diff --git a/NEWS.md b/NEWS.md
index 607174e..2a79419 100644
--- a/NEWS.md
+++ b/NEWS.md
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
  * For EXTERNAL authentication, try also without the user id, to work with
    containers ([#126][]).
+ * Thread safety, as long as the non-main threads only send signals.
 [#126]: https://github.com/mvidner/ruby-dbus/issues/126
diff --git a/lib/dbus/message_queue.rb b/lib/dbus/message_queue.rb
index 494dbed..824b625 100644
--- a/lib/dbus/message_queue.rb
+++ b/lib/dbus/message_queue.rb
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ def initialize(address)
       @address = address
       @buffer = ""
       @is_tcp = false
+      @mutex = Mutex.new
@@ -33,23 +34,28 @@ def initialize(address)
     # @raise EOFError
     # @todo failure modes
     def pop(blocking: true)
-      buffer_from_socket_nonblock
-      message = message_from_buffer_nonblock
-      if blocking
-        # we can block
-        while message.nil?
-          r, _d, _d = IO.select([@socket])
-          if r && r[0] == @socket
-            buffer_from_socket_nonblock
-            message = message_from_buffer_nonblock
+      # FIXME: this is not enough, the R/W test deadlocks on shared connections
+      @mutex.synchronize do
+        buffer_from_socket_nonblock
+        message = message_from_buffer_nonblock
+        if blocking
+          # we can block
+          while message.nil?
+            r, _d, _d = IO.select([@socket])
+            if r && r[0] == @socket
+              buffer_from_socket_nonblock
+              message = message_from_buffer_nonblock
+            end
+        message
-      message
     def push(message)
-      @socket.write(message.marshall)
+      @mutex.synchronize do
+        @socket.write(message.marshall)
+      end
     alias << push
diff --git a/spec/thread_safety_spec.rb b/spec/thread_safety_spec.rb
index 8238bb9..9fd1b9e 100755
--- a/spec/thread_safety_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/thread_safety_spec.rb
@@ -5,28 +5,71 @@
 require_relative "spec_helper"
 require "dbus"
-describe "ThreadSafetyTest" do
-  it "tests thread competition" do
-    print "Thread competition: "
-    jobs = []
-    5.times do
-      jobs << Thread.new do
-        Thread.current.abort_on_exception = true
+class TestSignalRace < DBus::Object
+  dbus_interface "org.ruby.ServerTest" do
+    dbus_signal :signal_without_arguments
+  end
+# Run *count* threads all doing *body*, wait for their finish
+def race_threads(count, &body)
+  jobs = count.times.map do |j|
+    Thread.new do
+      Thread.current.abort_on_exception = true
+      body.call(j)
+    end
+  end
+  jobs.each(&:join)
+# Repeat *count* times: { random sleep, *body* }, printing progress
+def repeat_with_jitter(count, &body)
+  count.times do |i|
+    sleep 0.1 * rand
+    print "#{i} "
+    $stdout.flush
+    body.call
+  end
+describe "thread safety" do
+  context "R/W: when the threads call methods with return values" do
+    it "it works with separate bus connections" do
+      race_threads(5) do |_j|
         # use separate connections to avoid races
         bus = DBus::ASessionBus.new
         svc = bus.service("org.ruby.service")
         obj = svc.object("/org/ruby/MyInstance")
         obj.default_iface = "org.ruby.SampleInterface"
-        10.times do |i|
-          print "#{i} "
-          $stdout.flush
+        repeat_with_jitter(10) do
           expect(obj.the_answer[0]).to eq(42)
-          sleep 0.1 * rand
+      puts
+    end
+  end
+  context "W/O: when the threads only send signals" do
+    it "it works with a shared separate bus connection" do
+      race_threads(5) do |j|
+        # shared connection
+        bus = DBus::SessionBus.instance
+        # hackish: we do not actually request the name
+        svc = DBus::Service.new("org.ruby.server-test#{j}", bus)
+        obj = TestSignalRace.new "/org/ruby/Foo"
+        svc.export obj
+        repeat_with_jitter(10) do
+          obj.signal_without_arguments
+        end
+        svc.unexport(obj)
+      end
+      puts
-    jobs.each(&:join)