#Your First Tabris JS App
Test Link: https://github.com/mrmccormack/tabris-gitbook/blob/master/testfromgithub.js
const {ui, ImageView, AlertDialog, Button} = require('tabris');
// example of images side by side - Matt.
const IMAGE_PATH = 'https://mrmccormack.github.io/imd-learning-tabris/images/';
const DICE_OFFSET = 30;
// long pressing will enable/disable cheatMode (doubles to roll all the time)
let cheatMode = false;
let diceImage1 = new ImageView({
centerX: -DICE_OFFSET,
image: IMAGE_PATH + '6.png'
let diceImage2 = new ImageView({
image: IMAGE_PATH + '1.png'
// event outsite create new
diceImage1.on('tap', () => {
console.log ('diceImage1');
if (cheatMode) {
var rand = 1 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 6);
diceImage1.image = IMAGE_PATH + rand + '.png';
diceImage2.image = IMAGE_PATH + rand + '.png';
} else {
var rand = 1 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 6);
diceImage1.image = IMAGE_PATH + rand + '.png';
var rand = 1 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 6);
diceImage2.image = IMAGE_PATH + rand + '.png';
diceImage2.on('tap', () => {
console.log ('diceImage2');
if (cheatMode) {
var rand = 1 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 6);
diceImage1.image = IMAGE_PATH + rand + '.png';
diceImage2.image = IMAGE_PATH + rand + '.png';
} else {
var rand = 1 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 6);
diceImage1.image = IMAGE_PATH + rand + '.png';
var rand = 1 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 6);
diceImage2.image = IMAGE_PATH + rand + '.png';
diceImage1.on('longpress', () => {
console.log ('Entering Cheat Mode - Good luck');
cheatMode = true; // toggle ???
diceImage2.on('longpress', () => {
console.log ('Leaving Cheat Mode - Good luck');
cheatMode = false; // toggle ???
let btnShowDice = new Button({
centerX: 0,
top: 'prev() 10',
text: 'Show / Hide dice'
.on('select', () => {
diceImage1.visible = !diceImage1.visible;
diceImage2.visible = !diceImage2.visible;
let btnOpacityDice = new Button({
centerX: 0,
top: 'prev() 10',
text: 'Change Opacity'
.on('select', () => {
diceImage1.opacity = 0.5;