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ParaCrash v1.0

ParaCrash aims at testing crash vulnerabilities of parallel file systems and I/O libraries. We release ParaCrash for BeeGFS/OrangeFS/GlusterFS, and provide a number of test suites.

1. Environment Variables

# set $PARACRASH_PATH to the root dir of ParaCrash

2. BeeGFS Installation

# install BeeGFS packages 

wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -
sudo mv beegfs-deb9.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d
sudo apt update
sudo apt install beegfs-mgmtd beegfs-meta beegfs-storage beegfs-client beegfs-utils beegfs-helperd

# generate a four-server BeeGFS config file and a ParaCrash config file 
# beegfs config files is located at /etc/beegfs and the ParaCrash config files is located at $PARACRASH_PATH/config
pip3 install configobj configparser
sudo chown -R $USER /etc/beegfs/
cd ~/software/ParaCrash/ParaCrash/scripts
python3 [hostname] 2

# startup beegfs in multi-mode
sudo mkdir -p /data/beegfs
sudo chown -R $USER /data/beegfs/
sudo mkdir -p /mount/beegfs
./ 2

3. Software Dependencies

## install spack dependencies
sudo apt-get install build-essential gfortran unzip python3-dev python3-apt python3-distutils
spack compiler find gfortran
spack external find python

## install I/O libs mpich, hdf5, h5py
spack install [email protected]^[email protected]^[email protected]^[email protected]

## install ParaCrash dependencies
sudo apt-get install graphviz
pip3 install sortedcontainers progressbar graphviz networkx tsp_solver2 scipy

## compile and install recorder
cd ParaCrash/Recorder/
## recorder that only traces HDF5
./ $(spack find --format "{prefix}" hdf5) $(spack find --format "{prefix}" mpich) -DDISABLE_MPIO_TRACE -DDISABLE_POSIX_TRACE
make install
mv ~/local/lib/ ~/local/lib/
## recorder that traces all layers
./ $(spack find --format "{prefix}" hdf5) $(spack find --format "{prefix}" mpich)
make clean
make install

## install h5inspect
cd ParaCrash/h5inspect

4. Running ParaCrash

4.1 POSIX Workloads

## load packages
spack load py-numpy

## run ParaCrash with the generate config files
## check crash-consistency bugs of the ARVR workload
cd ~/software/ParaCrash/ParaCrash
./pfs_check -f configs/beegfs_4.cfg -d workloads/arvr -m check -r
## add -NR for faster exploration, but it may report false positives
## ./pfs_check -f configs/beegfs_4.cfg -d workloads/arvr -m check -r -NR

## output
Running in check mode
Initializing PFS state
Total 25 frontier combinations
Total 977 crash states
Total 977 crash states
Total 180 crash states to explore
Test passed:(append:12,) ([append:12], append:20, 'FS') [creat:0, append:1, link:2, creat:3, append:4, rename:5, creat:10, creat:19, append:20]
Test failed:(creat:10,) ([creat:10, append:12], append:20, 'FS') [creat:0, append:1, link:2, creat:3, append:4, rename:5, creat:19, append:20]
Total 977 crash states, 90 states explored, 2 vulnerabilities in ext3-dj
Total exploration time: 235.17, deducted time 0.00

## detailed logs
ls workloads/arvr/result/
# *.strace are the PFS traces
# exec_graph*.gv* are graphs showing the causality order between I/O calls
# errs.log is the err log
# errs/ list all the err images

4.2 HDF5 Workloads

## load packages
spack load py-h5py 

## run ParaCrash with the generate config files
## check crash-consistency bugs of the ARVR workload
cd ~/software/ParaCrash/ParaCrash
./pfs_check -f configs/beegfs_4.cfg -d workloads/hdf5-create -m check -r -h5

## detailed logs
ls workloads/arvr/result/
# *.strace are the PFS traces
# exec_graph*.gv* are graphs showing the causality order between I/O calls
# errs.log is the err log

4.3 Interpreting Results

For example, the ParaCrash bug report of hdf5-create has the following two sections. It shows that the operation pwrite64:8 has to be persisted before pwrite64:12 to avoid consistency bugs. In the 2nd section, we show the mapping from HDF5 objects to each I/O call reported by h5inspect. Specifically, pwrite64:8 modifies b-tree nodes and local heap; and pwrite64:12 modifies symbol table node. By combining these two sections, ParaCrash shows that writing b-tree nodes and local heap should be persisted before the write to symbol table node.

$ ./pfs_check -f configs/beegfs_4.cfg -d workloads/hdf5-create/ -m check -r -NR -h5
==== Bug report ====
Re-order bugs
(pwrite64:8, pwrite64:12)
No Atomicity bugs

==== All I/O calls ====
pwrite64:8 [('_GROUP /bar/', 'BTREE_NODES'), ('_GROUP /bar/', 'LOCAL_HEAP'), ('GLOBAL', 'FREE_SPACE')]
pwrite64:12 [('_GROUP /bar/', 'SYMBOL_TABLE')]

5. OrangeFS Installation

# install dependencies
sudo apt install flex bison perl
sudo apt install libdb-dev libattr1-dev linux-headers-`uname -r`
# install OrangeFS packages (linux kernel 4.15 recommended)
tar -xf orangefs-2.9.7.tar.gz
cd orangefs-2.9.7/
./configure --prefix=/opt/orangefs --with-kernel=/usr/src/linux-headers-`uname -r`  -enable-shared
make -j 
sudo make install
sudo modprobe orangefs
sudo chown -R $USER /opt/orangefs/
sudo mkdir /mount/orangefs

# add /opt/orangefs/lib to $LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/orangefs/lib

# generate config files
sudo mkdir /data/orangefs/
sudo chown -R $USER /data/orangefs/
sudo chown -R $USER /var/log/

cd $PARACRASH_PATH/ParaCrash/scripts
python3 [hostname] 2
./ [hostname] 2
sudo chown -R $USER /mnt/orangefs

# run workload
# do not add -NR for OrangeFS
./pfs_check -f configs/orangefs_4.cfg -d workloads/wal -m check -r

6. GlusterFS Installation

# install GlusterFS packages 
wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt update
sudo apt install glusterfs-server
sudo mkdir -p /data/glusterfs/
sudo chown -R $USER /data/glusterfs/
sudo mkdir /mount/glusterfs

# start gluster daemon
sudo systemctl start glusterd

# start glusterfs and generate config files
# here we provide a config file for a two-server GlusterFS
cd $PARACRASH_PATH/ParaCrash/scripts/
./ [hostname] 2
cp gluster_4.cfg $PARACRASH_PATH/ParaCrash/configs

# run workload
# do not add -NR for GlusterFS
# for GlusterFS, ParaCrash has to run in sudo mode
# this is because we have to set some trusted xattr for GlusterFS files during replay
sudo env PARACRASH_PATH=$PARACRASH_PATH LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ./pfs_check -f configs/gluster_4.cfg -d workloads/cr -m check -r