- Added support for a password file to rextract.
- Add ansible deployment scripts.
- Add roundd script to round raster to decimals.
- Replaced geom by bbox in rextract requests.
- Replaced buildout with pipenv.
- Added 'ruimtekaart' tools.
- Fixed use of deprecated mismatched boolean index size.
- Port various scripts to python3
- Modify extract for a specific task.
- Update bag2tif.
- Added rextract script to extract rasters from Lizard.
- Extended extract tool with 3di-ahn3 option.
- Added meta about raster-server layers to extract tool.
- Leanified and documented AHN3 downloader.
- Extended extract tool with 3di-ahn3-hhnk option.
- Extended extract tool with 3di-rd option.
- Add difference script from the past.
- Extended extract tool with 3Di-ahn3-almere option.
- Added option to specify floor.
- Enabled multiple source-files support in retile.
- Add rasterize2 that keeps close to the sql.
- Have extract script use new landuse sources.
- Removed dem:water from extract.
- Rewrite rebase to not use index shapefile.
- Intend to release this package more often.
- Fix bug for polygon containing exacly four rings.
- Extract tool added for 3Di 2D model generation.
- Initial project structure created with nensskel 1.34.dev0.