There are two way of bootstraping home:
- Anonymous home:
- The idea is to deploy tools and configs quickly, wihtout the need of traking changes
- Ideally this deployments requires only public repositories
- Footprint should be minimal
- Ideally this deployment is generic and agnostic
- Own home:
- The idea is to create your own workspace, with your favorite tools and configs.
- This deployement should requires public tools and private repos (for personal or secrets)
- Footprint is here, but things are correctly organized
- This deployment is opiniated and can be quite complex
Depending the deployment the idea is to always be DRY, so the Own home
deployment should be achivable from the Anonymouse home
- Tools:
- Install any programs from an extensible list of plugins.
- This provides access to a large collection of programs
- Provides:
- direnv
- go-task
- Provides hook mechanism for shell (bash for now)
- Provides an install API: completion, man, bin, PATH, symlink, shell_init shell_logout shell_interactive
- Tools:
- yadm
- Scope: Home files and template, bootstrap script
- yadm
- Opinion tools:
- idmgr
- dot/ellipsis:
- Manage shell file deployemnt on a module basis
- Install and manage packages for Home Apps:
- asdf
- Sourced: ???
- mise
- Sourced: App only
- asdf
- Install and manage Shell configs:
- ellipisis
- Sourced: ??
- dot
- Sourced: ??
- basher
- Sourced: NO
- Inject itself in bashrc in it's install script
- Only simple packages, but anything can be a package dependning
- Code is complex
- Packages
- Installation:
- PATH: Add shim path: export PATH="$HOME/.basher/bin:$PATH" ##$basher_keyword
- SHELL: eval "$(basher init - $shell_type)\ ##$basher_keyword
- ./bin/basher init - bash *
- ellipisis
43 echo "export PATH="$HOME/.basher/bin:$PATH" ##$basher_keyword" 44 # shellcheck disable=SC2086 45 echo "eval "$(basher init - $shell_type)" ##$basher_keyword"
- bpkg
- Sourced: NOPE (
- Install and manage Home files:
- yadm
- Sourced: Yes if placed to specific paths
- vcsh
- Sourced: Yes if placed to specific paths
- yadm