diff --git a/src/compilerlib/dune b/src/compilerlib/dune
index 8a8acde4..d0cd6229 100644
--- a/src/compilerlib/dune
+++ b/src/compilerlib/dune
@@ -13,9 +13,10 @@
pb_codegen_make pb_codegen_encode_binary pb_codegen_encode_bs
pb_codegen_encode_yojson pb_codegen_formatting pb_codegen_ocaml_type_dump
pb_codegen_ocaml_type pb_codegen_pp pb_codegen_plugin pb_codegen_types
- pb_codegen_services pb_codegen_util pb_exception pb_field_type pb_location
- pb_logger pb_option pb_raw_option pb_parsing pb_parsing_lexer
- pb_parsing_parser pb_parsing_parse_tree pb_parsing_util pb_typing_graph
- pb_typing pb_typing_recursion pb_typing_resolution pb_typing_type_tree
- pb_typing_util pb_typing_validation pb_util pb_format_util)
+ Pb_codegen_decode_pb_options pb_codegen_services pb_codegen_util
+ pb_exception pb_field_type pb_location pb_logger pb_option pb_raw_option
+ pb_parsing pb_parsing_lexer pb_parsing_parser pb_parsing_parse_tree
+ pb_parsing_util pb_typing_graph pb_typing pb_typing_recursion
+ pb_typing_resolution pb_typing_type_tree pb_typing_util
+ pb_typing_validation pb_util pb_format_util)
(libraries stdlib-shims))
diff --git a/src/compilerlib/pb_codegen_decode_pb_options.ml b/src/compilerlib/pb_codegen_decode_pb_options.ml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5278ea4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compilerlib/pb_codegen_decode_pb_options.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+module Ot = Pb_codegen_ocaml_type
+module F = Pb_codegen_formatting
+let sp = Pb_codegen_util.sp
+let field_pattern_match ~r_name ~rf_label field_type =
+ match field_type with
+ | Ot.Ft_basic_type bt ->
+ let decode runtime_f =
+ sp "Pbrt_pb_options.%s pb_options_value \"%s\" \"%s\"" runtime_f r_name
+ rf_label
+ in
+ let exp =
+ match bt with
+ | Ot.Bt_string -> decode "string"
+ | Ot.Bt_float -> decode "float"
+ | Ot.Bt_int -> decode "int"
+ | Ot.Bt_int32 -> decode "int32"
+ | Ot.Bt_int64 -> decode "int64"
+ | Ot.Bt_uint32 -> sp "`unsigned (%s)" (decode "int32")
+ | Ot.Bt_uint64 -> sp "`unsigned (%s)" (decode "int64")
+ | Ot.Bt_bool -> decode "bool"
+ | Ot.Bt_bytes -> decode "bytes"
+ in
+ "pb_options_value", exp
+ | Ot.Ft_unit ->
+ ( "pb_options_value",
+ sp "Pbrt_pb_options.unit pb_options_value \"%s\" \"%s\"" r_name rf_label )
+ | Ot.Ft_user_defined_type udt ->
+ let f_name =
+ let function_prefix = "decode_pb_options" in
+ Pb_codegen_util.function_name_of_user_defined ~function_prefix udt
+ in
+ let value_expression = "(" ^ f_name ^ " pb_options_value)" in
+ "pb_options_value", value_expression
+ | _ -> assert false
+let pb_options_label_of_field_label rf_label =
+ match rf_label with
+ | "and_" | "as_" | "assert_" | "begin_" | "class_" | "constraint_" | "do_"
+ | "done_" | "downto_" | "else_" | "end_" | "exception_" | "external_"
+ | "false_" | "for_" | "fun_" | "function_" | "functor_" | "if_" | "in_"
+ | "include_" | "inherit_" | "initializer_" | "lazy_" | "let_" | "match_"
+ | "method_" | "module_" | "mutable_" | "new_" | "nonrec_" | "object_" | "of_"
+ | "open_" | "or_" | "private_" | "rec_" | "sig_" | "struct_" | "then_" | "to_"
+ | "true_" | "try_" | "type_" | "unit_" | "val_" | "virtual_" | "when_"
+ | "while_" | "with_" | "mod_" | "land_" | "lor_" | "lxor_" | "lsl_" | "lsr_"
+ | "asr_" ->
+ String.sub rf_label 0 (String.length rf_label - 1)
+ | _ -> rf_label
+(* Generate all the pattern matches for a record field *)
+let gen_rft_nolabel sc ~r_name ~rf_label (field_type, _, _) =
+ let pb_options_label = pb_options_label_of_field_label rf_label in
+ let match_variable_name, exp =
+ field_pattern_match ~r_name ~rf_label field_type
+ in
+ F.linep sc "| (\"%s\", %s) -> " pb_options_label match_variable_name;
+ F.linep sc " v.%s <- %s" rf_label exp
+(* Generate all the pattern matches for a repeated field *)
+let gen_rft_repeated_field sc ~r_name ~rf_label repeated_field =
+ let _, field_type, _, _, _ = repeated_field in
+ let pb_options_label = pb_options_label_of_field_label rf_label in
+ F.linep sc
+ "| (\"%s\", Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.List_literal l) -> begin"
+ pb_options_label;
+ F.sub_scope sc (fun sc ->
+ F.linep sc "v.%s <- List.map (function" rf_label;
+ let match_variable_name, exp =
+ field_pattern_match ~r_name ~rf_label field_type
+ in
+ F.linep sc " | %s -> %s" match_variable_name exp;
+ F.line sc ") l;");
+ F.line sc "end"
+let gen_rft_optional_field sc ~r_name ~rf_label optional_field =
+ let field_type, _, _, _ = optional_field in
+ let pb_options_label = pb_options_label_of_field_label rf_label in
+ let match_variable_name, exp =
+ field_pattern_match ~r_name ~rf_label field_type
+ in
+ F.linep sc "| (\"%s\", %s) -> " pb_options_label match_variable_name;
+ F.linep sc " v.%s <- Some (%s)" rf_label exp
+(* Generate pattern match for a variant field *)
+let gen_rft_variant_field sc ~r_name ~rf_label { Ot.v_constructors; _ } =
+ List.iter
+ (fun { Ot.vc_constructor; vc_field_type; _ } ->
+ let pb_options_label =
+ Pb_codegen_util.camel_case_of_constructor vc_constructor
+ in
+ match vc_field_type with
+ | Ot.Vct_nullary ->
+ F.linep sc "| (\"%s\", _) -> v.%s <- Some %s" pb_options_label rf_label
+ vc_constructor
+ | Ot.Vct_non_nullary_constructor field_type ->
+ let match_variable_name, exp =
+ field_pattern_match ~r_name ~rf_label field_type
+ in
+ F.linep sc "| (\"%s\", %s) -> " pb_options_label match_variable_name;
+ F.linep sc " v.%s <- Some (%s (%s))" rf_label vc_constructor exp)
+ v_constructors
+let gen_rft_assoc_field sc ~r_name ~rf_label ~assoc_type ~key_type ~value_type =
+ let pb_options_label = pb_options_label_of_field_label rf_label in
+ F.linep sc
+ "| (\"%s\", Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.Message_literal assoc) ->"
+ pb_options_label;
+ F.sub_scope sc (fun sc ->
+ let value_name, value_exp =
+ field_pattern_match ~r_name ~rf_label value_type
+ in
+ let key_name = "key" in
+ let key_exp =
+ match key_type with
+ | Ot.Bt_string -> "key"
+ | Ot.Bt_int -> "(Int.of_string key)"
+ | Ot.Bt_int32 -> "(Int32.of_string key)"
+ | Ot.Bt_int64 -> "(Int64.of_string key)"
+ | Ot.Bt_uint32 -> "(`unsigned (Int32.of_string key))"
+ | Ot.Bt_uint64 -> "(`unsigned (Int64.of_string key))"
+ | Ot.Bt_bool -> "(Bool.of_string key)"
+ | Ot.Bt_float ->
+ Printf.eprintf "float cannot be used as a map key type";
+ exit 1
+ | Ot.Bt_bytes ->
+ Printf.eprintf "bytes cannot be used as a map key type";
+ exit 1
+ in
+ F.line sc "let assoc =";
+ F.sub_scope sc (fun sc ->
+ F.line sc "assoc";
+ F.linep sc "|> List.map (fun (%s, %s) -> (%s, %s)) " key_name
+ value_name key_exp value_exp;
+ F.line sc "|> List.to_seq";
+ (* Passing through [Hashtbl.of_seq] even in the [At_list] case ensures that if there
+ is a repeated key we take the last value associated with it. *)
+ F.line sc "|> Hashtbl.of_seq");
+ F.line sc "in";
+ let assoc_exp =
+ match assoc_type with
+ | Ot.At_hashtable -> "assoc"
+ | Ot.At_list -> "assoc |> Hashtbl.to_seq |> List.of_seq"
+ in
+ F.linep sc "v.%s <- %s" rf_label assoc_exp)
+(* Generate decode function for a record *)
+let gen_record ?and_ { Ot.r_name; r_fields } sc =
+ let mutable_record_name = Pb_codegen_util.mutable_record_name r_name in
+ F.line sc
+ @@ sp "%s decode_pb_options_%s d ="
+ (Pb_codegen_util.let_decl_of_and and_)
+ r_name;
+ F.sub_scope sc (fun sc ->
+ F.linep sc "let v = default_%s () in" mutable_record_name;
+ F.line sc @@ "let assoc = match d with";
+ F.line sc
+ @@ " | Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.Message_literal assoc -> \
+ assoc";
+ F.line sc @@ " | _ -> assert(false)";
+ (* TODO raise E *)
+ F.line sc @@ "in";
+ F.line sc "List.iter (function ";
+ F.sub_scope sc (fun sc ->
+ (* Generate pattern match for all the possible message field *)
+ List.iter
+ (fun { Ot.rf_label; rf_field_type; _ } ->
+ match rf_field_type with
+ | Ot.Rft_nolabel nolabel_field ->
+ gen_rft_nolabel sc ~r_name ~rf_label nolabel_field
+ | Ot.Rft_repeated repeated_field ->
+ gen_rft_repeated_field sc ~r_name ~rf_label repeated_field
+ | Ot.Rft_variant variant_field ->
+ gen_rft_variant_field sc ~r_name ~rf_label variant_field
+ | Ot.Rft_optional optional_field ->
+ gen_rft_optional_field sc ~r_name ~rf_label optional_field
+ | Ot.Rft_required _ ->
+ Printf.eprintf
+ "Only proto3 syntax supported in pb_options encoding";
+ exit 1
+ | Ot.Rft_associative
+ (assoc_type, _, (key_type, _), (value_type, _)) ->
+ gen_rft_assoc_field sc ~r_name ~rf_label ~assoc_type ~key_type
+ ~value_type)
+ r_fields;
+ (* Unknown fields are simply ignored *)
+ F.empty_line sc;
+ F.line sc "| (_, _) -> () (*Unknown fields are ignored*)");
+ F.line sc ") assoc;";
+ (* Transform the mutable record in an immutable one *)
+ F.line sc "({";
+ F.sub_scope sc (fun sc ->
+ List.iter
+ (fun { Ot.rf_label; _ } ->
+ F.linep sc "%s = v.%s;" rf_label rf_label)
+ r_fields);
+ F.linep sc "} : %s)" r_name)
+(* Generate decode function for an empty record *)
+let gen_unit ?and_ { Ot.er_name } sc =
+ F.line sc
+ @@ sp "%s decode_pb_options_%s d ="
+ (Pb_codegen_util.let_decl_of_and and_)
+ er_name;
+ F.line sc (sp "Pbrt_pb_options.unit d \"%s\" \"%s\"" er_name "empty record")
+(* Generate decode function for a variant type *)
+let gen_variant ?and_ { Ot.v_name; v_constructors } sc =
+ (* helper function for each constructor case *)
+ let process_v_constructor sc { Ot.vc_constructor; vc_field_type; _ } =
+ let pb_options_label =
+ Pb_codegen_util.camel_case_of_constructor vc_constructor
+ in
+ match vc_field_type with
+ | Ot.Vct_nullary ->
+ F.linep sc "| (\"%s\", _)::_-> (%s : %s)" pb_options_label vc_constructor
+ v_name
+ | Ot.Vct_non_nullary_constructor field_type ->
+ let match_, exp =
+ let r_name = v_name and rf_label = vc_constructor in
+ field_pattern_match ~r_name ~rf_label field_type
+ in
+ F.linep sc "| (\"%s\", %s)::_ -> " pb_options_label match_;
+ F.linep sc " (%s (%s) : %s)" vc_constructor exp v_name
+ in
+ F.linep sc "%s decode_pb_options_%s pb_options ="
+ (Pb_codegen_util.let_decl_of_and and_)
+ v_name;
+ F.sub_scope sc (fun sc ->
+ (* even though a variant should be an object with a single field,
+ * it is possible other fields are present in the pb_options object. Therefore
+ * we still need a loop to iterate over the key/value, even if in 99.99%
+ * of the cases it will be a single iteration *)
+ F.line sc "let assoc = match pb_options with";
+ F.line sc
+ " | Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.Message_literal assoc -> assoc";
+ F.line sc " | _ -> assert(false)";
+ (* TODO raise E *)
+ F.line sc "in";
+ F.line sc "let rec loop = function";
+ F.sub_scope sc (fun sc ->
+ (* termination condition *)
+ F.linep sc "| [] -> Pbrt_pb_options.E.malformed_variant \"%s\"" v_name;
+ List.iter (process_v_constructor sc) v_constructors;
+ F.empty_line sc;
+ F.line sc "| _ :: tl -> loop tl");
+ F.line sc "in";
+ F.line sc "loop assoc")
+let gen_const_variant ?and_ { Ot.cv_name; cv_constructors } sc =
+ F.linep sc "%s decode_pb_options_%s pb_options ="
+ (Pb_codegen_util.let_decl_of_and and_)
+ cv_name;
+ F.sub_scope sc (fun sc ->
+ F.line sc "match pb_options with";
+ List.iter
+ (fun { Ot.cvc_name; cvc_string_value; _ } ->
+ F.linep sc
+ "| Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.Scalar_value \
+ (Constant_literal \"%s\") -> (%s : %s)"
+ cvc_string_value cvc_name cv_name)
+ cv_constructors;
+ F.linep sc "| _ -> Pbrt_pb_options.E.malformed_variant \"%s\"" cv_name)
+let gen_struct ?and_ t sc =
+ let { Ot.spec; _ } = t in
+ let has_encoded =
+ match spec with
+ | Ot.Record r ->
+ gen_record ?and_ r sc;
+ true
+ | Ot.Variant v ->
+ gen_variant ?and_ v sc;
+ true
+ | Ot.Const_variant v ->
+ gen_const_variant ?and_ v sc;
+ true
+ | Ot.Unit u ->
+ gen_unit ?and_ u sc;
+ true
+ in
+ has_encoded
+let gen_sig ?and_ t sc =
+ let _ = and_ in
+ let { Ot.spec; _ } = t in
+ let f type_name =
+ F.linep sc
+ "val decode_pb_options_%s : Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.value -> \
+ %s"
+ type_name type_name;
+ F.linep sc
+ ("(** [decode_pb_options_%s decoder] decodes a "
+ ^^ "[%s] value from [decoder] *)")
+ type_name type_name
+ in
+ match spec with
+ | Ot.Record { Ot.r_name; _ } ->
+ f r_name;
+ true
+ | Ot.Variant { Ot.v_name; _ } ->
+ f v_name;
+ true
+ | Ot.Const_variant { Ot.cv_name; _ } ->
+ f cv_name;
+ true
+ | Ot.Unit { Ot.er_name; _ } ->
+ f er_name;
+ true
+let ocamldoc_title = "Pb_option.set Decoding"
+let requires_mutable_records = true
+let plugin : Pb_codegen_plugin.t =
+ let module P = struct
+ let gen_sig = gen_sig
+ let gen_struct = gen_struct
+ let ocamldoc_title = ocamldoc_title
+ let requires_mutable_records = requires_mutable_records
+ end in
+ (module P)
diff --git a/src/compilerlib/pb_codegen_decode_pb_options.mli b/src/compilerlib/pb_codegen_decode_pb_options.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6f01a688
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compilerlib/pb_codegen_decode_pb_options.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+(** Code generator to decode messages from protobuf message options *)
+include Pb_codegen_plugin.S
+val plugin : Pb_codegen_plugin.t
diff --git a/src/ocaml-protoc/ocaml_protoc_cmdline.ml b/src/ocaml-protoc/ocaml_protoc_cmdline.ml
index d33a0141..f665f04a 100644
--- a/src/ocaml-protoc/ocaml_protoc_cmdline.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml-protoc/ocaml_protoc_cmdline.ml
@@ -114,6 +114,8 @@ module Cmdline = struct
pp: bool ref; (** whether pretty printing is enabled *)
dump_type_repr: bool ref;
(** whether comments with debug ocaml type representation are added *)
+ pb_options: bool ref;
+ (** generate decoding for protobuf options (protobuf text format) *)
services: bool ref; (** whether services code generation is enabled *)
make: bool ref; (** whether to generate "make" functions *)
mutable cmd_line_file_options: File_options.t;
@@ -134,6 +136,7 @@ module Cmdline = struct
bs = ref false;
pp = ref false;
dump_type_repr = ref false;
+ pb_options = ref false;
services = ref false;
make = ref false;
cmd_line_file_options = File_options.make ();
@@ -150,6 +153,9 @@ module Cmdline = struct
Arg.Set t.dump_type_repr,
" generate comments with internal representation on generated OCaml \
types (useful for debugging ocaml-protoc itself)" );
+ ( "--pb_options",
+ Arg.Set t.pb_options,
+ " generate decoders for protobuf options (proto text format)" );
( "--services",
Arg.Set t.services,
" generate code for services (requires json+binary)" );
diff --git a/src/ocaml-protoc/ocaml_protoc_generation.ml b/src/ocaml-protoc/ocaml_protoc_generation.ml
index a1cc999b..e7d55a2f 100644
--- a/src/ocaml-protoc/ocaml_protoc_generation.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml-protoc/ocaml_protoc_generation.ml
@@ -60,6 +60,10 @@ let generate_code ocaml_types ~proto_file_options cmdline : unit =
[ Pb_codegen_ocaml_type_dump.plugin ]
+ (if !(cmdline.Cmdline.pb_options) then
+ [ Pb_codegen_decode_pb_options.plugin ]
+ else
+ []);
(if !(cmdline.Cmdline.pp) then
[ Pb_codegen_pp.plugin ]
diff --git a/src/runtime-pb-options/dune b/src/runtime-pb-options/dune
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f62703c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/runtime-pb-options/dune
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ (name pbrt_pb_options)
+ (public_name ocaml-protoc.rt-pb-options)
+ (wrapped false)
+ (libraries
+ (re_export ocaml-protoc.compiler-lib)))
diff --git a/src/runtime-pb-options/pbrt_pb_options.ml b/src/runtime-pb-options/pbrt_pb_options.ml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2bdd18ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/runtime-pb-options/pbrt_pb_options.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+module E = struct
+ type error =
+ | Unexpected_option_type of string * string
+ | Malformed_variant of string
+ exception Failure of error
+ let unexpected_option_type record_name field_name =
+ raise (Failure (Unexpected_option_type (record_name, field_name)))
+ let malformed_variant variant_name =
+ raise (Failure (Malformed_variant variant_name))
+ let string_of_error = function
+ | Unexpected_option_type (record_name, field_name) ->
+ Printf.sprintf "Unexpected option type (record name:%s, field_name:%s)"
+ record_name field_name
+ | Malformed_variant variant_name ->
+ Printf.sprintf "Malformed variant (variant name: %s)" variant_name
+ let () =
+ Printexc.register_printer (fun exn ->
+ match exn with
+ | Failure e -> Some (string_of_error e)
+ | _ -> None)
+open Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib
+let unescape_string str =
+ let buffer = Buffer.create (String.length str) in
+ let rec aux i =
+ if i < String.length str then (
+ match str.[i] with
+ | '\\' ->
+ (match str.[i + 1] with
+ | 'a' ->
+ Buffer.add_char buffer '\007';
+ aux (i + 2)
+ | 'b' ->
+ Buffer.add_char buffer '\b';
+ aux (i + 2)
+ | 'f' ->
+ Buffer.add_char buffer '\012';
+ aux (i + 2)
+ | 'n' ->
+ Buffer.add_char buffer '\n';
+ aux (i + 2)
+ | 'r' ->
+ Buffer.add_char buffer '\r';
+ aux (i + 2)
+ | 't' ->
+ Buffer.add_char buffer '\t';
+ aux (i + 2)
+ | 'v' ->
+ Buffer.add_char buffer '\011';
+ aux (i + 2)
+ | '?' ->
+ Buffer.add_char buffer '?';
+ aux (i + 2)
+ | '\\' ->
+ Buffer.add_char buffer '\\';
+ aux (i + 2)
+ | '\'' ->
+ Buffer.add_char buffer '\'';
+ aux (i + 2)
+ | '"' ->
+ Buffer.add_char buffer '"';
+ aux (i + 2)
+ | 'x' ->
+ (* handle hexadecimal escape *)
+ let hex = String.sub str (i + 2) 2 in
+ Buffer.add_char buffer (Char.chr (int_of_string ("0x" ^ hex)));
+ aux (i + 4)
+ | 'u' ->
+ (* handle Unicode escape with 4 hex digits *)
+ let unicode = String.sub str (i + 2) 4 in
+ Buffer.add_char buffer (Char.chr (int_of_string ("0x" ^ unicode)));
+ aux (i + 6)
+ | 'U' ->
+ (* handle Unicode escape with 5 hex digits *)
+ let unicode = String.sub str (i + 2) 5 in
+ Buffer.add_char buffer (Char.chr (int_of_string ("0x" ^ unicode)));
+ aux (i + 7)
+ | c when c >= '0' && c <= '7' ->
+ (* handle octal escape *)
+ let end_idx = min (i + 4) (String.length str) in
+ let rec find_octal_end idx =
+ if idx < end_idx && str.[idx] >= '0' && str.[idx] <= '7' then
+ find_octal_end (idx + 1)
+ else
+ idx
+ in
+ let octal_end = find_octal_end (i + 2) in
+ let octal = String.sub str (i + 1) (octal_end - i - 1) in
+ Buffer.add_char buffer (Char.chr (int_of_string ("0o" ^ octal)));
+ aux octal_end
+ | c -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "Invalid escape sequence: \\%c" c))
+ | c ->
+ Buffer.add_char buffer c;
+ aux (i + 1)
+ )
+ in
+ aux 0;
+ Buffer.contents buffer
+let int32 v record_name field_name =
+ match v with
+ | Pb_option.Scalar_value (Constant_float v) -> Int32.of_float v
+ | Pb_option.Scalar_value (Constant_int v) -> Int32.of_int v
+ | _ -> E.unexpected_option_type record_name field_name
+let float v record_name field_name =
+ match v with
+ | Pb_option.Scalar_value (Constant_float v) -> v
+ | Pb_option.Scalar_value (Constant_int v) -> float_of_int v
+ | _ -> E.unexpected_option_type record_name field_name
+let int64 v record_name field_name =
+ match v with
+ | Pb_option.Scalar_value (Constant_float v) -> Int64.of_float v
+ | Pb_option.Scalar_value (Constant_int v) -> Int64.of_int v
+ | _ -> E.unexpected_option_type record_name field_name
+let int v record_name field_name =
+ match v with
+ | Pb_option.Scalar_value (Constant_float v) -> int_of_float v
+ | Pb_option.Scalar_value (Constant_int v) -> v
+ | _ -> E.unexpected_option_type record_name field_name
+let string v record_name field_name =
+ match v with
+ | Pb_option.Scalar_value (Constant_string v) -> unescape_string v
+ | _ -> E.unexpected_option_type record_name field_name
+let bool v record_name field_name =
+ match v with
+ | Pb_option.Scalar_value (Constant_bool v) -> v
+ | _ -> E.unexpected_option_type record_name field_name
+let bytes v record_name field_name =
+ string v record_name field_name |> Bytes.of_string
+let unit v record_name field_name =
+ match v with
+ | Pb_option.Message_literal [] -> ()
+ | _ -> E.unexpected_option_type record_name field_name
diff --git a/src/runtime-pb-options/pbrt_pb_options.mli b/src/runtime-pb-options/pbrt_pb_options.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..062dff7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/runtime-pb-options/pbrt_pb_options.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+(** Protobuf JSON encoding runtime *)
+(** All exception which could be raised by the generated JSON encoder
+ and decode function *)
+module E : sig
+ type error =
+ | Unexpected_option_type of string * string
+ | Malformed_variant of string
+ exception Failure of error
+ (** Decoding/Encoding failure *)
+ val unexpected_option_type : string -> string -> 'a
+ (** [unexpected_option_type record_name field_name] raises
+ [Failure (Unexpected_json_type (record_name, field_name))] *)
+ val malformed_variant : string -> 'a
+ (** [malformed_variant variant_name] raise
+ [Failure (Malformed_variant variant_name)] *)
+open Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib
+(** Helper module for the generated code for common
+ functionality *)
+val string : Pb_option.value -> string -> string -> string
+val float : Pb_option.value -> string -> string -> float
+val int32 : Pb_option.value -> string -> string -> int32
+val int64 : Pb_option.value -> string -> string -> int64
+val int : Pb_option.value -> string -> string -> int
+val bool : Pb_option.value -> string -> string -> bool
+val bytes : Pb_option.value -> string -> string -> bytes
+val unit : Pb_option.value -> string -> string -> unit
diff --git a/src/tests/expectation/dune b/src/tests/expectation/dune
index 0912187d..75676633 100644
--- a/src/tests/expectation/dune
+++ b/src/tests/expectation/dune
@@ -12,6 +12,20 @@
(package ocaml-protoc)
(flags :standard -open Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib))
+ (name it_compiles)
+ (modules It_compiles Option_processing)
+ (libraries pbrt ocaml-protoc.compiler-lib)
+ (package ocaml-protoc)
+ (flags :standard -open Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib))
+ (name test_decode_pb_options)
+ (libraries pbrt ocaml-protoc.compiler-lib ocaml-protoc.rt-pb-options)
+ (package ocaml-protoc)
+ (flags :standard -open Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib)
+ (modules Test_decode_pb_options Validate))
(targets option_processing.ml option_processing.mli)
(deps option_processing.proto)
@@ -22,3 +36,14 @@
(alias runtest)
(diff option_processing.ml.expected option_processing.ml)))
+ (targets validate.ml validate.mli)
+ (deps validate.proto)
+ (action
+ (run ocaml-protoc --pb_options --pp --ml_out ./ %{deps})))
+ (alias runtest)
+ (action
+ (diff validate.ml.expected validate.ml)))
diff --git a/src/tests/expectation/it_compiles.ml b/src/tests/expectation/it_compiles.ml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..844e98a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tests/expectation/it_compiles.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+[@@@warning "-66"]
+open! Option_processing
diff --git a/src/tests/expectation/option_processing.ml.expected b/src/tests/expectation/option_processing.ml.expected
index 72bc09b8..95634a35 100644
--- a/src/tests/expectation/option_processing.ml.expected
+++ b/src/tests/expectation/option_processing.ml.expected
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ type person_location = {
lng : float;
-type person_id =
+type person_xyz =
| X of string
| Y of int32
| Z of float
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ and person = {
name : string;
home : person_location option;
picture : bytes;
- id : person_id option;
+ xyz : person_xyz option;
type destructured_options = unit
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ let rec default_person_location
-let rec default_person_id () : person_id = X ("")
+let rec default_person_xyz () : person_xyz = X ("")
and default_person
?id:((id:int64) = 0L)
@@ -45,14 +45,14 @@ and default_person
?name:((name:string) = "")
?home:((home:person_location option) = None)
?picture:((picture:bytes) = Bytes.create 0)
- ?id:((id:person_id option) = None)
+ ?xyz:((xyz:person_xyz option) = None)
() : person = {
- id;
+ xyz;
let rec default_destructured_options = ()
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ let rec default_destructured_options = ()
(* ----------------------------------------------------- *)
Module Prefix: Option_processing
- Variant: person_id
+ Variant: person_xyz
Constructor: X
Field Type: Vct_non_nullary_constructor: Ft_basic_type: Bt_string
@@ -166,8 +166,8 @@ let rec default_destructured_options = ()
- - Field: id
- Rft_variant: person_id
+ - Field: xyz
+ Rft_variant: person_xyz
Field options: [{
"(validate.required)": true
diff --git a/src/tests/expectation/option_processing.proto b/src/tests/expectation/option_processing.proto
index 8aae5c13..c7af9c19 100644
--- a/src/tests/expectation/option_processing.proto
+++ b/src/tests/expectation/option_processing.proto
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ message Person {
bytes picture = 5 [(validate.rules).bytes = {not_in: ["foo", "bar", "baz"]}];
- oneof id {
+ oneof xyz {
option (validate.required) = true;
string x = 6 [(validate.rules).string.prefix = "foo"];
diff --git a/src/tests/expectation/test_decode_pb_options.expected b/src/tests/expectation/test_decode_pb_options.expected
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..47bbcfd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tests/expectation/test_decode_pb_options.expected
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+====================== ======================
+ "(validate.rules)": {"uint64": {"gt": 999}}
+ }]
+===================== ======================
+======================= =======================
+{ message = None;
+ type_ = Some(Uint64({ const = None; lt = None; lte = None; gt = Some(999); gte = None; in_ = []; not_in = []; ignore_empty = None; }));
+====================== =======================
+====================== ======================
+ "(validate.rules)": {"string": {"email": true}}
+ }]
+===================== ======================
+======================= =======================
+{ message = None;
+ type_ =
+ Some(
+ String(
+ { const = None;
+ len = None;
+ min_len = None;
+ max_len = None;
+ len_bytes = None;
+ min_bytes = None;
+ max_bytes = None;
+ pattern = None;
+ prefix = None;
+ suffix = None;
+ contains = None;
+ not_contains = None;
+ in_ = [];
+ not_in = [];
+ well_known = Some(Email(true));
+ strict = Some(true);
+ ignore_empty = None;
+ }));
+====================== =======================
+====================== ======================
+ "(validate.rules)": {"string": {"pattern": "^[^[0-9]A-Za-z]+( [^[0-9]A-Za-z]+)*$",
+ "max_bytes": 256}}
+ }]
+===================== ======================
+======================= =======================
+{ message = None;
+ type_ =
+ Some(
+ String(
+ { const = None;
+ len = None;
+ min_len = None;
+ max_len = None;
+ len_bytes = None;
+ min_bytes = None;
+ max_bytes = Some(256);
+ pattern = Some("^[^[0-9]A-Za-z]+( [^[0-9]A-Za-z]+)*$");
+ prefix = None;
+ suffix = None;
+ contains = None;
+ not_contains = None;
+ in_ = [];
+ not_in = [];
+ well_known = None;
+ strict = Some(true);
+ ignore_empty = None;
+ }));
+====================== =======================
+====================== ======================
+ "(validate.rules)": {"message": {"required": true}}
+ }]
+===================== ======================
+======================= =======================
+{ message = Some({ skip = None; required = Some(true); }); type_ = None; }
+====================== =======================
diff --git a/src/tests/expectation/test_decode_pb_options.ml b/src/tests/expectation/test_decode_pb_options.ml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e36402b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tests/expectation/test_decode_pb_options.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+module E = Pb_exception
+module Pt = Pb_parsing_parse_tree
+let process_field_options ppf field =
+ let options =
+ field.Pt.field_options |> Pb_typing_validation.compile_options
+ in
+ if options <> Pb_option.empty then (
+ let parsed =
+ Pb_option.get_ext options "validate.rules"
+ |> Option.map Validate.decode_pb_options_field_rules
+ in
+ Format.fprintf ppf
+ "====================== \
+ ======================@.%a@.===================== \
+ ======================@.======================= \
+ =======================@.%a@.====================== \
+ =======================@.@.@."
+ Pb_option.pp_set options
+ (Format.pp_print_option Validate.pp_field_rules)
+ parsed;
+ ()
+ )
+let run proto =
+ let protos =
+ Pb_parsing.parse_file
+ (fun f ->
+ match f with
+ | "test.proto" -> f, proto
+ | _ -> f, "")
+ "test.proto"
+ in
+ let ppf = Format.std_formatter in
+ Format.set_margin 150;
+ protos
+ |> List.iter (fun proto ->
+ proto.Pt.messages
+ |> List.iter (fun message ->
+ message.Pt.message_body
+ |> List.iter (function
+ | Pt.Message_field field -> process_field_options ppf field
+ | _ -> ())))
+let test_cases =
+ [
+ {|
+ syntax = "proto3";
+ package examplepb;
+ import "validate/validate.proto";
+ message Person {
+ uint64 id = 1 [(validate.rules).uint64.gt = 999];
+ string email = 2 [(validate.rules).string.email = true];
+ string name = 3 [(validate.rules).string = {
+ pattern: "^[^[0-9]A-Za-z]+( [^[0-9]A-Za-z]+)*$",
+ max_bytes: 256,
+ }];
+ Location home = 4 [(validate.rules).message.required = true];
+ message Location {
+ double lat = 1 [(validate.rules).double = {gte: -90, lte: 90}];
+ double lng = 2 [(validate.rules).double = {gte: -180, lte: 180}];
+ }
+ }
+ |};
+ ]
+let () = List.iter run test_cases
diff --git a/src/tests/expectation/validate.ml.expected b/src/tests/expectation/validate.ml.expected
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..70e3fb0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tests/expectation/validate.ml.expected
@@ -0,0 +1,2480 @@
+[@@@ocaml.warning "-27-30-39-44"]
+type message_options = {
+ disabled : bool option;
+ ignored : bool option;
+type oneof_options = {
+ required : bool option;
+type message_rules = {
+ skip : bool option;
+ required : bool option;
+type float_rules = {
+ const : float option;
+ lt : float option;
+ lte : float option;
+ gt : float option;
+ gte : float option;
+ in_ : float list;
+ not_in : float list;
+ ignore_empty : bool option;
+type double_rules = {
+ const : float option;
+ lt : float option;
+ lte : float option;
+ gt : float option;
+ gte : float option;
+ in_ : float list;
+ not_in : float list;
+ ignore_empty : bool option;
+type int32_rules = {
+ const : int32 option;
+ lt : int32 option;
+ lte : int32 option;
+ gt : int32 option;
+ gte : int32 option;
+ in_ : int32 list;
+ not_in : int32 list;
+ ignore_empty : bool option;
+type int64_rules = {
+ const : int64 option;
+ lt : int64 option;
+ lte : int64 option;
+ gt : int64 option;
+ gte : int64 option;
+ in_ : int64 list;
+ not_in : int64 list;
+ ignore_empty : bool option;
+type uint32_rules = {
+ const : int32 option;
+ lt : int32 option;
+ lte : int32 option;
+ gt : int32 option;
+ gte : int32 option;
+ in_ : int32 list;
+ not_in : int32 list;
+ ignore_empty : bool option;
+type uint64_rules = {
+ const : int64 option;
+ lt : int64 option;
+ lte : int64 option;
+ gt : int64 option;
+ gte : int64 option;
+ in_ : int64 list;
+ not_in : int64 list;
+ ignore_empty : bool option;
+type sint32_rules = {
+ const : int32 option;
+ lt : int32 option;
+ lte : int32 option;
+ gt : int32 option;
+ gte : int32 option;
+ in_ : int32 list;
+ not_in : int32 list;
+ ignore_empty : bool option;
+type sint64_rules = {
+ const : int64 option;
+ lt : int64 option;
+ lte : int64 option;
+ gt : int64 option;
+ gte : int64 option;
+ in_ : int64 list;
+ not_in : int64 list;
+ ignore_empty : bool option;
+type fixed32_rules = {
+ const : int32 option;
+ lt : int32 option;
+ lte : int32 option;
+ gt : int32 option;
+ gte : int32 option;
+ in_ : int32 list;
+ not_in : int32 list;
+ ignore_empty : bool option;
+type fixed64_rules = {
+ const : int64 option;
+ lt : int64 option;
+ lte : int64 option;
+ gt : int64 option;
+ gte : int64 option;
+ in_ : int64 list;
+ not_in : int64 list;
+ ignore_empty : bool option;
+type sfixed32_rules = {
+ const : int32 option;
+ lt : int32 option;
+ lte : int32 option;
+ gt : int32 option;
+ gte : int32 option;
+ in_ : int32 list;
+ not_in : int32 list;
+ ignore_empty : bool option;
+type sfixed64_rules = {
+ const : int64 option;
+ lt : int64 option;
+ lte : int64 option;
+ gt : int64 option;
+ gte : int64 option;
+ in_ : int64 list;
+ not_in : int64 list;
+ ignore_empty : bool option;
+type bool_rules = {
+ const : bool option;
+type known_regex =
+ | Unknown
+ | Http_header_name
+ | Http_header_value
+type string_rules_well_known =
+ | Email of bool
+ | Hostname of bool
+ | Ip of bool
+ | Ipv4 of bool
+ | Ipv6 of bool
+ | Uri of bool
+ | Uri_ref of bool
+ | Address of bool
+ | Uuid of bool
+ | Well_known_regex of known_regex
+and string_rules = {
+ const : string option;
+ len : int64 option;
+ min_len : int64 option;
+ max_len : int64 option;
+ len_bytes : int64 option;
+ min_bytes : int64 option;
+ max_bytes : int64 option;
+ pattern : string option;
+ prefix : string option;
+ suffix : string option;
+ contains : string option;
+ not_contains : string option;
+ in_ : string list;
+ not_in : string list;
+ well_known : string_rules_well_known option;
+ strict : bool option;
+ ignore_empty : bool option;
+type bytes_rules_well_known =
+ | Ip of bool
+ | Ipv4 of bool
+ | Ipv6 of bool
+and bytes_rules = {
+ const : bytes option;
+ len : int64 option;
+ min_len : int64 option;
+ max_len : int64 option;
+ pattern : string option;
+ prefix : bytes option;
+ suffix : bytes option;
+ contains : bytes option;
+ in_ : bytes list;
+ not_in : bytes list;
+ well_known : bytes_rules_well_known option;
+ ignore_empty : bool option;
+type enum_rules = {
+ const : int32 option;
+ defined_only : bool option;
+ in_ : int32 list;
+ not_in : int32 list;
+type any_rules = {
+ required : bool option;
+ in_ : string list;
+ not_in : string list;
+type field_rules_type =
+ | Float of float_rules
+ | Double of double_rules
+ | Int32 of int32_rules
+ | Int64 of int64_rules
+ | Uint32 of uint32_rules
+ | Uint64 of uint64_rules
+ | Sint32 of sint32_rules
+ | Sint64 of sint64_rules
+ | Fixed32 of fixed32_rules
+ | Fixed64 of fixed64_rules
+ | Sfixed32 of sfixed32_rules
+ | Sfixed64 of sfixed64_rules
+ | Bool of bool_rules
+ | String of string_rules
+ | Bytes of bytes_rules
+ | Enum of enum_rules
+ | Repeated of repeated_rules
+ | Map of map_rules
+ | Any of any_rules
+and field_rules = {
+ message : message_rules option;
+ type_ : field_rules_type option;
+and repeated_rules = {
+ min_items : int64 option;
+ max_items : int64 option;
+ unique : bool option;
+ items : field_rules option;
+ ignore_empty : bool option;
+and map_rules = {
+ min_pairs : int64 option;
+ max_pairs : int64 option;
+ no_sparse : bool option;
+ keys : field_rules option;
+ values : field_rules option;
+ ignore_empty : bool option;
+type field_options = {
+ rules : field_rules option;
+let rec default_message_options
+ ?disabled:((disabled:bool option) = None)
+ ?ignored:((ignored:bool option) = None)
+ () : message_options = {
+ disabled;
+ ignored;
+let rec default_oneof_options
+ ?required:((required:bool option) = None)
+ () : oneof_options = {
+ required;
+let rec default_message_rules
+ ?skip:((skip:bool option) = None)
+ ?required:((required:bool option) = None)
+ () : message_rules = {
+ skip;
+ required;
+let rec default_float_rules
+ ?const:((const:float option) = None)
+ ?lt:((lt:float option) = None)
+ ?lte:((lte:float option) = None)
+ ?gt:((gt:float option) = None)
+ ?gte:((gte:float option) = None)
+ ?in_:((in_:float list) = [])
+ ?not_in:((not_in:float list) = [])
+ ?ignore_empty:((ignore_empty:bool option) = None)
+ () : float_rules = {
+ const;
+ lt;
+ lte;
+ gt;
+ gte;
+ in_;
+ not_in;
+ ignore_empty;
+let rec default_double_rules
+ ?const:((const:float option) = None)
+ ?lt:((lt:float option) = None)
+ ?lte:((lte:float option) = None)
+ ?gt:((gt:float option) = None)
+ ?gte:((gte:float option) = None)
+ ?in_:((in_:float list) = [])
+ ?not_in:((not_in:float list) = [])
+ ?ignore_empty:((ignore_empty:bool option) = None)
+ () : double_rules = {
+ const;
+ lt;
+ lte;
+ gt;
+ gte;
+ in_;
+ not_in;
+ ignore_empty;
+let rec default_int32_rules
+ ?const:((const:int32 option) = None)
+ ?lt:((lt:int32 option) = None)
+ ?lte:((lte:int32 option) = None)
+ ?gt:((gt:int32 option) = None)
+ ?gte:((gte:int32 option) = None)
+ ?in_:((in_:int32 list) = [])
+ ?not_in:((not_in:int32 list) = [])
+ ?ignore_empty:((ignore_empty:bool option) = None)
+ () : int32_rules = {
+ const;
+ lt;
+ lte;
+ gt;
+ gte;
+ in_;
+ not_in;
+ ignore_empty;
+let rec default_int64_rules
+ ?const:((const:int64 option) = None)
+ ?lt:((lt:int64 option) = None)
+ ?lte:((lte:int64 option) = None)
+ ?gt:((gt:int64 option) = None)
+ ?gte:((gte:int64 option) = None)
+ ?in_:((in_:int64 list) = [])
+ ?not_in:((not_in:int64 list) = [])
+ ?ignore_empty:((ignore_empty:bool option) = None)
+ () : int64_rules = {
+ const;
+ lt;
+ lte;
+ gt;
+ gte;
+ in_;
+ not_in;
+ ignore_empty;
+let rec default_uint32_rules
+ ?const:((const:int32 option) = None)
+ ?lt:((lt:int32 option) = None)
+ ?lte:((lte:int32 option) = None)
+ ?gt:((gt:int32 option) = None)
+ ?gte:((gte:int32 option) = None)
+ ?in_:((in_:int32 list) = [])
+ ?not_in:((not_in:int32 list) = [])
+ ?ignore_empty:((ignore_empty:bool option) = None)
+ () : uint32_rules = {
+ const;
+ lt;
+ lte;
+ gt;
+ gte;
+ in_;
+ not_in;
+ ignore_empty;
+let rec default_uint64_rules
+ ?const:((const:int64 option) = None)
+ ?lt:((lt:int64 option) = None)
+ ?lte:((lte:int64 option) = None)
+ ?gt:((gt:int64 option) = None)
+ ?gte:((gte:int64 option) = None)
+ ?in_:((in_:int64 list) = [])
+ ?not_in:((not_in:int64 list) = [])
+ ?ignore_empty:((ignore_empty:bool option) = None)
+ () : uint64_rules = {
+ const;
+ lt;
+ lte;
+ gt;
+ gte;
+ in_;
+ not_in;
+ ignore_empty;
+let rec default_sint32_rules
+ ?const:((const:int32 option) = None)
+ ?lt:((lt:int32 option) = None)
+ ?lte:((lte:int32 option) = None)
+ ?gt:((gt:int32 option) = None)
+ ?gte:((gte:int32 option) = None)
+ ?in_:((in_:int32 list) = [])
+ ?not_in:((not_in:int32 list) = [])
+ ?ignore_empty:((ignore_empty:bool option) = None)
+ () : sint32_rules = {
+ const;
+ lt;
+ lte;
+ gt;
+ gte;
+ in_;
+ not_in;
+ ignore_empty;
+let rec default_sint64_rules
+ ?const:((const:int64 option) = None)
+ ?lt:((lt:int64 option) = None)
+ ?lte:((lte:int64 option) = None)
+ ?gt:((gt:int64 option) = None)
+ ?gte:((gte:int64 option) = None)
+ ?in_:((in_:int64 list) = [])
+ ?not_in:((not_in:int64 list) = [])
+ ?ignore_empty:((ignore_empty:bool option) = None)
+ () : sint64_rules = {
+ const;
+ lt;
+ lte;
+ gt;
+ gte;
+ in_;
+ not_in;
+ ignore_empty;
+let rec default_fixed32_rules
+ ?const:((const:int32 option) = None)
+ ?lt:((lt:int32 option) = None)
+ ?lte:((lte:int32 option) = None)
+ ?gt:((gt:int32 option) = None)
+ ?gte:((gte:int32 option) = None)
+ ?in_:((in_:int32 list) = [])
+ ?not_in:((not_in:int32 list) = [])
+ ?ignore_empty:((ignore_empty:bool option) = None)
+ () : fixed32_rules = {
+ const;
+ lt;
+ lte;
+ gt;
+ gte;
+ in_;
+ not_in;
+ ignore_empty;
+let rec default_fixed64_rules
+ ?const:((const:int64 option) = None)
+ ?lt:((lt:int64 option) = None)
+ ?lte:((lte:int64 option) = None)
+ ?gt:((gt:int64 option) = None)
+ ?gte:((gte:int64 option) = None)
+ ?in_:((in_:int64 list) = [])
+ ?not_in:((not_in:int64 list) = [])
+ ?ignore_empty:((ignore_empty:bool option) = None)
+ () : fixed64_rules = {
+ const;
+ lt;
+ lte;
+ gt;
+ gte;
+ in_;
+ not_in;
+ ignore_empty;
+let rec default_sfixed32_rules
+ ?const:((const:int32 option) = None)
+ ?lt:((lt:int32 option) = None)
+ ?lte:((lte:int32 option) = None)
+ ?gt:((gt:int32 option) = None)
+ ?gte:((gte:int32 option) = None)
+ ?in_:((in_:int32 list) = [])
+ ?not_in:((not_in:int32 list) = [])
+ ?ignore_empty:((ignore_empty:bool option) = None)
+ () : sfixed32_rules = {
+ const;
+ lt;
+ lte;
+ gt;
+ gte;
+ in_;
+ not_in;
+ ignore_empty;
+let rec default_sfixed64_rules
+ ?const:((const:int64 option) = None)
+ ?lt:((lt:int64 option) = None)
+ ?lte:((lte:int64 option) = None)
+ ?gt:((gt:int64 option) = None)
+ ?gte:((gte:int64 option) = None)
+ ?in_:((in_:int64 list) = [])
+ ?not_in:((not_in:int64 list) = [])
+ ?ignore_empty:((ignore_empty:bool option) = None)
+ () : sfixed64_rules = {
+ const;
+ lt;
+ lte;
+ gt;
+ gte;
+ in_;
+ not_in;
+ ignore_empty;
+let rec default_bool_rules
+ ?const:((const:bool option) = None)
+ () : bool_rules = {
+ const;
+let rec default_known_regex () = (Unknown:known_regex)
+let rec default_string_rules_well_known () : string_rules_well_known = Email (false)
+and default_string_rules
+ ?const:((const:string option) = None)
+ ?len:((len:int64 option) = None)
+ ?min_len:((min_len:int64 option) = None)
+ ?max_len:((max_len:int64 option) = None)
+ ?len_bytes:((len_bytes:int64 option) = None)
+ ?min_bytes:((min_bytes:int64 option) = None)
+ ?max_bytes:((max_bytes:int64 option) = None)
+ ?pattern:((pattern:string option) = None)
+ ?prefix:((prefix:string option) = None)
+ ?suffix:((suffix:string option) = None)
+ ?contains:((contains:string option) = None)
+ ?not_contains:((not_contains:string option) = None)
+ ?in_:((in_:string list) = [])
+ ?not_in:((not_in:string list) = [])
+ ?well_known:((well_known:string_rules_well_known option) = None)
+ ?strict:((strict:bool option) = Some (true))
+ ?ignore_empty:((ignore_empty:bool option) = None)
+ () : string_rules = {
+ const;
+ len;
+ min_len;
+ max_len;
+ len_bytes;
+ min_bytes;
+ max_bytes;
+ pattern;
+ prefix;
+ suffix;
+ contains;
+ not_contains;
+ in_;
+ not_in;
+ well_known;
+ strict;
+ ignore_empty;
+let rec default_bytes_rules_well_known () : bytes_rules_well_known = Ip (false)
+and default_bytes_rules
+ ?const:((const:bytes option) = None)
+ ?len:((len:int64 option) = None)
+ ?min_len:((min_len:int64 option) = None)
+ ?max_len:((max_len:int64 option) = None)
+ ?pattern:((pattern:string option) = None)
+ ?prefix:((prefix:bytes option) = None)
+ ?suffix:((suffix:bytes option) = None)
+ ?contains:((contains:bytes option) = None)
+ ?in_:((in_:bytes list) = [])
+ ?not_in:((not_in:bytes list) = [])
+ ?well_known:((well_known:bytes_rules_well_known option) = None)
+ ?ignore_empty:((ignore_empty:bool option) = None)
+ () : bytes_rules = {
+ const;
+ len;
+ min_len;
+ max_len;
+ pattern;
+ prefix;
+ suffix;
+ contains;
+ in_;
+ not_in;
+ well_known;
+ ignore_empty;
+let rec default_enum_rules
+ ?const:((const:int32 option) = None)
+ ?defined_only:((defined_only:bool option) = None)
+ ?in_:((in_:int32 list) = [])
+ ?not_in:((not_in:int32 list) = [])
+ () : enum_rules = {
+ const;
+ defined_only;
+ in_;
+ not_in;
+let rec default_any_rules
+ ?required:((required:bool option) = None)
+ ?in_:((in_:string list) = [])
+ ?not_in:((not_in:string list) = [])
+ () : any_rules = {
+ required;
+ in_;
+ not_in;
+let rec default_field_rules_type () : field_rules_type = Float (default_float_rules ())
+and default_field_rules
+ ?message:((message:message_rules option) = None)
+ ?type_:((type_:field_rules_type option) = None)
+ () : field_rules = {
+ message;
+ type_;
+and default_repeated_rules
+ ?min_items:((min_items:int64 option) = None)
+ ?max_items:((max_items:int64 option) = None)
+ ?unique:((unique:bool option) = None)
+ ?items:((items:field_rules option) = None)
+ ?ignore_empty:((ignore_empty:bool option) = None)
+ () : repeated_rules = {
+ min_items;
+ max_items;
+ unique;
+ items;
+ ignore_empty;
+and default_map_rules
+ ?min_pairs:((min_pairs:int64 option) = None)
+ ?max_pairs:((max_pairs:int64 option) = None)
+ ?no_sparse:((no_sparse:bool option) = None)
+ ?keys:((keys:field_rules option) = None)
+ ?values:((values:field_rules option) = None)
+ ?ignore_empty:((ignore_empty:bool option) = None)
+ () : map_rules = {
+ min_pairs;
+ max_pairs;
+ no_sparse;
+ keys;
+ values;
+ ignore_empty;
+let rec default_field_options
+ ?rules:((rules:field_rules option) = None)
+ () : field_options = {
+ rules;
+type message_options_mutable = {
+ mutable disabled : bool option;
+ mutable ignored : bool option;
+let default_message_options_mutable () : message_options_mutable = {
+ disabled = None;
+ ignored = None;
+type oneof_options_mutable = {
+ mutable required : bool option;
+let default_oneof_options_mutable () : oneof_options_mutable = {
+ required = None;
+type message_rules_mutable = {
+ mutable skip : bool option;
+ mutable required : bool option;
+let default_message_rules_mutable () : message_rules_mutable = {
+ skip = None;
+ required = None;
+type float_rules_mutable = {
+ mutable const : float option;
+ mutable lt : float option;
+ mutable lte : float option;
+ mutable gt : float option;
+ mutable gte : float option;
+ mutable in_ : float list;
+ mutable not_in : float list;
+ mutable ignore_empty : bool option;
+let default_float_rules_mutable () : float_rules_mutable = {
+ const = None;
+ lt = None;
+ lte = None;
+ gt = None;
+ gte = None;
+ in_ = [];
+ not_in = [];
+ ignore_empty = None;
+type double_rules_mutable = {
+ mutable const : float option;
+ mutable lt : float option;
+ mutable lte : float option;
+ mutable gt : float option;
+ mutable gte : float option;
+ mutable in_ : float list;
+ mutable not_in : float list;
+ mutable ignore_empty : bool option;
+let default_double_rules_mutable () : double_rules_mutable = {
+ const = None;
+ lt = None;
+ lte = None;
+ gt = None;
+ gte = None;
+ in_ = [];
+ not_in = [];
+ ignore_empty = None;
+type int32_rules_mutable = {
+ mutable const : int32 option;
+ mutable lt : int32 option;
+ mutable lte : int32 option;
+ mutable gt : int32 option;
+ mutable gte : int32 option;
+ mutable in_ : int32 list;
+ mutable not_in : int32 list;
+ mutable ignore_empty : bool option;
+let default_int32_rules_mutable () : int32_rules_mutable = {
+ const = None;
+ lt = None;
+ lte = None;
+ gt = None;
+ gte = None;
+ in_ = [];
+ not_in = [];
+ ignore_empty = None;
+type int64_rules_mutable = {
+ mutable const : int64 option;
+ mutable lt : int64 option;
+ mutable lte : int64 option;
+ mutable gt : int64 option;
+ mutable gte : int64 option;
+ mutable in_ : int64 list;
+ mutable not_in : int64 list;
+ mutable ignore_empty : bool option;
+let default_int64_rules_mutable () : int64_rules_mutable = {
+ const = None;
+ lt = None;
+ lte = None;
+ gt = None;
+ gte = None;
+ in_ = [];
+ not_in = [];
+ ignore_empty = None;
+type uint32_rules_mutable = {
+ mutable const : int32 option;
+ mutable lt : int32 option;
+ mutable lte : int32 option;
+ mutable gt : int32 option;
+ mutable gte : int32 option;
+ mutable in_ : int32 list;
+ mutable not_in : int32 list;
+ mutable ignore_empty : bool option;
+let default_uint32_rules_mutable () : uint32_rules_mutable = {
+ const = None;
+ lt = None;
+ lte = None;
+ gt = None;
+ gte = None;
+ in_ = [];
+ not_in = [];
+ ignore_empty = None;
+type uint64_rules_mutable = {
+ mutable const : int64 option;
+ mutable lt : int64 option;
+ mutable lte : int64 option;
+ mutable gt : int64 option;
+ mutable gte : int64 option;
+ mutable in_ : int64 list;
+ mutable not_in : int64 list;
+ mutable ignore_empty : bool option;
+let default_uint64_rules_mutable () : uint64_rules_mutable = {
+ const = None;
+ lt = None;
+ lte = None;
+ gt = None;
+ gte = None;
+ in_ = [];
+ not_in = [];
+ ignore_empty = None;
+type sint32_rules_mutable = {
+ mutable const : int32 option;
+ mutable lt : int32 option;
+ mutable lte : int32 option;
+ mutable gt : int32 option;
+ mutable gte : int32 option;
+ mutable in_ : int32 list;
+ mutable not_in : int32 list;
+ mutable ignore_empty : bool option;
+let default_sint32_rules_mutable () : sint32_rules_mutable = {
+ const = None;
+ lt = None;
+ lte = None;
+ gt = None;
+ gte = None;
+ in_ = [];
+ not_in = [];
+ ignore_empty = None;
+type sint64_rules_mutable = {
+ mutable const : int64 option;
+ mutable lt : int64 option;
+ mutable lte : int64 option;
+ mutable gt : int64 option;
+ mutable gte : int64 option;
+ mutable in_ : int64 list;
+ mutable not_in : int64 list;
+ mutable ignore_empty : bool option;
+let default_sint64_rules_mutable () : sint64_rules_mutable = {
+ const = None;
+ lt = None;
+ lte = None;
+ gt = None;
+ gte = None;
+ in_ = [];
+ not_in = [];
+ ignore_empty = None;
+type fixed32_rules_mutable = {
+ mutable const : int32 option;
+ mutable lt : int32 option;
+ mutable lte : int32 option;
+ mutable gt : int32 option;
+ mutable gte : int32 option;
+ mutable in_ : int32 list;
+ mutable not_in : int32 list;
+ mutable ignore_empty : bool option;
+let default_fixed32_rules_mutable () : fixed32_rules_mutable = {
+ const = None;
+ lt = None;
+ lte = None;
+ gt = None;
+ gte = None;
+ in_ = [];
+ not_in = [];
+ ignore_empty = None;
+type fixed64_rules_mutable = {
+ mutable const : int64 option;
+ mutable lt : int64 option;
+ mutable lte : int64 option;
+ mutable gt : int64 option;
+ mutable gte : int64 option;
+ mutable in_ : int64 list;
+ mutable not_in : int64 list;
+ mutable ignore_empty : bool option;
+let default_fixed64_rules_mutable () : fixed64_rules_mutable = {
+ const = None;
+ lt = None;
+ lte = None;
+ gt = None;
+ gte = None;
+ in_ = [];
+ not_in = [];
+ ignore_empty = None;
+type sfixed32_rules_mutable = {
+ mutable const : int32 option;
+ mutable lt : int32 option;
+ mutable lte : int32 option;
+ mutable gt : int32 option;
+ mutable gte : int32 option;
+ mutable in_ : int32 list;
+ mutable not_in : int32 list;
+ mutable ignore_empty : bool option;
+let default_sfixed32_rules_mutable () : sfixed32_rules_mutable = {
+ const = None;
+ lt = None;
+ lte = None;
+ gt = None;
+ gte = None;
+ in_ = [];
+ not_in = [];
+ ignore_empty = None;
+type sfixed64_rules_mutable = {
+ mutable const : int64 option;
+ mutable lt : int64 option;
+ mutable lte : int64 option;
+ mutable gt : int64 option;
+ mutable gte : int64 option;
+ mutable in_ : int64 list;
+ mutable not_in : int64 list;
+ mutable ignore_empty : bool option;
+let default_sfixed64_rules_mutable () : sfixed64_rules_mutable = {
+ const = None;
+ lt = None;
+ lte = None;
+ gt = None;
+ gte = None;
+ in_ = [];
+ not_in = [];
+ ignore_empty = None;
+type bool_rules_mutable = {
+ mutable const : bool option;
+let default_bool_rules_mutable () : bool_rules_mutable = {
+ const = None;
+type string_rules_mutable = {
+ mutable const : string option;
+ mutable len : int64 option;
+ mutable min_len : int64 option;
+ mutable max_len : int64 option;
+ mutable len_bytes : int64 option;
+ mutable min_bytes : int64 option;
+ mutable max_bytes : int64 option;
+ mutable pattern : string option;
+ mutable prefix : string option;
+ mutable suffix : string option;
+ mutable contains : string option;
+ mutable not_contains : string option;
+ mutable in_ : string list;
+ mutable not_in : string list;
+ mutable well_known : string_rules_well_known option;
+ mutable strict : bool option;
+ mutable ignore_empty : bool option;
+let default_string_rules_mutable () : string_rules_mutable = {
+ const = None;
+ len = None;
+ min_len = None;
+ max_len = None;
+ len_bytes = None;
+ min_bytes = None;
+ max_bytes = None;
+ pattern = None;
+ prefix = None;
+ suffix = None;
+ contains = None;
+ not_contains = None;
+ in_ = [];
+ not_in = [];
+ well_known = None;
+ strict = Some (true);
+ ignore_empty = None;
+type bytes_rules_mutable = {
+ mutable const : bytes option;
+ mutable len : int64 option;
+ mutable min_len : int64 option;
+ mutable max_len : int64 option;
+ mutable pattern : string option;
+ mutable prefix : bytes option;
+ mutable suffix : bytes option;
+ mutable contains : bytes option;
+ mutable in_ : bytes list;
+ mutable not_in : bytes list;
+ mutable well_known : bytes_rules_well_known option;
+ mutable ignore_empty : bool option;
+let default_bytes_rules_mutable () : bytes_rules_mutable = {
+ const = None;
+ len = None;
+ min_len = None;
+ max_len = None;
+ pattern = None;
+ prefix = None;
+ suffix = None;
+ contains = None;
+ in_ = [];
+ not_in = [];
+ well_known = None;
+ ignore_empty = None;
+type enum_rules_mutable = {
+ mutable const : int32 option;
+ mutable defined_only : bool option;
+ mutable in_ : int32 list;
+ mutable not_in : int32 list;
+let default_enum_rules_mutable () : enum_rules_mutable = {
+ const = None;
+ defined_only = None;
+ in_ = [];
+ not_in = [];
+type any_rules_mutable = {
+ mutable required : bool option;
+ mutable in_ : string list;
+ mutable not_in : string list;
+let default_any_rules_mutable () : any_rules_mutable = {
+ required = None;
+ in_ = [];
+ not_in = [];
+type field_rules_mutable = {
+ mutable message : message_rules option;
+ mutable type_ : field_rules_type option;
+let default_field_rules_mutable () : field_rules_mutable = {
+ message = None;
+ type_ = None;
+type repeated_rules_mutable = {
+ mutable min_items : int64 option;
+ mutable max_items : int64 option;
+ mutable unique : bool option;
+ mutable items : field_rules option;
+ mutable ignore_empty : bool option;
+let default_repeated_rules_mutable () : repeated_rules_mutable = {
+ min_items = None;
+ max_items = None;
+ unique = None;
+ items = None;
+ ignore_empty = None;
+type map_rules_mutable = {
+ mutable min_pairs : int64 option;
+ mutable max_pairs : int64 option;
+ mutable no_sparse : bool option;
+ mutable keys : field_rules option;
+ mutable values : field_rules option;
+ mutable ignore_empty : bool option;
+let default_map_rules_mutable () : map_rules_mutable = {
+ min_pairs = None;
+ max_pairs = None;
+ no_sparse = None;
+ keys = None;
+ values = None;
+ ignore_empty = None;
+type field_options_mutable = {
+ mutable rules : field_rules option;
+let default_field_options_mutable () : field_options_mutable = {
+ rules = None;
+[@@@ocaml.warning "-27-30-39"]
+(** {2 Pb_option.set Decoding} *)
+let rec decode_pb_options_message_options d =
+ let v = default_message_options_mutable () in
+ let assoc = match d with
+ | Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.Message_literal assoc -> assoc
+ | _ -> assert(false)
+ in
+ List.iter (function
+ | ("disabled", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.disabled <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.bool pb_options_value "message_options" "disabled")
+ | ("ignored", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.ignored <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.bool pb_options_value "message_options" "ignored")
+ | (_, _) -> () (*Unknown fields are ignored*)
+ ) assoc;
+ ({
+ disabled = v.disabled;
+ ignored = v.ignored;
+ } : message_options)
+let rec decode_pb_options_oneof_options d =
+ let v = default_oneof_options_mutable () in
+ let assoc = match d with
+ | Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.Message_literal assoc -> assoc
+ | _ -> assert(false)
+ in
+ List.iter (function
+ | ("required", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.required <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.bool pb_options_value "oneof_options" "required")
+ | (_, _) -> () (*Unknown fields are ignored*)
+ ) assoc;
+ ({
+ required = v.required;
+ } : oneof_options)
+let rec decode_pb_options_message_rules d =
+ let v = default_message_rules_mutable () in
+ let assoc = match d with
+ | Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.Message_literal assoc -> assoc
+ | _ -> assert(false)
+ in
+ List.iter (function
+ | ("skip", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.skip <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.bool pb_options_value "message_rules" "skip")
+ | ("required", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.required <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.bool pb_options_value "message_rules" "required")
+ | (_, _) -> () (*Unknown fields are ignored*)
+ ) assoc;
+ ({
+ skip = v.skip;
+ required = v.required;
+ } : message_rules)
+let rec decode_pb_options_float_rules d =
+ let v = default_float_rules_mutable () in
+ let assoc = match d with
+ | Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.Message_literal assoc -> assoc
+ | _ -> assert(false)
+ in
+ List.iter (function
+ | ("const", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.const <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.float pb_options_value "float_rules" "const")
+ | ("lt", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.lt <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.float pb_options_value "float_rules" "lt")
+ | ("lte", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.lte <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.float pb_options_value "float_rules" "lte")
+ | ("gt", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.gt <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.float pb_options_value "float_rules" "gt")
+ | ("gte", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.gte <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.float pb_options_value "float_rules" "gte")
+ | ("in", Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.List_literal l) -> begin
+ v.in_ <- List.map (function
+ | pb_options_value -> Pbrt_pb_options.float pb_options_value "float_rules" "in_"
+ ) l;
+ end
+ | ("not_in", Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.List_literal l) -> begin
+ v.not_in <- List.map (function
+ | pb_options_value -> Pbrt_pb_options.float pb_options_value "float_rules" "not_in"
+ ) l;
+ end
+ | ("ignore_empty", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.ignore_empty <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.bool pb_options_value "float_rules" "ignore_empty")
+ | (_, _) -> () (*Unknown fields are ignored*)
+ ) assoc;
+ ({
+ const = v.const;
+ lt = v.lt;
+ lte = v.lte;
+ gt = v.gt;
+ gte = v.gte;
+ in_ = v.in_;
+ not_in = v.not_in;
+ ignore_empty = v.ignore_empty;
+ } : float_rules)
+let rec decode_pb_options_double_rules d =
+ let v = default_double_rules_mutable () in
+ let assoc = match d with
+ | Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.Message_literal assoc -> assoc
+ | _ -> assert(false)
+ in
+ List.iter (function
+ | ("const", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.const <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.float pb_options_value "double_rules" "const")
+ | ("lt", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.lt <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.float pb_options_value "double_rules" "lt")
+ | ("lte", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.lte <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.float pb_options_value "double_rules" "lte")
+ | ("gt", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.gt <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.float pb_options_value "double_rules" "gt")
+ | ("gte", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.gte <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.float pb_options_value "double_rules" "gte")
+ | ("in", Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.List_literal l) -> begin
+ v.in_ <- List.map (function
+ | pb_options_value -> Pbrt_pb_options.float pb_options_value "double_rules" "in_"
+ ) l;
+ end
+ | ("not_in", Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.List_literal l) -> begin
+ v.not_in <- List.map (function
+ | pb_options_value -> Pbrt_pb_options.float pb_options_value "double_rules" "not_in"
+ ) l;
+ end
+ | ("ignore_empty", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.ignore_empty <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.bool pb_options_value "double_rules" "ignore_empty")
+ | (_, _) -> () (*Unknown fields are ignored*)
+ ) assoc;
+ ({
+ const = v.const;
+ lt = v.lt;
+ lte = v.lte;
+ gt = v.gt;
+ gte = v.gte;
+ in_ = v.in_;
+ not_in = v.not_in;
+ ignore_empty = v.ignore_empty;
+ } : double_rules)
+let rec decode_pb_options_int32_rules d =
+ let v = default_int32_rules_mutable () in
+ let assoc = match d with
+ | Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.Message_literal assoc -> assoc
+ | _ -> assert(false)
+ in
+ List.iter (function
+ | ("const", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.const <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int32 pb_options_value "int32_rules" "const")
+ | ("lt", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.lt <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int32 pb_options_value "int32_rules" "lt")
+ | ("lte", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.lte <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int32 pb_options_value "int32_rules" "lte")
+ | ("gt", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.gt <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int32 pb_options_value "int32_rules" "gt")
+ | ("gte", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.gte <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int32 pb_options_value "int32_rules" "gte")
+ | ("in", Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.List_literal l) -> begin
+ v.in_ <- List.map (function
+ | pb_options_value -> Pbrt_pb_options.int32 pb_options_value "int32_rules" "in_"
+ ) l;
+ end
+ | ("not_in", Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.List_literal l) -> begin
+ v.not_in <- List.map (function
+ | pb_options_value -> Pbrt_pb_options.int32 pb_options_value "int32_rules" "not_in"
+ ) l;
+ end
+ | ("ignore_empty", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.ignore_empty <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.bool pb_options_value "int32_rules" "ignore_empty")
+ | (_, _) -> () (*Unknown fields are ignored*)
+ ) assoc;
+ ({
+ const = v.const;
+ lt = v.lt;
+ lte = v.lte;
+ gt = v.gt;
+ gte = v.gte;
+ in_ = v.in_;
+ not_in = v.not_in;
+ ignore_empty = v.ignore_empty;
+ } : int32_rules)
+let rec decode_pb_options_int64_rules d =
+ let v = default_int64_rules_mutable () in
+ let assoc = match d with
+ | Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.Message_literal assoc -> assoc
+ | _ -> assert(false)
+ in
+ List.iter (function
+ | ("const", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.const <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int64 pb_options_value "int64_rules" "const")
+ | ("lt", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.lt <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int64 pb_options_value "int64_rules" "lt")
+ | ("lte", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.lte <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int64 pb_options_value "int64_rules" "lte")
+ | ("gt", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.gt <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int64 pb_options_value "int64_rules" "gt")
+ | ("gte", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.gte <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int64 pb_options_value "int64_rules" "gte")
+ | ("in", Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.List_literal l) -> begin
+ v.in_ <- List.map (function
+ | pb_options_value -> Pbrt_pb_options.int64 pb_options_value "int64_rules" "in_"
+ ) l;
+ end
+ | ("not_in", Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.List_literal l) -> begin
+ v.not_in <- List.map (function
+ | pb_options_value -> Pbrt_pb_options.int64 pb_options_value "int64_rules" "not_in"
+ ) l;
+ end
+ | ("ignore_empty", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.ignore_empty <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.bool pb_options_value "int64_rules" "ignore_empty")
+ | (_, _) -> () (*Unknown fields are ignored*)
+ ) assoc;
+ ({
+ const = v.const;
+ lt = v.lt;
+ lte = v.lte;
+ gt = v.gt;
+ gte = v.gte;
+ in_ = v.in_;
+ not_in = v.not_in;
+ ignore_empty = v.ignore_empty;
+ } : int64_rules)
+let rec decode_pb_options_uint32_rules d =
+ let v = default_uint32_rules_mutable () in
+ let assoc = match d with
+ | Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.Message_literal assoc -> assoc
+ | _ -> assert(false)
+ in
+ List.iter (function
+ | ("const", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.const <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int32 pb_options_value "uint32_rules" "const")
+ | ("lt", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.lt <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int32 pb_options_value "uint32_rules" "lt")
+ | ("lte", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.lte <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int32 pb_options_value "uint32_rules" "lte")
+ | ("gt", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.gt <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int32 pb_options_value "uint32_rules" "gt")
+ | ("gte", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.gte <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int32 pb_options_value "uint32_rules" "gte")
+ | ("in", Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.List_literal l) -> begin
+ v.in_ <- List.map (function
+ | pb_options_value -> Pbrt_pb_options.int32 pb_options_value "uint32_rules" "in_"
+ ) l;
+ end
+ | ("not_in", Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.List_literal l) -> begin
+ v.not_in <- List.map (function
+ | pb_options_value -> Pbrt_pb_options.int32 pb_options_value "uint32_rules" "not_in"
+ ) l;
+ end
+ | ("ignore_empty", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.ignore_empty <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.bool pb_options_value "uint32_rules" "ignore_empty")
+ | (_, _) -> () (*Unknown fields are ignored*)
+ ) assoc;
+ ({
+ const = v.const;
+ lt = v.lt;
+ lte = v.lte;
+ gt = v.gt;
+ gte = v.gte;
+ in_ = v.in_;
+ not_in = v.not_in;
+ ignore_empty = v.ignore_empty;
+ } : uint32_rules)
+let rec decode_pb_options_uint64_rules d =
+ let v = default_uint64_rules_mutable () in
+ let assoc = match d with
+ | Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.Message_literal assoc -> assoc
+ | _ -> assert(false)
+ in
+ List.iter (function
+ | ("const", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.const <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int64 pb_options_value "uint64_rules" "const")
+ | ("lt", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.lt <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int64 pb_options_value "uint64_rules" "lt")
+ | ("lte", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.lte <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int64 pb_options_value "uint64_rules" "lte")
+ | ("gt", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.gt <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int64 pb_options_value "uint64_rules" "gt")
+ | ("gte", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.gte <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int64 pb_options_value "uint64_rules" "gte")
+ | ("in", Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.List_literal l) -> begin
+ v.in_ <- List.map (function
+ | pb_options_value -> Pbrt_pb_options.int64 pb_options_value "uint64_rules" "in_"
+ ) l;
+ end
+ | ("not_in", Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.List_literal l) -> begin
+ v.not_in <- List.map (function
+ | pb_options_value -> Pbrt_pb_options.int64 pb_options_value "uint64_rules" "not_in"
+ ) l;
+ end
+ | ("ignore_empty", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.ignore_empty <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.bool pb_options_value "uint64_rules" "ignore_empty")
+ | (_, _) -> () (*Unknown fields are ignored*)
+ ) assoc;
+ ({
+ const = v.const;
+ lt = v.lt;
+ lte = v.lte;
+ gt = v.gt;
+ gte = v.gte;
+ in_ = v.in_;
+ not_in = v.not_in;
+ ignore_empty = v.ignore_empty;
+ } : uint64_rules)
+let rec decode_pb_options_sint32_rules d =
+ let v = default_sint32_rules_mutable () in
+ let assoc = match d with
+ | Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.Message_literal assoc -> assoc
+ | _ -> assert(false)
+ in
+ List.iter (function
+ | ("const", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.const <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int32 pb_options_value "sint32_rules" "const")
+ | ("lt", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.lt <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int32 pb_options_value "sint32_rules" "lt")
+ | ("lte", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.lte <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int32 pb_options_value "sint32_rules" "lte")
+ | ("gt", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.gt <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int32 pb_options_value "sint32_rules" "gt")
+ | ("gte", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.gte <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int32 pb_options_value "sint32_rules" "gte")
+ | ("in", Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.List_literal l) -> begin
+ v.in_ <- List.map (function
+ | pb_options_value -> Pbrt_pb_options.int32 pb_options_value "sint32_rules" "in_"
+ ) l;
+ end
+ | ("not_in", Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.List_literal l) -> begin
+ v.not_in <- List.map (function
+ | pb_options_value -> Pbrt_pb_options.int32 pb_options_value "sint32_rules" "not_in"
+ ) l;
+ end
+ | ("ignore_empty", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.ignore_empty <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.bool pb_options_value "sint32_rules" "ignore_empty")
+ | (_, _) -> () (*Unknown fields are ignored*)
+ ) assoc;
+ ({
+ const = v.const;
+ lt = v.lt;
+ lte = v.lte;
+ gt = v.gt;
+ gte = v.gte;
+ in_ = v.in_;
+ not_in = v.not_in;
+ ignore_empty = v.ignore_empty;
+ } : sint32_rules)
+let rec decode_pb_options_sint64_rules d =
+ let v = default_sint64_rules_mutable () in
+ let assoc = match d with
+ | Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.Message_literal assoc -> assoc
+ | _ -> assert(false)
+ in
+ List.iter (function
+ | ("const", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.const <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int64 pb_options_value "sint64_rules" "const")
+ | ("lt", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.lt <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int64 pb_options_value "sint64_rules" "lt")
+ | ("lte", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.lte <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int64 pb_options_value "sint64_rules" "lte")
+ | ("gt", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.gt <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int64 pb_options_value "sint64_rules" "gt")
+ | ("gte", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.gte <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int64 pb_options_value "sint64_rules" "gte")
+ | ("in", Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.List_literal l) -> begin
+ v.in_ <- List.map (function
+ | pb_options_value -> Pbrt_pb_options.int64 pb_options_value "sint64_rules" "in_"
+ ) l;
+ end
+ | ("not_in", Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.List_literal l) -> begin
+ v.not_in <- List.map (function
+ | pb_options_value -> Pbrt_pb_options.int64 pb_options_value "sint64_rules" "not_in"
+ ) l;
+ end
+ | ("ignore_empty", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.ignore_empty <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.bool pb_options_value "sint64_rules" "ignore_empty")
+ | (_, _) -> () (*Unknown fields are ignored*)
+ ) assoc;
+ ({
+ const = v.const;
+ lt = v.lt;
+ lte = v.lte;
+ gt = v.gt;
+ gte = v.gte;
+ in_ = v.in_;
+ not_in = v.not_in;
+ ignore_empty = v.ignore_empty;
+ } : sint64_rules)
+let rec decode_pb_options_fixed32_rules d =
+ let v = default_fixed32_rules_mutable () in
+ let assoc = match d with
+ | Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.Message_literal assoc -> assoc
+ | _ -> assert(false)
+ in
+ List.iter (function
+ | ("const", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.const <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int32 pb_options_value "fixed32_rules" "const")
+ | ("lt", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.lt <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int32 pb_options_value "fixed32_rules" "lt")
+ | ("lte", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.lte <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int32 pb_options_value "fixed32_rules" "lte")
+ | ("gt", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.gt <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int32 pb_options_value "fixed32_rules" "gt")
+ | ("gte", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.gte <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int32 pb_options_value "fixed32_rules" "gte")
+ | ("in", Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.List_literal l) -> begin
+ v.in_ <- List.map (function
+ | pb_options_value -> Pbrt_pb_options.int32 pb_options_value "fixed32_rules" "in_"
+ ) l;
+ end
+ | ("not_in", Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.List_literal l) -> begin
+ v.not_in <- List.map (function
+ | pb_options_value -> Pbrt_pb_options.int32 pb_options_value "fixed32_rules" "not_in"
+ ) l;
+ end
+ | ("ignore_empty", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.ignore_empty <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.bool pb_options_value "fixed32_rules" "ignore_empty")
+ | (_, _) -> () (*Unknown fields are ignored*)
+ ) assoc;
+ ({
+ const = v.const;
+ lt = v.lt;
+ lte = v.lte;
+ gt = v.gt;
+ gte = v.gte;
+ in_ = v.in_;
+ not_in = v.not_in;
+ ignore_empty = v.ignore_empty;
+ } : fixed32_rules)
+let rec decode_pb_options_fixed64_rules d =
+ let v = default_fixed64_rules_mutable () in
+ let assoc = match d with
+ | Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.Message_literal assoc -> assoc
+ | _ -> assert(false)
+ in
+ List.iter (function
+ | ("const", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.const <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int64 pb_options_value "fixed64_rules" "const")
+ | ("lt", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.lt <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int64 pb_options_value "fixed64_rules" "lt")
+ | ("lte", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.lte <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int64 pb_options_value "fixed64_rules" "lte")
+ | ("gt", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.gt <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int64 pb_options_value "fixed64_rules" "gt")
+ | ("gte", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.gte <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int64 pb_options_value "fixed64_rules" "gte")
+ | ("in", Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.List_literal l) -> begin
+ v.in_ <- List.map (function
+ | pb_options_value -> Pbrt_pb_options.int64 pb_options_value "fixed64_rules" "in_"
+ ) l;
+ end
+ | ("not_in", Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.List_literal l) -> begin
+ v.not_in <- List.map (function
+ | pb_options_value -> Pbrt_pb_options.int64 pb_options_value "fixed64_rules" "not_in"
+ ) l;
+ end
+ | ("ignore_empty", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.ignore_empty <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.bool pb_options_value "fixed64_rules" "ignore_empty")
+ | (_, _) -> () (*Unknown fields are ignored*)
+ ) assoc;
+ ({
+ const = v.const;
+ lt = v.lt;
+ lte = v.lte;
+ gt = v.gt;
+ gte = v.gte;
+ in_ = v.in_;
+ not_in = v.not_in;
+ ignore_empty = v.ignore_empty;
+ } : fixed64_rules)
+let rec decode_pb_options_sfixed32_rules d =
+ let v = default_sfixed32_rules_mutable () in
+ let assoc = match d with
+ | Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.Message_literal assoc -> assoc
+ | _ -> assert(false)
+ in
+ List.iter (function
+ | ("const", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.const <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int32 pb_options_value "sfixed32_rules" "const")
+ | ("lt", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.lt <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int32 pb_options_value "sfixed32_rules" "lt")
+ | ("lte", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.lte <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int32 pb_options_value "sfixed32_rules" "lte")
+ | ("gt", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.gt <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int32 pb_options_value "sfixed32_rules" "gt")
+ | ("gte", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.gte <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int32 pb_options_value "sfixed32_rules" "gte")
+ | ("in", Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.List_literal l) -> begin
+ v.in_ <- List.map (function
+ | pb_options_value -> Pbrt_pb_options.int32 pb_options_value "sfixed32_rules" "in_"
+ ) l;
+ end
+ | ("not_in", Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.List_literal l) -> begin
+ v.not_in <- List.map (function
+ | pb_options_value -> Pbrt_pb_options.int32 pb_options_value "sfixed32_rules" "not_in"
+ ) l;
+ end
+ | ("ignore_empty", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.ignore_empty <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.bool pb_options_value "sfixed32_rules" "ignore_empty")
+ | (_, _) -> () (*Unknown fields are ignored*)
+ ) assoc;
+ ({
+ const = v.const;
+ lt = v.lt;
+ lte = v.lte;
+ gt = v.gt;
+ gte = v.gte;
+ in_ = v.in_;
+ not_in = v.not_in;
+ ignore_empty = v.ignore_empty;
+ } : sfixed32_rules)
+let rec decode_pb_options_sfixed64_rules d =
+ let v = default_sfixed64_rules_mutable () in
+ let assoc = match d with
+ | Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.Message_literal assoc -> assoc
+ | _ -> assert(false)
+ in
+ List.iter (function
+ | ("const", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.const <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int64 pb_options_value "sfixed64_rules" "const")
+ | ("lt", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.lt <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int64 pb_options_value "sfixed64_rules" "lt")
+ | ("lte", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.lte <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int64 pb_options_value "sfixed64_rules" "lte")
+ | ("gt", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.gt <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int64 pb_options_value "sfixed64_rules" "gt")
+ | ("gte", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.gte <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int64 pb_options_value "sfixed64_rules" "gte")
+ | ("in", Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.List_literal l) -> begin
+ v.in_ <- List.map (function
+ | pb_options_value -> Pbrt_pb_options.int64 pb_options_value "sfixed64_rules" "in_"
+ ) l;
+ end
+ | ("not_in", Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.List_literal l) -> begin
+ v.not_in <- List.map (function
+ | pb_options_value -> Pbrt_pb_options.int64 pb_options_value "sfixed64_rules" "not_in"
+ ) l;
+ end
+ | ("ignore_empty", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.ignore_empty <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.bool pb_options_value "sfixed64_rules" "ignore_empty")
+ | (_, _) -> () (*Unknown fields are ignored*)
+ ) assoc;
+ ({
+ const = v.const;
+ lt = v.lt;
+ lte = v.lte;
+ gt = v.gt;
+ gte = v.gte;
+ in_ = v.in_;
+ not_in = v.not_in;
+ ignore_empty = v.ignore_empty;
+ } : sfixed64_rules)
+let rec decode_pb_options_bool_rules d =
+ let v = default_bool_rules_mutable () in
+ let assoc = match d with
+ | Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.Message_literal assoc -> assoc
+ | _ -> assert(false)
+ in
+ List.iter (function
+ | ("const", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.const <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.bool pb_options_value "bool_rules" "const")
+ | (_, _) -> () (*Unknown fields are ignored*)
+ ) assoc;
+ ({
+ const = v.const;
+ } : bool_rules)
+let rec decode_pb_options_known_regex pb_options =
+ match pb_options with
+ | Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.Scalar_value (Constant_literal "UNKNOWN") -> (Unknown : known_regex)
+ | Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.Scalar_value (Constant_literal "HTTP_HEADER_NAME") -> (Http_header_name : known_regex)
+ | Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.Scalar_value (Constant_literal "HTTP_HEADER_VALUE") -> (Http_header_value : known_regex)
+ | _ -> Pbrt_pb_options.E.malformed_variant "known_regex"
+let rec decode_pb_options_string_rules_well_known pb_options =
+ let assoc = match pb_options with
+ | Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.Message_literal assoc -> assoc
+ | _ -> assert(false)
+ in
+ let rec loop = function
+ | [] -> Pbrt_pb_options.E.malformed_variant "string_rules_well_known"
+ | ("email", pb_options_value)::_ ->
+ (Email (Pbrt_pb_options.bool pb_options_value "string_rules_well_known" "Email") : string_rules_well_known)
+ | ("hostname", pb_options_value)::_ ->
+ (Hostname (Pbrt_pb_options.bool pb_options_value "string_rules_well_known" "Hostname") : string_rules_well_known)
+ | ("ip", pb_options_value)::_ ->
+ (Ip (Pbrt_pb_options.bool pb_options_value "string_rules_well_known" "Ip") : string_rules_well_known)
+ | ("ipv4", pb_options_value)::_ ->
+ (Ipv4 (Pbrt_pb_options.bool pb_options_value "string_rules_well_known" "Ipv4") : string_rules_well_known)
+ | ("ipv6", pb_options_value)::_ ->
+ (Ipv6 (Pbrt_pb_options.bool pb_options_value "string_rules_well_known" "Ipv6") : string_rules_well_known)
+ | ("uri", pb_options_value)::_ ->
+ (Uri (Pbrt_pb_options.bool pb_options_value "string_rules_well_known" "Uri") : string_rules_well_known)
+ | ("uriRef", pb_options_value)::_ ->
+ (Uri_ref (Pbrt_pb_options.bool pb_options_value "string_rules_well_known" "Uri_ref") : string_rules_well_known)
+ | ("address", pb_options_value)::_ ->
+ (Address (Pbrt_pb_options.bool pb_options_value "string_rules_well_known" "Address") : string_rules_well_known)
+ | ("uuid", pb_options_value)::_ ->
+ (Uuid (Pbrt_pb_options.bool pb_options_value "string_rules_well_known" "Uuid") : string_rules_well_known)
+ | ("wellKnownRegex", pb_options_value)::_ ->
+ (Well_known_regex ((decode_pb_options_known_regex pb_options_value)) : string_rules_well_known)
+ | _ :: tl -> loop tl
+ in
+ loop assoc
+and decode_pb_options_string_rules d =
+ let v = default_string_rules_mutable () in
+ let assoc = match d with
+ | Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.Message_literal assoc -> assoc
+ | _ -> assert(false)
+ in
+ List.iter (function
+ | ("const", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.const <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.string pb_options_value "string_rules" "const")
+ | ("len", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.len <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int64 pb_options_value "string_rules" "len")
+ | ("min_len", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.min_len <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int64 pb_options_value "string_rules" "min_len")
+ | ("max_len", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.max_len <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int64 pb_options_value "string_rules" "max_len")
+ | ("len_bytes", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.len_bytes <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int64 pb_options_value "string_rules" "len_bytes")
+ | ("min_bytes", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.min_bytes <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int64 pb_options_value "string_rules" "min_bytes")
+ | ("max_bytes", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.max_bytes <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int64 pb_options_value "string_rules" "max_bytes")
+ | ("pattern", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.pattern <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.string pb_options_value "string_rules" "pattern")
+ | ("prefix", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.prefix <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.string pb_options_value "string_rules" "prefix")
+ | ("suffix", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.suffix <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.string pb_options_value "string_rules" "suffix")
+ | ("contains", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.contains <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.string pb_options_value "string_rules" "contains")
+ | ("not_contains", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.not_contains <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.string pb_options_value "string_rules" "not_contains")
+ | ("in", Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.List_literal l) -> begin
+ v.in_ <- List.map (function
+ | pb_options_value -> Pbrt_pb_options.string pb_options_value "string_rules" "in_"
+ ) l;
+ end
+ | ("not_in", Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.List_literal l) -> begin
+ v.not_in <- List.map (function
+ | pb_options_value -> Pbrt_pb_options.string pb_options_value "string_rules" "not_in"
+ ) l;
+ end
+ | ("email", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.well_known <- Some (Email (Pbrt_pb_options.bool pb_options_value "string_rules" "well_known"))
+ | ("hostname", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.well_known <- Some (Hostname (Pbrt_pb_options.bool pb_options_value "string_rules" "well_known"))
+ | ("ip", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.well_known <- Some (Ip (Pbrt_pb_options.bool pb_options_value "string_rules" "well_known"))
+ | ("ipv4", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.well_known <- Some (Ipv4 (Pbrt_pb_options.bool pb_options_value "string_rules" "well_known"))
+ | ("ipv6", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.well_known <- Some (Ipv6 (Pbrt_pb_options.bool pb_options_value "string_rules" "well_known"))
+ | ("uri", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.well_known <- Some (Uri (Pbrt_pb_options.bool pb_options_value "string_rules" "well_known"))
+ | ("uriRef", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.well_known <- Some (Uri_ref (Pbrt_pb_options.bool pb_options_value "string_rules" "well_known"))
+ | ("address", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.well_known <- Some (Address (Pbrt_pb_options.bool pb_options_value "string_rules" "well_known"))
+ | ("uuid", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.well_known <- Some (Uuid (Pbrt_pb_options.bool pb_options_value "string_rules" "well_known"))
+ | ("wellKnownRegex", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.well_known <- Some (Well_known_regex ((decode_pb_options_known_regex pb_options_value)))
+ | ("strict", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.strict <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.bool pb_options_value "string_rules" "strict")
+ | ("ignore_empty", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.ignore_empty <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.bool pb_options_value "string_rules" "ignore_empty")
+ | (_, _) -> () (*Unknown fields are ignored*)
+ ) assoc;
+ ({
+ const = v.const;
+ len = v.len;
+ min_len = v.min_len;
+ max_len = v.max_len;
+ len_bytes = v.len_bytes;
+ min_bytes = v.min_bytes;
+ max_bytes = v.max_bytes;
+ pattern = v.pattern;
+ prefix = v.prefix;
+ suffix = v.suffix;
+ contains = v.contains;
+ not_contains = v.not_contains;
+ in_ = v.in_;
+ not_in = v.not_in;
+ well_known = v.well_known;
+ strict = v.strict;
+ ignore_empty = v.ignore_empty;
+ } : string_rules)
+let rec decode_pb_options_bytes_rules_well_known pb_options =
+ let assoc = match pb_options with
+ | Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.Message_literal assoc -> assoc
+ | _ -> assert(false)
+ in
+ let rec loop = function
+ | [] -> Pbrt_pb_options.E.malformed_variant "bytes_rules_well_known"
+ | ("ip", pb_options_value)::_ ->
+ (Ip (Pbrt_pb_options.bool pb_options_value "bytes_rules_well_known" "Ip") : bytes_rules_well_known)
+ | ("ipv4", pb_options_value)::_ ->
+ (Ipv4 (Pbrt_pb_options.bool pb_options_value "bytes_rules_well_known" "Ipv4") : bytes_rules_well_known)
+ | ("ipv6", pb_options_value)::_ ->
+ (Ipv6 (Pbrt_pb_options.bool pb_options_value "bytes_rules_well_known" "Ipv6") : bytes_rules_well_known)
+ | _ :: tl -> loop tl
+ in
+ loop assoc
+and decode_pb_options_bytes_rules d =
+ let v = default_bytes_rules_mutable () in
+ let assoc = match d with
+ | Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.Message_literal assoc -> assoc
+ | _ -> assert(false)
+ in
+ List.iter (function
+ | ("const", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.const <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.bytes pb_options_value "bytes_rules" "const")
+ | ("len", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.len <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int64 pb_options_value "bytes_rules" "len")
+ | ("min_len", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.min_len <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int64 pb_options_value "bytes_rules" "min_len")
+ | ("max_len", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.max_len <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int64 pb_options_value "bytes_rules" "max_len")
+ | ("pattern", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.pattern <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.string pb_options_value "bytes_rules" "pattern")
+ | ("prefix", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.prefix <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.bytes pb_options_value "bytes_rules" "prefix")
+ | ("suffix", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.suffix <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.bytes pb_options_value "bytes_rules" "suffix")
+ | ("contains", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.contains <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.bytes pb_options_value "bytes_rules" "contains")
+ | ("in", Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.List_literal l) -> begin
+ v.in_ <- List.map (function
+ | pb_options_value -> Pbrt_pb_options.bytes pb_options_value "bytes_rules" "in_"
+ ) l;
+ end
+ | ("not_in", Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.List_literal l) -> begin
+ v.not_in <- List.map (function
+ | pb_options_value -> Pbrt_pb_options.bytes pb_options_value "bytes_rules" "not_in"
+ ) l;
+ end
+ | ("ip", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.well_known <- Some (Ip (Pbrt_pb_options.bool pb_options_value "bytes_rules" "well_known"))
+ | ("ipv4", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.well_known <- Some (Ipv4 (Pbrt_pb_options.bool pb_options_value "bytes_rules" "well_known"))
+ | ("ipv6", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.well_known <- Some (Ipv6 (Pbrt_pb_options.bool pb_options_value "bytes_rules" "well_known"))
+ | ("ignore_empty", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.ignore_empty <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.bool pb_options_value "bytes_rules" "ignore_empty")
+ | (_, _) -> () (*Unknown fields are ignored*)
+ ) assoc;
+ ({
+ const = v.const;
+ len = v.len;
+ min_len = v.min_len;
+ max_len = v.max_len;
+ pattern = v.pattern;
+ prefix = v.prefix;
+ suffix = v.suffix;
+ contains = v.contains;
+ in_ = v.in_;
+ not_in = v.not_in;
+ well_known = v.well_known;
+ ignore_empty = v.ignore_empty;
+ } : bytes_rules)
+let rec decode_pb_options_enum_rules d =
+ let v = default_enum_rules_mutable () in
+ let assoc = match d with
+ | Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.Message_literal assoc -> assoc
+ | _ -> assert(false)
+ in
+ List.iter (function
+ | ("const", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.const <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int32 pb_options_value "enum_rules" "const")
+ | ("defined_only", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.defined_only <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.bool pb_options_value "enum_rules" "defined_only")
+ | ("in", Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.List_literal l) -> begin
+ v.in_ <- List.map (function
+ | pb_options_value -> Pbrt_pb_options.int32 pb_options_value "enum_rules" "in_"
+ ) l;
+ end
+ | ("not_in", Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.List_literal l) -> begin
+ v.not_in <- List.map (function
+ | pb_options_value -> Pbrt_pb_options.int32 pb_options_value "enum_rules" "not_in"
+ ) l;
+ end
+ | (_, _) -> () (*Unknown fields are ignored*)
+ ) assoc;
+ ({
+ const = v.const;
+ defined_only = v.defined_only;
+ in_ = v.in_;
+ not_in = v.not_in;
+ } : enum_rules)
+let rec decode_pb_options_any_rules d =
+ let v = default_any_rules_mutable () in
+ let assoc = match d with
+ | Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.Message_literal assoc -> assoc
+ | _ -> assert(false)
+ in
+ List.iter (function
+ | ("required", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.required <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.bool pb_options_value "any_rules" "required")
+ | ("in", Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.List_literal l) -> begin
+ v.in_ <- List.map (function
+ | pb_options_value -> Pbrt_pb_options.string pb_options_value "any_rules" "in_"
+ ) l;
+ end
+ | ("not_in", Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.List_literal l) -> begin
+ v.not_in <- List.map (function
+ | pb_options_value -> Pbrt_pb_options.string pb_options_value "any_rules" "not_in"
+ ) l;
+ end
+ | (_, _) -> () (*Unknown fields are ignored*)
+ ) assoc;
+ ({
+ required = v.required;
+ in_ = v.in_;
+ not_in = v.not_in;
+ } : any_rules)
+let rec decode_pb_options_field_rules_type pb_options =
+ let assoc = match pb_options with
+ | Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.Message_literal assoc -> assoc
+ | _ -> assert(false)
+ in
+ let rec loop = function
+ | [] -> Pbrt_pb_options.E.malformed_variant "field_rules_type"
+ | ("float", pb_options_value)::_ ->
+ (Float ((decode_pb_options_float_rules pb_options_value)) : field_rules_type)
+ | ("double", pb_options_value)::_ ->
+ (Double ((decode_pb_options_double_rules pb_options_value)) : field_rules_type)
+ | ("int32", pb_options_value)::_ ->
+ (Int32 ((decode_pb_options_int32_rules pb_options_value)) : field_rules_type)
+ | ("int64", pb_options_value)::_ ->
+ (Int64 ((decode_pb_options_int64_rules pb_options_value)) : field_rules_type)
+ | ("uint32", pb_options_value)::_ ->
+ (Uint32 ((decode_pb_options_uint32_rules pb_options_value)) : field_rules_type)
+ | ("uint64", pb_options_value)::_ ->
+ (Uint64 ((decode_pb_options_uint64_rules pb_options_value)) : field_rules_type)
+ | ("sint32", pb_options_value)::_ ->
+ (Sint32 ((decode_pb_options_sint32_rules pb_options_value)) : field_rules_type)
+ | ("sint64", pb_options_value)::_ ->
+ (Sint64 ((decode_pb_options_sint64_rules pb_options_value)) : field_rules_type)
+ | ("fixed32", pb_options_value)::_ ->
+ (Fixed32 ((decode_pb_options_fixed32_rules pb_options_value)) : field_rules_type)
+ | ("fixed64", pb_options_value)::_ ->
+ (Fixed64 ((decode_pb_options_fixed64_rules pb_options_value)) : field_rules_type)
+ | ("sfixed32", pb_options_value)::_ ->
+ (Sfixed32 ((decode_pb_options_sfixed32_rules pb_options_value)) : field_rules_type)
+ | ("sfixed64", pb_options_value)::_ ->
+ (Sfixed64 ((decode_pb_options_sfixed64_rules pb_options_value)) : field_rules_type)
+ | ("bool", pb_options_value)::_ ->
+ (Bool ((decode_pb_options_bool_rules pb_options_value)) : field_rules_type)
+ | ("string", pb_options_value)::_ ->
+ (String ((decode_pb_options_string_rules pb_options_value)) : field_rules_type)
+ | ("bytes", pb_options_value)::_ ->
+ (Bytes ((decode_pb_options_bytes_rules pb_options_value)) : field_rules_type)
+ | ("enum", pb_options_value)::_ ->
+ (Enum ((decode_pb_options_enum_rules pb_options_value)) : field_rules_type)
+ | ("repeated", pb_options_value)::_ ->
+ (Repeated ((decode_pb_options_repeated_rules pb_options_value)) : field_rules_type)
+ | ("map", pb_options_value)::_ ->
+ (Map ((decode_pb_options_map_rules pb_options_value)) : field_rules_type)
+ | ("any", pb_options_value)::_ ->
+ (Any ((decode_pb_options_any_rules pb_options_value)) : field_rules_type)
+ | _ :: tl -> loop tl
+ in
+ loop assoc
+and decode_pb_options_field_rules d =
+ let v = default_field_rules_mutable () in
+ let assoc = match d with
+ | Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.Message_literal assoc -> assoc
+ | _ -> assert(false)
+ in
+ List.iter (function
+ | ("message", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.message <- Some ((decode_pb_options_message_rules pb_options_value))
+ | ("float", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.type_ <- Some (Float ((decode_pb_options_float_rules pb_options_value)))
+ | ("double", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.type_ <- Some (Double ((decode_pb_options_double_rules pb_options_value)))
+ | ("int32", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.type_ <- Some (Int32 ((decode_pb_options_int32_rules pb_options_value)))
+ | ("int64", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.type_ <- Some (Int64 ((decode_pb_options_int64_rules pb_options_value)))
+ | ("uint32", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.type_ <- Some (Uint32 ((decode_pb_options_uint32_rules pb_options_value)))
+ | ("uint64", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.type_ <- Some (Uint64 ((decode_pb_options_uint64_rules pb_options_value)))
+ | ("sint32", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.type_ <- Some (Sint32 ((decode_pb_options_sint32_rules pb_options_value)))
+ | ("sint64", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.type_ <- Some (Sint64 ((decode_pb_options_sint64_rules pb_options_value)))
+ | ("fixed32", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.type_ <- Some (Fixed32 ((decode_pb_options_fixed32_rules pb_options_value)))
+ | ("fixed64", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.type_ <- Some (Fixed64 ((decode_pb_options_fixed64_rules pb_options_value)))
+ | ("sfixed32", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.type_ <- Some (Sfixed32 ((decode_pb_options_sfixed32_rules pb_options_value)))
+ | ("sfixed64", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.type_ <- Some (Sfixed64 ((decode_pb_options_sfixed64_rules pb_options_value)))
+ | ("bool", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.type_ <- Some (Bool ((decode_pb_options_bool_rules pb_options_value)))
+ | ("string", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.type_ <- Some (String ((decode_pb_options_string_rules pb_options_value)))
+ | ("bytes", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.type_ <- Some (Bytes ((decode_pb_options_bytes_rules pb_options_value)))
+ | ("enum", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.type_ <- Some (Enum ((decode_pb_options_enum_rules pb_options_value)))
+ | ("repeated", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.type_ <- Some (Repeated ((decode_pb_options_repeated_rules pb_options_value)))
+ | ("map", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.type_ <- Some (Map ((decode_pb_options_map_rules pb_options_value)))
+ | ("any", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.type_ <- Some (Any ((decode_pb_options_any_rules pb_options_value)))
+ | (_, _) -> () (*Unknown fields are ignored*)
+ ) assoc;
+ ({
+ message = v.message;
+ type_ = v.type_;
+ } : field_rules)
+and decode_pb_options_repeated_rules d =
+ let v = default_repeated_rules_mutable () in
+ let assoc = match d with
+ | Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.Message_literal assoc -> assoc
+ | _ -> assert(false)
+ in
+ List.iter (function
+ | ("min_items", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.min_items <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int64 pb_options_value "repeated_rules" "min_items")
+ | ("max_items", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.max_items <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int64 pb_options_value "repeated_rules" "max_items")
+ | ("unique", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.unique <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.bool pb_options_value "repeated_rules" "unique")
+ | ("items", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.items <- Some ((decode_pb_options_field_rules pb_options_value))
+ | ("ignore_empty", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.ignore_empty <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.bool pb_options_value "repeated_rules" "ignore_empty")
+ | (_, _) -> () (*Unknown fields are ignored*)
+ ) assoc;
+ ({
+ min_items = v.min_items;
+ max_items = v.max_items;
+ unique = v.unique;
+ items = v.items;
+ ignore_empty = v.ignore_empty;
+ } : repeated_rules)
+and decode_pb_options_map_rules d =
+ let v = default_map_rules_mutable () in
+ let assoc = match d with
+ | Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.Message_literal assoc -> assoc
+ | _ -> assert(false)
+ in
+ List.iter (function
+ | ("min_pairs", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.min_pairs <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int64 pb_options_value "map_rules" "min_pairs")
+ | ("max_pairs", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.max_pairs <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.int64 pb_options_value "map_rules" "max_pairs")
+ | ("no_sparse", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.no_sparse <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.bool pb_options_value "map_rules" "no_sparse")
+ | ("keys", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.keys <- Some ((decode_pb_options_field_rules pb_options_value))
+ | ("values", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.values <- Some ((decode_pb_options_field_rules pb_options_value))
+ | ("ignore_empty", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.ignore_empty <- Some (Pbrt_pb_options.bool pb_options_value "map_rules" "ignore_empty")
+ | (_, _) -> () (*Unknown fields are ignored*)
+ ) assoc;
+ ({
+ min_pairs = v.min_pairs;
+ max_pairs = v.max_pairs;
+ no_sparse = v.no_sparse;
+ keys = v.keys;
+ values = v.values;
+ ignore_empty = v.ignore_empty;
+ } : map_rules)
+let rec decode_pb_options_field_options d =
+ let v = default_field_options_mutable () in
+ let assoc = match d with
+ | Ocaml_protoc_compiler_lib.Pb_option.Message_literal assoc -> assoc
+ | _ -> assert(false)
+ in
+ List.iter (function
+ | ("rules", pb_options_value) ->
+ v.rules <- Some ((decode_pb_options_field_rules pb_options_value))
+ | (_, _) -> () (*Unknown fields are ignored*)
+ ) assoc;
+ ({
+ rules = v.rules;
+ } : field_options)
+[@@@ocaml.warning "-27-30-39"]
+(** {2 Formatters} *)
+let rec pp_message_options fmt (v:message_options) =
+ let pp_i fmt () =
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "disabled" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_bool) fmt v.disabled;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "ignored" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_bool) fmt v.ignored;
+ in
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
+let rec pp_oneof_options fmt (v:oneof_options) =
+ let pp_i fmt () =
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "required" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_bool) fmt v.required;
+ in
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
+let rec pp_message_rules fmt (v:message_rules) =
+ let pp_i fmt () =
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "skip" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_bool) fmt v.skip;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "required" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_bool) fmt v.required;
+ in
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
+let rec pp_float_rules fmt (v:float_rules) =
+ let pp_i fmt () =
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "const" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_float) fmt v.const;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "lt" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_float) fmt v.lt;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "lte" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_float) fmt v.lte;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "gt" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_float) fmt v.gt;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "gte" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_float) fmt v.gte;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "in_" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_float) fmt v.in_;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "not_in" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_float) fmt v.not_in;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "ignore_empty" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_bool) fmt v.ignore_empty;
+ in
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
+let rec pp_double_rules fmt (v:double_rules) =
+ let pp_i fmt () =
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "const" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_float) fmt v.const;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "lt" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_float) fmt v.lt;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "lte" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_float) fmt v.lte;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "gt" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_float) fmt v.gt;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "gte" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_float) fmt v.gte;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "in_" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_float) fmt v.in_;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "not_in" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_float) fmt v.not_in;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "ignore_empty" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_bool) fmt v.ignore_empty;
+ in
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
+let rec pp_int32_rules fmt (v:int32_rules) =
+ let pp_i fmt () =
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "const" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int32) fmt v.const;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "lt" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int32) fmt v.lt;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "lte" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int32) fmt v.lte;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "gt" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int32) fmt v.gt;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "gte" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int32) fmt v.gte;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "in_" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_int32) fmt v.in_;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "not_in" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_int32) fmt v.not_in;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "ignore_empty" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_bool) fmt v.ignore_empty;
+ in
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
+let rec pp_int64_rules fmt (v:int64_rules) =
+ let pp_i fmt () =
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "const" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int64) fmt v.const;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "lt" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int64) fmt v.lt;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "lte" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int64) fmt v.lte;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "gt" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int64) fmt v.gt;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "gte" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int64) fmt v.gte;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "in_" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_int64) fmt v.in_;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "not_in" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_int64) fmt v.not_in;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "ignore_empty" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_bool) fmt v.ignore_empty;
+ in
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
+let rec pp_uint32_rules fmt (v:uint32_rules) =
+ let pp_i fmt () =
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "const" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int32) fmt v.const;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "lt" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int32) fmt v.lt;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "lte" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int32) fmt v.lte;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "gt" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int32) fmt v.gt;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "gte" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int32) fmt v.gte;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "in_" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_int32) fmt v.in_;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "not_in" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_int32) fmt v.not_in;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "ignore_empty" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_bool) fmt v.ignore_empty;
+ in
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
+let rec pp_uint64_rules fmt (v:uint64_rules) =
+ let pp_i fmt () =
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "const" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int64) fmt v.const;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "lt" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int64) fmt v.lt;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "lte" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int64) fmt v.lte;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "gt" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int64) fmt v.gt;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "gte" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int64) fmt v.gte;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "in_" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_int64) fmt v.in_;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "not_in" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_int64) fmt v.not_in;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "ignore_empty" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_bool) fmt v.ignore_empty;
+ in
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
+let rec pp_sint32_rules fmt (v:sint32_rules) =
+ let pp_i fmt () =
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "const" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int32) fmt v.const;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "lt" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int32) fmt v.lt;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "lte" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int32) fmt v.lte;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "gt" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int32) fmt v.gt;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "gte" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int32) fmt v.gte;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "in_" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_int32) fmt v.in_;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "not_in" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_int32) fmt v.not_in;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "ignore_empty" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_bool) fmt v.ignore_empty;
+ in
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
+let rec pp_sint64_rules fmt (v:sint64_rules) =
+ let pp_i fmt () =
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "const" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int64) fmt v.const;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "lt" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int64) fmt v.lt;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "lte" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int64) fmt v.lte;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "gt" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int64) fmt v.gt;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "gte" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int64) fmt v.gte;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "in_" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_int64) fmt v.in_;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "not_in" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_int64) fmt v.not_in;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "ignore_empty" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_bool) fmt v.ignore_empty;
+ in
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
+let rec pp_fixed32_rules fmt (v:fixed32_rules) =
+ let pp_i fmt () =
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "const" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int32) fmt v.const;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "lt" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int32) fmt v.lt;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "lte" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int32) fmt v.lte;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "gt" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int32) fmt v.gt;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "gte" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int32) fmt v.gte;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "in_" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_int32) fmt v.in_;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "not_in" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_int32) fmt v.not_in;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "ignore_empty" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_bool) fmt v.ignore_empty;
+ in
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
+let rec pp_fixed64_rules fmt (v:fixed64_rules) =
+ let pp_i fmt () =
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "const" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int64) fmt v.const;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "lt" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int64) fmt v.lt;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "lte" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int64) fmt v.lte;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "gt" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int64) fmt v.gt;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "gte" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int64) fmt v.gte;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "in_" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_int64) fmt v.in_;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "not_in" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_int64) fmt v.not_in;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "ignore_empty" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_bool) fmt v.ignore_empty;
+ in
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
+let rec pp_sfixed32_rules fmt (v:sfixed32_rules) =
+ let pp_i fmt () =
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "const" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int32) fmt v.const;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "lt" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int32) fmt v.lt;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "lte" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int32) fmt v.lte;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "gt" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int32) fmt v.gt;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "gte" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int32) fmt v.gte;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "in_" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_int32) fmt v.in_;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "not_in" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_int32) fmt v.not_in;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "ignore_empty" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_bool) fmt v.ignore_empty;
+ in
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
+let rec pp_sfixed64_rules fmt (v:sfixed64_rules) =
+ let pp_i fmt () =
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "const" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int64) fmt v.const;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "lt" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int64) fmt v.lt;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "lte" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int64) fmt v.lte;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "gt" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int64) fmt v.gt;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "gte" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int64) fmt v.gte;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "in_" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_int64) fmt v.in_;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "not_in" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_int64) fmt v.not_in;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "ignore_empty" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_bool) fmt v.ignore_empty;
+ in
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
+let rec pp_bool_rules fmt (v:bool_rules) =
+ let pp_i fmt () =
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "const" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_bool) fmt v.const;
+ in
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
+let rec pp_known_regex fmt (v:known_regex) =
+ match v with
+ | Unknown -> Format.fprintf fmt "Unknown"
+ | Http_header_name -> Format.fprintf fmt "Http_header_name"
+ | Http_header_value -> Format.fprintf fmt "Http_header_value"
+let rec pp_string_rules_well_known fmt (v:string_rules_well_known) =
+ match v with
+ | Email x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[Email(@,%a)@]" Pbrt.Pp.pp_bool x
+ | Hostname x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[Hostname(@,%a)@]" Pbrt.Pp.pp_bool x
+ | Ip x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[Ip(@,%a)@]" Pbrt.Pp.pp_bool x
+ | Ipv4 x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[Ipv4(@,%a)@]" Pbrt.Pp.pp_bool x
+ | Ipv6 x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[Ipv6(@,%a)@]" Pbrt.Pp.pp_bool x
+ | Uri x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[Uri(@,%a)@]" Pbrt.Pp.pp_bool x
+ | Uri_ref x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[Uri_ref(@,%a)@]" Pbrt.Pp.pp_bool x
+ | Address x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[Address(@,%a)@]" Pbrt.Pp.pp_bool x
+ | Uuid x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[Uuid(@,%a)@]" Pbrt.Pp.pp_bool x
+ | Well_known_regex x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[Well_known_regex(@,%a)@]" pp_known_regex x
+and pp_string_rules fmt (v:string_rules) =
+ let pp_i fmt () =
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "const" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_string) fmt v.const;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "len" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int64) fmt v.len;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "min_len" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int64) fmt v.min_len;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "max_len" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int64) fmt v.max_len;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "len_bytes" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int64) fmt v.len_bytes;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "min_bytes" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int64) fmt v.min_bytes;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "max_bytes" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int64) fmt v.max_bytes;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "pattern" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_string) fmt v.pattern;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "prefix" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_string) fmt v.prefix;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "suffix" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_string) fmt v.suffix;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "contains" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_string) fmt v.contains;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "not_contains" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_string) fmt v.not_contains;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "in_" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_string) fmt v.in_;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "not_in" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_string) fmt v.not_in;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "well_known" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option pp_string_rules_well_known) fmt v.well_known;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "strict" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_bool) fmt v.strict;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "ignore_empty" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_bool) fmt v.ignore_empty;
+ in
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
+let rec pp_bytes_rules_well_known fmt (v:bytes_rules_well_known) =
+ match v with
+ | Ip x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[Ip(@,%a)@]" Pbrt.Pp.pp_bool x
+ | Ipv4 x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[Ipv4(@,%a)@]" Pbrt.Pp.pp_bool x
+ | Ipv6 x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[Ipv6(@,%a)@]" Pbrt.Pp.pp_bool x
+and pp_bytes_rules fmt (v:bytes_rules) =
+ let pp_i fmt () =
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "const" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_bytes) fmt v.const;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "len" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int64) fmt v.len;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "min_len" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int64) fmt v.min_len;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "max_len" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int64) fmt v.max_len;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "pattern" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_string) fmt v.pattern;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "prefix" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_bytes) fmt v.prefix;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "suffix" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_bytes) fmt v.suffix;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "contains" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_bytes) fmt v.contains;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "in_" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_bytes) fmt v.in_;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "not_in" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_bytes) fmt v.not_in;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "well_known" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option pp_bytes_rules_well_known) fmt v.well_known;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "ignore_empty" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_bool) fmt v.ignore_empty;
+ in
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
+let rec pp_enum_rules fmt (v:enum_rules) =
+ let pp_i fmt () =
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "const" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int32) fmt v.const;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "defined_only" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_bool) fmt v.defined_only;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "in_" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_int32) fmt v.in_;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "not_in" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_int32) fmt v.not_in;
+ in
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
+let rec pp_any_rules fmt (v:any_rules) =
+ let pp_i fmt () =
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "required" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_bool) fmt v.required;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "in_" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_string) fmt v.in_;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "not_in" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_string) fmt v.not_in;
+ in
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
+let rec pp_field_rules_type fmt (v:field_rules_type) =
+ match v with
+ | Float x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[Float(@,%a)@]" pp_float_rules x
+ | Double x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[Double(@,%a)@]" pp_double_rules x
+ | Int32 x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[Int32(@,%a)@]" pp_int32_rules x
+ | Int64 x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[Int64(@,%a)@]" pp_int64_rules x
+ | Uint32 x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[Uint32(@,%a)@]" pp_uint32_rules x
+ | Uint64 x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[Uint64(@,%a)@]" pp_uint64_rules x
+ | Sint32 x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[Sint32(@,%a)@]" pp_sint32_rules x
+ | Sint64 x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[Sint64(@,%a)@]" pp_sint64_rules x
+ | Fixed32 x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[Fixed32(@,%a)@]" pp_fixed32_rules x
+ | Fixed64 x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[Fixed64(@,%a)@]" pp_fixed64_rules x
+ | Sfixed32 x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[Sfixed32(@,%a)@]" pp_sfixed32_rules x
+ | Sfixed64 x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[Sfixed64(@,%a)@]" pp_sfixed64_rules x
+ | Bool x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[Bool(@,%a)@]" pp_bool_rules x
+ | String x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[String(@,%a)@]" pp_string_rules x
+ | Bytes x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[Bytes(@,%a)@]" pp_bytes_rules x
+ | Enum x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[Enum(@,%a)@]" pp_enum_rules x
+ | Repeated x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[Repeated(@,%a)@]" pp_repeated_rules x
+ | Map x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[Map(@,%a)@]" pp_map_rules x
+ | Any x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[Any(@,%a)@]" pp_any_rules x
+and pp_field_rules fmt (v:field_rules) =
+ let pp_i fmt () =
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "message" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option pp_message_rules) fmt v.message;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "type_" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option pp_field_rules_type) fmt v.type_;
+ in
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
+and pp_repeated_rules fmt (v:repeated_rules) =
+ let pp_i fmt () =
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "min_items" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int64) fmt v.min_items;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "max_items" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int64) fmt v.max_items;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "unique" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_bool) fmt v.unique;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "items" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option pp_field_rules) fmt v.items;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "ignore_empty" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_bool) fmt v.ignore_empty;
+ in
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
+and pp_map_rules fmt (v:map_rules) =
+ let pp_i fmt () =
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "min_pairs" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int64) fmt v.min_pairs;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "max_pairs" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int64) fmt v.max_pairs;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "no_sparse" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_bool) fmt v.no_sparse;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "keys" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option pp_field_rules) fmt v.keys;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "values" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option pp_field_rules) fmt v.values;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "ignore_empty" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_bool) fmt v.ignore_empty;
+ in
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
+let rec pp_field_options fmt (v:field_options) =
+ let pp_i fmt () =
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "rules" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option pp_field_rules) fmt v.rules;
+ in
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
diff --git a/src/tests/expectation/validate.proto b/src/tests/expectation/validate.proto
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cb0ada05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tests/expectation/validate.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,883 @@
+// Copyright 2024 protoc-gen-validate contributors
+// Origin: https://github.com/bufbuild/protoc-gen-validate/blob/main/validate/validate.proto
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// NOTE: this file was modified a bit from the upstream version, extends were
+// replaced with actual messages, google protobuf imports commented out,
+// Duration and Timestamp rules were commented out for now.
+syntax = "proto2";
+package validate;
+option go_package = "github.com/envoyproxy/protoc-gen-validate/validate";
+option java_package = "io.envoyproxy.pgv.validate";
+// import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto";
+// import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";
+// import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
+// Validation rules applied at the message level
+message MessageOptions {
+ // Disabled nullifies any validation rules for this message, including any
+ // message fields associated with it that do support validation.
+ optional bool disabled = 1071;
+ // Ignore skips generation of validation methods for this message.
+ optional bool ignored = 1072;
+// Validation rules applied at the oneof level
+message OneofOptions {
+ // Required ensures that exactly one the field options in a oneof is set;
+ // validation fails if no fields in the oneof are set.
+ optional bool required = 1071;
+// Validation rules applied at the field level
+message FieldOptions {
+ // Rules specify the validations to be performed on this field. By default,
+ // no validation is performed against a field.
+ optional FieldRules rules = 1071;
+// FieldRules encapsulates the rules for each type of field. Depending on the
+// field, the correct set should be used to ensure proper validations.
+message FieldRules {
+ optional MessageRules message = 17;
+ oneof type {
+ // Scalar Field Types
+ FloatRules float = 1;
+ DoubleRules double = 2;
+ Int32Rules int32 = 3;
+ Int64Rules int64 = 4;
+ UInt32Rules uint32 = 5;
+ UInt64Rules uint64 = 6;
+ SInt32Rules sint32 = 7;
+ SInt64Rules sint64 = 8;
+ Fixed32Rules fixed32 = 9;
+ Fixed64Rules fixed64 = 10;
+ SFixed32Rules sfixed32 = 11;
+ SFixed64Rules sfixed64 = 12;
+ BoolRules bool = 13;
+ StringRules string = 14;
+ BytesRules bytes = 15;
+ // Complex Field Types
+ EnumRules enum = 16;
+ RepeatedRules repeated = 18;
+ MapRules map = 19;
+ // Well-Known Field Types
+ AnyRules any = 20;
+ //DurationRules duration = 21;
+ //TimestampRules timestamp = 22;
+ }
+// FloatRules describes the constraints applied to `float` values
+message FloatRules {
+ // Const specifies that this field must be exactly the specified value
+ optional float const = 1;
+ // Lt specifies that this field must be less than the specified value,
+ // exclusive
+ optional float lt = 2;
+ // Lte specifies that this field must be less than or equal to the
+ // specified value, inclusive
+ optional float lte = 3;
+ // Gt specifies that this field must be greater than the specified value,
+ // exclusive. If the value of Gt is larger than a specified Lt or Lte, the
+ // range is reversed.
+ optional float gt = 4;
+ // Gte specifies that this field must be greater than or equal to the
+ // specified value, inclusive. If the value of Gte is larger than a
+ // specified Lt or Lte, the range is reversed.
+ optional float gte = 5;
+ // In specifies that this field must be equal to one of the specified
+ // values
+ repeated float in = 6;
+ // NotIn specifies that this field cannot be equal to one of the specified
+ // values
+ repeated float not_in = 7;
+ // IgnoreEmpty specifies that the validation rules of this field should be
+ // evaluated only if the field is not empty
+ optional bool ignore_empty = 8;
+// DoubleRules describes the constraints applied to `double` values
+message DoubleRules {
+ // Const specifies that this field must be exactly the specified value
+ optional double const = 1;
+ // Lt specifies that this field must be less than the specified value,
+ // exclusive
+ optional double lt = 2;
+ // Lte specifies that this field must be less than or equal to the
+ // specified value, inclusive
+ optional double lte = 3;
+ // Gt specifies that this field must be greater than the specified value,
+ // exclusive. If the value of Gt is larger than a specified Lt or Lte, the
+ // range is reversed.
+ optional double gt = 4;
+ // Gte specifies that this field must be greater than or equal to the
+ // specified value, inclusive. If the value of Gte is larger than a
+ // specified Lt or Lte, the range is reversed.
+ optional double gte = 5;
+ // In specifies that this field must be equal to one of the specified
+ // values
+ repeated double in = 6;
+ // NotIn specifies that this field cannot be equal to one of the specified
+ // values
+ repeated double not_in = 7;
+ // IgnoreEmpty specifies that the validation rules of this field should be
+ // evaluated only if the field is not empty
+ optional bool ignore_empty = 8;
+// Int32Rules describes the constraints applied to `int32` values
+message Int32Rules {
+ // Const specifies that this field must be exactly the specified value
+ optional int32 const = 1;
+ // Lt specifies that this field must be less than the specified value,
+ // exclusive
+ optional int32 lt = 2;
+ // Lte specifies that this field must be less than or equal to the
+ // specified value, inclusive
+ optional int32 lte = 3;
+ // Gt specifies that this field must be greater than the specified value,
+ // exclusive. If the value of Gt is larger than a specified Lt or Lte, the
+ // range is reversed.
+ optional int32 gt = 4;
+ // Gte specifies that this field must be greater than or equal to the
+ // specified value, inclusive. If the value of Gte is larger than a
+ // specified Lt or Lte, the range is reversed.
+ optional int32 gte = 5;
+ // In specifies that this field must be equal to one of the specified
+ // values
+ repeated int32 in = 6;
+ // NotIn specifies that this field cannot be equal to one of the specified
+ // values
+ repeated int32 not_in = 7;
+ // IgnoreEmpty specifies that the validation rules of this field should be
+ // evaluated only if the field is not empty
+ optional bool ignore_empty = 8;
+// Int64Rules describes the constraints applied to `int64` values
+message Int64Rules {
+ // Const specifies that this field must be exactly the specified value
+ optional int64 const = 1;
+ // Lt specifies that this field must be less than the specified value,
+ // exclusive
+ optional int64 lt = 2;
+ // Lte specifies that this field must be less than or equal to the
+ // specified value, inclusive
+ optional int64 lte = 3;
+ // Gt specifies that this field must be greater than the specified value,
+ // exclusive. If the value of Gt is larger than a specified Lt or Lte, the
+ // range is reversed.
+ optional int64 gt = 4;
+ // Gte specifies that this field must be greater than or equal to the
+ // specified value, inclusive. If the value of Gte is larger than a
+ // specified Lt or Lte, the range is reversed.
+ optional int64 gte = 5;
+ // In specifies that this field must be equal to one of the specified
+ // values
+ repeated int64 in = 6;
+ // NotIn specifies that this field cannot be equal to one of the specified
+ // values
+ repeated int64 not_in = 7;
+ // IgnoreEmpty specifies that the validation rules of this field should be
+ // evaluated only if the field is not empty
+ optional bool ignore_empty = 8;
+// UInt32Rules describes the constraints applied to `uint32` values
+message UInt32Rules {
+ // Const specifies that this field must be exactly the specified value
+ optional uint32 const = 1;
+ // Lt specifies that this field must be less than the specified value,
+ // exclusive
+ optional uint32 lt = 2;
+ // Lte specifies that this field must be less than or equal to the
+ // specified value, inclusive
+ optional uint32 lte = 3;
+ // Gt specifies that this field must be greater than the specified value,
+ // exclusive. If the value of Gt is larger than a specified Lt or Lte, the
+ // range is reversed.
+ optional uint32 gt = 4;
+ // Gte specifies that this field must be greater than or equal to the
+ // specified value, inclusive. If the value of Gte is larger than a
+ // specified Lt or Lte, the range is reversed.
+ optional uint32 gte = 5;
+ // In specifies that this field must be equal to one of the specified
+ // values
+ repeated uint32 in = 6;
+ // NotIn specifies that this field cannot be equal to one of the specified
+ // values
+ repeated uint32 not_in = 7;
+ // IgnoreEmpty specifies that the validation rules of this field should be
+ // evaluated only if the field is not empty
+ optional bool ignore_empty = 8;
+// UInt64Rules describes the constraints applied to `uint64` values
+message UInt64Rules {
+ // Const specifies that this field must be exactly the specified value
+ optional uint64 const = 1;
+ // Lt specifies that this field must be less than the specified value,
+ // exclusive
+ optional uint64 lt = 2;
+ // Lte specifies that this field must be less than or equal to the
+ // specified value, inclusive
+ optional uint64 lte = 3;
+ // Gt specifies that this field must be greater than the specified value,
+ // exclusive. If the value of Gt is larger than a specified Lt or Lte, the
+ // range is reversed.
+ optional uint64 gt = 4;
+ // Gte specifies that this field must be greater than or equal to the
+ // specified value, inclusive. If the value of Gte is larger than a
+ // specified Lt or Lte, the range is reversed.
+ optional uint64 gte = 5;
+ // In specifies that this field must be equal to one of the specified
+ // values
+ repeated uint64 in = 6;
+ // NotIn specifies that this field cannot be equal to one of the specified
+ // values
+ repeated uint64 not_in = 7;
+ // IgnoreEmpty specifies that the validation rules of this field should be
+ // evaluated only if the field is not empty
+ optional bool ignore_empty = 8;
+// SInt32Rules describes the constraints applied to `sint32` values
+message SInt32Rules {
+ // Const specifies that this field must be exactly the specified value
+ optional sint32 const = 1;
+ // Lt specifies that this field must be less than the specified value,
+ // exclusive
+ optional sint32 lt = 2;
+ // Lte specifies that this field must be less than or equal to the
+ // specified value, inclusive
+ optional sint32 lte = 3;
+ // Gt specifies that this field must be greater than the specified value,
+ // exclusive. If the value of Gt is larger than a specified Lt or Lte, the
+ // range is reversed.
+ optional sint32 gt = 4;
+ // Gte specifies that this field must be greater than or equal to the
+ // specified value, inclusive. If the value of Gte is larger than a
+ // specified Lt or Lte, the range is reversed.
+ optional sint32 gte = 5;
+ // In specifies that this field must be equal to one of the specified
+ // values
+ repeated sint32 in = 6;
+ // NotIn specifies that this field cannot be equal to one of the specified
+ // values
+ repeated sint32 not_in = 7;
+ // IgnoreEmpty specifies that the validation rules of this field should be
+ // evaluated only if the field is not empty
+ optional bool ignore_empty = 8;
+// SInt64Rules describes the constraints applied to `sint64` values
+message SInt64Rules {
+ // Const specifies that this field must be exactly the specified value
+ optional sint64 const = 1;
+ // Lt specifies that this field must be less than the specified value,
+ // exclusive
+ optional sint64 lt = 2;
+ // Lte specifies that this field must be less than or equal to the
+ // specified value, inclusive
+ optional sint64 lte = 3;
+ // Gt specifies that this field must be greater than the specified value,
+ // exclusive. If the value of Gt is larger than a specified Lt or Lte, the
+ // range is reversed.
+ optional sint64 gt = 4;
+ // Gte specifies that this field must be greater than or equal to the
+ // specified value, inclusive. If the value of Gte is larger than a
+ // specified Lt or Lte, the range is reversed.
+ optional sint64 gte = 5;
+ // In specifies that this field must be equal to one of the specified
+ // values
+ repeated sint64 in = 6;
+ // NotIn specifies that this field cannot be equal to one of the specified
+ // values
+ repeated sint64 not_in = 7;
+ // IgnoreEmpty specifies that the validation rules of this field should be
+ // evaluated only if the field is not empty
+ optional bool ignore_empty = 8;
+// Fixed32Rules describes the constraints applied to `fixed32` values
+message Fixed32Rules {
+ // Const specifies that this field must be exactly the specified value
+ optional fixed32 const = 1;
+ // Lt specifies that this field must be less than the specified value,
+ // exclusive
+ optional fixed32 lt = 2;
+ // Lte specifies that this field must be less than or equal to the
+ // specified value, inclusive
+ optional fixed32 lte = 3;
+ // Gt specifies that this field must be greater than the specified value,
+ // exclusive. If the value of Gt is larger than a specified Lt or Lte, the
+ // range is reversed.
+ optional fixed32 gt = 4;
+ // Gte specifies that this field must be greater than or equal to the
+ // specified value, inclusive. If the value of Gte is larger than a
+ // specified Lt or Lte, the range is reversed.
+ optional fixed32 gte = 5;
+ // In specifies that this field must be equal to one of the specified
+ // values
+ repeated fixed32 in = 6;
+ // NotIn specifies that this field cannot be equal to one of the specified
+ // values
+ repeated fixed32 not_in = 7;
+ // IgnoreEmpty specifies that the validation rules of this field should be
+ // evaluated only if the field is not empty
+ optional bool ignore_empty = 8;
+// Fixed64Rules describes the constraints applied to `fixed64` values
+message Fixed64Rules {
+ // Const specifies that this field must be exactly the specified value
+ optional fixed64 const = 1;
+ // Lt specifies that this field must be less than the specified value,
+ // exclusive
+ optional fixed64 lt = 2;
+ // Lte specifies that this field must be less than or equal to the
+ // specified value, inclusive
+ optional fixed64 lte = 3;
+ // Gt specifies that this field must be greater than the specified value,
+ // exclusive. If the value of Gt is larger than a specified Lt or Lte, the
+ // range is reversed.
+ optional fixed64 gt = 4;
+ // Gte specifies that this field must be greater than or equal to the
+ // specified value, inclusive. If the value of Gte is larger than a
+ // specified Lt or Lte, the range is reversed.
+ optional fixed64 gte = 5;
+ // In specifies that this field must be equal to one of the specified
+ // values
+ repeated fixed64 in = 6;
+ // NotIn specifies that this field cannot be equal to one of the specified
+ // values
+ repeated fixed64 not_in = 7;
+ // IgnoreEmpty specifies that the validation rules of this field should be
+ // evaluated only if the field is not empty
+ optional bool ignore_empty = 8;
+// SFixed32Rules describes the constraints applied to `sfixed32` values
+message SFixed32Rules {
+ // Const specifies that this field must be exactly the specified value
+ optional sfixed32 const = 1;
+ // Lt specifies that this field must be less than the specified value,
+ // exclusive
+ optional sfixed32 lt = 2;
+ // Lte specifies that this field must be less than or equal to the
+ // specified value, inclusive
+ optional sfixed32 lte = 3;
+ // Gt specifies that this field must be greater than the specified value,
+ // exclusive. If the value of Gt is larger than a specified Lt or Lte, the
+ // range is reversed.
+ optional sfixed32 gt = 4;
+ // Gte specifies that this field must be greater than or equal to the
+ // specified value, inclusive. If the value of Gte is larger than a
+ // specified Lt or Lte, the range is reversed.
+ optional sfixed32 gte = 5;
+ // In specifies that this field must be equal to one of the specified
+ // values
+ repeated sfixed32 in = 6;
+ // NotIn specifies that this field cannot be equal to one of the specified
+ // values
+ repeated sfixed32 not_in = 7;
+ // IgnoreEmpty specifies that the validation rules of this field should be
+ // evaluated only if the field is not empty
+ optional bool ignore_empty = 8;
+// SFixed64Rules describes the constraints applied to `sfixed64` values
+message SFixed64Rules {
+ // Const specifies that this field must be exactly the specified value
+ optional sfixed64 const = 1;
+ // Lt specifies that this field must be less than the specified value,
+ // exclusive
+ optional sfixed64 lt = 2;
+ // Lte specifies that this field must be less than or equal to the
+ // specified value, inclusive
+ optional sfixed64 lte = 3;
+ // Gt specifies that this field must be greater than the specified value,
+ // exclusive. If the value of Gt is larger than a specified Lt or Lte, the
+ // range is reversed.
+ optional sfixed64 gt = 4;
+ // Gte specifies that this field must be greater than or equal to the
+ // specified value, inclusive. If the value of Gte is larger than a
+ // specified Lt or Lte, the range is reversed.
+ optional sfixed64 gte = 5;
+ // In specifies that this field must be equal to one of the specified
+ // values
+ repeated sfixed64 in = 6;
+ // NotIn specifies that this field cannot be equal to one of the specified
+ // values
+ repeated sfixed64 not_in = 7;
+ // IgnoreEmpty specifies that the validation rules of this field should be
+ // evaluated only if the field is not empty
+ optional bool ignore_empty = 8;
+// BoolRules describes the constraints applied to `bool` values
+message BoolRules {
+ // Const specifies that this field must be exactly the specified value
+ optional bool const = 1;
+// StringRules describe the constraints applied to `string` values
+message StringRules {
+ // Const specifies that this field must be exactly the specified value
+ optional string const = 1;
+ // Len specifies that this field must be the specified number of
+ // characters (Unicode code points). Note that the number of
+ // characters may differ from the number of bytes in the string.
+ optional uint64 len = 19;
+ // MinLen specifies that this field must be the specified number of
+ // characters (Unicode code points) at a minimum. Note that the number of
+ // characters may differ from the number of bytes in the string.
+ optional uint64 min_len = 2;
+ // MaxLen specifies that this field must be the specified number of
+ // characters (Unicode code points) at a maximum. Note that the number of
+ // characters may differ from the number of bytes in the string.
+ optional uint64 max_len = 3;
+ // LenBytes specifies that this field must be the specified number of bytes
+ optional uint64 len_bytes = 20;
+ // MinBytes specifies that this field must be the specified number of bytes
+ // at a minimum
+ optional uint64 min_bytes = 4;
+ // MaxBytes specifies that this field must be the specified number of bytes
+ // at a maximum
+ optional uint64 max_bytes = 5;
+ // Pattern specifies that this field must match against the specified
+ // regular expression (RE2 syntax). The included expression should elide
+ // any delimiters.
+ optional string pattern = 6;
+ // Prefix specifies that this field must have the specified substring at
+ // the beginning of the string.
+ optional string prefix = 7;
+ // Suffix specifies that this field must have the specified substring at
+ // the end of the string.
+ optional string suffix = 8;
+ // Contains specifies that this field must have the specified substring
+ // anywhere in the string.
+ optional string contains = 9;
+ // NotContains specifies that this field cannot have the specified substring
+ // anywhere in the string.
+ optional string not_contains = 23;
+ // In specifies that this field must be equal to one of the specified
+ // values
+ repeated string in = 10;
+ // NotIn specifies that this field cannot be equal to one of the specified
+ // values
+ repeated string not_in = 11;
+ // WellKnown rules provide advanced constraints against common string
+ // patterns
+ oneof well_known {
+ // Email specifies that the field must be a valid email address as
+ // defined by RFC 5322
+ bool email = 12;
+ // Hostname specifies that the field must be a valid hostname as
+ // defined by RFC 1034. This constraint does not support
+ // internationalized domain names (IDNs).
+ bool hostname = 13;
+ // Ip specifies that the field must be a valid IP (v4 or v6) address.
+ // Valid IPv6 addresses should not include surrounding square brackets.
+ bool ip = 14;
+ // Ipv4 specifies that the field must be a valid IPv4 address.
+ bool ipv4 = 15;
+ // Ipv6 specifies that the field must be a valid IPv6 address. Valid
+ // IPv6 addresses should not include surrounding square brackets.
+ bool ipv6 = 16;
+ // Uri specifies that the field must be a valid, absolute URI as defined
+ // by RFC 3986
+ bool uri = 17;
+ // UriRef specifies that the field must be a valid URI as defined by RFC
+ // 3986 and may be relative or absolute.
+ bool uri_ref = 18;
+ // Address specifies that the field must be either a valid hostname as
+ // defined by RFC 1034 (which does not support internationalized domain
+ // names or IDNs), or it can be a valid IP (v4 or v6).
+ bool address = 21;
+ // Uuid specifies that the field must be a valid UUID as defined by
+ // RFC 4122
+ bool uuid = 22;
+ // WellKnownRegex specifies a common well known pattern defined as a regex.
+ KnownRegex well_known_regex = 24;
+ }
+ // This applies to regexes HTTP_HEADER_NAME and HTTP_HEADER_VALUE to enable
+ // strict header validation.
+ // By default, this is true, and HTTP header validations are RFC-compliant.
+ // Setting to false will enable a looser validations that only disallows
+ // \r\n\0 characters, which can be used to bypass header matching rules.
+ optional bool strict = 25 [default = true];
+ // IgnoreEmpty specifies that the validation rules of this field should be
+ // evaluated only if the field is not empty
+ optional bool ignore_empty = 26;
+// WellKnownRegex contain some well-known patterns.
+enum KnownRegex {
+ UNKNOWN = 0;
+ // HTTP header name as defined by RFC 7230.
+ // HTTP header value as defined by RFC 7230.
+// BytesRules describe the constraints applied to `bytes` values
+message BytesRules {
+ // Const specifies that this field must be exactly the specified value
+ optional bytes const = 1;
+ // Len specifies that this field must be the specified number of bytes
+ optional uint64 len = 13;
+ // MinLen specifies that this field must be the specified number of bytes
+ // at a minimum
+ optional uint64 min_len = 2;
+ // MaxLen specifies that this field must be the specified number of bytes
+ // at a maximum
+ optional uint64 max_len = 3;
+ // Pattern specifies that this field must match against the specified
+ // regular expression (RE2 syntax). The included expression should elide
+ // any delimiters.
+ optional string pattern = 4;
+ // Prefix specifies that this field must have the specified bytes at the
+ // beginning of the string.
+ optional bytes prefix = 5;
+ // Suffix specifies that this field must have the specified bytes at the
+ // end of the string.
+ optional bytes suffix = 6;
+ // Contains specifies that this field must have the specified bytes
+ // anywhere in the string.
+ optional bytes contains = 7;
+ // In specifies that this field must be equal to one of the specified
+ // values
+ repeated bytes in = 8;
+ // NotIn specifies that this field cannot be equal to one of the specified
+ // values
+ repeated bytes not_in = 9;
+ // WellKnown rules provide advanced constraints against common byte
+ // patterns
+ oneof well_known {
+ // Ip specifies that the field must be a valid IP (v4 or v6) address in
+ // byte format
+ bool ip = 10;
+ // Ipv4 specifies that the field must be a valid IPv4 address in byte
+ // format
+ bool ipv4 = 11;
+ // Ipv6 specifies that the field must be a valid IPv6 address in byte
+ // format
+ bool ipv6 = 12;
+ }
+ // IgnoreEmpty specifies that the validation rules of this field should be
+ // evaluated only if the field is not empty
+ optional bool ignore_empty = 14;
+// EnumRules describe the constraints applied to enum values
+message EnumRules {
+ // Const specifies that this field must be exactly the specified value
+ optional int32 const = 1;
+ // DefinedOnly specifies that this field must be only one of the defined
+ // values for this enum, failing on any undefined value.
+ optional bool defined_only = 2;
+ // In specifies that this field must be equal to one of the specified
+ // values
+ repeated int32 in = 3;
+ // NotIn specifies that this field cannot be equal to one of the specified
+ // values
+ repeated int32 not_in = 4;
+// MessageRules describe the constraints applied to embedded message values.
+// For message-type fields, validation is performed recursively.
+message MessageRules {
+ // Skip specifies that the validation rules of this field should not be
+ // evaluated
+ optional bool skip = 1;
+ // Required specifies that this field must be set
+ optional bool required = 2;
+// RepeatedRules describe the constraints applied to `repeated` values
+message RepeatedRules {
+ // MinItems specifies that this field must have the specified number of
+ // items at a minimum
+ optional uint64 min_items = 1;
+ // MaxItems specifies that this field must have the specified number of
+ // items at a maximum
+ optional uint64 max_items = 2;
+ // Unique specifies that all elements in this field must be unique. This
+ // constraint is only applicable to scalar and enum types (messages are not
+ // supported).
+ optional bool unique = 3;
+ // Items specifies the constraints to be applied to each item in the field.
+ // Repeated message fields will still execute validation against each item
+ // unless skip is specified here.
+ optional FieldRules items = 4;
+ // IgnoreEmpty specifies that the validation rules of this field should be
+ // evaluated only if the field is not empty
+ optional bool ignore_empty = 5;
+// MapRules describe the constraints applied to `map` values
+message MapRules {
+ // MinPairs specifies that this field must have the specified number of
+ // KVs at a minimum
+ optional uint64 min_pairs = 1;
+ // MaxPairs specifies that this field must have the specified number of
+ // KVs at a maximum
+ optional uint64 max_pairs = 2;
+ // NoSparse specifies values in this field cannot be unset. This only
+ // applies to map's with message value types.
+ optional bool no_sparse = 3;
+ // Keys specifies the constraints to be applied to each key in the field.
+ optional FieldRules keys = 4;
+ // Values specifies the constraints to be applied to the value of each key
+ // in the field. Message values will still have their validations evaluated
+ // unless skip is specified here.
+ optional FieldRules values = 5;
+ // IgnoreEmpty specifies that the validation rules of this field should be
+ // evaluated only if the field is not empty
+ optional bool ignore_empty = 6;
+// AnyRules describe constraints applied exclusively to the
+// `google.protobuf.Any` well-known type
+message AnyRules {
+ // Required specifies that this field must be set
+ optional bool required = 1;
+ // In specifies that this field's `type_url` must be equal to one of the
+ // specified values.
+ repeated string in = 2;
+ // NotIn specifies that this field's `type_url` must not be equal to any of
+ // the specified values.
+ repeated string not_in = 3;
+// // DurationRules describe the constraints applied exclusively to the
+// // `google.protobuf.Duration` well-known type
+// message DurationRules {
+// // Required specifies that this field must be set
+// optional bool required = 1;
+// // Const specifies that this field must be exactly the specified value
+// optional google.protobuf.Duration const = 2;
+// // Lt specifies that this field must be less than the specified value,
+// // exclusive
+// optional google.protobuf.Duration lt = 3;
+// // Lt specifies that this field must be less than the specified value,
+// // inclusive
+// optional google.protobuf.Duration lte = 4;
+// // Gt specifies that this field must be greater than the specified value,
+// // exclusive
+// optional google.protobuf.Duration gt = 5;
+// // Gte specifies that this field must be greater than the specified value,
+// // inclusive
+// optional google.protobuf.Duration gte = 6;
+// // In specifies that this field must be equal to one of the specified
+// // values
+// repeated google.protobuf.Duration in = 7;
+// // NotIn specifies that this field cannot be equal to one of the specified
+// // values
+// repeated google.protobuf.Duration not_in = 8;
+// }
+// // TimestampRules describe the constraints applied exclusively to the
+// // `google.protobuf.Timestamp` well-known type
+// message TimestampRules {
+// // Required specifies that this field must be set
+// optional bool required = 1;
+// // Const specifies that this field must be exactly the specified value
+// optional google.protobuf.Timestamp const = 2;
+// // Lt specifies that this field must be less than the specified value,
+// // exclusive
+// optional google.protobuf.Timestamp lt = 3;
+// // Lte specifies that this field must be less than the specified value,
+// // inclusive
+// optional google.protobuf.Timestamp lte = 4;
+// // Gt specifies that this field must be greater than the specified value,
+// // exclusive
+// optional google.protobuf.Timestamp gt = 5;
+// // Gte specifies that this field must be greater than the specified value,
+// // inclusive
+// optional google.protobuf.Timestamp gte = 6;
+// // LtNow specifies that this must be less than the current time. LtNow
+// // can only be used with the Within rule.
+// optional bool lt_now = 7;
+// // GtNow specifies that this must be greater than the current time. GtNow
+// // can only be used with the Within rule.
+// optional bool gt_now = 8;
+// // Within specifies that this field must be within this duration of the
+// // current time. This constraint can be used alone or with the LtNow and
+// // GtNow rules.
+// optional google.protobuf.Duration within = 9;
+// }
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