Show when dependencies are not installed
PW's not working mods
Pause while running
Add better VR support by customizing the MCM menu when you're in VR!
Set verbosity (whether messages show up )
Cancel while running
Choose whether to run a step or not!
Choose a BATCH of steps to run!
Look into supporting MCMs which were built using MCM Helper (reportedly these don't work)
Trigger automatically via SKSE
Autorun after RaceMenu close
Welcome Message
Complete Message
Extract all global functions to a private API (keep them there for now)
Track the Nth cuz that's cool
Trigger automatically via autorun: true
BUG When you record but there are no recordings it still says 'Choose a recording' - also DISABLE this text
Show console messages for recording actions (and play actions!)
Branch logic on VR and use PapyrusUtil for SSE <----
Keyboard shortcuts - include in the Recording.json
VR guestures - include in the Recording.json
Track the Nth index for selectors which have duplicates on the page
Can use SKSE mod events to run Recordings, Steps, or Actions
Can put recording name(s) into a config file which will AUTOMATICALLY run the recordings!
Can detect is a field is on the page easily (and get it)
TODO: MCM translation files
BUG: in VR when you click 'begin recording' if says 'Choose Recording To Play' even if there are none