[ Project Contact ] <%= GitHub ID %> [ GitHub Repo ] <%= Repository %> [ Track ] <%= Track %> [ Location ] <%= Location %>
<%= Description %>
Join us at the Global Sprint, May 10-11. Leave a comment below if you're interested in contributing to this project during #mozsprint 2018!
Congrats, <%= GitHub ID %>! This is your official project listing for the Mozilla Global Sprint 2018. To confirm your registration, please complete and check off the following:
- [<%= Open Leadership 101 %>] Complete Open Leadership 101
- [<%= GitHub Repo %>] Provide a GitHub repository for work and discussion on your project (in a comment or at the top of this issue)
- new to GitHub? Here's a step-by-step guide on using the #mozsprint template
- Create a README file in your project repository. This file should help newcomers understand what your project is, why it's important, and kinds of help you're looking for.
- Create file: LICENSE to give your project an open license, allowing for sharing and remixing.
- Turn on your Issue Tracker and create at least three issues to describe each task that you need help with and how a contributor can get started on that task.
- Create a label called
and apply it to your issues.
To have your project FEATURED on Mozilla Pulse, complete the following documentation. In past Sprints, well-documented featured projects have 5 times more contributions than other projects. Details about each item and more information about how to create them are on our Project Requirements Page.
- In your README, link to the Mozilla Community Participation Guidelines or write your own code of conduct.
- Create file: CONTRIBUTING.md so others know how they can contribute. If you'd like, you can remix this template
- Follow these instructions to submit your project to Mozilla Pulse.
Once all of the above is complete,
- Leave a comment with the text
This is ready to be featured on Mozilla Pulse
. <%= Reviewer %> will review this issue and approve your project if everything looks good 🎈
If you get stuck at any point, feel free to look at the requirements page and project templates<%= or reach out to your Project Coach, @coach %>. We're here to help you through this process.