Implemented enhancements:
- WAGO migration: failure due to field changes #306
turtle-0.54.0 (2016-10-12)
Fixed bugs:
- Sample export with filter exports zero samples #305
turtle-0.53.0 (2016-10-06)
Fixed bugs:
- Sample export issues #301
turtle-0.52.0 (2016-09-22)
Fixed bugs:
- Sample CSV export is slow #287
Closed issues:
- autogenerate changelog #295
turtle-0.51.2 (2016-09-07)
Fixed bugs:
- static files for django admin and explorer not served #296
Closed issues:
- WAGO migration issues #294
turtle-0.51.1 (2016-09-01)
turtle-0.51.0 (2016-09-01)
turtle-0.49.2 (2016-09-01)
Implemented enhancements:
- Need to have certain patient fields in event CSV export #276
- Show links to related DDLs in event type admin #264
- Migrate transactions #249
- Quickly see other samples from an event #241
- Warn about lost fields when changing event type #240
- Allow entering patient addresses outside of Western Australia #238
- Allow setting type when subdividing samples #232
- Search by consent date #230
- Custom fields and file attachments on consent record #229
- Add links to search within a study group #228
- Permit adding single patient to study group from detail page #227
- Indicate required form fields with asterisks and validation messages #226
- New sample IDs should start with B- and have more digits #215
- Make Alias field visible on Patient and Patient edit pages #210
- Show CRN, and ARK PID under Links to other databases. Remove CRN from Other section. #209
- Use the term Alias instead of "Other name" #208
- Use the term Middle Name instead of Second Name #207
- Search box hint should say PID instead of serial number #206
- Display comment on Patient page even if there is no comment #205
- Don't need time of day for event #201
- Allow changing event type after event is created #200
- For convenience, add links to DDL admin from custom fields admin #197
- MTL: Add a new SampleCultured transaction #193
- Add DNA Extraction Protocol field to sample #191
- Add more options for consent #189
- Simplify patient sample table #188
- Add ARK ID to sample #187
- Make more screen space available for search results #178
- Add confirmation when navigating away from dirty form #177
- On patient detail screen, limit events and samples to current study #175
- When moving samples, need to highlight current position #174
- Add amount to sample sending transaction #168
- Add more columns to sample list, fix defaults #167
- Need to enter just patient ID on event search #166
- Add support to backend for returning custom fields in search results #164
- Showing custom fields in list #163
- Rename list columns to more specific things #162
- Make remove from study group button easier to find #160
- In crc search, wago fields are shown as well #158
- Rename Move transaction to Allocate #157
- Need method for removing patient from study #153
- Add submenus and paging to search autocomplete #151
- Add middle name to patient detail #150
- Add DOD/COD fields to search #149
- Inventory Management #146
- Can't tell which event biospec belongs to #145
- Need more columns for event search #143
- Always use E-0 ids not old IDs #140
- Need sample processed, frozen/fixed date/time #138
- Allow saving and recalling search queries #135
- Keep current search query when navigating around #134
- Preserve state of expanded/collapsed sections across navigation #130
- Add locking of records to prevent simultaneous updates overwriting each other #128
- Allow filtering patients by event fields and vice-versa #125
- Port more frontend code to Typescript and adjust build process accordingly #124
- Allow admin editing of biobank containers #123
- Allow archiving of studies, hide archived studies #121
- Implement admin page for studies #120
- Show study member counts on home page #119
- Implement patient case admin #118
- Allow alphabetical grid co-ordinates in containers #117
- Error handling when saving records, and notify on success #116
- Implement specimen transactions #115
- Show report results on front page of study #114
- Add study field to event #113
- Improve Filemaker migration of specimen, treatment, intervention #112
- Add more fields to specimen #111
- Redesign frontend layout #110
- Improve appearance of login screen, add loading state and error handling #109
- Add database models for Treatment and Intervention #108
- Prevent chrome from remembering password, add option for remembering e-mail #106
- Tell users why they were auto-logged out #105
- Disassociate User model from Person #103
- Add an auto-complete dropdown to search entry #101
- Allow patients to be consented into new studies #99
- Show more information about patient consent and make it more consistent #98
- Add event ID field which isn't table pk #97
- Add a URL redirect for any record ID #96
- Progress bar and error handling for file uploads #95
- Allow printing a series of labels by generating a PDF #93
- Change label design to look like current labels #92
- Script to export data from FileMaker and import into Turtleweb #90
- Allow importing patient data from CSV #88
- Show patient studies and cases on the detail page #87
- Automatically set page size of grid based on browser window height #86
- Export search results to CSV format #85
- Allow selection of grid columns for display and export #84
- Allow sorting of grid columns #83
- Also allow attaching files to event records #81
- Send system logs to logstash #79
- Improve handling of errors in frontend #76
- Allow restoring old versions of certain records #75
- Automatically save revisions of selected database tables #74
- Add logging of user login attempts #73
- Add read/write access logging to database records #72
- Add user management #70
- Implement level-based access control #69
- At login form, allow users to request help from site administrators #67
- Allow users to reset their password through e-mail #66
- Enable SQL explorer queries #65
- Present possible duplicate patients when adding new record #64
- Allow removal of patients from study groups #63
- Allow attachment of files to patient record #60
- Add screen for searching by event #59
- Allow spaces in event fields that are short lists #58
- Show inherited fields when editing event types #57
- Allow ordering of event fields #55
- Allow creation of new drop-down lists #53
- build: Update to Python 3.4 #52
- Show patient samples grouped by event #50
- biobank: Allow adding multiple samples at once #49
- biobank: Pick multiple sample locations when creating sample #48
- Allow placement of samples in containers with co-ordinate unspecified. #47
- Split sample type field into multiple fields #46
- Add time field to event record #45
- biobank: choose most recently used location as initial location for new samples #44
- biobank: Improve buttons for adding transactions to samples #43
- biobank: Add screen for viewing a sample #42
- biobank: Allow searching and listing of samples #41
- biobank: Improve appearance of biobank location browser #40
- biobank: Initial rendering of sample labels and barcodes #39
- Build and library improvements #37
- Implement sample biobank module #31
- Add screen for editing list of patient cases #30
- When logging in, users can't know if their password was incorrect or the token sms failed to send #26
- Allow setting patient "case" and filter event fields based on case #24
- Add screen for defining event fields #23
- Allow editing tree of event types #22
- Specialize event types by study #21
- Allow editing of items in drop-down lists #20
- Improve look of patient grid and use it for showing study groups #19
- Add hospitals database model #15
- Model the different categories of gynae patient #14
- Auto-logout users after 10 minutes idle #13
- Allow events to be added to the patient record #12
- Link to cancer registry by registry number #9
- Differentiate between blank fields unknown and simply not entered #8
- Don't need family fields for patients #6
Fixed bugs:
- Error popup when autocompleting patient case search #289
- Saving event and sample searches not working #288
- Allow querying samples by event #286
- Some api views almost allow unauthenticated access #285
- Permission problem creating new sample #284
- Sample units #283
- Most recently used box doesn't work #282
- Increase maximum size of search URL in nginx #281
- Show empty middle name field in more places #280
- Event types are cached in search autocomplete #278
- Sample container grid dots are missing #277
- Can't deselect show/export in columns modal when fields are duplicated #275
- specimen treatment not being migrated #274
- Patient alias in wrong place in event CSV export #273
- Container admin is slow with non-small number of containers #272
- Error navigating from event list when clicking on patient who is no longer a study member #271
- Search fields appear multiple times in autocomplete #270
- Migrated event types miss field definitions for location, doctor, provider, etc #269
- Event doctor and location are migrated as row ids #268
- Patient UMRN, CRN, etc, aren't searchable #267
- Searching custom fields which are dates doesn't work #266
- Frontend special case for dd/mm/yyyy values in custom field dates #265
- Event field ordering not updated after admin #263
- Don't show archived studies in event type admin #262
- Migration of test results doesn't use DDLs #261
- improve migration of "tes" onto people_person #260
- some patients have deceased False but have a date of death #259
- make box layout diagram more legible #258
- DDL drop downs have vanished for some event types #257
- "inv" migration bringing across nonsense container #256
- "Created" should read "Collected" on the sample list screen #255
- displaying an event column with multiple definitions displays multiple columns #254
- consent modal shows thumbs down for a consented patient #253
- have_path_report not migrating #252
- Dropdowns sometimes blank when there is a value #251
- API queries limited to 1000 rows #250
- Event fields should be created on parent event type if shared by two or more child event types #248
- migration CSV load failing after study cleanup #247
- Change consent status to a drop-down list #246
- Don't migrate epi_ fields from "epi" #245
- Search auto-completion of related keywords stopped working #244
- Search auto-complete: don't submenu event type fields once a keyword has been partially typed #243
- Allow substring search for "short list of possibilities" custom fields #242
- Clean up code for loading/saving the edit patient screen #239
- Consent status tick boxes #237
- CRN and Cancer Research Number are the same field #236
- Bombs when creating new patient without address #235
- Event list columns modal is slow to load #234
- Grid makes 3 queries while the page is loading #233
- When creating multiple samples at once, processed/frozen/fixed dates aren't set #231
- Biobank exported CSV headings don't match fields #225
- Custom field admin is slow with large number of fields #224
- Large number of event fields bogs down search column selection #223
- DNA extraction protocol missing from migration #222
- Unable to move boxes in container admin #221
- Bad migration of valuelist type custom fields #220
- show biobank sample comment #219
- Transaction editing / deletion #218
- Don't allow patient deletion if pending events / samples #217
- Subdividing a subdivided sample causes dangling sample reference #216
- Rename SampleCreated transaction to SampleCollected #214
- Samples being migrated and set with a location of 2mL tube #213
- When you delete a saved search you get an error pop up but it still deletes. #212
- Show CPDB (Cameron's DB ID) under Links to other databases #211
- Sample subdivision/subculture: list of split parts incorrect #204
- Always show all fields on samples #203
- Biospecimen migration - comment missing, wrong transaction types, processed date made up #202
- Deselect all studies in event type admin does nothing #199
- After migration samples and events get IDs starting with 9 #198
- JS traceback in sample editor (creating sample) #196
- error thrown on sample creation #192
- Study delete button doesn't delete #190
- Wrong patient ID in possible duplicates list #186
- Times migrated into UTC not WST #185
- event editor should show inherited fields #184
- Migration should fill in the 'fields' definition for all events.EventType objects #183
- Add event dropdown button descends past page end #182
- On patient detail screen, all events for study are shown on patient #181
- Search autocomplete should prompt for items using __icontains instead of __istartswith #180
- Fix studygroup_id, study_member_id, list_id and study_id NULL in migration #179
- Container list gets in the way in biobank search #176
- Boxes and buttons in study admin are all squashed up #173
- Make admin study add button easier to find #172
- Study list is limited to 20 #171
- Incorrect migration of patient deceased status #170
- Can't add new event type in admin when there are no event types #169
- Patient duplicate search stopped working #165
- Group CSV export column select is only ID initially #161
- Current patient search query pollutes study groups search #159
- Error when saving report #156
- Report buttons have no labels #155
- Event id doesn't appear in exported csv columns #154
- Fix test field names in migration #152
- Set the pk counter to match the highest patient ID #148
- Change patient ID template to have 6 digits #147
- Click on biospecimen and "loading" gets stuck #144
- Can't choose fields to display on search results #142
- Said 57 results but only exported 21 #141
- DNA has units pcs #139
- Imported blank date fields as 1/1/1970 #137
- After auto-logout, need to click login button twice #136
- Sample edit form was saying decimal numbers were invalid #133
- Correct initial container selection when making sample move transaction #132
- Fix race error when updatimg user prefs for the first time #131
- Fix problem where no previous versions of objects were shown #129
- Allow authenticated download of file attachments from production server #127
- Fix display of dates in wrong timezone #126
- Better query filtering for user and sample #122
- Improve token auth SMS #107
- Misc bug fixes F12 #104
- Make Django database migrations run quicker #102
- Incorrect age was shown on patient detail page #100
- Restoring revisions with dob/dod caused error #94
- Search stopped working #91
- Assorted minor bug fixes #89
- No event fields visible if patient doesn't have a case set #82
- Field ordering gets reset to alphabetical when editing event type #80
- Show username on file uploads #78
- Stale CSRF token cookies causing problems saving records #77
- Fix problem with session idle timeout when app is open in multiple tabs #71
- Fix admin site login form #68
- Improve appearance of study group patient list #62
- Allow searching on custom event fields #61
- Allow multiple event types to have the same name #54
- List of fields incorrect when patient has multiple cases #51
- Search returns no results when query syntax is slightly wrong #38
- Prevent cascading deletes of patient records #36
- Assorted bug fixes #35
- Date ranges getting munged when using expanded query form #34
- List of drop-down lists in admin is slow to load #33
- Biobank container list is really slow to load #32
- Control for setting a title/salutation on patient doesn't work #29
- When editing DDLs, blank items get removed #28
- Need to show a message while saving things #27
- Site auto-logs-out after 1 minute on Firefox #25
- Problems with search query date ranges and search form and reports #18
- Site won't work if users don't refresh/clear browser cache #17
- Clicking Biobank button crashes the app #16
- Make patient address entry work better and fix display of addresses #11
- Add patient cause of death field #7
- Change wording of study, etc #5
- Disable browser auto-fill on patient form, etc #4
- Patient list: show DOB in correct format #3
- Can't create studies/reports after logging in #2
- Make login e-mail case-insensitive #1
Closed issues:
- No authentication on static uploads #293
- WAGO Data Import Script #291
- Placeholder 195 #195
- Placeholder 194 #194
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator