The section outlines the development toolchain for Landing Zone Accelerator.
- NodeJS 14.x or above - NodeJS must be installed on your system
- AWS CDK CLI - AWS CDK tookit CLI must be installed via NPM
- Yarn - Yarn dependency manager must be installed via NPM
- aws-cdk-lib - AWS CDK library
- constructs - AWS constructs library
- esbuild - used to package and minify JavaScript code
- eslint - used to provide rules for code quality
- jest - unit testing framework
- jsii - allows code in any language to naturally interact with JavaScript classes
- lerna - used to manage the multiple packages in the project
- ts-node - execution environment for TypeScript
- typedoc - used to document libraries built for the accelerator
- typescript - project is written in TypeScript
- @types/jest - TypeScript type definitions for jest unit testing framework
- @types/node - TypeScript type definitions for NodeJS
- @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin - TypeScript plugin for eslint
- @typescript-eslint/parser - allows eslint to parse TypeScript code
- eslint-config-prettier - turns off all rules that are unnecessary or might conflict with Prettier
- eslint-plugin-jest - jest plugin for eslint
- eslint-plugin-prettier - runs Prettier as an ESLint rule and reports differences as individual ESLint issues
- fs-extra - adds file system methods that aren't included in the native fs module and adds promise support to the fs methods
- jest-junit - A Jest reporter that creates compatible junit xml files
- jsii-pacmak - Generates ready-to-publish language-specific packages for jsii modules
- ts-jest - A Jest transformer with source map support that lets you use Jest to test projects written in TypeScript
The Landing Zone Accelerator CDK application is invoked using a custom-built implementation of the CDK toolkit. The implementation has additional context option flags that can be used to target pipeline stages, specific accounts, and other attributes. Users can invoke the accelerator pipeline stages locally using this CLI, or programmatically in sequence by running AWSAccelerator-Pipeline. Invoking stages locally can speed up development cycles by enabling developers to focus on deployment of a single stage, or help more advanced users of the solution to quickly deploy targeted updates to an environment.
Before using the CLI:
- Ensure you have credentials for your accelerator management account set as environment variables or as an AWS CLI profile
- Change your local working directory (starting from the root directory of the project):
cd source/packages/\@aws-accelerator/accelerator
⚠️ Local use of the CLI should be used with caution. Configuration changes deployed via this method do not have an approval/diff gate by default. You can add an approval gate to deploy operations by appending the following option:--require-approval any-change
Example usage of the CLI:
yarn run ts-node --transpile-only cdk.ts <toolkit_command> <options>
Native toolkit commands and options can be found in the AWS CDK Toolkit reference.
Accelerator-specific context options:
The AWS account ID to deploy the pipeline stage
The local directory where the accelerator configuration files are stored
The AWS partition to deploy the pipeline stage
The AWS region to deploy the pipeline stage
The pipeline stage to deploy. Stage names can be found in the accelerator-stage.ts file.
Example synth command:
yarn run ts-node --transpile-only cdk.ts synth --stage operations --config-dir /path/to/aws-accelerator-config/ --partition aws --region us-east-1 --account <REDACTED>
Example deploy command:
yarn run ts-node --transpile-only cdk.ts deploy --stage network-vpc --require-approval any-change --config-dir /path/to/aws-accelerator-config/ --partition aws --region us-east-1 --account <REDACTED>
The accelerator has a helper script that runs config validation on a provided configuration directory. This script is run during the Build stage of the pipeline, but may also be run locally if the development toolchain is installed.
Example usage of the CLI:
yarn run ts-node --transpile-only config-validator.ts /path/to/aws-accelerator-config/
Alternative syntax:
yarn validate-config /path/to/aws-accelerator-config/
Several helper scripts are built into the project that support performing common actions across the monorepo. These scripts are contained within ./source/package.json.
When scripts are run from the ./source directory, the scope is the entire monorepo. They can also be run for each package under their respective directories.
yarn build
- compiles TypeScript code into JavaScriptyarn cleanup
- removes compiled TypeScript code, Node modules, and other build artifacts from the local repoyarn cleanup:tsc
- removes only compiled TypeScript codeyarn docs
- generate TypeDocsyarn install
- install package dependenciesyarn lint
- run ESLintyarn prettier
- run Prettieryarn test
- run unit testsyarn test:clean
- remove test reportsyarn validate-config /path/to/aws-accelerator-config
- shorthand for the configuration validator script documented in the previous section