diff --git a/docs/index.html b/docs/index.html
index f55e9de..7df4478 100644
--- a/docs/index.html
+++ b/docs/index.html
@@ -689,8 +689,8 @@
Top-level functions and classes
-259__version__ = "1.2.2"
-260__version_vector__ = (1, 2, 2)
+259__version__ = "1.2.3"
+260__version_vector__ = (1, 2, 3)
262from . import skeletonize
263from . import pre
diff --git a/docs/skeletor.html b/docs/skeletor.html
index f55e9de..7df4478 100644
--- a/docs/skeletor.html
+++ b/docs/skeletor.html
@@ -689,8 +689,8 @@ Top-level functions and classes
-259__version__ = "1.2.2"
-260__version_vector__ = (1, 2, 2)
+259__version__ = "1.2.3"
+260__version_vector__ = (1, 2, 3)
262from . import skeletonize
263from . import pre
diff --git a/docs/skeletor/skeletonize.html b/docs/skeletor/skeletonize.html
index 0bdb74e..e074333 100644
--- a/docs/skeletor/skeletonize.html
+++ b/docs/skeletor/skeletonize.html
@@ -327,64 +327,68 @@ References
131 weights='weight', mode='ALL')[0]
133 # Get IDs of edges along the path
-134 eids = SG.get_eids(path=path, directed=False)
-136 # Stop if farthest point is closer than min_length
-137 add = True
-138 if min_length:
-139 # This should only be distance to the first branchpoint
-140 # from the tip since we set other weights to zero
-141 le = sum(SG.es[eids].get_attribute_values('weight'))
-142 if le < min_length:
-143 add = False
-145 if add:
-146 # Add these new edges
-147 new_edges = np.vstack((cc[path[:-1]], cc[path[1:]])).T
-148 edges = np.append(edges, new_edges).reshape(-1, 2)
-150 # Invalidate points in the path
-151 valid[path] = False
-152 paths[path] = 0
+134 if getattr(ig, '__version_info__', (0, 0, 0))[1] >= 10:
+135 pairs = zip(path[:-1], path[1:])
+136 eids = SG.get_eids(pairs, directed=False)
+137 else:
+138 eids = SG.get_eids(path=path, directed=False)
+140 # Stop if farthest point is closer than min_length
+141 add = True
+142 if min_length:
+143 # This should only be distance to the first branchpoint
+144 # from the tip since we set other weights to zero
+145 le = sum(SG.es[eids].get_attribute_values('weight'))
+146 if le < min_length:
+147 add = False
+149 if add:
+150 # Add these new edges
+151 new_edges = np.vstack((cc[path[:-1]], cc[path[1:]])).T
+152 edges = np.append(edges, new_edges).reshape(-1, 2)
-154 # Must set weights along path to 0 so that this path is
-155 # taken again in future iterations
-156 SG.es[eids]['weight'] = 0
+154 # Invalidate points in the path
+155 valid[path] = False
+156 paths[path] = 0
-158 # Get all nodes within `inv_dist` to this path
-159 # Note: can we somehow only include still valid nodes to speed
-160 # things up?
-161 dist, _, sources = dijkstra(sp, directed=False, indices=path,
-162 limit=inv_dist, min_only=True,
-163 return_predecessors=True)
-165 # Invalidate
-166 in_dist = dist <= inv_dist
-167 to_invalidate = np.where(in_dist)[0]
-168 valid[to_invalidate] = False
-169 paths[to_invalidate] = 0
-171 # Update mesh vertex to skeleton node map
-172 mesh_map[cc[in_dist]] = cc[sources[in_dist]]
-174 pbar.update((~valid).sum() - invalidated)
-175 invalidated = (~valid).sum()
-177 # Make unique edges (paths will have overlapped!)
-178 edges = unique(edges, axis=0)
-180 # Create a directed acyclic and hierarchical graph
-181 G_nx = edges_to_graph(edges=edges[:, [1, 0]],
-182 fix_tree=True, fix_edges=False,
-183 weight=False)
-185 # Generate the SWC table
-186 swc, new_ids = make_swc(G_nx, coords=mesh.vertices, reindex=True)
-188 # Update vertex to node ID map
-189 mesh_map = np.array([new_ids.get(n, -1) for n in mesh_map])
-191 return Skeleton(swc=swc, mesh=mesh, mesh_map=mesh_map, method='teasar')
+158 # Must set weights along path to 0 so that this path is
+159 # taken again in future iterations
+160 SG.es[eids]['weight'] = 0
+162 # Get all nodes within `inv_dist` to this path
+163 # Note: can we somehow only include still valid nodes to speed
+164 # things up?
+165 dist, _, sources = dijkstra(sp, directed=False, indices=path,
+166 limit=inv_dist, min_only=True,
+167 return_predecessors=True)
+169 # Invalidate
+170 in_dist = dist <= inv_dist
+171 to_invalidate = np.where(in_dist)[0]
+172 valid[to_invalidate] = False
+173 paths[to_invalidate] = 0
+175 # Update mesh vertex to skeleton node map
+176 mesh_map[cc[in_dist]] = cc[sources[in_dist]]
+178 pbar.update((~valid).sum() - invalidated)
+179 invalidated = (~valid).sum()
+181 # Make unique edges (paths will have overlapped!)
+182 edges = unique(edges, axis=0)
+184 # Create a directed acyclic and hierarchical graph
+185 G_nx = edges_to_graph(edges=edges[:, [1, 0]],
+186 fix_tree=True, fix_edges=False,
+187 weight=False)
+189 # Generate the SWC table
+190 swc, new_ids = make_swc(G_nx, coords=mesh.vertices, reindex=True)
+192 # Update vertex to node ID map
+193 mesh_map = np.array([new_ids.get(n, -1) for n in mesh_map])
+195 return Skeleton(swc=swc, mesh=mesh, mesh_map=mesh_map, method='teasar')