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Releases: nd1012/wan24-Crypto-BC

Version 3.5.1

13 Apr 12:41
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  • Fixed method name BouncyCastle.RegisterNetalgrithms -> RegisterNetAlgorithms

Full Changelog: v3.5.0...v3.5.1

Version 3.5.0

13 Apr 12:28
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  • Added BouncyCastle.RegisterNetAlgrithms
  • Added HashBcSha3_256.SHA3_256
  • Added HashBcSha3_384.SHA3_384
  • Added HashBcSha3_512.SHA3_512
  • Added MacBcHmacSha3_256.HMACSHA3_256
  • Added MacBcHmacSha3_384.HMACSHA3_384
  • Added MacBcHmacSha3_512.HMACSHA3_512
  • BouncyCastleHashAlgorithm is unsealed now
  • BouncyCastleHmacAlgorithm is unsealed now

Full Changelog: v3.4.0...v3.5.0

Version 3.4.0

09 Mar 12:36
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  • Added BcEllipticCurves.IsCurveAllowed and BcEllipticCurves.DenyCurve
  • Added checks for allowed algorithms and elliptic curves

Fixed bugs

  • Fixed Ed25519, Ed448, X448, XEd25519 and XEd448 algorithms didn't check for PQC requirement
  • Fixed non-PQC signature algorithms didn't check for PQC requirement

Full Changelog: v3.3.0...v3.4.0

Version 3.3.0

02 Mar 16:18
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  • Updated references

Fixed bugs

  • Fixed XEd25519/448, SPHINCS+, Streamlined NTRU Prime and NTRUEncrypt public key serialization caused key ID change on a new serializer version (old key data needs to be converted!)

Full Changelog: v3.2.0...v3.3.0

Version 3.2.0

24 Feb 15:13
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  • All algorithm constructors are private now

Full Changelog: v3.1.0...v3.2.0

Version 3.1.0

17 Feb 12:01
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  • Added ExportBc and ImportBc methods and IsBcImportExportImplemented to asymmetric keys which support ex-/import using a key info object
  • Added constructor to asymmetric private keys which accepts a Bouncy Castle private key, if the public key can be generated from that private key
  • Added BouncyCastleAsymmetricAlgorithmBase which supports any key generator type
  • Added Streamlined NTRU Prime asymmetric PQC key exchange algorithm
  • Added BIKE asymmetric PQC key exchange algorithm
  • Added HQC asymmetric PQC key exchange algorithm
  • Added Picnic asymmetric PQC signature algorithm

Fixed bugs

  • Fixed Falcon, FrodoKEM, CRYSTALS-Kyber, NTRUEncrypt and SPHINCS+ asymmetric public key Bits property

Full Changelog: v3.0.0...v3.1.0

Version 3.0.0

11 Feb 11:07
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Important release notes

The Bouncy Castle NuGet package was updated to version 2.3.0. This brings some incompatibility issues from fixed bugs, new bugs and deprecations, which made me releasing wan24-Crypto-BC version 3.0.0 right after version 2.0.0, because those versions are sadly incompatible in too many cases. A version 4(+).0.0 will be released, if some bugs in a new Bouncy Castle NuGet package version have been fixed. All incompatibilities affect PQC keys only. Plase read the following information carefully, if you've used PQC algorithms with earlier versions of wan24-Crypto-BC.

FrodoKEM key serialization

The FrodoKEM key serialization was broken in earlier Bouncy Castle library NuGet package versions. With version 2.3.0 it was fixed.

wan24-Crypto-BC version 3.0.0 uses the serialization from Bouncy Castle now (previously a custom serialization has been used). But it's incompatible with previously seriaized keys.

You'll need to convert the keys from wan24-Crypto-BC version <3 manually to become compatible with version 3. In the first step, use the old version to load the key and create compatible serialization data:

// For a private key
using AsymmetricFrodoKemPrivateKey key = ...;// Load the private key
byte[] privateKey = key.PrivateKey.GetPrivateKey();
byte[] publicKey = key.PublicKey.PublicKey.GetPublickey();

// For a public key
using AsymmetricFrodoKemPublicKey key = ...;// Load the public key
byte[] publicKey = key.PublicKey.GetPublickey();

Store privateKey and publicKey to convert them with wan24-Crypto-BC version 3.0.0 later:

// Private key
FrodoPrivateKeyParameters privateKeyParameters = new(FrodoParameters.[UsedParameterSet], privateKey);
FrodoPublicKeyParameters publicKeyParameters = new(FrodoParameters.[UsedParameterSet], publicKey);
AsymmetricCipherKeyPair keys = new(publicKeyParameters, privateKeyParameters);
using AsymmetricFrodoKemPrivateKey key = new(keys);

// Public key
FrodoPublicKeyParameters publicKeyParameters = new(FrodoParameters.[UsedParameterSet], publicKey);
using AsymmetricFrodoKemPublicKey key = new(publicKeyParameters);

WARNING: Previously used parameter sets are deprecated and removed from wan24-Crypto-BC version 3 - that's another issue to pay attention to! Anyway, you'll be able to work temporary with the converted AsymmetricFrodoKemPrivateKey and AsymmetricFrodoKemPublicKey, but you shouldn't store them, or you'll run into issues! Re-create them using the currently supported parameter sets instead.

SPHINCS+ key serialization

The SPHINCS+ key serialization worked in earlier Bouncy Castle library NuGet package versions. With version 2.3.0 the serialization is now broken.

wan24-Crypto-BC version 3.0.0 uses a custom serialization to fix the broken Bouncy Castle serialization now.

You'll need to convert the keys from wan24-Crypto-BC version <3 manually to become compatible with version 3. In the first step, use the old version to load the key and create compatible serialization data:

// For a private key
using AsymmetricSphincsPlusPrivateKey key = ...;// Load the private key
byte[] privateKey = key.PrivateKey.GetEncoded();
byte[] publicKey = key.PublicKey.PublicKey.GetEncoded();

// For a public key
using AsymmetricSphincsPlusPublicKey key = ...;// Load the public key
byte[] publicKey = key.PublicKey.PublicKey.GetEncoded();

Store privateKey and publicKey to convert them with wan24-Crypto-BC version 3.0.0 later:

// Private key
SphincsPlusPrivateKeyParameters privateKeyParameters = new(SphincsPlusParameters.[UsedParameterSet], privateKey);
SphincsPlusPublicKeyParameters publicKeyParameters = new(SphincsPlusParameters.[UsedParameterSet], publicKey);
AsymmetricCipherKeyPair keys = new(publicKeyParameters, privateKeyParameters);
using AsymmetricSphincsPlusPrivateKey key = new(keys);

// Public key
SphincsPlusPublicKeyParameters publicKeyParameters = new(SphincsPlusParameters.[UsedParameterSet], publicKey);
using AsymmetricSphincsPlusPublicKey key = new(publicKeyParameters);

WARNING: Previously used parameter sets are deprecated and removed from wan24-Crypto-BC version 3 - that's another issue to pay attention to! Anyway, you'll be able to work temporary with the converted AsymmetricSphincsPlusPrivateKey and AsymmetricSphincsPlusPublicKey, but you shouldn't store them, or you'll run into issues! Re-create them using the currently supported parameter sets instead.

NOTE: Since wan24-Crypto-BC version 3 implements only a work-around, another conversion will be required with future versions, as soon as the Bouncy Castle library was fixed!

Deprecated PQC key parameter sets

The current Bouncy Castle NuGet package version 2.3.0 deprecated the following key parameter sets, which have been used from wan24-Crypto-BC version <3:

  • CRYSTALS-Dillithium AES
  • FrodoKEM r3
  • SPHINCS+ robust

Those parameter sets aren't usable with wan24-Crypto-BC version 3 anymore. So all

  • CRYSTALS-Kyber
  • CRYSTALS-Dillithium
  • FrodoKEM

keys, which have been created with a wan24-Crypto-BC version <3, can't be used with wan24-Crypto-BC version 3 anymore.

Any attempt to load a key with wan24-Crypto-BC version 3, which has previously been serialized by wan24-Crypto-BC version <3, will fail.

There's no work-around for that issue, you'll have to re-create the keys using the new parameter sets, as soon as you switch to wan24-Crypto-BC version 3.

NTRUEncrypt and FALCON key parameter sets are not affected from this issue. Those keys from wan24-Crypto-BC version <3 are fully compatible with wan24-Crypto-BC version 3. So if it's possible, you should re-create all affected keys using NTRUEncrypt and FALCON, before you switch to wan24-Crypto-BC version 3, finally.


Breaking changes

  • CRYSTALS-Kyber and -Dilithium AES parameter sets are deprecated and removed - using non-AES parameter sets instead
  • FrodoKEM r3 parameter sets are deprecated and removed - using AES parameter sets instead
  • SPHINCS+ robust parameter sets are deprecated and removed - using haraka simple parameter sets instead
  • SPHINCS+ key serialization is broken in the updated Bouncy Castle's NuGet package version 2.3.0, so the key serialization of wan24-Crypto-BC had to be updated to use a custom serialization
  • FrodoKEM key serialization was fixed with the latest Bouncy Castle NuGet package version 2.3.0, so this algorithm will now be enabled per default - but custom key serialization is still required for the private key, 'cause the public key needs to be embedded


  • Added XEd25519/448 algorithms which support signature and key exchange by converting a Ed25519/448 key to a X25519/448 key
  • BouncyCastleAsymmetricPrivateKeyBase.PublicKey can be overridden now
  • Added ToX25519/448PrivateKey extensions for Ed25519/448PrivateKeyParameters

Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v3.0.0

Version 2.0.0

21 Jan 19:38
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Breaking changes

  • Build target is .NET 8 now
  • SHA3 hash/MAC algorithms are now not the default anymore and being used as .NET replacements only
  • Separated base classes for asymmetric algorithms in PQC and non-PQC implementations (which have different serialization helpers)
  • Asymmetric key data is PKCS#8 now
  • Using AES-256-GCM AEAD (128 bit MAC) as default crypto algorithm for PAKE now
  • Default key exchange algorithm is NTRU now


  • Added Shake128/256 hash algorithms as .NET replacements
  • Added Ed25519 and Ed448 asymmetric signature algorithms
  • Added BouncyCastleAsymmetricNonPqcPrivate/PublicSignatureKeyBase2 to support a signer which requires a context constructor parameter
  • Added ECDH algorithm as replacement for the .NET variant from wan24-Crypto
  • Added ECDSA algorithm as replacement for the .NET variant from wan24-Crypto
  • Added BcEllipticCurves ECDH and ECDSA elliptic curve helper
  • Added X25519 and X448 asymmetric key exchange algorithms
  • Added own serialization logic for FrodoKEM and NTRU and enabled the algorithms to be available per default
  • Added CryptoEnvironment.(UpdateDefaultOptionsAfter)RemoveUnsupportedAlgorithms

Fixed bugs

  • Fixed all SHA3 algorithms are considered to be post-quantum-safe
  • Fixed wrong asymmetric PQC key data serialization
  • Fixed PQC key exchange derive key from encapsulated secret methods had to clone the provided information (they'll be cleared from Bouncy Castle)

Full Changelog: v1.19.3...v2.0.0

Version 1.19.3

11 Nov 08:53
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  • Updated references

Full Changelog: v1.19.2...v1.19.3

Version 1.19.2

01 Nov 09:56
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  • Updated references

Full Changelog: v1.19.1...v1.19.2