_IP=str(host_ip)+str(dpid)
+ ip_d=string_IP
+ string_MAC=str(host_mac)+str(val_mac)
+ mac_d=string_MAC
+ tos=0x04
+ nwtos=((16<<3)+4)
+ self.func1_ips_macs(mac_d,ip_d,ip_src,mac_src,tos,nwtos)
+ tos=0
+ nwtos=((16<<3))
+ self.func1_ips_macs(mac_d,ip_d,ip_src,mac_src,tos,nwtos)
+ ShortPath=[]
+ for S in AllShortPath:
+ if S[0][0]==dpid:
+ ShortPath.append(S)
+ for s in ShortPath[0]:
+ s1_in=0
+ s1_out=0
+ ip_destination=0
+ mac_destination=0
+ pos=0
+ if len(s)>1:
+ s1_in=52
+ for r3 in Array:
+ if s[pos]==r3[0] and s[pos+1]==r3[1]:
+ s1_out=r3[2]
+ ip_destination="10.0.0."+str(s[len(s)-1])
+ mac_destination="00:00:00:00:00:"+str(s[len(s)-1]+10)
+ tos=0x04
+ nwtos=((s1_out<<3)+4)
+ self.func1_ips_macs(mac_destination, ip_destination, ip_src,mac_src,tos,nwtos)
+ tos=0
+ nwtos=((s1_out<<3))
+ self.func1_ips_macs(mac_destination, ip_destination, ip_src,mac_src,tos,nwtos)
+ elif len(s)==1:
+ print" Shortest_Path with also one node "
+ elif var2==1 and var4==1:
+ print "Switch DPID: ", self.connection.dpid,"AT : ",localtime
+ dpid=self.connection.dpid
+ val_mac=Z+dpid
+ host_ip="10.0.0."
+ host_mac="00:00:00:00:00:"
+ string_IP=str(host_ip)+str(dpid)
+ ip_d=string_IP
+ string_MAC=str(host_mac)+str(val_mac)
+ mac_d=string_MAC
+ tos=0x04
+ nwtos=((16<<3)+4)
+ self.func1_ipd_macd(mac_d,ip_d,ip_dst,mac_dst,tos,nwtos)
+ tos=0
+ nwtos=((16<<3))
+ self.func1_ipd_macd(mac_d,ip_d,ip_dst,mac_dst,tos,nwtos)
+ ShortPath=[]
+ for S in AllShortPath:
+ if S[0][0]==dpid:
+ ShortPath.append(S)
+ for s in ShortPath[0]:
+ s1_in=0
+ s1_out=0
+ ip_destination=0
+ mac_destination=0
+ pos=0
+ if len(s)>1:
+ s1_in=52
+ for r3 in Array:
+ if s[pos]==r3[0] and s[pos+1]==r3[1]:
+ s1_out=r3[2]
+ ip_destination="10.0.0."+str(s[len(s)-1])
+ mac_destination="00:00:00:00:00:"+str(s[len(s)-1]+10)
+ tos=0x04
+ nwtos=((s1_out<<3)+4)
+ self.func1_ipd_macd(mac_destination,ip_destination,ip_dst,mac_dst,tos,nwtos)
+ tos=0
+ nwtos=((s1_out<<3))
+ self.func1_ipd_macd(mac_destination,ip_destination,ip_dst,mac_dst,tos,nwtos)
+ elif len(s)==1:
+ print" Shortest_Path with also one node "
+ else:
+ print "Insert rules of forwarding with priority equals to 10 start at : ",localtime," Switch :",self.connection.dpid,"Count : ",C_set_port
+ dpid=self.connection.dpid
+ val_mac=Z+dpid
+ host_ip="10.0.0."
+ host_mac="00:00:00:00:00:"
+ string_IP=str(host_ip)+str(dpid)
+ ip_d=string_IP
+ string_MAC=str(host_mac)+str(val_mac)
+ mac_d=string_MAC
+ tos=0x04
+ nwtos=((16<<3)+4)
+ self.func1(mac_d,ip_d,tos,nwtos)
+ tos=0
+ nwtos=((16<<3))
+ self.func1(mac_d,ip_d,tos,nwtos)
+ ShortPath=[]
+ for S in AllShortPath:
+ if S[0][0]==dpid:
+ ShortPath.append(S)
+ for s in ShortPath[0]:
+ s1_in=0
+ s1_out=0
+ ip_destination=0
+ mac_destination=0
+ pos=0
+ if len(s)>1:
+ s1_in=52
+ for r3 in Array:
+ if s[pos]==r3[0] and s[pos+1]==r3[1]:
+ s1_out=r3[2]
+ ip_destination="10.0.0."+str(s[len(s)-1])
+ mac_destination="00:00:00:00:00:"+str(s[len(s)-1]+10)
+ tos=0x04
+ nwtos=((s1_out<<3)+4)
+ self.func1(mac_destination,ip_destination,tos,nwtos)
+ tos=0
+ nwtos=((s1_out<<3))
+ self.func1(mac_destination,ip_destination,tos,nwtos)
+ elif len(s)==1:
+ print" Shortest_Path with also one node "
+ if C_set_port==N:
+ C_set_port=0
+#insert the rules with low priority to forward tha packet
+ def forwarding_low_p(self):
+ if self.connection.dpid <= 40:
+ localtime = time.asctime( time.localtime(time.time()) )
+ global C_forward_lp1, C_forward_lp2
+ global flag_forward_lp1, flag_forward_lp2
+ global Array
+ global Z
+ global AllShortPath
+ C_forward_lp1=C_forward_lp1+1
+ msg = nx.nx_flow_mod_table_id()
+ self.connection.send(msg)
+ if C_forward_lp1==1:
+ if flag_forward_lp1==0:
+ flag_forward_lp1=1
+ if flag_forward_lp1==1:
+ C_forward_lp2=C_forward_lp2+1
+ if C_forward_lp2==1:
+ if flag_forward_lp2==0:
+ flag_forward_lp2=1
+ if flag_forward_lp2==1:
+ print "Insert rules of forwarding in switch S start at : ",localtime," Switch :",self.connection.dpid,"Count : ",C_forward_lp1
+ dpid=self.connection.dpid
+ val_mac=Z+dpid
+ host_ip="10.0.0."
+ host_mac="00:00:00:00:00:"
+ string_IP=str(host_ip)+str(dpid)
+ ip_d=string_IP
+ string_MAC=str(host_mac)+str(val_mac)
+ mac_d=string_MAC
+ msg = nx.nx_flow_mod()
+ msg.table_id = 0
+ msg.priority = 1
+ msg.idle_timeout = of.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
+ msg.hard_timeout = of.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
+ msg.match.of_eth_type = pkt.ethernet.IP_TYPE
+ msg.match.of_eth_dst = EthAddr(mac_d)
+ msg.match.of_ip_dst = IPAddr(ip_d)
+ msg.actions.append(of.ofp_action_output(port = 52))
+ self.connection.send(msg)
+ spath_dpid="ShortPath"+str(dpid)
+ spath_dpid=[]
+ for node1 in G.nodes_iter():
+ if node1 <=40:
+ shortest_path = NX.shortest_path(G,dpid,node1)
+ spath_dpid.append(shortest_path)
+ AllShortPath.append(spath_dpid)
+ for s in spath_dpid:
+ s1_in=0
+ s1_out=0
+ ip_destination=0
+ mac_destination=0
+ pos=0
+ if len(s)>1:
+ s1_in=52
+ for r3 in Array:
+ if s[pos]==r3[0] and s[pos+1]==r3[1]:
+ s1_out=r3[2]
+ ip_destination="10.0.0."+str(s[len(s)-1])
+ mac_destination="00:00:00:00:00:"+str(s[len(s)-1]+10)
+ msg = nx.nx_flow_mod()
+ msg.table_id = 0
+ msg.priority = 1
+ msg.idle_timeout = of.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
+ msg.hard_timeout = of.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
+ msg.match.of_eth_type = pkt.ethernet.IP_TYPE
+ msg.match.of_eth_dst = EthAddr(mac_destination)
+ msg.match.of_ip_dst = IPAddr(ip_destination)
+ msg.actions.append(of.ofp_action_output(port = s1_out))
+ self.connection.send(msg)
+ elif len(s)==1:
+ print" Shortest_Path with also one node "
+ if C_forward_lp2==N:
+ C_forward_lp2=0
+ if C_forward_lp1==N:
+ C_forward_lp1=0
+#get a label of a specific node in the given topology
+ def get_labels_nodes(self):
+ if self.connection.dpid <= 40:
+ global C_get_labels
+ global Array_Country
+ global dict1
+ C_get_labels=C_get_labels+1
+ if C_get_labels==1:
+ g = NX.read_graphml('Geant2012.graphml',str)
+ for switch in g.nodes_iter(data = True):
+ index=int(int(switch[0])+1)
+ Array_Country[index]=switch[1]['label']
+ dict1[index] =switch[1]['label']
+ print "Dizionario1 : ",dict1
+ if C_get_labels==N:
+ C_get_labels=0
+def create_actions_list(actions):
+ actionlist = []
+ for action in actions:
+ string = action.__class__.__name__ + "["
+ string += action.show().strip("\n").replace("\n", ", ") + "]"
+ actionlist.append(string)
+ return actionlist
+#get statistics of all switches with the filter of flag set to 1
+def print_statistics_flag1(event):
+ if event.connection.dpid <=40:
+ localtime = time.asctime( time.localtime(time.time()) )
+ n_packets_OUT_PORT52_1=0
+ n_packets_IN_PORT52_1=0
+ counts_ports_in_1=[0]*20
+ counts_ports_out_1=[0]*20
+ for n in event.stats:
+ if n.table_id ==3 and n.priority==10 and n.match.nw_tos==132:
+ n_packets_OUT_PORT52_1=n.packet_count
+ elif n.table_id ==3 and n.priority==10 and n.match.nw_tos!=132 and n.match.nw_tos!=128:
+ port_output=n.match.nw_tos
+ if (port_output%8)==4:
+ ris=(port_output-4)/8
+ counts_ports_out_1[ris]=n.packet_count
+ elif n.table_id ==0 and n.priority==10 and n.match.in_port==52 and n.match.nw_tos==0x04:
+ n_packets_IN_PORT52_1=n.packet_count
+ elif n.table_id ==0 and n.priority==10 and n.match.in_port!=52 and n.match.nw_tos==0x04:
+ print "FLOWRULE: In_Port:",n.match.in_port,"IP_SRC",n.match.nw_src,"IP_DST",n.match.nw_dst,"DL_SRC",n.match.dl_src,"DL_DST",n.match.dl_dst,"NW_TOS:",n.match.nw_tos," Packet count: ", n.packet_count
+ port_input=n.match.in_port
+ counts_ports_in_1[port_input]=n.packet_count
+ return n_packets_OUT_PORT52_1,n_packets_IN_PORT52_1,counts_ports_out_1,counts_ports_in_1
+#get statistics of all switches with the filter of flag set to 0
+def print_statistics_flag0(event):
+ if event.connection.dpid <=40:
+ localtime = time.asctime( time.localtime(time.time()) )
+ n_packets_OUT_PORT52_0=0
+ n_packets_IN_PORT52_0=0
+ counts_ports_in_0=[0]*20
+ counts_ports_out_0=[0]*20
+ for n in event.stats:
+ if n.table_id ==3 and n.priority==10 and n.match.nw_tos==128:
+ n_packets_OUT_PORT52_0=n.packet_count
+ elif n.table_id ==3 and n.priority==10 and n.match.nw_tos!=128 and n.match.nw_tos!=132 :
+ port_output=n.match.nw_tos
+ if (port_output%8)==0:
+ ris=port_output/8
+ counts_ports_out_0[ris]=n.packet_count
+ elif n.table_id ==0 and n.priority==10 and n.match.in_port==52 and n.match.nw_tos==0:
+ n_packets_IN_PORT52_0=n.packet_count
+ elif n.table_id ==0 and n.priority==10 and n.match.in_port!=52 and n.match.nw_tos==0:
+ print "FLOWRULE: In_Port:",n.match.in_port,"IP_SRC",n.match.nw_src,"IP_DST",n.match.nw_dst,"DL_SRC",n.match.dl_src,"DL_DST",n.match.dl_dst,"NW_TOS:",n.match.nw_tos," Packet count: ", n.packet_count
+ port_input=n.match.in_port
+ counts_ports_in_0[port_input]=n.packet_count
+ return n_packets_OUT_PORT52_0,n_packets_IN_PORT52_0,counts_ports_out_0,counts_ports_in_0
+#read the counters given from the flow statistics
+def create_flow_stats_list(event):
+ global old
+ if event.connection.dpid <=40 and event.connection.dpid!= old :
+ old=event.connection.dpid
+ global C_flow_stats, C_flow_stats_1
+ global flag_flow_stats
+ global VAR
+ global Count_in1_PORT52
+ global Count_out1_PORT52
+ global Count_in0_PORT52
+ global Count_out0_PORT52
+ global sum_output1_port52, sum_input1_port52, sum_output0_port52, sum_input0_port52
+ global Count_in1_PORTS
+ global Count_out1_PORTS
+ global Count_in0_PORTS
+ global Count_out0_PORTS
+ global somma_parziale_IN_0
+ global somma_parziale_OUT_0
+ global somma_parziale_IN_1
+ global somma_parziale_OUT_1
+ global Array_Country
+ global dict1
+ global dict2
+ global Results
+ global port52
+ global bit_value0
+ global bit_value1
+ global direct1
+ global direct2
+ global periodDiz
+ global period
+ global cont1,cont2
+ localtime = time.asctime( time.localtime(time.time()) )
+ finaloutput0_1=[0]*20
+ finalinput0_0=[0]*20
+ finaloutput0_0=[0]*20
+ finalinput0_1=[0]*20
+ C_flow_stats=C_flow_stats+1
+ if C_flow_stats==1:
+ if VAR==1:
+ VAR=0
+ elif VAR==0:
+ VAR=1
+ if VAR==0:
+ C_flow_stats_1=C_flow_stats_1+1
+ if C_flow_stats_1==1:
+ if flag_flow_stats==0:
+ flag_flow_stats=1
+ elif flag_flow_stats==1:
+ flag_flow_stats=0
+ periodDiz=periodDiz+1
+ if flag_flow_stats==1:
+ cont2=cont2+1
+ item={}
+ print "Read of counters with flag to 0"," Switch :",event.connection.dpid," start at : ",localtime
+ item['Bit_value']=bit_value0
+ item['Period']=periodDiz
+ dpid=event.connection.dpid
+ item['SourceNode']=Array_Country[dpid]
+ a,b,c,d=print_statistics_flag0(event)
+ finaloutput0=a-Count_out0_PORT52[dpid]
+ item['Port']=port52
+ item['DestinationNode']=Array_Country[dpid]
+ item['Direction']=direct1
+ item['Count']=finaloutput0
+ Results.append(item)
+ item={}
+ finalinput0=b-Count_in0_PORT52[dpid]
+ item['Bit_value']=bit_value0
+ item['Period']=periodDiz
+ item['SourceNode']=Array_Country[dpid]
+ item['Port']=port52
+ item['DestinationNode']=Array_Country[dpid]
+ item['Direction']=direct2
+ item['Count']=finalinput0
+ Results.append(item)
+ Count_out0_PORT52[dpid]=a
+ Count_in0_PORT52[dpid]=b
+ sum_output0_port52=sum_output0_port52+finaloutput0
+ sum_input0_port52=sum_input0_port52+finalinput0
+ for index, elem in enumerate(c):
+ if elem!=0:
+ item={}
+ item['Bit_value']=bit_value0
+ item['Period']=periodDiz
+ item['SourceNode']=Array_Country[dpid]
+ print "Elem: ",elem
+ print "Porta : ",index
+ porta1=index
+ print "c[porta1] : ",c[porta1]
+ item['Port']=porta1
+ item['DestinationNode']=dict1[dict2[dpid][porta1]]
+ item['Direction']=direct1
+ finaloutput0_0[porta1]=c[porta1]-Count_out0_PORTS[(dpid*41)+porta1]
+ item['Count']=finaloutput0_0[porta1]
+ Count_out0_PORTS[(dpid*41)+porta1]=c[porta1]
+ Results.append(item)
+ for index, element in enumerate(d):
+ if element!=0:
+ item={}
+ item['Bit_value']=bit_value0
+ item['Period']=periodDiz
+ item['SourceNode']=Array_Country[dpid]
+ print "ELEM : : ",element
+ print "Porta : ",index
+ porta=index
+ print "d[porta] : ",d[porta]
+ item['Port']=porta
+ item['DestinationNode']=dict1[dict2[dpid][porta]]
+ item['Direction']=direct2
+ finalinput0_0[porta]=d[porta]-Count_in0_PORTS[(dpid*41)+porta]
+ item['Count']=finalinput0_0[porta]
+ Count_in0_PORTS[(dpid*41)+porta]=d[porta]
+ Results.append(item)
+ if cont2==N:
+ cont2=0
+ elif flag_flow_stats==0:
+ cont1=cont1+1
+ item={}
+ print "Read of counters with flag to 1"," Switch :",event.connection.dpid," start at : ",localtime
+ item['Bit_value']=bit_value1
+ item['Period']=periodDiz
+ dpid=event.connection.dpid
+ item['SourceNode']=Array_Country[dpid]
+ a,b,c,d=print_statistics_flag1(event)
+ finaloutput1=a-Count_out1_PORT52[dpid]
+ item['Port']=port52
+ item['DestinationNode']=Array_Country[dpid]
+ item['Direction']=direct1
+ item['Count']=finaloutput1
+ Results.append(item)
+ item={}
+ finalinput1=b-Count_in1_PORT52[dpid]
+ item['Bit_value']=bit_value1
+ item['Period']=periodDiz
+ item['SourceNode']=Array_Country[dpid]
+ item['Port']=port52
+ item['DestinationNode']=Array_Country[dpid]
+ item['Direction']=direct2
+ item['Count']=finalinput1
+ Results.append(item)
+ Count_out1_PORT52[dpid]=a
+ Count_in1_PORT52[dpid]=b
+ sum_output1_port52=sum_output1_port52+finaloutput1
+ sum_input1_port52=sum_input1_port52+finalinput1
+ for index, elem in enumerate(c):
+ if elem!=0:
+ item={}
+ item['Bit_value']=bit_value1
+ item['Period']=periodDiz
+ item['SourceNode']=Array_Country[dpid]
+ print "ELEM : ",elem
+ print "Porta : ",index
+ porta2=index
+ item['Port']=porta2
+ item['DestinationNode']=dict1[dict2[dpid][porta2]]
+ item['Direction']=direct1
+ finaloutput0_1[porta2]=c[porta2]-Count_out1_PORTS[(dpid*41)+porta2]
+ item['Count']=finaloutput0_1[porta2]
+ Count_out1_PORTS[(dpid*41)+porta2]=c[porta2]
+ Results.append(item)
+ for index, element in enumerate(d):
+ if element!=0:
+ item={}
+ item['Bit_value']=bit_value1
+ item['Period']=periodDiz
+ item['SourceNode']=Array_Country[dpid]
+ print "ELEM : ",element
+ print "Porta : ",index
+ porta3=index
+ print "d[porta3] : ",d[porta3]
+ item['Port']=porta3
+ item['DestinationNode']=dict1[dict2[dpid][porta3]]
+ item['Direction']=direct2
+ finalinput0_1[porta3]=d[porta3]-Count_in1_PORTS[(dpid*41)+porta3]
+ item['Count']=finalinput0_1[porta3]
+ Count_in1_PORTS[(dpid*41)+porta3]=d[porta3]
+ Results.append(item)
+ if cont1==N:
+ cont1=0
+ if C_flow_stats_1==N:
+ C_flow_stats_1=0
+ if VAR==1:
+ print "Switch ", event.connection.dpid,"Waiting at ",localtime
+ if C_flow_stats==N:
+ for pid in range(0,41):
+ print "DPID : ",pid,"Count input 1 : ",Count_in1_PORTS[(pid*41)+1],"",Count_in1_PORTS[(pid*41)+2],"",Count_in1_PORTS[(pid*41)+3],Count_in1_PORTS[(pid*41)+4],Count_in1_PORTS[(pid*41)+5],Count_in1_PORTS[(pid*41)+6],Count_in1_PORTS[(pid*41)+7],Count_in1_PORTS[(pid*41)+8],Count_in1_PORTS[(pid*41)+9],Count_in1_PORTS[(pid*41)+10]
+ for pid in range(0,41):
+ print "DPID : ",pid,"Count output 1: ",Count_out1_PORTS[(pid*41)+1],"",Count_out1_PORTS[(pid*41)+2],"",Count_out1_PORTS[(pid*41)+3],Count_out1_PORTS[(pid*41)+4],Count_out1_PORTS[(pid*41)+5],Count_out1_PORTS[(pid*41)+6],Count_out1_PORTS[(pid*41)+7],Count_out1_PORTS[(pid*41)+8],Count_out1_PORTS[(pid*41)+9],Count_out1_PORTS[(pid*41)+10]
+ for pid in range(0,41):
+ print "DPID : ",pid,"Count input 0: ",Count_in0_PORTS[(pid*41)+1],"",Count_in0_PORTS[(pid*41)+2],"",Count_in0_PORTS[(pid*41)+3],Count_in0_PORTS[(pid*41)+4],Count_in0_PORTS[(pid*41)+5],Count_in0_PORTS[(pid*41)+6],Count_in0_PORTS[(pid*41)+7],Count_in0_PORTS[(pid*41)+8],Count_in0_PORTS[(pid*41)+9],Count_in0_PORTS[(pid*41)+10]
+ for pid in range(0,41):
+ print "DPID : ",pid,"Count output 0: ",Count_out0_PORTS[(pid*41)+1],"",Count_out0_PORTS[(pid*41)+2],"",Count_out0_PORTS[(pid*41)+3],Count_out0_PORTS[(pid*41)+4],Count_out0_PORTS[(pid*41)+5],Count_out0_PORTS[(pid*41)+6],Count_out0_PORTS[(pid*41)+7],Count_out0_PORTS[(pid*41)+8],Count_out0_PORTS[(pid*41)+9],Count_out0_PORTS[(pid*41)+10]
+ for pid in range(0,41):
+ print "DPID : ",pid,"Count out 0 porta 52",Count_out0_PORT52[pid]
+ for pid in range(0,41):
+ print "DPID : ",pid,"Count in 0 porta 52",Count_in0_PORT52[pid]
+ for pid in range(0,41):
+ print "DPID : ",pid,"Count out 1 porta 52",Count_out1_PORT52[pid]
+ for pid in range(0,41):
+ print "DPID : ",pid,"Count in 1 porta 52 ",Count_in1_PORT52[pid]
+ print "The sum of all counters in output in the port 52 with flag 1 : ",sum_output1_port52
+ print "The sum of all counters in input in the port 52 with flag 1 : ",sum_input1_port52
+ print "The sum af all counters in output in the port 52 with flag 0 : ",sum_output0_port52
+ print "The sum of all counters in input in the port 52 with flag 0 : ",sum_input0_port52
+ print "Iterazione : ",periodDiz
+ sum_output1_port52=0
+ sum_input1_port52=0
+ sum_output0_port52=0
+ sum_input0_port52=0
+ C_flow_stats=0
+def is_valid_ipv4_address(address):
+ try:
+ socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET, address)
+ except AttributeError: # no inet_pton here, sorry
+ try:
+ socket.inet_aton(address)
+ except socket.error:
+ return False
+ return address.count('.') == 3
+ except socket.error: # not a valid address
+ return False
+ return True
+def is_valid_mac_address(address):
+ if address.count(":")!=5:
+ return False
+ for i in address.split(":"):
+ for j in i:
+ if j>"F" or (j<"A" and not j.isdigit()) or len(i)!=2:
+ return False
+ return True
+class l2_learning (object):
+ global G
+ def __init__ (self,transparent):
+ global run_once
+ global c1
+ global ip_src, ip_dst, mac_src, mac_dst
+ global var1,var2,var3,var4
+ iplist=[]
+ if run_once == 0:
+ import re
+ while len(iplist)<4:
+ ip_list = raw_input(':[] [] [] []:')
+ iplist=ip_list.split(" ")
+ if len(iplist)==4:
+ if iplist[0]=="null" and iplist[1]=="null" and iplist[2]=="null" and iplist[2]=="null":
+ print "Monitoring all traffic without filters"
+ else:
+ while ((is_valid_ipv4_address(iplist[0])==False and iplist[0]!="null") or (is_valid_ipv4_address(iplist[1])==False and iplist[1]!="null") or (is_valid_mac_address(iplist[2])==False and iplist[2]!="null") or (is_valid_mac_address(iplist[3])==False and iplist[3]!="null")):
+ ip_list = raw_input(':[] [] [] []:')
+ iplist=ip_list.split(" ")
+ if len(iplist)==1:
+ ip_src=iplist[0]
+ elif len(iplist)==2:
+ ip_src=iplist[0]
+ ip_dst=iplist[1]
+ elif len(iplist)==3:
+ ip_src=iplist[0]
+ ip_dst=iplist[1]
+ mac_src=iplist[2]
+ elif len(iplist)==4:
+ ip_src=iplist[0]
+ ip_dst=iplist[1]
+ mac_src=iplist[2]
+ mac_dst=iplist[3]
+ if ip_src!="null":
+ print"Monitoring IP_SRC:",ip_src
+ var1=1
+ if ip_dst!="null":
+ print"Monitoring IP_DST:",ip_dst
+ var2=1
+ if mac_src!="null":
+ print"Monitoring MAC_SRC:",mac_src
+ var3=1
+ if mac_dst!="null":
+ print"Monitoring MAC_DST:",mac_dst
+ var4=1
+ run_once = 1
+ def startup():
+ core.openflow.addListeners(self, priority = 0)
+ core.openflow_discovery.addListeners(self)
+ self.transparent = transparent
+ core.call_when_ready(startup, ('openflow','openflow_discovery'))
+ def _handle_LinkEvent(self, event):
+ global Array
+ global M
+ global C_link_event
+ global dict2
+ l = event.link
+ sw1 = l.dpid1
+ sw2 = l.dpid2
+ pt1 = l.port1
+ pt2 = l.port2
+ G.add_node( sw1 )
+ G.add_node( sw2 )
+ if event.added:
+ G.add_edge(sw1,sw2)
+ if event.removed:
+ try:
+ G.remove_edge(sw1,sw2)
+ except:
+ print "Remove edge "
+ C_link_event=C_link_event+1
+ print "Counter : ",C_link_event,"sw1 : ",l.dpid1,"sw2 :",l.dpid2,"Port1: ",pt1,"Port2 : ",pt2
+ array=[]
+ if sw1 <=40 and sw2 <=40:
+ array.insert(0,sw1)
+ array.insert(1,sw2)
+ array.insert(2,pt1)
+ array.insert(3,pt2)
+ Array.append(array)
+ if sw1 not in dict2:
+ dict2[sw1] = {}
+ dict2[sw1][pt1]=sw2
+ if sw2 not in dict2:
+ dict2[sw2] = {}
+ dict2[sw2][pt2]=sw1
+ if C_link_event==M:
+ print "Fine Link detection..."
+ print "Dizionario2 :",dict2
+ def _handle_ConnectionUp (self, event):
+ LearningSwitch(event.connection, self.transparent)
+def signal_handler(signal,frame):
+ global Results
+ print "Results: ",Results,"LEN : ",len(Results)
+ with open('/home/fmesolella/Desktop/results.json', 'w') as outfile:
+ json.dump(Results, outfile, indent=4)
+ sys.exit(0)
+def launch (transparent=False, hold_down=_flood_delay):
+ try:
+ global _flood_delay
+ _flood_delay = int(str(hold_down), 10)
+ assert _flood_delay >= 0
+ except:
+ raise RuntimeError("Expected hold-down to be a number")
+ def start ():
+ if not core.NX.convert_packet_in:
+ log.error("PacketIn conversion required")
+ return
+ log.info("Simple NX switch running.")
+ core.call_when_ready(start, ['NX','openflow'])
+ core.registerNew(l2_learning, str_to_bool(transparent))
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
diff --git a/Scenario/Net_Mininet.py b/Scenario/Net_Mininet.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f35f6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scenario/Net_Mininet.py
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import sys
+import time
+import networkx as nx
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+from mininet.net import Mininet
+from mininet.node import Controller, RemoteController, OVSController
+from mininet.node import CPULimitedHost, Host, Node
+from mininet.node import OVSKernelSwitch, UserSwitch
+from mininet.node import IVSSwitch
+from mininet.cli import CLI
+from mininet.log import setLogLevel, info
+from mininet.link import TCLink, Intf
+from subprocess import call
+from mininet.util import irange,dumpNodeConnections
+from mininet.log import setLogLevel
+from time import sleep
+#array with ip address for each host in the topology
+#array with host_id for each host in the topology
+#costant variable used in the script in order to add the T switch
+#variable used in order to count the numer of links between switch T and switch S in the topology
+#variable used in order to count the numer of links between host H and switch T in the topology
+#variable used in order to count the numer of links between switches S in the topology
+def myNetwork():
+ #number of switch S in the topology
+ n_switchs=0
+ #number of links between switch S in the topology
+ n_links=0
+ global arrayIpHost
+ global arrayHost
+ global NumLinkHT,NumLinkSS,NumLinkTS
+ G = nx.read_graphml('Geant2012.graphml',str)
+ print("Graph %s has %d nodes with %d edges"
+ % (G.name, nx.number_of_nodes(G), nx.number_of_edges(G)))
+ n_switchs=nx.number_of_nodes(G)
+ n_links=nx.number_of_edges(G)
+ net = Mininet( topo=None,link=TCLink,
+ autoStaticArp=True,
+ build=False,
+ ipBase='')
+ info( '*** Adding controller \n' )
+ c0=net.addController(name='c0',
+ controller=RemoteController,
+ ip='',
+ protocol='tcp',
+ port=6633)
+ info( '*** Add switches S \n')
+ for switch in G.nodes_iter():
+ switch_id="s"+str(int(switch)+1)
+ id_node=int(int(switch)+1)
+ s=net.addSwitch(switch_id,dpid=hex(id_node)[2:],cls=OVSKernelSwitch)
+ print "Switch S :",s
+ info( '*** Add switches T \n')
+ for switch in G.nodes_iter():
+ val=int(int(switch)+1)+N
+ switch_id="s"+str(val)
+ id_node=int(int(switch)+1)
+ t=net.addSwitch(switch_id,cls=OVSKernelSwitch)
+ print "Switch T:",t
+ info( '*** Add hosts H \n')
+ for host in G.nodes_iter(data = True):
+ host_id="h"+str(int(host[0])+1)
+ ris=int(int(host[0])+1)+ int(10)
+ host_mac="00:00:00:00:00:"+str(ris)
+ host_ip="10.0.0."+str(int(host[0])+1)
+ h=net.addHost(host_id,cls=Host,ip=host_ip,mac=host_mac,defaultRoute=None)
+ print "Host H :",h
+ #if host[1]['label']=='Milan':
+ #print "Country is Milan"
+ #IP_Italy=host_ip
+ #MAC_Italy=host_mac
+ #print "IP IT",IP_Italy
+ #print "MAC IT",MAC_Italy
+ print "Host MAC:",host_mac
+ print "Host IP:",host_ip
+ arrayIpHost.append(host_ip)
+ arrayHost.append(h)
+ info( '*** Add links between switch S \n')
+ for edge in G.edges_iter():
+ edge0_id="s"+str(int(edge[0])+1)
+ edge1_id="s"+str(int(edge[1])+1)
+ print "Add Links between switch S : ",edge0_id," and ",edge1_id
+ net.addLink(edge0_id,edge1_id)
+ NumLinkSS=NumLinkSS+1
+ print "Tot Link between switch S : ",NumLinkSS
+ info( '*** Add links between switch S and switch T \n')
+ for nod in G.nodes_iter():
+ val=int(int(nod)+1)+N
+ tswitch_ID="s"+str(val)
+ switch_ID="s"+str(int(nod)+1)
+ port1=2
+ port2=52
+ net.addLink(tswitch_ID,switch_ID,port1,port2)
+ print "Add Links between S and T : ",tswitch_ID," and ",switch_ID
+ NumLinkTS=NumLinkTS+1
+ print "Tot Link between switch S and switch T : ",NumLinkTS
+ info( '*** Add links between host H and switch T \n')
+ for hos in G.nodes_iter():
+ val=int(int(hos)+1)+N
+ host_ID="h"+str(int(hos)+1)
+ tswitch_ID="s"+str(val)
+ port1=51
+ port2=1
+ net.addLink(host_ID,tswitch_ID,port1,port2)
+ print "Add Links between host and T : ",host_ID," and ",tswitch_ID
+ NumLinkHT=NumLinkHT+1
+ print "Tot Link between switch T and host H : ",NumLinkHT
+ info( '*** Starting network\n')
+ net.build()
+ info( '*** Starting controllers\n')
+ for controller in net.controllers:
+ controller.start()
+ info( '*** Starting switches S\n')
+ for sw in G.nodes_iter():
+ s_id="s"+str(int(sw)+1)
+ net.get(s_id).start([c0])
+ info( '*** Starting switches T\n')
+ for sw in G.nodes_iter():
+ w=int(int(sw)+1)+N
+ s_id="s"+str(w)
+ net.get(s_id).start([c0])
+ #time.sleep(150)
+ time.sleep(90)
+ #time.sleep(60)
+ #time.sleep(50)
+ print "Testing net connectivity"
+ H1=arrayHost[0]
+ H1.cmd('rm -r /tmp/pnpm')
+ H1.cmd('screen -d -m python -m trace -t /home/fmesolella/Desktop/Server.py'+" "+str(H1.IP())+" ")
+ for h in net.hosts:
+ print "Host Source : ",h
+ arrayIpHost.remove(h.IP())
+ print "Host Destination : ",arrayIpHost
+ s=""
+ for h1 in arrayIpHost:
+ s=s+h1+" "
+ arrayIpHost.append(h.IP())
+ h.cmd('python /home/fmesolella/Desktop/Client.py'+" "+str(H1.IP())+" "+str(h.IP())+" "+str(s)+" >> error.log 2>&1 &")
+ CLI(net)
+ net.stop()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ setLogLevel( 'info' )
+ myNetwork()
diff --git a/Scenario/Server.py b/Scenario/Server.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ecfdcb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scenario/Server.py
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+import zmq
+import sys
+class Type:
+ SYN = 1
+ FIN = 2
+ SENT = 3
+ RECV = 4
+def server():
+ try:
+ server_ip=sys.argv[1]
+ context = zmq.Context()
+ receiver = context.socket(zmq.PULL)
+ connected=[]
+ disconnected=[]
+ counters={}
+ num_sent=0
+ num_recv=0
+ num_entries=0
+ total_lost=0
+ total_sent=0
+ total_recv=0
+ summary_lines=[]
+ #receiver.bind("tcp://%s:%d"%(server_ip,SERVER_PORT))
+ receiver.bind("ipc:///tmp/pnpm")
+ summary_lines.append("Server listening on %s:%d"%(server_ip, SERVER_PORT))
+ data = {}
+ stop = False
+ while not stop:
+ data = receiver.recv_pyobj()
+ if data['type']==Type.SYN:
+ connected.append(data['source'])
+ summary_lines.append ("%s connected"%data['source'])
+ elif data['type']==Type.FIN:
+ disconnected.append(data['source'])
+ num_entries+=data['entries']
+ summary_lines.append ("%s disconnected, %d entries"%(data['source'],data['entries']))
+ elif data['type']==Type.SENT:
+ if data['from'] not in counters:
+ counters[data['from']] = {}
+ if data['to'] not in counters[data['from']]:
+ counters[data['from']][data['to']] = {}
+ counters[data['from']][data['to']]['sent'] = data['sent']
+ num_sent+=1
+ summary_lines.append ("%s reported %d sent to %s"%(data['from'], data['sent'], data['to']))
+ elif data['type']==Type.RECV:
+ if data['from'] not in counters:
+ counters[data['from']] = {}
+ if data['to'] not in counters[data['from']]:
+ counters[data['from']][data['to']] = {}
+ counters[data['from']][data['to']]['recv'] = data['recv']
+ num_recv+=1
+ summary_lines.append ("%s reported %d received from %s"%(data['to'], data['recv'], data['from']))
+ if sorted(connected)==sorted(disconnected) and num_entries==num_sent==num_recv:
+ stop =True
+ with open(OUTPUT_FILE, 'w') as outfile:
+ for f, ts in counters.iteritems():
+ for t, n in ts.iteritems():
+ if 'sent' not in n:
+ raise Exception("Sent report missing for %s\t%s\n"%(f,t))
+ if 'recv' not in n:
+ raise Exception("Recv report missing for %s\t%s\t%d\n"%(f,t,n['sent']))
+ lost=n['sent']-n['recv']
+ outfile.write("%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\n"%(f,t,n['sent'],n['recv'],lost))
+ total_lost+=lost
+ total_sent+=n['sent']
+ total_recv+=n['recv']
+ summary_lines.append ("Num entries: %d"%(num_entries))
+ summary_lines.append ("Total sent: %d"%(total_sent))
+ summary_lines.append ("Total recv: %d"%(total_recv))
+ summary_lines.append ("Total lost: %d"%(total_lost))
+ except Exception as e:
+ exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
+ summary_lines.append("Exception %s %s %s"%(e, exc_type, exc_tb.tb_lineno))
+ finally:
+ with open(SUMMARY_FILE, 'w') as sfile:
+ for l in summary_lines:
+ sfile.write(l)
+ sfile.write("\n")