diff --git a/docs/preparing.md b/docs/preparing.md index 1512584..a33d575 100644 --- a/docs/preparing.md +++ b/docs/preparing.md @@ -171,17 +171,20 @@ Install the Python dependencies using `!` to run a shell command from a Jupyter sure that any updates installed via our call to `!pip install` actually take effect, you should click `Runtime` -> "Restart Session" to restart the Python kernel. +## Data + +During the workshop, we will be analyzing data from the 2020 paper ["Integrated Morphoelectric and Transcriptomic Classification of Cortical GABAergic Cells"](https://www.cell.com/cell/pdf/S0092-8674(20)31254-X.pdf) by Gouwens, Sorensen, Baftizadeh et. al. + +All artifacts for the NAVis (Monday) and CAJAL (Tuesday) presentations are available in this [Dropbox folder](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/l242i29tqnxrpsmei4ji2/AEfUqnzMxszdi6VFvKejwS0?rlkey=dz4p5m4442nyodogyjpzl83zl&st=zh7khnyy&dl=0). Just download the whole thing and put it somewhere you will be able to find it during the workshop. + +For Pynapple and Nemos (Monday), the workshop tutorial discusses how to download the necessary data - see [Part 1](https://pynapple-org.github.io/single-cell-neuropython-workshop-2024/generated/gallery/example_load_to_pynapple/) and [Part 3](https://pynapple-org.github.io/single-cell-neuropython-workshop-2024/generated/gallery/tutorial_pynapple_nemos_single_cell_full), in the "Data Streaming" section. + ## Getting Help The workshop organizers can be contacted for installation help in the [Slack group](https://join.slack.com/t/pythontoolsfo-ehx1178/shared_invite/zt-2qjzd1c44-NZ~9kt0~kh47X6t80tK8Mg) for the workshop or using the [Discussions](https://github.com/navis-org/neuropython2024/discussions) in this website's Github repository. - -## Example Datasets -During the workshop, we will be analyzing data from the 2020 paper ["Integrated Morphoelectric and Transcriptomic Classification of Cortical GABAergic Cells"](https://www.cell.com/cell/pdf/S0092-8674(20)31254-X.pdf) by Gouwens, Sorensen, Baftizadeh et. al. - -All artifacts for the CAJAL presentation on Tuesday are available in this [Dropbox folder](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/l242i29tqnxrpsmei4ji2/AEfUqnzMxszdi6VFvKejwS0?rlkey=dz4p5m4442nyodogyjpzl83zl&st=zh7khnyy&dl=0). - -For Pynapple and Nemos, the workshop tutorial discusses how to download the necessary data - see [Part 1](https://pynapple-org.github.io/single-cell-neuropython-workshop-2024/generated/gallery/example_load_to_pynapple/) and [Part 3](https://pynapple-org.github.io/single-cell-neuropython-workshop-2024/generated/gallery/tutorial_pynapple_nemos_single_cell_full), in the "Data Streaming" section. \ No newline at end of file + Once that dust has settled, we will share the data artefacts you'll need to follow along during the course. +--> \ No newline at end of file