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Ninette Adhikari edited this page Apr 2, 2024 · 32 revisions

Welcome to the yocto-metrics wiki!

Documentation on contributing to yocto:

The following namespaces have push access to the yocto-metrics and yocto-autobuilder-helper repo:

  • contrib/albaherrerias/*
  • contrib/ninette/*
  • contrib/jacobabrandner/*

Pushing commit to remote repo

Go to the relevant local repository and push your commit in the following format:


For yocto-metrics for example, the command will be like this:

git push [email protected]:yocto-metrics patch-status-improvements-contrib:contrib/ninette/patch-status-improvements-contrib

Create and share Pull request

After committing changes to the remote repo, you can create Pull request patch files with the following:

LOCAL_PATH/poky/scripts/create-pull-request -u REMOTE_REPO -s "PR_TITLE"

For example for yocto-metrics it will be like this:

~/poky/scripts/create-pull-request -u -s "M10: Metrics view"

The patch files can be emailed to yocto team through their mailing list or internally through NH sales team.

WIP: Add description and creating patch for your commits

  1. git branch --edit-description
  2. git format-patch --cover-letter --cover-from-description=auto 9c2a03d4
  3. git send-email --cover-letter --cover-from-description=auto --to [email protected] -M 9c2a03d4

git send-email --cover-letter --cover-from-description=auto --to [email protected] -M cve-status

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