diff --git a/src/mumble/mumble_de.ts b/src/mumble/mumble_de.ts
index 86c07081175..635a1a98250 100644
--- a/src/mumble/mumble_de.ts
+++ b/src/mumble/mumble_de.ts
@@ -4624,15 +4624,15 @@ Die Einstellung gilt nur für neue Nachrichten, die bereits angezeigten behalten
+ SekundenIf this is checked, users will always be visible in the TalkingUI (regardless of talking state).
+ Wenn diese Option aktiviert ist, sind die Benutzer immer in der TalkingUI sichtbar (unabhängig vom Gesprächszustand).Always keep users visible
+ Benutzer immer sichtbar halten
@@ -6577,62 +6577,62 @@ Gültige Optionen sind:
Connect to a serverGlobal Shortcut
+ Mit einem Server verbindenThis will open the server connection dialogGlobal Shortcut
+ Dies wird das Server-Verbindungsfenster öffnenDisconnect from serverGlobal Shortcut
- Verbindung zum Server trennen
+ Verbindung zum Server trennenThis will disconnect you from the serverGlobal Shortcut
+ Dies wird Ihre Verbindung zum Server trennenOpen server informationGlobal Shortcut
+ Öffne ServerinformationThis will show information about the server connectionGlobal Shortcut
+ Dies wird Informationen über die Serververbindung anzeigenOpen server tokensGlobal Shortcut
+ Server-Tokens öffnenThis will open the server tokens dialogGlobal Shortcut
+ Dies öffnet den Server-Token DialogOpen server user listGlobal Shortcut
+ Server-Benutzerliste öffnenThis will open the server user list dialogGlobal Shortcut
+ Dies öffnet den Server-Benutzerlisten-DialogOpen server ban listGlobal Shortcut
+ Server-Sperrliste öffnenThis will open the server ban list dialogGlobal Shortcut
+ Dies öffnet den Dialog für die Sperrliste des ServersToggle priority speaker
@@ -6647,38 +6647,38 @@ Gültige Optionen sind:
Open recording dialogGlobal Shortcut
+ Aufnahmedialog öffnenThis will open the recording dialog
+ Dies öffnet den AufnahmedialogChange commentGlobal Shortcut
+ Kommentar ändernThis will open the change comment dialog
+ Dies öffnet den Dialog zum Ändern von KommentarenChange avatarGlobal Shortcut
+ Avatar ändernThis will open your file explorer to change your avatar image on this server
+ Dies öffnet Ihren Datei-Explorer, um Ihr Avatar-Bild auf diesem Server zu ändernRemove avatarGlobal Shortcut
+ Avatar entfernenThis will reset your avatar on the server
+ Dadurch wird Ihr Avatar auf dem Server zurückgesetztRegister on the server
@@ -6687,43 +6687,43 @@ Gültige Optionen sind:
This will register you on the server
+ Dadurch werden Sie auf dem Server registriertAudio statisticsGlobal Shortcut
+ Audio-StatistikenThis will open the audio statistics dialog
+ Dies öffnet den Audiostatistik-DialogOpen settingsGlobal Shortcut
+ Einstellungen öffnenThis will open the settings dialog
+ Dies öffnet den EinstellungsdialogStart audio wizardGlobal Shortcut
+ Audio-Assistent startenThis will open the audio wizard dialog
+ Dies öffnet den Audio-Assistenten-DialogStart certificate wizardGlobal Shortcut
+ Zertifikatsassistent startenThis will open the certificate wizard dialog
+ Dies öffnet den Zertifikatsassistenten-DialogToggle text to speech
@@ -6737,29 +6737,29 @@ Gültige Optionen sind:
Open about dialogGlobal Shortcut
+ Über-Dialog öffnenThis will open the about dialog
+ Dies öffnet den Über-DialogOpen about Qt dialogGlobal Shortcut
+ Über Qt-Dialog öffnenThis will open the about Qt dialog
+ Dies öffnet den über Qt DialogCheck for updateGlobal Shortcut
+ Auf Aktualisierung prüfenThis will check if mumble is up to date
+ Dies prüft, ob mumble auf dem neuesten Stand istThat sound was the mute cue. It activates when you speak while muted. Would you like to keep it enabled?
@@ -6767,11 +6767,11 @@ Gültige Optionen sind:
- Ja
+ JaNo
- Nein
+ Nein
@@ -9176,7 +9176,7 @@ Ein Zugriffscode ist eine Zeichenfolge, die als Passwort für ein sehr einfaches
.mp3 - Lossy compressed
+ .mp3 – Verlustbehaftet komprimiert
diff --git a/src/mumble/mumble_eo.ts b/src/mumble/mumble_eo.ts
index 8b8d1cd8b0e..0702be10ee6 100644
--- a/src/mumble/mumble_eo.ts
+++ b/src/mumble/mumble_eo.ts
@@ -1006,7 +1006,7 @@ This value allows you to set the maximum number of users allowed in the channel.
+ AmbaŭThis controls the amount by which Speex will suppress noise.
@@ -1442,7 +1442,7 @@ This value allows you to set the maximum number of users allowed in the channel.
+ EbligiAttenuation
@@ -2352,7 +2352,7 @@ Speak loudly, as when you are annoyed or excited. Decrease the volume in the sou
New certificate
- Nova atestilo
+ Nova atestiloFile to export certificate to
@@ -2520,7 +2520,7 @@ Are you sure you wish to replace your certificate?
New Certificate
- Nova atestilo
+ Nova AtestiloMake a backup of your certificate
@@ -2740,7 +2740,7 @@ Are you sure you wish to replace your certificate?
+ AŭskultiThis represents the permission to reset the comment or avatar of a user.
@@ -2764,7 +2764,7 @@ Are you sure you wish to replace your certificate?
Unable to send image: too large.
+ Nekapabla sendi bildon: tro granda.Unable to send image %1: too large.
@@ -2901,7 +2901,7 @@ Are you sure you wish to replace your certificate?
+ NekonataUsers
@@ -2961,15 +2961,15 @@ Are you sure you wish to replace your certificate?
Server list
+ Servilo listoSearch
- Serĉi
+ SerĉiLocation
+ LokoFilter
@@ -2977,7 +2977,7 @@ Are you sure you wish to replace your certificate?
Show All
+ Montri ĈiujnShow Populated
@@ -2993,27 +2993,27 @@ Are you sure you wish to replace your certificate?
+ AfrikoAsia
+ AzioEurope
+ EŭropoNorth America
+ NordamerikoOceania
+ OceanioSouth America
+ SudamerikoConsent to the transmission of private data
@@ -3375,7 +3375,7 @@ Label of the server. This is what the server will be named like in your server l
Enable GKey
+ Ebligi GKey<b>Enable XInput</b><br />This setting enables support for the XInput shortcut engine, for Xbox compatible controllers.
@@ -3383,7 +3383,7 @@ Label of the server. This is what the server will be named like in your server l
Enable XInput
+ Ebligi XInput<b>Enable shortcuts in privileged applications</b>.<br />Also known as "UIAccess". This allows Mumble to receive global shortcut events from programs running at high privilege levels, such as an Admin Command Prompt or older games that run with admin privileges.
@@ -3459,7 +3459,7 @@ Without this option enabled, using Mumble's global shortcuts in privileged
+ Nekonata
@@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Without this option enabled, using Mumble's global shortcuts in privileged
Current selection
+ Nuna elektoWhen shouting to channel:
@@ -3633,7 +3633,7 @@ This field describes the size of an LCD device. The size is given either in pixe
+ VidojMinimum Column Width
@@ -3768,7 +3768,7 @@ This field describes the size of an LCD device. The size is given either in pixe
player link
+ ludant-ligilochannel link
@@ -3780,11 +3780,11 @@ This field describes the size of an LCD device. The size is given either in pixe
Server connected
+ Servilo konektitaServer disconnected
+ Servilo malkonektitaUser joined server
@@ -4309,7 +4309,7 @@ The setting only applies for new messages, the already shown ones will retain th
Channel Tree
+ Arbo de KanalojUse selected item as the chat bar target
@@ -4623,7 +4623,7 @@ The setting only applies for new messages, the already shown ones will retain th
Join ChannelGlobal Shortcut
+ Eniri KanalonToggle Overlay
@@ -4712,7 +4712,7 @@ The setting only applies for new messages, the already shown ones will retain th
<center>Not connected</center>Not connected
+ <center>Ne ligite</center>Clear
@@ -4936,7 +4936,7 @@ The setting only applies for new messages, the already shown ones will retain th
&View Certificate
+ &Vidi AtestilonEnter reason
@@ -5171,7 +5171,7 @@ Otherwise abort and check your certificate and username.
Edit Groups and ACL for channel
+ Edit Grupoj kaj ACL por kanaloThis opens the Group and ACL dialog for the channel, to control permissions.
@@ -5345,7 +5345,7 @@ Otherwise abort and check your certificate and username.
&What's This?
+ &Kio estas tio?Enter What's This? mode
@@ -5723,11 +5723,11 @@ Otherwise abort and check your certificate and username.
The server requests Push-to-Talk be enabled.
+ La servilo petas Parolado dum premo esti ebligita.The server requests Push-to-Talk be disabled.
+ La servilo petas Parolado dum premo esti neebligita.You were unmuted by %1.
@@ -5973,7 +5973,7 @@ the channel's context menu.
&Hide Mumble
+ &Kaŝi MumbleHides the main Mumble window.
@@ -6013,7 +6013,7 @@ the channel's context menu.
Send &Message...
+ Sendu &Mesaĝon...&Add...
@@ -6049,11 +6049,11 @@ the channel's context menu.
About &Speex...
+ Pri &Speex...About &Qt...
+ Pri &Qt...&Certificate Wizard...
@@ -7489,7 +7489,7 @@ To upgrade these files to their latest versions, click the button below.
+ EbligiPA
@@ -8270,7 +8270,7 @@ You can register them again.
+ NekonataWhether the connection supports perfect forward secrecy (PFS).
@@ -8398,7 +8398,7 @@ You can register them again.
Current selection
+ Nuna elekto
diff --git a/src/mumble/mumble_es.ts b/src/mumble/mumble_es.ts
index 7be29f1c7b3..0a3d7e54fd6 100644
--- a/src/mumble/mumble_es.ts
+++ b/src/mumble/mumble_es.ts
@@ -4625,15 +4625,15 @@ La configuración solo se aplica a los mensajes nuevos, los que ya se muestran c
+ segundosIf this is checked, users will always be visible in the TalkingUI (regardless of talking state).
+ Si esto está marcado, los usuarios siempre serán visibles en la TalkingUI (independientemente del estado de la conversación).Always keep users visible
+ Mantener siempre visibles a los usuarios
@@ -6585,201 +6585,201 @@ Las opciones válidas son:
Connect to a serverGlobal Shortcut
+ Conectarse a un servidorThis will open the server connection dialogGlobal Shortcut
+ Se abrirá el cuadro de diálogo de conexión con el servidorDisconnect from serverGlobal Shortcut
- Desconectarse del servidor
+ Desconectarse del servidorThis will disconnect you from the serverGlobal Shortcut
+ Esto te desconectará del servidorOpen server informationGlobal Shortcut
+ Información sobre el servidor abiertoThis will show information about the server connectionGlobal Shortcut
+ Esto mostrará información sobre la conexión al servidorOpen server tokensGlobal Shortcut
+ Abrir tokens del servidorThis will open the server tokens dialogGlobal Shortcut
+ Esto abrirá el cuadro de diálogo de tokens del servidorOpen server user listGlobal Shortcut
+ Abrir la lista de usuarios del servidorThis will open the server user list dialogGlobal Shortcut
+ Se abrirá el cuadro de diálogo de la lista de usuarios del servidorOpen server ban listGlobal Shortcut
+ Abrir la lista de prohibiciones del servidorThis will open the server ban list dialogGlobal Shortcut
+ Esto abrirá el cuadro de diálogo de la lista de prohibiciones del servidorToggle priority speakerGlobal Shortcut
+ Alternar altavoz prioritarioThis will enable/disable the priority speakerGlobal Shortcut
+ Esto activará/desactivará el altavoz prioritarioOpen recording dialogGlobal Shortcut
+ Abrir el diálogo de grabaciónThis will open the recording dialog
+ Se abrirá el cuadro de diálogo de grabaciónChange commentGlobal Shortcut
+ Modificar el comentarioThis will open the change comment dialog
+ Se abrirá el cuadro de diálogo de modificación de comentariosChange avatarGlobal Shortcut
+ Cambiar el avatarThis will open your file explorer to change your avatar image on this server
+ Esto abrirá tu explorador de archivos para cambiar la imagen de tu avatar en este servidorRemove avatarGlobal Shortcut
+ Eliminar el avatarThis will reset your avatar on the server
+ Esto restaurará tu avatar en el servidorRegister on the serverGlobal Shortcut
+ Inscribirse en el servidorThis will register you on the server
+ Esto te registrará en el servidorAudio statisticsGlobal Shortcut
+ Estadísticas de audioThis will open the audio statistics dialog
+ Se abrirá el cuadro de diálogo de estadísticas de audioOpen settingsGlobal Shortcut
+ Abrir la configuraciónThis will open the settings dialog
+ Se abrirá el cuadro de diálogo de la configuraciónStart audio wizardGlobal Shortcut
+ Iniciar el asistente de audioThis will open the audio wizard dialog
+ Se abrirá el cuadro de diálogo del asistente de audioStart certificate wizardGlobal Shortcut
+ Iniciar el asistente de certificadosThis will open the certificate wizard dialog
+ Se abrirá el cuadro de diálogo del asistente para certificadosToggle text to speechGlobal Shortcut
+ Pasar de texto a vozThis will enable/disable the text to speech
+ Esto activará/desactivará el texto a vozOpen about dialogGlobal Shortcut
+ Abrir el cuadro de diálogo acerca deThis will open the about dialog
+ Se abrirá el cuadro de diálogo acerca deOpen about Qt dialogGlobal Shortcut
+ Abrir el diálogo sobre QtThis will open the about Qt dialog
+ Se abrirá el cuadro de diálogo acerca de QtCheck for updateGlobal Shortcut
+ Buscar actualizacionesThis will check if mumble is up to date
+ Esto comprobará si Mumble está actualizadoThat sound was the mute cue. It activates when you speak while muted. Would you like to keep it enabled?
+ Ese sonido era la señal de silencio. Se activa cuando hablas estando silenciado. ¿Quieres mantenerlo activado?Yes
- Sí
+ SíNo
- No
+ No
diff --git a/src/mumble/mumble_fi.ts b/src/mumble/mumble_fi.ts
index 183f1a9a2bc..fd74f62a3db 100644
--- a/src/mumble/mumble_fi.ts
+++ b/src/mumble/mumble_fi.ts
@@ -4624,15 +4624,15 @@ Tämä vaikuttaa vain uusiin viesteihin, vanhojen viestien aikaleima ei muutu.
+ sekuntiaIf this is checked, users will always be visible in the TalkingUI (regardless of talking state).
+ Jos tämä on valittu, käyttäjät näkyvät aina puhujalistassa (riippumatta siitä puhuvatko vai ei).Always keep users visible
+ Pidä käyttäjät aina näkyvissä
@@ -6583,201 +6583,201 @@ Hyväksytyt valinnat ovat
Connect to a serverGlobal Shortcut
+ Yhdistä palvelimeenThis will open the server connection dialogGlobal Shortcut
+ Tämä avaa palvelinyhdistämisen dialoginDisconnect from serverGlobal Shortcut
- Katkaise palvelinyhteys
+ Katkaise palvelinyhteysThis will disconnect you from the serverGlobal Shortcut
+ Tämä katkaisee palvelinyhteytesiOpen server informationGlobal Shortcut
+ Avaa palvelimen tiedotThis will show information about the server connectionGlobal Shortcut
+ Tämä näyttää tiedot palvelinyhteydestäOpen server tokensGlobal Shortcut
+ Avaa palvelimen poletitThis will open the server tokens dialogGlobal Shortcut
+ Tämä avaa palvelimen polettidialoginOpen server user listGlobal Shortcut
+ Avaa palvelimen käyttäjälistaThis will open the server user list dialogGlobal Shortcut
+ Tämä avaa palvelimen käyttäjälistadialoginOpen server ban listGlobal Shortcut
+ Avaa palvelimen estolistaThis will open the server ban list dialogGlobal Shortcut
+ Tämä avaa palvelimen estolistanToggle priority speakerGlobal Shortcut
+ Etuoikeutettu puhuja päälle/poisThis will enable/disable the priority speakerGlobal Shortcut
+ Tämä laittaa päälle/pois etuoikeutetun puhujanOpen recording dialogGlobal Shortcut
+ Avaa nauhoitusdialogiThis will open the recording dialog
+ Tämä avaa nauhoitusdialoginChange commentGlobal Shortcut
+ Vaihda kommenttiThis will open the change comment dialog
+ Tämä avaa kommentinvaihtodialoginChange avatarGlobal Shortcut
+ Vaihda avatarThis will open your file explorer to change your avatar image on this server
+ Tämä avaa tiedostovalitsimen, jotta voit vaihtaa avatar-kuvasi tällä palvelimellaRemove avatarGlobal Shortcut
+ Poista avatarThis will reset your avatar on the server
+ Tämä poistaa avatarisi tällä palvelimellaRegister on the serverGlobal Shortcut
+ Rekisteröidy palvelimelleThis will register you on the server
+ Tämä rekisteröi sinut palvelimelleAudio statisticsGlobal Shortcut
+ ÄänitilastotThis will open the audio statistics dialog
+ Tämä avaa äänitilastodialoginOpen settingsGlobal Shortcut
+ Avaa asetuksetThis will open the settings dialog
+ Tämä avaa asetusdialoginStart audio wizardGlobal Shortcut
+ Käynnistä äänivelhoThis will open the audio wizard dialog
+ Tämä avaa äänivelhodialoginStart certificate wizardGlobal Shortcut
+ Käynnistä varmennevelhoThis will open the certificate wizard dialog
+ Tämä avaa varmennevelhodialoginToggle text to speechGlobal Shortcut
+ Käytä teksti-puheeksi -toimintoaThis will enable/disable the text to speech
+ Tämä laittaa päälle/pois teksti-puheeksi -toiminnonOpen about dialogGlobal Shortcut
+ Avaa tietoja-dialogiThis will open the about dialog
+ Tämä avaa tietoja-dialoginOpen about Qt dialogGlobal Shortcut
+ Avaa tietoja Qt:stä dialogiThis will open the about Qt dialog
+ Tämä avaa tietoja Qt:stä dialoginCheck for updateGlobal Shortcut
+ Tarkista päivityksetThis will check if mumble is up to date
+ Tämä tarkistaa onko mumble ajantasallaThat sound was the mute cue. It activates when you speak while muted. Would you like to keep it enabled?
+ Tuo ääni oli mykistyksen äänimerkki. Se kuuluu kun puhut mykistettynä. Haluatko pitää äänimerkin päällä?Yes
- Kyllä
+ KylläNo
- Ei
+ Ei
@@ -7789,7 +7789,7 @@ Paina alapuolen napista päivittääksesi Overlayn tiedostot viimeisimpään ver
Non-plugin found in plugin directory: "%1" (%2)
+ Ei-liitännäinen löytyi liitännäiskansiosta: "%1" (%2)
@@ -9182,7 +9182,7 @@ Pääsypoletti on merkkijonoketju, jota voidaan käyttää salasanana yksinkerta
.mp3 - Lossy compressed
+ .mp3 - häviöllisesti pakattu
diff --git a/src/mumble/mumble_fr.ts b/src/mumble/mumble_fr.ts
index 6f28ea5f240..5cb6c3abf12 100644
--- a/src/mumble/mumble_fr.ts
+++ b/src/mumble/mumble_fr.ts
@@ -4624,15 +4624,15 @@ Le paramètre ne s'applique qu'aux nouveaux messages, ceux déjà affi
+ secondesIf this is checked, users will always be visible in the TalkingUI (regardless of talking state).
+ Si cette case est cochée, les utilisateurs seront toujours visibles dans le mode Tribune (indépendamment de l'état de parole).Always keep users visible
+ Toujoers garder les utilisateurs visibles
@@ -6591,201 +6591,201 @@ Les options valides sont :
Connect to a serverGlobal Shortcut
+ Connexion à un serveurThis will open the server connection dialogGlobal Shortcut
+ Ceci ouvrira le dialogue de connexion à un serveurDisconnect from serverGlobal Shortcut
- Déconnexion du serveur
+ Déconnexion du serveurThis will disconnect you from the serverGlobal Shortcut
+ Ceci vous déconnectera du serveurOpen server informationGlobal Shortcut
+ Ouvrir les informations sur le serveurThis will show information about the server connectionGlobal Shortcut
+ Cela affichera les informations au sujet de la connexion au serveurOpen server tokensGlobal Shortcut
+ Ouvrir les jetons du serveurThis will open the server tokens dialogGlobal Shortcut
+ Ceci ouvrira le dialogue des jetons du serveurOpen server user listGlobal Shortcut
+ Ouvrir la liste des utilisateurs du serveurThis will open the server user list dialogGlobal Shortcut
+ Ceci ouvrira le dialogue de la liste des utilisateurs du serveurOpen server ban listGlobal Shortcut
+ Ouvrir la liste des bannissements du serveurThis will open the server ban list dialogGlobal Shortcut
+ Ceci ouvrira le dialogue de la liste des bannissements du serveurToggle priority speakerGlobal Shortcut
+ Basculer l'état de parole prioritaireThis will enable/disable the priority speakerGlobal Shortcut
+ Cela activera/désactivera la parole prioritaireOpen recording dialogGlobal Shortcut
+ Ouvrir le dialogue d'enregistrementThis will open the recording dialog
+ Ceci ouvrira le dialogue d'enregistrementChange commentGlobal Shortcut
+ Modifier le commentaireThis will open the change comment dialog
+ Ceci ouvrira le dialogue de modification des commentairesChange avatarGlobal Shortcut
+ Modifier l'avatarThis will open your file explorer to change your avatar image on this server
+ Cela ouvrira votre explorateur de fichiers afin de modifier votre image d'avatar sur ce serveurRemove avatarGlobal Shortcut
+ Enlever l'avatarThis will reset your avatar on the server
+ Ceci remettra à zéro votre avatar sur le serveurRegister on the serverGlobal Shortcut
+ Enregistrement sur le serveurThis will register you on the server
+ Ceci vous enregistrera sur le serveurAudio statisticsGlobal Shortcut
+ Statistiques audioThis will open the audio statistics dialog
+ Ceci ouvrira le dialogue des statistiques audioOpen settingsGlobal Shortcut
+ Ouvrire les réglagesThis will open the settings dialog
+ Ceci ouvrira le dialogue des réglagesStart audio wizardGlobal Shortcut
+ Démarrer l'assistant audioThis will open the audio wizard dialog
+ Cela ouvrira le dialogue de l'assistant audioStart certificate wizardGlobal Shortcut
+ Démarrer l'assistant des certificatsThis will open the certificate wizard dialog
+ Cela ouvrira le dialogue de l'assistant des certificatsToggle text to speechGlobal Shortcut
+ Basculer l'état de la synthèse vocaleThis will enable/disable the text to speech
+ Cela activera/désactivera la synthèse vocaleOpen about dialogGlobal Shortcut
+ Ouvrir le dialogue à proposThis will open the about dialog
+ Ceci ouvrira le dialogue à proposOpen about Qt dialogGlobal Shortcut
+ Ouvrir le dialogue à propos de QtThis will open the about Qt dialog
+ Cela ouvrira le dialogue à propos de QtCheck for updateGlobal Shortcut
+ Vérifier les mises à jourThis will check if mumble is up to date
+ Ceci vérifiera si mumble est à jourThat sound was the mute cue. It activates when you speak while muted. Would you like to keep it enabled?
+ Ce son était l'indicateur de l'état muet. Il s'active lorsque vous parlez alors que vous êtes muet. Souhaitez-vous le garder activé ?Yes
- Oui
+ OuiNo
- Non
+ Non
diff --git a/src/mumble/mumble_it.ts b/src/mumble/mumble_it.ts
index 711564c4c35..5ba20c3f009 100644
--- a/src/mumble/mumble_it.ts
+++ b/src/mumble/mumble_it.ts
@@ -7596,11 +7596,11 @@ Per aggiornare questi file all'ultima versione, premi il pulsante sottostan
Unload the currently selected plugin. This will remove it from the plugin list for the current session.
- Scarica il plugin attualmente selezionato. Questo lo rimuoverà dalla lista dei plugin per la sessione corrente.
+ Rimuovi il plugin attualmente selezionato. Questo lo rimuoverà dalla lista dei plugin per la sessione corrente.Unload
- Scarica
+ RimuoviThe plugin was installed successfully
diff --git a/src/mumble/mumble_pl.ts b/src/mumble/mumble_pl.ts
index 8447b496797..4ec944854a1 100644
--- a/src/mumble/mumble_pl.ts
+++ b/src/mumble/mumble_pl.ts
@@ -846,7 +846,7 @@ Określa maksymalną dozwoloną liczbę użytkowników na tym kanale. Jeżeli wa
<b>This shows the current speech detection settings.</b><br />You can change the settings from the Settings dialog or from the Audio Wizard.
- <b>Wyświetla aktualne ustawienia wykrywania mowy.</b><br />Możesz zmienić te ustawienia w Konfiguracji lub w Kreatorze ustawień dźwięku.
+ <b>Wyświetla obecny sposób detekcji głosu.</b><br />Możesz zmienić sposób detekcji w oknie Konfiguracja lub korzystając z kreatora ustawień dźwięku.Signal values below this count as silence
@@ -1685,7 +1685,7 @@ Określa maksymalną dozwoloną liczbę użytkowników na tym kanale. Jeżeli wa
<b>This shows the current speech detection settings.</b><br />You can change the settings from the Settings dialog or from the Audio Wizard.
- <b>Wyświetla obecny sposób detekcji głosu.</b><br />Możesz zmienić sposób detekcji w Konfiguracji lub korzystając z Kreatora ustawień dźwięku.
+ <b>Wyświetla obecny sposób detekcji głosu.</b><br />Możesz zmienić sposób detekcji w oknie Konfiguracja lub korzystając z kreatora ustawień dźwięku.Signal and noise power spectrum
@@ -4625,15 +4625,15 @@ Ustawienie dotyczy tylko nowych wiadomości, te już pokazane zachowają poprzed
+ sekundyIf this is checked, users will always be visible in the TalkingUI (regardless of talking state).
+ Jeśli ta opcja jest zaznaczona, użytkownicy będą zawsze widoczni w Interfejsie mówiących (niezależnie od stanu rozmowy).Always keep users visible
+ Zawsze utrzymuj widoczność użytkowników
@@ -6585,201 +6585,201 @@ Prawidłowe opcje to:
Connect to a serverGlobal Shortcut
+ Połącz z serweremThis will open the server connection dialogGlobal Shortcut
+ Spowoduje to otwarcie okna dialogowego połączenia z serweremDisconnect from serverGlobal Shortcut
- Rozłącz od serwera
+ Rozłącz od serweraThis will disconnect you from the serverGlobal Shortcut
+ Spowoduje to rozłączenie od serweraOpen server informationGlobal Shortcut
+ Otwórz informacje o serwerzeThis will show information about the server connectionGlobal Shortcut
+ Spowoduje to wyświetlenie informacji o połączeniu z serweremOpen server tokensGlobal Shortcut
+ Otwórz tokeny serweraThis will open the server tokens dialogGlobal Shortcut
+ Spowoduje to otwarcie okna dialogowego tokenów serweraOpen server user listGlobal Shortcut
+ Otwórz listę użytkowników serweraThis will open the server user list dialogGlobal Shortcut
+ Spowoduje to otwarcie okna dialogowego z listą użytkowników serweraOpen server ban listGlobal Shortcut
+ Otwórz listę banów na serwerzeThis will open the server ban list dialogGlobal Shortcut
+ Spowoduje to otwarcie okna dialogowego z listą banów na serwerzeToggle priority speakerGlobal Shortcut
+ Przełącz nadrzędnego mówcęThis will enable/disable the priority speakerGlobal Shortcut
+ Spowoduje to włączenie/wyłączenie nadrzędnego mówcyOpen recording dialogGlobal Shortcut
+ Otwórz okno nagrywaniaThis will open the recording dialog
+ Spowoduje to otwarcie okna dialogowego nagrywaniaChange commentGlobal Shortcut
+ Zmień komentarzThis will open the change comment dialog
+ Spowoduje to otwarcie okna dialogowego zmiany komentarzaChange avatarGlobal Shortcut
+ Zmień awatarThis will open your file explorer to change your avatar image on this server
+ Spowoduje to otwarcie eksploratora plików w celu zmiany obrazu awatara na tym serwerzeRemove avatarGlobal Shortcut
+ Usuń awatarThis will reset your avatar on the server
+ Spowoduje to zresetowanie Twojego awatara na serwerzeRegister on the serverGlobal Shortcut
+ Zarejestruj się na serwerzeThis will register you on the server
+ Spowoduje to zarejestrowanie Cię na serwerzeAudio statisticsGlobal Shortcut
+ Statystyki audioThis will open the audio statistics dialog
+ Spowoduje to otwarcie okna dialogowego statystyk audioOpen settingsGlobal Shortcut
+ Otwórz ustawieniaThis will open the settings dialog
+ Spowoduje to otwarcie okna dialogowego ustawieńStart audio wizardGlobal Shortcut
+ Uruchom kreator ustawień dźwiękuThis will open the audio wizard dialog
+ Spowoduje to otwarcie okna dialogowego kreatora ustawień dźwiękuStart certificate wizardGlobal Shortcut
+ Uruchom kreator certyfikatówThis will open the certificate wizard dialog
+ Spowoduje to otwarcie okna dialogowego kreatora certyfikatówToggle text to speechGlobal Shortcut
+ Przełącz tekst na mowęThis will enable/disable the text to speech
+ Spowoduje to włączenie/wyłączenie tekstu na mowęOpen about dialogGlobal Shortcut
+ Otwórz okno dialogowe informacji o programieThis will open the about dialog
+ Spowoduje to otwarcie okna dialogowego informacji o programieOpen about Qt dialogGlobal Shortcut
+ Otwórz okno dialogowe informacji o QtThis will open the about Qt dialog
+ Spowoduje to otwarcie okna dialogowego informacji o QtCheck for updateGlobal Shortcut
+ Sprawdź aktualizacjeThis will check if mumble is up to date
+ Spowoduje to sprawdzenie, czy program Mumble jest aktualnyThat sound was the mute cue. It activates when you speak while muted. Would you like to keep it enabled?
+ Ten dźwięk był niemym sygnałem. Włącza się, gdy mówisz po wyciszeniu. Czy chcesz, aby była on włączony?Yes
- Tak
+ TakNo
- Nie
+ Nie
diff --git a/src/mumble/mumble_ru.ts b/src/mumble/mumble_ru.ts
index e62bcba7ced..bf5013afd3e 100644
--- a/src/mumble/mumble_ru.ts
+++ b/src/mumble/mumble_ru.ts
@@ -1030,31 +1030,31 @@ This value allows you to set the maximum number of users allowed in the channel.
Audio cue when using...
+ Звуковой сигнал при использовании...Audible audio cue when starting or stopping to transmit using Push To Talk
+ Звуковой сигнал при запуске или остановке передачи с помощью функции «Нажми и говори»<b>This enables transmission audio cues when using Push To Talk.</b><br />Setting this will give you a short audio beep when you start and stop transmitting.
+ <b>Это позволяет передавать звуковые сигналы при использовании функции «Нажми и говори».</b><br />Если вы установите этот параметр, ,будет спользоваться короткий звуковой сигнал при запуске и прекращении передачи.Push To Talk
- Активация по кнопке
+ Нажмите что бы говоритьAudible audio cue when starting or stopping to transmit using Voice Activity
+ Звуковой сигнал при запуске или остановке передачи с помощью голосовой активности.<b>This enables transmission audio cues when using Voice Activity.</b><br />Setting this will give you a short audio beep when you start and stop transmitting.
+ <b>Это позволяет передавать звуковые сигналы при использовании голосовой активности.</b><br />Если вы установите этот параметр, будет издаваться короткий звуковой сигнал при запуске и прекращении передачи.Voice Activity
- Активация по голосу
+ Голосовая активность
@@ -6452,11 +6452,11 @@ Valid actions are:
Channel &Filter
+ Канал &Фильтр&Pin Channel when Filtering
+ &Закрепить канал при фильтрацииUsage: mumble [options] [<url> | <plugin_list>]
@@ -6520,7 +6520,67 @@ Valid options are:
Otherwise the locale will be permanently saved to
Mumble's settings.
+ Использование: mumble [опции] [<ссылка> | <список_плагинов>]
+<url> указывает URL-адрес для подключения после запуска вместо отображения
+окна подключения и имеет следующий вид:
+mumble://[<имя пользователя>[:<пароль>]@]<хост>[:<порт>][/<канал>[/<подканал>...]][?версия=<x.y.z>]
+<plugin_list> — список файлов плагинов, которые необходимо установить.
+Параметр запроса версии должен быть установлен для вызова
+правильная версия клиента. В настоящее время по умолчанию используется версия 1.2.0.
+Допустимые варианты:
+ -h, --help Показать текст справки и выйти.
+ --version Распечатать информацию о версии и выйти
+ -m, --multiple
+ Разрешить запуск нескольких экземпляров клиента.
+ -с, --config
+ Указание альтернативного файла конфигурации.
+ Если вы используете это для одновременного запуска нескольких экземпляров Mumble,
+ обязательно установите альтернативное значение «баз данных» в конфигурации.
+ --default-certificate-dir <каталог>
+ Укажите альтернативный путь сертификата по умолчанию.
+ Этот путь используется только в том случае, если сертификат не загружен.
+ из настроек.
+ -n, --noidentity
+ Подавить загрузку идентификационных файлов (т. е. сертификатов).
+ -jn, --jackname <аргумент>
+ Указание собственного имени клиента Jack.
+ --license
+ Показать лицензию Mumble.
+ --authors
+ Показать авторов Mumble.
+ --third-party-licenses
+ Показать лицензии на стороннее программное обеспечение, используемое Mumble.
+ --window-title-ext <аргумент>
+ Установка расширения заголовка окна.
+ --dump-input-streams
+ Дамп потоков PCM в различных частях входной цепочки
+ (полезно для целей отладки)
+ - необработанный микрофонный вход
+ - считывание динамика для эхоподавления
+ - обработанный микрофонный вход
+ --print-echocancel-queue
+ Вывести на стандартный вывод состояние очереди эхоподавления.
+ (полезно для целей отладки)
+ --translation-dir <директория>
+ Указывает дополнительный каталог перевода <dir>
+ в котором Mumble будет искать файлы перевода, которые
+ перезаписать связанные
+ Каталоги, добавленные таким образом, имеют более высокий приоритет, чем
+ в противном случае используются местоположения по умолчанию
+ --print-translation-dirs
+ Распечать пути, по которым Mumble будет искать
+ файлы перевода, которые перезаписывают файлы идущие в комплекте.
+ (Полезно для переводчиков, тестирующих свои переводы)
+ --locale <путь>
+ Перезапишите путь в настройках Mumble с помощью
+ пути, который соответствует данной строке расположения.
+ Если формат недействителен, Mumble выдаст ошибку.
+ В противном случае путь будет навсегда сохранен в
+ Настройки Мамбла.
+Connect to a server
@@ -7731,7 +7791,7 @@ To upgrade these files to their latest versions, click the button below.
Non-plugin found in plugin directory: "%1" (%2)
+ В каталоге плагинов обнаружен неплагин: «%1» (%2)
@@ -8971,7 +9031,7 @@ An access token is a text string, which can be used as a password for very simpl
Channel will be pinned when filtering is enabled
+ Канал будет закреплен, если фильтрация включена.
@@ -9125,7 +9185,7 @@ An access token is a text string, which can be used as a password for very simpl
.mp3 - Lossy compressed
+ .mp3 – Сжатие с потерями
@@ -9270,11 +9330,11 @@ Please contact your server administrator for further information.
qwPTTButtonWidgetMumble PTT
- Mumble
+ Mumble PPTPush to talk
- Говорить
+ Нажмите что бы говорить
diff --git a/src/mumble/mumble_sv.ts b/src/mumble/mumble_sv.ts
index 9632bcd1e3c..b340c238353 100644
--- a/src/mumble/mumble_sv.ts
+++ b/src/mumble/mumble_sv.ts
@@ -4624,15 +4624,15 @@ Inställningen gäller endast för nya meddelanden, de redan visade meddelandena
+ sekunderIf this is checked, users will always be visible in the TalkingUI (regardless of talking state).
+ Om detta är markerat kommer användarna alltid att vara synliga i TalkingUI (oavsett samtalstillstånd).Always keep users visible
+ Håll alltid användarna synliga
@@ -6583,201 +6583,201 @@ Giltiga värden för options är:
Connect to a serverGlobal Shortcut
+ Anslut till en serverThis will open the server connection dialogGlobal Shortcut
+ Detta kommer att öppna serveranslutningsdialogrutanDisconnect from serverGlobal Shortcut
- Frånkopplad från servern
+ Koppla från servernThis will disconnect you from the serverGlobal Shortcut
+ Detta kommer att koppla bort dig från servernOpen server informationGlobal Shortcut
+ Öppna server informationThis will show information about the server connectionGlobal Shortcut
+ Detta visar information om serveranslutningenOpen server tokensGlobal Shortcut
+ Öppna server tokensThis will open the server tokens dialogGlobal Shortcut
+ Detta öppnar dialogrutan för servertokensOpen server user listGlobal Shortcut
+ Öppna server användarlistaThis will open the server user list dialogGlobal Shortcut
+ Detta öppnar dialogrutan för serveranvändarlistanOpen server ban listGlobal Shortcut
+ Öppna serverförbudslistanThis will open the server ban list dialogGlobal Shortcut
+ Detta öppnar dialogrutan för serverförbudslistanToggle priority speakerGlobal Shortcut
+ Växla prioriterad talareThis will enable/disable the priority speakerGlobal Shortcut
+ Detta kommer att aktivera/avaktivera prioriterad talareOpen recording dialogGlobal Shortcut
+ Öppna inspelningsdialogrutanThis will open the recording dialog
+ Detta öppnar dialogrutan för inspelningChange commentGlobal Shortcut
+ Ändra kommentarThis will open the change comment dialog
+ Detta öppnar dialogrutan för att ändra kommentarChange avatarGlobal Shortcut
+ Ändra avatarThis will open your file explorer to change your avatar image on this server
+ Detta öppnar din filutforskare för att ändra din avatarbild på den här servernRemove avatarGlobal Shortcut
+ Ta bort avatarThis will reset your avatar on the server
+ Detta kommer att återställa din avatar på servernRegister on the serverGlobal Shortcut
+ Registrera dig på denna serverThis will register you on the server
+ Detta kommer att registrera dig på denna serverAudio statisticsGlobal Shortcut
+ LjudstatistikThis will open the audio statistics dialog
+ Detta öppnar dialogrutan för ljudstatistikOpen settingsGlobal Shortcut
+ Öppna inställningarThis will open the settings dialog
+ Detta öppnar dialogrutan för inställningarStart audio wizardGlobal Shortcut
+ Starta ljudguidenThis will open the audio wizard dialog
+ Detta kommer att öppna dialogrutan för ljudguidenStart certificate wizardGlobal Shortcut
+ Starta certifikatguidenThis will open the certificate wizard dialog
+ Detta öppnar dialogrutan för certifikatguidenToggle text to speechGlobal Shortcut
+ Växla text till talThis will enable/disable the text to speech
+ Detta kommer att aktivera/inaktivera text till talOpen about dialogGlobal Shortcut
+ Öppna dialogrutan omThis will open the about dialog
+ Detta öppnar dialogrutan OmOpen about Qt dialogGlobal Shortcut
+ Öppna om Qt dialogrutanThis will open the about Qt dialog
+ Detta öppnar dialogrutan om QtCheck for updateGlobal Shortcut
+ Kolla efter uppdateringarThis will check if mumble is up to date
+ Detta kontrollerar om mumble är uppdateratThat sound was the mute cue. It activates when you speak while muted. Would you like to keep it enabled?
+ Det ljudet var den tysta signalen. Den aktiveras när du talar medan ljudet är tyst. Vill du behålla det aktiverat?Yes
- Ja
+ JaNo
- Nej
+ Nej
diff --git a/src/mumble/mumble_tr.ts b/src/mumble/mumble_tr.ts
index 7edc5e24372..554743e49ae 100644
--- a/src/mumble/mumble_tr.ts
+++ b/src/mumble/mumble_tr.ts
@@ -4623,15 +4623,15 @@ Bu ayar sadece yeni mesajlara uygulanır, zaten görüntülenmiş olanlar öncek
+ saniyeIf this is checked, users will always be visible in the TalkingUI (regardless of talking state).
+ Şayet bu şık seçiliyse, kullanıcılar Konuşmq Arayüzü'nde daime görünür olacaklardır (konuşma durumlarından bağımsız bir şekilde).Always keep users visible
+ Kullanıcıları daima görünür yap
@@ -6585,201 +6585,201 @@ Geçerli seçenekler şunlardır:
Connect to a serverGlobal Shortcut
+ Bir sunucuya bağlanThis will open the server connection dialogGlobal Shortcut
+ Bu, sunucuya bağlantı diyaloğunu açarDisconnect from serverGlobal Shortcut
- Sunucuyla bağlantıyı kes
+ Sunucuyla bağlantıyı kesThis will disconnect you from the serverGlobal Shortcut
+ Bu, sunucuyla olan bağlantınızı keserOpen server informationGlobal Shortcut
+ Sunucu bilgilerini açThis will show information about the server connectionGlobal Shortcut
+ Bu, sunucu bağlantısına dair bilgi gösterecektirOpen server tokensGlobal Shortcut
+ Sunucu jetonlarını açThis will open the server tokens dialogGlobal Shortcut
+ Bu, sunucu jetonları diyaloğunu açacaktırOpen server user listGlobal Shortcut
+ Sunucu kullanıcı listesini açThis will open the server user list dialogGlobal Shortcut
+ Bu, sunucu kullanıcı listesi diyaloğunu açacaktırOpen server ban listGlobal Shortcut
+ Sunucu yasaklama listesini açThis will open the server ban list dialogGlobal Shortcut
+ Bu, sunucu yasaklama listesi diyaloğunu açacaktırToggle priority speakerGlobal Shortcut
+ Öncelikli konuşmacı durumunu değiştirThis will enable/disable the priority speakerGlobal Shortcut
+ Bu, öncelikli konuşmacı durumunu etkinleştirir/devre dışı bırakırOpen recording dialogGlobal Shortcut
+ Kayıt diyaloğunu açThis will open the recording dialog
+ Bu, kayıt diyaloğunu açacaktırChange commentGlobal Shortcut
+ Yorum değiştirThis will open the change comment dialog
+ Bu, yorum değiştirme diyaloğunu açacaktırChange avatarGlobal Shortcut
+ Havari değiştirThis will open your file explorer to change your avatar image on this server
+ Bu, bu sunucudaki havari resminizi değiştirmek için dosya tarayıcınızı açacaktırRemove avatarGlobal Shortcut
+ Havari kaldırThis will reset your avatar on the server
+ Bu, sunucudaki havarinizi sıfırlayacaktırRegister on the serverGlobal Shortcut
+ Sunucuya kaydolThis will register you on the server
+ Bu, sizi sunucuya kaydedecektirAudio statisticsGlobal Shortcut
+ Ses istatistikleriThis will open the audio statistics dialog
+ Bu, ses istatistikleri diyaloğunu açacaktırOpen settingsGlobal Shortcut
+ Ayarları açThis will open the settings dialog
+ Bu, ayarlar diyaloğunu açacaktırStart audio wizardGlobal Shortcut
+ Ses sihirbazını başlatThis will open the audio wizard dialog
+ Bu, ses sihirbazı diyaloğunu açacaktırStart certificate wizardGlobal Shortcut
+ Sertifika sihirbazını başlatThis will open the certificate wizard dialog
+ Bu, sertifika sihirbazı diyaloğunu açacaktırToggle text to speechGlobal Shortcut
+ Konuşma sentezi durumunu değiştirThis will enable/disable the text to speech
+ Bu, konuşma sentezini etkinleştirecek/devre dışı bırakacaktırOpen about dialogGlobal Shortcut
+ Hakkında diyaloğunu açThis will open the about dialog
+ Bu, hakkında diyaloğunu açacaktırOpen about Qt dialogGlobal Shortcut
+ Qt hakkında diyaloğunu açThis will open the about Qt dialog
+ Bu, Qt hakkında diyaloğunu açacaktırCheck for updateGlobal Shortcut
+ Güncellemeleri kontrol etThis will check if mumble is up to date
+ Bu, mumble'ın güncel olup olmadığını kontrol edecektirThat sound was the mute cue. It activates when you speak while muted. Would you like to keep it enabled?
+ Bu ses, susturulduğunuzun işaretiydi. Susturulduğunuzda konuşursanız etkinleşir. Bunu faal olarak muhafaza etmek ister misiniz?Yes
- Evet
+ EvetNo
- Hayır
+ Hayır
diff --git a/src/mumble/mumble_zh_CN.ts b/src/mumble/mumble_zh_CN.ts
index 55fe51adcc3..6d879849019 100644
--- a/src/mumble/mumble_zh_CN.ts
+++ b/src/mumble/mumble_zh_CN.ts
@@ -4623,15 +4623,15 @@ The setting only applies for new messages, the already shown ones will retain th
+ 秒If this is checked, users will always be visible in the TalkingUI (regardless of talking state).
+ 选中时,用户将总在对话界面内可见(无论是否在发言)。Always keep users visible
+ 用户总是可见
@@ -6583,201 +6583,201 @@ mumble://[<用户名>[:<密码>]@]<主机名>[:<端口>]
Connect to a serverGlobal Shortcut
+ 连接到服务器This will open the server connection dialogGlobal Shortcut
+ 这会打开服务器连接对话框Disconnect from serverGlobal Shortcut
- 从服务器断开连接
+ 断开与服务器的连接This will disconnect you from the serverGlobal Shortcut
+ 这会断开您与服务器的连接Open server informationGlobal Shortcut
+ 打开服务器信息This will show information about the server connectionGlobal Shortcut
+ 这会显示服务器连接的信息Open server tokensGlobal Shortcut
+ 打开服务器令牌This will open the server tokens dialogGlobal Shortcut
+ 这会打开服务器令牌对话框Open server user listGlobal Shortcut
+ 打开服务器用户列表This will open the server user list dialogGlobal Shortcut
+ 这会打开服务器用户列表对话框Open server ban listGlobal Shortcut
+ 打开服务器封禁列表This will open the server ban list dialogGlobal Shortcut
+ 这会打开服务器封禁列表对话框Toggle priority speakerGlobal Shortcut
+ 切换优先发言人状态This will enable/disable the priority speakerGlobal Shortcut
+ 这会启用/禁用优先发言人状态Open recording dialogGlobal Shortcut
+ 打开录音对话框This will open the recording dialog
+ 这会打开录音对话框Change commentGlobal Shortcut
+ 修改简介This will open the change comment dialog
+ 这会打开修改简介对话框Change avatarGlobal Shortcut
+ 修改头像This will open your file explorer to change your avatar image on this server
+ 这会打开您的文件资源管理器,以修改您在此服务器上的头像图片Remove avatarGlobal Shortcut
+ 删除头像This will reset your avatar on the server
+ 这会重置您在服务器上的头像Register on the serverGlobal Shortcut
+ 在服务器上注册This will register you on the server
+ 这会在服务器上为您注册Audio statisticsGlobal Shortcut
+ 音频统计This will open the audio statistics dialog
+ 这会打开音频统计对话框Open settingsGlobal Shortcut
+ 打开设置This will open the settings dialog
+ 这会打开设置对话框Start audio wizardGlobal Shortcut
+ 启动音频向导This will open the audio wizard dialog
+ 这会打开音频向导对话框Start certificate wizardGlobal Shortcut
+ 启动证书向导This will open the certificate wizard dialog
+ 这会打开证书向导对话框Toggle text to speechGlobal Shortcut
+ 切换语音播报This will enable/disable the text to speech
+ 这会启用/禁用语音播报Open about dialogGlobal Shortcut
+ 打开关于对话框This will open the about dialog
+ 这会打开关于对话框Open about Qt dialogGlobal Shortcut
+ 打开关于 Qt 对话框This will open the about Qt dialog
+ 这会打开关于 Qt 对话框Check for updateGlobal Shortcut
+ 检查更新This will check if mumble is up to date
+ 这会检查 Mumble 是否为最新版That sound was the mute cue. It activates when you speak while muted. Would you like to keep it enabled?
+ 此声音是静音提示。您在静音时发言会激活它。您希望保持启用吗?Yes
- 是
+ 是No
- 否
+ 否