From e9d01d59a476af9af18f78aca41af6b3630107d0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hosted Weblate Date: Sun, 14 Apr 2024 12:36:22 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] TRANSLATION: Update Chinese (Simplified) translation MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Currently translated at 100.0% (2312 of 2312 strings) TRANSLATION: Update Chinese (Simplified) translation Currently translated at 89.2% (2064 of 2312 strings) TRANSLATION: Update Chinese (Simplified) translation Currently translated at 89.2% (2064 of 2312 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate Co-authored-by: deluxghost Co-authored-by: 大王叫我来巡山 Translate-URL: Translation: Mumble/Mumble Client --- src/mumble/mumble_zh_CN.ts | 540 ++++++++++++++++++------------------- 1 file changed, 270 insertions(+), 270 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/mumble/mumble_zh_CN.ts b/src/mumble/mumble_zh_CN.ts index e562499a07d..417a4413f10 100644 --- a/src/mumble/mumble_zh_CN.ts +++ b/src/mumble/mumble_zh_CN.ts @@ -432,51 +432,51 @@ This value allows you to set the maximum number of users allowed in the channel. Channel position - + 频道位置 Channel maximum users - + 频道最大用户数 Channel description - + 频道描述 Select member to add - + 选择成员以添加 Excluded group members - + 排除分组成员 Select member to remove - + 选择成员以删除 List of access control list entries - + ACL 条目列表 Select group - + 选择分组 Selects a group this ACL entry applies to. Selecting a group and selecting a user are mutually exclusive. - + 选择应用此 ACL 条目的分组。选择分组与选择用户是互斥操作。 Select user - + 选择用户 Selects a user this ACL entry applies to. Selecting a group and selecting a user are mutually exclusive. - + 选择应用此 ACL 条目的用户。选择分组与选择用户是互斥操作。 List of available permissions - + 可用权限列表 @@ -629,27 +629,27 @@ This value allows you to set the maximum number of users allowed in the channel. Device list - + 设备列表 Move from unused to microphone list - + 从未使用列表移动到麦克风列表 Move from microphone to unused list - + 从麦克风列表移动到未使用列表 List of unused devices - + 未使用设备列表 Move from unused to speakers list - + 从未使用列表移动到扬声器列表 Move from speakers to unused list - + 从扬声器列表移动到未使用列表 @@ -1106,131 +1106,131 @@ This value allows you to set the maximum number of users allowed in the channel. Input backend for audio - + 音频输入后端 Audio input system - + 音频输入系统 Audio input device - + 音频输入设备 Transmission mode - 传输模式 + 传输模式 Push to talk lock threshold - + 按键发言锁定阈值 Switch between push to talk and continuous mode by double tapping in this time frame - + 在此时间窗口内双击按键,在按键发言与连续发言之间切换 <b>Voice hold Time</b><br />After you release the push-to-talk key Mumble will keep transmitting for the selected amount of time. - + <b>语音持续时间</b><br />松开按键发言键后,Mumble 将会持续传输指定的时间。 Push to talk hold threshold - + 按键发言持续阈值 Extend push to talk send time after the key is released by this amount of time - + 松开此按键后,按键发言发送时间将延长这么久 Voice hold time - + 语音持续时间 Silence below threshold - + 低于阈值时静默 This sets the threshold when Mumble will definitively consider a signal silence - + 此选项设置 Mumble 确信信号为静默的阈值 Speech above threshold - + 高于阈值时发言 This sets the threshold when Mumble will definitively consider a signal speech - + 此选项设置 Mumble 确信信号为语音的阈值 This sets how much speech is packed into a single network package - + 此选项设置单个网络数据包中包含的语音量 Audio compression quality - + 音频压缩质量 This sets the target compression bitrate - + 此选项设置目标压缩比特率 Maximum amplification - 最大放大倍数 + 最大放大倍数 Speech is dynamically amplified by at most this amount - + 语音最多动态放大此倍数 Noise suppression strength - + 噪声抑制强度 Echo cancellation mode - 回声消除模式 + 回声消除模式 Path to audio file - + 音频文件路径 Path to audio cue file when stopping to speak. Use the "browse" button to open a file dialog. - + 停止发言音频提示文件的路径。使用“浏览”按钮打开文件对话框。 Idle action time threshold (in minutes) - + 空闲动作时间阈值(分钟) Select what to do when being idle for a configurable amount of time. Default: nothing - + 选择空闲指定时间后进行的操作。默认:什么也不做 Gets played when you are trying to speak while being muted - + 当您尝试在麦克风关闭时发言,则播放提示 Path to mute cue file. Use the "browse" button to open a file dialog. - + 静音提示文件的路径。使用“浏览”按钮打开文件对话框。 Browse for mute cue audio file - + 浏览静音提示音频文件 Path to audio cue file when starting to speak. Use the "browse" button to open a file dialog. - + 开始发言音频提示文件的路径。使用“浏览”按钮打开文件对话框。 Preview the mute cue - + 预览静音提示 The mute cue is an audio sample which plays when you are trying to speak while being muted - + 此静音提示是一个样例,当您尝试在麦克风关闭时发言,则播放此提示 Preview both audio cues - + 预览所有音频提示 @@ -1293,19 +1293,19 @@ This value allows you to set the maximum number of users allowed in the channel. milliseconds - + 毫秒 seconds - + kilobits per second - + 千比特每秒 decibels - + 分贝 @@ -1582,55 +1582,55 @@ This value allows you to set the maximum number of users allowed in the channel. Audio output system - + 音频输出系统 Audio output device - + 音频输出设备 Output delay of incoming speech - + 传入语音的输出延迟 Jitter buffer time - + 抖动缓冲时间 Attenuation percentage - + 衰减百分比 During speech, the volume of other applications will be reduced by this amount - + 在语音过程中,其他应用程序的音量将减少相应的值 Minimum volume - 最小音量 + 最小音量 Minimum distance - 最小距离 + 最小距离 Maximum distance - 最大距离 + 最大距离 Loopback artificial delay - + 回放模拟延迟 Loopback artificial packet loss - + 回放模拟丢包 Loopback test mode - + 回放测试模式 The loopback test can be used to test your audio configuration. While the loopback test is enabled, others will not be able to hear you. - + 回放测试可以用于测试您的音频配置。启用回放测试时,其他人无法听到您。 @@ -1677,11 +1677,11 @@ This value allows you to set the maximum number of users allowed in the channel. milliseconds - + 毫秒 meters - + @@ -2216,75 +2216,75 @@ Speak loudly, as when you are annoyed or excited. Decrease the volume in the sou No buttons assigned - 未绑定按键 + 未分配按键 Audio input system - + 音频输入系统 Audio input device - + 音频输入设备 Select audio output device - + 选择音频输出设备 Audio output system - + 音频输出系统 Audio output device - + 音频输出设备 The Mumble positional audio system enables users to link the relative position of their voice to third party applications such as games. - + Mumble 位置音频系统使用户能够将其语音的相对位置链接到游戏等第三方应用程序。 Output delay for incoming speech - + 传入语音的输出延迟 Maximum amplification of input sound - 输入声音的最大放大倍数 + 输入声音的最大放大倍数 Speech is dynamically amplified by at most this amount - + 语音最多动态放大此倍数 Voice activity detection level - + 语音激活检测级别 This will set the range in which Mumble will consider a signal speech. Increase value to make voice activation more sensitive. - + 此选项设置 Mumble 认为信号是语音的范围。增大此值,语音激活会更加灵敏。 Push to talk - 按键发言 + 按键发言 Use the "push to talk shortcut" button to assign a key - + 使用“按键发言快捷键”按钮分配按键 Set push to talk shortcut - + 设置按键发言快捷键 This will open a shortcut edit dialog - + 这将会打开快捷键编辑对话框 Graphical positional audio simulation view - + 图形化位置音频模拟视图 This visually represents the positional audio that is currently being played - + 可视化展示当前播放的位置音频 @@ -2429,35 +2429,35 @@ Speak loudly, as when you are annoyed or excited. Decrease the volume in the sou Search for banned user - + 搜索被封禁的用户 Username to ban - + 要封禁的用户名 IP address to ban - + 要封禁的 IP 地址 Ban reason - + 封禁原因 Ban start date/time - + 封禁开始日期/时间 Ban end date/time - + 封禁结束日期/时间 Certificate hash to ban - + 要封禁的证书哈希 List of banned users - + 封禁用户列表 @@ -2785,43 +2785,43 @@ Are you sure you wish to replace your certificate? Displays current certificate - + 显示当前证书 Certificate file to import - 要导入的证书文件 + 要导入的证书文件 Use the "open" button to select a file using a dialog. - + 使用“打开”按钮通过对话框选择文件。 Certificate password - 证书密码 + 证书密码 Displays imported certificate - + 显示导入的证书 Displays new certificate - + 显示新证书 File to export certificate to - 将证书导出至文件 + 将证书导出至文件 Use the "save as" button to select a file using a dialog. - + 使用“另存为”按钮通过对话框选择文件。 Your name. For example: John Doe - + 您的名字。例如:John Doe Your email address. For example: - + 您的电子邮件地址。例如 @@ -3305,31 +3305,31 @@ Are you sure you wish to replace your certificate? This is the connection dialog. There are two different ways to connect to a Mumble server. If the server is listed publicly, you can use the server list to find it. If you know the server IP address, you can manually add a new permanent entry to your favorites. - + 这是连接对话框。有两种方式连接 Mumble 服务器。如果服务器被公开列出,您可以通过服务器列表找到它。如果您知道服务器的 IP 地址,则可以手动向收藏夹内永久添加。 The server list contains your favorites and all publicly listed servers. - + 服务器列表包括您的收藏夹和所有公开列出的服务器。 With this search interface you can filter the Mumble servers displayed in the server list. - + 通过搜索界面,您可以筛选服务器列表内的 Mumble 服务器。 Search for servername - + 搜索服务器名称 Search for location - + 搜索地理位置 Set filter mode - + 设置筛选模式 Server - 服务器 + 服务器 @@ -3465,19 +3465,19 @@ Label of the server. This is what the server will be named like in your server l Server IP address - + 服务器 IP 地址 Server port - + 服务器端口 Username - 用户名 + 用户名 Label for server - + 服务器标签 @@ -3674,23 +3674,23 @@ Without this option enabled, using Mumble's global shortcuts in privileged Configured shortcuts - 已配置快捷键 + 已配置的快捷键 Use up and down keys to navigate through your added shortcuts. Use left and right keys to navigate between actions and options for a single shortcut. Entries can be added and deleted with the buttons below. - + 使用上下箭头在您添加的快捷键中导航。使用左右箭头在单个快捷键的操作与选项间导航。可以通过下面的按钮添加和删除条目。 Add unassigned shortcut - + 添加未分配的快捷键 This adds a new empty entry to the "Configured Shortcut" tree above. The tree will be automatically focused. Assign a key or an action by selecting the entry in the tree above. - + 这会向上面的“已配置的快捷键”树添加一个空条目。此树会自动获得焦点。在树中选择条目以分配按键或操作。 This removes the selected entry from the "Configured Shortcut" tree above - + 这会从上面的“已配置的快捷键”树中删除选中的条目 @@ -3721,15 +3721,15 @@ Without this option enabled, using Mumble's global shortcuts in privileged List of shortcuts - + 快捷键列表 Toggling this button will make the application listen for a shortcut. Once the shortcut is entered, the application stops listening for a shortcut. Multiple shortcuts can be assigned to the current action. Navigate to the shortcut list above to review the shortcuts currently assigned to the current action. - + 开关此按钮会使应用程序监听快捷键。输入快捷键后,应用程序会停止监听快捷键。当前操作可以绑定多个快捷键。导航到上面的快捷键列表以检查当前操作绑定的快捷键。 This button will remove the selected shortcut for the current action. Note that you will have to select a shortcut from the list above first before this button has any effect. - + 此按钮将会为当前操作删除选中的快捷键。注意,您需要先在上面的列表中选择一个快捷键,此按钮才会生效。 @@ -3757,27 +3757,27 @@ Without this option enabled, using Mumble's global shortcuts in privileged Shortcut action - + 快捷键操作 Shortcut data - + 快捷键数据 Shortcut input combinations - + 快捷键输入组合 Unassigned - 未绑定 + 未分配 checked - + 已勾选 unchecked - + 未勾选 @@ -4438,71 +4438,71 @@ The setting only applies for new messages, the already shown ones will retain th Log message types and actions - + 日志消息类型与操作 Use up and down keys to navigate through the message types. Use left and right keys to navigate between notification possibilities for a single message type. - + 使用上下箭头在消息类型中导航。使用左右箭头在单个消息类型的通知选项间导航。 Set length threshold - + 设置长度阈值 Text to speech volume - + 语音播报音量 Maximum chat log length - + 最大聊天日志长度 User limit for notifications - + 通知的用户限额 Message type - + 消息类型 Log message to console checkbox - + 记录日志消息到控制台选项 Display pop-up notification for message checkbox - + 通过弹出式通知显示日志消息选项 Highlight window for message checkbox - + 有消息时高亮窗口选项 Read message using text to speech checkbox - + 通过语音播报朗读消息选项 Limit message notification if user count is high checkbox - + 如果用户数过多则限制消息通知选项 Play sound file for message checkbox - + 为消息播放音频选项 Path to sound file - + 音频文件路径 checked - + 已勾选 unchecked - + 未勾选 decibels - + 分贝 @@ -4947,55 +4947,55 @@ The setting only applies for new messages, the already shown ones will retain th Channel expand mode - + 频道展开模式 User dragging mode - + 用户拖动模式 Channel dragging mode - + 频道拖动模式 Always on top mode - + 始终置顶模式 Quit behavior mode - + 退出行为模式 Channel separator string - + 频道分隔符字符串 Maximum channel name length - + 最大频道名称长度 Abbreviation replacement characters - + 缩写替换字符 Relative font size (in percent) - + 相对字号(百分比) Silent user display time (in seconds) - + 沉默用户显示时间(秒) Mumble theme - + Mumble 主题 User search action mode - + 用户搜索操作模式 Channel search action mode - + 频道搜索操作模式 @@ -7005,151 +7005,151 @@ mumble://[<用户名>[:<密码>]@]<主机名>[:<端口>] Enter chat message - + 输入聊天消息 &Ban List - + 封禁列表(&B) &Information - + 信息(&I) Ig&nore Messages - + 忽略消息(&N) &Send Message... - + 发送消息(&S)... Set Ni&ckname... - + 设置昵称(&C)... L&ink - + 链接(&I) U&nlink All - + 取消所有链接(&N) M&ute Self - + 关闭自己的麦克风(&U) D&eafen Self - + 关闭自己的扬声器(&E) Audio &Statistics - + 音频统计(&S) &Settings - + 设置(&S) Developer &Console - + 开发者控制台(&C) Positional &Audio Viewer - + 位置音频查看器(&A) &About - 关于(&A) + 关于(&A) About &Qt - + 关于 &Qt Re&gister... - + 注册(&G)... Registered &Users - + 已注册用户(&U) &Access Tokens - + 访问令牌(&A) Remo&ve Avatar - + 删除头像(&V) Reset Commen&t... - + 重置简介(&T)... Remo&ve Avatar... - + 删除头像(&V)... Remove the avatar of the selected user. - + 删除选中用户的头像。 &Join - + 加入(&J) &Hide When Filtering - + 筛选时隐藏(&H) &Pin When Filtering - + 筛选时固定(&P) Vie&w Comment - + 查看简介(&W) &Priority Speaker - + 优先发言人(&P) &Record... - + 录音(&R)... &Listen To Channel - + 监听频道(&L) Talking &UI - + 对话界面(&U) &Join User's Channel - + 加入用户的频道(&J) M&ove To Own Channel - + 移动到自己的频道(&O) Moves this user to your current channel. - + 移动此用户到您当前所在频道。 Disable Te&xt-To-Speech - + 禁用语音播报(&X) &Search... - + 搜索(&S)... Filtered channels and users - + 筛选的频道和用户 @@ -7240,59 +7240,59 @@ mumble://[<用户名>[:<密码>]@]<主机名>[:<端口>] Graphical positional audio simulation view - + 图形化位置音频模拟视图 This visually represents the positional audio configuration that is currently being used - + 可视化展示当前使用的位置音频配置 Listener Z coordinate - + 听众 Z 坐标 Listener X coordinate - + 听众 X 坐标 Listener Y coordinate - + 听众 Y 坐标 Silent user display time (in seconds) - + 沉默用户显示时间(秒) Listener azimuth (in degrees) - + 听众方位角(角度) Listener elevation (in degrees) - + 听众俯仰角(角度) Context string - + 上下文字符串 Use the "set" button to apply the context string - + 使用“设置”按钮应用上下文字符串 Apply the context string - + 应用上下文字符串 Apply the identity string - + 应用标识符字符串 Identity string - + 标识符字符串 Use the "set" button to apply the identity string - + 使用“设置”按钮应用标识符字符串 @@ -7510,23 +7510,23 @@ Prevents the client from sending potentially identifying information about the o Proxy type - + 代理类型 Proxy hostname - + 代理主机名 Proxy port - + 代理端口 Proxy username - + 代理用户名 Proxy password - + 代理密码 @@ -8139,39 +8139,39 @@ To upgrade these files to their latest versions, click the button below. List of plugins - + 插件列表 Use up and down keys to navigate through plugins. Use left and right keys to navigate between single plugin permissions. - + 使用上下箭头在插件中导航。使用左右箭头在单个插件的权限间导航。 Plugin name - + 插件名称 Plugin enabled checkbox - + 插件启用选项 Plugin positional audio permission checkbox - + 插件位置音频权限选项 Plugin keyboard event listen permission checkbox - + 插件键盘事件监听权限选项 checked - + 已勾选 unchecked - + 未勾选 Not available - + 不可用 @@ -8601,99 +8601,99 @@ You can register them again. Next - + 继续 Back - + 返回 This is you - + 这是您 friend - + 好友 user - + 用户 status - + 状态 muted and deafened - + 已关闭麦克风和扬声器 muted - + 已关闭麦克风 locally muted - + 已本地屏蔽 unmuted - + 已打开麦克风 recording - + 正在录音 priority speaker - + 优先发言人 has a long comment - + 简介过长 text messages ignored - + 已忽略文本消息 registered - + 已注册 channel - + 频道 your channel - + 您的频道 accessible - + 可访问 inaccessible - + 不可访问 public - + 公开 filtered - + 已筛选 pinned - + 已固定 Listening for input - + 正在监听输入 Add - 添加 + 添加 @@ -8845,15 +8845,15 @@ You can register them again. Search string - + 搜索字符串 Search results - + 搜索结果 Use up and down keys to navigate through the search results. - + 使用上下箭头在搜索结果中导航。 @@ -9019,19 +9019,19 @@ You can register them again. <b>Users:</b> - + <b>用户:</b> TCP Parameters - + TCP 参数 &View Certificate - 查看证书(&V) + 查看证书(&V) &OK - + 确定(&O) @@ -9053,7 +9053,7 @@ You can register them again. ShortcutActionWidget Unassigned - 未绑定 + 未分配 @@ -9072,11 +9072,11 @@ You can register them again. Unassigned - 未绑定 + 未分配 No buttons assigned - 未绑定按键 + 未分配按键 Press to show button combination @@ -9222,11 +9222,11 @@ An access token is a text string, which can be used as a password for very simpl Token List - + 令牌列表 Use the arrow keys to navigate this list of access tokens. The tokens are displayed in plain text. - + 使用上下箭头在访问令牌列表中导航。令牌以纯文本显示。 @@ -9279,15 +9279,15 @@ An access token is a text string, which can be used as a password for very simpl Search for user - + 搜索用户 Set inactivity filter mode - + 设置离开时间筛选模式 Filter for inactivity - + 离开时间筛选 @@ -9441,7 +9441,7 @@ An access token is a text string, which can be used as a password for very simpl Details - + 详情 @@ -9639,11 +9639,11 @@ An access token is a text string, which can be used as a password for very simpl Channel Listener - + 频道监听者 This channel listener belongs to %1 - + 此频道监听者属于 %1 @@ -9914,11 +9914,11 @@ Please contact your server administrator for further information. This field contains the directory path to store any voice recordings in. Use the "browse" button to open a file dialog. - + 此字段包含存储录音的文件夹路径。使用“浏览”按钮打开文件对话框。 This field contains the filename any voice recording is saved as. Various variables can be used to augment the filename. For example %time for the current time. - + 此字段包含保存录音的文件名。文件名中可以使用各种变量。例如以 %time 表示当前时间。 @@ -9929,7 +9929,7 @@ Please contact your server administrator for further information. Local volume adjustment - + 本地音量调整