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Ivars Karpics edited this page Dec 4, 2015 · 8 revisions

MXCuBE is organized as a subset of several git submodules that are needed to run MXCuBE. In this page a sequence how to get software code, install dependencies and execute software is described.

How to install and run MXCuBE with Qt4 graphics

MXCuBE has been tested with:

  • Linux: Ubuntu 10, 12, 14 (with gnome and kde) and Centos
  • Macos.

Getting code from git

MXCuBE is organized in three submodules. To get whole code execute:

git clone mxcube-2
cd mxcube-2
git checkout <latest_tag>
git submodule init
git submodule update

Python dependecies

If Ubuntu/Debian used then dependencies can be obtained with command:

sudo apt-get install python-qt4, python-gevent, python-louie, python-jsonpickle, python-numpy, python-scipy, python-matplotlib, python-suds, pymca 

Running code

Edit run_mxcube.csh script located in bin directory to run MXCuBE with default parameters:

PATH_TO_MXCUBE/bin/mxcube --hardwareRepository=PATH_TO_MXCUBE/ExampleFiles/HardwareObjects.xml -qt4

In this case MXCuBE will start in Qt4 mode with GUI definition file Qt4_example_mxcube.gui. It is possible to adjust script by defining gui configuration file, additional directories for bricks and hardware objects. For example:


GUI builder

User manual

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