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Step 7: Fixes / Enhancements / Alternative Solutions / Bugs

HDMI/VGA Video-Out Fix for iMac7,1 or MBP13,3

Open /System/Library/Extensions/AppleGraphicsControl.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleGraphicsDevicePolicy.kext/Contents/Info.plist
Find the Board-ID which used in your config.plist, default in this tutorial is "Mac-B809C3757DA9BB8D". Differs when using different smbios.
Replace the attribute Config2 with none
sudo kextcache -system-prelinked-kernel && sudo kextcache -system-caches

OSX doesn't boot anymore after Firmware upgrade to 1.2.25 or higher

If you have an old installation and recently upgraded your firmware: 1.2.25 and newer firmwares (BIOS) don't work with OSXAPTIO Version 1. This needs to be replaced with OSXAPTIOv2. Copy the kernel extension from the folder drivers64uefi/aptiov2 to the EFI/CLOVER/drivers64UEFI. Then add - for example - slide=168 to the boot arguments. See "Error: couldn't allocate runtime area" in this document.

Error: couldn't allocate runtime area / unable to start installer / unable to boot at all

Since OSXAptio is a lil bit picky with memory maps, you have to swap to OSXAptioV2 and choose a different slide= command (see question above) to a suitable number. First delete the OsxAptioFixDrv-64.efi from your CLOVER/drivers64UEFI and replace it with OsxAptioFix2Drv-64.efi from the folder aptiov2 in drivers64uefi. Then change the slide param in the config.plist. See this Tutorial for more informations. It is still possible you cant get it to boot because no memory section is big enough. This is happening on some machines especially on installation. Try to DOWNGRADE your BIOS (See this Tutorial) with the files from the branch 10.12-BIOS1.2.21 if you cant get it to run with the slide values.

git clone -b 10.12-BIOS1.2.21

(the 1.2.21 BIOS version is inside this branch in Additional/BIOS). Then install OSX normally, upgrade BIOS and recalculate your slide.

Error: same as above, but additionally mentiones "unable to load kernel cache"

this normally only occurs on installation with firmware 1.2.25. If you have this message as well as the couldn't allocate runtime area, then there is a high posibility you can boot the installation with OsxAptioFix2Drv-free2000.efi instead of OsxAptioFix2Drv-64.efi. You can find the free2000 version in ./10.13/CLOVER/drivers64UEFI/Other. Replace them and install normally. Free2000 is not very stable and sometimes crash on start, so switch back to the normal version after installation. Sometimes you still need the slide parameter from above, sometimes you dont.

clover doesnt boot OR Model Name Error

if you get "Model Name: Apple device" in "About this mac" or your mac cant boot without the USB stick - then you're not loading the cloverx64.efi from your EFI. Simply update your EFI configuration by adding it to the boot order by hand. See Additional/Setup-Bootmanager.jpg how to configure to boot from it

On installation: OSInstall.MPKG missing or corrupt

a bug, which occurs if there are more than one possible targets. Delete EmuVariableUEFI-64.efi from the boot stick to continue the installation.

Audio Fixes

Audio Fix by using ported hdaverb

this is the newest fix by KNNSpeed - engineered for the Dell 9560, but works on the 9550, too. This has a dependency on Lilu.kext, which is known to randomly generate kernel panics on boot. See this Tutorial
folder: ./10.13/Post-Install/AD-Kexts/Audio/VerbStub_knnspeed

Audio Fix by using patched AppleHDA - DEPRECATED

alternative to VoodooHDA and with better compatibility, but less stability. Requires replacing the AppleHDA Kext from Apple See this Tutorial
folder: ./10.13/Post-Install/AD-Kexts/Audio/AppleHDA_sysCL

Display Backlight Control not working

the supplied AppleBacklightInjector contains an id for the display. It is possible that this id is different on your machine (especially if you use the non touch display). In this case just follow this tutorial

Display ICC Calibration

ICC profile for 4k screen calibrated with Spyder4Pro colorimeter and DisplayCAL is available in Additional/Profiles.
Every panel is a lil bit different, so don't expect too much precision, but this profile works great for sRGB and AdobeRGB.

SSDT / DSDT Modifications

You don't have to decompile the DSDT/SSDT files by yourself. The source dsl files are available in ./10.13/Advanced/DSDT-HotPatches/Patches. Use these for modifications.

NVRAM Emulation / Saving Sound and Brightness settings after reboot

the native nvram installed in the Dell is not usable right now because of the Aptiofix. Clover can emulate this storage. Just install clover normally, but select "Advanced" when asked for the location of the installation. Now select "Install all RC Scripts on the target partition". You can find the installation files for clover in ./Additional/Clover_v2.4k_r4003.pkg - but i suggest downloading the newest from Sourceforge

Some Multitouch Gestures don't work

Most multitouch gestures are hardcoded in the VoodooPS2 driver and result in keyboard commands. The options in the Control Panel->Touchpad are mostly useless.
The currently enabled multitouch commands are:

  • swipe 3 fingers left/right => Mapped to CMD + LEFT ARROW / RIGHT ARROW (defaults previous and next page)
  • swipe 2 fingers from right side in => Mapped to CTRL+CMD+0
  • swipe 2 fingers from left side in => Mapped to CTRL+CMD+9
  • swipe 3 fingers up => CTRL + UP ARROW (defaults mission control)
  • swipe 3 fingers down => CTRL + CMD + DOWN ARROW
  • swipe 4 fingers up => F11 (defaults show desktop)
  • swipe 4 fingers down => CMD + M (defaults minimize)
  • swipe 4 fingers left/right => CTRL+RIGHT ARROW / LEFT ARROW (inverse)

you can modify which commands should be triggered by each gesture from controlpanel -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts. For example set "Notification Bar" to CTRL+CMD+0 to show the bar on swiping left in

Sleep results in reboot

This is only in case sleep worked in the past. If you have sleep issues from the beginning and you strictly followed this tutorial (check at least twice!), you need additional assistance (easiest way is asking in a forum).

Sometimes (especially on a dual boot environment after booting in the other OS) a normal sleep results in a full (and dirty) reboot. For me the old behaviour can be obtained by issuing this command: sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 0 && sudo reboot, albeit already being in hibernatemode 0. The reboot is mandatory, otherwise it doesn't work. Some people reported this fixes their problems, while other still had sleep issues. Just give it a shot.

Additional Resources / Request help

It's much to read, but this thread include many solutions to the less common problems. Please read every post before asking a question:
also please check if your question is already answered here: