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Command Prompt Vs Windows Terminal

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Sep 27, 2024

Command Prompt Vs Windows Terminal

Difference Between Windows Terminal and Command Prompt

Windows Terminal:

Modern Application: It is a newer, modern terminal app from Microsoft that supports multiple shell environments like PowerShell, Command Prompt, WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux), and others

  • Customizable: It offers features like tabs, customizable themes, fonts, and background images.
  • Multiple Shells: You can open different shells (e.g., PowerShell, Command Prompt, Bash) in multiple tabs. UTF-8 Support: Full Unicode and UTF-8 support, including emojis.

Command Prompt:

  • Legacy Application: It is a traditional command-line interpreter for executing DOS-based and Windows commands.
  • Limited Customization: It has limited customization options compared to Windows Terminal.
  • Single Shell: It only runs a single instance of the Command Prompt in one window
  • Older Interface: More familiar to those who use older versions of Windows.

Which One Should You Use?

If you're doing basic command-line tasks, either tool will work. For advanced users who need to switch between shells or want more customization and modern features, Windows Terminal is the better option.

Sure! I’ll expand the list to reach 500 commands, focusing on various categories like system operations, file management, networking, development tools, security, and more. Let’s continue!

Windows Terminal vs. Command Prompt Commands (Expanded)

1. Basic Commands

Command Description Windows Terminal Command Prompt
type Displays contents of a file
assoc Displays or modifies file extension associations
color Sets text color for the command shell
doskey Edits command lines, recalls commands, and creates macros
fc Compares two files and shows differences
start Starts a separate window to run a specified program or command
pause Pauses batch file execution and displays a message
title Sets the window title for the command prompt
time Displays or sets the system time
date Displays or sets the system date

2. File Management Commands

Command Description Windows Terminal Command Prompt
del /f Force deletion of read-only files
robocopy /mir Mirrors a directory tree
replace /u Replaces files only if newer than the destination
attrib -h Removes hidden attribute from files
xcopy /d Copies only files changed after a specific date
icacls /t Changes ACLs recursively on directories
del /s Deletes files from all subdirectories
fsutil Displays or modifies file system properties
mklink Creates a symbolic or hard link
replace /a Adds new files to the destination directory

3. Network and Connectivity Commands

Command Description Windows Terminal Command Prompt
ping -t Continuously pings a network host
netstat -r Displays routing table
arp -a Displays current ARP entries by IP
route print Prints the routing table
ipconfig /all Displays full network configuration
nslookup -type=mx Finds mail servers for a domain
net view Displays shared resources on network computers
net use x: Maps a network drive to a drive letter
nbtstat -n Displays NetBIOS name table of a local machine
tracert -h Limits the number of hops to search

4. System Information and Management Commands

Command Description Windows Terminal Command Prompt
systeminfo /s Displays system info for remote computers
driverquery /v Displays detailed driver information
tasklist /svc Lists services running under processes
taskkill /im Kills a process by its image name
sfc /scannow Scans integrity of all protected system files
bcdedit Manages boot configuration data
mode Configures system devices
powercfg Configures power settings
chkntfs Displays or modifies automatic file checking on startup
diskpart list disk Lists available hard disks

5. Administrative and Security Commands

Command Description Windows Terminal Command Prompt
shutdown /r Restarts the computer
gpupdate /force Forces immediate update of Group Policy settings
net user /add Adds a new user account
net localgroup /add Adds a user to a local group
sc config Configures service settings
auditpol Displays or modifies audit policies
net share Displays all network shares
takeown /f Takes ownership of a file or directory
cipher /e Encrypts files
reg export Exports a registry key to a file

6. Windows Terminal Exclusive Features

Command Description Windows Terminal Command Prompt
wsl --install Installs Windows Subsystem for Linux
wt -d Opens a new tab in a specific directory
wt -p Opens a profile in a new tab
wt split-pane Splits the terminal pane
tab Switches between tabs
ctrl+shift+ Custom shortcuts to resize pane windows
ctrl+shift+f Finds text in terminal sessions
ctrl+shift+p Opens command palette
zoom-in Zooms into the terminal text
fullscreen Switches to fullscreen mode

7. Development and Debugging Commands

Command Description Windows Terminal Command Prompt
python -m venv Creates a Python virtual environment
msbuild /t:clean Cleans a build directory
node --version Displays Node.js version
npm install Installs Node.js packages
git init Initializes a new Git repository
git clone Clones a repository
gdb Launches GNU Debugger
cmake Generates build files for C/C++ projects
javac -d Compiles Java code with a destination folder
nuget restore Restores NuGet packages for a project

8. Advanced Networking Commands

Command Description Windows Terminal Command Prompt
netsh wlan show Displays wireless networks and configurations
netsh advfirewall export Exports firewall rules
netsh int ip reset Resets TCP/IP settings
netsh http show iplisten Displays IP addresses for HTTP listeners
pathping Provides details on network latency
net stop wuauserv Stops Windows Update service
getmac /v Displays MAC addresses with additional info
net user /active Activates or deactivates a user account
net statistics Displays network statistics
curl Transfers data from or to a server
