from typing import NewType
from sample_changer.GenericSampleChanger import (SampleChangerState, Sample)
from data_structures import (ActuatorData, ProcedureData)
# Mostly to facilitate documentation (to avoid repetition) but could also
# be used in actual code.
# The ':' separated string that is used to describe the sample location i.e
# cell:basket:sample (Should really be part of GenericSampleChanger)
LocationStr = NewType('LocationStr', str)
class SampleNode(NamedTuple):
Represents a sample in a hierarchical layout that corresponds to the
physical representation of the sample changer.
Where state is one of the samples given by: SampleChangerState.tostring()
id: str
name: str
location: LocationStr
code: str
selected: bool
loadable: bool
children: SampleNode
def to_sample_node(s: Sample) -> \
SampleNode[str, str, LocationStr, str, bool, bool, None]:
Example using existing GenericSampleChanger to create a SampleNode
return SampleNode(s.getAddress(),
s.getAddress(), "Sample-%s" % s.getAddress(),
def get_sample_list() -> List[SampleNode]:
:returns: the sample changer content often refered to as the "sample list"
:rtype: List[SampleNode]
def get_state() -> str:
:returns: the sample changer state, one of the strings defined in
:rtype: str (GenericSampleChanger.SampleChangerState)
def get_current_sample() -> SampleNode:
:returns: the sample that is currently loaded by the sample changer
:rtype: SampleNode
def get_sc_contents() -> SampleNode:
:returns: the hierarchical layout of the sample changer, with containers
and samples.
def select_location(location:LoctionStr) -> bool:
Selects the sample at the given location
:param LocationStr location: location
:returns: True if location was selected otherwise False
:rtype: bool
def scan_location(location:LocationStr) -> bool:
Scan the given location for contents
:param LocationStr location: location
:returns: True if any new content found otherwise False
:rtype: bool
def mount_sample(location:LocationStr) -> bool:
Mounts sample from location
:param LocationStr location: location
:returns: True if mount successful otherwise False
:rtype: bool
def unmount_current_sample(location:LocationStr=None) -> bool:
Un-mounts mounted sample to location, un mounts the sample
to where it was last mounted from if nothing is passed
:param LocationStr location: location
:returns: True if un-mount successful otherwise False
:rtype: bool
def get_full_state() -> Dict:
:returns: A dictionary containing the complete state of the sample changer
The returned dict has the following format:
{'state': GenericSampleChanger.SampleChangerState
'loaded_sample': LocationStr
'contents': SampleNode
'procedures': "as returned by get_available_commands"
'msg': "user message if any"
:rtype: dict
def get_available_commands() -> OrderedDict[str, ProcedureData]:
There is a number of procedures that are beamline-specific, or that use
different parameters on different beamlines.
Possible example procedures are:
home, abort, defreeze, reset_sample_number, change_gripper,
:returns: OrderedDict[str, ProcedureData], of sample changer specific
def exec_command(name:str, **kargs) -> bool:
Executes the command cmd_name (one of the commands returned by
get_available_commands) with the args *args and **kwargs:
:returns: True on successful execution otherwise False
:rtype: bool
Functions with the following signatures have to be provided by the specific UI Layer in order to handle the corresponding signals. These functions could simply be implemented in a file called for instance or just and be attached automatically to the corresponding signal name
Signal Name Handler stateChanged sc_state_changed_handler loadedSampleChanged sc_loaded_sample_changed_handler contentsUpdated sc_contents_update_handler cmdStateChanged sc_cmd_state_update_handler scError sc_error_handler
def sc_state_changed_handler(old_state:SampleChangerState,
new_state:SampleChangerState) -> None:
Triggered when the sample changer state changes
def sc_loaded_sample_changed_handler(sample:Sample) -> None:
Triggered when a sample have been loaded
def sc_contents_update_handler(sample_node:SampleNode) -> None:
Triggered when sample_node or its contents have been updated.
def sc_procedure_update_handler(procedures:Tuple[str, ,...], message) -> None:
Triggered when the states of one or more procedures have been updated
Note that get_procedures will get the entire set of procedures and
their states
def sc_error_handler(error_code, message) -> None:
Triggered on any error