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David Kaplan edited this page Dec 17, 2021 · 24 revisions

Find data files for testing/tutorials

The data files (par and tim) associated with the tutorials and other examples can be located via pint.config.examplefile() (available via the pint.config module):

import pint.config
fullfilename = pint.config.examplefile(filename)

For example, the file NGC6440E.par from the Time a Pulsar notebook can be found via:

import pint
fullfilename = pint.config.examplefile("NGC6440E.par")

Load a par file

from pint.models import get_model
m = get_model(parfile)

Load a tim file

from pint.toa import get_TOAs
t = get_TOAs(timfile)

Load a tim and par file together:

m, t = get_model_and_toas(parfile, timfile)

Get the red noise basis functions and the corresponding coefficients out of a PINT fitter object:

Select TOAs:

You can index by column name into the TOAs object, so you can do toas["observatory"] or whatever the column is called; and that's an array, so you can do toas["observatory"]=="arecibo" to get a Boolean array; and you can index with boolean arrays, so you can do toas[toas["observatory"]=="arecibo"] to get a new TOAs object referencing a subset.

Avoid "KeyError: 'obs_jupiter_pos' error when trying to grab residuals?"

You need to have the TOAs object compute the positions of the planets and add them to the table.


This should be done automatically if you load your TOAs with the get_TOAs() or get_model_and_TOAs()

Convert from ELAT/ELONG <-> RA/DEC if I have a timing model:


which will give it to you as a model with AstrometryEquatorial components at the requested epoch. Similarly,


does the same for AstrometryEcliptic (with an optional specification of the obliquity).