2016-01-21 — Diff
Closed Issues: 3 (#1713, #1947, #2028)
#1713, open studio not working on windows 8.1
#1947, Expose all fields of the Sizing:Zone object
#2028, Forward Translation error when multiple spaces of same space type in a zone when load type is design load
2016-01-08 — Diff
#1959, Building of OpenStudio on Mac doesn't find EnergyPlus or Radiance
#2002, Removing arguments from a measure leaves orphan arguments in XML
#2003, GUI Configuration Failure - OS 1.9.0 and 1.9.5 for Load Profile Plant Object
#2004, 64 bit C# bindings have a 32 bit dll
#2014, Openstudio application 1.10
2015-12-11 — Diff
#1526, Floor/Ceiling Constructions creating issues with construction.getNetArea method
#1608, Thermal Zone tab crash when editing zone equipment
#1831, Select All in GridView should only select all rows/sub-rows that are currently visible (i.e. unfiltered)
#1881, Default constructor for PlantEquipmentOperation:OutdoorDryBulb has temp limits reversed
#1951, PAT 1.9.4 crashes when creating a new project or opening an existing one
#1963, Render by surface type leaves some surfaces transparent
#1971, OS:LoadProfile:Plant Object not functioning properly
#1977, Setpoint managers are not allowed on plant demand side
#1983, AddOutputVariable measure should support the "annual" reporting frequency
#1984, View_data Measure Doesn't Rotate Shading Surfaces when North Axis is Rotated
#1985, Control For Outdoor Air Field Not Initialized In AirTerminal Causes Crash
#1986, Link to measure writing guide in new measure is wrong
#1995, Induction terminals (still) not disconnecting cleanly
2015-11-25 — Diff
#1394, OS -> SDD Translate ZoneHVAC
#1905, Crash when clicking on Solar Flat Plat Collector in Plant Loop
#1919, ZoneVentilation:DesignFlowRate won't work on zones without any zone equipment.
#1924, SketchUp Plugin doors default to "glass door" vs. door
#1936, Controller:WaterCoil node references not cleaned up on airloop edit
#1948, OS 1.9 loses space loads when converting v1.8 model
#1949, PAT and ResultsViewer 1.9.3 won't launch
#1954, Crash before run simulation
#1956, OS App 1.9.4 crashes in Apply Now when changing selected measure
2015-11-12 — Diff
#1911, Add support for E+ 8.4
#1921, Add water to water heat pump
#1460, Inherited Default Construction and Schedule Sets Not Displayed in Facility Tab
#1598, dynamic generated argument choice values in measure.xml
#1812, Build Win Version Ruby - Product extension is set to .so
#1847, Space Tab - Shading sub tab is mising Shading Surface Name column
#1861, Default BoilerHotWater::BoilerFlowMode
#1892, Application says "Drop Zone" instead of "Drop Space Type" in the space type tab
#1893, 1.9.0 Space tab: do not see inherited properties
#1896, constructionId for SubSurface translated to Surface
#1899, Crash when viewing plant loop on user model
#1928, Unable to assign thermalZone to Inverter
#1932, PAT XML Export is missing cash flow results in 1.9
2015-11-02 — Diff
#1907, Enable Design OA spec on terminal
#1734, Weather file location 1.8.1
#1900, User has to specify at least one measure on alternate model in PAT
#1902, LayeredConstruction::visibleTransmittance doesn't work on multiple layer constructions
#1917, Bug Report - Thermostat
#1923, ElectricalLoadCenter:Generators is missing
2015-10-19 — Diff
#1303, Can't make choice arguments from model for E+ measures
#298, weather (epw) and ddy file path issues (Bugzilla #1163)
#1549, Coordinate fine/coarse Sky Subdivision Params in idd
#1555, Cannot set or view site name in app
#1907, Removed method AirTerminalSingleDuctVAVNoReheat::designSpecificationOutdoorAir in favor of a more user friendly API.
2015-10-01 — Diff
#1886, Incorrect units for Refrigeration Walk-In Construction U-value
#1894, 1.9.0 Turning off "Run for sizing period" yet it still seems to run them
2015-09-25 — Diff
#404, OS App Water Use Equipment Definitions, Peak Flow Rate Units always in SI units
#470, Odd temps on outdoor air temp reset in OS app
#593, Node.addSetPointManager() does not accept all types of Setpoint Managers
#1005, Coil Cooling/Heating Water to Air HP wrappers are empty in UI
#1135, Radiance Parameters are reset to Coarse every time the osm is loaded
#1347, Update web-assets for 1.6.0 package
#1365, Design Flow Air Rate in CoilCoolingWater object uses fluid vs. air units
#1468, Change peak flow rate in water use equipment definitions from cfm to gal/min
#1543, Seeing "Autocalculate" in Maximum Air Flow Rate for termial object
#1547, SpaceType Tab - Load filter should function on infiltration objects
#1604, PumpConstantSpeed - PumpFlowRateSchedule not in schedule registry
#1610, boiler efficiency curve causes fatal error
#1636, Output Control Reporting Tolerance units default to SI despite app unit preference
#1657, SketchUp Plug-in installation error message does not apply to all cases
#1703, Radiance simulation does not use the EnergyPlus installed with OpenStudio
#1749, Missing SetpointManager:Scheduled icon
#1757, Schedule Sets sub tab "My Model" doesn't populate at first
#1771, AirTerminalSingleDuctSeriesPIUReheat leaves ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList in bad state
#1784, Crash When Deleting HPWH
#1804, Pipe:Adiabatic icon doesn't show, OS 1.8.4 Develop Branch on Windows
#1819, Material in templates is missing roughness and causes failed simulation
#1834, Changing minimum values in SpaceInfiltration:DesignFlowRate object
#1836, Fresh develop build Crash "Bad cast" after clicking on "Spaces" tab
#1839, component setpoint operation scheme logic is flawed
#1840, AVM Night Cycle Issue
#1843, Space Tab - Subsurfaces sub-tab in lets you make new spaces with green "+"
#1844, Space Tab - Shading Controls sub-tab
#1845, Default low temp radiant variable flow setpoint schedules reversed
#1853, Number of WaterHeater:Stratified Nodes Fixed at One
#1859, IP unit errors
#1863, LoadProfilePlant default load schedule is incorrect
#1866, PlantLoop::remove doesn't work!
#1868, PAT 1.8.5 hanging when running multiple simulations
#1873, Building Stories not exposed in "My Model" pane for Spaces > Property sub-tab
#1874, WaterHeater:Mixed is missing form My Model, prevents some user use cases
#1875, When you make a new schedule "Temperature" shows up twice in the Schedule Type list.
#1879, OS App creates simulation settings objects different from E+ defaults
#1887, Deleting a plant component can orphan a node
#1891, Application is freezing when trying to remove plantloop from model 0
2015-09-04 — Diff
#1670, Add support for heat pump water heater
#1679, Add Support of dual duct systems and related components.
#1712, Add missing availability managers
#1774, Add miscellaneous remaining objects
#1441, Ship Radiance with OpenStudio
#937, Create From External File + facility.exteriorLights crashes ruby
#1496, Installer puts 64 bit E+ in 32 bit OS installer.
#1577, Scan for tools finding wrong EnergyPlus version
#1601, PAT ruby script path not set
#1617, Repeatable crash when loading specific seed model
#1656, VRF OA Unit IG policy
#1695, The min. cfm/sf value in the zone:sizing object is being converted from IP to SI wrong in OS 1.7.0
#1701, Deleting plant equipment with setpoint schedule on outlet node orphans setpoint schedule
#1706, Zones with FanZoneExhaust require thermostat schedules
#1730, ModelObjects not translated to E+
#1740, Detached drop downs
#1746, OpenStudio 1.8.0 does not work with installed E+
#1747, SetpointManager:Scheduled crash
#1755, OpenStudio App crash on user file
#1762, Documentation for removeSupplyBranchWithComponent is incorrect
#1763, An unhandled exception has occurred. Access violation - no RTTI data
#1778, Incorrect SI to IP unit conversion in sizing:zone gridview
#1779, Can't Delete the First OS:WaterHeater:Stratified object Added to Plant Loop Using Measure
#1780, WaterHeating:AirToWaterHeatPump Rated Condenser Inlet Water Temperature Forcing Random Value
#1786, Issue with Python bindings for v1.8.0
#1787, Orphaned connections when deleting Air-to-Air HX from outdoor air system with other outdoor air equipment
#1795, Hide "Apply to Selected" for Outside Boundary Condition Object
#1808, Effective Air Leakage Area Units Incorrect
#1810, OS version test failing
#1815, Install Radiance with OpenStudio
#1816, EDAPT XML not encoded in UTF-8
#1817, Need to warn user if IP units measure is used
#1834, Changing minimum values in SpaceInfiltration:DesignFlowRate object
2015-08-24 — Diff
#1744, Added new setpoint managers
#1759, Added new coils
#1773, Added new ZoneHVAC objects
#1707, Added Dual Duct
#1719, Added Duct, FluidCoolerSingleSpeed, FluidCoolerTwoSpeed, PipeIndoor, PipeOutdoor
#1727, Added new availability managers
#1739, Added ZoneMixing
#1742, Added solar collectors
#1769, Added Plant operation schemes
#1788, Added misc objects
#1782, Added Zone ventilation design flow rate
#1764, Radiance functionality refactored as a measure
#1642, Add Space Infiltration Effective Leakage Area object to library files
#1758, OpenStudio::EpwFile.new() crashes on Linux
#1767, Hard Crash Opening 1.5.3 CBECC-Com OSM in 1.8.3
#1770, Facility tab grid view crash
#1776, WaterHeaterStratified does not work with HPWH
#1781, OpenStudio measure without measure.rb file crashes PAT
#1783, Files won't open with OS App 1.8.3
#1766, Update DiagnosticScript to remove cruft from badly initialized zones
2015-08-10 — Diff
#1388, Allow users to specify costs and ECMs on external models imported to PAT
#1711, Facility tab grid view
#854, Radiance FwdTranslator - Improve material handling on building shading surfaces
#891, Show District Heating and Cooling End-uses in Results Summary Graphs
#1709, Bug in plant operation schemes object for component setpoint
#1745, Fix component setpoint scheme
2015-07-24 — Diff
#1674, Add support of heat pump water heater
#1682, Add support of WaterHeater:Stratified
#1653, IFC import improvements
#1489, EPWFile ruby access
#1733, TimeSeries Fix
2015-07-14 — Diff
#1652 Design days grid view
#1716 New default standard reporting measure
#1458, EPWFile includes new methods to get TimeSeries data from weather files, SWIG bindings to the EPWFile class have been improved
#1440, Integrate openstudio-aws-gem into openstudio
#1698, AWS and Gem Updates
#1699, Meters are missing time indices in sql file
2015-06-26 — Diff
Allow Gem installation at build time
#599, Some HVAC components that exist in OpenStudio are missing from the HVAC library
#1440, Update PAT to use aws-gem for cloud initialization
#1476, IG Hard Sized / Autosized Behavior
#1556, Create One With Selected Measures creates design alternative with empty name
#1573, Some RefrigerationCase defrost options are not supported
#1605, Error in AirLoopHVACUnitarySystem Library
#1606, HW Coil in AirTerminalSingleDuctParallelPIUReheat cannot be connected
#1644, Wrong unit shown for Heat Exchanger U-Factor Times Area Value in OS:HeatExchanger:FluidToFluid
#1667, SketchUp Inspector does not properly create ThermalZone
#1673, UnitHeater doesn't allow Fan:OnOff
#1676, Two HeatExchangerAirToAirSensibleAndLatent are output to EquipmentList
#1686, Fix error in ThermalZone::clone
#1687, ThermalZone::remove leaves an orphaned connection
#1692, TimeSeries timestamps made incorrectly using E+ 8.3 sql file
#1699, Meters are missing time indices in sql file
2015-06-01 — Diff
#1666, Added HeaderedPumpsConstantSpeed to model
#1666, Added HeaderedPumpsVariableSpeed to model
#1666, Added TemperingValve to model
#1666, Added CoilPerformanceDXCooling to model
#1666, Added CoilCoolingDXTwoStageWithHumidityControlMode to model
#1666, Added CoilSystemCoolingWaterHeatExchangerAssisted to model
#1666, Added GroundHeatExchangerHorizontalTrench to model
#1666, Added ThermalStorageIceDetailed to model
#1666, Added ChillerAbsorptionIndirect to model
#1666, Added ChillerAbsorption to model
#1658, StraightComponent::addToNode will now remove from existing loop first
#1662, WaterHeaterMixed will now be more fully initialized
#1637, DistrictHeating / DistrictCooling ::nominalCapacity is now autosizable
#1638, HumidifierSteamElectric::ratedCapacity is now autosizable
[#1666] ( NREL#1666 ), Enhance SizingSystem with scalable sizing
[#1639] ( NREL#1639 ), Add SizingPlant coincident sizing option
[#1655] ( NREL#1655 ), SQLFile queries much slower for E+ 8.3 results
[#1660] ( NREL#1660 ), PAT and OS App helps links are dead
[#1665] ( NREL#1665 ), OpenStudio OS X Packages are broken
#1648, Removed AirLoopHVAC::addAirLoopComp, please use HVACComponent::addToNode instead
2015-05-18 — Diff
#1411, IG should not add a NULL choice to the lights definition combo box.
2015-04-29 — Diff
[#1631] ( NREL#1631 ) Added new method OpenStudio::getEnergyPlusExecutable which can be used to determine the location of the EnergyPlus installation included in OpenStudio.
#1580, Fixed errors in which OpenStudio could not be used on a system without a graphics adapter.
#1580, Evap cooler 1.7.1 -> 1.7.2 version translation error
2015-04-21 — Diff
#1624, Support for EnergyPlus 8.3
#1621, EvaporativeCoolerDirectResearchSpecial::RecirculatingWaterPumpPowerConsumption is now autosizable
#1623, EvaporativeCoolerIndirectResearchSpecial::RecirculatingWaterPumpPowerConsumption is now autosizable
#1594, RadianceParameters coarse and fine value adjustments
#1620, Building shading surfaces exported incorrectly in RadFwdTrans
2015-03-31 — Diff
#1565, Import IFC into OpenStudio via BIMserver, tutorial here
2015-03-27 — Diff
#1524, Download VRF components from BCL and use in OpenStudio Application
#1521, ZoneHVACComponent coils should stay attached to plant when cloning into same model
#1510, ExteriorLights::schedule now returns boost::optional instead of Schedule
#485, Radiance ForwardTranslator crashes if interior partitions missing construction
#667, User should not be able to change space shading to building shading in inspector
#883, E+ translator warning: Unknown object OS:ClimateZones
#1297, Exterior lights crash on tranlastion to idf
#1299, Matched surface error if one space is not translated
#1340, Opening a previously run PAT project in a new OS version deletes all of the results
#1346, Results lost on model re-open - "Error opening measure and run data"
#1348, Arguments for E+ measures gets empty workspace in app
#1363, 1.6.0 PAT crash when switching to results tab
#1364, 1.6.0 PAT crash when run then cancel a simulation
#1376, PAT export to spreadsheet broken
#1461, Sql.annualTotalUtilityCost and .annualTotalCost methods incorrect when district heating or cooling
#1481, Infinite directories for OSM in measure directory
#1506, GridView column headings are sometimes clipped
#1507, Unused resource objects not purged from input models to RadianceForwardTranslator
#1509, ZoneHVACComponent::clone
#1518, ResultsViewer bugs from QWT update
#1523, TableMultiVariableLookup not translating correctly
#1539, Window reveals are incorrect
2015-03-10 — Diff
#1505, Added multi-edit capability to grid views in OpenStudio Application
#1513, Partitioning and triangulation of surfaces with doors
#1488, Better IDF import log messages
#1486, Switching to QWebEngine if building with Qt >= 5.4
#318, Daylighting results only applied to 1 zone out of 9
#447, User model crashes when trying to add thermal zone to air loop named "Gas Fired Furnace"
#641, Orphan Controller:MechanicalVentilation object
#870, Cloning object from library multiple times will keep making extra copies in the model
#978, Cloning Building doesn't bring over thermostatSetpointDualSetpoint
#980, Clone Building doesn't keep spaces connected to thermal zones
#1296, Schedule causes crash on translation to IDF
#1350, Repeatable way to have walls fly away when adding fenestration in Plugin
#1357, SPM Mixed Air Magic Fails on AirLoops with Unitary Equipment
#1372, PAT Crash when any measure fails because of a ruby error
#1378, Crash when running user file
#1482, Define New Schedule dialog isn't modal, can get lost behind app.
#1495, Shading surfaces not imported from gbXML
#1499, Removed
, andPieChart
classes. These have been deprecated in favor of JavaScript reporting measures.
2015-02-19 — Diff
#1418, New fan coils and cycling PTAC for the library
#1457, Window frame and divider object
#1457, Added support for wall thickness in Radiance, translating WindowFrameAndDivider objects to impostor geometry
#1503, Radiance 3-phase simulation for dynamic window shading controls
#1377, Testing around implementation of clone
#486, ModelToRadPreProcess changes GlassDoor to regular Door
#1380, Crash when manually disconnecting CoilHeatingWater from loop
#1413, Unparented widget flash on selected in grid view
#1456, Crash on remove water coil
2015-02-09 — Diff
#1356, Support for TransOption in SDD ReverseTranslator
#1367, AirLoopHVAC::supplyFan, AirLoopHVAC::returnFan, AirLoopHVAC::reliefFan. These DO NOT account for fans inside compound objects like unitary systems.
#1374, Implementation of thermal zone clone
#1463, Schedule editor GUI updates in OpenStudio Application including ability to copy schedules
#1367, Setpoint manager logic so that fans inside unitary systems are accounted for. This is done during OS -> IDF translation.
#7, A number of Simulation Settings Tab fields should be OSComboBoxes rather than OSLineEdits
#645, PAT tab 4 - mouse over to see measures doesn't work in calibration mode
#1291, OutputControl:ReportingTolerances not SWIGd