Devtools for @ngrx/store.
Install @ngrx/store-devtools from npm:
npm install @ngrx/store-devtools --save
OR yarn add @ngrx/store-devtools
npm install github:ngrx/store-devtools-builds
OR yarn add github:ngrx/store-devtools-builds
Download the Redux Devtools Extension
In your
add instrumentation to the module imports usingStoreDevtoolsModule.instrument
import { StoreDevtoolsModule } from '@ngrx/store-devtools';
import { environment } from '../environments/environment'; // Angular CLI environemnt
imports: [
// Instrumentation must be imported after importing StoreModule (config is optional)
maxAge: 25, // Retains last 25 states
logOnly: environment.production, // Restrict extension to log-only mode
export class AppModule {}
NOTE: Once some component injects the Store
service, Devtools will be enabled.
When you call the instrumentation, you can give an optional configuration object:
number (>1) | false - maximum allowed actions to be stored in the history tree. The oldest actions are removed once maxAge is reached. It's critical for performance. Default is false
boolean - connect to the Devtools Extension in log-only mode. Default is false
which enables all extension features.
string - the instance name to be showed on the monitor page. Default value is NgRx Store DevTools.
function - the monitor function configuration that you want to hook.
function - takes action
object and id number as arguments, and should return action
object back.
function = takes state
object and index as arguments, and should return state
object back.
false | configuration object - Handle the way you want to serialize your state, more information here.
array of strings as regex - actions types to be hidden / shown in the monitors (while passed to the reducers), more information here.
function - called for every action before sending, takes state and action object, and returns true in case it allows sending the current data to the monitor, more information here.