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Development Tips and Tricks

Joel Koepp edited this page May 14, 2016 · 33 revisions

Development tips

Launching the Game Server

After starting the REPL with lein repl, launch the game server by doing:

(future-call dev) 


When you modify a function or a card, simply reload the function or the cards.clj file to the REPL and it should be reflected in the game engine without having to recreate a new game:

(load-file "src/clj/game/cards.clj")

For cards already installed you have to drag it back to hand and install it again to reflect the new code. No need to refresh the browser, you can keep the game state.

To inspect the content of clojure data structure, prn is handy. You can add prn in your functions or inside the (req ) macro in card definitions you want to inspect.

Once a game is started, execute (def state (second (first @game-states))). You can then use state to inspect the current game state, the same as if you were in a card our core function. Execute the def again when you make a new game.

As an example, you can then run

(pprint (core/all-installed state :corp))

to list all installed corp cards.


To modify the client side, Figwheel is super awesome. Run lein figwheel and stylus -w src/css -o resources/public/css/. When you save a cljs or styl file, the Clojurescript or Stylus are automatically compiled and sent to the connected browsers. No need to refresh anything, you keep the game state. When you have an error in a cljs file, the UI might disappear. Don't panic! As soon as the error is corrected the UI will reappear. No need to reload anything.


To run the unit tests: lein test test.all

To combine test and repl run: lein clean && lein test test.all && lein repl. This makes sure no compiled files are left from a branch switch or similar, and only starts the repl if all the tests pass.

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