All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Add support for albums
- Fix playlist hero layout on medium sized screens
- Add album url and uri for track results - Issue
- Add a loading skeleton for the track cover image s
- Improve home page styling
- Fix playlist results not working
Started using the Spotify Web API for certain routes
- Add support for playlists
- Add proxy support for the Spotify Web API and access token requests
- Add a check to only accept valid Spotify URLs/URIs
- Update privacy policy to include local storage being used
- Update contact page to include the Codeberg link to create issues
- Update the README and FAQ section on how SpotifyInfo works
- Remove album art opening in new tab when clicked
- Fix only the lowest quality album art being shown on iOS
- Fix audio showing up as a "Live Broadcast" in Safari
- Fix hero text not overflow being hidden instead of word wrapping
- Add a new audio proxy api route
- Use an audio proxy api route instead of Next.js rewrites
- Fix the header logo src not being relative
Upgrade to Next.js 14
- Add a general component for unsupported routes
- Add a link to the changelog in the footer
- Move from Next.js 12.3.1 to 14.0.4
- Make necessary changes required for the upgrade from Next.js 12 to Next.js 14
- Use Next/Link for more links
- Use import aliases
- Use a global layout including the header and footer components
- Update robots.txt to only allow the contact,privacy and home pages
- Improve FAQ section visibility in light mode
- Remove index.js for unsupported routes