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203 lines (168 loc) · 9.34 KB Design Guidelines

An evolving set of design guidelines intended to ensure that is a consistent framework that is easy-to-learn as new layers and features keep being added.

Design Principles

The design principles listed here reflects's general API design philosophy.

  • Simplicity - was designed to be a very simple way to create and package WebGL visualizations APIs - Avoid creating APIs that do many things. Make APIs focused and composable.
  • Layers - When designing layers, think about ease of subclassing. If a layer has lots of options and primitives, it's not easy to further extend it.
  • Avoid “Magic” - aims to have a set of transparent APIs that makes the effects brought by them clear to the users. Users can choose to learn WebGL and shader programming through This aligns with, which exposes one class for every WebGL type.
  • Reactive first - is primarily designed to work in a “Reactive architecture” application. It can be used in other programming paradigms but its support comes secondary.

Design Guidelines

This is a list of design rules that general applies to everything in the framework. However, exceptions are sometimes necessary when there is an actual need and justification for it. Whenever this is happening, it needs to be documented somewhere, in code comments, docs, or other places that are easy to track.

Rules for Defining and Naming Layers

Basic Principles

  • “Small” Set of Core Layers - A small selection of versatile core layers that are simple to understand and easy to extend through subclassing are provided with
  • Groups of Related Layers - The intention is to have groups of layers that each of the groups addresses one type of problem (e.g. general geospatial visualizations, geo visualizations using S2 library, 3D chart layers, Mathematical layers, etc). Consistency should be maintained throughout the same group in terms of features, naming of properties etc.
  • Reasonably Flexible Layers - Layers comes with needs to be flexible and handle a reasonable variety of use cases.
  • Avoid Overly Large/Complicated Layers - Flexibility, but not at the expense of making layers large and complicated so that they become hard to subclass and extend
    • that is a signal that the layer should be divided.
  • Orthogonality/Future Proofing - Features should be added only after some thought has been given to the impact of supporting a similar feature on other similar layers and also to impact on future versions.
  • 64-bit Layers 64-bit support of the layers, if offered, will be through a fp64 prop settable by's users. 64-bit support is usually provided if the layers are expected to be used to visualize data with extremely high dynamic range, such as many cases in geospatial data visualization.
  • 2D vs 2.5D (extrusion)/3D Support Simple “3D”: A “2D” layer can offer “3D” support without additional consideration if the cost in terms of code complexity and performance is small. E.g. the line layer can add a z coordinate to its positions with very little complexity and performance impact.
  • Lighting and effects Layers with extrusion support (2.5D) or 3D should respond correctly to lights through the lighting packages provided by This includes providing necessary APIs for setting light parameters.
  • Splitting Layers - If the code is a significantly different variant of the same layer (such as 2D and 3D), splitting into two might be necessary - perhaps even into two layer groups. Some effort should be done to clean up code and check if code reuse is possible.
  • Functional Variants of Layers Functional variants of layers such are Brushed, Animated, Enhanced etc, will be provided as examples rather than supported layers to help users implement similar functionality for themselves.

Rules for Data Iteration and Access

A general ambition is that all layers should accept any "ES6 container" in the data prop. This includes ES6 Sets and Maps, as well as Immutable.js containers. For most layers the only requirement is that iteration over data is performed using general functions:

    for (const object of { ... } // GOOD, index) => ...) // GOOD

Note that the following will NOT work on general containers:

    for (let i = 0; i <; i++) { // NOT GOOD
      const object =[i];

Special attention is normally only required when accessing elements using keys or indices. provides internal functions get and count to handle such cases:

    for (let i = 0; i < count(; i++) { // GOOD
      const object = get(, i); // instead of[i]
      const value = get(object, 'value'); // instead of object.value


  • does not attempt to support plain objects as data.

Rules for Naming Props, Attributes, Uniforms and updateTriggers

Summary: Custom layer props usually corresponds to either attributes or uniforms of the underlying shaders. An accessor (like "getColor") always sets a WebGL attribute (whether a value or a function), and a normal prop (like "color") always sets a uniform (either to a value, or a value returned by calling the supplied function).

Naming Rules for Accessors (i.e. attribute related props)

An attribute is called instancePositions or positions, instanceColors or colors, etc. The property associated with that attribute is called getPosition, getColor etc: the attribute name with instance and the plural removed.

Such property is called an accessor. Its value must be a function, in which case it is applied to every element in data to extract the data.

The updateTrigger for that accessor is named after the accessor: getColor, getPosition.

Naming rules for props that control uniforms

A property that controls shader uniforms should typically be named the same as the uniform it intends to set. A uniform related property typically takes only one value (either a number or a short array)

Naming rules for "Modifier" props (Scale/Offset)

Special care should be applied when naming a uniform that modifies an attribute (e.g. as a multiplier, or additive element), to ensure that the semantics of the property is easily understood by the user.

  • Naming For some well-known modifier concepts, like opacity (which modifies the fourth component of the value returned by the getColor accessor), it is natural to stay with the well-accepted term.

  • Naming Otherwise it is recommended to use a composite noun that indicates that the attribute in question is being modified. We use the ...Scale suffix for multiplicative modifiers and ...Offset suffix for additive modifier props (e.g: radiusScale, or elevationOffset).

  • Justification Carefully consider if the layer really needs a modifier. Is the use case common enough that it makes sense, or is there another way to achieve the same effect.

  • Documentation Extra care must be taken with documentation to make sure that the layer user understands the interaction between the modifying props and accessors (E.g. getRadius vs. radiusScale), as well as the making clear what units the value being scaled is in (meters etc.)

  • Default values Unless with exceptional and well-documented reasons, multiplicative props (e.g. radiusScale) should always default to 1, and additive props to 0.

Naming rules for props that control "sizes"

  • Screen Space Any prop that defines an extent or distance in screen space pixels should have the suffix Pixels, e.g. widthPixels, radiusMinPixels, unless the prop has a name that clearly indicates that the unit is pixels, such as strokeWidth, i.e. stroke is generally assumed to be in pixels.
  • World Space Any prop that defines an extent or distance in world space is named without a suffix (e.g. width, radius). In cartographic projection modes, world space distances will be interpreted in meters according to the local projection scale in other projection modes world space distances will be taken as unit coordinates.

Naming rules for groups of uniform-related props

  • If a set of uniforms belong to a certain module, it's a common practice to have them come with a common prefix or suffix (e. g. lightDirection, lightColorAmbient, lightColorDirectional, …)
  • If a set of uniforms belong to the same module/effect, it could make sense to package them into a single settings object. (e. g. lightSettings)

Alignment of property naming between layers

It is important that properties are consistent between layers, especially between layers in a layer group, as this can dramatically affect the user's ability to learn and work with

Naming of updateTriggers

Update triggers should be named the same as the accessor property for the vertex attribute.

The attribute manager now accepts an accessor field that can be a string or an array of strings - these will be automatically be used as update triggers for that attribute.

new Layer({
  updateTriggers: {
    getColor: {...},
    instanceColors: {...}  // deprecated, backwards compatibility