by Alex Robbins
Use the cascalog.api/explain function to print out a DOT file of your query. You can follow along by launching a REPL in an existing project, like that created in [sec_cascalog_etl]:
(require '[cascalog.api :refer [explain <-]])
(explain "" (<- [?a ?b] ([[1 2]] ?a ?b)))
Next, you’ll want to view the DOT file. There are many ways to do that, but the easiest is probably by using dot, one of the Graphviz tools, to convert a DOT file to a PNG or GIF:
$ dot -Tpng -oslow-query.png
Now open slow-query.png (shown in slow-query.png) to see a diagram of your query.
Cascalog workflows compile into Cascading workflows. Cascading is a Java library that wraps Hadoop, providing a flow-based plumbing abstraction. The query graph in the DOT file will have different Cascading elements as nodes.
The explain function here is analogous to the EXPLAIN command in many SQL implementations. explain causes Cascalog to print out the query plan. And as with the output from an SQL EXPLAIN, you might have to work to understand exactly what you are seeing.
The biggest thing to look for is that the basic flow of the query is what you expected. Make sure that you aren’t rerunning some parts of your query. Cascalog makes it easy to reuse queries, but often you want to run the query, save the results, then reference the saved results from other queries instead of running it once for every time its output is used.
You can also work to match up the phases from your query plan to a job as it is running. This is tricky, because the phases won’t correspond exactly to your output map. However, when you succeed, you’ll be able be able to track down the slow phases.
In general, to keep your Cascalog queries fast, make sure you are using all of the nodes in your cluster. That means keeping the work in small, evenly sized units. If one map input takes 1,000 times as long to run as the other 40 inputs, your whole job will wait on the one mapper to finish. Working to split the long map job into 1,000 smaller jobs would make the job run much faster, since it could be distributed across the entire cluster instead of running on a single node. It is particularly easy to accidentally have nearly the entire job end up in one reducer. This is easy to see happening in the Hadoop job tracker, when nearly all the reducers are done and the job is waiting on one or two reducers to finish. To fix this, do as much reduce work as possible during the map phase using aggregators, and then make sure that the remaining reduce work isn’t all piling up into a small number of reducers.
"Cascading Flow Visualization" on Cascalog wiki