Build a chess game in 3 days.
- day 1, build the board, black and white squares, think carefully about the algorithm how to alternate between the colors
- day 2, build the basic movement, how to pick and drop a piece (use the pieces from, they are licensed as CC 4.0 and are very very beautiful)
- day 3, polish the pieces, make it possible to take a piece
- todo: add queening the pawn code later
- todo: add restrictions to illegal moves
This is the code that we wrote together, it actually took 3 days, 30 minutes per day, with a some help from the parent, but in the end its a (almost) working chess game.
import pgzrun
HEIGHT = 800
WIDTH = 800
board = []
black = [
Actor('chess/rook-black',anchor=(0,0), pos=(0,0)),
Actor('chess/knight-black',anchor=(0,0), pos=(100,0)),
Actor('chess/bishop-black',anchor=(0,0), pos=(200,0)),
Actor('chess/queen-black',anchor=(0,0), pos=(300,0)),
Actor('chess/king-black',anchor=(0,0), pos=(400,0)),
Actor('chess/bishop-black',anchor=(0,0), pos=(500,0)),
Actor('chess/knight-black',anchor=(0,0), pos=(600,0)),
Actor('chess/rook-black',anchor=(0,0), pos=(700,0)),
Actor('chess/pawn-black',anchor=(0,0), pos=(0,100)),
Actor('chess/pawn-black',anchor=(0,0), pos=(100,100)),
Actor('chess/pawn-black',anchor=(0,0), pos=(200,100)),
Actor('chess/pawn-black',anchor=(0,0), pos=(300,100)),
Actor('chess/pawn-black',anchor=(0,0), pos=(400,100)),
Actor('chess/pawn-black',anchor=(0,0), pos=(500,100)),
Actor('chess/pawn-black',anchor=(0,0), pos=(600,100)),
Actor('chess/pawn-black',anchor=(0,0), pos=(700,100)),
white = [
Actor('chess/pawn-white',anchor=(0,0), pos=(0,600)),
Actor('chess/pawn-white',anchor=(0,0), pos=(100,600)),
Actor('chess/pawn-white',anchor=(0,0), pos=(200,600)),
Actor('chess/pawn-white',anchor=(0,0), pos=(300,600)),
Actor('chess/pawn-white',anchor=(0,0), pos=(400,600)),
Actor('chess/pawn-white',anchor=(0,0), pos=(500,600)),
Actor('chess/pawn-white',anchor=(0,0), pos=(600,600)),
Actor('chess/pawn-white',anchor=(0,0), pos=(700,600)),
Actor('chess/rook-white',anchor=(0,0), pos=(0,700)),
Actor('chess/knight-white',anchor=(0,0), pos=(100,700)),
Actor('chess/bishop-white',anchor=(0,0), pos=(200,700)),
Actor('chess/queen-white',anchor=(0,0), pos=(300,700)),
Actor('chess/king-white',anchor=(0,0), pos=(400,700)),
Actor('chess/bishop-white',anchor=(0,0), pos=(500,700)),
Actor('chess/knight-white',anchor=(0,0), pos=(600,700)),
Actor('chess/rook-white',anchor=(0,0), pos=(700,700)),
x = 0
y = 0
block = 0
for i in range(1,65):
if block % 2 == 0:
board.append(Actor('chess/white',anchor=(0,0), pos=(x,y)))
board.append(Actor('chess/black',anchor=(0,0), pos=(x,y)))
block += 1
x += 100
if i != 0 and i%8 == 0:
y += 100
x = 0
pick_white = None
pick_black = None
elf = Actor("c1",ancor=(0,0))
king = Actor("c2")
def on_key_down(key):
global pick_white,pick_black
if key == keys.R and pick_white == None:
# pick up the piece below
for w in white:
if elf.colliderect(w):
pick_white = w
elif key == keys.R and pick_white != None:
for b in board:
# shouldnt be able to drop if there is already white piece there
if elf.colliderect(b):
for w in white:
if w != pick_white and b.colliderect(w):
# snap the white piece to the board
pick_white.x = b.x
pick_white.y = b.y
# take the black piece if there
for bl in list(black):
if bl.colliderect(pick_white):
# drop it
pick_white = None
if key == keys.P and pick_black == None:
# pick up the piece below
for b in black:
if king.colliderect(b):
pick_black = b
elif key == keys.P and pick_black != None:
for b in board:
if king.colliderect(b):
# dont allow a drop if there is already a black piece there
for l in black:
if l != pick_black and b.colliderect(l):
# snap the black piece to the board
pick_black.x = b.x
pick_black.y = b.y
# take the white piece if there
for w in list(white):
if w.colliderect(pick_black):
# drop it
pick_black = None
def update():
global pick_white,pick_black
speed = 2
if keyboard.W:
elf.y -= 5
if keyboard.S:
elf.y += 5
if keyboard.A:
elf.x -= 5
if keyboard.D:
elf.x += 5
if keyboard.UP:
king.y -= 5
if keyboard.DOWN:
king.y += 5
if keyboard.LEFT:
king.x -= 5
if keyboard.RIGHT:
king.x += 5
# move the white piece with the elf
if pick_white != None:
pick_white.x = elf.x - 30
pick_white.y = elf.y - 30
# move the black piece with the king
if pick_black != None:
pick_black.x = king.x - 30
pick_black.y = king.y - 30
def draw():
for b in board:
for b in black:
for w in white:
Add Queening the Pawn functionality, which means when a white/black pawn reaches the of the board it turns into a queen. Think a bit what that means, for a white pawn it reaches the end of the board when its .y property is 0, and for a black pawn when its 700. The only thing left to do is to actually check if we are holding a pawn.
# ...
# shouldnt be able to drop if there is already white piece there
if elf.colliderect(b):
for w in white:
if w != pick_white and b.colliderect(w):
# snap the white piece to the board
pick_white.x = b.x
pick_white.y = b.y
# take the black piece if there
for bl in list(black):
if bl.colliderect(pick_white):
# Queening the Pawn:
# pick_white.image is chess/pawn-white for the white pawn
# set the pick_white.image to chess/queen-white if it reaches the black end of the board
if pick_white.image == 'chess/pawn-white' and pick_white.y == 0:
pick_white.image = 'chess/queen-white'
# drop it
pick_white = None
# ...
and respective for the black pawn:
# ...
if pick_black.image == 'chess/pawn-black' and pick_black.y == 700:
pick_black.image = 'chess/queen-black'
# drop it
pick_black = None
# ...
Today we will make another rule, the pawns can not go backwards. Also we will cleanup the code a bit, and rename few variable so it is more readable, previously we had for b in board
and then we were using b.x
and etc, which was kind of confusing. We will rename it for for square in board
and you will see how much more readable the code is.
First if we want to check if something is going backwards we have to compare its current position with the previous position. In our case this is quite simple, we will make two variables x
and y
and once we select which piece we will be moving we will store the piece's .x and .y properties into our x
and y
After we have the original position it is just a matter of checking at the time of placing the piece if it is a pawn and if the original y position is bigger or smaller than the new position, depending which way is forward, for the black pawns up is downwards (y is growing), for white its upwards (y is decreasing).
This is the whole program again, because of the rename of some variables, it is easier to re-read it.
import pgzrun
HEIGHT = 800
WIDTH = 800
board = []
black = [
Actor('chess/rook-black',anchor=(0,0), pos=(0,0)),
Actor('chess/knight-black',anchor=(0,0), pos=(100,0)),
Actor('chess/bishop-black',anchor=(0,0), pos=(200,0)),
Actor('chess/queen-black',anchor=(0,0), pos=(300,0)),
Actor('chess/king-black',anchor=(0,0), pos=(400,0)),
Actor('chess/bishop-black',anchor=(0,0), pos=(500,0)),
Actor('chess/knight-black',anchor=(0,0), pos=(600,0)),
Actor('chess/rook-black',anchor=(0,0), pos=(700,0)),
Actor('chess/pawn-black',anchor=(0,0), pos=(0,100)),
Actor('chess/pawn-black',anchor=(0,0), pos=(100,100)),
Actor('chess/pawn-black',anchor=(0,0), pos=(200,100)),
Actor('chess/pawn-black',anchor=(0,0), pos=(300,100)),
Actor('chess/pawn-black',anchor=(0,0), pos=(400,100)),
Actor('chess/pawn-black',anchor=(0,0), pos=(500,100)),
Actor('chess/pawn-black',anchor=(0,0), pos=(600,100)),
Actor('chess/pawn-black',anchor=(0,0), pos=(700,100)),
white = [
Actor('chess/pawn-white',anchor=(0,0), pos=(0,600)),
Actor('chess/pawn-white',anchor=(0,0), pos=(100,600)),
Actor('chess/pawn-white',anchor=(0,0), pos=(200,600)),
Actor('chess/pawn-white',anchor=(0,0), pos=(300,600)),
Actor('chess/pawn-white',anchor=(0,0), pos=(400,600)),
Actor('chess/pawn-white',anchor=(0,0), pos=(500,600)),
Actor('chess/pawn-white',anchor=(0,0), pos=(600,600)),
Actor('chess/pawn-white',anchor=(0,0), pos=(700,600)),
Actor('chess/rook-white',anchor=(0,0), pos=(0,700)),
Actor('chess/knight-white',anchor=(0,0), pos=(100,700)),
Actor('chess/bishop-white',anchor=(0,0), pos=(200,700)),
Actor('chess/queen-white',anchor=(0,0), pos=(300,700)),
Actor('chess/king-white',anchor=(0,0), pos=(400,700)),
Actor('chess/bishop-white',anchor=(0,0), pos=(500,700)),
Actor('chess/knight-white',anchor=(0,0), pos=(600,700)),
Actor('chess/rook-white',anchor=(0,0), pos=(700,700)),
x = 0
y = 0
block = 0
for i in range(1,65):
if block % 2 == 0:
board.append(Actor('chess/white',anchor=(0,0), pos=(x,y)))
board.append(Actor('chess/black',anchor=(0,0), pos=(x,y)))
block += 1
x += 100
if i != 0 and i%8 == 0:
y += 100
x = 0
pick_white = None
pick_black = None
elf = Actor("c1",ancor=(0,0))
king = Actor("c2")
x = 0
y = 0
def on_key_down(key):
global pick_white,pick_black,x,y
if key == keys.SPACE and pick_white == None:
# pick up the piece below
for w in white:
if elf.colliderect(w):
pick_white = w
# store the original position
x = w.x
y = w.y
elif key == keys.SPACE and pick_white != None:
for square in board:
# shouldnt be able to drop if there is already white piece there
if elf.colliderect(square):
for w in white:
if w != pick_white and square.colliderect(w):
# pawns cant move backwards
if pick_white.image == 'chess/pawn-white' and square.y > y:
# snap the white piece to the board
pick_white.x = square.x
pick_white.y = square.y
# take the black piece if there
for b in list(black):
if b.colliderect(pick_white):
# Queening the Pawn:
# pick_white.image is chess/pawn-white for the white pawn
# set the pick_white.image to chess/queen-white if it reaches the black end of the board
if pick_white.image == 'chess/pawn-white' and pick_white.y == 0:
pick_white.image = 'chess/queen-white'
# drop it
pick_white = None
if key == keys.P and pick_black == None:
# pick up the piece below
for b in black:
if king.colliderect(b):
pick_black = b
# store the original position
y = b.y
x = b.x
elif key == keys.P and pick_black != None:
for square in board:
if king.colliderect(square):
# dont allow a drop if there is already a black piece there
for b in black:
if b != pick_black and square.colliderect(b):
# pawns cant move backwards
if pick_black.image == 'chess/pawn-black' and square.y < y:
# snap the black piece to the board
pick_black.x = square.x
pick_black.y = square.y
# take the white piece if there
for w in list(white):
if w.colliderect(pick_black):
# Queen the Pawn
if pick_black.image == 'chess/pawn-black' and pick_black.y == 700:
pick_black.image = 'chess/queen-black'
# drop it
pick_black = None
def update():
global pick_white,pick_black
if keyboard.W:
elf.y -= 5
if keyboard.S:
elf.y += 5
if keyboard.A:
elf.x -= 5
if keyboard.D:
elf.x += 5
if keyboard.UP:
king.y -= 5
if keyboard.DOWN:
king.y += 5
if keyboard.LEFT:
king.x -= 5
if keyboard.RIGHT:
king.x += 5
# move the white piece with the elf
if pick_white != None:
pick_white.x = elf.x - 30
pick_white.y = elf.y - 30
# move the black piece with the king
if pick_black != None:
pick_black.x = king.x - 30
pick_black.y = king.y - 30
def draw():
for square in board:
for b in black:
for w in white:
The knight moves in shape L, so we have to make all other moves illegal.
First draw on a sheet of paper all possible moves, and
There are many ways you can implement this but we will focus on two, one with just if conditions, and one with a list of possible moves.
With if conditions, what we do is we set the move as bad (good = False
), and then we check if it is actually one of the good moves we do good = True
, in the end if its not a good move we return from the on_key_press
function and the piece is not dropped on the square.
elif key == keys.P and pick_black != None:
for square in board:
if king.colliderect(square):
# knight can only move L shape
if pick_black.image == 'chess/knight-black':
good = False
if square.x == x + 100 and square.y == y - 200:
good = True
elif square.x == x + 100 and square.y == y + 200:
good = True
elif square.x == x - 200 and square.y == y - 100:
good = True
elif square.x == x - 200 and square.y == y + 100:
good = True
elif square.x == x - 100 and square.y == y + 200:
good = True
elif square.x == x + 200 and square.y == y + 100:
good = True
elif square.x == x + 200 and square.y == y - 100:
good = True
elif square.x == x - 100 and square.y == y - 200:
good = True
elif square.x == x and square.y == y:
good = True
if not good:
For the white pieces we will try the other approach, which checks if a the move is in a list of allowed moves. You can check if a list is in a list, e.g. a = [[1,2],[3,4]]
you can just try if [1,2] in a
, so we can simply build a list of possible moves, and check if the square we are dropping the piece on is one of those moves.
elif key == keys.SPACE and pick_white != None:
for square in board:
# shouldnt be able to drop if there is already white piece there
if elf.colliderect(square):
# knight can only move L shape
knight_possible = [
if pick_white.image == 'chess/knight-white' and [square.x,square.y] not in knight_possible:
The pawn can only move 2 squares from starting position and 1 square otherwise, try to implement this rule by yourself.
this is the code she wrote (including the comment)
#if pawn.y == 600:
#pawn can only move 200:
#pwan can move only 100
if pick_white.image == 'chess/pawn-white':
if y == 600:
if y - square.y > 200:
if y != 600:
if y - square.y >100:
if pick_black.image == 'chess/pawn-black':
if y == 100:
if square.y - y > 200:
if y != 100:
if square.y - y >100:
First rename x and y to pick_x and pick_y so things are clearer when you compare square.x with pick_x. Then come up with a way to limit the king's movements to only one square.
this is the code she wrote
if pick_black.image == 'chess/king-black':
if square.y - pick_y > 100 or square.y - pick_y < -100:
if square.x - pick_x > 100 or square.x - pick_x < -100:
The rook can move only vertically or horizontaly, meaning that either its x or y does not change. Try to code the rule by yourself. If you get stuck, try to do only vertical (x does not change) or horizontal (y does not change), and then think how to add the other direction.
Remember, always try the simple thing first.
this is the code she wrote
if pick_black.image == 'chess/rook-black':
if square.x != pick_x and square.y != pick_y: