Releases: neo4j/apoc
Releases · neo4j/apoc
What's Changed
- Bump versions to 5.6.0 by @Lojjs in #316
- Cleans up resources after the tests by @ncordon in #321
- Updates broken links by @ncordon in #293
- Enable core test CI by @vga91 in #279
- Avoids double DNS lookup in the load methods by @ncordon in #315
- Fix Docker command docs by @gem-neo4j in #320
- doesn't work in a system follower by @vga91 in #292
- Fixes the cluster setup for the trigger tests by @ncordon in #322
- Make the type output of apoc.schema.* procedures more specific by @vga91 in #307
- Add SSFR check for apoc.spatial procedures by @vga91 in #305
- Fix wrong throttle config in Geocode.SupplierWithKey by @vga91 in #327
- Splits integration tests into their own package by @ncordon in #326
- Removes parallel execution in TeamCity by @ncordon in #334
- PeriodicTest.testTerminateCommit is flaky by @vga91 in #331
- apoc.hashing.fingerprint can't deal with type byte[] by @vga91 in #332
- Fix error message for apoc.schema.nodes/relationships with include and exclude confs both valuated by @vga91 in #335
- Reduce the number of transactions we use in triggers by @vga91 in #303
- Fixes #155: Check for correct tx terminations by @vga91 in #256
- Fixes Snyk CI jobs by @ncordon in #336
- Executes integration tests sequentially by @ncordon in #337
- Moves S3 tests to integration tests package by @ncordon in #338
Full Changelog: 5.5.0...5.6.0
What's Changed
- Bump version to 5.5.0 by @gem-neo4j in #286
- Document that apoc.util.sha1 and apoc.text.random are not suitable for cryptographic use. by @gem-neo4j in #287
- Extract code from APOC core which is only used in APOC extended by @Lojjs in #261
- Try de-flake some trigger tests with embedded db by @vga91 in #285
- Changed AtomicReference with 1-elem array by @vga91 in #283
- Add tests about $transactionId by @vga91 in #289
- Fix S3 failing flaky tests by @vga91 in #294
- Fix flaky testTerminatePeriodicQuery by @vga91 in #297
- Changed trigger descriptions by @vga91 in #299
- Added test for meta configs (neo4j-contrib/neo4j-apoc-procedures#3032) by @vga91 in #221
- Fixes neo4j-contrib/neo4j-apoc-procedures#3070: The apoc.export.csv.all with bulkImport config doesn't work with a file name without extension by @vga91 in #220
- Improve triggers error messages by @vga91 in #302
- Fix the missing constraint error message for apoc.import.json() by @AzuObs in #304
- Remove log file which was committed by mistake by @Lojjs in #301
- Fix edge cases in trigger methods by @vga91 in #288
- Fixes neo4j-contrib/neo4j-apoc-procedures#2992: apoc.diff.nodes() returns list-type properties as different when they are the same by @vga91 in #206
- Update version matrix by @gem-neo4j in #309
- Bump mockserver-netty version and org.apache.arrow version by @gem-neo4j in #308
- Improve coverNodes speed by @gem-neo4j in #313
- Fixes #2826: The apoc.import.csv/graphml procedures create empty wrong empty nodes with UNIQUE constraint violation (#3006) by @vga91 in #197
- Fix sampling bug in apoc.meta procedures. Sampling should now properly check only a subset of nodes and therefore perform faster. Please note that the result of the procedures may alter between executions. by @nadja-muller in #306
- Fix readme docs link by @gem-neo4j in #314
- vuln-fix: Securing XML parser against XXE (CVE-2023-23926)
Fixing a XML External Entity (XXE) vulnerability, that was impacting the apoc.import.graphml procedure. by @Lojjs in #310
Full Changelog: 5.4.0...5.5.0
What's Changed
- Revert 273 5.x begin transaction by @nadja-muller in #295
- [FPaRo3uM] Bump version 5.4.1 by @gem-neo4j in #296
Full Changelog: 5.4.0...5.4.1
What's Changed
- Bump version to 5.4.0 by @Lojjs in #260
- Schema updates for new relationship constraints by @gem-neo4j in #246
- Rewrite tests for failures in a safer way by @Lojjs in #244
- Try to fix flaky ExportS3PerformanceTest by @vga91 in #262
- Fix bug with serializing arrays of primitive values for json export query by @gem-neo4j in #265
- Remove unused code by @Lojjs in #264
- Add Trello Traceability GHA to the CI by @AzuObs in #266
- Renaming for allowlist and denylist by @gem-neo4j in #272
- Update the apoc.coll.different description to accurately describe the function by @gem-neo4j in #276
- Fixes trigger procedures in clusters for neo4j 5.x by @vga91 in #250
- Fixes slf4j apoc logger by @ncordon in #274
- Implement new method
in DbmsRule by @LinneaAndersson in #273 - Remove EOL versions from APOC readme and fix broken image links by @gem-neo4j in #275
- Try fixing cluster failing test by @vga91 in #280
- Fix getDriver() password in cluster test by @vga91 in #278
- can hang by @vga91 in #257
- Update readme about loading and unrestricting by @Lojjs in #281
- vuln-fix: Fix path traversal vulnerability (CVE-2022-23532) by @gem-neo4j in #267
New Contributors
- @LinneaAndersson made their first contribution in #273
Full Changelog: 5.3.0...5.4.0
What's Changed
- Fixes CVE-2022-42889 in transitive dependencies by @AzuObs in #226
- Bump version to 5.3.0 by @Lojjs in #230
- Fix and enable some ignored tests by @Lojjs in #229
- Cleanup export cypher tests by @Lojjs in #231
- Fixes password length, bumps testContainer version by @ncordon in #242
- Removes load json test, the data is not in the external API anymore by @ncordon in #243
- Try fixing flaky testDeadlockException by @vga91 in #238
- Fix ignored testGeocodeGoogle by @vga91 in #239
- Installs Snyk monitor GitHub action on PRs by @ncordon in #249
- Update Docker env help by @gem-neo4j in #248
- Fixes all Snyk dependency issues of medium security level by @ncordon in #251
- Solves problem with empty GITHUB_REF for branches by @ncordon in #253
- apoc.schema.relationships return wrong output for relationship indexes by @vga91 in #247
- Un-ignore working test by @Lojjs in #252
- Code cleanup by @gem-neo4j in #255
- Fix ignored S3 tests by @vga91 in #241
- Update APOC descriptions by @gem-neo4j in #254
- Remove use of getID by @gem-neo4j in #258
- Checks redirects for blocked IPs instead of just final location. by @gem-neo4j in #240
Full Changelog: 5.2.0...5.3.0
What's Changed
- [NOID] Updates dependencies so that transitive dependency commons-text does not get flagged as problematic for CVE-2022-42889 by @ncordon in #232
- Fixes JaroWinklerDistance to be 1 - JaroWinklerSimilarity
Full Changelog: 5.2.0...5.2.1
What's Changed
- Check compatibility on system database instead of default database by @Lojjs in #207
- Bump Neo4j to 5.2.0 by @AzuObs in #211
- Grant CodeQL permissions by @AzuObs in #212
- Fixes #126: apoc.periodic.submit fails with schema operations by @vga91 in #208
- apoc.text.jaroWinklerDistance behavior fixed due to transitive apache-common update by @MishaDemianenko in #216
- Add link to extended and update readme matrix by @gem-neo4j in #217
- Fixes #26: apoc.refactor.rename.label delets label if oldLabel is equal to newLabel by @vga91 in #209
- Fixes #126: Improve validateQuery by @vga91 in #218
- Update the descriptions of all procedures and functions based on documentation changes by @gem-neo4j in #213
- Change ApocStreamHandlerFactory to a service provider to avoid deadlock on startup by @nadja-muller in #210
- Cherry Pick https update by @gem-neo4j in #225
- Bumps to neo4j non snapshot version by @ncordon in #228
- Use internal function instead of procedure for compatibility check. by @Lojjs in #219
New Contributors
- @nadja-muller made their first contribution in #210
Full Changelog: 5.1.0...5.2.0
What's Changed
- Added import for upstream package change by @hugofirth in #5
- Sanitize back-ticks in strings when there is a possibility of Cypher injection by @gem-neo4j in #2
- Remove APOC Extended from Docs by @gem-neo4j in #6
- Adapt to changes in Coordinate class in product by @MishaDemianenko in #10
- Use DefaultDatabaseResolver to resolve default db (instead of Config) by @gfx54b in #171
- Improve backtick sanitization by @gem-neo4j in #172
- Remove extended APOC config from core by @Lojjs in #166
- 5.0 add storage engine check by @gem-neo4j in #169
- Remove the neo4jVersions gradle property by @AzuObs in #168
- Bumps version of neo4j by @ncordon in #182
- respect config.writeNodeProperties when writing node details (#3152) by @AzuObs in #184
- Remove references to '-rc' releases by @AzuObs in #185
- Remove docs from Core by @gem-neo4j in #174
- Try to fix flaky testContainers by @vga91 in #177
- Fixing a test after making 'text-2' the deafult text index provider. by @PetrJanouch in #194
- Fixes #18: Default parallel concurrency of 50 is too high by @vga91 in #190
- increase password length for dummy user in a test by @HannesSandberg in #198
- Invalid unicode character with apoc.import.graphml (#3107) by @ncordon in #199
- [bcIQ3oqd] Remove deprecated apoc.convert functions by @gem-neo4j in #189
- Fixes #11: apoc.load* don't actually support tar and tar.gz by @vga91 in #200
- Fixes #2739: Allow apoc.spatial.geoCodeOnce to also receive config via procedure call (#2832) by @vga91 in #191
- Fixes neo4j-contrib/neo4j-apoc-procedures#2931: The apoc.import.csv procedure doesn't batch correctly by @vga91 in #195
doest not return relationship information (#2935) by @vga91 in #201- [NOID] Fix broken tests so that CI can pass by @AzuObs in #203
- Add core repo as a git submodule in extended by @vga91 in #188
- [hcaaOlXR] Various security fixes by @AzuObs in #202
- Fixes #25: Incorrect behaviours for format durations by @vga91 in #179
- [UHxIZ8JO] Add CodeQL by @AzuObs in #186
- [tYbuDF2B] The apoc.export.cypher.* procedures don't create relationships with start/end node without properties by @vga91 in #181
- [VP7iRcuF] Introduce helper methods from neo4j by @Lojjs in #187
- [hcaaOlXR] Protect from Billion Laughs by @AzuObs in #205
New Contributors
- @hugofirth made their first contribution in #5
- @gem-neo4j made their first contribution in #2
- @MishaDemianenko made their first contribution in #10
- @gfx54b made their first contribution in #171
- @Lojjs made their first contribution in #166
- @vga91 made their first contribution in #177
- @PetrJanouch made their first contribution in #194
- @HannesSandberg made their first contribution in #198
Full Changelog: 5.0.0-rc02...5.1.0
What's Changed
- Added import for upstream package change by @hugofirth in #5
- Sanitize back-ticks in strings when there is a possibility of Cypher injection by @gem-neo4j in #2
- Remove APOC Extended from Docs by @gem-neo4j in #6
- Adapt to changes in Coordinate class in product by @MishaDemianenko in #10
- Use DefaultDatabaseResolver to resolve default db (instead of Config) by @gfx54b in #171
- Improve backtick sanitization by @gem-neo4j in #172
- Remove extended APOC config from core by @Lojjs in #166
New Contributors
- @hugofirth made their first contribution in #5
- @MishaDemianenko made their first contribution in #10
- @gfx54b made their first contribution in #171
- @Lojjs made their first contribution in #166
Full Changelog: 5.0.0-rc02...5.0.0