diff --git a/docs/source/api.rst b/docs/source/api.rst
index 58f5f88..70f3612 100644
--- a/docs/source/api.rst
+++ b/docs/source/api.rst
@@ -160,6 +160,8 @@ Functions to fetch data about landmarks.
+    pymaid.LandmarkMatcher
+    pymaid.CrossProjectLandmarkMatcher
 Reconstruction samplers
diff --git a/docs/source/whats_new.rst b/docs/source/whats_new.rst
index 8975c0d..4213a20 100644
--- a/docs/source/whats_new.rst
+++ b/docs/source/whats_new.rst
@@ -17,6 +17,9 @@ What's new?
          like in the CATMAID frontend.
        - :func:`pymaid.get_stacks`, :func:`pymaid.get_stack_info`, :func:`pymaid.get_mirror_info` functions for getting information about image data
        - :class:`pymaid.stack.Stack` class for accessing N5 and JPEG tile image data as a :class:`xarray.DataArray`
+     - - :class:`pymaid.LandmarkMatcher` and :class:`pymaid.CrossProjectLandmarkMatcher`
+       for matching paired landmarks for use in transformations within a project
+       (e.g. left-right or segmental) or between projects (e.g. different animals)
    * - 2.4.0
      - 27/05/23
      - - :func:`pymaid.get_annotation_graph` deprecated in favour of the new
diff --git a/pymaid/fetch/__init__.py b/pymaid/fetch/__init__.py
index f01ae11..bcc985e 100644
--- a/pymaid/fetch/__init__.py
+++ b/pymaid/fetch/__init__.py
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
 from .. import core, utils, config, cache
 from navis import in_volume
-from .landmarks import get_landmarks, get_landmark_groups
+from .landmarks import get_landmarks, get_landmark_groups, LandmarkMatcher, CrossProjectLandmarkMatcher
 from .skeletons import get_skeleton_ids
 from .annotations import get_annotation_graph, get_entity_graph, get_annotation_id
 from .stack import get_stacks, get_stack_info, get_mirror_info
@@ -91,8 +91,8 @@
                   'get_origin', 'get_skids_by_origin',
                   'get_sampler', 'get_sampler_domains', 'get_sampler_counts',
-                  'get_landmarks',
-                  'get_landmark_groups',
+                  'get_landmarks', 'get_landmark_groups',
+                  'LandmarkMatcher', 'CrossProjectLandmarkMatcher',
                   'get_stacks', 'get_stack_info', 'get_mirror_info',
diff --git a/pymaid/fetch/landmarks.py b/pymaid/fetch/landmarks.py
index 25e3743..b78d69c 100644
--- a/pymaid/fetch/landmarks.py
+++ b/pymaid/fetch/landmarks.py
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
 import typing as tp
+from functools import cache
+import numpy as np
 import pandas as pd
-from ..utils import _eval_remote_instance, DataFrameBuilder
+from pymaid.client import CatmaidInstance
+from ..utils import _eval_remote_instance, DataFrameBuilder, clean_points
 def get_landmarks(
@@ -22,11 +26,11 @@ def get_landmarks(
-    2-tuple of (DataFrame, optional DataFrame)
-        The first element is a DataFrame with columns
+    landmarks : pd.DataFrame
+        DataFrame with columns
         landmark_id, name, user_id, project_id, creation_time, edition_time.
-        The second element is optionally a DataFrame with columns
+    locations : pd.DataFrame, optional (default None)
+        DataFrame with columns
         location_id, x, y, z, landmark_id.
@@ -39,6 +43,7 @@ def get_landmarks(
     url = cm.make_url(
+        # todo: don't download locations if we're not going to use them?
     landmark_builder = DataFrameBuilder(
@@ -103,12 +108,14 @@ def get_landmark_groups(
-    3-tuple of (dataframe, optional dataframe, optional dict[int, int])
-        The first element is a DataFrame with columns group_id, name, user_id, project_id, creation_time, edition_time.
-        The second element is optionally a DataFrame with columns location_id, x, y, z, group_id.
-        The third element is optionally a dict mapping group ID to a list of landmark IDs (members of that group).
+    groups : pd.DataFrame
+        A DataFrame with columns
+        group_id, name, user_id, project_id, creation_time, edition_time.
+    locations : pd.DataFrame, optional (default None)
+        A DataFrame with columns
+        location_id, x, y, z, group_id.
+    members : dict[int, list[int]], optional (default None)
+        A dict mapping group ID to a list of landmark IDs (members of that group).
@@ -172,3 +179,313 @@ def get_landmark_groups(
         locations = None
     return groups, locations, members
+class LandmarkMatcher:
+    """Class for finding matching pairs of landmark locations between two groups.
+    For example, find control points for transforming neurons left to right
+    or between segments.
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        landmarks: pd.DataFrame,
+        landmark_locations: pd.DataFrame,
+        groups: pd.DataFrame,
+        group_locations: pd.DataFrame,
+        group_members: dict[int, tp.Iterable[int]],
+    ):
+        """Prefer constructing with ``.from_catmaid()`` where possible.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        landmarks : pd.DataFrame
+            Landmarks dataframe:
+            see first output of ``get_landmarks`` for details.
+        landmark_locations : pd.DataFrame
+            Landmark locations dataframe:
+            see second (optional) output of ``get_landmarks``.
+        groups : pd.DataFrame
+            Groups dataframe:
+            see first output of ``get_landmark_groups`` for details.
+        group_locations : pd.DataFrame
+            Group locations dataframe:
+            see second (optional) output of ``get_landmark_groups`` for details.
+        group_members : dict[int, tp.Iterable[int]]
+            Group members:
+            see third (optional) output of ``get_landmark_groups`` for details.
+        """
+        self.landmarks = landmarks
+        self.landmark_locations = landmark_locations
+        self.groups = groups
+        self.group_locations = group_locations
+        self.group_members: dict[int, set[int]] = {
+            k: set(v) for k, v in group_members.items()
+        }
+    @classmethod
+    def from_catmaid(cls, remote_instance=None):
+        """Instantiate from a CatmaidInstance.
+        Possibly the global one.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional
+            If None (default) use the global instance.
+        """
+        cm = _eval_remote_instance(remote_instance)
+        landmarks, landmark_locations = get_landmarks(True, cm)
+        groups, group_locations, members = get_landmark_groups(True, True, remote_instance=cm)
+        return cls(landmarks, landmark_locations, groups, group_locations, members)
+    @cache
+    def _group_name_to_id(self) -> dict[str, int]:
+        return dict(zip(self.groups["name"], self.groups["group_id"]))
+    def _locations_in_group(self, group_id: int):
+        idx = self.group_locations["group_id"] == group_id
+        return self.group_locations["location_id"][idx]
+    def _locations_in_landmark(self, landmark_id: int):
+        idx = self.landmark_locations["landmark_id"] == landmark_id
+        return self.landmark_locations["location_id"][idx]
+    def _unique_location(self, group_id: int, landmark_id: int) -> int:
+        if landmark_id not in self.group_members[group_id]:
+            return None
+        landmark_ids = set(self._locations_in_group(group_id)).intersection(self._locations_in_landmark(landmark_id))
+        if len(landmark_ids) == 1:
+            return landmark_ids.pop()
+        return None
+    @cache
+    def _landmark_id_to_name(self) -> dict[int, str]:
+        return dict(zip(self.landmarks["landmark_id"], self.landmarks["name"]))
+    @cache
+    def _locations(self) -> dict[int, tuple[int, int, int]]:
+        d = dict()
+        for loc_id, x, y, z, _ in self.group_locations.itertuples(index=False):
+            d[loc_id] = (x, y, z)
+        for loc_id, x, y, z, _ in self.landmark_locations.itertuples(index=False):
+            d[loc_id] = (x, y, z)
+        return d
+    def _as_group_id(self, group: tp.Union[str, int]) -> int:
+        if isinstance(group, int):
+            return group
+        if isinstance(group, str):
+            return self._group_name_to_id()[group]
+        raise ValueError("Given group must be int ID or str name")
+    def match(self, group1: tp.Union[str, int], group2: tp.Union[str, int]) -> pd.DataFrame:
+        """Get matching pairs of landmarks for two groups.
+        Return the paired locations of landmarks
+        which are a members of both groups,
+        and have a single location in each group.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        group1 : tp.Union[str, int]
+            First group name (as str) or ID (as int)
+        group2 : tp.Union[str, int]
+            Second group name (as str) or ID (as int)
+        Returns
+        -------
+        pd.DataFrame
+            Columns landmark_name, landmark_id, location_id1, x1, y1, z1, location_id2, x2, y2, z2
+        """
+        group_to_id = self._group_name_to_id()
+        group1_id = group1 if isinstance(group1, int) else group_to_id[group1]
+        group2_id = group2 if isinstance(group2, int) else group_to_id[group2]
+        group1_locs = set(self._locations_in_group(group1_id))
+        group2_locs = set(self._locations_in_group(group2_id))
+        locs = self._locations()
+        dtypes = {"landmark_name": str, "landmark_id": np.uint64}
+        for g in ["1", "2"]:
+            dtypes["location_id" + g] = np.uint64
+            for d in "xyz":
+                dtypes[d + g] = np.float64
+        lm_id_to_name = self._landmark_id_to_name()
+        rows = []
+        for lm_id in set(self.group_members[group1_id]).intersection(self.group_members[group2_id]):
+            lm_locs = self._locations_in_landmark(lm_id)
+            g1_locs = group1_locs.intersection(lm_locs)
+            if not len(g1_locs) == 1:
+                continue
+            g2_locs = group2_locs.intersection(lm_locs)
+            if not len(g1_locs) == 1:
+                continue
+            row = [lm_id_to_name[lm_id], lm_id]
+            row.append(g1_locs.pop())
+            row.extend(locs[row[-1]])
+            row.append(g2_locs.pop())
+            row.extend(locs[row[-1]])
+            rows.append(row)
+        df = pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=list(dtypes), dtype=object)
+        return df.astype(dtypes)
+class CrossProjectLandmarkMatcher:
+    """Class for finding matching pairs of landmark locations between two instances.
+    For example, find control points for transforming neurons
+    from one instance's space to another.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, this_lms: LandmarkMatcher, other_lms: LandmarkMatcher):
+        """Constructing using ``.from_catmaid()`` may be more convenient.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        this_lms : LandmarkMatcher
+            ``LandmarkMatcher`` for landmarks in "this" space.
+        other_lms : LandmarkMatcher
+            ``LandmarkMatcher`` for landmarks in the "other" space.
+        """
+        self.this_m: LandmarkMatcher = this_lms
+        self.other_m: LandmarkMatcher = other_lms
+    @classmethod
+    def from_catmaid(
+        cls, other_remote_instance: CatmaidInstance, this_remote_instance=None
+    ):
+        """Instantiate from a pair of CatmaidInstances.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        other_remote_instance : CatmaidInstance
+            Other catmaid instance
+        this_remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional
+            This CATMAID instance.
+            If None (default), use the global instance.
+        """
+        this_remote_instance = _eval_remote_instance(this_remote_instance)
+        return cls(
+            LandmarkMatcher.from_catmaid(this_remote_instance),
+            LandmarkMatcher.from_catmaid(other_remote_instance),
+        )
+    def _member_landmarks(self, group_id: int, this=True) -> dict[str, int]:
+        matcher = self.this_m if this else self.other_m
+        lmid_to_name = matcher._landmark_id_to_name()
+        out = dict()
+        for lmid in matcher.group_members[group_id]:
+            out[lmid_to_name[lmid]] = lmid
+        return out
+    def match(
+        self,
+        this_group: tp.Union[str, int],
+        other_group: tp.Optional[tp.Union[str, int]] = None
+    ) -> pd.DataFrame:
+        """Match landmark locations between two instance of CATMAID.
+        Looks through the members of the two groups to find landmarks with the same name.
+        If those landmarks have one location in each group, match those.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        this_group : tp.Union[str, int]
+            Group name (str) or ID (int) on this instance.
+        other_group : tp.Optional[tp.Union[str, int]], optional
+            Group name (str) or ID (int) on the other instance.
+            If None (default) and ``this_group`` is a str name, use the same name.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        pd.DataFrame
+            Columns landmark_name, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2
+            where 1 is "this" and 2 is "other".
+        """
+        this_group_id = self.this_m._as_group_id(this_group)
+        if other_group is None:
+            if isinstance(this_group, int):
+                raise ValueError("If other_group is None, this_group must be a str name")
+            other_group = this_group
+        other_group_id = self.other_m._as_group_id(other_group)
+        this_locs = self.this_m._locations()
+        other_locs = self.other_m._locations()
+        this_lms = self._member_landmarks(this_group_id)
+        other_lms = self._member_landmarks(other_group_id, False)
+        dtypes = {"landmark_name": str}
+        for g in "12":
+            for d in "xyz":
+                dtypes[d + g] = np.float64
+        rows = []
+        for lm_name, this_lmid in this_lms.items():
+            if lm_name not in other_lms:
+                continue
+            other_lmid = other_lms[lm_name]
+            this_loc_id = self.this_m._unique_location(this_group_id, this_lmid)
+            if this_loc_id is None:
+                continue
+            other_loc_id = self.other_m._unique_location(other_group_id, other_lmid)
+            if other_loc_id is None:
+                continue
+            row = [lm_name]
+            row.extend(this_locs[this_loc_id])
+            row.extend(other_locs[other_loc_id])
+            rows.append(row)
+        df = pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=list(dtypes), dtype=object)
+        return df.astype(dtypes)
+    def match_all(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
+        """Match all landmark locations between two instances of CATMAID.
+        Looks for all groups which share a name,
+        then all landmark members of those groups which have a single location in each group.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        pd.DataFrame
+            Columns group_name, landmark_name, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2
+        """
+        shared_groups = set(
+            self.this_m.groups["name"]
+        ).intersection(self.other_m.groups["name"])
+        dfs = []
+        for group_name in sorted(shared_groups):
+            df = self.match(group_name)
+            df.insert(0, "group_name", [group_name] * len(df))
+            dfs.append(df)
+        return pd.concat(dfs, ignore_index=True)
+def to_control_points(df: pd.DataFrame) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
+    """Get control point arrays from a dataframe returned by a LandmarkMatcher.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    df : pd.DataFrame
+        DataFrame returned by a LandmarkMatcher or CrossProjectLandmarkMatcher.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]
+        The coordinates of locations.
+    """
+    return clean_points(df, "{}1").to_numpy(), clean_points(df, "{}2").to_numpy()
diff --git a/pymaid/tests/test_utils.py b/pymaid/tests/test_utils.py
index 6c712a9..ec6be6c 100644
--- a/pymaid/tests/test_utils.py
+++ b/pymaid/tests/test_utils.py
@@ -34,4 +34,3 @@ def test_filter_by_query_220():
     assert list(out) == [False, True, False, False]
diff --git a/pymaid/utils.py b/pymaid/utils.py
index 1bcb7c9..a0218d5 100644
--- a/pymaid/utils.py
+++ b/pymaid/utils.py
@@ -809,3 +809,35 @@ def build(self, index_col=None) -> pd.DataFrame:
             df.index = index
         return df
+def clean_points(
+    df: pd.DataFrame, fmt: tp.Union[str, tp.Callable[[str], tp.Hashable]], dims="xyz"
+) -> pd.DataFrame:
+    """Extract points from a dataframe.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    df : pd.DataFrame
+        Dataframe, some of whose columns represent points.
+    fmt : tp.Union[str, tp.Callable[[str], tp.Hashable]]
+        Either a format string (e.g. ``"point_{}_1"``),
+        or a callable which takes a string and returns a column name.
+        When a dimension name (like ``"x"``) is passed to the format string,
+        or the callable, the result should be the name of a column in ``df``.
+    dims : str, optional
+        Dimension name order, by default "xyz"
+    Returns
+    -------
+    pd.DataFrame
+        The column index will be the dimensions given in ``dims``.
+        Call ``.to_numpy()`` to convert into a numpy array.
+    """
+    if isinstance(fmt, str):
+        fmt_c = lambda s: fmt.format(s)
+    else:
+        fmt_c = fmt
+    cols = {fmt_c(d): d for d in dims}
+    return df[list(cols)].rename(columns=cols)